2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
Newsletter 4 - Collective Agreement Database - OCTOBER 2014 Content 1 NEW! Content 2 Content 3 UPDATE! Content 4
Teams Comparison Working Hours in CBAs Comparison Sick Leave in CBAs
Content 8
Comparison Annual Leave in CBAs Comparison Maternity Leave in CBAs Comparison Paternity Leave in CBAs Comparison Probation Period in CBAs
Overview of Countries and CBA's
Content 5 Content 6 Content 7
Country No of CBAs received so far No of CBAs online Benin 16 Brazil 23 Burundi 3 Cambodia 9 Colombia 10 Costa Rica 8 El Salvador 9 Ethiopia 3 Ghana 11 Guatemala 14 Guinee 2 Honduras 6 Indonesia 40 Kenya 56 Madagascar 16 Mozambique 17 Niger 5 Peru 35 Rwanda 1 Senegal 17 South Africa 3 Tanzania 18 Togo 11 Uganda 16 TOTAL
More than 300 Collective Agreements in the database Our database is growing: it now has a volume of 306 CBAs from 24 countries
Overview of countries and CBAs
Check this link: http://www.wageindicator. org/main/labour-laws/collective-bargainingagreements
12 23 3 3 7 7 5 3 10 14 1 4 37 56 11 6 4 34 1 17 3 18 11 16
No of CBAs remaining (to be uploaded) 4 0 0 6 3 1 4 0 1 0 1 2 3 0 5 11 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Country (to find the CBA Database, check the Labour Law Section) Benin - http://www.votresalaire.org/benin Brazil - http://www.meusalario.org.br Burundi - http://www.votresalaire.org/burundi Cambodia - http://www.prake.org Colombia - http://www.tusalario.org/colombia Costa Rica - http://www.tusalario.org/costarica El Salvador – http://www.tusalario.org/elsalvador Ethiopia - http://www.mywage.org/ethiopia Ghana - http://www.mywage.org/ghana Guatemala - http://www.tusalario.org/guatemala Guinee - http://www.votresalaire.org/guinee Honduras - http://www.tusalario.org/honduras Indonesia - http://www.gajimu.com Kenya - http://www.mywage.org/kenya Madagascar - http://www.votresalaire.org/madagascar Mozambique - http://www.meusalario.org/mocambique Niger - http://www.votresalaire.org/niger Peru - http://www.tusalario.org/peru Rwanda - http://www.mywage.org/rwanda Senegal - http://www.votresalaire.org/senegal South Africa - http://www.mywage.co.za Tanzania - http://www.mywage.org/tanzania Togo - http://www.votresalaire.org/togo Uganda - http://www.mywage.org/uganda
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
WageIndicator Foundation Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130 , 1018 VZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
The CBA Database Team Ngeh Ernest Tingum, Dani Ceccon, Arcade Ndoricimpa, Nadia Pralitasari and WageIndicator team
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database countries collective agreement database contacts
organisation DIEESE
name Paulo Roberto
[email protected]
Burundi - http://www.votresalaire.org/burundi
AEB Cosybu
Callixte Nkuru Fidèle Gahungu
[email protected] [email protected]
Colombia - new - http://www.tusalario.org/colombia
CGT (Colombia)
Willington Triana
[email protected]
Miryam Luz Triana
[email protected]
Brazil - http://www.meusalario.org.br
Costa Rica- new - http://www.tusalario.org/costarica
CMTC (Costa Rica)
Jhonatan Monge
[email protected]
El Salvador – new - http://www.tusalario.org/elsalvador
CATS (EL Salvador)
William bado Magdalena Marmol
[email protected] [email protected]
Nahu Asteraye Negalgne Muleta Kassahun Follo
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Charles Asante
[email protected] Mary Tobe
[email protected] Philo Tamakloe
[email protected]
Guinee - http://www.votresalaire.org/guinee
Victoriano Zacarías Míndez
[email protected] alberto Ramirez
[email protected] CGTG Guatemala
[email protected] Gorogna bandia
[email protected]
Honduras - http://www.tusalario.org/honduras
CGT (Honduras)
José García
[email protected] MOLINA
Indonesia - http://www.gajimu.com
Darta Pakpahan Nadia Pralitasari
[email protected] [email protected]
Kenya - http://www.mywage.org/kenya
Jane masta
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ethiopia - http://www.mywage.org/ethiopia
Ghana - http://www.mywage.org/ghana
Guatemala - new - http://www.tusalario.org/guatemala
more email
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database countries collective agreement database contacts
Madagascar - http://www.votresalaire.org/madagascar
organisation FKE
name Gentrix Juma
[email protected] Remi Botoudi
[email protected]
Mozambique - http://www.meusalario.org/mocambique
[email protected]
Egidio Vaz Raposo
[email protected]
Niger - http://www.votresalaire.org/niger
Sako Madou Yacouba Mamane
[email protected] [email protected]
Peru - http://www.tusalario.org/peru
Giovana Juan Carlos Vargas Luis Mendoza
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Rwanda - http://www.mywage.org/rwanda
[email protected]
Senegal - http://www.votresalaire.org/senegal
Barra Ndour
[email protected]
South Africa - http://www.mywage.co.za
Trenton Elsley Karen Rutter
[email protected] [email protected]
Tanzania - http://www.mywage.org/tanzania
Oscar Mkude
[email protected] Edwin Richard Mwakyembe
[email protected] Siham Ahmed
[email protected]
Togo - http://www.votresalaire.org/togo
AGBO Komlavi TEVI Ayikoue
[email protected] [email protected]
Uganda - http://www.mywage.org/uganda
Douglas Opio Peter Welikhe
[email protected] [email protected]
more email
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database Updated in OCTOBER 2014 WageIndicator Foundation Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130 , 1018 VZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Working Hours Per Week in Collective Bargaining Agreements Country
Working hours Working hours per week by Law per week in CBAs
Collective Agreements
CBA with Best Provisions for Workers
40 Convention Collective du Travail applicable au Personnel du Centre National Hospitalier Universitaire Hubert Koutoukou Maga (CNHUHKM) Convention Collective Nationale Manutention Portuaire La Convention Collective Applicable au Personnel de la Presse en Republique du Benin 50 Arrête N° 026/MFPTRA/DC/SGM/DT/SRT du 14 Avril 1998 Fixant les Conditions Generales d’emploi des Employes de Maison en Republique du Benin
36 Termo Aditivo ao Acordo Coletivo de Trabalho 2012/2014: Lanxess Elastomeros do Brasil S.A
Telemarketing ASK - PR x
40 Borracha LANXESS - PE Acordo Coletivo de Trabalho 2012/2013: Sindicato Trab.Ind.De Extracao Vegetal, Carvoejamento, Reflorestamento E Similares do Estado de Minas Gerais E Arcelormittal Bioenergia LTDA Metalúrgicos APERAM – MG Telefônicos TELEFÔNICA - SP Acordo Coletivo de Trabalho 2013/2014: Rita de Cassia Assuncao E Sindicato Trabalhadores Nas Inds Pap Papelao E Cortica Acordo Coletivo de Trabalho 2012/2013: Sindicato dos Trab Na Ind Petroquimica do Estado do Pr E Araucaria NITROGENADOS S.A 44 Alimentação KRAFT FOODS - Curitiba/PR Fumageiros SOUZA CRUZ - RS Construção Civil HOLCIM - MG Metalúrgicos CSN - RJ 48 Bebidas AMBEV - Porto Alegre/RS
A jornada de trabalho dos empregados em regime de turnos ininterruptos de revezamento será de 8 (oito) horas diárias, com duração de 36 (trinta e seis) horas semanais em média. A jornada dos empregados que utilizam fone de ouvido (head set) será de no máximo 36 horas semanais e 180 horas mensais, ou seja, com 6 (seis) horas diárias com uma folga semanal e também podendo ter sua jornada de 7 (sete) e 12 (doze) horas diárias de Segunda à Sexta, e sujeitos à escala de revezamento.
