Table of Contents Opportunities to Live Your Faith

Ministry Catalog Table of Contents Opportunities to Live Your Faith Children & Youth Comunidad Hispana Education Faith Formation Liturgical Service

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Ministry Catalog

Table of Contents Opportunities to Live Your Faith Children & Youth Comunidad Hispana Education Faith Formation Liturgical Service Parish Life Social Outreach

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“There are different gifts but the same spirit. There are different ministries but the same Lord; there are different works but the same God who accomplishes all of them in everyone.” 1 Corinthians 12: 4-6

CHILDREN & YOUTH American Heritage Girls TX2012 American Heritage Girls is a character development program for girls aged 5-18. Our mission is building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country. Faith, Service, Fun! Gina Norred 318-278-1206 [email protected]

Seton Youth - Middle School Seton Youth Ministry is dedicated to making authentic Disciples of Jesus Christ through effective Evangelization and Catechesis. Seton Youth (MS) is on Wednesday nights from 6:30 8:30 pm (dinner included). Karen Bless 817-623-2409 ext: 501 [email protected]

Seton Youth – High School Challenge Club Challenge is a Catholic Youth Ministry program for girls in 5th - 12th grades to grow in knowledge of their Catholic Faith, friendship with Christ, and make a difference and positive impact on their families, friends and in the world around them. Michele Stopper 817-683-5425 [email protected]

Seton Youth Ministry is dedicated to making authentic Disciples of Jesus Christ through effective Evangelization and Catechesis. Some events are yearly while others are monthly or weekly. Please visit often and get involved! Chris West 817-623-2409 ext: 502 [email protected]

Children’s Adoration

Tender Lambs of Christ/Teens Loving Christ

Children will learn how to adore Christ in the Blessed Sacrament through song, prayer, and directed mediation. Parents need to accompany children; no drop offs please. First Tuesday of the month, 3:30 - 4:30 pm Rheannon Werner 515-402-3242 [email protected]

Providing religious education for school aged children with special needs. Jacquelyn Vance 817-431-6023 [email protected]

Schoenstatt Girls' Youth The Schoenstatt Girls' Youth Group is for girls ages 6 to 18 years old. We seek to build a closer relationship to Christ through Mary. Therefore, under the protection of Mary, we strive to become the true child of God. Mitzi Cox [email protected]


Troop 5 of St. George The Troops of Saint George apostolate aims to use the outdoors as our canvas and the sacraments as our path to light the way for the formation of Holy Catholic men and boys. Whether called to the vocation of the priesthood, the religious life, or that of Holy fatherhood, our fathers and sons will take a prayerful pilgrimage together to fulfill Christ's desire for them to grow in virtue and in their Holy Catholic Faith as they journey toward heaven. Jeremy Roberts 682-593-2016 [email protected]

Vacation Bible School St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Vacation Bible School (VBS) unites moms, teens, and children in a week long experience to discover Jesus through crafts, snacks, Bible adventures, games, music, an outreach project, and new friends. We use a fully Catholic program that will help our children grow in Faith. Our teen volunteers learn leadership as they share in the Faith adventure. Matt Gill 817-623-2424 [email protected]

COMUNIDAD HISPANA Clase de Preparación del Bautismo Pláticas de Preparación Sacramental para el Bautismo Infantil que permite a los padres y padrinos entender el significado del Sacramento, incluyendo la Sagrada Escritura, el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, desarrollo histórico y el propio Rito del Bautismo. Esta preparación permite a los padres y padrinos entender mejor sus responsabilidades para nutrir la gracia del Sacramento en la vida de fe del niño. Se imparte el segundo viernes de cada mes de 7:009:00pm. Maria Carmen Chapa | Jorge A. Chapa Hurtado 586-566-1023 [email protected]

Curso Básico de La Liturgia Aumentar la visión de los Ministerios Eucarísticos; lectores, acomodadores y otras personas que prestan servicios en la Santa Misa en español. Así como educación en La Liturgia. Alejandro Xotlanihua 817-229-5087 [email protected]

