Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church Revealing the Light of Christ

Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church Revealing the Light of Christ 21 TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME / 21º DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO AUGUST 23, 2015 /

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Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church 25-02 80th Street, East Elmhurst, NY 11370 Telephone (718) 899-2801 Fax (718) 429-6404 Parish Web Site: www.olfatim

Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church 25-02 80th Street, East Elmhurst, NY 11370 Telephone (718) 899-2801 Fax (718) 429-6404 Parish Web Site: www.olfpari

Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church 25-02 80th Street, East Elmhurst, NY 11370 Telephone (718) 899-2801 Fax (718) 429-6404 Parish Web Site: www.olfatim

OUR LADY OF THE LAKES CATHOLIC CHURCH 15801 N.W. 67th Avenue (305) 558-2202 (Office) Miami Lakes, FL 33014 (305) 558-2631 (Fax) www.ollnet.com (Web

OUR LADY OF THE LAKES CATHOLIC CHURCH 15801 N.W. 67th Avenue (305) 558-2202 (Office) Miami Lakes, FL 33014 (305) 558-2631 (Fax) www.ollnet.com (Web

Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church A Jesuit Parish 1770 Kearney Avenue San Diego, CA 92113 Phone: 619-233-3838 Fax: 619-233-3252 www.olgsd.org Confession

Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
CLERGY Pastor Rev. Joseph Kim, OFM Conv. Associate Rev. Carlos Morales OFM Conv. Deacon Rev. Mr. Scott Palmer Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Friars

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Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church Revealing the Light of Christ




A Eucharistic Community Living the Good News Daily 105 n. la esperanza san clemente, ca 92672 949-492-4101 Fax 949-492-4856 www.OLFChurch.net @FatimaChurchSC

PARISH INFORMATION AND CALENDAR/ CALENDARIO PARROQUIAL AUGUST 23-30, 2015 Our parish calendar is online! Please visit www.olfchurch.net/ calendar.html for the most up-to-date information on events and activities in our parish. ¡Nuestro calendario de la parroquia esta en línea! Por favor visite www.olfchurch.net/calendar.html para la información más actualizada sobre ventos y actividades en nuestra parroquia. PARISH OFFICE 949-492-4101

CLERGY Fr. Jim Ries, Pastor [email protected] / ext. 111

Fr. Salvador Landa [email protected] / ext. 102

STAFF Robin Margraf, M.A., M.S., Pastoral Associate [email protected] / ext. 113

Cate Girskis Confirmation - Youth [email protected] / ext. 117

Lourdes Rojas Office Manager [email protected] / ext. 101

Aida Lopez Maintenance, Spanish Music Coordinator ext. 101

Rosa Rama Faith Formation- Children & Adults [email protected] / ext. 104 Maria Juul Administrative Assistant, Faith Formation, Online Giving [email protected] / ext. 119

PARISH SCHOOL Joanne Williams, MA Ed, Principal

[email protected] 949-492-7320

MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: Sunday:

Daily Mass: Reconciliation:

8:30 am, 5:30 pm 7, 9, 11 am, 1 pm(Sp), 5:00 pm, 7:00 pm (SP) M-F 8:30 am Thursday 7-8pm, Saturday 4-5pm


STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION FOR THE WEEK OF AUGUST 23 / REFLEXIÓN DE LA CORRESPONSABILIDAD PARA LA SEMANA DEL 23 DE AGOSTO It is reported in the Old Testament Books of Exodus and Numbers that Joshua succeeded Moses as the leader of the Israelites. In fact, Joshua is explained as Moses’ assistant, while Moses himself led the Israelites. Our First Reading today from the Book of Joshua recounts how, under Joshua, the Israelites renewed their Covenant with God. For those who practice stewardship as a way of life, both renewal and covenant are significant. We speak of conversion in relation to the commitments we make to live as God-centered and loving people. Yet, there are times when it is important to personally renew our promises to God and to make a new covenant with the Lord. Many parishes have an annual stewardship renewal during which people are given the opportunity to “renew” their involvements in prayer, in ministry, and in giving through the offertory. These “renewals” may involve a commitment or pledge card. This is what has occurred in the Church for centuries. It is vital that we revisit our assurances to the Lord. As Joshua addresses the people in today’s reading, he states, “As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” This quote is relatively familiar in the Christian world. Yet, this is exactly the kind of pledge and covenant each of us needs to make. Read more at www.thecatholicsteward.com. Se ha informado en los libros del Antiguo Testamento en Éxodo y Números que Josué supero a Moisés como el líder de los israelitas. De hecho, Josué se explica como ayudante de Moisés, mientras que el propio Moisés condujo a los israelitas. Nuestra primera lectura de hoy del libro de Josué relata cómo, bajo Josué, los israelitas renovaron su alianza con Dios. Para los que practican la corresponsabilidad como una forma de vida, tanto la renovación y como la alianza son significativos. Hablamos de la conversión en relación con los compromisos que hacemos para vivir como personas centradas en Dios y de amor. Sin embargo, hay ocasiones en que es importante renovar personalmente nuestras promesas a Dios y hacer un nuevo pacto con el Señor. Muchas parroquias tienen una renovación anual de la corresponsabilidad durante el cual las personas se les da la oportunidad de “renovar” sus implicaciones en la oración, en el ministerio, y en dar a través del ofertorio. Estas “renovaciones” pueden implicar un compromiso o tarjeta de compromiso. Esto es lo que ha ocurrido en la Iglesia durante siglos. Es vital que revisemos nuestras garantías al Señor. Como Josué se dirige al pueblo en la lectura de hoy, afirma, “En cuanto a mí y mi casa serviremos al SEÑOR.” Esta cita es relativamente conocida en el mundo cristiano. Sin embargo, esto es exactamente el tipo de promesa y el pacto que cada uno de nosotros tiene que hacer. Puede leer más en www.thecatholicsteward.com.

9am-9pm 8:30am-5:30pm


9am-12pm; 1-6pm 949-492-4101

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our lady of fatima parish

AUGUST 23, 2015 / 23 DE AGOSTO, 2015

pa r o c h i a l v i c a r ,

from our

fr. Salvador Landa

Dear Parishioners and Friends of Our Lady of Fatima,/ Queridos parroquianos y amigos de Nuestra Señora de Fátima, ◆◆

Visiting the Basilica of Our Lady of Fatima

I visited the Basilica of Our Lady of Fatima for the first time nine years ago. As a child I became familiar with the apparitions of Our Lady to Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia, three shepherds from a small village called Fatima in Portugal on May 13, 1917. Visiting the Basilica was a beautiful experience for me. Every day at 5pm people gather to pray the rosary which is recited and sung in many languages. I was impressed to see many pilgrims from all over the world who were sick in beds or wheelchairs. They were asking God, through the intercession of Our Lady, for healing. I remember feeling in a strong way the presence of God and the faith of the people. At the end of September I will be traveling with 28 people to Portugal in a pilgrimage. I would like to invite the parishioners of Our Lady of Fatima to write a petition to Our Lady. In your petition you may ask for healing or for any favor. I will take those prayers to Fatima and present them to Our Lady on October 1 as I celebrate the Eucharist. Please turn in prayers at the rectory. Before we go to Fatima we will be visiting the Basilica of Our Lady of Lourdes in France. I promise that I will pray for all of you at the Grotto where Our Lady appeared to St. Bernadette. As we make this 12-day pilgrimage, I will try to send some pictures for the newsletter. ◆◆ Visitando la Basilica de Nuestra Senora de Fatima Hace nueve años que visité la Basilica de Nuestra Señora de Fátima. De niño conocí la historia de las apariciones de la Virgen a Jacinta, Francisco y Lucia, tres pastorcitos de una pueblito llamado Fátima en Portugal, el 13 de mayo de 1917. Fué muy especial visitar este santuario mariano. Todos los días a las 5pm la gente se reune para el Rosario que se recita y canta en varios idiomas. Me impresionó bastante ver mucha gente enferma, en camillas o sillas de ruedas que piden a Dios la sanación, bajo la intercession de la Virgen María. Estos peregrinos viajan de diferentes partes del mundo. En ese santuario sentí una gran presencia de Dios y una fe muy fuerte de los peregrinos. En septiembre llevo a 28 peregrinos a conocer el Santuario de Fátima. Invito a los feligreses de nuestra parroquia a que escriban una petición y que la entreguen en la oficina. Yo voy a llevar esas peticiones a la Basilica de Fátima para ponerlas al pie del altar y voy a pedir por todos ustedes al celebrar la Santa Misa el primero de octubre. También visitaremos el Santuario de Lourdes en Francia, donde se le apareció la Virgen a Santa Bernardita en 1858 en una gruta. Les prometo que también vamos a presentar sus oraciones en ese lugar. Voy a mandar fotos para que salgan en el boletín y asi conozcan más de nuestra peregrinación.


