JUNE 8TH, 2014— PENTACOST SUNDAY BAPTISMS / BAUTISMOS Baptisms are celebrated twice monthly, once in English and once in Spanish. Please see the bulletin for exact dates. Par‐ ents should make arrangements at the Rectory at least one month in advance and must present child’s Birth Certificate and proof of residence within the parish. Los padres deben hacer los arreglos por lo menos un mes an‐ tes del Bautismo es necessario presenter el Acta de Nacimiento y prueba de que viven dentro de la parroquia. BAPTISM SCHEDULE‐—ENGLISH WEDNESDAY SATURDAY Conference 8:00 pm‐Center Ceremony 2:00 pm June 18 June 21– Saturday July 23 July 26– Saturday August 20 August 23– Saturday____ September 24 September 27– Saturday_ HORARIO DE BAUTISMOS—ESPANOL MIERCOLES SABADO Charla 8:00 pm—Centro Bautimo 2:00 pm 9 Julio 12 Julio– Sabado– 12pm 6 Agosto 9 Agosto– Sabado______ 10 Septiembre 13 Septiembre– Sabado Due to construction taking place in the Upper Church, baptisms from May through November will be on Saturdays at 2pm in the Lower Church.
Por la construcción en la Iglesia de Arriba, bautizos desde Mayo hasta Noviembre seran los Sabados a las 2pm en la Iglesia de Abajo. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OF CHILDREN/ CATECISMO For information about the program, please call the Religious Edu‐ cation Office at (718) 278‐1834, ext. 14, Monday through Friday, from 3:30pm to 7:30pm.
Para información sobre el programa, por favor llame la Oficina de educación religiosa en (718) 278‐1834, ext. 14, el martes al viernes, de 3:30 pm a 7:30 pm CATHOLIC SCHOOLS/ ESCUELAS CATOLICAS We encourage parents to enroll children in our local catholic gramar schools. Please see sister Barbara in the rectory to apply for finanial assistance.
Animamos a los padres a inscribir a sus hijos en escuelas católicas locales. Por favor, ver a la hermana Barbara en la rectoría para solicitar ayuda financiera. MARRIAGES/ MATRIMONIOS Couples should make arrangements at least six months in ad‐ vance.
Los novios deben hacer los arreglos en la oficina parroquial, por lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha propuesta. Las parejas pre‐ parando para el sacramento se reunen cado otro martes en el centro; Salon Guadalupe.
BECOME A CATHOLIC Adults interested in becoming Catholic, or completing their First Communion and Confirmation, or general catechesis, may enroll in the RCIA program. Please see one of the staff. (English or Spanish) DISABILITIES ADVOCATE Coordinator: Mr. Bob Koch. Please note that the north‐west church door close to the parking lot is handicapped‐accessible (no steps). All levels of the Parish Center are accessible by ele‐ vator. BRIDGE TO LIFE "The Bridge to Life, Inc." is a non‐sectarian organization dedi‐ cated to offering the resources needed to choose life! We do this with counseling that is informative, compassionate and honest. We welcome both volunteers and donations of clean, gently‐used baby clothing and objects. Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 9:30am to 11:30am at 23‐40 Astoria Boulevard. Phone Num‐ ber: (718)578‐4442 Website: www.thebridgetolife.org SAFE ENVIRONMENT Coordinator: Ms. Winnie Burke. Awareness education required for all volunteers who interact with minors and recommended for all. QUINCEAÑERA Please call the Rectory office at (718) 278‐1834 x14 for infor‐ mation or make an appointment, Monday through Friday, 3:30pm to 7:30pm. By the date of the mass, the quinceañera should have received catechism and the following sacraments: Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation‐ and be a wor‐ shipper here.