Ayudar al crecimiento de los dones del Espíritu Santo en nuestras vidas, poniéndolos al servicio del pueblo de Dios con humildad y sencillez. Orar por las necesidades de nuestra Parroquia. Ricardo & Sandra Garza 817-201-4102 [email protected]

Grupo Guadalupano El propósito del Grupo Guadalupano es orar por la vocaciones Sacerdotales y la vida Consagrada y que por este medio sea la oportunidad para fomentar la unidad en las familias, a través de la presencia de María Santísima en el Rezo de Santo Rosario. Cintia Garcia 817-367-8846 [email protected]

Lectores La proclamación de la palabra de Dios es verdaderamente un servicio a la Iglesia. Los lectores presentan la palabra viva de Dios a la asamblea de la comunidad de fe que se reúne. Cuando se leen en la Iglesia las Sagradas Escrituras es Dios mismo quien habla a su pueblo... Por esa razón el ministerio de la palabra, debe ser tratada con gran dignidad. Una proclamación bien hecha incluye la entrega del mensaje en una manera clara, convincente y a paso apropiado. Siendo un ministerio en lo cual la fe del ministro está presupuesta, este ministerio deberá de aumentar la fe en aquellos que escuchen la palabra que se proclama. Marissa Loredo 972-201-5379 [email protected]

Grupo de Oracion

Ministerio Carcelario de la Divina Misericordia

Es un grupo de apoyo adicional para la evangelización de los bautizados, edificar el cuerpo de Cristo y llegar a aquellos que están en busca de un encuentro con Dios en sus vidas.

Nuestra misión es acompañar y dar esperanza a nuestros hermanos y hermanas privados de su libertad. Una de las obras corporales de Misericordia es visitar a los presos (as). ¿Estas


llamado a este Ministerio?. Hay una gran necesidad en la zona de trabajo en nuestra Diócesis, se requiere hombres y mujeres para dirigir el Rosario, La Divina Misericordia, o simplemente revisar las próximas lecturas de la Santa Misa del domingo. No se necesita ningún talento especial. Usted será capacitado para ser parte del equipo. Mat 25: 36 “ desnudo y me vistieron, enfermo, y me visitaron; PRESO, y me vinieron a ver.” En progreso. Rocio Yukawa 954-303-4841 [email protected]

Ministerio de Música " EL QUE CANTA, ORA DOS VECES" - San Agustín “La tradición musical de la Iglesia Católica constituye un tesoro de valor inestimable, que sobresale entre las demás expresiones artísticas, principalmente porque el canto sagrado, unido a las palabras, constituye una parte necesaria o integral de la Liturgia solemne… La Música, Por consiguiente, será tanto más santa cuanto más íntimamente se halle unida a la acción litúrgica…Además, la Iglesia aprueba y admite en el culto divino todas las formas de arte auténtico, siempre que estén adornadas con las debidas cualidades.” (SC 112). El Coro, desempeña un autentico misterio litúrgco. Se ejerce, por tanto su oficio con la sincera piedad y el orden que conviene a tan gran Misterio. Los Ensayos, todos los jueves de 7:00 -8:00 pm en el Salón Parroquial y los domingos, a las 12:30 antes de la misa en español. Oneyda Guadalupe Padierna [email protected]

Ministros Extraordinarios de La Sagrada Comunión El Ministerio Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión, es un ministerio laical contemplado en la Iglesia Católica y estipulado en el Canon 230, párrafo tercero del Derecho Canónico que dice: “Donde lo aconseje la necesidad de la Iglesia y no haya ministros, pueden los laicos,


aunque no sean lectores ni acólitos, suplirles en algunas de sus funciones, es decir, ejercitar el ministerio de la palabra, presidir las oraciones litúrgicas, administrar el bautismo y dar la sagrada Comunión según la prescripción del derecho”. Y en el canon siguiente (231) establece que para ejercer este ministerio laical se requiere de la debida formación, conciencia y generosidad. De esta manera los laicos pueden ayudar en una forma activa a los párrocos en la distribución de la Comunión, tanto en la misa como fuera de ella. Quizás tú puedas ser un ministro extraordinario de la Sagrada Comunión. Acércate a nuestro Ministerio. Oscar Vazquez | Rocio Yukawa 817-995-1971 | 954-303-4841 [email protected] | [email protected]

