Story Transcript
University • ~f Puel'to Rico
Table of Contents Tntl'odndi()Jl
lh 'SlIltS
Yil·lds Ll'af Allalys('1;
Visual Deficiellcy SYllIplO)IlS AslJiltg Sllllllllaceo growu in PIWl'to Bien is for cigar fiIle>]'. ·Wrapper tobacco is l)onnally imporh~d from Cuha nut! Conl1UetiCIlt. TIlt' dgars are pl'odUtKKI by hand lahor with the uxccl1tion of one largo factory at Caguns whel"o mltchilll'-I1uuh, cigars an' pl'ollnccd. ]ll gene>mI, tohauco soils am hadly eroded amI their natmnl productivity is vcry low. F(>rtilizudcal aualyses will SCl'W as a p;l1idLl to the extonsion agent and oth('!' farm eonsllltants on the nutritional statns of the crop and possihle methods n0('rto llicn fo!' cigar fillel'. Except for minor lktuils, the pl'Ocetllll'c followocl was the same as that Ilsed previously 1 Assot'iute Plaut l'liysiologiHt and AMrollOlllisl, l'l~Sl)('diwly, Agl'lCuhnrlll ExpC.·rilllt'llt Stati(lll, UuiVl'rsHy of l'lWl'tn Hit;o, Hit) l'kdrm;, P. n.
II ector Gibes and George Samuels
for coffee. This was fully described in another Technical Paper 14 (1)2 to which the reader is referred. However, to aid the reader in following the discussion of the results obtained, the compositions of the nutrient solutions used for the differential treaiulCnts are given in tahle 1. The leaf material taken for ehemical analyses was selected from each treatment, air-dried, and ashed in a crucible using a bunsen burner. The material was stirred \vhile ashing to insure complete combustion. The resultant ash was evaluated for color and graded for comparison with other treatments.
The effects of tIw various defic:il'ncy treatments 011 yidds are gi\'pn in tables 2 and 3. The complete solution produced the greatest yields of both leaves amI roots (table 2). All otht'r treatments gave yif'lds much below that of the complete solution. For production of leaf tobacco the highest yields, aside from that of the complete solution, were those of the minus-iron and minus-munganese treatments, and even these were almost half the yields frol11 the complf'te treatment. Lowest yields were found in the minus-nitrogen treatment (table 2) where reuuction in leaf tobacco was 98 percent and in root growth 96 perCl'ut as compared to the complete treatment (table 3). The omission of phosphorus and potassium was also very detrinwntal to yields giving about equal 1'pduction in yield for green tobacco (tahle .2). Although for dry tobacco, the yield reduction in the absence of phosphorus was 88 percent as compared to 77 for potassium (table 3). The omission of potassium caused the lowest moisture contellt of green leaves (table 2). Among the secondary and minor elements omitted from the solution, absence of sulfur gave the lowest yields of leaf tobacco (table 2). Omission of calcium and sulfur cansed the poorest root growth as com· pared to the complete treatment (table 2 and 3). The absence of calcium, magnesium, and boron reduced yields of green leaf tobacco about the Same. YVhcrcas, for dry leaf tobacco minus-calcium, -manganese, and -boron were about equal. The absence of iron and manganese had the least influence on yield of green leaf tobacco; however, even here yield reductions were 46 and 49 percent, respectively (table 3). Yields of dry leaf tobacco were least influenced by minus-iron which caused a 44-percent reduction in yield. :!Italie numbers in parentheses refer to Literature Cited, p. 22.
