Oroville Union High School District Foreign Language Curriculum

Oroville Union High School District Foreign Language Curriculum Foreign Language - AP Spanish Literature AP Spanish Literature COURSE TITLE: Advanced

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Oroville Union High School District Foreign Language Curriculum Foreign Language - AP Spanish Literature AP Spanish Literature COURSE TITLE: Advanced Placement Spanish Literature LENGTH OF COURSE:

One Year

TYPE OF CREDIT: Foreign Language (10 credits, weighted grade) GRADE LEVEL:


PREREQUISITES: A Grade of "C" or better in AP Spanish Language or teacher recommendation. TEXTBOOK: Reflextiones de la Literatura Hispanica, Rodriguez, Pearson (2013), ISBN: 9780132793124 Abriendo Paso – Yemas y lecturas, Nadel and Diaz, Pearson (2014), ISBN: 9780133294507 Abriendo Paso - Gramatica, Nadel and Diaz, Pearson (2014), ISBN: 978013328136

SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: Conversacion y Controversia. Tópicos de Hoy y de Siempre, Prentice Hall, 1996. Estrategias, Lecturas, Actividades y Composiciones, McGraw-Hill, 1994 Taller de escritura. Cuaderno de actividades, Madrid: Editorial Edinumen, 1997. The Best Test Preparation for the Advanced Placement Examination in Spanish Language, Research & Education Association, 1996. Spanish Composition through Literature Charlemos un poco, Heinle & Heinle, 1995.

Introducción a la literatura Hispano-americana: de la conquista al siglo XX, Gladys Varona-Lacey, National Text Book Company, 1997. How to Prepare for the AP Examination: Spanish, Barron's Educational Series. SUPPLEMENTAL READING LIST: Historietas Nacionales, Luis Borges Ficciones, Luis Borges Antologia Poelica, Luis Borges Teatro Completo , Miguel de Cervantes Don Quijote de la Mancha I and II, John Jay Allen Doce Cuentos Peveqriuos, Garbriel Marquez Introduction to Spanish Poetry, Eugenio Florit El dicario de Cristobal Colon, Mareel Andrade Antologia Del Cuento Espanol HispanoAmericano y Puertorriqueno Siglo XX, Juan Escalera Ortiz Aventuras Literarias REQUIRED READING LIST: MEDIEVAL AND GOLDEN AGE LITERATURE: Anónimo, "Romance de la pérdida de Alhama" ("Ay de mi Alhama") Anónimo, "Romance del Conde Arnaldos" (Versión de 26 versos) Anónimo, Lazarillo de Tormes: Tratados 1, 2, 3, 7 Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, El ingenioso hidalgo, don Quujote de la Mancha: Primera parte, Capítulos 1, 11, 111, IV, V y VIII Cruz, Sor Juana Inés de la, 'En perseguirme, Mundo, ¿qué interesas?" (Quéjase de la suerte: insinúa su aversión a los vicios, y justifica su divertimiento a las Musas) "Hombres necios que acusáis" (Sátira filosófica: Arguye de inconsecuencia el gusto y la censura de los hombres que en las mujeres acusan lo que causan) Góngora y Argote, Luis de, Soneto CLXVI ("Mientras por competir con tu cabello") Juan Manuel, Infante de Castilla, Conde Lucanor. Exemplo XXXV.' ("Lo que sucedió a un mozo que casó con una mujer muy fuerte y muy brava) Núñez Cabeza de Vaca,Álvar, Naufragios. Capítulo XII ("Cómo los indios nos trajeron de comer), Capítulo XX ("De cómo nos huimos"), Capítulo XXI ("De cómo curamos aquí unos dolientes"), Capftulo XXH ("Cómo otro día nos trajeron otros enfermos") Quevedo y Villegas, Francisco de, Un heráclito cristiano: Salmo XVII ("Miré los muros

de la patria mía) Téllez, Gabriel (Tirso de Molina), El burlador de Sevilla y convidado, de piedra Vega, Garcilaso de la, Soneto XXIII ("En tanto que de rosa y de azucena") NINETEENTH CENTURY LITERATURE: Alas, Leopoldo (Clarín), "Adiós, Cordera" Bécquer, Gustavo Adolfo, Rima IV ("No digáis que agotado su tesoro") Rima XI ("Yo soy ardiente, yo soy morena") Rima LIII ("Volverán las oscuras golondrinas") Darío, Rubén (Félix Rubén García Sarmiento), Cantos de vida y esperanza: Otros poemas, VI ("Canción de otoño en primavera") Cantos de vida y esperanza: Otros poemas, XLI ("Lo fatal") Cantos de vida y esperanza, VIII ("A Roosevelt") Espronceda, José de, "Canción del pirata" Heredia, José Maria, "En una tempestad" Larra, Mariano José de, "Vuelva Ud. mañana" Marti, José, "Dos patrias" ("Dos patrias tengo yo: Cuba y la noche") Versos sencillos, I ("Yo soy un hombre sincero") Palma, Ricardo, "El alacrán de Fray Gómez" Pardo Bazán, Emilia, "Las medias rojas" TWENTIETH CENTURY LITERATURE: Allende, Isabel, "Dos palabras" Borges, Jorge Luis, "El sur" "La muerte y la brújula" Burgos, Julia de, "A Julia de Burgos" Castellanos, Rosario, "Autorretrato" Cortázar, Julio, "Continuidad de los parques" "La noche boca arriba" Fuentes, Carlos, "Chac Mool" García Lorca, Federico, La casa de Bernarda Alba Dos romances del Romancero gitano García Márquez, Gabriel, Tres cuentos, elegidos de la lista siguiente: "Un día de éstos" 'El ahogado mis hermoso del mundo" "La prodigiosa tarde de Baltazar" "Un señor muy viejo con unas alas enormes" "La viuda de Montiel" "La siesta del martes" Guillén, Nicolás, "Balada de los dos abuelos" "Sensemayá"