Quinceañeras El objetivo del Programa de Bendición para Quinceañeras es principalmente aprovechar esta etapa como una oportunidad para evangelizar a la joven. Siendo una realidad que en las familias Hispanas en los Estado Unidos la celebración de los quince años es un acontecimiento de mucha importancia. A través del siguiente programa se desea dar a conocer tanto a las jóvenes interesadas, familias y catequistas del Pastoral Juvenil, la dimensión antropológica, teológica, social y religiosa como elementos fundamentales en la celebración de los quince años. La celebración de los XV años es, por lo tanto, una oportunidad para evangelizar a la joven invitándola a que tenga un encuentro con Dios, consigo misma y con los demás; y de afirmar su identidad y compromiso como bautizada. Además, se aprovechará esto como otra oportunidad para retornar y apreciar los valores religiosos mantenidos en el corazón de los latinos; es decir, la Familia y la Fe. Rosa Cuadrado 817-718-3272 [email protected]

Servidores del Altar y Acólitos Los servidores del altar son las personas encargadas de ayudar al sacerdote durante la Misa o Eucaristía. Los servidores del altar se dividen en Acólitos y Monaguillos: Acólitos-son los encargados de ayudar al sacerdote en la Eucaristía y preparar el altar para la bendición del vino y el pan que se convierten en el cuerpo y la sangre de Jesús y la procesión para las ofrendas. El monaguillo ocupa un puesto privilegiado en las celebraciones litúrgicas. Quien ayuda en la misa, se presenta ante una comunidad. Experimenta de cerca que en todo acto litúrgico Jesucristo está presente y actúa. Nuestro servicio no puede quedar limitado al interior de la Iglesia. Debe irradiarse en la vida de todos los días: en la escuela, en la familia y en los diferentes ámbitos de la sociedad. Pues quien quiere servir a Jesucristo dentro de la iglesia tiene que ser su testigo por doquier. Benjamin De Anda 817-363-3777 [email protected]

Ujieres Los Ujieres son los encargados de promover un sentido de bienvenida y pertenencia a todos los fieles reunidos para la liturgia. Son el primer punto de contacto para la celebración comunal de la Liturgia. Los Ujieres está en contacto con la comunidad entera en un modo activo, liberando a cada persona de sus propios impedimentos personales para la Misa, por medio de una atmósfera de bienvenida. Desempeñan un papel activo habilitando a cada feligrés para llegar a una expresión mas libre de Dios en la Liturgia. Las principales funciones son: ofrecer asientos, ayudar en la colecta, guardar el orden en la comunión, repartir boletines etc. Alfonso Martinez 817-253-5750 [email protected]

Ultreya de St Elizabeth Ann Seaton de Cursillos de Cristiandad. El Movimiento de Cursillos anhela encontrar en todos los ambientes -- especialmente en los que están más alejados de la mentalidad cristiana -unos núcleos de cristianos que transformarán poco a poco su ambiente por la fuerza de su testimonio. Juan Pablo II hizo recordar este objetivo el día de la Ultreya Nacional de Italia, el 24 de noviembre de 1990 : "He aquí su aporte dentro de la Iglesia : crear unos núcleos de creyentes que lleven el mensaje de salvación por todos lados, haciendo prevalecer el peso de su opinión no por imposición sino más bien por la fuerza de su testimonio". Norma Juárez 626-201-9916 [email protected]

EDUCATION St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School The mission of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School is to educate the whole child (Spiritually, Intellectually, Socially, Emotionally and Physically), in a Christ-centered environment, where young minds can achieve great things. Mr. William Perales, Principal 817-431-4845 [email protected]

