Window Talk Summer 2018 Flipbook PDF

Window Talk Summer 2018

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Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior en Anima ciones 3D, Juegos y Entornos Interactivos la Nuev ión La ac c u e la d a Es e C o mu n i c Program

Plan Nacional de Seguridad y Salvamento Marítimo 2010/2018 Plan Nacional de Servicios Especiales de Salvamento de la Vida Humana en la Mar y de la

2018 producciones
1 HISTORIA Giasone Francesco Cavalli RODELI N DA G e o r g F r i e d r i c h H ä n d e l C a t o n e i n U t i c a L e o n a r d o Vi n c i LUCIO

MODEL RTA-2018 MODEL RTA-2018 MODELO RTA - 2018 Gracias por comprar uno de nuestros productos. Por favor lea cuidadosamente las instrucciones de e

Story Transcript

Issue 139 July 2018

Inside this Issue Incredible Darran Appointed to FWC Committee Electricity can Kill if you come into Contact with it Merger of NWC and High Access creates one of the largest FM services company in the UK The Manchester Cleaning review • General Data Protection Regulations

Formed in 1947 FWC is the Professional Federation for Window Cleaners

The Window Talk Trade Journal



3 Summer Editorial / FWC Code of conducts 4 FWC & the British Red Cross / Law Express 5 Questions & Answers

4 Digitool 7 Touchline Embroidery 6 Moerman – Tool Experiece 17 Lansford Access

6 Manchester Cleaning Show Review

18 APL / IPAF Training

8 The Experience Toolbox / Long reach pole project review

23 Allied Insurance Scheme for Window

9 BCC backs new research project to reduce injuries 10 Pilkington’s cleaning guidelines / Can scrapers scratch 11 Electricity can kill if you come into contact with it. 12 IOSH CWS Training Dates 13 IOSH RAM Training dates 14 FWC Logo Misuse / Importance of training & induction 15 Low cost Personal Accident Insurance 16 Merger of NWC & High Access creates one of the largest FM service companies is the UK 17 Criminal Record Services 19 Darran Yates – joins the FWC Executive Committee 20 Useful Contacts / Executive Committee Officers

24 FWC – Summer Offers

LIST OF CORPORATE MEMBERS Suppliers of Goods & Services Cresta Booksellers Direct Tel: 0151 722 7400 Unger Direct Limited Tel: 01902 306 633 Purefreedom Pure Water Systems Tel: 03331 234 365 Moerman Tel: +32 (0)51 48 88 66

21 Does Google think your Website is Mobile Friendly? / GDPR 22 Safety Accredited Member (SAM) Scheme / FWC Benefits

The Association does not necessarily agree with the views and opinions expressed by contributors. We reserve the right to sub edit or condense any article for publication at the editor’s discretion. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the statements within this publication, we cannot accept responsibility for any errors, or omissions. We may use names within articles that are purely fictitious in order to protect the identity of the contributor. All rights reserved – no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the prior permission of the Federation of Window Cleaners. Published Quarterly by: Federation of Window Cleaners, Summerfield House, Harrogate Road, Reddish, Stockport SK5 6HQ. Tel: 0161 432 8754 Email: [email protected]


Website: Editor: Beryl Murray Referral Editor: Andrew Lee Publisher: Federation of Window Cleaners Design & Artwork: All correspondence to: Window Talk

SAFETY ACCREDITED MEMBER (SAM) Bryan Dolby – Grimsby – Level 1 Women Window Cleaning –Bedfordshire – Level 1 J.A. Lee Cleaning Services – Cumbria – Level 2 Lamont Cleaning Services – N. Ireland – Level 2 Progress Cleaning – Southampton – Level 2 TR Cleaning Ltd – Cambridge – Level 2 Smith Services Ltd – Rope Access – Perth Level 2 Caledonian Maintenance Services – Glasgow – Level 2

Summer Editorial The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was the main focus for many businesses leading up to 25th May 2018, and we thank those members who sent copies of their GDPR Policy and Privacy Statements to show they are fully compliant with these regulations. We received some enquiries from small business members seeking advice on whether GDPR applied to them. The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) has a dedicated advice line that offers help to small organisations preparing for the new data protection law, including the General Data Protection Regulation. So we contacted them on behalf of these members to clarify small businesses obligations. Basically, if you hold customers data on a computer and, or mobile phone for the purpose of operating a window cleaning business / processing / accounting business information software; then you have a legitimate reason for holding that data, and provided you are not sharing the data with a third party, you are not required to register your company with the Information Commissioners Office. However, you are required to put certain practices into place to ensure you are compliant; a) ensure you have adequate software protection on your PC and mobile to keep the information you hold safe and secure. See page 5 for more information on GDPR – page 21 includes advice from Polished insurance on this subject. The Free legal advice line; Law Express can also be contacted should members have any Data Protection issues, and they will talk you through any queries you may have. The introduction of telescopic and water-fed pole equipment has been effective at reducing the need to work at height. But this equipment brings its own new challenges in risk for injury to the user from repeated movements of the lower back, shoulders and neck. Read more about the recent project on page 8 & 9. The 2018 nominations for Officers and Committee were unchallenged at the AGM in April; without any new proposals put forward for the FWC management committee. However, we are pleased to welcome a new committee member – Darran Yates of Incredible Window Cleaning Ltd. Darran registered his interest recently and because of a vacant position on the Executive Council. Darran will be co-opted onto the committee on 6th July 2018. Find out more about Darran in the next issue. Registered members who feel they have the expertise; time and a drive to help maintain and improve our independent trade body are encouraged to consider putting their name forward for a position on the executive council – Committee positions are for a period of two-years, but they are eligible for re-election at the AGM. You may wish to consider nominating yourself for the management committee in 2019 and you will receive your nomination form via email in January 2019, or this can be downloaded from the members’ website page. WINDOW CLEANING COMPANY OF THE YEAR 2019/20 2019 is the next opportunity for members to compete for the coveted title “Window Cleaner of the Year” This biennial award will be presented at the 2019 Cleaning Show in London. Applications for this competition will be available to download from the FWC website or by email request to: [email protected] request from October 2018. Southampton based company Progress Cleaning Services won the title in 2017 which has been retained by them up until March 2019. Could you be the next company of the year 2019/2020? Maintaining Window Talk is important to inform the membership on industry and Association activities. Ensuring its purpose and existence is secured for the future; the following issues will have fewer pages with improved content. Please help us to achieve this by sending your valued articles and stories for publication.

