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The Resurrection Newsletter June 16, 2013
The Resurrection Newsletter June 16, 2013 St. Pius H.S. Resurrection Catholic Church 915 Zoe St, Houston, TX 77020 June 16, 2013 11th Sunday in

Newsletter (August, 2016) From the Communications Director
Newsletter 2015-2016 (August, 2016) From the Communications Director I wish to thank Matt Wyszynski, who recently stepped down after several years of

The Preface Newsletter
The Preface Newsletter August/September/October 2016 Mexican Independence Day Celebration with A Flor de Piel When: Monday, September 12th, 6:30-7

Tuesday, May 24, Wednesday, May 25, Thursday, May 26, 2016
May 10, 2016 Dear KanCare Stakeholder, Kansas is preparing to renew the KanCare Medicaid program and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (

First Grade Newsletter October 2016
First Grade Newsletter October 2016 Sra. Delgadillo/Mrs. Westerman Sra. Santiago/Ms. Woodard Sra. Novillo/Ms. Telesca Claremont Immersion First Grade

Story Transcript



Pentecost Sunday

PENTECOST Homily of Pope Francis

pg. 2


pg. 2


pg. 6

Capilla la Divina Providencia


pg. 7

915 Zoe St., Houston, TX 77020


P ENTECOST S UNDAY In the light of this passage from Acts, I would like to reflect on three words linked to the working of the Holy Spirit: newness, harmony and mission. Newness always makes us a bit fearful, because we feel more secure if we have everything under control, if we are the ones who build, program and plan our lives in accordance with our own ideas, our own comfort, our own preferences. This is also the case when it comes to God. Often we follow him, we accept him, but only up to a certain point. It is hard to abandon ourselves to him with complete trust, allowing the Holy Spirit to be the soul and guide of our lives in our every decision... Yet throughout the history of salvation, whenever God reveals himself, he brings newness - God always brings newness -, and demands our complete trust...The newness which God brings into our life is something that actually brings fulfilment, that gives true joy, true serenity, because God loves us and desires only our good...Let us ask ourselves today: Are we open to “God’s surprises”? The Holy Spirit would appear to create disorder in the Church, since he brings the diversity of charisms and gifts; yet all this, by his working, is a great source of wealth, for the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of unity, which does not mean uniformity, but which leads everything back to harmony. So let us ask ourselves: Am I open to the harmony of the Holy Spirit, overcoming every form of exclusivity? Do I let myself be guided by him, living in the Church and with the Church? The Holy Spirit is the soul of mission... The Pentecost of the Upper Room in Jerusalem is the beginning, a beginning which endures. The Holy Spirit is the supreme gift of the risen Christ to his apostles, yet he wants that gift to reach everyone... It is the Paraclete Spirit, the “Comforter”, who grants us the courage to take to the streets of the world, bringing the Gospel! The Holy Spirit makes us look to the horizon and drive us to the very outskirts of existence in order to proclaim life in Jesus Christ. Let us ask ourselves: do we tend to stay closed in on ourselves, on our group, or do we let the Holy Spirit open us to mission? Today let us remember these three words: newness, harmony and mission. HOMILY OF POPE FRANCIS Saint Peter’s Square, Sunday May 19, 2013

MAY IS THE MONTH OF Mary Wherever there is faith there is the example of Mary, because she lived by faith as the Scriptures remind us.... - Cardinal John Wright

Join us as we pray the rosary before every Mass during the month of May.


