ST. IGNATIUS PARISH Building One Family of Faith: Many Gifts, One Spirit

ST. IGNATIUS PARISH Building One Family of Faith: Many Gifts, One Spirit Fifth Sunday of Easter April 24, 2016 Rev. Joseph M. Jackson, Ph. D. Pastor

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Story Transcript

ST. IGNATIUS PARISH Building One Family of Faith: Many Gifts, One Spirit

Fifth Sunday of Easter April 24, 2016

Rev. Joseph M. Jackson, Ph. D. Pastor Rev. William Grogan, Resident Rev. Patrick McAteer, S. J. Resident Rev Mr. Raul Mora, Deacon Rev. Mr. Rogelio Soto, Deacon Rev. Mr. Larry Rossow Deacon

Upcoming Events Sunday, April 24 Parish Pay Sign up Opportunity Saturday, April 30 NCA Soiree Sunday, May 1 First Communion at 10 am Primera Comunión a 12 pm

24 de Abril, 2016 Quinto Domingo de Pascua

Friday, May 6 First Friday Adoration 8:30 am to 3 pm; Masses at 8 am & 3 pm

Construyendo una Familia de Fe: Muchos Dones, Un Espíritu

PARROQUIA DE SAN IGNACIO 6559 N Glenwood Ave • Chicago, IL 60626 • Phone: 773-764-5936• Fax: 773-764-4360 •

Fr. Joe’s Journal

El Diario del Padre Joe

We Continue the Easter season! We should

¡Continuamos el Tiempo Pascuas! Debemos

use this opportunity to appreciate God’s love for us. The Easter season reminds us of this love. The Easter season also reminds us that we have received a call to follow Christ and to make Him present to the World through the way we live. Our Lord will give us strength to do this challenging task. This season gives us hope not only in our personal lives but also in our social life. Hope gives us courage to act and the knowledge that God walks with us in our lives.

usar este tiempo en apreciar el amor que Dios nos tiene. La pascua nos recuerda de este amor. La Pascua nos recuerda también que hemos recibido el llamado a seguir a Cristo y a hacerlo presente en el mundo por la forma en que vivimos. Nuestro Señor nos dará la fortaleza para lograr esta difícil tarea. Este tiempo nos da esperanza no sólo en nuestra vida personal sino también en nuestra vida social. Esperanza nos da el valor para actuar y reconocer que Dios camina con nosotros en nuestras vidas.

Next week we will joyfully celebrate the First Communion of a number of our children and congratulate them and their families. I thank all who assisted our First Com-

La semana que viene celebraremos alegremente la Primera Comunión con nuestros niños felicitamos a ellos y a sus padres.

munion candidates on their journey. I thank all who will help with the Mass.

Agradezco a todos los que ayudaron a nuestros candidatos a la Primera Comunión en su camino. Agradezco a todos los que ayudaran con la misa.

We thank the Glenola Club for their Spring luncheon. The Glenola club had their an-

Agradecemos al Glenola Club por su Almuerzo de Primavera. El Club Glenola tuvo su

nual Spring Luncheon. It was very enjoyable.

The NCA Soiree is coming on April 30. This is both an enjoyable event and beneficial to supporting our parish school, NCA.. Please be generous to our parish. We are in the last months of our fiscal year. We have had a number of extraordinary repairs this year. Our parish needs your generosity in our regular collection.. Remember you can also give through Parish Pay on our parish web site. This Sunday we will have a special opportunity for all those who wish to participate in Parish Pay to do so,. I thank the finance committee for their help with this effort. Parish Pay makes it more convenient to give to our parish. You can also continue to support through the end of the fiscal year our parish capital campaign that has helped us to make so many important repairs and restorations. Pray for the people of Ecuador! Our prayers go out to the people as they suffer from the effects of a terrible earthquake. We also pray for the people of Japan who also suffered a devastating earthquakes. Our nation, state and city: We continue to pray for our governments and their leaders that they might wisdom and compassion for those in need.

