International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme A Fully Authorized World School

International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme A Fully Authorized World School Beville Middle School Application Dr. Steven L.Walts, Superintend

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Story Transcript

International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme A Fully Authorized World School

Beville Middle School Application

Dr. Steven L.Walts, Superintendent of Schools

The Prince William County Public School Division does not discriminate in employment or in its educational programs and activities against qualified individuals on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, pregnancy, age, veteran status, or disability. IB Application 12-13 with Spanish[1] PWCS

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Stuart M. Beville Middle School 4901 Dale Boulevard, Woodbridge, VA 22193 703·878·2593

A complete application consists of the following:    

Student & Parent Information IBMYP Contract Student/Parent/Guardian Release Form A copy of this year’s Second Nine Weeks Report Card

If the student is transferring to Beville:  Transfer Request. This is a separate county form. Please fill out the TOP TWO SECTIONS ONLY and sign. The school will complete the remainder of the transfer process. Please make sure you sign and date the form.  Specialty Program Transportation Information Form (found in the application)

Applications are due to Beville Middle School by February 15, 2012. Completed applications must be delivered to the school or postmarked (attention: IBMYP Coordinator) by 4 p.m. Wednesday, February 15, 2012.

Please note: New IBMYP transfer students must have earned scores of 400 or better on the current Reading and Math SOL tests. Scores will be reviewed prior to final acceptance.

Students who move to Prince William County after January 1, have 60 school days from enrollment in PWCS to apply. The application will be processed within 30 days. In most circumstances, applications will not be accepted after September 30.

IB Application 12-13 with Spanish[1] PWCS

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IBMYP STUDENT & PARENT INFORMATION Student Name: _______________________________________ Student Number: ___________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ City/Town: _________________________________________ Zip Code: __________________ Home Phone: ___________________________________ Email: ________________________ Current Grade: ____________ Current School: ______________________________________ Name of Base Middle School: _____________________________________________________ Father/Male Guardian: ___________________________________________________________ Address if different than above: ____________________________________________________ Work Phone: _________________________ Mother/ Female Guardian: _______________________________________________________ Address if different than above: ___________________________________________________ Work Phone: __________________________

ANSWER THIS SECTION ONLY IF YOU ARE APPLYING TO MORE THAN ONE PROGRAM If you are applying to more than one specialty program, please rank your choices 1, 2, 3, 4. Please use the same order of ranking on all applications. Failure to do so may result in the disqualification of your application(s). If you are accepted by your first choice program, you will receive a letter of acceptance from that program. If you are not accepted by your first choice program, your application will be considered by your second choice program. If accepted, you will receive a letter of acceptance from that program. If necessary, your application will then be considered by your third choice program. If accepted, you will receive a letter of acceptance from that program. Regardless of how many program applications you complete, you will only receive ONE letter of acceptance. Please consider the ranking of your choices carefully.

** Note: All choices must have a separate application submitted to the appropriate school: ______________________ International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme at Beville ______________________ World Language Program at Fred Lynn or Lake Ridge ________________________ Math and Science Program at Rippon or Graham Park

_____________________ Grades 1-8 at Porter Traditional IB Application 12-13 with Spanish[1] PWCS

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International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme Contract

The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IBMYP) provides a framework of academic challenges that encourages international-mindedness and effective communication skills. Students study eight subject areas through the Areas of Interaction. The development of the whole student – physically, intellectually, emotionally and ethically – is the core of IBMYP principles.

The IBMYP emphasizes community and service. Students are required to complete the service learning activities in their classes. Students are expected to achieve a final grade of C or better in every subject. Students are expected to maintain academic honesty by not plagiarizing the work of others, including other classmates. Transfer students who do not fulfill the above expectations will return to their base schools at the end of the year.

Parent/Student Commitment: We have read the above information and understand that enrollment into this program constitutes our commitment to these expectations.

Parent Signature: _______________________________ Date ___________________ Student Signature: ______________________________ Date ___________________

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El programa de los Anos Intermedios de La Organización del Bachillerato Internacional

El Programa de los Anos Intermedios de la Organización del Bachillerato Internacional (PAIBI) ofrece un programa avanzado que desarrolla la habilidad intelectual y acentúa el éxito académico. La enseñanza se basa en ocho disciplinas (materias) que se combinan con las cinco Áreas de Interacción para proporcionar al estudiante una amplia formación académica. Además lo regiditos son lo siguiente:  Para poderse matricular en el programa PAIBI el siguiente ano, los estudiantes deberán de tener una nota de “C” o mejor en todas las clases.  Los estudiantes deberán mantener honestad académica. Esto significa que deberán hacer su propio trabajo y no copiar de ninguna fuente como la Internet o de sus compañeros de clase.  Los estudiantes transferidos de otra escuela que no cumplan con estos requisitos, deberán retornar a su escuela original al final del ano escolar.

Por favor, firme este papel y desvuélvaselo a la Señora Jonson en la Escuela Secundaria Beville.