Favor de llamar a la oficina al 718) 278‐1834 x 14 para mas Información o para hacer una cita de lunes a viernes de 3:30pm a 7:30pm. Antes de la fecha de la misa, la quinceañera debe haber recibido catesismo y los siguientes sacramentos: Bautizo, Primera Comunion, y Confirmacion‐ además debe ser feligres de esta parroquia. PRE‐ADMISSION ANOINTING If you know you will be entering the hospital for elective sur‐ gery, it is appropriate and recommended to received the sacra‐ ment of the Anointing of the Sick BEFORE entering the hospital. Simply ask one of the parish priests to give you the sacrament before admission. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK / SACRAMENTOS PARA LOS ENFERMOS Call the Rectory to arrange for a Priest or Eucharistic Minister to bring Communion to the homebound. In case where one’s health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age, please con‐ tact one of the Priests to administer the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. CATHOLIC CEMETERIES / CEMENTERIOS CATOLICOS For information and availability options, please call (718) 894‐ 4888. Please remember that cremated remains should be in‐ terred in the same manner as bodies, out of respect for the human body, that is, in a grave or mausoleum, not kept at home or spread to the elements.
OLMC MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JUNE 7 (Easter Weekday) 8:00am Madonna Immordino Faraci 5:00pm Jennie & Mickey Bartelheim SUNDAY, JUNE 8 (Pentecost Sunday) 8:00am Luis Cortes, Carmen Huitzil, Epifanio & Adrian Mejia, Juana Valdez, Gabriel Mani 9:00am Pina Suriano 10:00am Gio Alaimo Cologero & Marianna Agro 11:15am Concetta Pasucci 12:30pm Maria de la Luz & Juan Monroy 7:00pm Parish Family MONDAY, JUNE 9 (Weekday) 8:00am Ann Carty (Living) 12:00pm Christine Burns (Living) TUESDAY, JUNE 10 (Weekday) 8:00am Frank Hussey 12:00pm Manuela Ramirez WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11 (Saint Barnabas) 8:00am Jose Stockinger 12:00pm John Lenoci THURSDAY, JUNE 12 (Weekday) 8:00am Maggie Sandholm (Living) 12:00pm Ernesto de Guzman FRIDAY, JUNE 13 (Saint Anthony of Padua) 8:00am Julia McCormick & Family 12:00pm Carmelo Cini SATURDAY, JUNE 14 (Weekday) 8:00am Amable Ottero & Deceased Family 5:00pm Rose & George Hasselberg, Sr. & Gloria Radoslovich PENTECOST SUNDAY OF EASTER TODAY’S READINGS First Reading: Acts 1:11‐11 They were filled with the Holy Spirit who gave them the gift of speech. Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:3‐7. 12‐13 The Spirit gives gifts generously for the good of all. Gospel: John 20:19‐23 Fear is changed to courage as the disciples are sent out in the power of the Holy Spirit.
PRAY FOR THE SICK If you have a family member you wish to be prayed for, please let us know imme‐ diately and we will be happy to pray for them. The names will remain on the sick list for three weeks and thereafter repeated as requested.
Robert Lottman Maria Palladino Alice Fox Esther Healy
Week 1: Azalia Ortiz Barbara Lawson Anne Greehy Maria Ottamanelli
Rose Cinquemani Mary Paoloni Alfred Battista Guadalupe Perez Lidia Sabbatini Patricia O’Donnell Rosemarie Gidit Elsi Vignali
Marliz Ortiz Roy Morales John Greehy Ann Hayes
Week 2: Dorothy Haume Maria Aguilera Thomas McGrade Julie Mazzarese Aida Hernandez Luciano Zarzuela George Hagy Carmen Ramirez Manuel Betancourt Mrs. Natale Tony Morris Week 3: Ida Albanese
Mary DePinto
PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED Mary Rita Swanson (Lay Teacher at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School 1972‐1995) Vincent Acquista
MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITIES AT MOUNT CARMEL The Tree of Life: gracing the east wall of the church vestibule. Gift categories include: Silver Leaf: $500.00 Gold Leaf: $1,000.00 Gold Rock at Base of Tree: $2,500.00 Announced Mass: $15.00 Purgatorial Society: $10.00 Weekly Altar Flowers: $75.00 Weekly Altar Bread and Wine: $35.00 Weekly Sanctuary Lamp: $25.00 Weekly Altar Candles: $15.00
DEDICATED OFFERINGS FOR THIS WEEK The Sanctuary Lamp is burning for Nicolo Sacramone & Rocco Di Ricco This was requested by their Children & Grandchildren Altar Bread & Wine has been offered for Rocco Di Ricco & Nicolo Del Greco This was requested by Mario & Ida Del Greco Altar Candles are Dedicated for Rose and George Hasselberg, Sr. and Gloria Radoslovich This was requested by The Hasselberg Family Altar Flowers are Offered for Mary Grimaldi This was requested by The McCullagh & Shohet Families
THIS WEEK AT OLMC The activities calendar for the entire year is viewable on the parish website. Please be aware that it is updated several times a month CARMEL DIAMOND SENIORS Meet every Thursday from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. in the Parish Center, Guadalupe A/B. Coffee, Cake, Bingo. New members are always welcome. CATHOLIC STUDY AND SHARING GROUP Meets every Friday night from 8:00pm to 10:00pm in Lourdes A Room. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION First Friday of the month from the 8am Mass to 12 Noon Mass. First Sunday of the month in Vietnamese—2:00pm—Lower Church
GREGORIAN CHANT MASS English Mass with Latin Gregorian Chant Mass every Sunday at 8 AM including the proper antiphons of the day and other occa‐ sional chants.