See this bulletin for other key articles. God bless you, your pastor Fr. Joe

Almuerzo anual de Primavera. Fue muy agradable. La NCA Soirée será el 30 de abril. Este es un agradable evento y beneficia a nuestra escuela parroquial, NCA.

Por favor sea generoso con nuestra parroquia. Entramos en los últimos tres meses de nuestro año fiscal. Hemos tenido un número de arreglos extraordinarios este año. Nuestra parroquia necesita su generosidad en nuestra colecta regular. Recuerdo que también puede dar por medio de Parish Pay en nuestra pagina parroquial. Este domingo tendremos una oportunidad especial para quienes quieran participar en Parish Pay. Agradezco al comité de finanzas por su ayuda con este esfuerzo. Parish Pay facilita la donación a nuestra parroquia. También puede continuar su poyo a nuestra campaña capital hasta el fin del año fiscal que nos ha ayudado a hacer muchos de los arreglos y restauraciones. ¡Recemos por el Ecuador! Nuestras oraciones por los que sufre por los efectos del terrible terremoto También rezamos por Japón que también sufre terremoto devastador. Nuestra nación, estado y ciudad. Continuamos rezando por nuestros gobiernos y sus lideres que sean guiados por sabiduría y compasión hacia los más necesitados.

Vea el boletín por otros eventos claves. Dios los bendiga, su párroco Padre Joe

I give you a new commandment: love one another. John 13:34

Les doy un mandamiento nuevo: ámense unos a otros Juan 13:34

In this week`s gospel Jesus gives us a new commandment to love one another. Most of us find it easy to love our family and friends. They may get on our nerves occasionally or try our patience but we would be there for them in times of need. The more difficult person to love is the stranger. The individual that is new to the neighborhood the person who does not look like you or talks a different language. The most difficult person to love is probably the one who is our enemy, the one who has injured us in some way. Yet we are called to love them all. At the food pantry we see people from all parts of the world each with their own story and their own crosses to bear. As these families arrive we do not judge, we listen and try to help. We offer them food and fellowship to help them feed their family. We try to treat them like friends. We try to love them as Jesus has commanded us to do.

En el evangelio de esta semana, Jesús nos da un mandamiento nuevo de amar unos a otros. Para la mayoría de nosotros es fácil amar a nuestra familia y amigos. Pueden que nos irriten a veces o prueben nuestra paciencia, pero respondemos cuando nos necesitan. La persona difícil de amar es el desconocido. El individuo que es nuevo en el vecindario, que no se parece a nosotros o hable un idioma distinto. La persona más difícil de amar es probablemente es nuestro enemigo, alguien que nos ha lastimado de alguna manera. Aun así, estamos llamados a amar a todos. En la despensa vemos personas de todas partes del mundo cada uno con su propia historia y cargando su propia cruz. Cuando llegan las familias, no juzgamos, escuchamos y tratamos de ayudar. Les ofrecemos comida y compañerismo para ayudarlos a alimentar a sus familias . Tratamos de tratarlos como amigos. Tratamos de amarlos como Jesús nos ha mandado.

We are all Ignatian Services.

Todos somos Servicios Ignacianos.

Estaba enfermo y me cuidaste

I was ill and you cared for me Devastated does not even begin to describe the feelings of parents who lose a child to gun violence. Catholic Charities counsels those experiencing trauma or loss. They have support groups to help those who struggle with substance abuse or live with AIDS. Seniors discharged from the hospital get special care to remain home on the path to healing. Give to Catholic Charities on Mother`s Day to keep people healthy in body, mind and spirit. Learn more at

Devastados no comienza a describir lo que sienten los padres que han perdido un hijo por la violencia armada. Caridades Católicas contiene a aquellos que han experimentado trauma o perdida. Tienen grupos de apoyo para ayudar a quienes luchan contra la adicción o viven con SIDA. Ancianos salidos del hospital reciben el cuidado que necesitan en su casa para su recuperación. Done a Caridades Católicas en el Día de la Madre para mantener sanos en cuerpo, mente y espíritu. Para más información