7am 9am 11am 1pm 5pm 7pm

Leandro Borca + Pablo Vargas + Dorothy Gibney + Alfonso Silva + Lilia Ortega + Misa Pro Popolo Pedro Jimenez



Dorothy Gibney +



Robert Heimiller +



Deacon George Nalbach +



Adele Pescarmona +



Francisco Sanchez


8:30am 5:30pm

Antonio Pedraza Joseph Bellatoni +


7am 9am 11am 1pm 5pm 7pm

Sean Lacayo + Jack Callanan + Melina Smith Jesus Flores Mary Bolstad + Misa Pro Popolo

READINGS/LECTURAS DAILY READINGS CAN BE FOUND AT WWW.USCCB.ORG/BIBLE/INDEX.CFM SUNDAY 8/23 Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Ps 34:2-3, 16-21; Eph 5:21-32 [2a, 25-32]; Jn 6:60-69 MONDAY 8/24 Rv 21:9b-14; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Jn 1:45-51 TUESDAY 8/25 1 Thes 2:1-8; Ps 139:1-6; Mt 23:23-26 WEDNESDAY 8/26 1 Thes 2:9-13; Ps 139:7-12ab; Mt 23:27-32 THURSDAY 8/27 1 Thes 3:7-13; Ps 90:3-5a, 12-14, 17; Mt 24:42-51 FRIDAY 8/28 1 Thes 4:1-8; Ps 97:1, 2b, 5-6, 10-12; Mt 25:1-13 SATURDAY 8/29 1 Thes 4:9-11; Ps 98:1, 7-9; Mk 6:17-29 SUNDAY 8/30 Dt 4:1-2, 6-8; Ps 15:2-5; Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27; Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23





Dejar ir

Israel’s expectations of God and their long-awaited messiah prevented many from seeing how God was now present to them in Jesus. Jesus set a choice before the people of Israel – do they leave or stay and accept Jesus’ invitation to believe in what he offers them, his body and blood. The same choice is before us. Believing in Jesus requires us to let go of our previous expectations of God allowing him to act in a whole new way in our lives. However, believing is more than a verbal assent. It must become the lived conviction of choosing to stay with and in the risen Christ modeling his life of self-sacrificing love.

Las expectativas de Israel hacia Dios y su larga espera del mesías impidió a muchos de ver cómo Dios estaba ahora presente con ellos en Jesús. Jesús estableció una elección ante el pueblo de Israel - que salgan o se queden y acepten la invitación de Jesús a creer en lo que él les ofrece, su cuerpo y su sangre. La misma opción está ante nosotros. Creer en Jesús nos obliga a dejar de lado nuestras expectativas anteriores de Dios que permiten actuar de una forma totalmente nueva en nuestra vida. Sin embargo, la creencia es más que un asentimiento verbal. Debe convertirse en la convicción vivida de la elección de quedarse con y en Cristo resucitado como modelo de su vida sacrificada por amor.