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database Cambodia
44 Collective Bargaining Agreement between International Airport Independence Employees Union, SIEM REAP Airport Cambodia Tourism x Industry Worker Trade Union and Cambodia Airport Management Services
El Salvador
40 Contrato Colectivo entre Sindicato de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras Ministerio de Hacienda SITRAMHA Pliego de Peticiones del Sindicato de Trabajadores del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales--- SITMARN Contrato Colectivo de Trabajo: Instituto Nacional de Pensiones de los Empleados Públicos Contrato Colectivo de Trabajo del Céntro Nacional de Registros
48 Sheraton Addis Hotel Collective Agreement - 2011 The 12th Collective Agreement Concluded Between Horizon-Addis Tyre S.C And Horizon-Addis Tyre S. C Basic Trade Union 40 10th Collective Agreement Between Ethiopian Airlines Enterprise And Ethiopian Airlines Basic x Trade Union
40 Collective Agreement between Better Best Academy and Union Of Education, Agriculture & General Service Workers Collective Agreement between Milani Limited and Union of Education, Agriculture and General Services Workers Collective Agreement between Bomarts Farms Limited and Union of Education, Agriculture and General Services Workers Collective Agreement between Neat Foods Ghana Limited and Union of Education, Agriculture and General Services Workers (UNEAGES) of GFL Collective Agreement between Satellite Trans Ltd and AGRANA Ghana Ltd & the National Union of TEAMSTERS and General Workers of Ghana Federation of Labour Collective Agreement between Financial, Business and Services Employees Union (FBSEU) Of Ghana Federation of Labour (GFL), and Intercom Programming and Manufacturing Company (IPMC) Limited Collective Agreement between Adamus Resources Limited Nzema Operations and General Manufacturing and Metal Workers Union (GMM) of Ghana Federation of Labour (GFL) Collective Agreement between Financial, Business and Services Employees Union (FBSEU) of Ghana Federation of Labour (GFL), and COB-A Industries Limited
The Employers shall guarantee an average of forty four (44) hours per week over the entire calendar year or 2288 hours during the whole year.
Unless provided otherwise in this Agreement, the regular working hours of any employee of the Undertaking shall not exceed eight (8) hours within twenty four (24) hours or forty (40) hours per week.
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database Collective Agreement between Satellite Trans Ltd and Agrana Ghana Ltd & the National Union of Teamsters and General Workers (NUTEG) of Ghana Federation of Labour (GFL) Guatemala
40 Pacto Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo Suscrito entre el Sindicato de Trabajadores Municipales de la Villa de Chicacao, Departamento x de Suchitepequez; Y la Municipalidad de Chicacao, Departamento de Suchitepequez Pacto Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo Suscrito entre El Sindicato de Trabajadores de La Municipalidad de Chiquimula –Sitramunich – Y La Municipalidad de Chiquimula del Departamento de Chiquimula. x
Pacto Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo Celebrado entre la Municipalidad de Esquipulas del Departamento de Chiquimula Y El Sindicato de x Trabajadores de da Municipalidad de Esquipulas, del Departamento de Chiquimula. 40 Convention Collective Mines et Carrieres 40 Kesepakatan Kerja Bersama untuk Sheraton Media Hotel and Towers Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Ching Luh Indonesia Dengan Serikat Pekerja (SBKU, SPN & IKCI ) PT. Ching Luh Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT Bank Nasional Indonesia Dengan Serikat Pekerja PT Bank Nasional Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara : PT. Mulia Cemerlang Abadi Multi Industri Dengan : Serikat Pekerja Nasional PT. Mulia Cemerlang Abadi Multi Industri Tentang Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Kemang Food Industries Dengan PK Federasi Serikat Buruh Kamiparho KSBSI PT. Kemang Food Industries Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Indonesia Pondasi Raya Dengan PK FKUI KSBSI PT. Indonesia Pondasi Raya Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT.Misung Indonesia Dengan Serikat Pekerja Nasional PT. Misung Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Jatim Autocomp Indonesia Dengan PUK SPAMK FSPMI PT. Jatim Autocomp Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Pudjiadi and Sons Tbk Dengan SP The Jayakarta Jakarta Hotel & Spa – SP Paras – Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Shangrahadhika, Hotel Redtop Jakarta Dengan SP Hotel Redtop Jakarta – SP Paras – Indonesia
OFICINAS ADMINSITRATIVAS: de 8:00 a 16: 00 horas, de lunes viernes, cuarenta horas a la semana; La Municipalidad y el Sindicato convienen en mantener una jornada ordinaria diurna de cuarenta horas efectivas de labores, a la semana cuyo horario es el siguiente: de lunes a viernes, entrada 7:30 horas, salida 12:00 horas. Entrada 13:00 horas, salida 16:00 horas. Dicho horario es aplicable tanto a los trabajadores de las oficinas administrativas, como de campo, se exceptúan de la forma anterior los policías municipales, fontaneros y los trabajadores que convengan con su jefe inmediato un horario diferente. La Policía Municipal, los trabajadores del rastro y los fontaneros que laboran en las jornadas y/o turnos específicos prestaran sus servicios sin exceder de ocho (8: 00) horas diarias ni de cuarenta (40:00) horas a la semana.
