Our Mission Statement The Parish of the Holy Name of Jesus is a vibrant urban ministry in the Roman Catholic Church within the Franciscan tradition. In our rich diversity of cultures and languages, we seek to be open to God’s spirit so that we might grow in the faith that makes us one and give witness to the presence of Christ in our daily lives. As instruments of God’s peace, we reach out to and welcome all people with a special concern for the poor, the alienated, and the immigrant. We do this through worship, education, and outreach in fulfilling our dream that all might be served in the spirit of St. Francis. La paroisse de Holy Name est une vibrante communauté urbaine et catholique, animée par la Congrégation Franciscaine. Sa grande diversité culturelle et linguistique lui permet de toucher différents groupes ethniques, et de leur dispenser la foi divine et Chrétienne qui se réflete dans leur vie quotidienne. Et comme instruments de la paix préconisée par Dieu, les paroissiens de Holy Name cherchent et accueillent tous les frères et particulièrement les pauvres, les inadaptés les laissés pour compte et les immigrants. Nous accomplissons cette tâche par le culte, la prière, l’ éducation, et par là nous réalisons notre rêve de servir tous les enfants de Dieu, selon l’esprit de Saint François d’ Assise. La parroquia del Santo Nombre de Jesús es un ministerio Franciscano urbano dinámico de la Iglesia Católica Romana. En la diversidad y riqueza de culturas e idiomas, tratamos de mantenernos abiertos al espíritu de Dios para así crecer en la fe que nos une y dar testimonio de la presencia de Cristo en nuestra vida diaria. Como artesanos de la paz de Dios, aceptamos y acogemos a todos especialmente a los pobres, los alienados y los inmigrantes a través de nuestros servicios litúrgicos, educación religiosa y programas de ayuda comunitaria. De esta forma hacemos realidad nuestro deseo de servir a todos en el espíritu de San Francisco.
15th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 10, 2016
July 10, 2016
—————————————————————————————————————————————— PASTORAL STAFF
Fr. Lawrence D. Ford, O.F.M. Msgr. Michael Crimmins - St. Gregory Fr. Kevin Tortorelli, O.F.M. Fr. Luis Pulido - St. Gregory Fr. Lawrence Hayes, O.F.M. Fr. Michael McDonnell, O.F.M. Fr. Evariste Ouedraogo, Parochial Vicar Reverend Mr. Andre Alexandre, Deacon Reverend Mr. Rob Lyons, Deacon - St. Gregory Sr. Maria-Teresa de los Rios, F.M.M., Pastoral Associate Sr. Mary Petrosky, F.M.M., Spiritual Director Donna Cropper, Director of Business Administration Peter Adamczyk, Director of Music Jim Trainor, Director of Music - St. Gregory Veronica Soto, Coordinator of Faith Formation John Broderick, Dir. of Religious Education - St. Gregory Jacqueline Espinal, Assistant to the Pastor Gladys Tejada, Secretary - St. Gregory In Residence: Fr. Matthew Pravetz, O.F.M.
