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2 de a b r i l de 1992

RONDA URUGUAY Distribución especial Original:

Comité de Negociaciones Comerciales


COMUNICACIÓN DE HONG KONG Oferta condicional de Hong Kong en materia de compromisos iniciales Revision

La comunicación siguiente se distribuye a los miembros dei Grupo de Negociaciones sobre Servicios a petición de la Delegación Permanente de Hong Kong.

1. Hong Kong presentó su oferta condicional en materia iniciales en diciembre de 1990 (documento MTN.TNC/W/54). adjunta se basa en el proyecto de texto final dei Acuerdo Comercio de Servicios y sus anexos dei 20 de diciembre de MTN.TNC/W/FA).

de compromisos La revisión General sobre el 1991 (documento

2. La oferta revisada sólo es aplicable a los servicios consignados en la lista y en la medida en ella indicada. La clasificación sectorial empleada se ajusta fielmente a la establecida en el documento MTN.GNS/W/120, salvo escasas variaciones y la introducción de algunas subdivisiones. 3. La oferta revisada está condicionada a que los demás participantes en las negociaciones sobre servicios contraigan compromisos equivalentes y significativos; está también condicionada al número de exenciones dei trato n.m.f. solicitadas por los demás participantes y a su alcance. En función de un resultado satisfactorio de la Ronda Uruguay, en particular en esferas de interés para Hong Kong, Hong Kong se reserva el derecho a retirar, modificar o reducir la presente oferta, en todo o en parte, en cualquier momento antes de la conclusión de las negociaciones de la Ronda Uruguay. Se reserva además el derecho a introducir modificaciones técnicas en esta oferta revisada y a corregir posibles errores, omisiones o inexactitudes. A. A reserva de la disposición de otros participantes con importantes intereses comerciales en los servicios de transporte marítimo a contraer compromisos equivalentes en este sector, Hong Kong está dispuesto a examinar nuevos compromisos sobre:

Inglés solamente SECRETARIA DEL GATT UR-92-0063

MTN.TNC/W/54/Rev.l Página 2

a) b)

transporte de carga; alquiler de embarcaciones con tripulación.

5. La presente oferta se divide en tres partes, cada una de las cuales constituirá un elemento integral de la Lista de Compromisos final de Hong Kong en el marco del Acuerdo General sobre el Comercio de Servicios: I. Nota explicativa II. Medidas horizontales aplicables a todos los sectores III. Compromisos específicos. I.

Nota explicativa Clasificación de los sectores

La clasificación y el orden de los sectores y subsectores se basan, en la medida de lo posible, en la Lista de Clasificación Sectorial de los Servicios (documento MTN.GNS/W/120). Cuando procede, se incluye la elaboración y se hacen subdivisiones para precisar el alcance dei compromiso propuesto. Modos de suministro A los efectos de la presente oferta, a continuación se definen los distintos modos de suministro: "suministro transíronterizo", "consamo en el extranjero", "presencia de personas jurídicas" y "presencia de personas físicas". 1)

Por suministro transfronterizo se entiende el suministro de un servicio dei territorio de otra parte al territorio de Hong Kong.


Por consumo en el extranjero se entiende el suministro de un servicio a un consumidor de Hong Kong fuera del territorio de Hong Kong.


Por presencia de personas jurídicas se entiende el suministro de un servicio en el territorio de Hong Kong por un proveedor de servicios de otra Parte mediante presencia comercial.


Por presencia de personas físicas se entiende el suministro de un servicio en el territorio de Hong Kong por un proveedor de servicios de otra Parte mediante la presencia de personas físicas de esa Parte. Los compromisos de Hong Kong a este respecto están sujetos a las condiciones estipuladas en la parte II, "Medidas horizontales".

Terminología "None" (ninguna) indica que Hong Kong no impone condiciones ni limitaciones al acceso a los mercados ni al trato nacional con respecto a un sector o subsector en el que se haya contraído un compromiso.