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H ector Gibes and George Samflels
Table 2.-EfEects of Various Mineral. Deficiencies on the Fresh anci DIY Weights of Tobacco Plants in the Greenhouse
Average weight per plant forTreabllcnt
- - - -Leav:---'-r---'~--~oots
1-----1--- --I I Dry
i ~"~----G:J-~;--I--~:~~ -1 Pc:::"-
'"m" N
1 -
Minus P ,4:3 :>.linus K S.5 lIfinus ell 9(} Minus S 73 ~1inus Mg III Minus Fe 158 Minus Mn It)/} Minus B 107 Completc_'_ _ _ _ _ _ _293
10 11 7 18 24 14 13 43
28 19 4-4 (W
/34 31 134
2.60, :3.(iO cWO 11_00 4.00 4.00 19.00
87.8 90.4 83.8 84.8 90.7 87.8 85.8
Table S.-Percentage Decrease in Growth of Tobaco Plonts Produced by Various Mineral Deficiencies ---
MinuS Minus Minus Minus Minus Minus Minus Minus Minus
N P K Cn
S Mg Fe Mn B
98 85
98 88
97 87 95
80 91
81 69 75 62 46
49 63 0
77 74 84
56 44
67 70
55 75 77
68 42 I
79 79 0
MiJJcrlll-Dcficilmcy Sym)ltol)]s Displayed by Tobacco
Aside from the low moisture content caused by an absence of potassium, the lack of sulfur or manganese gave leaf tohacco with higher moisture contents than the complete treatment (table 2). The ranking of the adverse effect of the omission of each mineralnutrient element on yield of tobacco as grown in the greenhouse, expressed in descending order, is as follows: Influence of unlissioll of ellch rninel'lll e/cmc!lt in tJ]'(l~1' of decreasing rank
> I' > K > S> Cn > B > Mg > Mn > Fe > Complete N > }' > S > K > Cn > B > Mn > Mg > Fe > Complete N > K > P > s > ell> B > Mn > Mg > Fe > Complete N > K > Ca > S > l' > B > :Mn > lvIg > 1"0 > COlnpl('te
Leaves. green weigllt N Leaves, dry weight Roots, green weight Roots, llry weight
In general, growth was materially reduced by the omission of any one of the nutrient elements used in the experiment. For the major clements, the absence of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium almost completely inhibited tobacco production. The secondary and minor elements also reduced yields of tobacco appreciably. Thus it appears that tobacco reqnires ample amounts of all growth.nutrient elements for good growth, and reacts rapidly by depressed grovith to the absence or low availability of a nutrient element. LEAF ANALYSES
The results of the analyses of the leaf of the tobacco submitted to the various treatments are given in table 4 und 5. Table 4.-Minernl Content of Tobacco Leaves on Mineral Deficiencies
Dry-Weight Basis as Affected by Various _..
l' K - - - _ - - - - - ---,_ - - -
0.85 SJJS 4.41 2.62 3.27 1.79 2.34 4.58 S.48 3.09
0.90 .07 1.0,5 .94 1.01 1.12 .98 1.0(} .70 .86
2.68 4.45 .28 5,48 4.50 4.64 3.72 6.62 4.70 3.86
" "
= Mn
Percent Percent Percent Percent Percrmt Perccnt Minus N Minus P Minus K Minns ell Minus S Minus Mg Minus Fe Minus Mn Minu/; B Complete
2.25 2.66 S,46 .29 S.26 2.60 2.68 2.83 1.96 1.23
0.09 .25 ,39 .31
.16 .18 .•51 .•52 .29 .S9
0.73 1.21 2.32 1.54 1,46
78 181 148 256 347
84 141 61 89
51 47 37 35
54 139 6 110 55
40 34 41 14
1.59 .89 1.69 .78
76 14.5
91 122
Hector Gibes and George Samuels
Table 5.-Relative Percentage Decrease or Increase in Tobacco Leaf-Mineral-Nutrient Content with VariOllS Deficiency Treatments Relative decrease or increase in leaf-
Minus-;---- 28
Minus P Minus K Minus ea Minus S Minus Mg; Minus Fe Minus Mn Minus B Complete
--;;~I~l- ~ -1-1~g- -;:~
l2.7 8 143 122 8.5 109 106 118 58 130 7 6 ] 14 148 116 113 81 100 100
115 7 142 116 120 94 173 122 100
216 64 155 148 258 281 100 298 121 111 2·1 79 198 210 162 265 41 187 284 III 212 46 80 98 218 131 202 62 252 230 133 114 119 11 158 74 217 75 200 100 ._~I~ ~~
The minus-nitrogen treatment produced the lowest content of leaf nitrogen, whereas the minus-manganese and -potassium treatments gave the highest leaf-nitrogen values (table 4). The leaf nitrogen decreased to 28 percent of the complete treatment when nitrogen was omitted and increased 43 and 48 percent, respectively, when potassium and manganese were omitted (table 5). The omission of nitrogen from the nutrient solution raised leafcalcium, -manganese, and ·boron values above that of the complete tr.eatmcnt but materially lowered leaf potassium, sulfur, and iron. It appears that the lack of nitrogen caused severe unbalanced conditions in the leaf, resulting in accumulation of some nutrient elements and blocking-out of others. Phosphorus
Leaf phosphorus was lowest of all when phosphorus was omitted (table 4). The reuuction was so great that the leaf-phosphorus value was less than one-twelfth that obtained with the complete solution (table 5). The omission of phosphorus raised calcium, manganese, and boron values in the leaf Over twice that of normal (table 5). Leaf nitrogen and magnesium were not appreCiably increased by the omission of phosphates. Leaf sulfur was markedly decreased by the absence of phosphorus (table 5).