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Homeschool Group We are a network of families that are Catholic home educators of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish. We are faithful to the teachings of the Magisterium and take very seriously the Church's mandate for parents to be the primary educators of their children. Our purpose is to provide support for Catholic parents who are educating children at home, as well as provide resources to further their experiences within the home and community. Stephanie Hightower 817-729-3150 [email protected]


Schola Rosa Homeschool Co-op We, The Homeschooling Families of Classically Catholic Memorization, a body of diverse individuals, come together under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to promote the mission of Jesus Christ. This is accomplished by encouraging and supporting the development of the sacramental life of each member in the Parish through liturgical, educational, social and service activities. We strive to create an environment that fosters communication; an environment that helps us realize we are each a unique child of God. The stewardship of our time, our talents, and our treasures expresses the continuous accountability to God and the shared responsibility to each other, to the community and to the world. Sarah Acuna 817-676-8305 [email protected]

Confirmation. If you are interested in being Baptized, becoming Catholic, or coming back to the Church please schedule an appointment with Matthew Gill. Please call Wendy Collins to set up your appointment. Before your appointment please join us any Sunday morning from 9:30AM-10:30AM for a study on the Gospel. We meet in the Pius XII Center (2040 Willis Lane). Matt Gill | Wendy Collins 817-623-2424 | 817-623-2409 #504 [email protected] | [email protected]

Couple to Couple League To help couples build healthy marriages and families in accord with the truth of married love specifically through fertility awareness and its virtuous application, and the promotion of exclusive and continued breastfeeding. Scott & Amy Rustand 817-913-8163 [email protected]


Evangelization and Catechesis for Adults

Eucharistic Adoration is the act of worshiping God as He is present in the consecrated Eucharist. Spending time before the Blessed Sacrament is exactly the same as spending time before the living God. Commit to one hour a week on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. It'll be the best hour you will spend each week! Julia Smead | [email protected] Alana Demma | [email protected] Dan Porter | [email protected]

We offer individuals the opportunity to experience close encounters with Christ through prayer, belief, and the moral life. To see a complete list of what is offered Matt Gill | Wendy Collins 817-623-2424 | 817-623-2409 #504 [email protected] | [email protected]

Become Catholic (RCIA) | Come Back Home (Adult Confirmation) RCIA is for the unbaptized who desire to know Christ and His Church and for the baptized who desire to enter fully into the Church! Adult Confirmation is primarily for Catholics who want to come back home to the Catholic Faith or adult Catholics who are preparing for


Moms in Prayer Experience the joy of replacing anxiety with peace and hope when you pray scripturally and specifically for your child and school with another mom. Mondays at 8:00am, SEASCS Jennifer Kirchem [email protected]

Holy Fire Prayer Group

Sponsor Couple Program

To pray unceasingly for all of God's children, that we may do His will always, to give thanks and praise and glorify His holy name. Robert Gonzalez 817-431-1958 [email protected]

To help Engaged Couples learn more about the Sacrament of Marriage and to solidify the foundation upon which they, together with Christ, will build their Sacrament of Marriage. Brittany Yowell 817-703-1027 [email protected]

Regnum Christi Activities Regnum Christi members in Dallas-Fort Worth are committed to support one another in our pursuit of holiness and service of the Kingdom of Christ, offering small groups, programs, and retreats that seek to bring people to a deep personal encounter with Jesus Christ. Lucy Gutierrez-Olvera 682- 553-9134 [email protected]

Schoenstatt Family Ministry Under the protection and assistance of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we strive for holiness to build the domestic church according to our state in life. Mike and Lisa Arth 817-939-8830 [email protected]

Sisters in Christ We pray together as we study God's Word and read the sections in the Catechism to acquire more knowledge and understanding. We pray and we listen and develop a deeper appreciation for God's gifts. We share in a spirit of humility and service. “And the greatest of these is Love” Ramona Calderon [email protected]

Worldwide Marriage Encounter A Diocesan group, Worldwide Marriage Encounter is the largest pro-marriage movement in the world and offers a weekend experience for couples who want to make their good marriage even better. This Catholic weekend allows couples to rediscover dreams, rekindle romance, and become more aware of God’s desire for marriage. We also have a wonderful sharing group at SEAS to support couples on their sacramental journey. Randy & Ellen Schmitz 817-807-2196 [email protected]