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT.Shimatama Graha Dengan SP Shima Japanese Restaurant SPA FSP Paras Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. First Marine Seafoods Dengan PK FSB Kamiparho KSBSI PT. First Marine Seafoods Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara Terminal Petikemas Koja Dengan SP TPK Koja Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Kaho Indah Citra Garment Dengan SPN PT. Kaho Indah Citra Garment Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Medika Apparelindo Dengan SPN PT. Medika Apparelindo Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia Dengan SP LEM SPSI PT. AAIJ Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Alcarindo Prima Dengan SP LEM SPSI PT. Alcarindo Prima Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara IGP Group Dengan SP LEM SPSI IGP Group Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Indonesia Raya Dengan SPSI Unit Kerja Pabrik Lampu "Indonesia Raya" Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. JICT Dengan Serikat Pekerja PT. JICT Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT Molax Internasional Dengan Serikat Pekerja PT. Molax Internasional Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Sunter Inti Megah Dengan SP LEM SPSI PT. Sunter Inti Megah Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Multi Terminal Indonesia Dengan SP PT. Multi Terminal Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. BRS SI Dengan SBLM PT. BRS SI Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Poli Contindo Nusa Dengan SPTP Poli Contindo Nusa Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Selamat Sempurna Tbk Dengan SPSI Unit Kerja PT. Selamat Sempurna Tbk Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals Dengan SPSI PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT Angkasa Raya Djambi Dengan Unit Kerja PK Federasi Hukatan SBSI Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Hok Tong Jambi Dengan PK SBSI PT. Hok Tong Jambi Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Gardatama Nusantara Dengan PK SBSI PT. Gardatama Nusantara Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Kaltim Prima Coal Dengan KORPPRA, SP-KEP dan SPK Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT.Tirta Varia Inti Pratama Dengan FSB HUKATAN SBSI PT.Tirta Varia Inti Pratama
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Lontar Papyrus Pulp & Paper Industry (LPPPI) Dengan SPD PT. LPPPI Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk Dengan FSP KEP PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Wachyuni Mandira Dengan PUK SP-PK SPSI PT. Wachyuni Mandira Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Pelangi Nusa Gemilang Dengan PK Serikat Buruh NIKEUBASBSI Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk (Wilayah Kalimantan Timur) Dengan DPC F-HUKATAN SBSI Kabupaten Kutai Barat Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara CV. Makmur Abadi Dengan PK Serikat Buruh NIKEUBA-SBSI CV. Makmur Abadi Sorong Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Rezeki Surya Inti Makmur Dengan Federasi Pertambangan dan Energi SBSI Kenya
40 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between General Motors East Africa Ltd And Amalgamated Union Of x Kenya Metal Workers Collective Bargaining Agreement On Terms And Conditions Of Service For Unionisable Employees Between Communication Workers Union Of Kenya x (Cowu) (K) And Telkom Kenya Limited
Collective Bargaining Agreement between Oil x Industry and Kenya Petroleum Oil Workers' Union 42.5 Memorandum Of Agreement Between Dunlop Industries Limited And Kenya Chemical And Allied Workers’ Union Memorandum of Agreement between PZ Cussons East Africa Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers' Union 44 Memorandum Of Agreement Between Sumaria Industries Limited And Kenya Chemical And Allied Workers Union Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between M/S. Thika Motor Dealers Limited And Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers Memorandum of Agreement Between Kenpoly Manufacturers Limited and The Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers' Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Kulgraphics Limited And Kenya Union Of Printing, Publishing, Paper Manufacturers, Pulp And Packaging Industries Collective Bargaining Agreement Between The Motor Trade And Allied Industries Employers Association And The Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers
The normal working week shall consist of not more than forty (40) hours of work spread over not more than six (6) days of the week. The conditioned hour per week for all graded and semiskilled full time staff irrespective of where they are serving will be forty (40) hours exclusive of meal breaks. i. Day duties staff – All graded staff will normally be scheduled for a minimum of (40) hours per week excluding meal break and will work an average of eight (8) hours a day. The normal working week shall be 40 hours.
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database Memorandum of Agreement between Auto Ancillaries and the Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metal Workers Memorandum of Agreement between Optimum Lubricants Limited and Kenya Petroleum Oil Workers Union Memorandum of Agreement between Member Companies of the Printing Trades Group of the FKE and the Kenya Union of Printing, Publishing, Paper Manufacturers and Allied Workers Memorandum of Agreement between Uni-Plastics Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers' Union 45 Memorandum of agreement - Afro Plastics Kenya Ltd Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Alpha Fine Foods Limited and Kenya Union Of Commercial Food And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Ensing Autos Limited And Kenya Union Of Commercial Food And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Kentainers Limited And Kenya Chemical And Allied Workers' Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Deluxe Inks Limited And Kenya Chemcial And Allied Workers’ Union. Medivet Products Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers Union Memorandum Of Agreement On Terms And Conditions Of Service Between Ensing Autos Limited And Kenya Union Of Commercial, Food And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Nationwide Electrical Industries Limited And Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Wildlife Safari Kenya Limited And Kenya Game, Hunting And Safaris Workers' Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Mount Kenya Game Ranch Ltd (Conservancy) And Kenya Game Hunting And Safaris Workers' Union In Matters Of Terms And Conditions Of Employment Effective 1st October 2010 To 30th September 2012 Memorandum Of Agreement Between Ritz Enterprises Limited And The Tailors And Textile Workers Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Smart Printers Limited And The Kenya Union Of Printing, Publishing, Paper Manufacturers And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Smart Printers Limited And The Kenya Union Of Printing, Publishing, Paper Manufacturers And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Straight Line Enterprises Limited And The Tailors And Textiles Workers Union
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database Memorandum Of Agreement Between Super Foam Limited And Kenya Chemical And Allied Workers' Union Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Uchumi Supermarkets Limited And The Kenya Union Of Commercial, Food And Allied Workers In The Matter Of Wages And Other Terms And Conditions Of Employment Agreement Between Sameer Africa Limited And Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers Association of Local Government Employers And Kenya Local Government Workers Union National Joint Negotiating Council Incorporating All Local Authorities In Kenya Terms and Conditions of Service Agreement between Kenafric Industries Limited (Footwear Division) and Kenya Shoe and Leather Workers Union Memorandum of Agreement between the Minor Engineering Group of Federation of Kenya Employers and Kenya Engineering Workers' Union Memorandum of Agreement between Laboratory and Allied Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers' Union Memorandum of Agreement between OL PEJETA Ranching Limited and Kenya Game Hunting and Safari Workers' Union Memorandum of Agreement between Air Connection Limited and Kenya, Shipping, Clearing and Warehouses Workers Union Memorandum of Agreement between Easy Coach Ltd and Transport Workers Union (K) Collective Bargaining Agreement between Autoxpress Limited and the Kenya Union of Commercial, Food and Allied Workers Collective Bargain Agreement between the Nairobi Bus and Coach Body Builders Group of Federation of Kenya Employers and Kenya Long Distance Truck Drivers and Allied Workers' Union Memorandum of Agreement between Sana Industries Limited and Kenya Union of Hair and Beauty Salon Workers Memorandum of Agreement between SHAMCO Industries Limited and Kenya Engineering Workers' Union Memorandum of Agreement between Welding Alloys Limited and Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metal Workers Memorandum of Agreement between the Specified Churches and/or Institutions and Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals and Allied Workers Memorandum of Agreement between Teita Estate Ltd (Rope Works Division) and Tailors and Textile Workers Union
