Grupo de Trabajo 2 Industria de los Agro-alimentos

Reunión Regional en Consumo y Producción Sostenibles y su Contribución a la Eficiencia de Recursos 6a Reunión Regional del Consejo de Expertos de Gobi

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Reunión Regional en Consumo y Producción Sostenibles y su Contribución a la Eficiencia de Recursos 6a Reunión Regional del Consejo de Expertos de Gobierno en CPS

Grupo de Trabajo 2 Industria de los Agro-alimentos 24 de Noviembre 2011 (15:30-18:00)

Información General La producción de alimentos y la pesca satisfacen necesidades humanas vitales y son la fuente única o primara de subsistencia para una gran porción de la población del mundo. Sin embargo, los procesos que definen esta producción tienen impactos significativos y duraderos en los ecosistemas de la Tierra, menguando perversamente nuestra capacidad para producir alimentos para las generaciones presentes y futuras. A nivel global, la producción y el procesamiento de alimentos es la principal causa de deforestación, el sector que más GEI emite a la atmósfera, el mayor consumidor de agua dulce, la principal causa de degradación y erosión de suelo, y la principal causa de pérdida de especies y biodiversidad. Las pesquerías sufren de problemas similares, importantes especies han declinado en aproximadamente 90%, y un cuarto de los hábitats de crianza han sido destruidos por los métodos de captura. Al mismo tiempo, se estima que se deberá incrementar la disponibilidad de alimentos en al menos 70% para el 2050 para satisfacer los requerimientos nutricionales de 9.1 mil millones de habitantes. La degradación ambiental mencionada representará, muy probablemente, pérdida de productividad de aproximadamente 25% a nivel global. La producción y el procesado de alimentos son vitales para la región de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC). De acuerdo con el Banco Mundial, la agricultura representa 21% del PIB de la región, 42% de los habitantes son considerados rurales, y 86% de esos habitantes de comunidades rurales dependen de la agricultura para sobrevivir. Aunque varios países de la región se han convertido en importantes exportadores de productos agrícolas, la mayoría de los países (17 de 22) son aún importadores netos de alimentos, por lo que la seguridad alimentaria es una preocupación. Sin embargo el comercio internacional ha habilitado un vasto flujo de productos que ha transformado el sistema alimentario global, mayoritariamente de un modelo de producción local a uno de concentraciones crecientes. Esta concentración se ha construido por las economías de escala que han permitido un incremento en la oferta global de alimentos. Por obvias razones, muchos de los países de LAC han moldeado sus planes desarrollo agrícola en esa dirección. Aunque esto puede atender objetivos económicos en el corto plazo, la gran escala y la intensidad en el uso de recursos de este modelo de producción son consideradas como el principal responsable de la degradación ambiental antes mencionada, que sugiere rendimientos decrecientes en estos modelos de inversión. La agricultura de la ALC, que FAO ha identificado como particularmente vulnerable a estos cambios ambientales, tiene la oportunidad de adoptar enfoques más eficientes de CPS, permitiéndole al continente alcanzar o superar sus metas de producción agrícola en el futuro. Con la adopción de CPS los países de ALC podrían revertir las tendencias actuales que aquejan la producción de alimentos: la disminución de la base de recursos naturales con la resultante

Reunión Regional en Consumo y Producción Sostenibles y su Contribución a la Eficiencia de Recursos 6a Reunión Regional del Consejo de Expertos de Gobierno en CPS reducción de la productividad. Con la adopción y la activa promoción de CPS en la industria alimentaria, ALC podría convertirse en la historia de éxito agrícola del siglo 21. (World Bank, "Beyond the City: the Rural Contribution to Development" 2005, disponible en:; “Perspectivas de la agricultura y del desarrollo rural en las Américas: una mirada hacia América Latina y el Caribe” 2009, disponible en: Objetivos del grupo de trabajo El objetivo principal es ilustrar, por medio de ejemplos y discusión, cómo los sistemas actuales de consumo y producción de la agroindustria y pesquerías amenazan la seguridad alimentaria y el desarrollo sostenible, y cómo la transición a patrones más sostenibles es benéfico social, económica y ambientalmente. El Grupo de Trabajo en Agroalimentos comenzará con un exhaustivo resumen de los retos en CPS que enfrentan la industria agroalimentaria y la seguridad alimentaria, con especial énfasis en la región de ALC. En la misma presentación el Grupo de Trabajo en CPS, liderado en conjunto por FAO y PNUMA, será descrito con énfasis en sus 4 grupos de actividades. Después de los antecedentes, y el análisis de porque agroalimentos es una nueva línea de trabajo de CPS para muchos colegas de ALC, se tendrá una sesión de preguntas y respuestas. Después de esto, un panel con representantes de países, sector privado, OIG y académicos informará los participantes en el Grupo de Trabajo sobre sus experiencias y opiniones en relación a CPS en la industria agroalimentaria. Después de las presentaciones, se tendrá una discusión con el propósito de a) examinar sinergias para replicar actividades de CPS existentes, y b) expandir el trabajo del Grupo de Trabajo en CPS en la región de ALC. Principales preguntas ¿Cuáles son los patrones/retos actuales que el sector agroalimentario presenta en ALC? ¿Cuál es el rol que tiene el Grupo de Trabajo de CPS en Agroalimentos para hacer frente estos retos? ¿Cómo puede la región trabajar en conjunto para transitar a sistemas agroalimentarios más sostenibles?