LITURGICAL SERVICE Altar Server Instruction Training young men for service at the altar of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, to execute their duties with attention, reverence and devotion. Gerald Asher 817-581-0304 [email protected]

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are lay ministers of the Catholic Church, as stipulated in Canon 230, of the Code of Canon Law: “When the need of the Church warrants it and ministers are lacking, lay persons, even if they are not lectors or acolytes, can also supply


certain of their duties, namely, to exercise the ministry of the word, to preside offer liturgical prayers, to confer baptism, and to distribute Holy Communion, according to the prescripts of the law.” Canon 231 further stipulates: “Lay persons who permanently or temporarily devote themselves to special service of the Church are obliged to acquire the appropriate formation required to fulfill their function properly and to carry out this function conscientiously, eagerly, and diligently.” If you are interested in serving as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, please contact me. Ricardo DeLeon 817-281-3622 [email protected]

Linen Ministry Volunteers needed to wash, starch and iron purificators and corporals for every Mass and make sure the drawers are always full. Velma Garcia 817-946-2182 [email protected]

Men’s Schola To learn and promote Gregorian Chant within the Parish, especially for the Liturgy of the Hours and Mass. Ferdie Velasco 817-749-0822 [email protected]

Ministry of Reader The Ministry of Reader is a liturgical service to the parish community of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church. Readers live out the call to serve their brothers and sisters by devoutly and prayerfully proclaiming the Word of God - Jesus Christ. Salvatore Tuzzolino 817-337-2611 [email protected]


Music Ministry The Music Ministry includes the Church Choir, Children's Choir, Men’s Schola Group, High School Brass Quintet, and Ministerio de Música. Doug Parsons 817- 623-2403 dparsons@seascc. org

PARISH LIFE Catholic Daughters of the Americas Under the patronage of the Blessed Mother, the Catholic Daughters of the Americas are united by their Faith in Jesus Christ, in their devotion to the Church and the Holy See. The CDA motto is Unity and Charity. Janine Stevens 817-514-9780 [email protected]

Ladies’ Guild Mission is to involve the ladies of the Parish in our many activities; Rosary making, blankies for Project Linus, launder altar linens, and other projects. Frances Dyche 817-485-8906 [email protected]

Knights of Columbus The principles of the Knights of Columbus are Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. Nic Stevens 817-514-9780 [email protected]

San Juan Diego Assembly #2857 4th Degree The Fourth Degree is the Patriotic Degree of the Order, The Right Arm of the Church. The primary purpose of the Fourth Degree is to encourage active Catholic citizenship and foster the spirit of patriotism in members and the community at large. Al (Obie) Obregon 817-528-2393

[email protected]

SEAS Golf League To enjoy the company of other SEAS members on the golf course and thus make friendships for life. Tom Schneider 817-925-9899 [email protected]

SEAS Toastmasters We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth. Kathy Bergs 817-694-0466 [email protected]

and others. We meet every Saturday at 7:00 AM, beginning with a rosary, lasting until 8:30. Joseph Mosher 682-202-0154 [email protected]

Young Adults This group is for all young adults who have graduated high school and are under age 35. Join us to grow closer to Christ through prayer and fellowship with other young adults! Facebook Group: SEAS Young Adults Karen Bless 817-623-2409 ext: 501 [email protected]

Seton Moms Seton Moms provides support for the vocation of motherhood to moms of all ages through sharing friendship, faith, charity, and prayer. Jill Foley 334-313-6246 [email protected]

SOCIAL OUTREACH Beautiful Feet Ministry Assistance Meal preparation and delivery once a month to allow this homeless ministry's kitchen staff a respite from their cooking schedule; also accepting additional donations for their pantry.