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database 46 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Members of the Sisal Growers and Employers Association (Kenya) and the Kenya Plantation and Agricultural Workers' Union 48 Memorandum Of Agreement Between Fox Theatres Ltd, Springfield Properties Ltd, Thika Road Properties Ltd And Queensway Properties Limited And The Kenya Union Of Commercial, Food And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between St. Christopher's Schools And Kenya Union Of Domestic, Hotel, Educational Institutions, Hospitals And Allied Workers Memorandum of Agreement between Pegant Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers Union Memorandum of Agreement between Blue Post Hotel and the Kenya Hotels and Allied Workers’ Union 50 Memorandum Of Agreement Between Karen Country Club And Kenya Union Of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals And Allied Workers 52 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between Kenya Kazi Services Ltd – U.S. Embassy Project and Kenya National Private Security Workers' Union Madagascar
40 Convention Collective Pêche et Froid Océan Indien Convention Collective des Brasseries STAR Madagascar Convention Collective FLOREAL Madagascar
48 Acordo de Empresa do Ramo de Refrigerantes da Coca-Cola SABCO (Moç.) S.A.R.L
40 Accord d’Entreprise de la Société d'Exploitation des Eaux du Niger (SEEN)
40 Convention Collective des Journalistes et Techniciens de la Communication Sociale du Senegal Convention Collective Federale des Industries Polygraphiques Convention Collective Nationale du Personnelle de l'Enseignement Privé du Sénégal Convention Collective des Industries Extractives et de la Prospection Miniere de La Federation du Mali Convention Collective du Commerce Convention Collective Federale des Auxiliaires de Transports de l'AOF Convention Collective des Transports Aeriens Convention Collective Nationale des Industries Hotelieres de La Republique du Senegal 48 Convention Collective fixant les Conditions des Officiers et Marins de la Marine Marchande Senegalaise
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database Convention Collective Fixant les Conditions des Travailleurs de Cinema Tanzania
45 The Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Tpc Limited And Tanzania Social Services Industry Workers Union (Tasiwu) Collective Bargaining Agreement between Millennium Challenge Corporation Limited and Communication and Transport Workers’ Union Tanzania Collective Bargaining Agreement between Sbc Tanzania Limited and Tanzania Union Of Industry and Commercial Workers (Tuico) Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Malawi Cargo Center Limited (Mccl) and Communication and Transport Workers' Union (Cotwu) Tanzania Mkataba Wa Utambuzi Na Hali Bora Za Kazi Baina Ya Chama Cha Mawasiliano Na Uchukuzi Tanzania [COTWU (T)] Na Kampuni Ya Smb Nyehunge Express Collective Bargaining Agreement between Mofed Tanzania Company Limited and Communication and Transport Workers Union of Tanzania 40 Memorundum of Agreement Between Conservation, Hotel, Domestic And Allied Workers Union (Chodawu) Lsg Sky Chefs- Branch And The x Management Of Lsg Sky Chefs Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Scania Tanziania Limited and Tanzania Union of Industrial x and Commercial Workers (TUICO)
48 Convention Collective des Entreprises du Transport Routier du Togo 40 Convention Collective de la Zone Franche du Togo Convention Collective Sectorielle de Entreprises Pharmaceutiques du Togo Convention Collective des Entreprises du Batiments et des Travaux Publics de Togo Convention Collective de l'Industrie du Petrole du Togo Convention Collective de l'Enseignement Confessionnel au Togo Convention Collective du Commerce
45 Addendum to the Memorandum on Terms and Conditions of Service Between Kaweri Coffee x Plantation and National Union of Plantation and Agricultural Workers - Uganda 48 The Republic Of Uganda Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Signatory Members Of Uganda Flower Exporters Association And Uganda Horticultural And Allied Workers' Union (Uhawu) The Republic of Uganda Collective Bargaining Agreement between Fresh Handling Ltd and the Uganda Horticultural and Allied Workers Union
LSGSkyChefs operation has seven working days per week. Working hours per week is forty hours only. It was agreed that Management should implement this without increasing the current manpower structure. Holidays and public holidays recognized by the government will be off days. Normal working hours may not exceed 40 hours per week.
With effect from 1st January 2010 wages for the Security Guards will be computed in accordance with all other employees, based on a 45 hour week plus recorded hours of over time worked.
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
WageIndicator Foundation Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130 , 1018 VZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Sick Leave in Collective Bargaining Agreements
Weeks of Maximum Sick Leave by Law
Weeks of Maximum Sick Leave in CBAS 52
Collective Agreements
CBA with Best Quote Provisions for Workers
52 Convention Collective du Travail applicable au Personnel du Centre National Hospitalier Universitaire Hubert Koutoukou Maga (CNHUHKM) Convention Collective du Travail de la Societe Beninoise d’Energie Electrique (S.B.E.E) La Convention Collective Applicable au Personnel de la Presse en Republique du Benin Convention Collective du Travail Applicable au Personnel de Bénin Telecom SA 104 Convention Collective du Travail Applicable au Personnel de la CNSS x
Convention Collective Nationale Manutention Portuaire x
La durée maximum du congé de maladie est de : - six (6) mois pour une durée de service inférieure ou égale à vingt quatre (24) mois ; - douze (12) mois pour une durée de service comprise entre vingt quatre (24) et soixante (60) mois ; - vingt quatre (24) mois pour une durée de service supérieure à soixante (60) mois. La durée maximum d’une période de congé de maladie est de : • six (06) mois pour une ancienneté de service inférieure ou égale à douze (12) mois consécutif ; • douze (12) mois pour une ancienneté de service supérieure à douze (12) mois consécutifs : • vingt-quatre (24) mois pour une ancienneté de service au moins égale à soixante (60) mois consécutifs.
78 Convention Collective de Travail Portant Reglement General et Statuts du Personnel du Centre National de Securite Routiere 39 Convention Collective de Travail Applicable au Personnel de l’Agence Nationale de l’Aviation Civile 26 Projet de Loi Portant Statut General de la Fonction Publique Brazil Ethiopia
No Limits 26
26 The 12th Collective Agreement Concluded Between Horizon-Addis Tyre S.C And HorizonAddis Tyre S.C Basic Trade Union Sheraton Addis Hotel Collective Agreement - 2011 49 10th Collective Agreement Between Ethiopian Airlines Enterprise And Ethiopian Airlines Basic Trade Union
Ghana Guatemala
Sick leave by a doctor shall be granted in the following Manner:(a) Sick leave with pay shall accrue at the rate of two and half (2 !£) days per month and may be accumulated up to a maximum of sixty (60) calendar days; (b) An employee who has exhausted his accumulated sick leave stipulated in (a) and is hospitalized or ordered to take treatment at home due to difficulty in securing hospital admission may be granted sick leave with full pay for the period hospitalized in the following manner:- • After completing probation period up to 10 years of service—40 calendar days; • More than 10 years and up to 20 years of service50 calendar days; and • More than 20 years of service— 60 calendar days. (c) An employee who has exhausted his sick leave stipulated in (a) or (b) above may be granted up to sixty (60) days sick leave at half salary. (d) An employee who has exhausted his sick leave stipulated in (c) above may be granted up to sixty (60) days sick leave without pay. (e) Any employee who has exhausted the sick leaves granted as per (b), (c) and (d) above shall continue taking the leaves specified in (c) and (d) above.