◆◆ What choices have you made in our life that point to your conviction in Jesus as the “Holy One of God”?

◆◆ ¿Qué opciones has hecho en nuestra vida que apuntan a tu convicción en Jesús como el “Santo de Dios”?

◆◆ How does participation in the Eucharist deepen your conviction to live as a follower of the risen Christ?

◆◆ ¿De qué manera la participación en la Eucaristía profundiza tu convicción a vivir como un seguidor de Cristo resucitado?

Take a moment to revisit this Sunday’s readings [Josh 24:1-2, 15-17; Eph 5:21-32; Jn 6:60-69] or view them online at http://usccb.org/bible/readings/082315.cfm

Tómese un momento para revisar las lecturas de este domingo [Josh 24: 1-2, 15-17; Efesios 5: 21-32; Jn 6, 60-69] o verlos en línea en http://usccb.org/bible/readings/082315.cfm


$17,091 God has given us all we have, let us rejoice and be glad. Please use envelopes or consider giving online. You can call the Parish Office to request envelopes or to learn more about online giving. Dios nos ha dado todo lo que tenemos, gocemonos y alegremonos. Utilice sobres o considere la posibilidad de donar en línea. Usted puede llamar a la Oficina Parroquial para solicitar sobres o para aprender más sobre las donaciones en línea.

PARISH NEWS, EVENTS & OPPORTUNITIES Welcome Fr. Carlos Chavez / Cross Catholic Outreach/Bienvenido Padre Carlos Chávez / Alcance de la Cruz Católica

Of Family Life - Humanae Vitae START DATE - SEPTEMBER 23, 9:30 - 11:30AM ENDOW will be offering the women of Our Lady of Fatima a unique opportunity to learn more about Pope Paul VI’s most prophetic and beautiful encyclical on family life- Humanae Vitae. Come join us for an insightful, welcoming and exciting eight week study will help you understand, deepen and defend your faith! Please contact Kathy at 933-8019 or [email protected] for more information or sign up online at www.endowgroups.org.

Letter to Women

We welcome Father Carlos Chavez of the Cross Catholic Outreach who is speaking this weekend at all Masses on behalf of the poor in developing countries. Cross Catholic Outreach was founded to create a meaningful link between parishes in America and the priests and nuns working in the Church overseas in the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, and Central and South America.

START DATE - SEPTEMBER 29, 6:30 - 8:30PM What does the church’s teaching about being a woman mean in my life? In St. John Paul II ‘s letter, he upholds a special place in the family, the church and the world. Please contact Carey at 661-9156 or [email protected] for more information about this eight week study group.

Damos la bienvenida al Padre Carlos Chávez del Alcance de la Cruz Católica que estará hablando este fin de semana en todas las Misas en favor de los pobres de los países en desarrollo. El Alcance de la Cruz Católica fue fundada para crear un vínculo significativo entre parroquias de Estados Unidos y los sacerdotes y monjas que trabajan en las Iglesias en el extranjero como en el Caribe, África, Asia, Centro América y Sur América.

Blood Drive - Donate the Gift of Life!/ Donación de Sangre - Done el regalo de la vida! August 30, 8:30am - 2:45pm / McGowan Hall - A / 30 de agosto, 8:30am 2:45pm / Salon McGowan A OLF is hosting a blood drive and all the blood collected will be designated for Mission Hospital. To make an appointment, please go to www.redcrossblood. org and enter sponsor code: FATIMA. Identification is required. Walk-ins welcome! Volunteers are needed for set up, reception area, and refreshments. Please contact Daisy Nueva at 952-202-9546 for more information. Nuestra parroquia está organizando una colecta de sangre, toda la sangre recolectada será designada para el Hospital Mission. Para hacer una cita, por favor visite www.redcrossblood.org e introduzca el código patrocinador: FATIMA. Se requiere identificación. Si no tiene cita tambien son bienvenidos! Se necesitan voluntarios para la preparación, la área de recepción, y refrescos. Por favor, póngase en contacto con Daisy Nueva al 952-202-9546 para más información.


w e lco m e to

our lady of fatima parish

AUGUST 23, 2015 / 23 DE AGOSTO, 2015

Save the Date Knights of Columbus Golf Tournament OCTOBER 12 / SAN JUAN HILLS GOLF COURSE This is a fundraising event with proceeds used for people with intellectual difficulties and other Knight’s charities. Watch future newsletters for more information.

