Bachillerato a distancia Inglés I Subdirección General de Aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida CIDEAD Centro para la Innovación y Desarrollo de la Educ

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Literatura Universal. Bachillerato a distancia. cide d. Introducción
Bachillerato a distancia Literatura Universal Subdirección General de Aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida CIDEAD Centro para la Innovación y Desarroll

Irregular Verbs
English Grammar, Verbs. Present. Simple Past. Past Participle

Irregular Verbs
Infinitive. Simple Past. Participle

Story Transcript

Bachillerato a distancia

Inglés I

Subdirección General de Aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida CIDEAD Centro para la Innovación y Desarrollo de la Educación a Distancia



lerato l i h




Ba c






cide d

Catálogo de publicaciones del Ministerio: Catálogo general de publicaciones oficiales:

Autores Juan Manuel Jiménez Larena David Gray Michael Downie

Dirección y coordinación editorial Juan Antonio Olmedo González

Revisión Ana Mª García Ferrer Ana María Sotres Landache Dolores Mª Vidal Hernández

Diseño de maqueta Mª Luisa Bermejo López

Ilustraciones José Ramón Llonis Morla

Locuciones Patricia Corrigan

Grabaciones y edición de sonido Eduardo Smet Corres Paul Sierra Fernández

Tratamiento electrónico Mª Luisa Bermejo López Elia Granero Tabernero Paula Perero Chavarría

Maquetación Julio Calderón Grande

MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN, CULTURA Y DEPORTE Dirección General de Formación Profesional Subdirección General de Aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida Edita: © SECRETARÍA GENERAL TÉCNICA Subdirección General de Documentación y Publicaciones Edición: 2013 NIPO: 030-13-216-7 ISBN: 978-84-369-5482-1




ste curso de inglés está destinado a los alumnos que estudian la asignatura de lengua inglesa de Primero de Bachillerato en la modalidad a distancia. Consta de doce unidades que se ajustan a la temporalización en quincenas del curso académico de dicha modalidad de estudio. En su elaboración se han tenido en cuenta las prescripciones y contenidos que aparecen en el Real Decreto 1467/2007, de 2 de noviembre (B.O.E. del 6 de noviembre), por el que se establece la estructura del Bachillerato y se fijan sus enseñanzas mínimas, y, más específicamente, de la Orden ESD/1729/2008, de 11 de junio (BOE de 18 de junio de 2008), por la que se regula la ordenación y se establece el currículo del Bachillerato. Metodología Además de recoger y secuenciar los contenidos recogidos en la normativa citada, el curso se articula siguiendo tres objetivos fundamentales: 1. El estudio y práctica de la gramática y el léxico propios del nivel. 2. El desarrollo de las destrezas de comunicación recogidas en el Marco Común Europeo de las Lenguas: comprensión de lectura, comprensión oral, expresión escrita, expresión oral e interacción. 3. La preparación de los conocimientos y las destrezas necesarias para superar la prueba de acceso a la universidad. El libro de texto Este material didáctico contiene los siguientes elementos: ● Una tabla de contenidos por unidades. ● Las unidades didácticas. ● Las transcripciones (Tapescripts) de todos los textos grabados. ● El solucionario de las actividades (Answer key) de todas las unidades. ● Un apéndice con actividades de pronunciación (Pronunciation Appendix). Organización de las unidades En las dos primeras páginas de cada unidad se describe lo que se va a aprender: ● Los objetivos comunicativos (Communicative objectives). ● Un esquema (Overview) de las estrategias que se trabajan relativas a las cuatro destrezas ● El índice (Index) detallado de los contenidos que se van desarrollando a través de las distintas secciones que aquí describimos. Reading and Comprehension Check En esta sección hay una lectura que sirve para introducir el tema de la unidad. Cada lectura va precedida de un cuadro que contiene una indicación para desarrollar una estrategia de lectura. En la página impar (si lo tenemos en un soporte impreso queda dispuesta a la derecha) hay ejercicios destinados a practicar y desarrollar la comprensión de lectura. Grammar and Grammar Practice Esta es la sección de gramática donde se presentan y analizan los puntos gramaticales de cada unidad. La sección Grammar Practice contiene ejercicios para practicar lo aprendido y comprobar si se ha asimilado (actividades de autoevaluación). 8