FWC Privacy Policy The Federation of Window Cleaners fully respects your right to privacy when using our services. This document explains the details of our privacy practices and what we are doing to maintain your right to privacy in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations. We respect and value the privacy of all of our members / customers and will only collect and use personal data in ways that are described here, and in a way that is consistent with our obligations and your rights under the law. Information we collect from you – We will only obtain as much information we need for the purpose of fulfilling the service we provide you. We only process information that you provided and consent to it being processed for the purpose of delivering our services. We will only store your personal information for as long as this is needed to complete the necessary processes of fulfilling our services. We will only contact you for the purpose of providing you with information that is relevant to the services you requested. We may pass your information to third parties only if this is required for the purpose of providing the service. We will never share your personal data with third parties for the purpose of marketing or promotion. With your permission and, or where permitted by law, we may also use your personal data for marketing purposes, which may include contacting you by email with information, news, and offers on services. You will not be sent any unlawful marketing or spam. We will always aim to protect your rights and comply with our obligations under the GDPR and the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003. How we will use the information we collect – Under the GDPR, we must have a lawful reason for using personal data. This may be that the data is necessary for our servicing of our affiliation with you directly, and via a third party that you have consented to our use of your personal data for genuine business interests. Your personal data may be used for one of the following purposes: • Managing your registrations, sales, requests and enquiries we receive whilst supplying our services to you. • Permitting you to access online Services available; such as products and services offered to members, or negotiated through a third party on your behalf. • Processing of data to monitor the performance of our services in order to make improvements. • Communicating with you. This may include responding to emails or calls from you. • Supplying you with information by email (you may unsubscribe or opt-out at any time. We may also use your IP address and cookies (but nothing that directly identifies you) to monitor the use of our website, to record traffic flows and to carry out research about our visitors’ and customers’ demographics, interests and behaviour. We do this to understand our visitors, members and potential members / customers better. With your permission and, or where permitted our obligations under the GDPR and the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003. We will not share with or sell your personal information to any other organisation, with the exception of an agreed documented partnership arrangements for the sole purpose of direct membership benefits. Such as: discounted insurance, offering window cleaning services and corporate advertising with How we will look after your information – All the information we collect about you and your company is stored electronically on secure servers hosted and maintained by a UK / EU third parties but managed by us. How long we will keep your Personal Data – The principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) require us to make sure your data is accurate, kept up-todate and that we keep it for no longer than is necessary. How you can Access your Personal Data – You can request a copy of the personal data held on you (where any such personal data is held). This is known as a “subject access request”. All subject access requests should be made in writing and sent to the FWC either by email or post. FAO: General Secretary: Email address: [email protected] Telephone number: 0161 432 8754 Postal Address: FWC Summerfield House, Harrogate Road, Reddish, Stockport Cheshire SK5 6HQ


B A f

Learn Life-saving Skills with the British Red Cross Business Legal Advice Service from Law Express This invaluable service provided by Law Express the UK’s leading specialist provider of telephone legal advice, online information and legal services; is a free service for members. Whenever you are faced with a legal problem or require information on a legal matter. Please call their team of legal advisors and they will explain your rights and work towards giving you the best solution available. Learn life-saving skills with the British Red Cross 30,000 people sustain a cardiac arrest outside hospital each year and quick use of an AED (within 3-5 minutes) can lead to survival rates of 50% to 75%.* When used alongside CPR, an AED provides an unresponsive person who is not breathing with the best possible chance of survival. The Red Cross has now introduced competency based AED training as part of its one day emergency first aid, two day first aid re-qualification and three day first aid at work courses. There is often a misconception that only those industries classed as high hazard have a need for an AED machine, but a cardiac arrest can happen to anyone at any time regardless of the industry that they work in. The Red Cross is working in trusted partnership with the Federation of Window Cleaners to offer its members quality first aid training that helps reduce risk and most importantly saves lives in the workplace.

All calls that are made to Law Express are strictly confidential, and there is no time limit to the call. This means that you get the answers to all of your questions without feeling pressured by the clock ticking. Law Express professional advisors are on call weekdays between 8:00am to 8:00pm on: 0800 092 1980 FWC is contracted to an agreed number of calls per annum to law Express – so please remember to quote your membership number when calling for advice – in order to ensure only paid-up members have access to this invaluable membership service. Please help us to continually improve and develop our membership services by giving us feedback.

The benefits of training with the Red Cross include: • Conveniently located network of 180 UK training venues – national coverage delivered locally • Free and unique on-going support through the Safe Hands community • A commitment to the latest first aid learning tools • A practical hands on approach to deliver confidence and skills • Training at a time that suits you – either on-site or at an external venue. FWC members will receive 20% off any scheduled course booked directly with the Red Cross if a FWC membership number is quoted at the time of booking. To find out more about our AED courses or to make a booking please call 0844 412 9000 or email: [email protected] *Resuscitation Council UK **The offer applies to workplace first aid courses only. Only one delegate per membership number can be booked


Acas can also assist with everyday employment questions as well as standard employment forms and training etc. What ACAS does They provide information, advice, training, conciliation and other services for employers and employees to help prevent or resolve workplace problems. Sign up for their regular newsletter at:

Questions & Answers Q) Hi Beryl, With regards to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) I’m sure you appreciate that much of the basic customer data that FWC holds is similar to what most window cleaner’s hold on their computers and phones.

Would you please check around some of the members to see if they think it applies to small businesses like ours?

I’ve asked round locally to a half dozen or so of the more professional sole traders and no one has heard about it applying to us. If we do need to be doing something about it, the links that you sent need a lot of interpretation. I believe it would be very helpful for paid up members to receive some practical and helpful guidance from the fed. Regards – registered member. A) Hello Members, Following several request seeking help on GDPR. We contacted the Information Commissioners Office on behalf of the FWC membership to clarify small member businesses obligations. The ICO has a dedicated advice line that offers help to small organisations preparing for the new data protection law, including the General Data Protection Regulation. Basically, if you hold customers data on a computer and, or mobile phone for the purpose of operating a window cleaning business / processing / accounting business information software; then you have a legitimate reason for holding that data, and provided you are not sharing the data with a third party, you are not required to register your company with the Information Commissioners Office. However, you are required to put certain practices into place to ensure you are compliant; a) ensure you have adequate software protection on your PC and mobile to keep the information you hold safe and secure. Be aware that if you accidentally share information with others….you may be in breach, also if you hold personal data in paper form, it is securely locked away…i.e. personal data held in a book, should this be lost or stolen, you would need to report this to the ICO. In addition to this, we are advised to direct members to the following page of their website for further info on your obligation to this New GDPR law: at the bottom of this web page is a shaded box with 8 points to follow, as well as a video… and links. Q) Hello FWC, Would it be possible you could help with a sample GDPR policy so it could be used by us to send to our customers as some are asking for a copy and they require by 25th May. Kind regards, Member. A)  The GDPR example Template may assist you – However, please read through the content – add your name and company details where applicable adjusting any information that you feel is appropriate for your company; ensuring you are complying with your company obligations and those noted within the document. Any legal content / questions can be clarified by contacting Law Express. Their contact details are on page 4. Q) We currently use ladders to access and egress windows over a balcony. However, we have been approached for a more safe and cost effective method to access these windows. Member A)  Further to our telephone conversation – I have attached some information on traversing over balconies for your information and guidance. This is an article published in Window Talk when concerns were raised in 2009 about access and egress from balconies following an accident caused by the handrail giving way. The Working at Height leaflet; Indg401– is a brief guide describing what you, as an employer, needs to do to protect your employees from falls from height. It will also be useful to employees and their representatives. For further clarification on this please call FWC. Safety Officer – Andrew Lee and he will be happy to help you. The law states – Work at Height Regulations 2005 place duties on employers, the self-employed, and any person that controls the work of others (for example facilities managers or building owners who may contract others to work at height).

As part of the Regulations, duty holders must ensure:

• all work at height is properly planned and organised; • those involved in work at height are competent; • the risks from work at height are assessed and appropriate work equipment is selected and used; • the risks from fragile surfaces are properly controlled; and • equipment for work at height is properly inspected and maintained.