Wednesday Evening Bible Study Registration Open BEGINS SEPTEMBER 23, 7-9PM / MCGOWAN HALL - A This class is a 24 week study on “The Bible Timeline with Jeff Cavins.” This is a fascinating Bible study that will take you on a journey through the entire Bible. You will learn how the key people, places and events in the Bible fit together to reveal God’s plan for humanity. See how the events in the Old Testament are fulfilled in the New Testament. Gain a greater appreciation for the Scripture readings you hear during Mass. If you have already taken this class come join us again and learn even more. Please contact Kathy Godbout at 282-8418 or [email protected].

Sharing our Faith! / Compartiendo nuestra fe! Our Faith Formation for Children program for public school elementary students needs teachers and volunteers for 4th, 5th and middle school grades to continue the work of Jesus to ‘teach all nations.’ Please consider giving of your time to help instruct our children in our faith. Classes take place every Wednesday from September to May. If you like working with children or feel this is for you, contact Rosa Rama at 492-4101 ext.104 or [email protected] as soon as possible. Nuestro programa de Formación de Fe para niños (Catecismo) necesita catequistas y voluntarios para poder continuar el trabajo de Jesús “Vayan y enseñen a todas las naciones”. Por favor considera en dar tu tiempo y servicio para ayudar a instruir a nuestros niños en nuestra fe, las clases son los miércoles de 6:00 – 7:30 pm. Si te gusta trabajar con niños o sientes que esto es para ti, comunícate con Rosa Rama al 492-4101 ext.104 o [email protected] lo más pronto posible.

Religious Education - Faith Formation for Children / Educación Religiosa - Formación de Fe para Niños Registration for Faith Formation for Children and Sacramental Prep program for the 2015-2016 school year is now open! You are can register your children at the parish office Monday - Friday from 9am to 6pm. We’ll be hosting a parent meeting on September 2 at 6:30pm in the church. Registration closes on September 9 and classes begin on September 16. If you have any questions please contact Rosa Rama at [email protected] or 492-4101. Ya están las inscripciones para clases de Formación de fe para niños, año escolar 2015/2016. Se aceptan niños de Primero a Octavo grado escolar. Se les invita a que inscriban a su(s) hijo(s) para la preparación Sacramental y formación de fe en la oficina parroquial de lunes a viernes de 9am a 6pm. Tendremos una reunión para los padres de Familia el miércoles 9 de septiembre en la iglesia a las 6:30pm, las clases empezarán el 16 de septiembre. Las inscripciones se cierran el 9 de septiembre. Para más información comuníquese con Rosa Rama (949)492-4101 o [email protected].

Liturgy of the Word for Children / Leaders & Teen Assistants Positions This ministry currently has openings for leaders and teen assistants. Leaders must have a love of both the Liturgy and an understanding of effective communication with children and be willing to serve on a rotating basis every 4-5 weeks. This program resumes on September 20, and takes place during the 9am Mass. Children in grades 1 through 5 are sent from the main assembly to a nearby space where they celebrate the Liturgy of the Word in a simplified, yet equivalent format. Children return at the offertory. Training is provided. Please contact Rosa Rama at [email protected].

Registration for Teen Confirmation is Now Open!/Inscripciones para la Confirmación de Adolescente ya están Abiertas! Both first year (C1) and second year (C2) teens must register and pay the annual fee of $120.00. You may begin the registration process by filling out the application either online at our church website, or coming into the parish office to fill out a paper application with pen. More information is available online at www.olfchurch.net, Youth Ministry. Los dos, primer año (C1) y segundo año (C2) adolescentes deben inscribirse y pagar la cuota anual de $120.00. Usted puede comenzar el proceso de inscripción llenando la solicitud, ya sea en línea en nuestro sitio web de la iglesia, o en la oficina parroquial. Más información está disponible en línea en www. olfchurch.net, bajo Youth Ministry.