M AY 15, 2016 A la luz de este texto de los Hechos de los Apóstoles, deseo reflexionar sobre tres palabras relacionadas con la acción del Espíritu: novedad, armonía, misión. La novedad siempre nos hace un poco temerosa, porque sentimos mas seguros si tenemos todo bajo control, si nosotros somos los que construimos, programamos y planificamos nuestra vida de acuerdo con nuestras propias ideas, nuestra propia comodidad, nuestras propias preferencias. Este es también el caso cuando se trata de Dios. A menudo le seguimos, lo aceptamos, pero sólo hasta cierto punto. Es difícil abandonarnos a él con total confianza, permitiendo que el Espíritu Santo sea el alma y guía de nuestras vidas en cada una de nuestras decisiones ... Sin embargo, en toda la historia de la salvación, siempre que Dios se revela, que aporta novedad, Dios siempre trae la novedad, y exige toda nuestra confianza ... La novedad, que Dios trae a nuestra vida es algo que realmente trae el cumplimiento, que da la verdadera alegría, la verdadera serenidad, porque Dios nos ama y desea sólo nuestro bien ... Preguntémonos: ¿estamos abiertos a las "sorpresas de Dios"? El Espíritu Santo aparenta crear desorden en la Iglesia, ya que aporta la diversidad de carismas y dones; sin embargo, todo esto, por la operación de él, es una gran fuente de riqueza, porque el Espíritu Santo es el Espíritu de unidad, lo que no significa uniformidad, sino que lleva todo a la armonía. Así que preguntémonos: ¿Estoy abierto a la armonía del Espíritu Santo, la superación de toda forma de exclusividad? ¿Me dejo guiar por él, viviendo en la Iglesia y con la Iglesia? El Espíritu Santo es el alma de la misión ... El Pentecostés del Cenáculo de Jerusalén es el comienzo, un comienzo que perdura. El Espíritu Santo es el don supremo de Cristo resucitado a sus apóstoles, sin embargo, él quiere que el regalo llegue a todos ... Es el Espíritu Paráclito, el "Consolador", que nos da el valor para salir a las calles del mundo, llevando el Evangelio! El Espíritu Santo nos hace mirar al horizonte y nos dirige a las mismas afueras de existencia con el fin de anunciar la vida de Jesucristo. Preguntémonos: ¿tenemos la tendencia de permanecer cerrados en nosotros mismos, en nuestro grupo, o qué dejamos que el Espíritu Santo nos abra a la misión? Hoy recordemos estas tres palabras: la novedad, la armonía y la misión. HOMLILIA DE PAPA FRANCISCO Plaza de San Pedro, Domingo 19 de mayo, 2013

MAYO ES EL MES DE Maria Donde hay fe hay ejemplos de Maria, porque ella vivio por la fe como nos recuerdan las Escrituras…. - Cardinal John Wright

Acompáñenos a rezar el rosario antes de cada Misa durante el mes de Mayo.

Bilingual Healing Mass

Misa Bilingüe de Sanación

Wednesday, May 18 at 6:30pm

Miércoles , Mayo 18 a las 6:30pm

“Let us then with confidence draw near to the

“Vayamos, pues, confiadamente acercarnos al trono de la gracia, para alcanzar misericordia y hallar gracia para ayudar en tiempos de necesidad". Hebreos 4:16

throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

El Padre ungirá a los enfermos después de la homilía y orará por las personas individualmente después de Father will anoint the sick after the homily and Misa. pray with people individually after Mass.



15 DE MAYO DEL 2016

RESURRECTION CATHOLIC SCHOOL N E W S Resurrection Catholic School is now registering for the 2016-17 school year. We welcome your interest in our school. Resurrection Catholic School serves students from Age 3 to 8th Grade. If you would like to schedule a tour of the school or would like information about our academic programs, please contact: Carla Cortez, Registrar at 713-674-5545. Submit a completed PSAS application and School Registration before the May 29th DEADLINE to avoid being placed on a WAIT LIST. Meeting this deadline will allow you to take advantage of a discounted tuition rate and insure a space in class. Go to to begin the application process. Resurrection Catholic School offers an excellent college-prep academic program that prepares students to lead, live, and learn in faith. Yours in Christ, Marsha Masi, Principal About the Father Cobos Legacy Award The Fr. Abelardo Cobos Legacy Award was established in 2015 to recognize leadership and excellence in support of our school. The first award was given to Fr. Cobos himself for promoting the importance of a Catholic education as a transformative tool for both learning outcomes and character development.