Listening En esta sección se practica la comprensión oral mediante textos relacionados con el tema de la unidad. Cada vez que se escucha hay que realizar una tarea de comprensión. Vocabulary Building Se trata de una sección que presenta aspectos relacionados con el vocabulario tales como la derivación de palabras, sinónimos, antónimos y campos semánticos. Speaking Esta sección incluye estrategias y actividades para desarrollar la expresión oral. Writing Aquí se desarrolla la escritura produciendo un tipo distinto de texto en cada unidad; por ejemplo, una carta formal, una carta informal, una narración, una descripción. En la sección Stop and Send 3 se propone una tarea que hay que enviar al profesor o profesora tutores de la materia. Stop and Send En esta sección se practica lo aprendido de una manera creativa produciendo textos cortos que se envían al tutor (actividades de heteroevaluación). Learner Diary Esta es la sección final y en ella se invita, a modo de recapitulación, a reflexionar sobre lo aprendido en cada unidad. Algunas orientaciones prácticas A la hora de afrontar las actividades es necesario seguir las instrucciones que aparecen en los enunciados. En la sección de gramática y vocabulario los recuadros incluyen información importante que debes entender y estudiar. Es importante reflexionar sobre las estrategias de lectura y comprensión oral sugeridas antes de realizar las actividades. En las actividades de comprensión oral es muy importante escuchar el texto varias veces (dos o tres) antes de leer las transcripciones. También es deseable leer las transcripciones una vez que hemos corregido las respuestas; de esta forma podemos aprender vocabulario y ver cómo se utiliza en un contexto determinado. El apéndice de pronunciación contiene actividades que a la vez que mejoran nuestra pronunciación, también sirven para afinar el oído y mejorar la destreza de listening. El uso de un diccionario bilingüe es recomendable para buscar significados de palabras nuevas, en especial cuando las instrucciones de una determinada actividad así lo indican, pero también es importante desarrollar estrategias de comprensión de lectura sin recurrir continuamente a un diccionario. Finalmente, es muy recomendable realizar las actividades que se encuentran al final de cada unidad y que sirven para evaluar lo que hemos aprendido y lo que, en su caso, debemos volver a estudiar.





COMMUNICATIVE OBJECTIVES Speaking Asking for and giving personal information Describing people’s appearance Talking about possessions Telling the time Talking about routines, habits, likes and dislikes, scientific facts and permanent situations Talking about things happening now, things changing, and temporary activities around the present Talking about annoying habits Listening Listening to a person talking about their daily routine Listening to phone messages Reading Reading an article about London Reading an article about text messaging Writing Writing an informal letter





Anticipating content through your knowledge of the world

To be and have (got)


Present simple

Adjectives with prepositions

Getting the general idea from the first and last sentences in paragraphs

Present continuous Stative and dynamic verbs




Listening for specific information.

Keeping a conversation going with wh- questions

Thinking about what you want to write

Using picture clues to anticipate content

Organising your ideas into paragraphs

INDEX READING 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMPREHENSION CHECK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRAMMAR 1: To be and have (got) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRAMMAR PRACTICE 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LISTENING 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRAMMAR 2: Present simple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRAMMAR PRACTICE 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STOP AND SEND 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . READING 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VOCABULARY BUILDING 1: Cognates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LISTENING 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRAMMAR 3: Present continuous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRAMMAR PRACTICE 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPEAKING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VOCABULARY BUILDING 2: Adjectives with prepositions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRAMMAR 4: Stative and dynamic verbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRAMMAR PRACTICE 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STOP AND SEND 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WRITING: An informal letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STOP AND SEND 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MY LEARNER DIARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33



READING 1 Reading strategy: Before you read a text, think about what you know about the topic. This will help you understand the text better.

1. Mark the sentences true or false. Then read the text to check. True



1. London is the capital of Scotland. 2. London has got 6 million inhabitants. 3. New York is more culturally diverse than London. 4. More than 300 languages are spoken in London. 5. The different communities living in London keep their cultural identities.

London: a colourful tapestry or a cultural melting pot? Jia is a taxi driver and works in London. She is Chinese but she has got a typical London black cab. She loves her job because she meets people from around the world. She speaks several languages and loves learning new languages in her taxi. “There aren’t many cities in the world where you can listen to the radio in Arabic, do your shopping in Hindi and have a conversation with your friends in Mandarin,” she says. You can do all these things - and more - in London. Over twelve million people live in the capital of the UK. London is not the biggest capital city in the world, but it is the most culturally diverse. Over 300 different languages are regularly spoken in the capital. London is the most cosmopolitan city in Europe, and only New York comes close as a multi-cultural and pluri-lingual city. People are generally better at learning other languages if they live in an environment where more than one language is spoken. In London, there are 33 communities of more than 10,000 people who were born outside England. There are another 12 communities of more than 5,000. One of the biggest groups is the Irish, who number more than 200,000. At the other end of the scale is the Mauritian community, with around 14,000 members. Often people in the same ethnic group tend to live close together, so there is a large Japanese community in Finchley, and a big concentration of people from Hong Kong in Barnet. In this way, people from different countries and cultures keep their identities and languages alive. London is more like a colourful tapestry, rather than a cultural melting pot. Jia is a good example. “I’m happy in London,” she says. “I’m from China and I live in Chinatown but London is my home now. I’m British too!”


