Tenth Sunday in Ord inary Ti me
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Saturday, June 4
Sunday, June 5
10:00 am
Sunday Vigil Mass - Church Intentions of St. Monica Sodality Mass Airing Live - Church Sign Language Interpreted for the Deaf
Monday, June 6 Tuesday, June 7 Wednesday, June 8 Thursday, June 9 Friday, June 10 Saturday, June 11
Sunday, June 12
12:00 pm 5:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:00 am 12:05pm 7:00 am 12:05pm 7:00 am 12:05pm 7:00 am 12:05pm 7:00 am 12:05pm 12:05pm 4:30pm 10:00 am
Parish Family Misa en Español - Iglesia Mass - Church Contemplative Mass - Church Mass - Chapel Mass - Chapel Mass - Chapel Mass - Chapel Mass - Chapel Mass - Chapel Mass - Chapel Mass - Chapel Mass - Chapel Mass - Chapel Mass - Chapel Sunday Vigil Mass - Church + Clare B. Cunningham Mass Airing Live - Church Sign Language Interpreted for the Deaf
12:00 pm 5:30 pm 7:30 pm
+ Maria L. Davis Misa en Español - Iglesia Mass - Church Parish Family Contemplative Mass - Church + Grace Pegman
Confessions heard daily in the Ambrose Chapel Monday - Friday
after 7am Mass (approx. 7:30am) after 12:05pm Mass (approx. 12:35pm)
11:00-11:45 am
Confesiónes Sábados
11:00-11:45 am
God bless, (Very Rev.) John J. Geaney, CSP Rector
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Watch Sunday 10am Mass Online For “live streaming” and “on demand” viewing go to cathedralofsaintandrew.org and select the “Watch Mass Online” button.
Scri pture Read ing... Sunday: Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Casting a Net
huck Schisla is a friend who lives in Indianapolis. We were Directors of Communications for different Archdioceses for many years. One of Chuck’s constant questions to me was, “will you come to Indianapolis for the running of the 500?” He would ask year after year and I would be caught doing something else each year. This year he proposed going to the 100th Anniversary of the “500” and I thought, “Hey, history is being made – I’m in.” So, last week-end I watched history being made. And it was incredible. On race day, Chuck and I were among the 370,000 people who were at the track for the 500, and as one commentator put it, if the crowd were a city, we would comprise the 57th largest city in the US. (That means larger than Grand Rapids!) But the crowd, city or not, witnessed an amazing all American event from start to finish. Never mind that it took us three hours to traverse the city and get to our parking spot the day of the race; never mind that it was hot, never mind that people in Indianapolis refuse to use the word rain all month leading up to the event because one rain drop can cancel the race. All of that aside it was an amazing event. (Or did I say that already?)
Indianapolis is a mid-western, all American city. The Indianapolis 500 is a privately owned business. The combination seems to bring out a deep sense of patriotism in the crowd. I sat dutifully in my seat (at the first turn where much of the skill of the drivers is tested) trying to take it all in. There was not one harsh word being heard by the 370,000 people. The incivility of our current political discourse was nowhere to be found. Beautiful! There was great music – the Purdue Band working with the Indianapolis Children’s Choir while a young black man with a magnificent voice joined his brothers and sisters singing America the Beautiful. An army sergeant playing the most soulful taps I’ve ever heard. A young black country singer doing the national anthem with everyone heeding the call, “Please stand and remove your hats.” The Archbishop of Indianapolis doing the invocation with a prayer that God would keep all in the cars and the pits safe, and reminding us all of the great gifts that God gives us in each other, and getting the loudest ‘Amen’ from a crowd that I’ve ever heard. There were the honored heroes, still alive, with front row seats who as servicemen had survived Pearl Harbor soon to be 75 years in our country’s rear view mirror. Two planes that had flown in World War II flew over, soon to be followed from four full throated Air Force Jets doing a fly by. A pause for “Back Home Again in Indiana", a song I had heard many times in the presence of Archbishop Borders in the years I worked with him as the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s Director of Communications. The Archbishop grew up in Indiana. And then all the members of the families who owned the track, stood together and with one voice announced, “Lady and gentlemen, start your engines.” Two hundred laps of 2.5 miles a lap and the Indianapolis 500 for 2016 would be history. A rookie driver, an American Alexander Rossi was the winner. It was a fitting conclusion to an exhilarating day.