MTN.TNC/W/54/Rev.l Página 3

"Unbound" (no consolidado) indica que Hong Kong no contrae compromiso alguno sobre ciertos modos de suministro o sobre trato nacional con respecto a un sector o subsector consignado en la lista. "Not applicable" (no aplicable) significa que un determinado modo de suministro no es técnicamente viable o que no procede el trato nacional. En caso de que dicho modo de prestación sea viable en el futuro, se entenderá que "Not applicable" (no aplicable) significa "Unbound" (no consolidado), observación que cabe asimismo aplicar cuando aparece dicha indicación en la columna correspondiente al "trato nacional". El acceso a servicios que constituyan un medio de suministro de servicios en sectores en los que Hong Kong haya contraído un compromiso, y su utilización, estarán sujetos a las condiciones y cargas que puedan ser aplicables en ocasiones y que se apliquen por igual a los proveedores de servicios de Hong Kong y a los extranjeros.

Sector or Sub-sector

All sectors

Limitations on Market Access

1 (a) To the extent specific commitments are inscribed in respect of "presence of natural persons", such commitments shall be confined to intracorporate transfer of general managers, senior managers or specialists. General managers, senior managers and specialists shall be defined as i) General manager - the chief executive officer or equivalent w h o leads and directs an establishment in Hong Kong of a service supplier of a Party and w h o is personally responsible for the overall performance of the establishment in Hong Kong. ii) Senior manager - a person w h o directs the establishment in Hong Kong of a service supplier of a Party or a department of that establishment. Such a person would normally supervise

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional commitments



p) «-a OQ Z (B •

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Sector or Sub-sector

Limitations on Market Access and control the work of other supervisory, professional or managerial employees in Hong Kong, have the authority to hire and fire or recommend hiring, firing, or other personnel actions (such as promotion or leave authorization) in Hong Kong, exercise discretionary authority over day-to-day operations in Hong K o n g , a n d be personally responsible to the general manager for the performance of a major part of the establishment in Hong Kong. The term 'senior manager' does not include first-line supervisors, unless the employees supervised are professional, nor does it include employees w h o primarily perform task necessary for the production of the service.

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional commitments

B> H OQ Z O • •-3

m z o

Sector or Sub-sector

Limitations on Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional commitments P> i-3 00 z

a •

¡¡¡(Specialist - a person within an establishment of a service supplier of a Party w h o possesses knowledge at an advance level of expertise, possesses proprietary knowledge of the organisation's service, research equipment, techniques, or management and w h o is essential t o the operation of the establishment of that service supplier in Hong Kong. (b)

Natural persons seeking entry under the commitments made by Hong Kong shall i)be natural persons of a Party ; ii) be employees w h o have been in the prior employ of the concerned service supplier which sponsors their entry into Hong Kong for a


o> Z O

PO measures. 2.

The interpretation of these conditions by the Hong Kong Government shall be final.

Supplementary Information The establishment and acquisition of business operations in Hong Kong is subject to the statutory requirement set out in the Companies, Business Registration and Transfer of Business Ordinances of Hong Kong.

Sector or Sub-sector

Limitations on Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional commitments

*o 3: m *-3 OQ IB




Computer and Related Services


Consultancy services related to the installation of computer hardware : these cover consultancy on type and configuration of hardware with or without associated software and do not include sale or manufacture of hardware.

(1) Unbound (2) None (3) None (4) Unbound

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Unbound Not Applicable None Unbound


Software implementation services : these cover activities in connection with analysis, design and programming of systems ready to use, as well as maintenance of existing systems. Duplicating purchased software developed by other enterprises are not included.

(1) Unbound (2) None (3) None (4) Unbound

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Unbound Not Applicable None Unbound


Data processing services : these include processing or tabulation of data, data base development, data storage, optical character recognition, microfiching and microfilming services.

(1) Unbound (2) None (3) None (4) Unbound

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Unbound Not Applicable None Unbound

Z • •-3

H1 Z O O Cn

po < N

Sector or Sub-sector

Limitations on Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional commitments

1. BUSINESS SERVICES D. Real Estate Services b)

On a fee or contract basis : these refer to the provision on a fee or contract basis management services for residential or commercial buildings which in turn consist of cleaning, maintenance and guarding of such buildings

(1) Unbound

(1) Unbound

(2) None

(2) Not Applicable

(3) Bound, market access relating to cleaning of buildings is set out in the commitment under "Buildingcleaning services".

