How Healthy Eating And Eye Sight Go Hand And Hand Flipbook PDF

A new post from The Eye Institutes details why healthy eating is important for your vision. Learn more at https://yourey

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Story Transcript

How Healthy Eating And Eye Sight Go Hand And Hand

The Eye Institute issues a new article on how healthy eating improves eyesight. 

The article provides fascinating information on the importance of healthy eating in correlation to an individual's eyes. 

Healthy eating includes the improvement of an individual's eyesight. For example, more Vitamin C (oranges, green peppers, tomatoes) in a person's diet can lower the risk of developing cataracts.

The article also says the improvement of Vitamin E products (nuts, sweet potatoes) protects individuals' eyes from free radicals.

Zinc plays a role in the production of melanin, a protective pigment in the eye. Impaired vision, night blindness, and cataracts have all been linked to zinc deficiency.

Without zinc, individuals are prone to impaired vision, night blindness, and cataracts.

The article has been written by The Eye Institute, which wanted to use this article to bring particular attention to the subject of how healthy eating can help improve eyesight. 

An exert reads: "Adding these powerful vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals to your diet can reduce your risk of serious eye disease and can actually improve your vision."

In discussing the article itself and its development, A optometrist said:

"Providing the community with sound advice around the importance of healthy eating is crucial. Having a diet that includes vitamin C, vitamin E, and much more is important."

Find Out More At https://youreyeinstitute .com/

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