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Story Transcript


02 ■ INTRODUCTION People often say that time flies. Nothing could be further from the truth! Already, we can almost close 2022. In a few days, that holy man from Spain with his servants will come to rejoice the children who have been good, with toys. And the Christmas tree can be decorated again. Perhaps there will also be another surprise for your four-legged friend under the tree who still has to control himself until Christmas to open it. In this last edition of this year, we report among other things on our first Saint Bernard Friends’ Day with a tasty bbq and a pleasant walk. Beyond relaxation and fun, steps were also taken in the interest of the health of future puppies to be born in Flanders. BSBV participated in the consultation with the cabinet of the competent minister. We would like to inform you about what is already on the table. This year too, our show team was allowed to be the stars of the day at the Saint Hubert celebration in Londerzeel. The public turnout was fantastic and our dogs received full attention and admiration. What is there inside and outside that we need to pay attention to so that our dogs don’t get sick when they nibble at it? We give you an overview and explain how clever the dog’s nose is built. From now on, you can find Yvonne Bijlsma’s column in the newsletter. Yvonne will share her experiences and wise advice with us. The last walk for this year will take place on December 4th in the Lommel Sahara. We will report on this Christmas walk in the next newsletter. We wish you a happy end-of-year and lots of reading pleasure. TABLE OF CONTENTS BSBV NEWS | Introduction 04 SAINT-BERNARD FRIENDS DAY Retrospective 06 DRAFT BREEDING REGULATIONS Breeding in Flanders 09 RENEWAL MEMBERSHIP Reminder 10 WHY SNIFFING IS SO IMPORTANT Column Yvonne Bijlsma 12 SAINT HUBERT CELEBRATION (Londerzeel) Retrospective 14 SLITS AT THE SIDES OF A DOG’S NOSE Why dogs have them 15 POISONOUS PLANTS TO DOGS Which plants should you watch out for? Visit our website WWW.BSBV.BE There you will find all information about future activities that we organise as well as information about the Saint Bernard.

■ 03 Bit of the President “ Although we didn’t do a show this year, we will be bouncing back in 2023 with an even better organised CAC show. BIT OF THE PRESIDENT Well as we come to the end of 2022 we are doing our last walk of the year! We have moved from a covid crisis on to an economic and fuel crisis in the world and on the verge of covid coming back again. I feel as a organisation we have moved forward from strength to strength. Our walks have been well thought out and supported by members from Belgium, France & Holland. All enjoying the days walks and social activities. So in September we did a grooming demonstration day along with a walk organised by Mario and Jessy which everyone enjoyed along with the alpine Horns. Unfortunately Linda and I couldn’t make this or the return event from the alpine horns with the blessing of the dogs and other animals along with the birds of prey. I must say all got on very well with each other. The pictures looked great and a must for us to try and get to next year. I am sure Mario will post the date as soon as he has it. I am getting surprised that the amount of call from different countries close by about breeders using known dogs and bitches with bad hereditary problems causing the off spring to be suffering so early on with heart, epilepsy and eye problems. Surly the breeders can see the heartache they are causing. Above the financial gain, we can see the clear gene pool is getting smaller. People must do there homework and ask for help to stop buying these puppies even from the big organisation further afield who are falling into the same bad breeding trap. Although we didn’t do a show this year through the powers that be in Belgium being influenced by others, we will be bouncing back in 2023 with an even better organised CAC show with loads of awards and prizes so be prepared to mark the dates in your calendars for next year and come and support our great breed and club events in 2023. I look forward to seeing you at these events. ■ Chris Pack | President

04 ■ BSBV NEWS | Retrospective Saint-Bernard Friends Day Retrospective SAINT-BERNARD FRIENDS DAY On Sunday 18 September 2022, we organised a whole day for you and your dogs. A programme filled with something for everyone. We kicked off at 10am and neighbours were played out of their beds to the music of alpine horns. This was followed by an educational workshop on the coat care of the Saint Bernard. The differences between the coat varieties were explained by Jessy who is a professional dog groomer. The big guns of strong nail clippers were brought out to demonstrate what to look out for when cutting nails. By noon, the BBQ was lit and members could enjoy a sumptuous buffet of vegetables, two cuts of meat with delicious hot sauces, a drink and an ice cream for dessert at a democratic price of 15 euros. The absent were wrong, mmmmm.... how delicious it was!!! To add some excitement to the afternoon walk, the sky turned dark grey to just barely black. But fortunately, it remained dry. The walk went through the slow roads of Opstal with a stop where we could sample a world-renowned local beer and get a taste of dried ham. Those who preferred not to walk could visit the old mill with a sympathetic guide. On the walkers’ return, the social gathering continued for a while. For those who could not be there this year, we have good advice: do not miss the next edition. “ A whole day for you and your dogs. A programme filled with something for everyone.

