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Story Transcript

Little Brother and Little Sister

Illustrated by Jamie Wan

Written by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Little Brother and

Little Sister

A little brother and his little sister came to a large forest, where they were so tired that they crept into a hollow tree. The sun was already high in the sky when they woke up the following day and warmed the hollow tree with its rays. “Little sister,” said the little brother after a while, “I’m thirsty. If only I knew where to find a spring, I’d go and have a drink right away. Listen, I think I hear one trickling.”

A little brother and his little sister came to a large forest, where they were so tired that they crept into a hollow tree. The sun was already high in the sky when they woke up the following day and warmed the hollow tree with its rays. “Little sister,” said the little brother after a while, “I’m thirsty. If only I knew where to find a spring, I’d go and have a drink right away. Listen, I think I hear one trickling.”

An evil witch spotted them and caused a clear little stream near the tree to trickle from some rocks and form a spring. Whoever drank from the spring would be changed into a little fawn.

An evil witch spotted them and caused a clear little stream near the tree to trickle from some rocks and form a spring. Whoever drank from the spring would be changed into a little fawn.

The little brother soon came to the spring with his sister. The little sister heard the spring speak to her as it trickled: “Whoever drinks me will be changed into a fawn! Whoever drinks me will be changed into a fawn!” So, she begged her little brother not to drink the water.

The little brother soon came to the spring with his sister. The little sister heard the spring speak to her as it trickled: “Whoever drinks me will be changed into a fawn! Whoever drinks me will be changed into a fawn!” So, she begged her little brother not to drink the water.

But the bother refused and drank the water. As soon as he felt the first drop of water on his lips, he was changed into a little fawn sitting beside the spring.

But the bother refused and drank the water. As soon as he felt the first drop of water on his lips, he was changed into a little fawn sitting beside the spring.

The little sister wept and wept. In the evening, when the little sister was tired, she laid her head on the back of the fawn. It was her pillow, and this is how she fell asleep. If only her brother could have retained his human form, it would have been a wonderful life.

The little sister wept and wept. In the evening, when the little sister was tired, she laid her head on the back of the fawn. It was her pillow, and this is how she fell asleep. If only her brother could have retained his human form, it would have been a wonderful life.

For many years they lived like this in the forest. One day a king stumbled upon the maiden and was amazed by her beauty. He invited the young lady to his royal court, where the king wed the sister shortly after.

For many years they lived like this in the forest. One day a king stumbled upon the maiden and was amazed by her beauty. He invited the young lady to his royal court, where the king wed the sister shortly after.

When the new queen gave birth to a handsome prince the following year, and the king was out hunting, the witch appeared in the form of a chambermaid and entered the room where the queen was recovering from the birth. The witch led the queen into the bathroom and locked the door behind her. Inside there was a fierce fire.

When the new queen gave birth to a handsome prince the following year, and the king was out hunting, the witch appeared in the form of a chambermaid and entered the room where the queen was recovering from the birth. The witch led the queen into the bathroom and locked the door behind her. Inside there was a fierce fire.

Suddenly, the king came back from his hunt and saved his queen. The witch was cast away from the kingdom, and the fawn was transformed back to his human form.

Suddenly, the king came back from his hunt and saved his queen. The witch was cast away from the kingdom, and the fawn was transformed back to his human form.

The family reunited together and lived happily until the end of their days.

The family reunited together and lived happily until the end of their days.

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