Reunión Regional en Consumo y Producción Sostenibles y su Contribución a la Eficiencia de Recursos 6a Reunión Regional del Consejo de Expertos de Gobierno en CPS Facilitador Sra. Adriana Zacarias, Oficial de Programa, Unidad de Consumo y Producción Sostenible, PNUMA. Expositores Sr. Roberto Azofeifa, Director del Departamento de Agricultura Sostenible, Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, Costa Rica. Sr. Paulo Lira, Analista Ambiental y Asesor Técnico, Ministerio de Pesca y Acuacultura, Brasil. Representante de FAO, región ALC (tbc). Relator Sr. Jaime Severino, PNUMA - Oficina Regional de América Latina y el Caribe (ORPALC). Agenda 15:30-15:45

-¿Cuáles son los patrones/retos actuales que el sector agroalimentario presenta en ALC?– FAO


¿Cuál es el rol que tiene el Grupo de Trabajo de CPS en Agroalimentos para hacer frente estos retos?- UNEP


Preguntas y respuestas.


Presentaciones de ponentes: CPS en ALC en el sector agroalimentario, seguido de preguntas y respuestas. CPS en el sector agroalimentario en Costa Rica. Roberto Azofeifa, Costa Rica Pesquerías sostenibles – el uso de los mercados para crear las condiciones para la adopción de mejores prácticas. Sr. Paulo Lira, Brasil.


Discusión del panel y grupal sobre cómo incrementar CPS en los sectores agroalimentarios y pesca al nivel de política pública, mercados y producción.


Conclusiones de la discusión.



Reunión Regional en Consumo y Producción Sostenibles y su Contribución a la Eficiencia de Recursos 6a Reunión Regional del Consejo de Expertos de Gobierno en CPS Referencias (adjuntas, en inglés) Agri-food Task Force Background Information Summer 2011 FAO–UNEP Sustainable Food Systems Programme Persona de contacto James Lomax Oficial de Programa en agroalimentos (sistemas agrícolas, alimentarios y pesca) Unidad de Consumo y Producción Sostenibles División de Tecnología, Industria y Economía. Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente 15 Rue de Milan, 75009, Paris, France Tel: +33 (1) 44 37 14 37 Email: [email protected] Website:

Reunión Regional en Consumo y Producción Sostenibles y su Contribución a la Eficiencia de Recursos 6a Reunión Regional del Consejo de Expertos de Gobierno en CPS

Background Information on the Agri-food Task Force on SCP Following CSD 17, chaired by the Government of the Netherlands which specifically focused on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development and CSD 18 in May 2010, there was a strong call for the development of a programme on sustainable agriculture and food. With support from the Government of Switzerland, the Agri-food Task Force on SCP held its first meeting in November 2010 in Geneva convening developed and developing countries, NGOs, the private sector and UNCTAD and FAO.

The role of the Task Force is to engage, enable and encourage relevant stakeholders to take action for the global transition to SCP in the agri-food sector by assembling best practices from ongoing work, as well as support the implementation of activities at the regional, sub-regional and national levels. o

Participants in meetings of the task-force to date: 

Barbados, Brazil, China, Costa Rica, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Netherlands, New Zealand, South Africa, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America

European Commission, Consumers International, European Food SCP Roundtable, ICTSD, ISEAL Alliance, IUCN, Sustainable Agriculture Initiative, South Centre, WBCSD, WWF, FAO, UNCTAD, UNDESA, UNEP, OECD, UNIDO, International Fertilizer Association, Action Contre la Faim

A comprehensive draft programme called ‘Sustainable Food Systems’ to be led by FAO in partnership with UNEP was developed for inclusion in the 10 Year Framework of Programmes on SCP. Further consultations followed at a “pre-CSD 19” meeting of the Taskforce held at the UNEPDTIE office in Paris in April 2011, refining and revising this programme prior to formal submission to UNDESA. Despite the absence of decision of CSD 19 on the 10 Year Framework of Programmes on SCP, as agreed, the next step is now to convene a meeting of the task force to start implementation of the Programme activities. This will be held at FAO in Rome in Spring 2012. This work is also in line with the outcomes of the Conference on Climate, Agriculture and Food security held in The Hague in November 2010 at which UNEP DTIE represented the ED.