■ 05

06 ■ DRAFT BREEDING REGULATIONS OF DOGS AND CATS IN FLANDERS On 20 June 2022, BSBV and numerous other breed associations took part in consultations with the cabinet of Flemish minister Ben Weyts, who is responsible for animal welfare. The minister is working on a comprehensive breeding programme for all cats and dogs in Flanders. The intention is that puppies and kittens will eventually be born without hereditary conditions that cause welfare and health problems. The draft version of the forthcoming regulations was presented at the consultation. THE OBJECTIVE OF THE FLEMISH GOVERNMENT DECREE (BVR): To regulate the issuance of pedigrees for dogs and cats so that they meet a certain quality label. (Pedigree = GUARANTEE that the puppy or kitten has been bred in accordance with the breeding programme of the recognised studbook.) Reducing hereditary diseases within the various dog and cat breeds. Increasing the genetic diversity of dog and cat breeds. Regulating exhibitions and competitions in the context of animal welfare and health of dogs and cats and preventing hypertypes.

■ 07 SOME BROAD OUTLINES FROM THIS DRAFT LAW: » Developing a central database of pedigree data and test results to prevent hereditary defects, which will result in breeding recommendations. » Only associations recognised as pedigree associations in accordance with the BVR will be allowed to: – Issue pedigrees for dogs or cats born in the Flemish region – Organise exhibitions or judgements for dogs or cats in the Flemish Region – Organise competitions for dogs in the Flemish Region » Multiple pedigree associations in Flanders will be possible and they will all feed the central database and register and exchange pedigree under their own management. » The registration of dogs or cats or their offspring registered with another recognised pedigree association may not be refused. » The pedigree will include the results of the tests carried out, the inbreeding percentage and an indication of whether the animal was bred in accordance with the pedigree association’s breeding programme. » The studbook associations’ breeding programmes will be approved by the competent entity. The minister may impose additional conditions. » Studbook associations will provide training programmes for breeders. » Studbook associations will provide an annual operating report and the results of tests carried out on dogs and cats to the supervisory authority. » Some rights and obligations of breeders highlighted: – It is forbidden to breed with breeding animals that show an inherited disorder that cannot be remedied through judicious mating combinations between breeding animals within the breed population – Breeding by crossing different breeds or varieties is prohibited (cf. doodles and other designer dogs) » Exhibitions, competitions and tests: – There must be no unequal treatment of dogs or cats based on the pedigree association to which their breeder or owner is affiliated or with which the dogs or cats are registered. – The minister may impose additional conditions for organising and judging dogs and cats at exhibitions, competitions and judging to ensure welfare and health during exhibitions, shows and judging. Continue reading on the next page Draft Breeding regulations of dogs and cats in Flanders

08 ■ After the presentation, there was room for a Q&A session. Feedback from all attendees was taken to heart. BSBV, for instance, asked whether, in addition to attention to health, attention was also provided to character. Because behaviour can be hereditary. Another breed association immediately joined us and suggested including character tests on breeding suitability certificates. The government confirmed that this will be addressed. To be perfectly clear, the consultation of 20 June was a draft version that can and will be changed before the start of the legislative political process and during the political approval process, which is expected this autumn. Nevertheless, we want to share this information already so that you can follow closely what is moving behind the scenes and can benefit the Saint Bernard. BSBV NEWS | Draft Breeding regulations of dogs and cats in Flanders Reijnen shopping wishes everyone a fantastic Christmas and a prosperous 2023!