Refresh Your Spirit The Benedictine Sisters of Chicago invite you to attend an upcoming spirituality retreat at St. Scholastica Monastery at 7430 N. Ridge Blvd, Chicago. “Introduction to Eco-Spirituality Retreat” Saturday, April 30th, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Cost $30 includes lunch. Some partial scholarships available. Learn more and register or call Sister Mary at 773.764.2413 x231. “Dreams and Spirituality: An Evening Retreat Series” Four Thursdays in May: 5th, 12th, 19th, & 26nd. All 7-9 p.m. Cost $50. Some partial scholarships available upon request. Deadline for registration April 28th. Learn more and register or call Sister Pat at 773.764.2413 x374.



bers of the Finance Committee this morning after mass in the Holy Name Room. They will help you walk through the process of enrolling for automatic giving to St. Ignatius Parish. You will be able to have your contribution charged to your credit card or deducted from your checking account. If you plan to have your donation deducted from your checking account remember to bring a blank check. Not ready to sign-up but have questions? Our Finance Team will be able to answer them. One advantage of Parish Pay is your year-end giving totals can be emailed directly to you!

del Comité de Finanzas estarán este mañana luego de las misas en el Salón del Santo Nombre. Estarán ayudando con el proceso de inscribirse para donación automática a la Parroquia de San Ignacio. Usted puede tener su donación en la tarjeta de crédito o deducida automáticamente de cuenta de cheques. Si planea hacer su donación a través de la cuenta de cheque, recuerde traer un cheque en blanco ¿No esta listo para registrarse y tiene preguntas? Nuestro equipo de finanzas puede responderlas. ¡Una ventaja de Parish Pay es que su donación anual puede ser enviada por correo electrónico directamente a usted!

Happy Birthday This Week to: Thanks to Joan Fadonugbo and Victor & Reina Nyema for hosting the social after the 8a m Mass. Thanks to the Finance Committee for hosting the social after the 10 am Mass.

Faith Sharing Groups meet every Tuesday at 7 pm in the Parish Library. All are Welcome! Join Us for the NCA Soiree April 30 The 11th Annual NCA Soiree, Prom Throwback is only six days away! This is your parish school’s largest fundraiser, raising over $100,000 through an online auction, raffle tickets, and the live event. Proceeds benefit the Guardian Angel Scholarship Fund, technology for the classrooms and facility improvements. Please consider supporting your Blue Ribbon School. There are many ways you can contribute. Buy a Grand Raffle Ticket for only $20 or 6 for $100 for a chance to win $5,000 and other cash prizes. You can also buy a First Chance Raffle ticket for a chance to win your choice of one of 10 exciting trips or experiences before the Live Auction April 30. Each First Chance Raffle ticket costs $100 but only 100 tickets will be sold. No bidding necessary - just some luck! Buy your First Chance Raffle ticket today and you could be heading to Bermuda, Montego Bay, wine country in Sonoma, Boston, the 2016 American Music Awards, or become an astronaut for a weekend! We hope you’ll join us April 30! For more information or to buy your tickets please visit

April 24

Paul Kelly


MISERICORDIA Join us at Bruno’s 6562 N. Sheridan Rd. Chicago, 60626 773-764-7900

Sunday, May 15, 2016 1pm to 6pm FOOD & DRINK $50 DONATION Misericordia provides a network of services for more than 600 children and adults with developmental disabilities.


Our Contributions April 16th & 17th, 2016 Sunday Easter Lenten Appeal Donation Class of ‘75 TOTAL

$ 4,158 $ 250 $ 205 $ 760 $ 5,373

During our journey to Pentecost, when we celebrate the official beginning of the Church with the coming of the Holy Spirit, we invite you to recite this prayer daily;

En nuestro camino a Pentecostés, donde celebramos el comienzo oficial de la Iglesia con la venida del Espíritu Santo, los invitamos a rezar esta oración diariamente:

A Spirit to Know You

Un Espíritu para Conocerte

Gracious and Holy Father, Please give me: intellect to understand you, reason to discern you, diligence to seek you, wisdom to find you, a spirit to know you, a heart to meditate upon you, ears to hear you, eyes to see you, a tongue to proclaim you, a way of life pleasing to you, patience to wait for you and perseverance to look for you.