Very Rev. John Geaney, CSP Rector
Fr. John Geaney, CSP
1 Kgs 17:17-24 Ps 30:2,4-6,11-13 Gal 1:11-14a,15ac, 16a,17,19 Lk 7:11-17
Monday: 1 Kgs 17:1-6 Ps 121:1b-8 Mt 5:1-12
Tuesday: 1 Kgs 17:7-16 Ps 4:2-5,7b-8 Mt 5:13-16
Wednesday: 1 Kgs 18:20-39 Ps 16:1b-2b,4-5b, 8,11 Mt 5:17-19
Thursday: 1 Kgs 18:41-46 Ps 65:10-13 Mt 5:20-26
Friday: 1 Kgs 19:9z,11-16 Ps 27:7-9,13-14 Mt 5:27-32
Saturday: St. Barnabas, Apostle
Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3 Ps 98:1-6 Mt 5:33-37
Sunday: Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
2 Sm 12:7-10,13 Ps 32:1-2,5,7,11 Gal 2:16,19-21 Lk 7:36 -- 8:3
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Th is week
Events and Activities
my name is
Sunday, June 5 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time KOC Tootsie Roll Drive & Name Tag Sunday Blood Pressure Screening after Masses 8:30pm Young Adult Fellowship
Monday, June 6 7:00pm
Diocesan Choir Practice - Church
Did you meet someone new on Name Tag Sunday? Why not make it a habit to meet someone new whenever you attend Mass? Take the time to introduce yourself to your church family seated around you.
Tuesday, June 7 7:30am 6:00pm 7:00pm
EMHC Training - Church Altar Server Training - Church Baptism Prep for Parents - office
Wednesday, June 8 10:00am 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm
Fr. Pham Anniversary Mass - Chapel Altar Serving Training - Church St. Monica Sodality Prayer Service - Chapel Ensayo Coro Hispano - Iglesia
Friday, June 10 4:30pm
Dominican Order 800 Anniversary Mass
Saturday, June 11 9:00am 10:00am
Social Justice Meeting - Ambrosian Rm Bautismos - Iglesia
We Need Your Help Catholic Services Appeal 2016 141 families have stepped up for CSA and we are grateful for their faithfulness. In a parish of over 700 families we have yet to hear from most of you. When we give to CSA, we are supporting individuals and families in our parishes, in our communities, and beyond. If you have not yet made your pledge or gift, please return your pledge card or gift to the offering plate or Cathedral office. Thank you for your stewardship! Our goal is 100% participation, which means a completed pledge card from every household.
Sunday, June 12 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 1:00pm ESL- Inglés Segundo Idioma - Salón Oeste 8:30pm Young Adult Fellowship
$35,232 to date
For a complete calendar of events, please visit
Annual goal: $90,920
When you come to Mass, check-in to the Cathedral on Facebook. It's a simple way to share your faith with your friends.
Experience the convenience of Online Giving. Visit cathedralofsaintandrew.org TODAY
STEWARDSH I P May 28-29 weekend
$ 10,961.29
10am Mass Hospitality is taking a break for the Sum-
Same weekend last year
$ 13,332.35
mer and will return after Labor Day. We appreciate all our volunteers who make the hospitality time happen during the fall, winter and spring months.
Weekly need
$ 14,020.00
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Counters: Team 1 will be counting this week.
Change, Change, Change! As you may know, the Paulist Fathers minister in many different places in the United States. The missionary aspect of Paulist life means that Paulist priests move to different missions across the country somewhat regularly. This past week Bishop Walkowiak acknowledged Paulist President Father Eric Andrews recommendations for the Paulist Ministries here in West Michigan. Fathers Rene Constanza and Bill Edens will be joining the Paulist mission in West Michigan in July. Many of you remember Fr. Rene; he completed his student internship in Grand Rapids and returned to celebrate Mass for the community shortly after his ordination in 2012. Fr. Bill will be coming to us from Portland, OR. where he was effective in a ministry to young adults. Both Father Rene and Father Bill are bilingual. Fr. Rene will become Director of the Catholic Information Center as well as performing priestly duties at the Cathedral. Fr. Bill will be the Associate Pastor of the Cathedral. Fr. Geaney has been reappointed as Rector and Pastor of the Cathedral as well as superior of the Paulists in West Michigan. Father G will become Director Emeritus of the CIC. As many are aware, Father Marcos will be heading to Florida to join the Paulist preaching apostolate. Father Bernie will also be joining the preaching apostolate but residing in New York. Father Brad Schoeberle was reappointed for a year as pastor to St. Luke in Allendale, and Father Chuck Cunniff will continue at GVSU and St. Luke. Let's pray that all will go according to the inspiration of the Spirit for all who are involved in these transitions.