Compromiso del padre y el estudiante: hemos leído toda información que esta arriba y entendemos que al matricularse en este programa, aceptamos el compromiso de cumplir con todos los deberes y obligaciones estipulados en el programa.

Firma del Padre _______________________________ Fecha __________________ Firma del Estudiante ___________________________ Fecha __________________

Debe devolver este contrato a la Escuela Secundaria Beville

IB Application 12-13 with Spanish[1] PWCS

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International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme Student/Parent/Guardian Release Form

Name of student _______________________________ As parent/guardian of the named student, I grant / do not grant (circle one) permission to release all school data in support of my son/daughter’s application to Stuart M. Beville Middle School.

______________________ Parent/Guardian Signature

IB Application 12-13 with Spanish[1] PWCS

_____________ Date

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El Programa de los Anos Intermedios de la Organización del Bachillerato Internacional

Autorización Ponga una marca en el espacio deseado y devuelva esta forma con el contrato de matriculación a la Señora Johnson.

Nombre del Estudiante _________________________________________

______ Si, yo autorizo a la Escuela Secundaria Beville para que revise el historial escolar de mi hijo(a) en las escuelas donde el o ella asistió previamente. ______ No, yo no autorizo a la Escuela Secundaria Beville para que revise el historial escolar de mi hijo(a) en las escuelas donde el o ella asisto previamente.

____________________________ Firma del padre/madre (o persona responsable)

IB Application 12-13 with Spanish[1] PWCS

_________________ Fecha

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PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT SPECIALTY PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION FORM The Office of Transportation Services’ mission is to provide safe and on-time transportation for Prince William County students. In order to provide this service for the specialty programs, please complete the following information. Accurate and complete student information will assist the Bus Operations Section in allocating drivers, buses and establishing express bus stops for all eligible specialty program students before the school year begins. Express bus stop service differs from regular neighborhood service in that the parents have full responsibility to provide transportation to and from the express bus stops. Express buses stop at express bus stops only. Students living within the boundaries of the specialty program school may ride their regular bus to school.

Student’s Name:______________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________ (Include street, road, boulevard, circle, court, place, way, loop, drive, avenue, etc)

Specialty Program/School:__________________________________________________ A. M. Express Bus Stop Name & Number:__________________________________ (See available Express Bus Stops)

P. M. Express Bus Stop Name & Number:___________________________________ (See available Express Bus Stops)

If your child does not require express bus transportation, please check the box. If the same budge constraints exist in the 2012-13 School Year as did in 2011-12, express bus stops will be established only at express stops where six or more students have selected the stop. If fewer than six students select the stop you choose, you will be notified and asked to choose another express stop. Once an express stop is established, it will remain in effect for the entire school year unless there are no students. If you have any questions or concerns related to specialty program transportation, please contact Mary Hayes (571.402.3916) or Joyce Arrington (571.402.3915) This form must be completed and returned with the Specialty Program Application to the Specialty Program Coordinator.

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IB Application 12-13 with Spanish[1] PWCS

10 68 67 69 59 51 14 63 16 58 48 49 50 7

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17 53 54 8 12 19 18 6 9 75 56 11 43 60

SUGGESTED SEQUENCE OF MYP COURSES FOR GRADES 6-10 The following IB MYP sequence is a suggested program of study for students interested in pursuing the IB MYP completer requirements. As part of the IB continuum, students following this MYP sequence would have the necessary coursework for the IB Diploma Programme in grades 11 and 12. Several modifications of the sequences are available. Individual student schedules should be developed with the help of teachers, guidance counselors, and the IB Coordinator.

Language A – English Language B – Spanish French Humanities



Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8

IB MYP Language Arts IB MYP Foreign Language I part A IB MYP Social Studies (US History – Post Civil War) IB MYP Extended Math 6 IB MYP Science

IB MYP Language Arts IB MYP Foreign Language I part B IB MYP Social Studies (Civics)

IB MYP Language Arts IB MYP Foreign Language II

IB MYP English 9 IB MYP Foreign Language III

IB MYP English 10 IB Foreign Language IV

IB MYP World History

MYP/AP Comparative Government

IB MYP Extended Math 7 IB MYP Science (Life Science)

IB MYP PreAlgebra Algebra I IB MYP Science (Physical Science) IB MYP Health and Physical Education IB MYP Music or Related Arts Rotation

IB MYP World History and Geography from 1500 IB MYP Algebra I Geometry IB MYP Biology

Physical Education

Grade 9

Grade 10**

IB MYP Geometry Algebra II IB MYP Chemistry

IB MYP IB MYP IB MYP IB MYP Health and Health and Health and Health and Physical Physical Physical Physical Education Education Education I Education II Arts/Technology IB MYP IB MYP IB MYP Free Elective Music Music Music or Art I Related Arts Related Arts Rotation Rotation Italicized courses indicate a weighted course ** Personal Project is required of all MYP Completer students in grade 10. The personal project is an independent work chosen by the student, which is not part of any scheduled class and is completed with the help of a Supervising teacher. Examples include original music or dance composition, essays, original works of art or literature or scientific experimentations.

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IB Application 12-13 with Spanish[1] PWCS

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