For further information: James Lomax Programme Officer, Agri-Food Sustainable Consumption and Production Branch Division of Technology, Industry and Economics United Nations Environment Programme 15 rue de Milan, 75441 Paris Cedex 09 Tel. +33 1 44 37 14 37 Fax +33 1 44 37 14 74 [email protected]

Reunión Regional en Consumo y Producción Sostenibles y su Contribución a la Eficiencia de Recursos 6a Reunión Regional del Consejo de Expertos de Gobierno en CPS

Sustainable food systems programme FAO draft proposal, prepared in collaboration with UNEP, for inclusion in a 10 Year Framework of Programmes (10YFP) on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) Preamble Today, almost one billion people are hungry. Another billion is malnourished, lacking essential micronutrients. Of course it is not only greater availability of food, which is needed, but also economical and physical accessibility. Still, food production has to increase, both in quantity, quality, and diversity, especially in developing countries. Both population and income growth will drive an increasing demand, especially in developing countries. Assuming continuation of these trends, FAO estimates that production has to increase by 70 percent between now and 2050, especially in developing countries. Food systems have to satisfy this growing demand, both in quantity, quality and diversity. At the same time food production and consumption already exerts a considerable impact on the environment. It is an important source of greenhouse gases. Agriculture is responsible for 70 percent of water withdrawal. It is an important driver of deforestation and loss of biodiversity. Fisheries, that provide unique protein and fatty acids, are fully dependent on healthy ecosystems, but unsustainable practices often result in major negative impacts on the aquatic environment and its resources. The global food system is currently very dependent upon fossil fuels, which contributes to GHG emissions and may also increase input costs to the extent that they become unaffordable for increasing productivity. Food systems rely on resources which are becoming ever more fragile and scarce. These include especially land, water, biodiversity, and fossil fuels. Therefore food systems have to become more efficient in their use of these resources and reduce food waste, at every stage, from primary production to transformation and consumption. All food systems have to face this same challenge of increasing efficiency in the use of resources in order to become more sustainably productive. They shall aim to produce more output per unit of input, either land, water, energy or nutrient. Food systems are very diverse, including from an overall economic and social point of view. In particular the importance of the various stages of transformation depends on products and countries. Their environmental, economic and social impacts are also very diverse. Therefore the programme shall be adapted to various local and regional specificities and take into account different levels of development. Goals and objectives The goal of the sustainable food systems programme is to continuously improve resource efficiency and reduce pollution intensity of food systems from production to consumption while improving food and nutrition security. The program will address these issues primarily at national and regional levels, all along food chains in line with national and regional priorities. To do so it will involve all concerned

Reunión Regional en Consumo y Producción Sostenibles y su Contribución a la Eficiencia de Recursos 6a Reunión Regional del Consejo de Expertos de Gobierno en CPS stakeholders, including governments, farmers, fishermen and fish farmers, agro-industry, retailers and consumers taking into account the specific needs of indigenous people and women.. This programme will be a voluntary one, in which individual stakeholders can select which activities they wish to engage in. Specific goals and objectives will include to: -

Identify, clearly define, mainstream and scale-up techniques, practices, policies and actions that increase sustainability/resource efficiency at every stage of food chains and enabling conditions and tools to promote them;


Develop knowledge-based tools to assess and monitor sustainability of food systems, including life-cycle methodologies and data needs;


Consider ways and tools to recognise, give value to and promote sustainable production and products, including market-based mechanisms;


Develop and implement ways (for example partnerships, joint activities and information transfer) and tools to communicate information on sustainable consumption and production to actors along the supply chain including consumers and other interested stakeholders, with a view to establishing guidelines in order to increase transparency.

Activities Four activity clusters have been identified by stakeholders (governments, business and NGO’s) at a scoping meeting organized by UNEP in November 2010. Activity Cluster 1: To re-focus and re-orient more effectively existing information platforms on sustainable agriculture and agri-food products including fishery products to be shared more widely, with producers, consumers and other interested stakeholders through: a) the provision and dissemination of information to increase the efficacy of extension services in order to support the uptake of sustainable practices and b) the development of global partnerships to compile open-source inventory of life-cycle data of food products. Together these could encourage the development of a common protocol for data collection to support design of sustainable food systems, explore and develop the business case for the shift towards SCP in the sector and fulfil the demand for data on carbon, water, nitrogen, footprints and other relevant impacts for eco-labelling and eco-design of food products. Activity Cluster 2: To deliver meaningful and reliable communication about agri-food products to create markets and incentives to foster sustainable consumption and production patterns by a) the design and provision of a broad set of principles that can guide the development and assessment of sustainability