KOC Annual Tootsie Roll Sunday Thank you for supporting Catholic Central kids with special challenges by donating in this year's Tootsie Roll Drive Weekend. The Knights truly appreciate your generosity and hope you enjoy your Tootsie Roll bars. If you came to Mass unprepared to give but would like to donate, you can stop into the Cathedral office this week with your donations. Please make checks payable to KOC Council 16199.
We Pray for the Repose of the Soul + Nora Schultz 05/23/16
REMEMBER: The Cathedral always accepts your donations of non-perishable food items for our local pantry. The need is year round, so any time you bring your donations to Mass, the Social Justice team will get them to the pantry at Westminster. Special Pantry Need: The item we especially need in June is Canned Fruit. Thank you for your generosity.
Advertising in Our Bulletin THANK YOU: The advertisements that appear in this bulletin completely defray all publishing costs which the church would otherwise incur. Please patronize the sponsors on the back of this bulletin and thank them for their kind generosity.
A Parish Community is all about connections, so with addresses changing, landlines being eliminated, new cell phones being added, and many changing email addresses, we struggle to keep our records up-todate. Please send updated info to barb@cathedral ofsaintandrew.org or call 616-456-1454.
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Keeping Students Connected to the Catholic Church. Newman Connection’s High School Outreach Program keeps high school and college students connected to Catholic campus ministry. When students sign-up with Newman Connection, their information will be automatically sent to the Campus minister at the colleges of their choice. The Campus Minister can then reach out to the student prior their arrival on campus. This effort has shown great success. We are keeping students connected to the Catholic Church using technology and social media. To find out more, please go to newmanconnection.com. Or contact Cassie Campton at (866) 815.2034 ext. 708,
[email protected]
SAVE THE DATE! Join Catholic Charities West Michigan in a celebration of family at Let’s Go To Bat For Kids 2016! Watch the CCWM Padres take on the Media Giants in a competitive game of softball on Thursday, June 23 at 6:30 p.m. at Fifth Third Ballpark. We’ll have food and family-friendly fun for all and admission is FREE! (parking is $6) For more information or to reserve your free tickets, visit www.ccwestmi.org/gotobat.
CCWM C4 Summer Yard Games Attention Catholic Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, American Heritage Girls, and Venturers: Mark your calendars for the Annual Catholic Scout Retreat sponsored by the Grand Rapids Catholic Committee on Scouting. Date: August 19 to 21, 2016 Place: Franciscan Life Process Center in Lowell For information and registration: see www.grccscouting.org
Download the Cathedral Phone App Today! myparishapp.com
“Like” Cathedral of Saint Andrew on Facebook for photos and content you can't get anywhere else.
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Catholic Charities West Michigan's C4 Young Professional Group invites you to Yard Game Olympics! Sunday, June 26, 2-6pm at Thousand Oaks Golf Club. Young Professionals 21+ -- Do you like burgers, yard games and sunshine? Well, we can guarantee two out of three! Grab a partner, cleverly name your team, and join us for the Catholic Charities Young Professionals Summer Yard Games for some fun and friendly competition in support of a great cause. Heck, you just might win! And if you don't, you'll have too much fun to care. Register your team at ccwestmi.org (Cost is $60 per team includes burgers, hot dogs, snacks, refreshments and t-shirts. A cash bar will be available during the event).