Machado, Antonio, "He andado muchos caminos" "La primavera besaba" "Caminante, son tus huellas" Martín Gaite, Carmen, "Las ataduras" Neruda, Pablo (Ricardo Neftalí Reyes Basoalto), "Oda a la alcachofa Resideneia en la Tierra 2, 'Walking around" Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada, Poema 15 ("Me gustas cuando callas porque estás como ausente") Quiroga, Horacio, "El hijo" Rulfo, Juan, "No oyes ladrar los perros" Storni, Alfonsina, "Peso ancestral" "Tú me quieres blanca" Ulibarrí Sabine R., "Mi caballo mago" Unamuno y Jugo, Miguel de, San Manuel Bueno, mártir Vodanovic, Sergio, El delantal blanco COURSE DESCRIPTION: The AP Spanish Literature course is intended to be the equivalent of a third-year college Introduction to Latin American or Peninsular Literature course, covering selected works from the literatures of Spain and Spanish America. Students will read and analyze literature orally and in writing. The function of the AP Spanish Literature course is to prepare students to: 1. understand a lecture in Spanish and to participate actively in discussions on litterary topics in Spanish; 2. do a close reading of literary texts of all genres in Spanish; and 3. analyze critically the form and content of literary works (including poetry) orally and in writing using appropriate terminology. The reading list introduces studens to the diverse literature written in Spanish and thus helps them to reflect on the many voices and cultures that make up the Spanish-speaking world. BOARD ADOPTION DATE: NOVEMBER 3, 2004

Interpersonal Communication Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions and exchange opinions.

1. Oral Fluency in Language The learner will be able to express facts, ideas, and feelings in a manner that is intelligible to a native Spanish-speaker.

Strand Interpersonal Communication

Scope Source Master Oroville Union High School District(a)

2. Summarizing a Story The learner will be able to use acquired vocabulary to summarize a story. Strand Interpersonal Communication

Scope Source Master Oroville Union High School District(a)

3. Verb Tense Use The learner will be able to narrate, describe, and explain in the past, present, future, imperfect, conditional, present perfect, pluperfect, future perfect and conditional perfect tenses, using appropriate grammatical structures. Strand Interpersonal Communication

Scope Source Master Oroville Union High School District(a)

4. Question Formulation The learner will be able to formulate questions that clarify meaning and participate in class discussions. Strand Interpersonal Communication

Scope Source Master Oroville Union High School District(a)

Interpretive Communication Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.

1. Literary Genre The learner will be able to read, understand and analyze works representing a variety of genres from the required reading list (i.e., poetry, essays, plays, novels, journals, biographies, short stories, historical fiction, non-fiction, and legend). Strand Interpretive Communication

Scope Source Master Oroville Union High School District(a)

2. Magazine & Newspaper Articles The learner will be able to have an overall comprehension of magazine and newspaper articles. Strand Interpretive Communication

Scope Source Master Oroville Union High School District(a)

3. Radio & Television Programs The learner will be able to understand standard Spanish on radio or television programs. Strand Interpretive Communication

Scope Source Master Oroville Union High School District(a)

4. Speaker Point of View The learner will be able to recognize the purpose and motivation of speakers. Strand Interpretive Communication

Scope Source Master Oroville Union High School District(a)

5. Paraphrasing & Summarizing Ideas The learner will be able to paraphrase and summarize ideas or concepts from a text. Strand Interpretive Communication

Scope Source Master Oroville Union High School District(a)

6. Literary Elements The learner will be able to identify and explain important literary elements in works from the required reading list (i.e., plot, character, theme, setting, tone, rhyme scheme, meter, similes, metaphors, personification, illusion, characterization, compare/contrast, description, quotations, and sensory images). Strand Interpretive Communication

Scope Source Master Oroville Union High School District(a)

Presentational Communication Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.