(3) None

(4) Unbound

(4) Unbound

P> «-3 00 z (B • •-3 t-> Z H* O



Sector or Sub-sector

Limitations on Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional commitments 2? s


m i-a 00 Z (B •




Rental/Leasing Services without Operators


Relating to ships

(1) Unbound

(1) Unbound


Relating to other transport equipment (not including aircraft)

(2) None

(2) Not Applicable


Relating to other machinery and equipment

(3) None

(3) Bound, income derived from international operation of ships registered on the Hong Kong Shipping Register is exempted from Hong Kong's Profits Tax.

(4) Unbound

(4) Unbound





Sector or Sub-sector

Limitations on Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional commitments

1. BUSINESS SERVICES F. Other Business Services a)

Advertising services : these cover creation and placing of advertisements in periodicals, newspapers, radio and television ; media representation (i.e. sale of time and space for periodicals, newspapers, radio and television), distribution and delivery of advertising material.

(1) Unbound (2) None (3) None (4) Unbound

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Unbound Not Applicable None Unbound


Market research and public opinion polling services

(1) Unbound (2) None (3) None (4) Unbound

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Unbound Not Applicable None Unbound


Management consulting and related services : these cover the provision of advice and guidance to businesses regarding planning, organization, efficiency and control and management information.

(1) Unbound (2) Ne s (3) None (4) Unbound

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Unbound Not Applicable None Unbound

2? S CO


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Sector or Sub-sector

Limitations on Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional commitments

y x P> >-3




Other Business Services


Services incidental to agriculture and forestry : these refer to the provision of advice and guidance relating to crop, livestock and forestry management. These do not include ownership of farms and farming.

(1) Unbound (2) None (3) None (4) Unbound

(1) Unbound (2) Not Applicable

Services incidental to fishing : these refer to the provision of advice and guidance relating to marine or freshwater fisheries and fish hatchery services. These do not include ownership of fish ponds and fishing.

(1) Unbound (2) None (3) None (4) Unbound

(1) (2) (3) (4)

00 Z

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•-3 I- Z *• O


(3) None (4) Unbound

Unbound Not Applicable None Unbound

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Sector or Sub-sector

Limitations on Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment




Other Business Services


Maintenance and repair of equipment (not including fixed structures, maritime vessels , aircraft or other transport equipment)

(1) Unbound (2) None (3) None (4) Unbound

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Unbound Not Applicable None Unbound


Building-cleaning services : these include cleaning of the interiors of buildings of all types, including offices, factories, shops and other business premises and residential buildings.

(1) Unbound (2) None (3) None (4) Unbound

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Unbound Not Applicable None Unbound


Photographic services : these consist of commercial and consumer photograph production and processing including portrait photography, but exclude motion picture film and television services and processing.

(1) Unbound (2) None (3) None (4) Unbound

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Unbound Not Applicable None Unbound

Additional commitments

» H

00 z (B • •-3 M Z Oí o l/l

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Sector or Sub-sector

Limitations on Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional commitments

to i-3 00 Z (B • i-3

*-• z



F. Other Business Services t)

Public relations services : these refer to services related to image building and opinion moulding to improve the relations of the clients with the public, the media or others, including through paid advertisements, entertainment, welfare and charity affairs.

(1) Unbound (2) None (3) None (4) Unbound

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Unbound Not Applicable None Unbound


Translation services : these refer to the interpretation of written and spoken languages.

(1) Unbound (2) None (3) None (4) Unbound

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Unbound Not Applicable None Unbound


Exhibition management services : these include activities relating to planning, organising, managing and marketing services for conventions and similar events.

(1) Unbound (2) None (3) None (4) Unbound

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Unbound Not Applicable None Unbound


Interior design services : these refer to specialized consulting services related to the post-construction design and fitting out of interior living and working spaces.

(1) Unbound (2) None (3) None (4) Unbound

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Unbound Not Applicable None Unbound



Sector or Sub-sector

Limitations on Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment

(1) Not Applicable

(1) Not Applicable

(2) None

(2) Not Applicable

(3) None

(3) None

(4) Unbound

(4) Unbound

Additional commitments

2. COMMUNICATION SERVICES B. Courier Services Courier Services in respect of documents and parcels : these refer to the provision of service on a fee or contract basis for the delivery of documents and parcels (but not including services supplied by the General Post Office)


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Sector or Sub-sector

Limitations o n Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment

P> i-3 00 z «-3


(1) Unbound

(1) Unbound


(2) None other than for statutory insurances, including third party iiability in respect of vehicles and vessels and employer's liability insurance in respect of employees which must be purchased from an authorised insurer.