Men...start making your retreat plans now The Men’s Summer Retreat will resume on Wednesday, August 3, 2016 from 9:00am to 5:00pm at the Franciscan Life Process Center, north of Lowell, MI. The Center offers a beautiful setting for hearing the Word of God, silence, reflection, and mediation. Msgr. Gaspar Ancona is the presenter and the day includes conferences, Sacraments, Mass and quiet time for meditation and prayer. It is an excellent time to recharge your spiritual battery. For those who need transportation, a bus will be available at the IHM Church parking lot at Burton and Plymouth SE boarding 7:30am - 8:00am. Cost: $50 Please go to www.lifeprocesscenter.org for more information and to register.
(Founder of the Paulists) “This exposition of the interior life will be an integral point of their mission, In this way the spiritual life will receive a rational interpretation, and the note of sanctity will receive a more complete expression. For the general work of the priesthood is to place sinners in the way of salvation; but their special mission is to open the way for them and for all Christians to Christian perfection” [On the Mission of New Religious Communities, 1876]
If you have asked Father Hecker to pray for you or another person who is ill, and you believe something miraculous has happened, please phone Fr. Paul Robichaud, CSP, at 202-269-2519 and tell him your story.
SUMMER at the CIC Dinner and a Movie: Spotlight (2015) Thursday, June 9, 6-9pm Presented by Fr. Marcos Zamora, CSP Must pre-register - $15 per person, dinner included This critically acclaimed film chronicles the true story of how the Boston Globe uncovered a decades -long cover-up of child abuse within the local Catholic Archdiocese.
Paperback Picnic: Making Sense of Evolution: Darwin, God, and Drama of Life by John Haught Mondays, June 13 & 20, 5:30pm Presented by Fr. Bernie Campbell, CSP Must pre-register - $15 per person, dinner included Explore the rolls of science and religion in the modern world. Reading the book is not required, but copies are available for purchase at the CIC.
Become a Registered Parishioner… Almost weekly we are asked, "How can I become a registered parishioner of the Cathedral?" Well, it's simple: Go online to cathedralofsaintandrew.org, and at the Home Page, click on… “I’d like to become a member”. Fill out the registration form and submit. Just that easy.
Catholic Information Center
A Word from Servant of God Isaac Thomas Hecker
VBS: Why Should Kids Have All the Fun? June 14,15,16, 8:45am - 1:00pm Cost: $25 per day or $65 for the series (includes lunch and materials) Pre-register at register@cathlicinformationcent er.org or call (616) 459-7267 Bring along your inner child for a mix of learning, interacting, devotional study and creative activities. Whether you are seasoned at Bible study or just beginning to learn, you can fall in love with God and scripture all over again. Visit online to see the full schedule of presenters and activities.
IS CONSECRATED LIFE FOR YOU? Come and join in the conversation with the Dominican Sisters, Marywood, Grand Rapids, for Morning Prayer, Mass, and Dinner, followed by your questions. June 12, 9:15 am – 1:00 pm. RSVP Sister Doris Faber OP - 616 514 3431 or email
[email protected].
TO REGISTER 616.459.7267 catholicinformationcenter.org Located on the second floor of the Cathedral Square building at Wealthy and Division. All interested persons (from any religious background) are welcome to participate. There is no registration fee, but we do accept donations (typically $15 per session) from those who are able to contribute.
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sacraments Infant Baptisms Please contact Herlinda Paiz at the Cathedral office 456-1454 Ext 1909. Adult Baptisms & Becoming Catholic Please contact Fred Johnson at the Cathedral office 456-1454 Ext 1908. Reconciliation (Confession) For the confession schedule, please refer to page 2. For special situations, please contact the Cathedral office 4561454 Ext 1909 to make an appointment with one of our priests. First Communion is prepared for through the Religious Education program. Contact Sean Donovan at the Cathedral office 456-1454 Ext 1913
Confirmation for 8th graders is prepared for through the Religious Education program. Contact Sean Donovan at the Cathedral office 456-1454 Ext 1913. Baptized adults can register for Adult Confirmation preparation classes. Contact Fred Johnson at the Cathedral office 4561454 Ext 1908. Weddings Please contact Barb Foss at the Cathedral office 456-1454, ext. 1902 Anointing of the Sick Please call the Cathedral office 456-1454 Ext 1909 if you are in the hospital or home-bound and would like Anointing or Communion. For after hour emergencies dial option 6 and one of our priests will be paged.