Gerald Asher 817-581-0304 [email protected]

St. Joseph's Covenant Keepers St. Joseph's Covenant Keepers [SJCK] is a group to equip and encourage husbands and fathers for more effective service within their families. We have studied and discuss a variety of topics including marriage, parenting, apologetics, lives of the saints, church history and fathers, and current events. We also periodically organize guest speaking engagements for the benefit of the parish, and have hosted many speakers over the years including Dr. Scott Hahn, Tim Staples, Dr. Ray Guarendi, Steve Wood, Patrick Coffin,

Bereavement Ministry – Funeral Luncheons Funeral luncheons are occasionally provided by members of the parish. Volunteers are needed to bring covered dishes. Assistance is also needed to help serve and/or clean up afterward. Volunteers will not be expected to participate at every luncheon. Carol Vaughn 817-881-6262 [email protected]


Columbian Squires The Columbian Squires is an International Youth Fraternity run by the Knights of Columbus for Catholic boys between the ages of 10 and 18. The Squires is designed to develop young men as leaders who understand their Catholic religion, who have a strong commitment to the Church and who are ready, willing and capable of patterning their lives after the Youth Christ. Dale Shipman | Kevin Blast 817-789-7015 | 817-262-7035 [email protected] | [email protected]

Gabriel Project Gabriel Project is a Respect Life parish-based ministry that gives emotional and spiritual support and practical care to women that are pregnant. Debra Heron 817-965-4885 [email protected]

Knitting for Those in Need St. Elizabeth's Knitting for Those in Need makes soft warm chemo hats for Texas Oncology, JPS, and Cooks Children's Hospital. We also make fuzzy winter hats and scarves, and warm fleece blankets for St. Joseph's Indian School in Chamberlain, South Dakota. Frances Dyche 817-485-8906 [email protected]

Mary’s Angels Mary's Angels is an outreach to those who find themselves in the bereavement process following the loss of a baby through miscarriage or still birth. Our ministry began with the intention to provide comfort to women who have lost a child. Our main objective is to help women and families heal, and offer hope, comfort and encouragement through our own personal experiences. We are not counselors or


therapists, but women who have sadly endured their own pain of losing a baby and are committed to helping those who unfortunately have to travel the same road. Maria Walters 469-570-2594 [email protected]

Ministry of the Sick The Ministry of the Sick brings God's love through the Eucharist and our Parish family's concern and fellowship to those who are Sick, Homebound, Disabled, and Terminally Ill and reside in their homes or in nursing home facilities within our Parish. Deacon Jerry Rustand 817-431-3857 [email protected]

Outreach Ministry Mission: To provide our time, talent, and resources to those in our parish community who find themselves in need, restoring their hope and dignity through love. Vision: Through a team of dedicated volunteers we will coordinate our efforts to provide items, information, resources, and assistance to meet the needs of those parishioners and community members in need of assistance. Faith Statement: We seek to provide Love for the Poor ( CCC 2447) "The Works of Mercy are charitable actions by which we come to the aid of our neighbor in his spiritual and bodily necessities." Mt 25:40 I assure you, as often as you did for the least of my brothers you did for me. Elisha TeWinkle 817-821-3991 [email protected]

Parish Mission Council By our Baptism we are called to be missioners through prayer and action, whether it is helping with a fund raiser at home, or traveling abroad. We work together to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to others. Craig Wietz 817-371-5230 [email protected]

Respect Life Members of the SEAS Respect Life Committee pledge to courageously and unselfishly: *Increase the awareness of life issues from conception to natural death in the community of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. *Under the direction of our Pastor, support his vision for Respect Life and support the Bishop and the Diocese of Fort Worth. *Increase the level of prayer to end the culture of death which pervades our country. *Increase the level of knowledge our youth have and enlist the youth in the fight against death. *Involve as many of our parishioners as possible in the Respect Life mission. Alana & Michael Demma 817-337-1721 [email protected]

Stephen Ministry Stephen Ministry is grounded in Jesus' command to love one another. Through one-to-one caring and confidential relationships, those who are hurting receive the love and care they need to support them. Tammy Sandoval | Shirl Benton-Graf 817-602-5719 | 512-497-6464 [email protected] | [email protected]

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church 2016 Willis Lane | Keller, Texas | 817-431-3857 |


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