There is a simple hierarchy for managing and selecting equipment for work at height. Duty holders must: avoid work at height where they can; use work equipment or other measures to prevent falls where they cannot avoid working at height; and where they cannot eliminate the risk of a fall, use work equipment or other measures to minimise the distance and consequences of a fall should one occur. Kind Regards, Beryl Murray. Q) Please can you advise on a property that has building material stuck to the glass? I have recently been accused of scratching the windows of such a property. Concerned member A)  It is unfortunate for window cleaners who have been accused of causing damage to glass following a professional clean. Manufacturers of professional window cleaning products conduct studies to ensure such cleaning methods cannot scratch glass; when used correctly otherwise the window cleaning industry would be inundated with claims of this nature, if such damage / scratches were as a result of using such professional window cleaning tools. Construction window cleaning however includes the removal of several types of construction debris from glass surfaces, such as plaster, cement, paint, render, mortar, silicone, stickers, and tape. Removing this debris without scratching the glass is the real challenge of construction window cleaning. Before undertaking any builders cleans – it is wise to issue a disclaimer and inspect the glass before and after cleans.

Request a copy of the FWC standard disclaimer.

Uncommon but proven that scratches can be present between the glass (inside the IG unit). Obviously, this type of defect occurred before or during the fabrication of the IG unit. Before rendering walls, can scratch glass if the sanding block hits the glass. Painters and other tradesmen can cause scratches if they rest their ladders and other tools against the glass. There are several commonly occurring traits, which include construction workers putting tools on windows, wiping plaster off glass, painters and renderer’s dry scraping glass, sanding of the walls and door recesses before rendering, builders or remedial workers may scratch the glass while removing splattered mud and render from the window. Scratches can often result from using contaminated or rusty scrapers – especially if scraped back and forth, or the window is dry at the time. Scrapers should be used with caution at all times – completely soaking the window and softening debris before scraping in one direction only. Be aware that there are many different types of glass, that scrapers should not be used on; including some soft types, and in particular Pilkington Activ™ Insulating Glass and self-cleaning glass. Due to the composition of self-cleaning glass, non-silicon joints must be used and the self-cleaning glass should not come into any contact with silicon objects as they will damage the efficiency of the special coating, Sharp objects and abrasive substances should not be used to remove stubborn dirt on easy clean windows as they can damage the coating. See page 10 for Pilkington advice on cleaning to prevent any damage to the coating. And… more


MANCHESTER CLEANING SHOW REVIEW TO WIN! The Manchester Cleaning Show took place on 11-12 April 2018 at EventCity and thousands of attendees descended on Manchester to view the latest products and services exhibitors had to offer. In total the show had 2411 attendees over two days – a 4.5 % increase on the inaugural Manchester Cleaning Show figures in 2016. The seminar sessions were well attended and focused on ‘Leading the Industry towards a prosperous future’, ‘Future Ready Workshops’, ‘Health & Safety Workshops’ and ‘Promoting your business workshops’. The FWC Seminar “Removing the Risk from Window Cleaning” was well attended by visitors – presented by Executive Committee member Steve Kennedy – Steve has been on the Executive Committee for two Years and has 25 Years experience in Commercial Window and Specialist Cleaning, and he was a very early adopter of IOSH Training. The programme described the aims of the Federation and how we support our member businesses with advice on managing their general health and safety risks; how we recognise a need for robust risk assessments and safe systems of work in the removal of all risks from window cleaning activities. A need for an industry specific Safety procurement scheme as large national companies call for businesses to be registered by a Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme before employing their services. Preparing all the necessary information to become a registered accredited contractor can be an extremely tedious and lengthy process, and some members find them confusing and generic to the cleaning industry as a whole. This is why the FWC developed its Safety accreditation scheme SAM, the only bespoke standard that needs to be driven for our industry – more importantly it is training based rather than just paper trail based. For more information about becoming a Safety Accredited member see page 22. The Window Cleaning Challenge proved as popular as ever at the Manchester Cleaning Show – adjudicated by Executive members: Paul Thrupp, Scott Smith and Steve Kennedy together with Terry Burrows who were kept busy at the competition stand –judging / timekeeping both for a local TV company filming Terry Turbo( that went out on TV Wednesday evening… and on YouTube) as well as the window cleaning competition where some 14 or so contenders participated each day, as they were encouraged by Terry to take part to attempt to beat his World Record – however Terry managed to retain his title for yet another year. The winners who took away £250 prize money were: Daniel Keate on day 1 with a time of:16.28 seconds and: Tony Burley on day 2 with a time of: 19.43 seconds. The FWC stand welcomed many visitors over the two-day event offering free promotional gifts and advice as well as signing up two new members who were also interested in, the IOSH training course.

The Cleaning Show ExCel London 19th-21st March 2019 This show is for anyone who has responsibility for cleaning, hygiene or facilities management. Held only every two years in London; so don’t miss out on the largest UK event for the industry. Many companies have already booked their stands for the UK’s largest cleaning and hygiene event in 2019 which is promised to have an increased window cleaning exhibitor presence. Find out more:


Tony Burley 19.43 seconds

Daniel Keate 16.28 seconds


QUOTE: FEDE00T and have your FWC reg no. ready



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Jack Moerman

an EASE angel


A revolutionary research initiative which could greatly improve the safety and wellbeing of cleaning operatives who use long reach washing equipment has been given a boost by a British Cleaning Council grant.

establish best practice techniques to minimise the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).

The BCC has awarded BCC member the Federation of Window Cleaners (FWC) a £2,000 grant which will allow them to fully participate in a health and safety project being conducted by an industrywide partnership.

Stan Atkins, Chair of the BCC, said: “The BCC is keen to support any Council member who brings forward a viable proposition which add real value to the cleaning industry. This project is a great example of this as it has the potential to reduce the risk of serious and long-term injury which can occur from the repetitive or incorrect use of long reach equipment in the workplace.”

Other partners in the project include HSE, Principle Cleaning, Specialist Window Cleaning Ltd and NJC. Together they are working with ergonomic specialists dorsaVi whose unique ViSafe wearable body sensors and software can help identify, prioritise and control injury risk by measuring movement profiles and muscle activity in real work environments. Data generated by dorsaVi’s technology will allow HSE and participating partners to better understand the impact on the users back, shoulders and neck when using long pole reach and wash equipment. As a result of this study, which is being conducted over the spring and early summer, the partnership will identify, validate and


4/06/18 14:02

In addition, they will formulate evidence-based guidance for optimal equipment training, including content and data to integrate into inhouse training courses. They also hope to embed a series of best practice principles across the whole of the cleaning sector.

Andrew Lee, Chair of the Federation of Window Cleaners, said: “The introduction of reach and wash equipment has been very effective at reducing the need to work at height. “However, this equipment brings its own challenges in risk for injury to the user from repeated movements of the lower back, shoulders and neck. We are greatly looking forward to working with the HSE, dorsaVi and all the other partners to help tackle some of these issues through cutting edge ergonomic research, and we would like to thank the BCC for supporting our participation in this exciting and important project.”

LONG POLES… LONG TERM PROBLEMS BY ZOE WHYATT, HEAD OF DORSAVI EUROPE Bring up the topic of workplace injuries over a cuppa, and people will probably start exchanging horror stories: it’s falls from roofs and ladders, workers getting stuck in factory machines, and that driver who didn’t look out when reversing his semi-trailer. Yet, traumatic workplace accidents (semi-trailer mayhem, etc.), account only for a very small proportion of the total number of workplace injuries. Degenerative disorders (repetitive strain injury, etc.) are 700% more prevalent – and they are frequently just as serious. Developed over extended periods of time, such injuries are often due to movements, loads and angles that can be hard to spot even for the trained eye. Implementing efficient preventative measures therefore becomes a double challenge: you first have to identify the risks and then convince staff to change work processes although they might not see any issues with “the way things always have been done around here.” The value of safe practices around heavy machinery and vehicles is a lot easier to appreciate than the finer points of ergonomics – in spite of the latter actually causing the vast majority of debilitating injuries. Prevention is key.