Father Abelardo Cobos As pastor of Resurrection Catholic Community for four years, Fr. Cobos’s unwavering belief in the importance of education led to Resurrection School’s stability, growth and development. The legacy award recognizes the critical role he played to support the school’s future.

To reserve a table or purchase tickets, please contact:

Dr. Michele Sabino at 713.675.1148 or [email protected] To honor the founding Sisters and to support the Fr. Cobos Luncheon, both the church and school office will be closed from 11:00AM - 1:30PM.

Resurrection Catholic School

A Letter from the Principal: Resurrection Catholic School is mission driven to educate and care for children as they grow in wisdom, age, and faith. We believe that empowered by the Risen Lord, the entire Resurrection Community is committed to developing mind, heart, and spirit, through a quality academic program so that our students will be set ablaze by the Holy Spirit to transform the world. If you, or someone you know, are inspired to be a part of our mission, we are currently recruiting Board Members for the 2016-17 school year. Board Members are community leaders, parish members, and/or business people who are compelled by the mission of Resurrection Catholic School. Ideally we would like each group represented. The discernment process for Board membership will include: • Submission of the prospective Board Member’s name, address, and telephone number via email to the school principal. • An interview with the Selection Committee. • An Introduction and Training of Board Member. Please send your submission to Principal Marsha Masi, [email protected]. Yours in Christ, Marsha Masi, Principal



M ASS I NTENTIONS ♦ I NTENCIONES Saturday, May 14: 5:30pm † Phillip P. Reyna † Mary Olivia Aguilar 7:30 pm † Maxives Varrela † Manuel & Antonia Ramirez Sunday, May 15: 7:00 am † Mary Cruz Tiffany & Augi Reyes 9:00 am † Salvador Longoria † Enrique Gonzalez 11:00am † Luis Casas † Ynocensia Casas 1:00pm † Andrea Berlanga † Charlotte S. Reyes Tuesday, May 17: 8:30am † Sergio D. Garcia Dayanara & Juan Resendez Wednesday, May 18: 6:30pm † Sergio D. Garcia † Padre Blas Herrador Thursday, May 19: 8:30 am † Sergio D. Garcia † Ernestina Hernandez



† - Deceased

PRAYERS FOR THE SICK / ORACIONES POR LOS ENFERMOS Teresa Perez, Gloria Martinez, Donalee Porter, Lucia Quintero, Hortencia Orola, Veronica Carillo, Antonio Vasquez, Mariano T. Matamoros, Richard Martinez, Catalina Diaz & Elsa Salazar Names will be posted for 3 consecutive weeks once a year. Los nombres serán publicados durante 3 semanas consecutivas una vez al año.