No provision 26
26 Pacto Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo Suscrito entre El Sindicato de Trabajadores de La Municipalidad de Chiquimula –Sitramunich – Y La Municipalidad de Chiquimula del Departamento de Chiquimula. Pacto Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo Celebrado entre la Municipalidad de Esquipulas del Departamento de Chiquimula Y El Sindicato de Trabajadores de da Municipalidad de Esquipulas, del Departamento de Chiquimula. 52 Contrato Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo entre la Corporacion Municipal de Tela Departamento de Atlantida Y el Sindicato de Empleados Publicos Y Trabajadores de la x Municipalidad de Tela.
52 Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Kemang Food Industries Dengan PK Federasi Serikat Buruh Kamiparho KSBSI PT. Kemang Food Industries Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara Manajemen Lumire Hotel Dan Convention Centre Dengan PK FSB Kamiparho KSBSI Lumire Hotel Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara Terminal Petikemas Koja Dengan SP TPK Koja Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Kaho Indah Citra Garment Dengan SPN PT. Kaho Indah Citra Garment Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia Dengan SP LEM SPSI PT. AAIJ Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Alcarindo Prima Dengan SP LEM SPSI PT. Alcarindo Prima Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara IGP Group Dengan SP LEM SPSI IGP Group Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Indonesia Raya Dengan SPSI Unit Kerja Pabrik Lampu "Indonesia Raya" Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. JICT Dengan Serikat Pekerja PT. JICT Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT Molax Internasional Dengan Serikat Pekerja PT. Molax Internasional Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Sunter Inti Megah Dengan SP LEM SPSI PT. Sunter Inti Megah Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. BRS SI Dengan SBLM PT. BRS SI Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Poli Contindo Nusa Dengan SPTP Poli Contindo Nusa Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT Angkasa Raya Djambi Dengan Unit Kerja PK Federasi Hukatan SBSI Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Hok Tong Jambi Dengan PK SBSI PT. Hok Tong Jambi Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT.Tirta Varia Inti Pratama Dengan FSB HUKATAN SBSI PT. Tirta Varia Inti Pratama Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Kaltim Prima Coal Dengan KORPPRA, SP-KEP dan SPK
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database 78 Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Multi Terminal Indonesia Dengan SP PT. Multi Terminal x Indonesia
69 Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals Dengan SPSI PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals 56 Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Jatim Autocomp Indonesia Dengan PUK SPAMK FSPMI PT. Jatim Autocomp Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. First Marine Seafoods Dengan PK FSB Kamiparho KSBSI PT. First Marine Seafoods Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT.Misung Indonesia Dengan Serikat Pekerja Nasional PT. Misung Indonesia 38,5 Association of Local Government Employers And Kenya Local Government Workers Union National x Joint Negotiating Council Incorporating All Local Authorities In Kenya 26 Agreement Between Sameer Africa Limited And Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers 21,5 Memorandum Of Agreement Between M/S. Thika Motor Dealers Limited And Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers Collective Bargaining Agreement Between The Motor Trade And Allied Industries Employers Association And The Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers Memorandum of Agreement between Welding Alloys Limited and Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metal Workers 19 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Alpha Fine Foods Limited and Kenya Union Of Commercial Food And Allied Workers Collective Bargaining Agreement On Terms And Conditions Of Service For Unionisable Employees Between Communication Workers Union Of Kenya (Cowu) (K) And Telkom Kenya Limited 17 Memorandum Of Agreement Between Kenya Seed Company Limited Together With Deacons (K) Limited, Allied Industries And Kenya Union Of Commercial Food And Allied Workers (K.U.C.F.A. W) Memorandum of Agreement between PZ Cussons East Africa Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers' Union Memorandum of Agreement between Teita Estate Ltd (Rope Works Division) and Tailors and Textile Workers Union Memorandum of Agreement between Pelican Signs Limited and Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metal Workers Memorandum of Agreement between the Specified Churches and/or Institutions and Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals and Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Nationwide Electrical Industries Limited And Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal workers 16 Memorandum of Agreement Between Kenpoly Manufacturers Limited and The Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers' Union Collective Bargain Agreement between the Nairobi Bus and Coach Body Builders Group of Federation of Kenya Employers and Kenya Long Distance Truck Drivers and Allied Workers' Union 15 Memorandum Of Agreement Between Mount Kenya Game Ranch Ltd (Conservancy) And Kenya Game Hunting And Safaris Workers' Union In Matters Of Terms And Conditions Of Employment Effective 1st October 2010 To 30th September 2012 14 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Members of the Sisal Growers and Employers Association (Kenya) and the Kenya Plantation and Agricultural Workers’ Union 13,5 Memorandum of Agreement between Optimum Lubricants Limited and Kenya Petroleum Oil Workers Union 13 Memorandum Of Agreement Between Dunlop Industries Limited And Kenya Chemical And Allied Workers’ Union Memorandum of Agreement between the Minor Engineering Group of Federation of Kenya Employers and Kenya Engineering Workers’ Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Karen Country Club And Kenya Union Of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Ritz Enterprises Limited And The Tailors And Textile Workers Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Ensing Autos Limited And Kenya Union Of Commercial Food And Allied Workers Memorandum of Agreement between Auto Ancillaries and the Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metal Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Deluxe Inks Limited And Kenya Chemcial And Allied Workers’ Union. Memorandum Of Agreement Between Super Foam Limited And Kenya Chemical And Allied Workers' Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Kentainers Limited And Kenya Chemical And Allied Workers' Union Memorandum of Agreement between the Timber Industries Employers Association and Kenya Building, Construction, Timber Furniture and Allied Industries Employees' Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Sumaria Industries Limited And Kenya Chemical And Allied Workers Union Workers Collective Bargaining Agreement between Oil Industry and Kenya Petroleum Oil Workers’ Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Wildlife Safari Kenya Limited And Kenya Game, Hunting And Safaris Workers' Union Medivet Products Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers Union 12,5 Memorandum of Agreement between SHAMCO Industries Limited and Kenya Engineering Workers’ Union