Fortunately, thanks to recent technological advances, there are now tools available that provide objective data from the actual workplace, clearly indicating where the everyday reality of the individual employee will eventually take them. The future of wearable medical devices has arrived dorsaVi is one company leading the way in this brave new world. Our wearable sensor technology allows companies to measure movements and muscle activity in real time and in real work environments. This is creating huge value for industry, with the UK cleaning industry soon to benefit. This year, a cross industry project sponsored by the HSE, FWC, BCC, Principle Cleaning, NJC and SWC has begun to investigate the potential long-term effects of long reach water fed poles. The project has so far captured baseline data of users using differing lengths of pole and is currently testing to compare different techniques and aids. The goal is to produce best practice guidelines that will be distributed industry wide, so watch this space for an update and if you would like to ensure you receive the outcome of this study directly into your inbox, email Zoe Whyatt at dorsaVi on [email protected]


CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES – PILKINGTON ACTIV™ RANGE An insulating glass unit incorporating Pilkington Activ™ self-cleaning glass must be glazed with the Pilkington Activ™ coating to the outer surface. Pilkington Activ™ Clear is a neutral-coloured self-cleaning glass with a durable coating, and through utilization of natural UV light, requires less frequent cleaning and provides clearer vision during and after rainfall compared with ordinary float glass. Also available Pilkington Activ™ Blue an attractive blue tinted glass that combines self cleaning with solar control, perfect for conservatory roofs, plus Pilkington Activ™ Neutral, a neutral dual coated glass, combing self-cleaning glass with a solar control coating, ideal for conservatory roofs and verticals. TO ACHIEVE AND MAINTAIN THESE PROPERTIES, THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES MUST BE ADHERED TO: 1. Regular cleaning of this product should not normally be necessary However, extended dry periods or heavy industrial pollution can cause a build-up of contaminants on the coated surface. Under such circumstances, it may be necessary to simply hose down the window and let the glass dry naturally. Spraying should be conducted during the coolest part of the day and not in direct sunlight. It is best to spray from the top to the bottom in a zigzag pattern. 2. Periodically, the surface may become heavily contaminated with stubborn marks that cannot easily be removed by hosing down the window. Wherever heavy contamination occurs, the window should be hosed to remove any accumulation of dirt, cleaned with warm soapy water and a soft cloth, supplemented by a final water rinse. If necessary a non-abrasive liquid glass cleaner can be utilised. Care should be taken not to trap dirt between the cloth and the Pilkington Activ™ surface to prevent scratching. Pressure washers or rubber squeegees should not be used as they may damage the coated surface. 3. After manual cleaning with a soft cloth a period of reactivation may be required. This is typically 5-7 days.

CAN SCRAPERS SCRATCH GLASS? Unger Scrapers – surface scrapers with heavy metal head and ergonomic bi-component handle – Expert Tips by Unger: •  C  heck if the glass is scratch-resistant and suitable for scraper use. •  U  nsuitable for use on Plexiglas, crown glass, solar glass, safety glass (ESG) follow manufacturer’s care instructions. •  P erform a scrape test in advance on an inconspicuous section.

  4. Finger marks on the coated surface will, under normal circumstances, disappear over time. Where such marks persist, the glass should be cleaned in accordance with item 2 above.   5. Abrasive cleaners, cream cleaners and functional (e.g. anti-mist) type products must not be used on Pilkington Activ™, as they will damage the coated surface.   6. In geographical areas of hard water* supply, hosing down could result in white marks or milky appearance to the coated surface, a consequence of mineral residues within the water. Wherever this occurs, it is recommended that a solvent-free detergent be added via a suitable applicator to minimise the effect.   7. Paints or inks cannot be broken down by the coating and care should be taken to avoid paint splash and products of a cementatious nature when decorating externally. Paint spots should be removed from the glass surface as soon as possible by use of soft cloth and cleaner (methylated spirits). The glass should be cleaned in accordance with item 2 above. See technical advice sheets.   8. Where Pilkington Activ™ Insulating Glass Units are likely to be stained by white carbonate run-off from lead flashing (i.e. conservatory roofs), it is recommended that all lead adjacent to the glass surface is treated with patination oil or Leadshield prior to installation.   9. Care should be taken to ensure that alkali leach-out from concrete etc. does not contaminate the glass surface 10. Under no circumstances should any metal object or harsh chemical cleaner be used to clean or otherwise come into contact with the coated surface. Steel scrapers, razor blades, steel wool, metal squeegees, rings etc. will cause scratching and may lead to permanent damage of the coating. 11. All maintenance and repairs, above and beyond basic cleaning needs, should be carried out by a recommended installer. Note: silicone should never be used. For more information go to:

DURABILITY OF GLASS The most basic form of glass is known as annealed, or float, glass This begins as five base ingredients: silica sand, soda ash, dolomite, limestone, and salt cake. Except for cleaning, glass is generally maintenance-free. Glass used in masonry walls requires frequent cleaning when the building is new to remove alkalis that leach out of the masonry and will etch the glass if left on too long. Some acids used in common masonry cleaners, such as hydrofluoric acid, can dissolve the glass surface and mar it permanently.

•  It is best to use a release agent e.g. ‘UNGER’s liquid’

Abrasion can cause glass to scratch and remove any exposed applied coatings. Sand borne in the wind may be a natural phenomena but it is rare for this to cause major damage. Most examples of damaged architectural glass is the effect of handling, up to and including glazing and thereafter, following trades. Unless the glass surfaces are protected the final clean down can reveal deposits from cement and plaster products.

•  A  lways scrape in one direction! Never pull the scraper backscratch risk!

The glass must be protected from site contamination such as welding spatter, cementitious plaster Products, or adhesives.

•  A  fter scraping, check if adhesive of stucco residues are stuck to the blade. If necessary, change or reverse blade.

The attempted removal of the products with scrapers or grit being picked up in cleaning cloths can cause abrasion.

Attention! UNGER blades are razor-sharp. Always handle with greatest care.

More information available at: mechanicalfunctionsofglass/durability

•  B  efore starting work, check the glass for damage and report it, if necessary. •  C  heck the blade for damage and change it, if necessary, or reverse it. •  The surface to be scraped should always be wet.


ELECTRICITY CAN KILL IF YOU COME INTO CONTACT WITH IT Every year people are seriously injured or even killed when they accidentally come into contact with the electricity network when they are at work. (For working too close to electricity wires entering properties at roof level).

signals between the brain and the muscles. This may have a number of effects including:

‘’Electricity service cables entering properties at roof level carry a powerful electrical charge which can cause life changing injuries or even death.”

• Causing muscle spasms

Always carry long object such a ladders at low level to the ground, horizontally

• Stopping the heart beating properly • Preventing the person from breathing The exact effect is dependent upon a large number of things including the size of the voltage, which parts of the body are involved, how damp the person is, and the length of time the current flows.