" 222204 161 152 161 174 148 178 62 100
Mineral-Deficiency Symptoms Displayed by Tobacco
Leaf potassium was lowest for the minus-potassium treatment, about one-fourteenth that under the complete treatment. Tho highest leaf-potassium values were found under the minus-manganese treatment. The absence of potassium caused high accumulations of leaf calcium and magnesium (table 3 and 4). As with nitrogen and phosphorus, the omission of potassium caused severe unbalanced conditions in the plant, especially in regard to accumulations of calcium ap.d magnesium. Calcium The lowest values for leaf calcium were found under the minuscalcium treatments. However, all other treatments showed high leafcalcium values as compared with the complete solution (table 3). In the majority of the treatments leaf-calcium values were double that for the complete solution (table 4). It seems that for the tobacco plant grown under the conditions of this experiment, disturbances in yields and nutrient balance produced by the omission of a nutrient element were accompanied by an accumulation of calcium.
SUlftl1' The lowest leaf-sulfur values were found in the minus-nitrogen treatment with minus-sulfur second lowest (table 3). Aside from calcium, iron values were very high where sulfur was omitted from thc nutrient solution. Magnesium Because of a l111ssmg sample, leaf-magnesium values were not available for the minus-magnesium treatment. The lowest leaf-magnesium values were for nitrogen and the complete treatment. All other leaf-magnesium values were above that produced by the complete treatment with such treatments as minus-potassium, minus-calcium, minus-iron, and minus-boron producing values double that for the complete solution (table 5).
Iron The minus-iron and minus-nitrogen treatments displayed the lowest. leaf-iron values (table 4). The highest values for leaf han were found in the minus-sulfur and minus-calcium treatments. The absence of iron caused a low leaf-nitrogen value, and accnmulations of calcium, magnesium, and manganese in the leaf (table 5). Manganese Leaf manganese was by far the lowest for the minus-manganese treatment (table 4). The minus-iron and minus"phosphorus treatments had the highest manganese values.
Hectol' Cilles and Geol'ge Samllels
I.-A, Hcalth~' tobacco leaf from a plant grown in a c0l1111lctc nutrient solution. B, Nitrogen-deficient tobacco leaf showing yellow color caused bv absence of nitrogen. C, Tobacco leaf showing leaf spot eauscd by phosphoflls deficiency. D, Tohaceo leaf with potas,iui11 deficiency showing Illottling and chlorosis WIth vcins g)·ccn. E, Tobacco leavcs ~ho\\'ing the abnormal elongated growth and IIlarginal cr.lcking cal1~ed hy a ('[llciull1 clefidt.ncy.
iU illcral-]]cfici('/1cy Symptoms Displayecl by Tobacco
FIG. 2.-A, Tohlleco lcaf showillg the pale y('llowish-grL'en eolm of sulfur rlcfkiene), ",hidl closely rescmbles that prodnced 1,y llItrogcn tlcficicncy. 13, Tobacco leaf grown under magncsium tlcfidcncy, showing the yellowish-green color between the veins, leaving the veins a (lark green. C, Tohacco showing thc lighter grcen color with the veins forming a ndwork of dark green, eharadcristie of iron deficiency. D, Tohacco I"af &howing charadetistic ehecke)"('(l appearance of manganese df'fidcncy, the presence of dc'ad liSSlle he tween the vcins of the l(mf. E, Tobacco plant showing loss of growing tip and cnp-shaped lcaves caused by boron deficiency.
Hector Gibes and George Samuels Boron
The absence of boron from the nutrient solution produced the lowest leaf-boron values (table 4). All other leaf-boron values were higher than that for the complete treatment, with the minus-nitrogen and minus-phosphorus treatments producing high boron accumulation in the leaf. The omission of boron from the solution caused high accumulations of magnesium and manganese in the tobacco leaf (table 5). VISUAL DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS
The deficiency descriptions refer to symptoms herein for tobacco plants developed under experimental greenhouse conditions. It is to be expected, therefore, that differences in intensity of the symptoms will be found under field conditions. The pattern of deficiency develo11ed, however, will be the same, and thus the descriptions given should serve as a useful guide in identifying nutrient deficiencies in tobacco. For comparison, the tobacco leaf grown under balanced or complete nutrition is shown in figure 1, A. Nitrogen
Deficiency of nitrogen produced the first deficiency symptom to appear on the plants. Nitrogen deficiency became apparent as a decrease in the normal green color of the tobacco plant. At the same time, growth slowed down or stopped. The first changes in the greenness of the plant occurred in the lower leaves which turned a lemon yellow (fig. 1, B). This yellowing was followed by a drying up, or firing of the yellowed leaves. The remaining leaves on the plant tended to assume an erect position, forming an acute angle with the stalk. The bud leaves tended to remain green. Apparently their needs were met by a transfer of nitrogen from the older leaves. Leaf size was reduced and growth was very poor. Phosphorus
The most outstanding symptom obtained fot phosphorus deficiency was a leaf spot as shown in figure 1, C. These irregular spots occurred over the entire area of the older leaves. This leaf spotting has, at times, been confused with a fungus disease on tobacco, Cereospora leaf spot, which gives a somewhat similar spotted appearance to the leaf. Mc1Iurtrey (2) stated that these spots did not occur consistently 011 phosphorus-deficient plants either in the field or in solution cllltures. However, the authors have seen this spotting many times in Puerto Rican tobacco fields which differed in available phosphorus. Leaf size was reduced and growth was very poor.