Fr. John Coughlin, O.F.M. Fr. Anthony Uwandu - St. Gregory CELEBRATING THE SACRAMENTS at Holy Name Baptism: Arrangements for Baptism should be made one month in advance. To schedule, please visit the Parish Office or call 212749-0276, ext. 110 for more information. Baptisms are celebrated in French on the first Sunday of the month, English on the second and Spanish on the third. Parents and Godparents are asked to participate in a Baptism Preparation Program prior to their child’s Baptism. The next English Baptisms will be on Sunday, August 14, 2016. Marriage: To schedule your wedding and/or register for our Marriage Preparation Program, please call the Parish Office at least six months prior to your anticipated date. Reconciliation: Tuesday and Thursday 11:30 AM–12:00 PM, Saturday 4:00 PM–5:00 PM in English and Spanish or anytime by appointment through the Parish Office. Sacrament of the Sick: If you or a loved one are ill or hospitalized, please contact the Parish Office to arrange for home, convalescent or hospital visitation and celebration of the Sacrament of the Sick. Eucharistic Adoration:
PARISH OFFICE HOURS: HOLY NAME OF JESUS Monday - Friday 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Parish Office is closed on Saturdays and Federal Holidays CELEBRATING THE EUCHARIST WEEKEND MASSES Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM, Sunday: 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM (Spanish), 12:00 PM, 1:30 PM (French), 5:30 PM WEEKDAY MASSES Monday-Friday: 7:00 AM, 12:00 PM Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00 AM (Spanish) Friday: 6:30 PM (French), Saturday: 9:00 AM RECONCILIATION Tuesday & Thursday 11:30AM-12:00PM Saturday 4PM-5PM (English and Spanish) STAYING IN TOUCH
HOLY NAME OF JESUS: Telephone: 212-749-0276 Fax: 212-749-2045 PARISH OFFICE HOURS: ST. GREGORY THE GREAT CHURCH Monday: 9 AM-9 PM
Tuesday-Friday: 9 AM-7 PM
Saturday: 9 AM-5:30 PM Parish Office is closed on Sundays and Federal Holidays CELEBRATING THE EUCHARIST WEEKEND MASSES Saturday: 12 Noon (English) 5:30 PM Vigil (English) Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00AM (Spanish), 11:30 AM WEEKDAY MASSES Monday-Friday: 12:00 PM Tuesday and Thursday: 9:00 AM (Spanish) RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:30PM-5:15PM
Any time by appointment.
ST. GREGORY THE GREAT telephone: 212-724-9766 Fax: 212-579-3380
Christian Initiation of Adults
The Peace, Justice and Integrity of Creation Committee of Holy Name of Jesus Parish invites you to learn more about the issues and problems in using solitary confinement and other forms of isolation in New York State jails and prisons.
Desire to be baptized, to be confirmed,
Speakers at this important awareness meeting will be:
and to receive First Holy Communion?
Senator Bill Perkins, sponsor of the Humane Alternative to Long Term Solitary Confinement Act (HALT)
Call Mary V. Widhalm: 212-866-6797
Zachariah Presutti, SJ, LMSW, who has worked in the prison system
Religious Education Registration for 2016-2017
Question Period to follow SAVE THE DATE TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2016 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Are you interested in becoming a Roman Catholic?
Registration forms are available in the Parish Office or you may call the Coordinator of Faith Formation, Veronica Soto, at 212-749-0276, x116 and leave your name and address if you wish an application to be sent to you. The Religious Education Program is open to children from kindergarten through eighth grade who are in public, private or independent schools. NOTE: Please have child’s Birth, Baptismal, and First Communion Certificates. All are welcome!
Our Lady of the Angels Chapel (West 96 Street -between Amsterdam & Broadway) Please RSVP 212-749-0276 Ext. 112 WITH GRATITUDE AND SINCERE APPRECIATION OUR BULLETIN SPONSORS