Download you FREE safety leaflet internet/en/safety/. Send us your safety moments #bebrightstaysafe Include @UKPowerNetworks

Electric shocks from static electricity such as those experienced when getting out of a car or walking across a man-made carpet can be at more than 10,000 volts, but the current flows for such a short time that there is no dangerous effect on a person. However, static electricity can cause a fire or explosion where there is an explosive atmosphere (such as in a paint spray booth).

Electric shock – A voltage as low as 50 volts applied between two parts of the human body causes a current to flow that can block the electrical

This message is published to serve as a reminder that electricity can kill if you come into contact with it.

Taking time to plan, being prepared and focusing on the way you work can help keep you safe.


Federation of Window Cleaners Training Course

“Cleaning Windows Safely using Water Fed Poles & Portable Ladders” This course is designed to provide you with the necessary foundation knowledge which will enable you to keep yourself and colleagues safe and healthy whilst undertaking the job of cleaning windows. Written by window cleaners for window cleaners – this one-day IOSH (Institution of Occupational Safety & Health) accredited Health & Safety course covers both the use of water fed poles and portable ladders. It’s a no-nonsense – hands on practical and theory course with an IOSH certificate at the end; giving you an industry recognised lifetime qualification which will help you or your organisation comply with legislative training requirements.


2018 COURSE DATES & VENUES JULY 2018 Thursday











SE23 1AH



N. Ireland

BT28 2BP












SE23 1AH



N. Ireland

BT28 2BP


SEPTEMBER 2018 Thursday











SE23 1AH



N. Ireland

BT28 2BP

£135.00 +VAT for members £185.00 +VAT for non-members • Free caution sticker for every candidate •  Lifetime certificate •  Light lunch on the day. Please Note: It is essential due to the written element of this course, that all candidates sitting the course are able to speak, write and understand English. With respect Tutors are unable to accommodate non-English speaking candidates booked without prior notice – who then struggle to complete the course because they do not understand English. We also reserve the right to refuse a refund. Anyone with specific learning difficulties must contact the FWC in advance to check that arrangements can be put in place to accommodate them. This will in turn help to avoid disruption on the day. Spaces are limited so early booking is recommended. Discount may be offered on number of employees booked on same course BOOK ONLINE: CONTACT US ON: 0161 432 8754 or email [email protected]

COURSE COMMENTS – London 18/05/17 – 22/02/2018 “The course was delivered clear and precise” Chris Hill-Progress Cleaning “It is good to learn a lot of practical information that I wasn’t aware of before.” Richard Whiteside – Whiteside Property Services “A very thorough and well thought out course. I would recommend it to any new business starting up! Charlie Riley – Glistening window company Ltd “This was very helpful to me due to not knowing safety rules and regulations before attending this course” Brandon – Groves Window Cleaning “The course was brilliant, very knowledgeable and well explained and presented, a great instructor ‘Tim’” Stefan – Groves Window Cleaning “Improved my all-round knowledge in window cleaning” “This was a really good course that covered all the fundamental parts of operating a window cleaning enterprise safely” Thank you very much. Richard Smith – The Homeguards Division


COURSE COMMENTS – Stockport 17/12/17 + 13/02/2018 “Great training, well executed and it was easy to take in.” Matt Glover – Art Cleaning “Great day, it has helped me a lot in my job.” Mark Young – Cleanbright Harrogate “Experienced trainer, with practical knowledge.” David Holder – property cleaning services “It was very good. It taught me a lot about safety.” David Merritt “I learnt a lot in just one day and this will take our business forward safely.” Brian Merritt – Merritt Window Cleaning “Lots of information given to help us have a better understanding of waterfed poles and ladder safety.” Sam Sim – Dalex Cleaning Services “Instructive and very informative, great course and I learnt plenty. It was really good!” Alan Heawood – Spotlight Cleaning Services

IOSH CWS COURSE COMMENTS – Scotland – 23/1/2018 “Was great – everything was explained in full.” Liam Haughian – Caledonian “The course helped me realise there is a safer way to use ladders and not in the way I used to use them.” Darren Mcdonnell – Caledonian “It was good to refresh my memory regarding health & safety issues at work.” Freddy Taplin

Federation of Window Cleaners Training Course

“Risk Assessment” Thursday

This one day course was designed and IOSH accredited Risk Assessment for Cleaning windows, guttering and external façades. The course is delivered by experienced window cleaners who also manage their own businesses but have suitable health and safety knowledge. This one-day training course for Cleaning windows, gutters and external façades will: • Can be used as proof of prior learning for City and •  Identify any applicable legislation; Guilds Level 2 • Discuss what to look for; • In addition to some examples in the paperwork of • Show you how to put controls in place; generic risk assessments, method statements are also • Show you how to draft out the risk assessments. looked at.  This course is aimed at everyone within the window and specialist cleaning industry, specifically self-employed, employees, supervisors, managers and safety officers. COURSE COSTS & WHATS INCLUDED


£135.00 + VAT for members £185.00 + VAT for non-members

JULY 2018 Wednesday







SE23 1AH
















SE23 1AH


SEPTEMBER 2018 Thursday











SE23 1AH

• Free caution sticker for every candidate •  Light lunch on the day

• Free Safety guide and sticker for every candidate •  Lifetime certificate

Please Note: It is essential due to the written element of this course, that all candidates sitting the course are able to speak, write and understand English. With respect Tutors are unable to accommodate non-English speaking candidates booked without prior notice – who then struggle to complete the course because they do not understand English. We also reserve the right to refuse a refund. Anyone with specific learning difficulties must contact the FWC in advance to check that arrangements can be put in place to accommodate them. This will help to avoid disruption on the day. TO BOOK ON ONE OF OUR COURSES Tel: 0161 432 8754 or Email: [email protected] Spaces are limited so early booking is recommended Discount may be available when a number of employees are booked on the same course. Other courses available in Stockport soon: IOSH Managing Safely (4 days) and IOSH Health and Safety for Supervisors (2 days).

COURSE COMMENTS – Perth – Scotland – Stockport & London “A very helpful Tutor – willing to go back and make sure you understood the course content. It met all my objectives and helped me to understand my ‘must duties’ and will make me work safer. I would recommend this course to others.”

“This is a good course and it met all my objectives.”

“Well done, a very professional course delivery / well presented, with excellent course material.”

“It was just enough, any more would have been too much, but it made me aware of the importance in my company”

“Very understanding of learning difficulties – the course covered all objectives in respect of course content, delivery and a good training venue.“

“Excellent and informative course it met my objectives and more – I would recommend this course to others”

“Training delivered perfectly, it made me understand the ins and outs of risk assessment – I would recommend this course to others”

“The booklet is excellent and so is the tutoring” “Tutors were obviously ex-window cleaners and this helped”

“Great tutoring & practical guidance”


RISK REDUCTION IS EVERYONE’S BUSINESS Paul Thrupp asks why it takes a horror fall, or an operative winning compensation, to get the issue of safety within cleaning on the mainstream agenda?

and safety in cleaning reveals that we as a sector have a very low level of accidents at work when compared to other, similar maintenance industries.

In my column of the March Tomorrows Cleaning article I highlighted the central role health and safety is set to play in the April Cleaning Show conference programme in Manchester, and referenced two high profile incidents where cleaning accidents at work had hit the national headlines.

For this reason, myself and my BCC colleagues were disappointed in how the mainstream media chose to report on the two aforementioned accidents. Much of the coverage focused on the shocking and ‘scandalous’ detail and giving no wider context about the cleaning sector being a highly responsible and safetyconscious industry.