Gracioso y Santo Padre, Por favor, dame: intelecto para entenderte, razonamiento para discernir, diligencia para buscarte, sabiduría para encontrarte, un espíritu para conocerte, un corazón para meditar sobre ti, corazón para escucharte, ojos para verte, una lengua para proclamarte, una manera de vivir que te agrade, paciencia para esperarte y perseverancia para buscarte.

Grant me a perfect end, your holy presence, a blessed resurrection and life everlasting.

Concédeme un perfecto final, tu santa presencia, una bendita resurrección y la vida eterna.


Amen. St. Benedict of Nursia

St. Benedicto de Nursia

Confirmation and First Communion Certificates:

Certificados de Confirmación y Primera Comunión:

If you received First Communion or Confirmation this year and would like a certificate, please contact the Rectory by email [email protected] or by phone 773-7645936. Include the name of the child and a phone number to contact you.

Si ha recibido la Primera Comunión o Confirmación este año y quiere un certificado, por favor contacte la Rectoría por correo electrónico [email protected] o por teléfono 773-764-5936. Incluya el nombre del niño/a y un numero de teléfono para contactarlos.

We have availability in both Sunday and weekday mass intentions. If you are looking to honor a family member or friend consider having a mass said for them. Please contact the rectory for a specific date. The suggested stipend is $10.00

Tenemos intenciones de misas disponibles tanto en domingos como en días de semana. Si está buscando honrar a un miembro de la familia o amigo considere tener una misa dicha por ellos. Contacte la rectoría por fechas. La donación sugerida es $10.00

Weekend Mass Schedule April 23 & 24

Please, keep them in your prayers Mary Binsfeld Pablo Brito Marco Tulio Calderon Bruna Cuevas Michael deBlases Winifred Fisher John Geiger Bill Gibbons Randy Gibbons Peggy Haas Cesar Andres Izquierdo Liam Kelly

Victor Nuñez Fernando Palma Sandra Patterson Usiel Perez Louise Rodriguez Montzerrat Ruiz Alejandro Salas Florence Selko Irene Sporlein Dave Strecker Gilda Wrenn


Fr. John Murphy, SJ

Fr. McAteer

Sun. 8 a.m.

† Vanessa Rich

Fr. McAteer

Sun. 10 a.m.

† John J. Kolar, Sr

Fr. Cook

Sun. 6 p.m.

Pope Francis has declared 2016 to be the Year of Mercy. To celebrate this the Parish Library Committee has purchased 24 copies of the book "Beautiful Mercy". It is a very readable collection of essays from Church leaders and teachers on the Corporal and Spiritual Works of mercy. The Library Committee invites you to pick up a copy from the back of Church or the display in the Library in the Rectory. Read it, be open to receiving and extending mercy and then pass the book on to another Parishioner or return it to the Library display. Let's see how far we can PASS IT FORWARD.

† Sheila Flaherty

Fr. Foley

Weekday Mass Schedule April 25-30 Monday 8 a.m.

Special Intentions for the Living & the Dead


Tuesday 8 a.m.

Theresa Lesinski

Fr. Wolff

Wednesday 8 a.m.

† Frank & Veronica Kenny

Fr. McAteer

Thursday 8 a.m.

Christine Berg

Fr. Wolff

Friday 8 a.m.

Christine Panganieban

Fr. Wolff

Saturday 8 a.m.

† Nereida “Sissy” Romero

Fr. McAteer

Weekend Mass Schedule April 30 & May 1


Fr. Gomez

Sun. 12 p.m. † Carmen Ruepre de Izquierdo, † Alejandra Salgado, † Isabel Cayuela

George Cook Monday: 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16:15-20 Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 Friday: Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17 Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21 Sunday: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8; Rv 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29


Sat. 5 p.m.

And for Those Who Have Passed Away READINGS FOR THE WEEK




Sat. 5 p.m.