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Arrojando la Red
huck Schisla es un amigo que vive en Indianápolis. Durante muchos años los dos éramos Directores de Comunicación para diferentes Arquidiócesis. Una de las preguntas constantes de Chuck para mí fue: "¿quieres venir a Indianápolis para el funcionamiento de la 500?". Me pedía este año tras año y siempre cada año resultó que tenía otras cosas que tenía hacer. Este año le propuso ir al 100 aniversario de la "Indianápolis 500" y pensé, "¡Pensando que este año iba a ser historia en ciernes!" Así, el pasado fin de semana, vi que se hizo historia y fue increíble. El día de la carrera, Chuck y yo estaban entre las 370.000 personas que se encontraban en la pista de carreras para el 500, y como un comentarista lo dijo, si el público fuera una ciudad, se comprendería la 57ª ciudad más grande en los EE.UU. (Esto significa mayor que Grand Rapids.) Pero la multitud, ciudad o no, fueron testigos de un increíble evento Americano de principio a fin. No importa que nos tomó tres horas para atravesar la ciudad y llegar a nuestro lugar de estacionamiento el día de la carrera; No importa que estaba caliente, no importa que la gente en Indianápolis rechazan el uso de la palabra lluvia durante todo el mes previo al evento debido a una gota de lluvia puede cancelar la carrera. Aparte de todo eso, fue un evento increíble. (¿He dicho ya?) Indianápolis es una ciudad toda americana del medio-oeste. El Indianápolis 500 es una empresa de propiedad privada. La combinación parece poner de manifiesto un profundo sentido de patriotismo en la multitud. Me senté en mi asiento obedientemente (en la primera curva, donde se prueba un gran parte de la habilidad de los conductores) tratando de asimilarlo todo. No hubo palabras duras siendo dichos oído entre de las 370.000 personas. La falta de cortesía de nuestro discurso político actual estaba por ningún lado. ¡Qué agradable! Hubo buena música: La Banda de Purdue y el Coro de Niños de Indianápolis junto con un joven negro, con una voz magnífica, se unió a sus hermanos y hermanas cantando America the Beautiful (América, La Hermosa). Un sargento del ejército que juega los grifos en manera más emotiva que he oído en mi vida. Un joven negro cantante de ranchera haciendo el himno nacional con todo el mundo hacer caso a la llamada, "Por favor, ponerse de pie y quitarse los sombreros". El Arzobispo de Indianápolis haciendo la invocación con una oración para que Dios mantenga todos, en los coches y los hoyos, de seguro y recordarnos a todos de los grandes regalos que Dios nos da en uno en el otro y que consiguen el más ruidoso 'Amén' a partir de una multitud que he oído en mi vida. Fueron los héroes honrados, aún con vida, en los asientos de primera fila que como militares habían sobrevivido a Pearl Harbor pronto a ser 75 años en el espejo retrovisor de nuestro país. Dos aviones que habían volado en la Segunda Guerra Mundial sobrevolaron, que pronto será seguido de cuatro aviones de toda velocidad de la Fuerza Aérea pasaron volando. Tomaron una pausa para cantar "Back Home Again In Indiana”, una canción que había escuchado muchas veces en presencia del arzobispo de fronteras en los años que trabajé con él como el Director de Comunicaciones de la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore. El arzobispo creció en Indiana. Y entonces todos los miembros de las familias propietarias de la pista, se unieron y con una sola voz anunció, "La dama y caballeros, enciendan sus motores". Doscientos vueltas de 2,5 millas por vuelta y la Indianápolis 500 para el 2016 serían historia. Un conductor novato, un estadounidense Alexander Rossi fue el ganador. Fue un final adecuado para un día emocionante.
(Muy Rev.) John Geaney, CSP Rector
Fr. John Geaney, CSP
Leer una porción de la encíclica del Papa Francisco en la Alegría del Amor cada semana a través de esta serie de verano.