This issue, especially with regards to working at height, is especially close to my heart as proud representatives of the Federation of Window Cleaners, which last year celebrated its 70th anniversary. Clearly there have been massive improvements in safety kit and procedures since the late 1940’s across all cleaning sectors. But despite this, a lot of people still consider our industry, and in particular the work at height element, a high-risk. Indeed, when first undertaking risks assessments and considering safe systems of work for the task in hand, there are many differing environments and conditions that can throw up a whole catalogue of complex health and safety issues and challenges. However, when carried out by highly skilled assessors and well trained, experienced cleaning technicians, the high risk-elements of these jobs can be mitigated against – ensuring the safety of not just the operatives undertaking the work, but the other cleaning staff, the client and their personnel, and the general public. In fact, our industry has some of the most highly qualified staff in any sector when it comes to work at height and other challenging maintenance tasks, and we have rigorous qualifications and standards framework delivered through the IPAF, IRATA and other health and safety platforms. Many of our management and supervisory staff are also well qualified and recognised by the highest certification models such as IOSH and NEBOSH, and are experts at planning and organising work at height. The latest British Cleaning Council research into health


Regardless, for us in the cleaning sector health and safety remains a key priority, and we continue to work with many organisations – both public and private – to constantly improve our risk profile at every possible level, and this in turn can hopefully help us to further improve the image of the profession. I say that because there is still a lot of work to do to promote the industry as a professional career which offers plenty of employment pathways. Whilst we are working tirelessly as an industry to enhance the image an perception of others, we need the support of our clients, influencers, other industries and of course the media to support us. The need to understand how we are a leading national sector with regards to health and safety standards, and that we work closely with the HSE I the Cleaning Industry Liaison Forum (CILF) where we have established a section just for the cleaning industry which includes a specific focus on work at height. We have also worked with HSE to improve the amount of information available to people both within and outside the industry, with advice and examples of assessments for all types of risk, PPE, access, chemical and equipment. If you’re interested in finding out more and couldn’t join us at the special Health & Safety seminar programme held at the Cleaning Show in Manchester on 12th April, you can visit http://www.hse. for details of the work being done in this area. Executive member Paul Thrupp represents the FWC on the British Cleaning Council and the HSE Cleaning Industry Liaison Forum (CILF)

“There is still a lot of work to do to promote the industry as a professional career which offers plenty of employment pathways”

Low LowCost CostPersonal PersonalAccident AccidentInsurance InsuranceCover Coverfrom from

Allied AlliedInsurance InsuranceServices Services Have Haveyou youconsidered considered what whatwould wouldhappen happentotoyour your business businessififyou yousuffer sufferan an injury injuryfrom froman anaccident accidentand and are areunable unabletotowork? work?Or Orworse worse still, still,are areleft leftpermanently permanently and andtotally totallydisabled? disabled?

Could Couldyou youcope copefinancially financiallyif ifyou yousuffered suffered ananaccident accidentand andwere wereunable unabletotowork? work? Could Could you you afford afford toto pay pay your your household household bills? bills? Would Would your your business business survive? survive? Our Our Personal Personal Accident Accident insurance insurance policy policy provides provides financial financial reassurance reassurance forfor you you and and your your family. family. Obtain Obtain a quotation a quotation today today byby visiting visiting our our website website oror if you if you would would like like toto speak speak with with one one of of our our experienced experienced and and knowledgeable knowledgeable members members of of staff staff and and provided provided allall your your details details toto them, them, then then please please telephone telephone 0844 0844 815 815 6211 6211 and and wewe willwill then then provide provide a full a full and and detailed detailed quotation quotation forfor you you in in writing. writing.

EXAMPLE EXAMPLE––AAself-employed self-employedwindow windowcleaner cleanerfractures fractureshis hisankle anklefollowing followinga afall fall from froma aladder. ladder.He Heisisunable unabletotowork workfor for8 8weeks. weeks.His HisPersonal PersonalAccident Accidentpolicy policypays pays him him£300 £300a aweek, week,less lesshis his22week weekexcess excessperiod. period.He Heisispaid paid£300 £300per perweek weekfor forthe the final final66weeks weeksofofdisablement, disablement,a atotal totalofof£1,800. £1,800.

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Nationwide Window Cleaning and High Access Maintenance have joined forces in the inaugural merger of two BGF-backed businesses, the first in the investor’s history. The merger creates one of the largest independent facilities management services companies in the UK, with a combined revenue of £30m. BGF has supported the merger with a further capital investment of £5.5m. High Access’ Niel Bethell takes the role of Group CEO while NWC’s Thornton Tasker will become the Executive Chairman. Niel and Thornton founded their businesses in the mid to late 2000s and have pushed forward significant growth in recent years. The merger was initiated by the two founders and BGF, bringing together the synergies and strengths of the businesses to create one company of significant scale. Customers – which include major retailers, hospital and universities as well as blue chip property development firms – can now benefit from enhanced coverage of the combined group and tap into an even broader service offering, from high-level property maintenance to access machinery hire. Leeds-headquartered NWC, which provides window cleaning and specialist cleaning services, has experienced a £10m increase in revenue, four times increase in profits and has grown its team to 320 since BGF’s investment in 2014. The group has opened a new head office, added an operational base in Crayford, and completed three successful acquisitions. Working-at-heights specialist High Access, which is headquartered in Manchester, provides building, roof and gutter maintenance as well as safety system testing and glazings, coatings and hire. After partnering with BGF in 2016, the company acquired Scotland-based Outreach Access and AA Access to open up in new markets including hire for film, TV and major sporting venues across the UK. The new group, which retains the Nationwide Window Cleaning and High Access brands, will become NSS Group. Thornton Tasker, NWC’s founder and executive chair of NSS Group, said: “Both Niel and I have individually worked to create businesses of scale, by investing in our employees and providing the highest quality service to customers. There are so many synergies between the companies, not only in our operations but also in our aspirations for the team and the future. Without doubt this merger couldn’t have happened without the backing, support and investment from BGF who have consistently worked with us to unlock growth opportunities, and make them happen.” Niel Bethell of High Access added: “The size and scale of the opportunities for the group are significant. Our job now is to cement our position in the market, and make sure staff and customers benefit from our expanded presence, service offering and fleet. “We have a clear direction for future growth which will create new career opportunities for our teams over the next couple of years. With the continued support and partnership of BGF, we’re looking forward to this next exciting chapter.” BGF, which remains a minority partner in the combined group, has provided total investment of close to £16.5m to NWC and High Access over six rounds of funding. Both companies have been supported by BGF’s Neil Inskip, who sits on the board of the businesses, and Rhys Davenport. Stuart Lees has been Non-Executive Chairman for High Access and NWC and will also continue in this role. Neil Inskip, BGF said: “NWC and High Access are ambitious companies with best-in-class leadership from Thornton and Niel. Both


businesses were on a growth trajectory before we invested; our role has been to help accelerate that growth through continuing to fund and back their acquisitive and organic strategies. This merger creates even more opportunities for the group, and we’re pleased to be part of that.” Last month, BGF, which has invested £1.45bn across 225 growing businesses in the UK & Ireland, became the first and only investor to be honoured for Innovation in the Queen’s Award for Enterprise. BGF CEO Stephen Welton said: “Thornton and Niel are exemplars of the thriving entrepreneurship and ambition that exists in Britain. Their ability to think big, take risks and relentlessly pursue growth is a credit to themselves, their families and staff – we are delighted to back this inaugural merger of two portfolio businesses and are excited to see what the future will now bring.” BGF has invested in 40 companies across the north with a total investment of close to £360m. This includes more than £100m provided to companies already in its portfolio to support new opportunities for growth, such as acquisitions and store roll-outs. Tax advice was provided by BDO LLP. BGF was advised by Shoosmiths; management teams were advised by TLT.