FAMILY MASS Generally Second Sunday of every month at the 11:15 am Mass. Check inside of bulletin for exact date. The family mass is not held during the summer months
ROSARY SOCIETY Rosary Society meets the first Sunday of each month after at‐ tending the 10:00AM Mass. We have a brief meeting followed by refreshments in the Lourdes Room. Come join us… we warmly welcome new members. Rosary Society does not meet during the summer months
ITALIAN COMMUNITY Meets the 2nd. Sunday of each month after attending the 9:00 AM Italian Mass. Brief meeting fallowed with coffee and cake. Guadalupe B. New members always welcome. Italian Community does not meet in the summer months
COMUNITA ITALIANA Si riuniscono ogni seconda Domenica del mese,dopo che hanno partecipato alla Messa delle 9 di mattina.Dopo la riunione seguira un piccolo trattenimento con caffe e dolci. Un benvenuto ai nuovi membri YOUNG ADULT 3rd Sunday of every month—5:00 pm Mass with instrumental consort. Young adults do not meet in the summer months. LINE DANCING + ZUMBA Every Sunday in the Gym from 5pm to 9pm. Hosted by the Fili‐ pino Committee. All are welcome. $5.00 donation includes food. CHOIR / CORO The Choir meets every Monday from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm in the Lower Church. If you are interested in joining the choir, please call the Rectory. Choir does not meet in the summer months Coro Español: Todos los Sabado de 12pm‐2pm en el centro parro‐ quial, Salon Lourdes . DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION On Tuesday evenings we have the communal recitation of the Di‐ vine Mercy devotion in Spanish in the lower church starting at 7:00 PM. All are welcome. DEVOCION DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA Cada martes en la iglesia de abajo a las 7:00 de la noche, en espa‐ nol. Todos invitados. MOTHER’S PRAYER GROUP Every Wednesday at 10:00am in English and 4:30pm in Spanish in the Lower Church. SINGLES GATHERING 1st Wednesday of every month. Holy Rosary 7:45pm—worship begins at 8:00pm in the Parish Center, Guadalupe A. Sponsored by the Filipino Committee. All are welcome to attend. JORNADA YOUTH Meet every Friday evening at 7:30 pm in the Parish Center.
GRUPO DE ORACION CARISMATICA (ESPAÑOL) “Manatiales de Gracia”: Todos los Viernes 7:30 pm en la Iglesia de abajo. ADULT FAITH FELLOWSHIP Adult Faith Sharing Group meets every other Saturday from 10:00am to 12:00am in the Parish Center, Lourdes B.