Cuti sakit 1.Diberikan kepada pekerja yang sakit..minimal selama selama 1 (satu) hari dan maksimal 1 (satu) tahun serta dapat diberikan perpanjangan paling lama 6 (enam) bulan berdasarkan surat keterangan dokter/ dokter ahli
When an officer is absent from duty owing to an illness not caused by his/her own neglect or misconduct, he/she shall be granted sick leave with pay for six months on full salary followed by three months on half salary;
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
12 Memorandum Of Agreement Between Fox Theatres Ltd, Springfield Properties Ltd, Thika Road Properties Ltd And Queensway Properties Limited And The Kenya Union Of Commercial, Food And Allied Workers 11 Memorandum of Agreement between OL PEJETA Ranching Limited and Kenya Game Hunting and Safari Workers' Union 10,5 Memorandum Of Agreement Between Straight Line Enterprises Limited And The Tailors And Textiles Workers Union 8,5 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Uchumi Supermarkets Limited And The Kenya Union Of Commercial, Food And Allied Workers In The Matter Of Wages And Other Terms And Conditions Of Employment Memorandum of Agreement between Uni-Plastics Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers’ Union Memorandum of Agreement between Member Companies of the Printing Trades Group of the FKE and the Kenya Union of Printing, Publishing, Paper Manufacturers and Allied Workers Collective Bargaining Agreement between Autoxpress Limited and the Kenya Union of Commercial, Food and Allied Workers Memorandum of Agreement between Easy Coach Ltd and Transport Workers Union (K) 8 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between General Motors East Africa Ltd And Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers Memorandum of Agreement between Pegant Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers Union 7 Memorandum Of Agreement Between Smart Printers Limited And The Kenya Union Of Printing, Publishing, Paper Manufacturers And Allied Workers 6,5 Memorandum Of Agreement Between Kulgraphics Limited And Kenya Union Of Printing, Publishing, Paper Manufacturers, Pulp And Packaging Industries Memorandum Of Agreement Between St. Christopher's Schools And Kenya Union Of Domestic, Hotel, Educational Institutions, Hospitals And Allied Workers Memorandum of Agreement between Air Connection Limited and Kenya, Shipping, Clearing and Warehouses Workers Union Memorandum of Agreement between Sana Industries Limited and Kenya Union of Hair and Beauty Salon Workers 26 Convention Collective Ostie – Organisation Sanitaire Tananarivienne Inter Entreprise Convention Collective Regissant les Rapports entre l’ADER et ses Employes 43 Convention Collective des Brasseries STAR Madagascar x
257 Statut Général de la Fonction Publique de l’Etat x
26 Convention Collective Nationale des Industries Hotelieres de La Republique du Senegal Convention Collective Federale des Industries Polygraphiques Convention Collective Nationale du Personnelle de l'Enseignement Privé du Sénégal Les Conditions de Travail dans les Professions Agricole et Assimilées au Sénégal Convention Collective du Commerce Convention Collective Professionnelle Des Transports Routiers Convention Collective des Industries Extractives et de la Prospection Miniere de La Federation du Mali 60 Convention Collective des Journalistes et Techniciens de la Communication Sociale du x Senegal 26 Convention Collective de l'Industrie du Petrole du Togo Convention Collective Sectorielle de Entreprises Pharmaceutiques du Togo Convention Collective des Entreprises du Batiments et des Travaux Publics de Togo Convention Collective du Commerce Convention Collective des Entreprises du Transport Routier du Togo Convention Collective de l'Enseignement Confessionnel au Togo Convention Collective de la Zone Franche du Togo Convention Collective des Banques, des Etablissements Financiers et des Assurances du Togo 8,5 The Republic Of Uganda Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Signatory Members Of Uganda Flower Exporters Association And Uganda Horticultural And Allied Workers' Union (Uhawu)
Après un congé de maladie ne dépassant pas 6 (six) — 8 (huit) — 10 (dix) mois selon le barème d’ancienneté précité, l’employé est obligatoirement réintégré dans son emploi ou un emploi similaire qu’il s’oblige d’accepter, sauf avis contraire du service médical de l’Entreprise. En cas de maladie dűment constatée et mettant le fonctionnaire dans l'impossibilité d'exercer ses fonctions, il est mis en congé de maladie. Le congé de maladie couvre les interruptions de service pour raisons de santé : le repos médical, l'hospitalisation et la convalescence. Il peut étre de courte ou de longue durée mais ne peut excéder cinq (5) ans.
Pendant la période de sa maladie, le journaliste ou technicien de la communication sociale a droit aux allocations suivantes : Un mois de salaire entier pendant six mois ; La moitié de son salaire pendant les huit mois suivants.
Sick Pay and benefits will be paid for the first month of absence at the normal rate herein stipulated and in accordance with the Article 55 of the Employment Act 2006. Half payment for the second month's absence as a result of sickness and thereafter termination shall be considered under medical grounds.
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
Updated AUGUST 2014
WageIndicator Foundation Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130 , 1018 VZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Annual Leave in Collective Bargaining Agreements
Days of Annual Days of Annual Collective Agreements Leave by Law (in Leave in CBAS working days) (in working days) 24
El Salvador
CBA with Best Quote Provisions for Workers
24 Convention Collective du Travail de la Societe Beninoise d’Energie Electrique (S.B.E.E) Convention Collective du Travail Applicable au Personnel de Bénin Telecom SA Arrête N° 026/MFPTRA/DC/SGM/DT/SRT du 14 Avril 1998 Fixant les Conditions Generales d’ emploi des Employes de Maison en Republique du Benin La Convention Collective Applicable au Personnel de la Presse en Republique du Benin Convention Collective de Travail Portant Reglement General et Statuts du Personnel du Centre National de Securite Routiere Convention Collective du Travail de la Poste du Bénin SA Convention Collective du Travail Applicable au Personnel de la CNSS 30 Projet de Loi Portant Statut General de la Fonction Publique x 26 Acordo Coletivo de Trabalho 2013/2014: Sindicato Dos Trabalhadores Nas Industrias de Alimentacao E Afins do Estado da Bahia E J MACEDO S/A 21 (up to 25) Collective Bargaining Agreement between International Airport Independence Employees Union, SIEM REAP Airport Cambodia Tourism x Industry Worker Trade Union and Cambodia Airport Management Services 21 Convención Colectiva de Trabajo Suscrita entre Filmtex S.A.S. Y el Sindicato de Trabajadores de Filmtex S.A.S. Sintrafilmtex Y el Sindicato x Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria del Plástico Y Sus Derivados Sintraplastico 21 Contrato Colectivo de trabajo entre el Instituto Salvadoreno dei Seguro Social y el Sindicato de x Trabajadores del Instituto Salvadoreno del Seguro Social 14 10th Collective Agreement Between Ethiopian Airlines Enterprise And Ethiopian Airlines Basic Trade Union
Le fonctionnaire en activité a droit à un congé annuel avec traitement d’une durée de trente (30) jours consécutifs pour une année de services accomplis.