The Specialist CRB/DBS Checks Agency E-mail: [email protected] Criminal Records Services Ltd is the appointed DBS Umbrella Body of the Federation of Window Cleaners providing specialist support and processing DBS checks to over 3,500 businesses across the UK. We are an independent specialist service that has been established since 2006 providing support in this very difficult area of recruitment with applications done either through our on-line application system or by paper applications. We have been ISO 9001 Accredited since 2007 and ISO 27001 Accredited since 2009 Since 2014 we have processed CRB/DBS Checks in over 30 countries across the world from China to the USA and all across Europe. We would like to thank all of our customers who have supported us since 2006 and we look forward to providing our excellent customer care and support over the next decade with confidence.

Anybody working on a specified establishment such as schools or care homes for more than 4 times in a 30 day period with access to all areas unsupervised is entitled to the Enhanced DBS Check without the barred list. If you will be working on schools whilst the pupils are present on a regular basis, you will qualify for the child barred list check. As window cleaners that are going into these specified establishments this is the check you will most likely be asked to obtain. As window cleaners the Standard check will not apply to you as this is for people that are working in professions such as legal, finance, security or within the NHS. For further information on eligibility and convictions, please refer to our blogs on our website or contact a member of our team on 01942 609365 or email [email protected]

CRB/DBS checks Please check our website: Please visit this website if you require any information or wish to apply for DBS checks. You can find us on Google or any search engine together with the Government’s Home Office database website. DBS eligibility There are three types of Criminal Record Check Enhanced, Standard and Basic. As an individual you can only obtain a basic check. This will show all unspent convictions and the eligibility for this check is not dictated by which job role you do it is available to everyone.

Probably the widest choice of ladders, & safety accessories from any UK supplier Window Cleaners “A” Ladders Standard & Heavy Duty  |  Alloy or Timber Singles & Doubles  |  Next-day Delivery

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order online or just browse for information

Tel: 01452 520144

Unit 2 Chancel Close Eastern Ave Gloucester GL4 3SN




The introduction of the Apprenticeship levy last April means that many businesses within the cleaning industry, who are required to pay the levy, now have a committed training and development budget which they can use to enhance the competencies and skills of their staff. Proper use of the levy funds can provide an investment in workforce development whilst also enabling the adoption of best practice management techniques and unlocking a culture of innovation. It can also help spur firms on to find sustainable solutions for the future. With proper planning, the key funds can also be used to help underpin your entire future strategy for the development and success for both your business and, ultimately, the wider cleaning industry. There are other benefits as well as many employers across different industries point out how the apprenticeships create a ‘win-win’ for the employer and employee. This is based on the belief that staff are likely to stay ‘loyal’ to an employer who has invested in them, and where experienced colleagues have taken the time out of their own busy work schedules to help them learn and develop. Of course, this means that they can learn on the job, rather than having to try and put into practice something they have been taught off-site. Also external training can often be based on hypothetical scenarios which bear little relation to the actual work you do, so the value is diminished. Further, it is well documented that investment in the skills and development of our teams results in increased productivity, less

absence, fewer health and safety issues and an increased feeling of belonging. It improves, and enriches company culture, improves wellbeing and boosts workplace morale. There are a wide range of specific areas where apprenticeships can impact positively on the cleaning industry. These include health, safety and risk management, hospitality, literacy and numeracy, and project management. As an example, within the Federation of Window Cleaners who I also represent, we are currently exploring the options of a full window cleaning apprenticeship which includes not only the practical skills associated with the correct techniques for cleaning glass and other surfaces, but includes knowledge, training and competency in a range of specialisms. From risk assessments, to working with telescopic poles, working at height, to bookkeeping. PPE to pure water technology, the training programme we’re hoping to deliver will be calibrated to meet the requirements of today’s window cleaning industry. And if we get it right, the next generation of window cleaners will be equipped with the skills and experience required to enter full time work as the finished article, not a trainee. Quite simply whether you are in the cleaning industry or not, and whether you must pay the Apprenticeship levy or not, supporting the concept of apprenticeships is for me a genuine no-brainer. Invest on your team now, and benefit for a long time in the future.


Useful Contacts Allied Insurance Services:

George Systems – Software:

APL Training:

J Glass Repair UK:

Asset Skills – Building Futures Group:

Gutter Vac:

British Cleaning Council (BCC):

International Powered Access federation (IPAF):

British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICS):

J.V. Price Ltd:

British Red Cross:

Lansford Access Ltd:

British Window Cleaning Academy: British Woodworking Federation: Cleaning & Maintenance Journal: Cleaning & Support Services Association: Cleaner Planner Modern Window Cleaning Software Cresta Booksellers Direct: Criminal Records Services Ltd: Darwin Clayton (UK) Insurance: Data Protection information Commissioner: FWC Online store:

Logic – Round Pro – Trade Software: National Britannia Ltd Safe Contractor Scheme: National Carpet Cleaners Association (NCCA): Nu-Life Stone Care Ltd: Site Wizard – website building and social media services Tek-Tanks – custom built water tanks Window Cleaner Professional – Software: Wiltshire Friendly Society Ltd: Hibu ( Corporate Advertising Scheme:

Federation Executive Council Officers


Chairman Andrew Lee Cumbria 01946 862 398

Committee Scott Smith Scotland 07947 730 858

Vice Chairman Michael Lamont N. Ireland 0289 267 4313

Committee Steve Kennedy Scotland 07771 964 614

Committee Paul Thrupp West Midlands 0121 541 4444

Committee Darran Yates Cheshire 03306 600 818

Does Google think your website is Mobile Friendly? Mobile has changed the world. Today everyone has a mobile device with them constantly looking for information. Internet usage on mobile devices has overtaken more traditional methods such as laptops or desktop computers so having a mobile friendly website has become a critical part of an online presence. If you haven’t made your website mobile friendly, you should as the benefits of doing so far outweigh the initial costs.

Alternatively, you can have a new bespoke site designed from scratch although the costs of doing this will be higher as the whole framework will be designed specifically around your requirements. Whichever option you choose it makes sense to go mobile! Please get in touch if you need any help or advice. 01622 200045

How do I know if my website is mobile friendly? Testing your sites mobile friendliness is easy, just visit fwc. and we can run the test for you free of charge. What happens if I don’t make my website mobile friendly? Two things are worth serious consideration: •  Firstly, if a visitor to your site cannot navigate around it easily then they will more than likely leave the site and go elsewhere. • Secondly, Google now includes mobile friendliness as a ranking factor in their search results so if your website is not mobile friendly it is unlikely to be found in googles results for search terms relevant to your business. How do I make my website mobile friendly? The quickest and most cost-effective solution is to have your existing websites content copied over to a mobile friendly professional template framework which will include your colour scheme and logo. Templates are available in a wide variety of layouts and design types.