1. Audiences & Purposes in Writing The learner will be able to write for a variety of audiences and purposes. Strand Presentational Communication

Scope Source Master Oroville Union High School District(a)

2. Writing Modes The learner will be able to write in a variety of modes (i.e., narrative, expository, persuasive, imaginative). Strand Presentational Communication

Scope Source Master Oroville Union High School District(a)

3. Timed Writing The learner will be able to respond efficiently to a prompt in a timed writing. Strand Presentational Communication

Scope Source Master Oroville Union High School District(a)

4. Essay Writing The learner will be able to develop essays in which include a thesis statement, clear organization, logical topic sentences, supporting details, transitions, examples, and a conclusion. The essays must adhere to target language conventions (i.e., capitalization, periods, commas, accents, and spelling). Strand



Presentational Communication

Master Oroville Union High School District(a)

5. Writing as a Process The learner will be able to utilize the writing process (prewriting, drafting, revising, rewriting, and editing). Strand



Presentational Communication

Master Oroville Union High School District(a)

Practices of Culture Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.

1. Communication Cues The learner will be able to identify cues that affect meaning in communication (inflection, facial expressions, body language, old popular sayings). Strand



Practices of Culture


Oroville Union High School District(a)

2. Culturally Correct Topics The learner will be able to determine appropriate topics of interaction (culturally correct). Strand



Practices of Culture


Oroville Union High School District(a)

3. Idiomatic & Colloquial Expression The learner will be able to understand readings that may include idiomatic and colloquial expressions. Strand



Practices of Culture


Oroville Union High School District(a)

4. Debates on Social Issues The learner will be able to participate in debates on social issues. Strand



Practices of Culture


Oroville Union High School District(a)

Products of Culture Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.

1. Themes, Ideas, & Perspectives The learner will be able to recognize, analyze and synthesize themes, ideas and perspectives of the culture through its history, literary works and other art forms.

Strand Products of Culture

Scope Master

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2. Analysis of Current Events The learner will be able to read about current events and analyze its effects in society. Strand Products of Culture

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3. Foreign Governments & Societies The learner will be able to discuss foreign governments and challenges society faces regarding corruption, human rights, etc. Strand Products of Culture

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4. Cultural Exploration with Technology The learner will be able to explore target culture through the use of technology. Strand Products of Culture

Scope Master

Source Oroville Union High School District(a)

Connecting with other Disciplines Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.

1. Reports in the Language The learner will be able to prepare reports on various topics and present them to the class in target language. Strand Connecting with other Disciplines

Scope Source Master Oroville Union High School District(a)

2. Essays on Current & Historical Ev The learner will be able to compose well-organized and coherent essays on current and historical events related to the required reading list. Strand Connecting with other Disciplines

Scope Source Master Oroville Union High School District(a)

3. Literature Analysis The learner will be able to use target language to analyze literature and explore universal themes (death, love, justice, etc.). Strand Connecting with other Disciplines

Scope Source Master Oroville Union High School District(a)

Accessing Information in the Target Lang

Standard 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that only are available through the foreign language and its cultures.

1. Original & Translated Literature The learner will be able to compare original literary works with their translated versions. Strand

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Accessing Information in the Target Lang

Master Oroville Union High School District(a)

2. Newspapers & Current Events The learner will be able to read newspaper articles from foreign countries and discuss current events, entertainment news', etc. Strand

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Accessing Information in the Target Lang

Master Oroville Union High School District(a)

Language Comparisons Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.

1. Rhetorical & Oratorical Technique The learner will be able to use rhetorical and oratorical techniques specific to the target language. Strand



Language Comparisons


Oroville Union High School District(a)

2. Grammar & Syntax The learner will be able to explore language differences in grammar rules, syntax, etc. Strand



Language Comparisons


Oroville Union High School District(a)

3. Language Forms The learner will be able to explore unique language forms from various geographical locations. Strand



Language Comparisons


Oroville Union High School District(a)

Instructional Resources - On-line, Spanish Proverbs [Online]. http://spanishculture.miningco.com/culture/spanishculture/library/proverbs/blproverbs.htm

Cultural Comparisons Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparison of the cultures studied and their own.

1. Important Individuals in the Culture The learner will be able to identify outstanding individuals, research their contributions to the target culture and explain how they made a difference in our world. Strand Cultural Comparisons

Scope Master

Source Oroville Union High School District(a)

2. Socio-Ethnic Groups The learner will be able to identify major socio-ethnic groups of the target culture and their contributions to our culture. Strand Cultural Comparisons

Scope Master

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3. Role-Playing in the Culture The learner will be able to demonstrate knowledge of cultural appropriate behaviors through role-play. Strand Cultural Comparisons

Scope Master

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4. Effects of Cultural Attitudes The learner will be able to discuss how cultural attitudes can limit or enhance the success of any ethnic group. Strand Cultural Comparisons

Scope Master

Source Oroville Union High School District(a)

Personal Enrichment Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming lifelong learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.

1. Magazines & Newspapers The learner will be able to read magazines, newspapers in the target language. Strand Personal Enrichment

Scope Master

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2. Television, Movies, & News Report The learner will be able to watch television programs, movies, news, etc. Strand Personal Enrichment

Scope Master

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3. Interpersonal Relationships The learner will be able to establish interpersonal relationships with speakers of the target language. Strand Personal Enrichment

Scope Master

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4. Critical Thinking The learner will be able to use critical thinking skills to evaluate cultural activities. Strand Personal Enrichment

Scope Master

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