Fr. Mike Scherschel

Fr. McAteer

Sun. 8 a.m.

† Steven Dorn

Fr. McAteer

Sun. 10 a.m.

† Ellen Mae Long

Fr. Jackson

Sun. 12 p.m. † Daniel Quizhpi, † Antonio Velazquez Sun. 6 p.m.

† Sheila Flaherty

Fr. Flaherty Fr. Jackson

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday, April 30th at 4:30 p.m. in the Chapel Fr. McAteer

Month 7- “I can look around!”

Mes 7- “¡Puede mirar alrededor!”

You and your spiritually adopted baby are on the home stretch! Beginning this month, he can use four of his senses; no oxygen yet, so no smelling. He can hear, see, touch and taste, plus he can cough, yawn, even hiccup! His eyelids open and close. His grip is even stronger now than it will be at birth. The hair on his head is growing longer. He now recognizes his mother’s voice. During this time, he will also receive antibodies from his mother, to protect him from a wide variety of diseases. Please consider taking this opportunity to pray for life and end the evil of abortion! Sponsored by the St Ignatius Parish

¡Usted y su bebe adoptado espiritualmente están en el tramo final! Comenzando este mes, puede usar cuatro de sus sentidos, no oxigeno todavía, así que no olfato. Puede oír, ver, tocar, y saborear, además puede toser, bostezar, ¡y tener hipo! Sus parpados se abren y cierran. Su apretón es aun más fuerte que lo que será al nacimiento. El pelo en su cabeza esta creciendo más largo. Reconoce la voz de su mamá. Durante este tiempo, también recibirá anticuerpos de su madre, para protegerlo de una variedad de enfermedades. Por favor, considere usar esta oportunidad para rezar por la vida y el fin del aborto! Patrocinado por la Parroquia de San Ignacio

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you. –Jer 1:6

«Antes de formarte en el seno de tu madre, ya te conocía; antes de que tú nacieras, yo te consagré, y te destiné a ser profeta de las naciones.» –Jer 1:5

Legion of Mary invites you to pray the

Todos los Jueves a las 7 p.m. venga a rezar el Rosario. Están todos invitados.

Rosary on Saturday mornings after morning mass.

PARISH DIRECTORY St. Ignatius Parish Telephone: (773) 764-5936 Pastoral Team

Parish Staff

Rev. Joseph M. Jackson, Ph. D., Pastor (ext 21) Rev. Patrick McAteer, S.J., Resident Priest (ext 24) Deacon & Wife, Mr. & Mrs. Raul Mora Deacon & Wife, Mr. & Mrs. Rogelio Soto Deacon & Wife, Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rossow

Volunteer & Welcoming Coordinator: Christine Timcheck ([email protected]) Business Manager: Pat Schultz Bookkeeper: Mariella Dorn (ext 33) Engineer & Maintenance: Pat O’Malley Weekend Receptionist: Jeanette Reid

Pastoral Staff Ignatian Services/Pastoral Assist: Kathy Morris (ext 14) Music Ministry: Dr. Brian DuSell (ext 17) Ministry of Family Faith Life: Mercedes Mac Laughlin (31)

MASSES Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 p.m. (Chapel) Sunday Masses 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. (Spanish) 6:00 p.m. (Chapel)

Parish School Northside Catholic Academy Grades PK-8 For information call the Admission Office at (773) 743-6277.

Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. (Chapel) Saturday Mass 8:00 a.m. (Chapel) FOOD PANTRY: Wednesday from 2 to 4 pm Friday from 10 am - 12:00 pm

RECTORY HOURS: Monday 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Tuesday 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Wednesday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thursday 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Saturday: 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Sunday: 8 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Church name: St. Ignatius Parish 512092 6559 North Glenwood Avenue Chicago, IL 60626 (773) 764-5936 Contact Person: Mercedes Mac Laughlin MS Publisher 2007 Abode Acrobat 8.0 Window Professional IR C5870 Date of Publication: Thursday, September 24, 2015 Transition time: 3:00 p.m. Number of pages sent: 1-8 Special instructions:

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