COMPREHENSION CHECK 1. Write answers to the questions.

1. What is Jia’s job? _______________________________________ 2. What type of taxi has she got? _______________________________________ 3. When are people generally better at learning other languages? ___________________________________________________ 4. Which is bigger: the Irish community in London, or the Mauritian community? _____________________________________________________________ 5. What happens when people from the same ethnic group live close together? _____________________________________________________________

2. Correct these false sentences.

1. Jia doesn’t like learning new languages. _______________________________________ 2. Tokyo is the most culturally diverse capital city in the world. ________________________________________________ 3. Everybody in New York has the same culture. _______________________________________ 4. Many people from Hong Kong live in Finchley. _______________________________________ 5. Jia lives in Barnet. _______________________________________

3. Find words with a similar meaning to these in the text.

1. varied (paragraph 1)


2. routinely (paragraph 1) __________

3. maintain (paragraph 2)


4. a piece of cloth (paragraph 2)





GRAMMAR 1: to be and have (got) 1. Study the rules and complete the sentences. We use to be:

To be or not to be...

- to give personal information - to talk about qualities and location We use have (got) - to talk about possessions - to describe physical appearance

has got have got are am


1. Yang _____ Chinese. She _____ 32. She _____ black hair. 2. Where _____ you from Yang? I _____ from Beijing. It _____ the capital of China. 3. What _____ your job? I _____ a taxi driver. I _____ a taxi in London. 2. Complete the grammar tables. to be






_____ I?



_____ you?



_____ he?





have got


___ I ___?




_____ he ____?

I've got I have got

He's got He has got

I you/we/they he/she have (got)

3. Listen to check, then repeat. NOTE We say: I'm We write: I am

He's He is

They're They are


GRAMMAR PRACTICE 1 1. Complete the descriptions with a form of to be or have got. 1. Pete ____ Scottish. He_____ in his thirties. He ______ two brothers and a sister. They _____ fair hair and blue eyes like their parents. Pete _____ unemployed at the moment. He ______ a car so he has to take the bus to travel around the city. 2. Both my grandparents _____ retired. They _____ a small flat on the coast where they live most of the year. They ____ quite happy because it ____ sunny and they do what they like. 3. I _____ in my twenties. I _____ quite strong and athletic. I ______ from Portugal but at the moment I live in Madrid. My photo _____ often on the cover of sports newspapers. Who ______I?

2. Write sentences about Stuart Philips with the information in the table.

Name: Age: Place of birth: Occupation: Looks: Favourite possession:

Stuart Philips 23 Brooklyn, NY actor and part-time waiter tallish, dark hair and brown eyes my scooter!

1. He’s 23 years old. 2. _______________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________

3. Write the questions in the interview. 1. Where are you from?

I’m from France.

2. _________________________________?

I’m twenty-six.

3. _________________________________?

I’m a disc jockey.

4. _________________________________?

Yes, I’ve got a Renault Megane.

5. _________________________________?

No, I haven’t. I’m an only child.




LISTENING 1 Listening strategy: Before you listen, read the questions carefully. What information are you listening for? You do not need to understand everything. Listen only for information to answer the questions. 1. Read the questions, then listen and answer. 1. What does Ben do? a) He teaches English. b) He works in a hotel. c) He is a student. 2. Where does he work? a) He works in London. b) He works in Spain. c) He works in Brighton. 3. Where are his students from? a) They are from all over the world. b) They are from Spain. c) They are from Italy. 4. What time does he go to bed during the week? a) at 10 b) at 11 c) at midnight 2. Listen again and complete the times Ben mentions. a) b) c) d)

a quarter to eight at seven at a quarter past nine at half past six

Yes and no! It's a long day. I always get up __________ in the morning and then I have breakfast. I take a train into Brighton at _________ and I start work ________. I usually finish ___________, sometimes later.

3. Complete the sentences with at, to, during or past. a) 7:15 is the same as a quarter ____ seven. b) From Monday to Friday is the same as _____ the week. c) 8:45 is the same as a quarter ____ nine. d) At 12 o'clock at night is the same as ____ midnight.