Final Teen Summer Gathering/ Ultima Reunion de Adolescente del Verano AUGUST 23, 6 – 7:30PM / MCGOWAN HALL / 23 DE AGOSTO, 6 A7:30PM / SALON MCGOWAN Our Summer Gatherings are for high school teens, including those entering high school this year. Our Summer Lock-in was a huge success, and lots of fun! Check out the photos on website. To keep up with the activities of OLF Confirmation & Youth Ministry, follow us on instagram: @olfconfirmation. For additional information contact Cate Girskis at 492-4101, x117 or Cgirskis@ olfchurch.net. Nuestra Reuniones de Verano son para los adolescentes de preparatoria, incluyendo los que entran en la escuela secundaria este año. Nuestra Encierro de Verano fue un gran éxito, y muy divertido! Echa un vistazo a las fotos en la página web. Para mantenerse al día con las actividades del Confirmacion y el Ministerio de Adolescentes, síganos en Instagram: @olfconfirmation. Para obtener información adicional póngase en contacto con Cate Girskis al 492-4101, x117 o [email protected].

Seeking Adult Volunteers for Teen Confirmation Program / Buscan Voluntarios Adultos para Ayudar con El Programa de Confirmación Do you love our faith? Do you want to share your faith with teens? The Teen Confirmation program is seeking adult volunteers to help drive teens to events, lead small groups, chaperone, and pray for our teens. If you are feeling led to help with this ministry, or if you simply have questions about our Teen Confirmation Program, contact Cate Girskis at [email protected] or 492-4101, x117. You may also browse our Youth Ministry page on our parish website OLFchurch.net. ¿Amas a nuestra fe? ¿Quieres compartir su fe con los adolescentes? El programa de la Confirmación está buscando voluntarios adultos para ayudar a los adolescentes en eventos, dirigir grupos pequeños, acompañantes, y orar por nuestros adolescentes. Si usted se siente llamado a ayudar en este ministerio, o si simplemente tiene preguntas sobre nuestro Programa de Confirmación para adolescente, póngase en contacto con Rosa Rama - [email protected] o 492-4101, x104. También puede entrar a nuestra parroquial www.olfchurch.net

OLF PARISH SCHOOL NEWS OLF Parish School Celebrates 50 years on October 4! Save the date and spread the news! The celebration begins with the 9am Mass, which will be celebrated by Bishop Vann. A reception will follow in McGowan Hall and there will be a School Open House until noon. If you are, or happen to know, an alum of OLF Parish School we would love to hear from you as we plan the festivities! If you have alumni information to pass along please contact Kris Windes t [email protected] or 492-7320.



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OLF School Mission Statement

Marriage Encounter

Our Lady of Fatima Parish School is a Catholic parish elementary school. Our mission is to nurture individuals to discover their God-given gifts, to encourage them to use these gifts in the service of others and to empower them to be models of integrity and peacemakers who work for justice. We parents, school staff, and parish community - collaborate in striving for excellence in the education of our children.

SEPTEMBER 18-20 & NOVEMBER 13-15 This fall why not make a marriage encounter weekend to put that spark and romance back into your marriage that may have gone out? For more information please contact Jim or Cheryl at (949) 551-9156 or John and Maggie Lee at (714) 8735136. Registration is also available at ocwwme.org.

Enroll Now! OLF Parish School offers transitional kindergarten through the 8th grade level. If you are considering an excellent Catholic school experience for your child or children, please contact Kris Windes,[email protected] or 949492-7320 to learn more about our implementation of 21st century learning opportunities. The new school year begins on September 1.