FWC Member Logo

WHAT IS GDPR? When the data protection act 1998 was introduced, the internet was still in its infancy. To ensure the laws overseeing our personal data are fit for purpose, European regulators created new rules. The result is the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into force on May 25, 2018. It changes how businesses and public sector organisations can handle the information of their customers. One of the most talked about elements of the GDPR is the power for regulators to fine businesses that don’t comply. If an organisation doesn’t process an individual’s data in the correct way or if there’s a security breach, it can be fined. You need to consider where your personal data comes from and how you store it, who can access it and if there are any risks to the data. If you want to protect against the risks of a data breach please contact Polished Insurance for a quotation on: 0844 815 6122

The Membership logo as displayed above with the word MEMBER beneath it is for registered members use only. Displaying the FWC membership Logo on your website, vehicle or stationery implies that your company is affiliated / registered with the FWC. Falsely displaying such a logo could be in breach of Trading Standards under “misleading marketing” regulations. Please help to eliminate misuse of the FWC Membership logo by notifying the FWC of anyone you think we need to check out. Please contact the federation office on 0161432 8754 if you would like a copy of the MEMBER logo which is available in jpeg or eps or you can download this from the members only page of our website Website Facilities & Member referral service The FWC website facility; “find a window cleaner” receives many customer enquiries for registered member services. “FWC standard procedure for giving out member’s company details is to select 3-4 members closest to the enquirer for domestic – who in turn select their preferred choice. For commercial tenders etc. we supply all paid-up and insured members in the area requested. Note: this search is soon to be automated. Members-only Page The members’ area of the website offers Safety guidance documents in PDF format for downloading... in addition to other useful information. You will need your login details to gain access to this page –


Safety Accredited Member (SAM) Scheme SAFETY 2013 FWC saw the need to develop a window cleaning contractors Safety ACCREDITED Assessment Scheme specifically for window cleaning. The aim of this was to MEMBER help member businesses find advice on managing their general health and safety SAM risks – this is available to all members who meet the pre-specified health and safety requirements. Every month thousands of contractors and consultants apply for work with public and private sector organisations. And in order to be awarded the relevant contract the companies and individuals applying must meet health &safety standards and prepare all the necessary information to become a registered accredited contractor which can be an extremely tedious and lengthy process. Accredited Members of such a scheme generally benefit by being considered for proposed tenders by these organisations – quite simply – more organisations will work with you. SAM is a pre-qualification scheme that allows local authorities and other organisations identify that you have the minimum standard required under the scheme. What the SAM scheme entails: There are certain standards that everybody has to achieve; the main principal is IOSH Accreditation – the minimum requirement for sole traders and employees is the FWC IOSH Accreditation; “Cleaning Windows Safely” using water-fed poles and portable ladders; and that Sole Traders / Site Forman or appropriate safety person undertake the IOSH “Risk Assessment” course for cleaning windows, gutters and external façades. However, proof of higher IOSH accreditation supersedes the need for the afore-mentioned courses. How this accreditation can benefit your company? When a client knows you are a “Safety Accredited Member” you will be considered for proposed tenders by Government bodies and other major organisations. SAM will show you are compliant with health and safety laws and help improve your business productivity. Allied Insurance Services also offer an additional 5% discount in recognition of the SAM accreditation. You can display the Accredited Logo and Certificate on your website; vehicles and stationery to demonstrate your professionalism. You can market your SAM achievement through window talk and other trade magazines. What it costs for members of the federation •  £25.00 joining fee • Level one (Sole trader) Annual Accreditation charge £75.00+VAT • Level two (Employers) Annual Accreditation charge £225.00+VAT Should the company applying for SAM sub-contract their window cleaning – the sub-contracting company must also comply with the IOSH accreditation requirements. All persons applying for Safety Accredited Member need to provide a Health & Safety Policy, Risk Assessment, Accident report, Enforcement report, toolbox talk and all training certificates based on the particular type of work the company undertakes and the type of equipment used. These documents must meet the required accreditation standards. i.e. NEBOSH / IOSH / IPAF / IRATA / CIEH etc. Should a company applying for SAM have a similar recognised pre-qualification scheme in place; depending on individual circumstances, they may qualify for dispensation. However; IOSH accreditation is mandatory when applying for SAM membership. More information and application forms are available at: or by emailing your request to: [email protected] Testimonial: “We found SAM relatively easy to achieve because all our operatives had already completed the FWC “Cleaning windows safely course” (CWS) and we had most of the required documentation in place. Although we already had / have “Safe Contractor” we have found that because SAM is training based Safety in procurement scheme (as opposed to paper based) it is appreciated by our Commercial Customers as it documents and demonstrates our Companies commitment to Health and Safety. It also puts us out in front when applying for Tenders and Contracts’ JA Lee Window & General Cleaning Contractors Ltd.



Help us to Help YOU We are evolving... ...take a look at the great new ideas and offerings from the Federation and tell us how you think we could best support your business

We are here to help you! Current Membership Benefits include: • Independent government recognised Employers trade association • Authorised use of FWC Member Logo • Free Quarterly Window Talk • Discounted trade insurance • Discounted trade equipment • Discounted accredited training • Discounted IPAF training • Discounted First Aid Training • Free 24-hour legal advice line • Discounted Corporate Workwear • Group accident financial cover • DBS checks – appointed body • Yell corporate advertising schemes • Free entry into members listing • Periodic tender alerts • Health & Safety documents • Trade specific procurement-scheme • Buy & sell rounds and equipment online • Free advice from industry experts.

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PLASTIC 10” T-BAR WITH NINJA SLEEVE Plastic 10” T-Bar with Ninja 10” black and white sleeve. Special offer pack. Combination price of £7.00 (excluding v.a.t. @ 20%) Code: OE10NJ


Getting started in Health & Safety What you must do Health and safety law applies to all businesses, no matter how small. As an employer, or a self-employed person, you are responsible for health and safety in your business. You need to take the right precautions to reduce the risks of workplace dangers and provide a safe working environment What you should know Health and safety doesn’t have to be complicated. Information on HSE’s Health and safety made simple site ( will make it easier for you to comply with the law and manage health and safety in your business. This site is for employers and those who want some basic information on what they must do to make sure their businesses comply with health and safety law. Managing health and safety doesn’t have to be complicated, costly or time-consuming. In fact it’s easier than you think. If you have taken reasonable steps to prevent accidents or harm to your employees (and the injury or illness was caused after 1 October 2013), you shouldn’t have to pay compensation For many businesses, all that’s required is a basic series of practical tasks that protect people from harm and at the same time protect the future success and growth of your business. The site will take you through the steps and help you make sure you have done what you need to – and no more We’ve introduced the H&S ABC logo onto guidance and tools to show small and medium-sized businesses just how straightforward health and safety can be. So when they see the logo, they know that it’s designed specifically with them in mind. In general, health and safety laws apply to all businesses. As an employer, or a self-employed person, you are responsible for health and safety in your business. Health and safety laws are there to protect you, your employees and the public from workplace dangers. The approach you take should be proportionate to the size of your business and the nature of your business activity. For most small, lowrisk businesses the steps you need to take are straightforward. If you have fewer than five employees you don’t have to write down your risk assessment or your health and safety policy. For many businesses, all that’s required is a basic series of tasks. The site will take you through the steps and help you to make sure you have done what you need to. Getting started with Health & Safety – starts here:


Plastic 10” T-Bar with Ettore 10” all yellow sleeve.

Plastic 10” T Bar with 10” Red and White Pulex sleeve.

Special offer pack.

Special offer pack.

Combination price of £6.00 (excluding v.a.t. @ 20%)

Combination price of £5.00 (excluding v.a.t. @ 20%)

Code: OE10YW

Code: OE10RW


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