GRAMMAR 2: Present simple 1. Match the rules to the sentences.

I always get up early!

We use the present simple: 1. to talk about routines and habits


2. to talk about likes and dislikes


3. to talk about scientific facts


4. to talk about permanent situations


a) I speak French very well. b) My dad usually watches TV in the evening. c) I don't like speaking in public. d) Water boils at 100º Celsius. 2. Complete the table with these words. likes like don't like doesn’t like does/like do/like to like I/you/we/they

Affirmative like

Negative _____

Interrogative __ you ___?




___ he ___?

3. Listen to check, then repeat. NOTE Spelling of third person Verbs ending in -ch,-s,-sh,-x add -es: miss-misses/finish-finishes/watch-watches. Verbs ending in a consonant +y change y to i and add –es: study-studies/try-tries. Do and go add –es: do-does/go-goes. Other verbs add –s: play-plays/see-sees/run-runs.




GRAMMAR PRACTICE 2 1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.





meet work

1. Amanda works for a multinational company. 2. How often ___________ you ___________ your friends? 3. My sister __________ fish. She never eats it. 4. I ___________ swimming in the sea. 5. It _________ more in London than in Rome. 6. Josh _________ in Brooklyn. 2. Complete the dialogues with the correct form of to do. 1. John: _____ you like sports? Sue: Yes, I ____ . I really like football and tennis but I ____ like swimming. 2. Joe: My brother is addicted to the internet. Sometimes he _____ go to bed until 3 or 4 in the morning. Helen: Really? What ____ your parents do about it? Joe: They tell him to turn off the computer but he ______ do it. 3. Write the third person form of these verbs. 1. play _______ 2. wash ______ 3. study ______ 5. wear _______

6. speak _____

7. enjoy ______

4. Make questions for these answers. 1. ______________________________?

4. hurry ______ 8. watch ______

I usually get up at 7 am.

2. ______________________________?

No, I don’t. On Saturdays I get up late.

3. ______________________________?

Yes, I play tennis in the morning.

We use frequency adverbs (always, usually, sometimes, rarely, never) with the present simple. Frequency adverbs normally go before the main verb but after the verb to be. We never go to the opera. Juan is always late.

5. How often do you do these actions? Use frequency adverbs. 1. send e-mails

I sometimes send e-mails to my friends.

2. buy a newspaper


3. go to the cinema


4. watch a football match


5. go shopping for clothes


6. speak English



STOP AND SEND 1 1. Today is your first day in class. Your teacher has asked you to introduce yourself. Write what you want to say. Appearance?


Brothers and sisters?

Hobbies? Age?


Place of birth?


2. Read the information on the website, then write 100 words.

A DAY IN A LIFE... We’d like to know about your life. Write 100 words and win two tickets for the cinema. Talk about your daily routine, your occupation, your hobbies and your week-ends.

3. Imagine you can interview a famous person. Write eight questions you would like to ask him or her. What time do you normally get up? Do you go jogging in the park? 1 ______________________________________ 2 ______________________________________ 3 ______________________________________ 4 ______________________________________ 5 ______________________________________ 6 ______________________________________ 7 ______________________________________ 8 ______________________________________




READING 2 Reading strategy: To get the general idea of a text, read the first and last lines of each paragraph.

1. Read the first and last lines of the paragraphs and choose the general idea. a) How new technology is helping us communicate more effectively. b) How new technology is affecting both positively and negatively the way we communicate. c) How new technology is bad for young people.

A whole new way to communicate is changing the world. Nowadays sending text messages is more common than using a telephone. In the USA people send 2.5 billion text messages every day. Most text messaging is done by kids aged between 13 and 17. Teenagers are constantly sending texts. The next biggest group of people who text is 18 to 24-year-olds. After that the number of text messages decreases as people get older. Many older people think that text messaging is replacing talking. They worry that kids are not learning to communicate with people directly. On the other hand, kids do not understand why older people are worried. It is obvious that texting is becoming a larger part of our lives. Some people start and end their relationships with a text message. Workers are hired and fired via texts. Students are getting in trouble for writing them during class. Of course, there are many advantages to texting. Everyone occasionally arrives late and texting a quick message usually solves the problem. And in noisy places it is more practical than trying to speak on the phone. But we need to remember: technology is useful but it is no substitute for talking to a person face to face!