This Week At OLMC Parish Institute Sunday June 8 9:00am– 3:00pm Czech Community Lourdes A/B 10:30am– 12:30pm Cursillo/ Guad Com. Food Sale Guadalupe A/B 1:30pm– 2:30pm Vietnamese Rel. Edu. Nazareth/ Fatima 3:30pm– 5:00pm RCIA Lourdes A/B, Fatima 5:00pm– 9:00pm Zumba Fitness Workout Gym Monday June 9 7:00am‐ 5:00pm TYWLS Gym 5:30pm‐10:00pm CYO Gym 7:30pm– 9:30pm ESL Classes Guadalupe A+B, Lourdes B+ Nazareth Tuesday June 10 7:00am‐5:15pm TYWLS Gym 5:30pm‐10:00pm CYO Gym 6:00pm– 7:00pm Cath. Char. Counseling Fatima 7:00pm– 9:00pm Marriage Encounter Guadalupe B Wednesday June 11 7:00am– 5:00pm TYWLS Gym 7:00pm– 10:00pm CYO Gym 7:30pm– 9:30pm ESL Classes Guadalupe B, Lourdes B Thursday June 12 7:00am– 1:00pm TYWLS Gym 1:00pm – 4:00pm Carmel Diamond Srs. Guadalupe A/B 5:00pm‐‐ 10:00pm CYO Gym Friday June 13 7:00am– 9:00pm TYWLS Gym 5:30pm– 9:00pm Pre‐Cana Fatima 7:00pm – 10:00pm Jornada Spanish Youth Guadalupe A 8:00pm – 10:00pm Catholic Study & Sharing Group Lourdes A Saturday June 14 9:00am – 12:00pm AA Meeting Lourdes B+ Fatima+ Nazareth 4:00pm– 11:00pm Fathers Day Gym 4:00pm– 5:30pm SIA Fatima 6:00pm– 10:00pm Comite Santiago Guadalupe A
St. Margaret Mary, 9‐18 27 Avenue, Astoria, NY “DREAM ACT” DEFERRED ACTION APPLICATIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE $150 Fee If you have any questions or would like to set up an appoint‐ ment please call at 718‐721‐9020. THIS WEEK AT ST. MARGARET MARY Santa Margarita Maria, 9‐18 27 Avenida, Astoria, NY SUNDAY, JUNE 8TH: LA APLICACION PARA LA ACCION DIFERIDA YA ESTAN DISPONIBLES 10:00 am– AA Meeting (English)‐ Rectory Las aplicaciones para la acción diferida para los llegados en la 11:30 a.m. Spanish Faith Sharing Group – (Hall) infancia ya esta disponibles. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta y/ 7:00 p.m. “Peregrinos de Cristo Jesús” o quiere hacer una cita por favor llamar al 718‐721‐9020. Prayer Group – (Hall & Chapel)
MONDAY, JUNE 9TH: 7:00 pm– AA Meeting (English)‐ Rectory
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11TH: 7:00 p.m. Spanish Prayer Group – (Chapel) 7:30 pm– AA Meeting (English)‐ Rectory NEXT SUNDAY, JUNE 15TH: 11:30 a.m. Spanish Faith Sharing Group – (Hall) 7:00 p.m. “Peregrinos de Cristo Jesús” Prayer Group – (Hall & Chapel)
PARISH REGISTRATION/ INSCRIPCIÓN PARROQUIAL Please return this form in the collection or drop off at rectory. We will send you weekly collection envelopes every two months. Favor devolver en la colecta o en la casa parroquial. Les enviamos los sobres semanales cada dos meses por el correo. Family Name/ Apellido ______________________________________________________
ST. MARGARET MARY FOOD PANTRY NEWS In the month of May, 2014 a total of 1,988 people were served. This included 816 children, 1,015 adults and 157 seniors. For an appointment to our food pantry, please call (718) 721‐9020
DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION El grupo devocional a la Misericordia Divina se reune casa segundo Sabado del mez a las 3pm en la capilla de Santa Mar‐ garita Maria.
AA Meeting (ENGLISH) Sundays ‐10am ‐11am‐ Closed Discussion Meeting Mondays– 7pm– 8pm– Step Meeting Wednesday– 7pm– 8pm‐ Step Meeting (Tradition Last Wednesday of the Month) in the Rectory Room
Head of Household/Cabeza de la familia ______________________________________________________ S p o u s e / E s p o s o ( a ) ______________________________________________________ Address/Dirección donde vive ______________________________________________________
HORA SANTA, ADORACION Y BENEDICION DEL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO. Cada primer Sabado del mes en Santa Margarita María de 7:00pm a 9:00pm. Todos estan Invitados.
Apt #___________ Zip Code/Código postal______________ Telephone#/ Telefono#___________________________________ E‐mail/Dirección del Correo electrónico ______________________________________________________ _______New Registration _______Moving Out _______Change of Name/Address Do you prefer ________envelopes or _______electronic giving? You can fill out an online registration form at the parish website: mountcarmelastoria.org
RUMMAGE SALE Saint Margaret Mary will have a rummage sale June 10, 11 & 12 Door will open at 9:00am Santa Margarita Maria tendra su venta el 10, 11 y 12 de Junio Las puertas abren a las 9:00am.