(2) Not Applicable

(3) Under Hong Kong insurance legislation only a company may be authorised to carry on insurance business. "Company" means, broadly, a company formed and registered under the Companies Ordinance and includes a company incorporated outside Hong Kong which establishes a place of business and registers as such in Hong Kong. Insurance companies incorporated overseas may set up respresentative offices in Hong Kong without authorisation but may not carry on insurance business from such offices.

(3) None



to z


All insurance and insurancerelated services Life, accident and health insurance services


Non-life insurance services


Reinsurance and retrocession


" *; in PO (B


Sector or Sub-sector

Limitations on Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional commitments

Investment-linked assurance products may only be issued by insurance companies authorised to carry on the relevant class of insurance business in Hong Kong. In addition, any such products must be authorised by the Securities & Futures Commission before they may be offered to the public.


Services auxiliary to insurance (including broking and agency services)

(4) Unbound

(4) Unbound

(1) (2) (3) (4)

(1) Unbound (2) Not Applicable

Unbound None None Unbound

(3) None (4) Unbound

Supplementary Information The provision of insurance services in or to/from Hong Kong is subject to measures necessary on prudential grounds. Certain significant prudential requirements have been listed for the purpose of transparency.

IB 00 (B • •-3 N> Z

o» o in

Fd (B


Sector or Sub-sector

Limitations on Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional commitments

¡J j | OQ z (B • H3




*- o *:

B. Banking and other financial services (excl insurance) a)

Acceptance of deposits and other repayable funds f r o m the public

po a <

(1) Unbound

(1) Unbound

(2) None

(2) Not Applicable

(3) Under Hong Kong banking legislation, only a company may apply for a full or restricted banking licence or for registration as a deposit-taking company and "company" means, broadly, a company incorporated under the Companies Ordinance or incorporated or established outside Hong Kong.

(3) None other than as indicated under Market Access

Under authorisation criteria, applications for a full banking licence from banks incorporated outside


Sector or Sub-sector




Banking and other financial services (excl insurance)

Limitations on Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional commitments

Hong Kong may be granted for branches only and are limited to one branch (including A T M s but excluding back office operations). Applications for licences for restricted licence banks and deposit-taking companies may be granted for subsidiaries or branches, but if in branch form are limited to one branch. Banks incorporated overseas may also set up representative offices in Hong Kong subject to approval by the regulatory authority. Representative offices are, however, prohibited from taking deposits or undertaking banking business generally.

t> s «• H

00 z (B • •-3 to Z

01 O in Fd (B

(4) Unbound

(4) Unbound


Sector or Sub-sector

Limitations on Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional commitments

«a s

» 1-3 00 z (B • ••3

to Z on O




Banking and other financial services (excl. insurance)


All payment and money transmission services

in (B

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Unbound None None Unbound

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Unbound Not Applicable None Unbound

Sector or Sub-sector

Limitations on Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional commitments

7. FINANCIAL SERVICES B. Banking and other financial services (excl. insurance) f)

Trading for o w n account or for account of customers, whether on an exchange, in an over-the-counter market or otherwise, the following - money market instruments (cheques, bills, certificate of deposits, etc) - foreign exchange - derivative products incl. but not limited to futures and options - exchange rate and interest rate instruments, incl. products such as swaps, forward rate agreements, etc - transferable securities

(1) Unbound (2) None (3) Providing intermediary services for trading transferable securities requires registration as a dealer under the Securities Ordinance. Registered Dealers must have a commercial presence in Hong Kong in the form of a juridical person. Only corporations incorporated in Hong Kong, natural persons born in Hong Kong or resident in Hong Kong for 5 of the preceding 7 years, or partnerships composed of such persons can become members of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd. The residence requirement for membership can be waived in certain circumstances.