Diocesan Service Fund (DSF) DSF Summary Report - 2016 Parish 7357

Activity Thru: 05/09/2016 Resurrection - Houston-DSF16 Parish Goal


Total Amount Paid


Total Amount Pledged


Total Number of Participant


Total Number of Household


Average Participant Pledge


Paid Over (Under) Goal


Pledged Over (Under) Goal


Percent Paid


M AY 15, 2016 THIS W EEK AT R ESURRECTION E STA S EMANA EN LA R ESURRECCIÓN Monday, May 16: 10:30am Bible Study…………………......…….…………..…Rectory 6:00pm Rosary………………………………………………...Church 6:15pm HS Sacramental Prep Group……………………...Youth Bldg 7:00pm CI & CII Discipleship Groups…..GYM, Youth Bldg, RM 204 & 205 7:00pm Choir Practice (9am Sun)..………………………Admin Bldg Tuesday, May 17: 6:00pm School Sports Banquet…………...…………………….GYM 7:00pm YEAR OF MERCY Session………………………..…Church Wednesday, May 18 9:00am - 5:00pm Adoration of Blessed Sacrament…….……..Church 9:30am Legion of Mary…………………..………………..Rectory 3:15pm Girl Scouts & Boy Scouts…………..….School Bldg RM 205 4:00pm Liturgy Task Force………...…………………….Admin Bldg 5:00pm - 6:00pm Confessions……...……....….……………....Church 6:00pm Rosary…………………………..……………………..Church 6:30pm Mass……………….…………………………………..Church 6:30pm Knights of Columbus 4th Degree………………..……..GYM 7:00pm Baptism Class…..…………………………….….Admin Bldg 7:00pm Grupo de Oración…………..…....…………..………..Church Thursday, May 19: 5:45pm MS Sacramental Prep Group………………...…………GYM 6:15pm Baptism Class (Spanish)………………….…….Admin Bldg 7:00pm Confirmation II...……………….School Bldg RM 203 & 205 7:30pm Holy Hour……...……………………………………...Church Friday, May 20: 10:00am Legion of Mary (Spanish)…….……....…....…..........Rectory 6:00pm 8th Grade Graduation Mass …..………….………...…Church 7:00pm 8th Grade Graduation Reception…………...…………..GYM Saturday, May 21: 9:00am MD Anderson Platelets & Blood Drive……Front Parking Lot 11:00am Baptism (Spanish)..…………………………………..Church 11:00am Legion of Mary - La Curia …………………………..GYM 4:30pm - 5:15pm Confessions………………………………...Church 5:30pm Vigil Mass & 1st Communions...…………………….Church 6:30pm Catholic Daughters of America ……………………...GYM 6:30pm Confessions…………………………………………...Church 7:30pm Vigil Mass (Spanish)………………………………….Church Sunday, May 22: 7:00am Mass (English)………..…………...…....…..................Church 9:00am Mass (Spanish)………..……...……...….….……….…Church 9:00am CCE…………………………………………...…School Bldg 11:00am Mass (English) ……………..……...……...………....Church 1:00pm Mass (Spanish)………..……..……..…...........….……Church

To request a bulletin announcement or to reserve a facility, please email [email protected] or call the office at 713-675-5333. Bulletin Deadline: Friday by Noon

STEWARDSHIP / MAYORDOMÍA Weekly Needed/Necesitamos Semanalmente:


May 8

Year to Date


$ 8,382.00

$ 404,808.00


$ 12,400.00

$ 558,000.00


-$ 4,018.00

-$ 153,192.00

Improvement Fund / Reparaciones: $ 30.00 School Support / Apoyo Escolar: $ 192.00 Catholic Communications: $1,126.00


5 FIRST COMMUNIONS 2016 Primeras Comuniones 2016


Practice Date


Fecha de Ensayo

Misa de la 1era Comunión

1st Communion Mass

4th & 5th

May 21, 9am

May 21, 5:30pm

COMMUNION FOR THE HOMEBOUND If you or someone you know is limited (temporary or permanent) to participate in Sunday Mass and would like to receive the Communion, please contact the parish office to arrange a visit from the Legion of Mary.

COMUNION PARA LOS ENFERMOS Si usted o alguien quien conozca esta limitado (temporal o permanente) en participar en la Misa Dominical y desea recibir la Comunión, por favor comuníquese con la oficina de la iglesia para programar una visita de la Legión de Maria. Church Office / Oficina de la Iglesia 713-675-5333

15 DE MAYO DEL 2016 www.r c c h o u s t o n . o r g 915 Zoe St, Houston, TX 77020 713-675-5333 ● Fax 713-673-3605 Parish Office Hours: Closed Saturday-Monday Tuesday - 9:30am-4:30 pm Wednesday-Friday 8:00am—4:30 pm Office of Evangelization & Catechesis: Carmen Valdez 713-675-0350 [email protected]

Weekday English Mass: 8:30am on Tuesday & Thursday Weekday Spanish Mass: 6:30pm on Wednesday & Friday* *La Divina Providencia In Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary ~1st Saturday: 8:30am Bilingual Mass