Buffalo & Associates LLC Plant Shed Synoptic Management Famiglia Pizzeria Wynne Plumbing& Heating Salon Above Ayurveda Café Manhattan Diner IDAN Exterminating Key Restoration Associated Supermarket Shiny Cleaners Walter B. Cooke Funeral Home John Krtil Funeral Home
Please patronize these businesses when possible. If you are interested in placing an ad in our bulletin call Liturgical Publications 800-477-4574 Readings for the Week of July 10, 2016 Sunday: Dt 30:10-14/Ps 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36-37 or Ps 19:8-11/Col 1:15-20/Lk 10:25-37 Monday: Is 1:10-17/Ps 50:8-9, 16-17, 21, 23/Mt 10:34-11:1 Tuesday: Is 7:1-9/Ps 48:2-8/Mt 11:20-24 Wednesday: Is 10:5-7, 13b-16/Ps 94:5-10, 14-15/Mt 11:25-27 Thursday: Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19/Ps 102:13-21/Mt 11:28-30 Friday: Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8/Is 38:10-12, 16/Mt 12:1-8 Saturday: Mi 2:1-5/Ps 10:1-4, 7-8, 14/Mt 12:14-21
PEACE, JUSTICE AND INTEGRITY OF CREATION: This committee provides educational programs and service opportunities for the members of the parish. The committee works closely with our neighboring churches and the Franciscan Province of the Holy Name in exploring the wide range of issues of peace, social justice and the environment. To become involved in this important ministry or to receive more information, please contact the Parish Office at 212-7490276 ext. 112. PARISHPAY AT HOLY NAME: Join our Parish in using ParishPay, an easy eGiving method to automatically make your weekly, monthly, or Stewardship contributions. Simply sign up using one of the following methods: By calling toll free 866-727-4741; by enrolling at www.parishpay.com; or by filling out an enrollment card which is available on the welcome table in the vestibule of the Church. 50/50 RAFFLE: Holy Name introduced a 50/50 Raffle to give parishioners a chance to have some fun while at the same time financially supporting the parish. Special 50/50 envelopes are included in registered parishioners’ bi-monthly envelope mailing. The 50/50 envelopes are also available for sale on the last Sunday of each month after each Mass. The envelopes cost $10 each and on the Tuesday following the last Sunday, a lucky winner splits (50/50) the money raised from envelope sales with the parish. The parish share is used to support operating expenses. WEEKLY COLLECTION: Please Note: The total collection for the weekends of July 3rd and 10th and the winner of the 50/50 raffle will be available in the July 17th bulletin. Thank you for your understanding. The second collection for next weekend, July 17 will be for our Liturgical Ministry. Thank you for your continued support.
The Church of The Ascension and The Divine Mercy
Ministry, invites the Christian Community in general, to an Ecumenical Walk, Praying for Peace. Saturday, September 10th, 2016 at 10am "To walk according to the spirit" For more information call Rev. Pastor Daniel Kearney 212-222-0666 Belkys Ravelo-Paulino 646-234-4904 St. Francis of Assisi—Immigration Assistance The Immigration Information Service of The Migrant Center at the Church of St. Francis of Assisi provides legal assistance. For more information, contact Fr. Julian Jagudilla, O.F.M. at 212-736-8500, Ext. 377.
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NEW 5” Devotional Candle
Food Pantry The Food Pantry provides nutritious shelf stable groceries to those in need each Monday from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The program serves an average of 100 households per week! The Pantry is on located on West 96th Street in the lower level of Holy Name of Jesus Church. Please bring your photo ID and proof of address with you each time you visit! Volunteers are an important part of our pantry! Looking for individuals to staff the pantry when open, stocking shelves, and cleaning & removing trash. If you are interested in volunteering at the Food Pantry please contact us at: 212-932-8040 ext. 18 or