Dear Friends: Friday, June 13 is the feast of St Anthony of Padua, one of the most beloved of saints, and whose statue is enshrined in both our upper and lower church. Born in Portugal, he was an Augustin‐ ian priest when he became one of the earliest fol‐ lowers of St Francis of Assisi, and became re‐ nowned as a preacher and converter of heretics. He is popularly invoked as the patron saint for lost ob‐ jects, as my own dear parents very thoroughly in‐ structed us in our family. We invite you to join us for a special St Anthony Mass in Italian Friday morning at 10 AM. We conduct our final Parish Pastoral Council meeting of the year on Tuesday, June 17 at 7:30 PM in the Fatima room. I thank the members of our Jornada Youth Group on their very successful retreat day con‐ ducted here last Sunday. Nearly 100 youth from seven different parishes locally attended talks and activities presented by the youth themselves, in‐ cluding our own parish leaders. They were “awesome”! I also strongly recommend you visit Brook‐ lyn diocese’s newly‐designated and restored Co‐ Cathedral of St Joseph at 856 Pacific Street in Brooklyn when you can. We had a bus of 38 people visit there last Saturday for a "mini‐pilgrimage", and it was a most edifying experience, spiritually and esthetically. You will not be disappointed. I believe the visit helped us anticipate even more the completed restoration of our own upper church in a few months. The work is coming along well, with a great deal of the paint and some of the old floor now removed. New pews are on order, and there have been only a few “surprises” so far, thank God! God love you, Msgr. Ogle
Queridos Hermanos, El viernes, 13 de junio es la fiesta de San An‐ tonio de Padua, uno de los más queridos de los San‐ tos, y cuya estatua está consagrada en nuestra igle‐ sia dos superior e inferior. Nacido en Portugal, fue un sacerdote Agustino cuando él se convirtió en uno de los primeros seguidores de San Francisco de Asís y llegó a ser reconocido como un predicador y un convertidor de herejes. Popularmente se invoca como el patrono de objetos perdidos, como mis propios Estimados padres de familia nos instruyó muy a fondo en nuestra familia. Les invitamos a unirse a nosotros para una Misa especial de San An‐ tonio (en italiano) el viernes por la mañana a 10. Llevamos a cabo nuestra reunión final del Consejo Pastoral Parroquial del año el martes 17 de junio a las 19:30 en la sala de Fátima. Agradezco a los miembros de nuestro grupo de jóvenes de la Jornada el día de su retiro exitoso realizado aquí el domingo pasado. Nearly100 jóve‐ nes de siete diferentes parroquias locales asistieron a charlas y actividades presentadas por los jóvenes mismos, incluidos los líderes de nuestra propia par‐ roquia. Eran "awesome". También recomiendo que usted visita Brook‐ lyn de Diócesis la recién designado y restaurado Co‐ catedral de San José en 856 Pacific Street en Brook‐ lyn cuando puedas. Teníamos un autobús de 38 per‐ sonas visita el sábado pasado para una “peregrinación mini", y fue una experiencia más edi‐ ficante, espiritual y estético. Usted no será decep‐ cionado. Yo creo que la visita nos ayudó a anticipar aún más la completa restauración de nuestra propia iglesia superior en unos meses. El trabajo va muy bien, con una gran cantidad de la pintura y algunos del antiguo piso retirado. Nuevas bancas están en orden y ha habido sólo algunas "sorpresas" hasta el momento, gracias a Dios! Dios les cuida, Msgr. Ogle
PARISH BULLETIN BOARD RELIGIOUS EDUCATION INSCRIPCION PARA CATECISMO PROGRAM REGISTRATION FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR 2014– 2015 Registration will take place during the months of June, July and August 2014 Las inscripciones seran durante los meses de Junio, Julio y Agosto del 2014 Please bring Baptism Certificate, Birth Certificate and the following donation: Favor de traer el acta de Bautizo, el acta de Nacimiento y la siguiente donacion: 1 Child $70.00 (Un Niño) 2 Children $100.00 (Dos Niños) 3 Children or more $150.00 all in the same family (Tres Niños o mas en una misma familia) We also have classes for students with Special Needs. Please come to our office to register your child. Nosotros tambien tenemos clases para niños con necesidades especiales. Favor de pasar por la oficina pa inscriber a su niño. WELCOME MINISTRY “ I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” (Matthew 25:35)