(1) Unbound (2) Not Applicable (3) None

TJ SS (B >-3 OQ

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Sector or Sub-sector

Limitations on Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional commitments 2? s (B OQ (B


1-3 Z • •-3

to Z

B. Banking and other financial services {excl. insurance)


Providing intermediary services for trading futures requires registration as a dealer under the Commodities Trading Ordinance.

in •P-

Pd (B


Registered Dealers must have a commercial presence in Hong Kong in the form of a juridical person. Members of the Hong Kong Futures Exchange must be corporations incorporated in Hong Kong. (4) Unbound


(4) Unbound

Sector or Sub-sector

Limitations on Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional commitments

7. FINANCIAL SERVICES B. Banking and other financial services (excl. insurance) g)


Participation in issues c f all kinds of securities, incl. under-writing and placement as agent (whether publicly or privately) and provision of service related to such issues

(1) Unbound

(1) Unbound

(2) None

(2) Not Applicable

(3) Registered dealers in securities must have a commercial presence in HK in the form of a juridical person

(3) None

(4) Unbound

(4) Unbound

Asset management, such as cash or portfolio management, all forms of collective investment management, pension fund management, custodial depository and trust services

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Unbound None None Unbound

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Unbound Not Applicable None Unbound

Advisory and other auxiliary financial services on all the activities listed in Article 1B of MTN.TNC/W/50. incl. credit reference and analysis, investment and portfolio research and advice, advice on acquisitions and on corporate restructuring and strategy

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Unbound None None Unbound

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Unbound Not Applicable None Unbound

Supplementary Information

• d ES P>





H to Z «O


in Fd (B


The provision of financial services in or to/from Hong Kong is subject to measures necessary on prudential grounds. Certain significant prudential requirements have been listed for the purposes of transparency. The grant of a full bank licence in Hong Kong t o banks incorporated outside Hong Kong is currently subject t o meeting a reciprocity criterion. Hong Kong is prepared t o consider rescinding this requirement subject t o equivalent and mutually acceptable offers being made by other participants.

Sector or Sub-sector

Limitations on Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional commitments

í» H " a u z o o s:



*• pô (B


A. Hotels and restaurants (incl. catering) Hotel Services : these refer to the provision on a fee basis of short-term lodging and sale of prepared foods and drinks within the hotel premises.

Restaurant and catering services : these refer to the sale of prepared foods and drinks through catering or in restaurants both for consumption on and off the premises.


(1) Unbound (2) None (3) Bound, subject to meeting licensing conditions which include residence requirement of the operator. (4) Unbound

(1) Unbound (2) Not Applicable (3) None

(1) Unbound (2) None (3) None (4) Unbound

(1) (2) (3) (4)

(4) Unbound

Unbound Not Applicable None Unbound

Sector or Sub-sector

Limitations on Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional commitments

9. TOURISM AND TRAVEL RELATED SERVICES B. Travel Agencies and Tour Operators Service Travel agencies and tour operators services : these refer to the business of obtaining for clients carriage and/or accommodation outside Hong Kong and the provision of related services such as the furnishing of travel information, advice and planning.

(1) Unbound i2) None

(1) Unbound (2) Not applicable

(3) Bound but required t o obtain a licence a condition of which is memberhsip of an approved organisation as specified in the relevant legislation. Membership of such organisation include:

(3) None

- only companies which have been incorporated in Hong Kong or are overseas companies which are registered as such with the Companies Registry of Hong Kong may operate tours and open branch offices.

to (-3 00 Z (B •

•-3 I» Z M O

- capital requirement prescribed to ensure sound financial standing. (4) Unbound

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lotner Tnar audiovisual services*


arcftrves. museums cultural services

mrcuments. « K tor record and future 'JBjwmce ano retiaeá consulting services

(1) Unbound

(1) Unbound

(2) None

(2) Not Applicable

(3) None

(3) None

(4) Unbound

(4) Unbound

Sector or Sub-sector

Limitations on Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional commitments

11. TRANSPORT SERVICES A. Maritime Transport Services d)

Maintenance and repairs of vessels : these cover businesses related to repairs and maintenance of ocean vessels at dockyards, voyage repairs and maintenance of ocean-going vessels at anchor or alongside and maintenance and repair of local vessels.

(1) Unbound (2) None (3) None (4) Unbound

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Unbound Not Applicable None Unbound

"0 5C IB H 00 z (B • >-3

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in Pd (B


Sector or Sub-sector

Limitations on Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional commitments

¡? H 00 Z (B


u> Z *• O


H. Services auxiliary t o all modes of transport


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