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Story Transcript







SUNDAY MASSES—MISAS DOMINCALES 10:00 a.m. (English/ingles) 8:00 a.m. & 12:00 noon (Spanish/español) WEEKDAY MASSES/MISAS DIARIAS Monday, Tuesday, Friday 8:30 a.m. (English/ingles) Miércoles, Jueves, Sábado 8:30 a.m. (Spanish/español)


CONFESSIONS—CONFESIONES Saturday/sábado 4:00 –4:45 p.m. or by appointment/ o por cita

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston www.holynamecatholic.org E-mail– [email protected] 1917 Cochran Street, Houston TX 77009-8497 Office: 713-222-1255

Fax: 713-222-1260

OFFICE HOURS/HORARIO DE OFICINA Monday-Friday/ lunes– viernes

DEVOTIONS / DEVOCIONES Novena to St. Lucy: Every Friday 6:45 p.m. (English) Novena a Santa Lucia: Cada viernes 7:30 p.m. (Español) Bilingual Mass/Misa Bilingüe 7:00pm Novena to St. Peregrine Every Tuesday 6:45 (English) Novena a San Peregrino: Cada martes 7:30pm (Español) Bilingual Mass/Misa Bilingüe 7:00pm

9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. & 2:00 p.m.—6:00 p.m. Pastor Rev. Anil Thomas, S.V.D. E-mail: [email protected] WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS BIENVENIDOS LOS NUEVOS FELIGRESES Please register at the church office. Por favor registrarse en la oficina.  

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Exposición del Santísimo Every Friday / Cada Viernes 9:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Healing Mass / Misa de Sanación First Friday of the month / primer viernes del mes —6:30 p.m.

From the Pastor’s Desk

Del Escritorio del Pastor

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Queridos hermanos y

This Sunday we celebrate the feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), the feast of the Eucharist. The miraculous multiplication of the loaves in today’s gospel indicates that Jesus greatly cared for the physical hunger of the people who came to him for spiritual enlightenment. During the course of his ministry Jesus shared many meals in people’s homes, but the last meal he ate with his disciples was truly a special one. It was a Passover meal and Jesus transformed it into a Eucharistic Meal. When ordinary bread and wine are brought to the altar as gifts and consecrated they turn into the Holy Body and Blood of Christ. which is the feast that we are celebrating today. May our participation in the Eucharist nourish our lives forever.

P. Anil Thomas, SVD


Este domingo celebramos la solemnidad del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo (Corpus Christi ), la fiesta de la Eucaristía. La milagrosa multiplicación de los panes en el evangelio de hoy indica que Jesús cuidó mucho del hambre física de la gente quien vino a él en busca de iluminación espiritual. Durante el curso de su ministerio, Jesús comparte muchas de las comidas en las casas de la gente, pero la última comida que comió con sus discípulos fue verdaderamente especial. Fue una cena de Pascua, y Jesús lo ha transformado en un banquete eucarístico. Cuando el pan y el vino ordinario son llevados al altar como regalos y son consagrados se convierte en el Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo, que es la fiesta que hoy celebramos. Que nuestra participación en la Eucaristía alimenta nuestras vidas para siempre.

P. Anil Thomas, SVD


May 29th, 2016

HOUSTON, TX 77009 713-222-1255

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Mass inten ons for the week of May 29 Saturday Vigil 5:00 p.m.

John R. Sanchez Elba G. Sanchez Faustino Sanchez Sunday 8:00 a.m.

Angel Jaimes – Int. Espec. Petra Aviles – Int. Espec.  Juan Jose Gonzalez

Sunday 10:00 a.m.

For Holy Name Community

Sunday 12:00 p.m.

El eterno Descanso del Nino  Jouse Flores  Rosalba Quesada  Maria Teresa Cortez Monday, May 30, 8:30 a.m.

 Juan Jose Gonzalez

Tuesday, May 31 8:30 a.m.