Throughout all of Scripture, hospitality is portrayed as a command from God, our duty toward others, and a clear path toward spiritual growth for ourselves and our families. Clearly, it is God’s fervent wish for us to create welcoming parish communities; especially in our ever changing culture, and that is why our parish is embark‐ ing on a process to make it more welcoming to the stranger… We welcome you to become a part of this important ministry. MEETING WHEN: Thursday, June 12th, at 7:30 P.M. WHERE: OLMC Institute – FATIMA ROOM
PRAYER OF THE WEEK Prayer from the Cenacle (the Upper Room) Today I surrender to you Lord once again, but in a deeper and more special way. I give to you what you have given to me; who I am and all that encompasses. I profess that I am journeying with you Lord, in the footsteps of those who came before. Impelled by my baptism and inspired by your Holy Spirit ‐ to make Jesus known and loved in the world; to live Cenacle spirituality in my life; to be a light to others through prayer and Ignatian discern‐ ment. I ask for the grace to continue to ponder, with Mary our mother, our Cenacle mysteries. Amen Submitted by Louise Walton Share your favorite prayers:
[email protected]
Saint Anthony Saint Anthony, perfect imitator of Jesus, who received from God the special power of restoring lost things, grant that I may find (mention your petition) which has been lost. As least re‐ store to me peace and tranquility of mind, the loss of which has afflicted me even more than my material loss. To this favor I ask another of you: that I may always remain in possession of the true good that is God. Let me rather lose all things than lose God, my supreme good. Let me never suffer the loss of my greatest treasure, eternal life with God. Amen. Sant’Antonio Sant'Antonio, glorioso servo di Dio, famoso per i tuoi meriti e i potenti miracoli, aiutaci a ritrovare le cose perdute; dacci il tuo aiuto nella prova; e illumina la nostra mente nella ricerca della volontà di Dio. Aiutaci a trovare di nuovo la vita di grazia che il nostro peccato distrusse, e conduci noi al possesso della gloria promessaci dal Salvatore. Ti chiediamo questo per Cristo nostro Signore. Amen. Submitted by Nina Carullo Share your favorite prayers: media@mountcarmelasdtoria org
ITALIAN COMMUNITY The Italian Community will be having a Mass for St. Anthony of Padua on Friday, June 13th, 2014 at 10:00am in the Lower Church. The Mass will be in Italian. All are welcome to attend.
Entrance Antiphon Caritas Dei diffusa est in cordibus nostris, [alleluia], per inhabitantem Spiritum eius in nobis, alleluia [alleluia]. The love of God has been poured into our hearts, [alleluia], through the Spirit of God dwelling within us, alleluia, [alleluia] Offertory Antiphon Emitte Spiritum tuum, et creabuntur, et renovabis faciem terrae: sit Gloria Domini in saecula, alleluia. Send forth your Spirit, and they shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the earth. May the glory of the Lord endure forever, alleluia. Communion Antiphon Ultimo festivitatis die dicebat Iesus: Qui in me credit, flumina de ventre eius fluent aquae vivae. Hoc autem dixit de Spiritu, quem accepturi errant credentes In eum, alleluia, alleluia. On the last day of the festival Jesus said: He who believes in me shall have rivers of living water flow‐ ing from within him. Now, he said this about the Spirit, which those who believed in him should re‐ ceive, alleluia, alleluia.
Saturday Faith Fellowship Remembering Jesus Catholic approach to Alzheimer’s disease This inspiring and insightful DVD series hosted by Dr. Vincent Fortanasce and Fr. Roger Landry, goes beyond a medical analysis of Alzheimer and other dementias, and gets people to see the person behind the disease. A must see for everyone, it presents many helpful ideas on what dementia is, and how to best care for those who have it, or to take better care of our mental and physical health to avoid dementia, or to greatly reduce the risk of getting it. June 14: Alzheimer’s and spirituality ‐ June 24: Alzheimer’s and the caregiver Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon Location: Parish Center ‐ Lourdes Rm.