[email protected]. All donations are appreciated, however we are generally in short supply of: cereal, canned meat or fish, stews and soups, peanut butter, jelly/jam, mac and cheese, canned fruit, rice, pasta, noodles, pasta sauce, dried beans, box dinners, box mixes, paper products, and personal care items. Contact Information 214 West 97th Street, NY, NY 10025 (212) 932-8040
[email protected] www.fccnyc.org To volunteer or donate visit http://www.fccnyc.org/how-you-canhelp.html
5 Day Burn Time Plastic Shell $3.00 each effective August 1 Available in the Parish Office͑
Please Pray for the Sick of our Parish Alba Nidia Holguin Alvaro Lopez
Addie Angelo Angelo Ortiz
Fatino Mercado Bill Gordon
Alex Torres Billy Tracey
Alminda Abreu Bruce Newman
Carlos A. Velez
Kathryn Bennett
Carmen Rivera
Carmen Solis
Cheryl Kock
Concepcion Pavon
Connie Lomangino
Consuelo Restrepo
Consuelo Tobon
Diego Suarez
Edmund Isler
Elva Guzman
Estela Arroyabe
Eva Romano
Francisco Gonzalez
Francisco Marquez
German Suare
Gerry Newman
Geraldo Sanchez
Gina Medina
Giselle George
Gladys Arroyabe
Gloria Gonzalez
Guillermo Henao C
Ileonardo Garcia
James H. Christopher Jr. James Wiggins
John Gerosimo
James Hambelton
Jazmin Allen
Jose Bernardo Garcia
Josefina Suarez
Joseph Hornyak
Joseph Schwartz
Juan Guillermo Velez
Julian Cano
Julie Turner
Guillermo Lopez
Lillian Jimenez
Lourdes Santiago
Lucy Velez
Margarita Rocha
Margaret Mosunic
Maria de Guzman
Maria Gonzalez
Marilyn Brenes
Maribel Gonzalez
Mary Greez
Mary McLaughlin
Maureen Wolfe
Michael Bigler
Michelle Martell
Moises Santana
Nadine Ramos
Nancy Yepes
Nat Davis
Paolo Monzoli
Patricia Mah
Paulo Pajares
Raquel Ramirez
Rosa Hernandez
Rosaura Jara
Rosemary Fuentes
Sabina Fonseca
Sally Dragonetti
Sean Anderson
Sean Cowan
Sonia Santiago
Sr. Margaret Carney
Victoria Traba
Victoria Angelo
Capers Wright
Yolanda Zarate
Carmen Thomas
Janet Russo
Juan Jose Muñoz
Edith Bautista
Michelle Guerin
Rosario Ortiz
Chris Johnson
Joanne Naccarato
Phil Dallman
Edith Diaz
Let us also pray for all victims of war, terrorism, natural disasters, the unemployed, for those who serve and have served in the military and for all those who have lost their way.
ͳͲ ʹͲͳ Bautismos: Si desean programar un bautismo, por favor visiten la oficina parroquial o llamen al 212-749-0276. Todos los meses hay bautismos, en francés el primer domingo, en inglés el segundo domingo y en español el tercer domingo. No Habra bautismos en el mes de Julio. Inscripciones para Educación Religiosa 2016-2017: Para mas información, favor llame a Verónica Soto, Coordinadora de Formación de Fe, (212-749- 0276, x116) y deje su nombre y dirección si desea que una aplicación le sea enviada. Los formularios de inscripción están también disponibles en la oficina de la parroquia. El Programa de Educación Religiosa está abierto a niños de jardín y hasta octavo grado que están en escuelas públicas, privadas o independientes. ¡Todos son bienvenidos.
VELAS PARA LA CASA 5” Vela devocional 5 días de duración Envase de plastic $3.00 cada una efectivo el 1 de agosto Las encontrará en la oficina de la parroquia La parroquia de la Ascensión y el ministerio de la Divina Misericordia invita a la comunidad Cristiana a una “Caminata Ecuménica” para orar por la paz. Sábado 10 de septiembre 2016 a las 10 am ‘Caminar según el Espíritu” Para más información llamar : Rev. Pastor Daniel Kearney 212-222-0666 Belkys Ravelo-Paulino 646-234-4904
Samedi 9 et dimanche 10 juillet 2016 15e dimanche du temps ordinaire
Les formulaires d’inscription sont à votre disposition au Bureau Paroissial. Téléphonez à Veronica Soto: 212-749-0276 ext. 116 pour plus d’informations laissez votre nom et numéro de téléphone si vous voulez qu’on vous envoie des formulaires. Ce Programme est offert aux enfants de Maternelle au 8e gr., écoles publiques, privées ou Indépendantes. NOTEZ Documents à porter pour l’inscription: Bulletin de Naissance, Certificat de Baptême, et de 1ere Communion. Vous êtes tous les bienvenus ! ADORATION EUCHARISTIQUE: Pendant l’Eté il n’y aura pas d’Adoration Eucharistique. Ce rituel reprendra le 7 octobre.