Total number of annual leaves is 21 days. The employees shall be given one additional paid leave after 3 completed years of service up to a total of máximum of 25 days of paid leave per year. Por cada año de vigencia de la Convención una prima extra legal de vacaciones equivalente al valor de veintiún (21) días de salario que se pagarán por la Empresa en el momento en que el trabajador salga a disfrutar de sus correspondientes vacaciones. En el sistema de período único los trabajadores gozarán de veintiún dias de vacaciones; en el sistema de período fraccionado, gozarán de tres períodos de vacaciones así:
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
The 12th Collective Agreement Concluded Between Horizon-Addis Tyre S.C And HorizonAddis Tyre S.C Basic Trade Union Collective Agreement between Milani Limited and Union of Education, Agriculture and General Services Workers Collective Agreement between Neat Foods Ghana Limited and Union of Education, Agriculture and General Services Workers (UNEAGES) of GFL Collective Agreement for Alisa Hotels Accra and the National Union of Teamsters and General x Workers Collective Agreement between Dry Food Processing Ltd and the National Union of TEAMSTERS Collective Agreement between Satellite Trans Ltd and AGRANA Ghana Ltd & the National Union of TEAMSTERS and General Workers of Ghana Federation of Labour Pacto Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo Negociado Y Suscrito Por el Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Municipalidad de el Estor, del x Departamento de Izabal (Sitrame) Y la Municipalidad de el Estor del Departamento de Izabal. Pacto Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo Suscrito entre El Sindicato de Trabajadores de La Municipalidad de Chiquimula –Sitramunich – Y La x Municipalidad de Chiquimula del Departamento de Chiquimula. Pacto Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo Suscrito entre el Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Municipalidad de Santa Barbara del Departamento de Suchitepequez “Sitramsbs”, Y la Municipalidad del Municipio de Santa Barbara del Departamento de Suchitepequez Pacto Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo Celebrado entre la Municipalidad de Esquipulas del Departamento de Chiquimula Y El Sindicato de Trabajadores de da Municipalidad de Esquipulas, del Departamento de Chiquimula. Pacto Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo Suscrito entre la Municipalidad de Pueblo Nuevo Viñas del Departamento de Santo Rosa Y el Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Municipalidad de Pueblo Nuevo Viñas del Departamento de Santa Rosa Pacto Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo Suscrito entre el Sindicato de Trabajadores Municipales de la Villa de Chicacao, Departamento de Suchitepequez; Y la Municipalidad de Chicacao, Departamento de Suchitepequez
Employees who have served the Hotel for a continuous period of twelve months shall be entitled to twenty three (23) working days as annual leave.
La municipalidad otorgará a sus trabajadores un período de veinticinco días hábiles de vacaciones remuneradas.
La Municipalidad otorga a sus trabajadores un período de vacaciones remuneradas por casa año de servicios continuos en la forma siguiente: a) De uno a cinco años de servicio, veinticinco días hábiles.
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
Pacto Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo entre el Sindicato de Trabajadores Municipales de Patulul” Y la Municipalidad de Patulul del Departamento de Suchitepequez. 13 Contrato Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo entre la Corporacion Municipal de Tela Departamento de Atlantida Y el Sindicato de Empleados Publicos Y Trabajadores de la Municipalidad de Tela.
12 Pliego de Peticiones del Primer Contrato Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo A Celebrar Entre el Insituto Nacional de Estadistica Y El Sindicato de Trabjadores del Instituto Nacional de Estadistica 12 Kesepakatan Kerja Bersama untuk Sheraton Media Hotel and Towers Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Ching Luh Indonesia Dengan Serikat Pekerja (SBKU, SPN & IKCI ) PT. Ching Luh Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT Bank Nasional Indonesia Dengan Serikat Pekerja PT Bank Nasional Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Kemang Food Industries Dengan PK Federasi Serikat Buruh Kamiparho KSBSI PT. Kemang Food Industries Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara Manajemen Lumire Hotel Dan Convention Centre Dengan PK FSB Kamiparho KSBSI Lumire Hotel Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Indonesia Pondasi Raya Dengan PK FKUI KSBSI PT. Indonesia Pondasi Raya Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT.Misung Indonesia Dengan Serikat Pekerja Nasional PT. Misung Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Jatim Autocomp Indonesia Dengan PUK SPAMK FSPMI PT. Jatim Autocomp Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Pudjiadi and Sons Tbk Dengan SP The Jayakarta Jakarta Hotel & Spa – SP Paras – Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Shangrahadhika, Hotel Redtop Jakarta Dengan SP Hotel Redtop Jakarta – SP Paras – Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT.Shimatama Graha Dengan SP Shima Japanese Restaurant SPA FSP Paras Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. First Marine Seafoods Dengan PK FSB Kamiparho KSBSI PT. First Marine Seafoods Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara Terminal Petikemas Koja Dengan SP TPK Koja
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Kaho Indah Citra Garment Dengan SPN PT. Kaho Indah Citra Garment Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Medika Apparelindo Dengan SPN PT. Medika Apparelindo Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia Dengan SP LEM SPSI PT. AAIJ Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Alcarindo Prima Dengan SP LEM SPSI PT. Alcarindo Prima Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara IGP Group Dengan SP LEM SPSI IGP Group Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Indonesia Raya Dengan SPSI Unit Kerja Pabrik Lampu "Indonesia Raya" Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. JICT Dengan Serikat Pekerja PT. JICT Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT Molax Internasional Dengan Serikat Pekerja PT. Molax Internasional Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Sunter Inti Megah Dengan SP LEM SPSI PT. Sunter Inti Megah Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Multi Terminal Indonesia Dengan SP PT. Multi Terminal Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Poli Contindo Nusa Dengan SPTP Poli Contindo Nusa Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Selamat Sempurna Tbk Dengan SPSI Unit Kerja PT. Selamat Sempurna Tbk Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals Dengan SPSI PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT Angkasa Raya Djambi Dengan Unit Kerja PK Federasi Hukatan SBSI Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Hok Tong Jambi Dengan PK SBSI PT. Hok Tong Jambi Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Gardatama Nusantara Dengan PK SBSI PT. Gardatama Nusantara Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT.Tirta Varia Inti Pratama Dengan FSB HUKATAN SBSI PT. Tirta Varia Inti Pratama 16 Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Kaltim Prima Coal Dengan KORPPRA, SP-KEP dan SPK x
21 Memorandum of Agreement between Air Connection Limited and Kenya, Shipping, Clearing and Warehouses Workers Union
Perusahaan memberikan istirahat tahunan 16 (enam belas) hari kalender dengan upah bagi karyawan sebagai hari- hari istirahat dan dimaksudkan agar karyawan dapat menangani keperluan pribadi yang tidak sempat diselesaikan selama bertugas.
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database 29 Memorandum of Agreement between Welding Alloys Limited and Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metal Workers 28 Memorandum of Agreement between Teita Estate Ltd (Rope Works Division) and Tailors and Textile Workers Union Memorandum of Agreement between Member Companies of the Printing Trades Group of the FKE and the Kenya Union of Printing, Publishing, Paper Manufacturers and Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Karen Country Club And Kenya Union Of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals And Allied Workers Medivet Products Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Dunlop Industries Limited And Kenya Chemical And Allied Workers’ Union 26 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Alpha Fine Foods Limited and Kenya Union Of Commercial Food And Allied Workers Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Members of the Sisal Growers and Employers Association (Kenya) and the Kenya Plantation and Agricultural Workers’ Union Memorandum of Agreement between SHAMCO Industries Limited and Kenya Engineering Workers’ Union Memorandum of Agreement between Sana Industries Limited and Kenya Union of Hair and Beauty Salon Workers Memorandum of Agreement between the Specified Churches and/or Institutions and Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals and Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Ensing Autos Limited And Kenya Union Of Commercial Food And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Deluxe Inks Limited And Kenya Chemcial And Allied Workers’ Union. Memorandum Of Agreement Between Wildlife Safari Kenya Limited And Kenya Game, Hunting And Safaris Workers' Union Association of Local Government Employers And Kenya Local Government Workers Union National Joint Negotiating Council Incorporating All Local Authorities In Kenya Memorandum Of Agreement Between Ritz Enterprises Limited And The Tailors And Textile Workers Union
Any employee who has completed 12 months uninterrupted service or more with the company shall be entitled to annual leave as follows: i) Employees who have less than 8 years service, 29 working days.