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento

Wednesdays / Cada Miércoles 9:00AM - 5:00PM

Holy Hour Hora Santa Thursdays / Cada Jueves 7:30PM - 8:30PM

Vigil Mass (Saturday): 5:30pm (English) 7:30pm (Spanish)

Sunday Mass: English: 7:00 am ● 11:00 am Spanish: 9:00 am ● 1:00 pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION A DORACION AL S ANTISIMO

Every Wednesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Thursday Holy Hour 7:30-8:30pm CONFESSIONS Wednesday: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Saturday 4:30 pm -5:15 pm 6:30 pm -7:15 pm ROSARY Monday: 6:00 pm (English) Wednesday: 6:00 pm (Spanish) Misión La Divina Providencia 7913 Munn St., Houston, 77029 713-360-7173 Misa dominical en español: 3:00 pm 6:30 pm los viernes



M AY 15, 2016 The JCDA Court will be instituted on May 21, 2016 5:30 p.m. Mass


Junio 3, 4 y 5, 2016

All active catholic girls between the ages of 6yrs - 18 yrs are welcome to join!

Su matrimonio se merece esta oportunidad El Fin de Semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial es una experiencia positiva y personal que ofrece a las parejas una técnica de comunicación mas amorosa que puedan usar para el resto de sus vidas. Así como mirar su relación de pareja y su relación con Dios.

Mas informes: Fernando y Rosalba Medrano 281-960-0833 o 713-678-7615

CEBHYM Curso de Espiritualidad Biblica para Hombres y Mujeres

HELPING GIRLS TO LIVE LIVES OF SERVICE The purpose and mission of the JCDA program is divided into a threefold program of Message, Service & Community and is based on 4 objectives and goals: • To promote the development of the whole person through programs of self –identity, personal growth and peer group relationships; • To promote service to others in the parish, community and JCDA • To encourage spiritual growth by providing opportunity for personal prayer, liturgy and ecumenical understanding; and • To encourage programming that is creative, open, flexible, and current to the needs and concerns of a particular area. Contact: Rose Balderas 713-898-5057, Wileen Benjamin 281-638-7210 or Cynthia Suarez 713-289-9742 to complete application.

La Parroquia San Thomas More y El Grupo CEBHYM

Invitan al Retiro que se llevara acabo: Hombres: 20, 21 y 22 de Mayo Mujeres: 27, 28 y 29 de Mayo Rankin Palace Reception Hall 610 Rankin Circle North Houston, TX 77073 Costo $60 incluye alimentos (venga preparado para quedarse) Entrada: Viernes 6:00pm Salida: Domingo 12:00pm aproximadamente Marcela: 832-390-7466 o Andrea: 832-771-9552 / Jr.: 832-250-3055 Ufemia Benitez: 832-888-1657 o Primitivo Benites: 832-896-2638

PUBLIC MEETING May 17, 2016 at 6:30PM Denver Harbor Multiservice Center, 6402 Market St. The City of Houston is holding a Public Meeting to discuss the Chapter 42 Area Application submitted FUTURE CRITICAL STEPS TO BE DISCUSSED. An area application has been submitted for Exchange, Meters, Terminal, 7600 Hillsboro and Waxahachie. Signatures are being taken for 800 - 1150 Henke, Rouse, Gazin, Zoe, Majestic, Lathrop. Also for 7400 - 7550 Alderson, Force, Gainesville, Texarkana, EaglePass. VOTE YES / VOTE SI on ballots 800 Shotwell, 800 - 1150 Hoffman, Hahlo, Woolworth, Kress


INFORMATION AVAILABLE AT MEETING AND ALL ARE WELCOME. Contact: Carolyn Lopez at [email protected]


Donación de Plaquetas y Sangre



15 DE MAYO DEL 2016

Get in touch


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