Capitulo primero A LA LUZ DE LA PALABRA Tus hijos como brotes de olivo 14. Retomemos el canto del Salmista. Allí aparecen, dentro de la casa donde el hombre y su esposa están sentados a la mesa, los hijos que los acompañan «como brotes de olivo» (Sal 128,3), es decir, llenos de energía y de vitalidad. Si los padres son como los fundamentos de la casa, los hijos son como las «piedras vivas» de la familia (cf. 1 P 2,5). Es significativo que en el Antiguo Testamento la palabra que aparece más veces después de la divina (yhwh, el «Señor») es «hijo» (ben), un vocablo que remite al verbo hebreo que significa «construir» (banah). Por eso, en el Salmo 127 se exalta el don de los hijos con imágenes que se refieren tanto a la edificación de una casa, como a la vida social y comercial que se desarrollaba en la puerta de la ciudad: «Si el Señor no construye la casa, en vano se cansan los albañiles; la herencia que da el Señor son los hijos; su salario, el fruto del vientre: son saetas en mano de un guerrero los hijos de la juventud; dichoso el hombre que llena con ellas su aljaba: no quedará derrotado cuando litigue con su adversario en la plaza» (vv. 1.3-5). Es verdad que estas imágenes reflejan la cultura de una sociedad antigua, pero la presencia de los hijos es de todos modos un signo de plenitud de la familia en la continuidad de la misma historia de salvación, de generación en generación.
la descripción de la celebración pascual (cf. Ex 12,26-27; Dt 6,20-25), y luego fue explicitado en la haggadah judía, o sea, en la narración dialógica que acompaña el rito de la cena pascual. Más aún, un Salmo exalta el anuncio familiar de la fe: «Lo que oímos y aprendimos, lo que nuestros padres nos contaron, no lo ocultaremos a sus hijos, lo contaremos a la futura generación: las alabanzas del Señor, su poder, las maravillas que realizó. Porque él estableció una norma para Jacob, dio una ley a Israel: él mandó a nuestros padres que lo enseñaran a sus hijos, para que lo supiera la generación siguiente, y los hijos que nacieran después. Que surjan y lo cuenten a sus hijos» (Sal 78,3-6). Por lo tanto, la familia es el lugar donde los padres se convierten en los primeros maestros de la fe para sus hijos. Es una tarea artesanal, de persona a persona: «Cuando el día de mañana tu hijo te pregunte [...] le responderás…» (Ex 13,14). Así, las distintas generaciones entonarán su canto al Señor, «los jóvenes y también las doncellas, los viejos junto con los niños» (Sal 148,12). 17. Los padres tienen el deber de cumplir con seriedad su misión educadora, como enseñan a menudo los sabios bíblicos (cf. Pr 3,11-12; 6,20-22; 13,1; 29,17). Los hijos están llamados a acoger y practicar el mandamiento: «Honra a tu padre y a tu madre» (Ex 20,12), donde el verbo «honrar» indica el cumplimiento de los compromisos familiares y sociales en su plenitud, sin descuidarlos con excusas religiosas (cf. Mc 7,11-13). En efecto, «el que honra a su padre expía sus pecados, el que respeta a su madre acumula tesoros» (Si 3,3-4). 18. El Evangelio nos recuerda también que los hijos no son una propiedad de la familia, sino que tienen por delante su propio camino de vida. Si es verdad que Jesús se presenta como modelo de obediencia a sus padres terrenos, sometiéndose a ellos (cf. Lc 2,51), también es cierto que él muestra que la elección de vida del hijo y su misma vocación cristiana pueden exigir una separación para cumplir con su propia entrega al Reino de Dios (cf. Mt 10,34-37; Lc 9,59-62). Es más, él mismo a los doce años responde a María y a José que tiene otra misión más alta que cumplir más allá de su familia histórica (cf. Lc 2,48 -50). Por eso exalta la necesidad de otros lazos, muy profundos también dentro de las relaciones familiares: «Mi madre y mis hermanos son estos: los que escuchan la Palabra de Dios y la ponen por obra» (Lc 8,21). Por otra parte, en la atención que él presta a los niños —considerados en la sociedad del antiguo Oriente próximo como sujetos sin particulares derechos e incluso como objeto de posesión familiar— Jesús llega al punto de presentarlos a los adultos casi como maestros, por su confianza simple y espontánea ante los demás: «En verdad os digo que si no os convertís y os hacéis como niños, no entraréis en el reino de los cielos. Por lo tanto, el que se haga pequeño como este niño, ese es el más grande en el reino de los cielos» (Mt 18,3-4). La semana que viene... Un sendero de sufrimiento y de sangre
15. Bajo esta luz podemos recoger otra dimensión de la familia. Sabemos que en el Nuevo Testamento se habla de «la iglesia que se reúne en la casa» (cf. 1 Co 16,19; Rm 16,5; Col 4,15; Flm 2). El espacio vital de una familia se podía transformar en iglesia doméstica, en sede de la Eucaristía, de la presencia de Cristo sentado a la misma mesa. Es inolvidable la escena pintada en el Apocalipsis: «Estoy a la puerta llamando: si alguien oye y me abre, entraré y comeremos juntos» (3,20). Así se delinea una casa que lleva en su interior la presencia de Dios, la oración común y, por tanto, la bendición del Señor. Es lo que se afirma en el Salmo 128 que tomamos como base: «Que el Señor te bendiga desde Sión» (v. 5).