CARMEL DIAMOND SENIORS The Carmel Diamond Seniors will be having their Annual Senior Celebration Dinner at Ricardo’s on June 12, 2014 from 1:00pm– 5:00pm. The price of the ticket is $40.00. You can leave your name at the rectory. Come join us for a truly enjoyable afternoon. Of course friends are always welcomed.
SECOND COLLECTION/ SEGUNDA COLECTA Communications Collection–June 8th, 2014 The mission of this collection is to contribute to the process of evangelization by fostering activities in rela‐ tion to television, radio, internet, other media, and through special projects of the Catholic press. Parish Catholic School Children– June 15, 2014 On the weekend of June 14th & 15th 2014, there will be a special collection to benefit the parish Scholarship Fund. Money collected will be used to assist those parishioners wishing to send their children to one of the local Catho‐ lic elementary schools. Tuition is now around $4,000 per year and many parents cannot afford a Catholic school without our help. We urge you to be generous so that the next generation can reap the benefits of a Catholic education that so many of you were able to experience Alumni Association).
ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL NEWS Our sincere thanks for your generosity during the 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal. As of June 3rd, 2014, we have 281 pledges totaling $63,645 toward our goal of $59,118. Over $42,000 has been collected. Thanks to all who have pledged. If you have not made a pledge, please consider doing so. You can also contribute online at www.rcdonate.org. All over‐goal monies stay in the parish.
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Community Board 1 will hold a public hearing on a rezon‐ ing application pertaining to a site generally bounded by Pot Cove, 9th Street, 27th Avenue & 4th Street. The re‐ zoning seeks to develop a site currently zoned M1‐1 ns dR6 to R6B, R7A/C2‐4. The new zoning will permit the construction of 5 buildings, ranging in height from 6‐32 stories. The mixed use development would include ap‐ proximately 1,689 dwelling units, of which 295 units would be affordable, local retail space, including a super‐ market, a site for a K‐5 elementary school with 456 seats, 900 accessory parking spaces and a publicly accessible waterfront esplanade. Our hearing will be held at: Astoria World Manor 25– 22 Astoria Blvd. Tuesday, June 10, 2014 6:30pm
PARISH PASTORAL MEETING Our next Parish Pastoral Council Meeting will be held on June 17, 2014 at 7:30pm in our Parish Institute‐ Fatima room. CONGRATULATIONS Our Lady of Mount Carmel would like to congratu‐ late the students of Most Precious Blood School who are going to be graduating on June 14!
CATHOLIC CHARITIES FAITH DIRECT What is the best way to ensure our parish receives the support needed for our operating expenses and minis‐ tries during the busy summer months? eGiving through Faith Direct! Please enroll today by visit‐ ing www.faithdirect.net. Our church code is NY370. In‐ creased enrollment with Faith Direct will help stabilize our parish finances during the coming summer months when many families are away on vacation. Thank you for your continued support of our parish fam‐ ily with your time and talents as well as treasure! God Bless you, Msgr. Ogle A DAY OF RETREAT A day of retreat will be given at Good Shepherd Parish, 1950 Batchelder St. & Ave S, Brooklyn NY 11229 on June 28th, 2014, by Bishop Frank Caggiano, Bishop of Bridgeport, CT The Day will begin at 8:30am, include mass and end around 4:00pm, with an opportunity for individual confession. All are invited. Parking is available. For reservations contact Wyn (718.377.6920) by June 25 at Rosary for Life, Inc. 3309 Avenue P, NY 11234. Registration Fee of $25.00 (which includes lunch) must accompany the reservation.
12 Months FREE ‐ ENGLISH CLASSES 12 Meses Gratis‐ CLASES DE INGLÉS Classes Begin July 1st, 2014‐End June 2015 Las Clases empiezan el 1° de Julio 2014‐Terminan Junio 2015 Come in person to register Venga en persona a registrarse Address: 23‐40 Astoria blvd. Contact: 718‐726‐9790 Ext.3033 DAYTIME/MAÑANAS M‐T Beginning 8:30‐11:30 High Beginner 11:30‐2:30 W‐TH Low Intermediate 8:30‐11:30 High Intermediate 11:30‐2:30 NIGHTIME/NOCHES M‐W All Levels 6pm‐9pm (Todos los niveles)