Sebastian Fleisman. Description. Availability. Industry Expertise. Topics. Affiliations. Past Talks

Sebastian Fleisman Chief Corporate Process Governance at YPF S.A. Argentina, Buenos Aires, AR Chief Corporate Process Governance Description Sebastia

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Sebastian Fleisman Chief Corporate Process Governance at YPF S.A. Argentina, Buenos Aires, AR Chief Corporate Process Governance

Description Sebastian Fleisman is currently the responsible for the YPF Company-wide Processes. He is responsible to lead projects and the Operational Excellence strategy and initiatives, and to be instrumental to transform the local largest company into the Argentine best organization. Two time winner of the International Process Excellence Awards (2010 and 2011, USA), Sebastian is the Member of the Quality and Excellence Committee for the Argentine Institute of Oil and Gas, American Society for Quality, and others. Pursued postgraduate studies in Business Management and National Defense Management in order to get a better insight of the grassroots of Quality and Strategic Management of highly sensitive processes for national interest assets such Oil and Gas, as well as to learn the principles of the Joint concept for conducting joint activities across a range of complex operations, to improve the Operational Excellence in private organization. He is a guest lecturer at conferences, workshops seminars and poster presentations in private, public and NGO in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay, Panama, the Netherlands, Spain, the U.K. and the U.S.A.

Availability Keynote, Moderator, Panelist, Workshop, Host/MC, Corporate Training

Industry Expertise Oil and Gas, Management Consulting, Military

Topics Business Process Excellence, Operation Excellence, Quality Management

Affiliations ASQ QMD (Quality Managenet Division), ASQ LED (Lean Enterprise Forum), ASQ EED (Energy & Environmental Division), ASQ ASQ (Aviation, Space & Defense Division), ABPMP (Association of Business Process Management Professionals) VP-Operations, Chapter Argentina, IAPG (Argentine Institute of Oil & Gas) Quality and Process Improvement Committee Member, PMI (Project Management Institute), EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management)

Past Talks Operational Excellence in Oil and Gas Casewise World Process Summit

Business Process Management PEX Process Excellence Week From the project to the culture: small steps leading to a giant leap 11th Process Excellence Summit Host ABPMP Regional Opening Chapter BPM as instrument to get results and competitivity BPM Mature BPM 10th Process Excellence Summit Transforming Business results through process optimization 11th Annual Lean Six Sigma & Process Improvement Summit BPM in the real world BPM Latin America Lessons Learned from an Epic BPM Project Casewise Global Summit

Education National Defense College National Defense Management Specialist Military Strategic Studies, General Pontificia Universidad Catolica Argentina 'Santa Maria de los Buenos Aires' Postgraduate Management Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires Advanced Management: Managing at rising complexity Universidad Nacional de Quilmes Bachelor Business Administration IPA Institute Front-End Loading Expert Project Management PMI (Project Management Institute) Project Management

Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires Project Management Georgia Institute of Technology Certified Quality Manager IBM Certified Specialist Computer Programming/Programmer, General ORT Argentina (Business School) Business Administration Business Administration and Management, General

Accomplishments Process Excellence Awards: Deployment Leader of the Year Process Excellence Awards: Deployment Leader of the Year Honoray mention Process Excellence Awards: Deployment Leader of the Year Process Excellence Awards: Deployment Leader of the Year First place

Testimonials Matt Senatore As VP Marketing for Casewise, I developed a comprehensive global summit that brought together customers, industry analysts and other thought leaders from around the world in the area of Business Process and Enterprise Architecture excellence. I knew of Sebastian's business process successes (as he was a client of Casewise) and his ability to connect with and relate to people in all different levels of an organization. I was pleased when Sebastian agreed to participate in Optimize 2012 - coming all the way from South American to London on his own time! Not only was his case study compelling, but his delivery was so warm and engaging. The entire team at Casewise is grateful for customers as passionate and committed as Sebastian! Vivian Orefice Montuori While producing the content of the conference BPM Mature, I have received several recommendations about Sebastian?s project at YPF, which led me to invite him to be our keynote speaker. I had the opportunity to watch his presentation and definitely recommend this extremely interesting and sucessfull business case! Delano Nunes I had the opportunity to experience the excellent work done at YPF by Sebastian. I strongly recommend the lecture to everyone interested in Process management and performance indicators. Sebastian is an outstanding professional and focused on getting quality results.

Sergio Perez Eu tenho uma excelente impressao sobre Sebastian. Eu o conheci em Madri, durante um congresso e pude conhecer seu case de processos. Fascinante! Parabens Sebastian por sua visao estrategica e estruturacao do trabalho, potencializando o sucesso. Abracos Sergio Gaston A. Barbagallo Tuve la oportunidad de presenciar el BPM Forum 2010, con muchas expectativas de encontrarme presentaciones que hablen de procesos, negocio, cumplimiento de objetivos estrategicos, cambio organizacional y eso mismo pude ver en la presentacion de Sebastian. Deseaba no escuchar nada de herramientas, pues creo que eso esta al final del camino. Pues bien, considero que Sebastian fue un disertante brillante, dio una presentacion amena, divertida, llena de temas que apuntan al corazon de BPM y agregan valor al negocio (el como lo hacemos). Disfrute mucho de su presentacion. Es un placer tener de contacto un profesional como el. Cesar Sanchez Over the years I've known Sebastian he proved to have high integrity and a passion for process improvement. He was an instrumental advisor in our process improvement journey and in positioning our organzation to compete against international companies in IQPCs Process Excellence Awards. As a result of his guidance, LBNL won two PEX awards in 2012. Laura Fiorelli Sebastian presento en el BPM Forum uno de los casos de exito mas significativos de la jornada. Tuvo la habilidad de exponer un proyecto de notoria complejidad de manera clara y concreta. Diserto de forma ordenada y con absoluto dominio de la presentacion capto, desde el inicio, el interes del publico. Recomiendo ampliamente su disertacion Victor Manuel Fernandez Rial "Apuntad en vuestras agendas asistir a una de las ponencias de este hombre" De verdad ha sido muy gratificante y sorprendente la forma tan apasionada y clara con la que vive el mundo de la organizacion empresarial. No os arrepentireis de la experiencia. Olga Borrell Es para mi un honor haber conocido a Sebastian, no solo por su calidad profesional (todos tenemos mucho que aprender de el), sino tambien por su vertiente humana, sin duda alguna, una gran persona. Sorprende ver humildad y cercania en un profesional de su nivel. Sus conocimientos y experiencia en Gestion por Procesos y metodologias de calidad son mas que completos y altisimos (realmente envidiables) y lo mejor es como sabe transmitirlos: de forma clara, ordenada, didactica y sobretodo transmitiendo pasion!. Sin duda alguna, para mi es un maestro y un ejemplo. Recomiendo a quien tenga oportunidad de asistir a alguna de sus ponencias, que no se lo pierda: aprendera muchisimo. Lucio Ferez Participe de la exposicion de Sebastian en el Foro de BPM el pasado 1 de junio de 2010 y me parecio excelente. Demostro mucho compromiso con el trabajo, pasion y entusiasmo por llevar adelante los cambios y gobiernos de los procesos con mucha fuerza y conviccion. Denota un fuerte compromiso con la excelencia y llevo adelante una exposicion amena y llena de contenidos y ejemplos interesantes

Megan James Sebastian is a truly passionate Process Improvement leader that is always striving for the best results. Demonstrated by his recent success in our Process Excellence Awards program he is highly skilled in both the applications of Lean Six Sigma & the an inspiring strategic manager with great long term vision.

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