Únete a Catholic Charities West Michigan en una celebración de familia a Vamos a Batear por los niños 2016! Ver los Padres de CCWM tomar sobre los Gigantes de los Medios de comunicación en un competitivo juego de Softbol el jueves, 23 de junio a 6:30pm en el Fifth-Third Ballpark de béisbol. Tendremos comida y diversión familias agradable para todos y la entrada es Gratis! Para obtener más información sobre el evento, visite www.ccwestmi.org/ gotobat. (para el estacionamiento cuesta $6.00)
16. La Biblia considera también a la familia como la sede de la catequesis de los hijos. Eso brilla en
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Th e Paulists
We share the passion of Paul for unity in faith and solidarity in mission among all the baptized in the body of Christ. We build bridges of respect and collaboration with people of other world religions. In our parishes and campus worshipping communities we welcome people of diverse racial and cultural backgrounds. The gospel we preach calls for all the children of God to be treated with dignity and justice.
Monday – Thursday / Lunes – Jueves 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Friday / Viernes 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
MOST REV. DAVID J. WALKOWIAK Bishop of Grand Rapids / Obispo
Paulist fath ers
We give the Word of God a voice in pulpits and print, on radio and television, on the web and the wide screen. We search out those who have no church home, and welcome home those who have been away.
215 Sheldon SE Grand Rapids, MI 49503 616-456-1454 Email:
[email protected] Website: cathedralofsaintandrew.org
VERY REV. JOHN GEANEY, C.S.P. Rector (Párroco) ext. 1904
[email protected]
FR. JOACHIM LALLY, C.S.P., Senior Ministry Status
[email protected]
FR. MARCOS ZAMORA C.S.P., Associate Pastor ext. 1906 fathermarcos@cathedralofsaint andrew.org
FR. BERNIE CAMPBELL, C.S.P. Associate Director 616-4597267 bcampbell@catholicinform ationcenter.org
Cathedral staff NICK PALMER, ext. 1911 Director of Liturgical Music
[email protected] BARB FOSS ext. 1902 Cathedral Administrator
[email protected]
We claim Isaac Hecker as our founder, the Holy Spirit as our primary guide, St. Paul as our patron, and laity as our valued partners in mission.
SEAN DONOVAN ext. 1913 Director of Religious Education
[email protected]
We are Paulists. Missionaries to North America.
EULENE FREELAND, ext. 1904 Assistant to the Rector/Communications
[email protected]
HERLINDA PAIZ ext. 1909 Cathedral Receptionist
[email protected]
FRED JOHNSON ext. 1908 Director of Adult Faith Formation
[email protected] JOE CHIARAMONTE ext. 1910 Director of Development
[email protected]
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ANNA SEPULVEDA ext. 1912 Coordinating Sacristan
[email protected]
Other numbers
CATHEDRAL OUTREACH CLOTHING CENTER / CENTRO DE ROPA Open Tuesdays & Thursdays Abierto los martes y jueves 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Closed July-August Cerrado Julio-Agosto PRAYER CHAIN prayers@cathedralofsaint andrew.org PRAYER BLANKETS Cathedral Office 456-1454
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CATHEDRAL CARE HEALTH MINISTRY cathedralcare@cathedral ofsaintandrew.org BULLETIN EDITOR/DESIGN Eulene Freeland, 456-1454 ext. 1904 Send announcements via email only by previous Monday to
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