CHANDELLES DE DEVOTION POUR LA MAISON Quelle meilleure facon d’honorer vos chers disparus ! Longueur 5 inches Durée de la flamme : 5 jours Emballage plastique Coût : $3.00 En vente à partir du 1er aout au Bureau Paroissial
Le Ministère de l’Eglise Church of the Ascension and the Divine Mercy invite toute la Communauté Chrétienne à une Marche Ĕcuménique, symbolisant une Prière pour la Paix. Date : Samedi 10 septembre 2016 à 10h. Thème : « To Walk According to the Spirit » Pour avoir d’autres informations téléphonez au: 212-222-0666 Rev. Pastor Daniel Kearney 6 46-234-4904 Belkys Ravelo-Paulino
Ministros de la Liturgia: Para cada una de nuestras misas tenemos un equipo responsable para servir durante la liturgia. El equipo se compone de los Ministros de la Eucaristía, Lectores, Ministros de la Hospitalidad. Ujieres y Monaguillos. Estos ministerios están abiertos a todos y da la oportunidad de compartir nuestro tiempo y talentos con la comunidad. Se ofrece entrenamiento para estos servicios. Si necesita mas información, favor de llamar a la oficina de la parroquia al 212-749 -0276 ext. 114.
Paix, Justice et Honneteté de la Création : Ce comité offre des programmes éducatifs et des opportunités aux membres de la paroisse. Le comité travaille en étroite collaboration avec les églises du quartier et les Franciscains Provinciaux de Holy Name dans le but d’étudier toutes les questions concernant la paix, la justice sociale, et l’environnement. Pour participer à cette tâche importante ou pour recevoir des informations complémentaires, contactez Jackie au 212-749-0276 ext. 112
Colecta Semanal: Nota Importante: El total del fin de semana del 3 y 10 de julio y el ganador de la rifa 50/50 estará disponible en el boletín del 17 de julio. Gracias por su comprensión. La segunda colecta de Julio 17 será para el ministerio de liturgia Una vez más gracias por su apoyo.
QUETES DE LA SEMAINE : Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants pour vos récentes donations. Le Montant total des quêtes des semaines du 3 et 10 juillet sera publié dans le bulletin paroissial du 17 juillet. Nous vous remercions pour votre attention et votre compréhension. Deuxième quête dimanche 17 juillet sera pour notre Ministère de la Liturgie. Merci d’avance pour votre générosité.
Las lecturas de la semana del 10 de julio de 2016 Domingo: Dt 30, 10-14/Sal 69, 14. 17. 30-31. 33-34. 36-37 o Sal 19, 8-11/Col 1, 15-20/Lc 10, 25-37 Lunes: Is 1, 10-17/Sal 50, 8-9. 16-17. 21. 23/Mt 10, 34-11, 1 Martes: Is 7, 1-9/Sal 48, 2-8/Mt 11, 20-24 Miércoles: Is 10, 5-7. 13-16/Sal 94, 5-10. 14-15/Mt 11, 25-27 Jueves: Is 26, 7-9. 12. 16-19/Sal 102, 13-21/Mt 11, 28-30 Viernes: Is 38, 1-6. 21-22. 7-8/Is 38, 10-12. 16/Mt 12, 1-8 Sábado: Miq 2, 1-5/Sal 10, 1-4. 7-8. 14/Mt 12, 14-21
Dimanche : Dt(30,10-14)/Ps 18(19)/Col (1,15-20)/ Lc(10,25-37) Lundi : Is (1,11-17)/Ps 49(50)/Mt(10,34-11,1) Mardi : Is (7,1-9)/Ps 47(48)/Mt(11,20-24) Mercredi: Is(10,5-7.13-16)/Ps 93(94)/Mat(11,25-27) Jeudi : Is (26,7-9.12.16-19)/Ps 101(102)/Mat(11,28-30) Vendredi : Is (38,1-8)/Is (38)/Mat (12, 1-8) Samedi: Mi (2, 1-5)/Ps 9B(10)/Mat (12, 14-21)