€7 Payment before 31/12/2022

10 ■ COLUMN YVONNE BIJLSMA “WHY SNIFFING IS SO IMPORTANT FOR DOGS ON A WALK” I think we all recognise it. Just a quick walk with your dog before you have to go somewhere or a quick trip outside to let them do their needs on a rainy day. It always seems just as if they are in no hurry at that moment and want to sniff everywhere once more, as a result of which we are inclined to quickly pull them away to go home again. Yet sniffing is very important for the dog because: IT GIVES THE DOG INFORMATION ABOUT A STIMULUS IT GIVES THE DOG A MENTAL CHALLENGE IT REDUCES STRESS 10 ■

■ 11 Sniffing gives your dog information about the environment. Sniffing stimulates the brain, it makes your dog think and reflect on what it smells, and investigate where the smell comes from. Allowing your dog to sniff and especially to sniff out allows him to relax, lowering or at least reducing stress levels. It is therefore important to take time out for a walk. Now, of course, there are some dogs that don’t sniff at all during the walk. From experience, I know that this is actually no fun at all if they are constantly just “glued” to you during the walk, but on the other hand, I also have a young dog who is only busy following all kinds of scents during the walk, which in turn I can intensely enjoy. Also give your dog the space to sniff by using a longer leash. Personally, I find it nicer to use a longer leash of, say, 2 metres during a walk so my dog can go his way and I don’t have to go into the bushes myself. CLUB DEALS

12 ■ BSBV NEWS | Giftige planten voor honden

■ 13 Retrospective Saint Hubert celebration 2022 Retrospective SAINT HUBERT CELEBRATION - LONDERZEEL 09/10/2022 Also for this edition, our BSBV Show Team and their Saint Bernards were allowed to show off as ‘Special Guests’ at the Saint Hubert celebration in Londerzeel on a sun-drenched Sunday. At Heldenplein, the horses, donkeys and carriages left for a tour through the community. During the Eucharist, which was graced by the hunting horns in the company of St Bernards and birds of prey, the bread consecration took place. Afterwards, everyone was expected for the animal consecration and bread distribution at the “De Burcht” estate. Preceded by our BSBV delegation, all pets, big and small, even the stuffed animals of the little ones were welcome. Upon their arrival, the horses made another parade around the castle tower under the sound of hunting horns. Then, one by one, our dogs were presented to the public in the arena. The crowd hung on the lips of Jessy who told a funny anecdote about each dog. Your smiling faces and the dogs enjoying themselves made the audience enjoy the performance. Big congratulations to the owners and dogs of the show team. You guys were great! Next year, 2nd Sunday of October, we will give it our all again!! “ Your smiling faces and the dogs enjoying themselves made the audience enjoy the performance.

14 ■ EVER NOTICED THOSE SLITS AT THE SIDES OF A DOG’S NOSE? Why do dogs have them? Once again, nature proves her elegance in the design of our dogs. When we humans inhale and exhale, air comes in the same way it goes out. Any smells that come in through our mouths are forced out as we exhale. When a dog exhales through his nose, however, the exhaled air is released through those slits and off to the side so that nice, smelly air going into the dog’s nostrils doesn’t get diluted with the outgoing air. Put another way, the slits allow the dog to avoid smelling what he just exhaled. The slits help the dog hold scent particles in the nostrils even as exhaled air passing out the slits creates a swirling air turbulence allowing interesting odors to be inhaled directly into the centre of each nostril. Since dogs breathe faster when trying to sniff a certain smell, they widen their nostrils to pull in more air which makes it possible for a dog searching for smells to have a steady stream of air coming in for up to 40 seconds, maybe even longer. The slits also allow dogs to wiggle each nostril independently which gives them the ability to know which nostril a smell entered. This is how a dog can pinpoint where a smell is coming from, and why a dog searching for smells on the ground will weave back and forth as he follows a trail. “ Once again, nature proves her elegance in the design of our dogs.

■ 15 POISONOUS PLANTS TO DOGS Plants are beautiful, but be careful what your dog bites into: there are plenty of plants in Belgium that are toxic to your dog. In fact, there are still quite a few plants that are really quite toxic for dogs. The plants below require quick action: Aloa vera Dieffenbachia Crassula Ovata “Jade” Pothos “Devil’s Ivy” Baby’s breath Philodendron Ivy Japanese Sago palm ZZ plant Caladium Lilies - All varieties Dracaena “Elephant Ear” Poisonous plants to dogs

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