Maggie has a Magical Talking Teddy Flipbook PDF

Maggie discovers her much loved Teddy Bear also named Teddy is magical and he can talk.

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Story Transcript

3-4 Years By N T Reynolds Maggie's Magical Talking Teddy He's Magic

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Maggie.

Maggie had a cuddly bear named Teddy, who she loved very much.

One night Maggie heard a faint voice coming from her teddy.

Maggie was very surprised as she realised Teddy was talking to her.

"Ahh!!" , Maggie gasped "my Teddy is talking to me. "

Maggie was amazed. She didn't know teddy bears could talk. ”

Maggie asked her bear, "How are you able to speak Teddy,?"

Teddy told Maggie “I’m a Magical Talking Teddy”

"Hi Maggie, " she heard Teddy say. "I love being your favourite toy. "

Teddy then told Maggie "And I love going on trips with you. "

From that night, Teddy and Maggie would talk when cuddling. "You are my best Friend. " Teddy told Maggie

From that night, Teddy and Maggie would talk when cuddling.

Maggie told Teddy "I am going to take my Magical Talking Teddy on all my trips, especially my favourite trip to the Zoo" .

Teddy smiled and said "Oh thank you Maggie. We are going to have so much fun!"

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