Mineral-Deficiency Sympt0711s Vcisplayecl by Tobacco
The lower leaves of the tobacco plant were first affected by a potassium deficiency. The leaf showed a mottling or chlorosis, at the tip and margin, leaving the veins green (fig. 1, D). Later the area of dead tissue enlarged and ran together so that most of the leaf tissue between the veins became withered and brown in color. The deficiency symptoms appeared on the plant second only to those caused by lack of nitrogen and iron. The growth of the plant was drastically reduced. Calcium
The young leaves of the tobacco plant were the first to show calcium deficiency. Leaf growth was abnormal, the leaves becoming scalloped with irregular edges (fig. 1, E). The tips of the leaves making up the terminal bud developed a peculiar hooking downward or cupping. The terminal leaves then dried. The rest of the plant showed poor growth. ' Sulfur
Leaves deficient in sulfur had a yellowish-green color very similar to those of plants grown uncleI' nitrogen deficiency (fig. 2, A). However, the plants did not lose their lower leaves by firing, as they did under nitrogen defiCiency. Sulfur deficiencies were noted developing at a much later stage than nitrogen. l!fagnesiurn
Magnesium deficiencies did not appeal' until very late in the defiCiency study. First the lowermost leaves of the plant lost their normal color. The leaf area turned yellowish-green between the veins, . leaving the veins darker green (fig. 2, B). This yellowing began at the leaf tip and margin and proceeded toward the base and center of the leaf. Iron
Iron deficiency occurred at a very early stage in the life of the plant, being second only to that of nitrogen in this respect. The defiCiency occurred in the younger leaves. The leaf was lighter yellow in color with the veins formin g a network of dark green (fig. 2, C). Leaf growth and size were somewhat reduced.
Manganese Manganese-deficiency symptoms were quite distinct. The younger leaves lost color between the veins. However, this was not similar to iron chlorosis. The loss of color from lack of manganese followed out
I-I ector Cibes
George SlIlIluels
the miuutest branches of the veins in the surrounding tissue, gl\'lllg the leaf a dll'ckerecl appearance because of the contrast between the green veins and the tissue that had lost color (fig. 2, D). The loss of color was followed by the development of dead tissue which dropped out, giving the leaf a raggecl appearance. The spotting was lIot confined to the tips and margins, as in potassium deficiency, but involved parts scattercd over the entire leaf. Boron
Deficiency of boron was indicated first by a drying hack of the top or growing point of the plant. Tlw death of the terminal bud automatically topped the plant cansiIlg the leaves to thicken and increase in m·(>a. The upper kaves tpnded tn roll in a half-circle downwanl1:rom the tip tnw;lrcls the hase (fig. 2, E). ASlIlKG
Tohacco is ~l cmp ill ",hidl ll'Jality is of utmost importance. criteria are used for the measurement of the q1lality IlE tobacco. Unfortunately. tlw ql1alltity of tobacco produced in the defideney studies was not suffic.:il'Ilt to ,dlo\\' tests for sl1ch important items as nicotine content. pH, and rate of hurning. However, the color of the ash was determined as a possihle guide as to the influcncc of nutrient lldicicncies thereon. (See fig. 3). The ash colors have been arranged in three classes, class I being Ileal' est to a white ash and class III to a hlack. ~'{any
The omission of llitrogcn, sl1lfl1r, amI potassium from the nutrient solution produced the ash near pst to white in color. The absence of nitrogf'n hom the nutricnt solutioll gave the whitest ash of all treatments iIldlllling that of the complete. :\Iinus-slJlflll' was slightly darker tItan minus-nitrogen, and minus-potassium was the darkest of the tbree. All three treatments in (·lass I had a 111llC.'h whiter ash, light to medium-gray in e010r, than did those in class II. Class H eomprised five trcatments, dark-grey in color, and intermediate in range between