John R. Sanchez Elba G. Sanchez Faustino Sanchez  Juan Jose Gonzalez Wednesday, June 1, 8:30 a.m.

 Juan Jose Gonzalez Thursday, June 2, 8:30 a.m.

 Juan Jose Gonzalez Friday, June 3, 8:30 a.m.

 Juan Jose Gonzalez Friday, June 4, 8:30 a.m.

 Juan Jose Gonzalez

This Week in Our Parish Monday, May 29 6:00pm Al-Anon Group, SB room #101 6:30pm Grupo de Oración 7:00pm NA Group, SB room #106 Tuesday, May 30 8:00am Discípulos Misioneros, CF 10:00am Legión de María, SB 6:45pm Mass/Novena to St Peregrine, C 7:00pm NA Group, SB room #106 Wednesday, May 31 4:00pm Prayer Group, CF 6:00pm Al-Anon Group, SB room #101 7:00pm Escuela de la Fe, SB 7:00pm NA Group, SB room #106 7:00pm 5:00pm Mass choir practice 7:00pm 10:00am Mass choir practice, SB Thursday, June 1 7:00pm NA Group, SB room #106 7:00pm Knights of Columbus, SB Friday, June 2 9:00am-6:30pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament / Exposición del Santísimo, C 6:00pm Al-Anon Group , SB room #101 6:45pm Mass/Novena to St. Lucy, C 7:00pm 8:00 a.m. Mass choir practice, SB 8:00pm 12:00 p.m. Mass choir practice, C Saturday, June 3 4:00pm Confessions, C 5:00pm Vigil Mass

I wish to express my sincerest appreciation to each of you for joining me in this very momentous occasion. Truly, I have been blessed by your presence, your prayers, and your support for this celebration of my 10 years as a priest of the Society of the Divine Word. I am truly humbled by the way the Lord has used me as His powerful instrument in my priestly ministry. I love you from the bottom of my heart, and I

will continue to keep you in my prayers. Please continue to pray for me.

Deseo expresar mi sincero agradecimiento a cada uno de ustedes por acompañarme en esta ocasión tan especial e inolvidable. He sido verdaderamente bendecido por su presencia, sus oraciones y su apoyo a esta celebración de mis 10 años como sacerdote de la sociedad del verbo divino. Me siento realmente honrado por la manera en que el Señor me ha utilizado como su instrumento poderoso en mi ministerio sacerdotal. Les quiero con un corazón sincero, y seguiré rezando por ustedes. Les pido por favor continúen orando por mí.


Josue Flores was called to be with our Lord on Tuesday, May 17, 2016. His mass of resurrection was celebrated here at our Church last Tuesday, May 24, 2016. Please remember the Flores family in your prayers. Josue Flores fue llamado por nuestro Padre Celestial el martes 17 de mayo del 2016. Su misa de Resurrección se celebro aquí en nuestra parroquia el martes 24 de mayo del 2016. Por favor, recuerden a la familia Flores en sus oraciones.

Church Office The Church office will be closed on Monday, May 30th in observance to Memorial Day. Thank you. Oficina de la Parroquia La oficina de la parroquia estará cerrada el lunes 30 de mayo en observación del día fes vo. Gracias.

Sunday Collection 5/22/2016 Parishioners cash & checks 3,473.50 Loose Cash & Checks Total Sunday Collection

$ $ 1,443.00 $ 4,916.50

Let us pray for the ill and infirm from our Parish Aurora Mar nez

Luis & Alicia

Eileen Idunate

David Mar nez

Blanca Limones

Rick Rodriguez

Rudy Pena

Maria Ursuy

Maria Salazar


Robert Morales

Lucina Guzman

Mikaila Ursuy

Delia Morales

Virginia Trujillo

Ana Cerda

Robert Harris

Monica Castro

Julia Gonzales

Maria Rodriguez

Marcy Flores Zavala

Francisca A. Navarro Maria Salinas Konlee Hargrove

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