Reunión Regional en Consumo y Producción Sostenibles y su Contribución a la Eficiencia de Recursos 6a Reunión Regional del Consejo de Expertos de Gobierno en CPS “claims” and b) the identification of leverage points within supply chains to direct the choices and behaviour of consumers towards more sustainable agri-food products and diets1. Activity Cluster 3: To create enabling conditions for the uptake of SCP in food systems through: a) capacity-building provision to governments and policy makers particularly in developing countries for institutionalisation of SCP in order to facilitate (i) the uptake of practices, techniques and technologies that increase sustainability in production, processing, and for the mitigation of negative externalities; (ii) the building of capacity for regulatory frameworks, enforcement, Environmental Impact Assessments and provision of more effective incentive structures; and (iii) regional and international cooperation to promote sustainable resource management and expand markets for products from sustainable production systems; b) promote the building of Public Private Partnerships to, for example, expand access to finance for agri-food stakeholders developing more sustainable production practices, demonstrate and replicate sustainable supply chain activities and to develop and deliver targeted information to education programmes on SCP to both the producers and consumers. Activities will seek to utilize existing institutions as platforms, in order to build their capacity to address these challenges and deliver support at national and regional levels to test new approaches and techniques. Activity Cluster 4: To promote resource efficient production methods through market-based approaches by: a) strengthening and developing links along the supply chain between producers and consumers for more sustainable products in particular between developing countries and interested regional and developed country markets (e.g. match-making, capacity building, financing) b) improving access to and scaling-up the use of proven tools including effective, and reliable voluntary certification and standards including their mutual recognition and equivalency, and c) identification and piloting the viability of innovative market mechanisms for environmental services in the agri-food supply chain, and scale-up (e.g. the role of Payments for Ecosystem Services). Delivery Mechanisms of the Programme The programme will be delivered using existing capacities and institutions involved in sustainable production for effective implementation and roll out. It will build upon experiences and lessons learned from initiatives of the private, public and academic sectors. It will in particular draw upon FAO’s programmes for sustainable intensification of crop production, increased sustainable livestock production and sustainable management and use of fisheries and aquaculture resources and UNEP’s activities on resource efficiency and sustainable consumption and production in the agri-food sector. It 1

Sustainable Diets are those diets with low environmental impacts which contribute to food and nutrition security and to healthy life for present and future generations. Sustainable diets are protective and respectful of biodiversity and ecosystems, culturally acceptable, accessible, economically fair and affordable; nutritionally adequate, safe and healthy; while optimizing natural and human resources. FAO. International Symposium “Biodiversity and Sustainable Diets”. FAO. Rome. 3-5 November 2010.

Reunión Regional en Consumo y Producción Sostenibles y su Contribución a la Eficiencia de Recursos 6a Reunión Regional del Consejo de Expertos de Gobierno en CPS will enhance public-private and business-to-business partnerships aimed at improving sustainability of food chains. It will identify and up-scale regional and local multi-stakeholder partnerships designed to increase resource efficiency, reduce pollution, food waste and other unintended negative impacts, and maximize productivity and the welfare gains from food production activities. Leading Actors The Programme would bring together leading actors from relevant UN agencies and other intergovernmental organizations, national governments, and civil society organizations including representatives of farmers, agro-industry and consumers. FAO as the specialized UN agency for food and agriculture would assume the international lead coordinating role, in close partnership with UNEP, and take responsibility to implement the programme in close cooperation with other lead actors, including, DESA, UNIDO, UNCTAD, IFAD, UNDP, CGIAR and regional organisations and monitor and report results towards the international community including in FAO’s committees on agriculture and fisheries (COAG and COFI). The Agri-food Task Force on SCP will be a key implementation mechanism, identifying, catalyzing and helping to operationalise partnerships between UN agencies, other intergovernmental organizations, national governments, the private sector and civil society organizations to contribute to the goals of the programme. Metrics of success (indicators to measure progress) The programme will develop activity based success metrics which show a direct contribution to increases in resource efficiency, decoupling of production and consumption from other environmental impacts, increases in food security and the provision of sustainable livelihoods. Those metrics will reflect changes in the capacity of relevant actors in the supply chain, to implement policies and actions promoting the shift to SCP. The metrics will among others involve quantifying the number and size of projects in the programme, the number of products and markets influenced by it, and the extent to which it scales up and replicates successful capacity building activities, policies, actions and investments in SCP. These metrics will be developed with close reference to the activities in the four clusters of the programme. Technical and financial resources (means of implementation) Technical resources required for the effective implementation of the proposed programme modules are available in existing initiatives, programmes and networks, yet need improved coordination for achieving synergies and scaling-up. Much can be done with existing resources and through a multistakeholder, multi-partner approach focused on adjusting existing supply chains, or creating new, more resource efficient and equitable ones. This approach could leverage additional funding from various partners including the private sector to expand the overall programme to realize the full potential of partnerships and synergies within it.

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