Why OLF School? A Family’s Reason We have been a part of the Fatima family for 10 years. Our son graduated two years ago and our daughter is entering 7th grade. From the first day I walked onto the campus at Our Lady of Fatima, I knew it was a special place and I have grown to love it more with each year. We were confident that our son was prepared academically when he started high school - he was given a strong background in math, science, writing, and critical thinking. But equally important, we knew he was prepared to enter high school as a caring and compassionate young adult. OLF teaches our children that the world is larger than their own experiences and that we all have a responsibility to think of others and help those in need both in our community and in the world. Our Lady of Fatima is a place where the teachers, staff and families know and love each other, and always go the extra step to help the children succeed. We have made lifelong friends at OLF and are truly blessed to be part of this community.

Annual Giving Campaign Update Due to the generosity of the school and parishioners of our community we have reached our goal of $50,000 in honor of the school’s 50th Anniversary! Thank you so very much. May God continue to bless all of us as we continue to “Empower today’s students to become tomorrow’s leaders”

IN OUR DIOCESE Magnificat Prayer Breakfast SEPTEMBER 12, 9:30AM – 12:30PM / EMBASSY SUITES ANAHEIM – SOUTH, 11767 HARBOR BLVD., GARDEN GROVE Join us as author and inspirational speaker Angela Perez Baraquio, Miss America 2001, shares her inspiring story of adversity, triumph, tragedy, and hope. Registration by mail must be postmarked by September 7 - $28 per person. Mail to Magnificat Ministry: P.O. Box 4381, Orange, CA 92863. Registration at the door - $33 per person. The event includes a full plated breakfast and the speaker’s program. Please visit www.magnificat-ministry. net for more information. For registration information please contact Christina at 714-809-9382 or [email protected].

Beginning Experience Weekend OCTOBER 2-4 / PROSANCTITY CENTER, FULLERTON If you are grieving the loss of your marriage through death, divorce or separation, join us as a trained team leads participants through a healing and growth program. If you are ready to move through your feelings of grief and into the light of a new beginning and hope, this weekend may be for you. Contact Kim at 714-336-3221 or Melissa (bilingual, Spanish) at 949-697-3352 for more information. Early registration is encouraged.

WE PRAY FOR ALL THE SICK/ OREMOS POR LOS ENFERMOS Alexandra Pulypchuk Nancy Weiss Victor Pineda Alejandro Vargas Jaqueline Reina Dominic McGuire John Schultz Aiden Calvillo Tony Medina Guadalupe Schumm Brent Hansell Maria de Jesus Figueroa

Eric Higgins Holden Zimmerle Pat Sturges Susan Christopher Dalia Ornellas John Ornellas Miguel Cubillo Jesus Flores Megan Holmes Victoria Guitierrez Lyn Sandahl Terry Variano

AND OUR BELOVED DEAD/Y POR NUESTROS QUERIDOS FALLECIDOS Jack Callanan Rafael Casares Elvira Casares Sean Lacayo Teresa Rodriguez Mary Hart Msgr. Joseph Wadowicz David Frees Dorothy Gibney Alberto Navarro Betty Morgan-Cerra Maria de Jesus Figueroa Ricky Belman

Juan Gutierrez Guadalupe Flores Sergio Lugo Efren Torres Mary Martin James Hamer Patricia Rodriguez Estevan Rodriguez Silverio Rodriguez and all victims of war and violence.

Annual Women’s Silent Retreat OCTOBER 9 - 11 / SACRED HEART RETREAT HOUSE, ALHAMBRA Please prayerfully consider joining women from OLF and neighboring parishes for our annual retreat. This retreat is a wonderful weekend of talks, quiet reflection and yummy food, in an environment that includes a beautiful chapel and gardens, all provided by the Carmelite Sisters. Private, semiprivate, and double rooms are available, as well as a Saturday-only option. We will also coordinate carpooling. Call Mary Harrigan at 492-8945 for more info or to reserve your room.


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our lady of fatima parish

AUGUST 23, 2015 / 23 DE AGOSTO, 2015

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