2. Read the paragraphs again and choose the correct answer to the questions. 1. According to the author, what is changing the world of communication? a) telephones

b) text messaging

c) television

2. Who sends most text messages? a) teenagers

b) 18 to 24-year-olds

c) older people

3. Why do older people worry about text messaging? a) Because it is bad for your eyes

b) Because students text in class

c) Because young people are not learning to have face-to-face conversations 4. The author thinks that texting is… a) sometimes useful

b) a bad habit

c) dangerous


VOCABULARY BUILDING 1: Cognates Cognates are words that have a similar form and meaning in different languages.

1. Find these words in the text and circle the ones that are similar in your language. new





world learn




converse solves

directly problem

telephone worried noisy









2. Write the words in the correct column. noun




3. Underline the cognates in these sentences. There is more than one cognate in each sentence. 1. I can’t go out tonight because I’m studying for my maths exam. 2. Somebody’s mobile phone started ringing in the theatre yesterday evening. 3. The police stopped the suspicious vehicle and asked the driver for her licence. 4. If you want to be a professional football player, you need to be very competitive. 5. Joanna’s father is very strict. He criticises her constantly. 4. Complete the sentences with the most appropriate cognate from this page. 1. More and more people are __________ their old desktop computer with a laptop. 2. The main _________ of laptops are that they are portable and fast. 3. Many people ________ with their friends via an internet connection in their laptop. 4. They often have social _________ with people they have never met face to face. 5. Some parents with young children have _______ rules about internet use at home.

LEARNING TIP Collect more cognates and indicate what part of speech they are.




LISTENING 2 Listening strategy: If a listening exercise has pictures, look at them carefully before you listen. What can you see? Are there any people? Where are they? What are they doing?

1. Listen and order the pictures. a)




2. Listen again and connect the phrases from Column 1 with Column 2. COLUMN 1


Is that

let you know.

Just to

after the signal.

Thanks for

Colin speaking?

I'll call


Please leave a message

you later.

Call me


3. Listen and repeat.


GRAMMAR 3: Present continuous 1. Match the rules to the sentences.

I’m dancing in the rain! I’m síngíng ín the raín!

We use the present continuous:

1. to talk about things happening now ____ 2. to talk about things changing


3. to talk about temporary activities around the present ____

a) I am playing a lot of football this week. b) I am having a shower at the moment. c) I am putting on weight.

2. Complete the table with these words. Am I





not playing


are not


to play Affirmative




___ playing

am _______

____ playing?


___ playing

______ playing

Are you ____?


___ playing

is ___ playing

___ he playing?

3. Listen to check, then repeat.

NOTE Spelling with -ing Verbs ending a consonant and -e remove -e and add -ing: smile - smiling. Verbs ending in -ie change -ie to -y and add -ing: lie - lying. Verbs ending in a stressed vowel and a consonant double the consonant and add -ing: run - running.




GRAMMAR PRACTICE 3 1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.







1. Karen _______________ her glasses until she gets her new contact lenses. 2. I ______________ a gripping detective story. I can’t put it down. 3. My dad __________ to work these days. The doctor has told him he needs to do more exercise. 4. I _____________an essay on genetically modified foods for biology class. 5. Some experts claim that sea levels ____________ because of global warming. 6. Can I ring you back? I ________ a great film at the moment. 2. What is happening in the picture? Write sentences using the verbs below.









1. A woman is feeding her baby.

5. __________________________

2. __________________________

6. __________________________

3. __________________________

7. __________________________

4. __________________________

8. __________________________


SPEAKING Speaking strategy: To keep a conversaon going ask lots of "wh" quesons. 1. Put the dialogue in the correct order.

Harvey: Hi, I’m Harvey. Harvey: I'm from New York. Harvey: I’m on an exchange programme. I'm studying medicine. Harvey: With a family. Harvey: It's cool. I'm really interested in meeting new people but life is quite different here. Harvey: Well, back in the States, I'm good at baseball and here everyone is into soccer, sorry, I mean football! And the people are a bit different too. The Brits are very polite; they are always saying Please and Excuse me. I think Americans are a bit more relaxed about this. I suppose you're afraid of being too forward…too friendly.

Sharon: Nice meeting you. I'm Sharon. You don't sound English. Where are you from? Sharon: Why do you say that? Sharon: How's it going? Sharon: What are you doing here? Sharon: Yeah, I suppose you're right. So how long are you staying? Sharon: Where are you staying?

2. Listen to check, then repeat.

3. Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

1. you from Where are? _______________________________________________________ 2. are What here you doing? ___________________________________________________ 3. going it How is? ___________________________________________________________ 4. do Why that you say? ______________________________________________________ 5. staying with are Who you? __________________________________________________ 6. When going are you home? _________________________________________________


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