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database Memorandum Of Agreement Between Sumaria Industries Limited And Kenya Chemical And Allied Workers Union Workers Collective Bargain Agreement between the Nairobi Bus and Coach Body Builders Group of Federation of Kenya Employers and Kenya Long Distance Truck Drivers and Allied Workers' Union Memorandum of Agreement between the Minor Engineering Group of Federation of Kenya Employers and Kenya Engineering Workers’ Union Memorandum of Agreement between Auto Ancillaries and the Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metal Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between St. Christopher's Schools And Kenya Union Of Domestic, Hotel, Educational Institutions, Hospitals And Allied Workers 25 Memorandum of Agreement Between Kenpoly Manufacturers Limited and The Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers' Union Terms and Conditions of Service Agreement between Kenafric Industries Limited (Footwear Division) and Kenya Shoe and Leather Workers Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Nationwide Electrical Industries Limited And Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Super Foam Limited And Kenya Chemical And Allied Workers' Union 24 Memorandum of Agreement between Uni-Plastics Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers’ Union Memorandum of Agreement between Laboratory and Allied Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers’ Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Fox Theatres Ltd, Springfield Properties Ltd, Thika Road Properties Ltd And Queensway Properties Limited And The Kenya Union Of Commercial, Food And Allied Workers Memorandum of Agreement between Optimum Lubricants Limited and Kenya Petroleum Oil Workers Union Memorandum of Agreement between Blue Post Hotel and the Kenya Hotels and Allied Workers’ Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Kenya Seed Company Limited Together With Deacons (K) Limited, Allied Industries And Kenya Union Of Commercial Food And Allied Workers (K.U.C.F.A. W)
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database Memorandum Of Agreement Between Smart Printers Limited And The Kenya Union Of Printing, Publishing, Paper Manufacturers And Allied Workers
Memorandum Of Agreement Between Straight Line Enterprises Limited And The Tailors And Textiles Workers Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Kulgraphics Limited And Kenya Union Of Printing, Publishing, Paper Manufacturers, Pulp And Packaging Industries 23 Memorandum Of Agreement Between M/S. Thika Motor Dealers Limited And Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers Agreement Between Sameer Africa Limited And Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers Collective Bargaining Agreement between Autoxpress Limited and the Kenya Union of Commercial, Food and Allied Workers Collective Bargaining Agreement Between The Motor Trade And Allied Industries Employers Association And The Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers Collective Bargaining Agreement Between General Motors East Africa Ltd And Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers Memorandum of Agreement between OL PEJETA Ranching Limited and Kenya Game Hunting and Safari Workers' Union 22 Memorandum of Agreement between Easy Coach Ltd and Transport Workers Union (K) Memorandum Of Agreement Between Mount Kenya Game Ranch Ltd (Conservancy) And Kenya Game Hunting And Safaris Workers' Union Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Uchumi Supermarkets Limited And The Kenya Union Of Commercial, Food And Allied Workers In The Matter Of Wages And Other Terms And Conditions Of Employment Memorandum of Agreement between Pegant Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers Union Memorandum Of Agreement On Terms And Conditions Of Service Between Ensing Autos Limited And Kenya Union Of Commercial, Food And Allied Workers 26 Air Madagascar Convention Collective Generale Convention Collective du Corps des Travailleurs de la Societe de Manutention des Marchandises Conventionnelles Convention Collective de SOFITRANS SA
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
15 South Africa
Convention Collective des Brasseries STAR Madagascar Convention Collective Regissant les Rapports entre l’ADER et ses Employes Convention Collective des Banques Etablissements Financiers du Niger Statut Général de la Fonction Publique de l’Etat Accord d’Entreprise de la Société d'Exploitation des Eaux du Niger (SEEN) Convenio Colectivo de Trabajo Suscrito entre Compañía CERVECERA AMBEV Peru S.A.C. y Sindicato Unitario de Trabajadores de da Compañía CERVECERA AMBEV Peru S.A.C. Acta de Acuerdo Final de la Convencion Colectiva Suscrita entre Compañia MINERA ANTAMINA S. A. Y El Sindicato Unico de Trabajadores de Compañia MINERA ANTAMINA S.A. SUTRACOMASA Convenio Colectivo entre PLUSPETROL S.A y la Asociacion del Personal Jerárquico del Agua y la Energía (APJAE) Labour Collective Convention between: Trade Unions COTRAF, CESTRAR and SORWATHE Ltd. Convention Collective du Commerce Convention Collective Professionnelle Des Transports Routiers Convention Collective Federale des Industries Polygraphiques Convention Collective Nationale du Personnelle de l'Enseignement Privé du Sénégal Convention Collective des Journalistes et Techniciens de la Communication Sociale du x Senegal Convention Collective des Ouvriers Boulangeries de la Delegation de Dakar et Dependances Columbus Stainless Substantive Agreement between Columbus Stainless and Solidarity, U.A. S.A and N.U.M.S.A. Collective Bargaining Agreement 2013 Between Tanzania Union Of Industrial And Commercial Workers Field Branch Of TPCC And Tanzania Portland Cement Company Limited Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Malawi Cargo Center Limited (Mccl) and Communication and Transport Workers' Union (Cotwu) Tanzania The Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Tpc Limited And Tanzania Social Services Industry Workers Union (Tasiwu) Mapendekezo Ya Mkataba Wa Hali Bora Baina Ya TUICO Na Mwajiri Nyanza Bottling Co. Ltd TUICO 2013
Un congé de 30 jours est accordé aux journalistes et techniciens de la communication sociale après douze mois de présence dans l’établissement.
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
Mkataba Wa Makubaliano Baina Ya Kampuni Ya Reli Tanzania (TRL) Na Chama Cha Wafanyakazi Wa Reli Tanzania (TRAWU) Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Tanzania Mines, Energy ,Costruction And Allied x Workers Union (Tamico) And Tanzaniteone Mining Ltd Mkataba Wa Utambuzi Na Hali Bora Za Kazi Baina Ya Chama Cha Mawasiliano Na Uchukuzi Tanzania [COTWU (T)] Na Kampuni Ya Smb Nyehunge Express Convention collective des mines du Togo Convention Collective de la Zone Franche du Togo Convention Collective Sectorielle de Entreprises Pharmaceutiques du Togo Convention Collective des Banques, des Etablissements Financiers et des Assurances du Togo Convention Collective des Compagnies D’ Assurances du Togo The Republic of Uganda Collective Bargaining Agreement between Fresh Handling Ltd and the Uganda Horticultural and Allied Workers Union The Republic Of Uganda Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Signatory Members Of Uganda Flower Exporters Association And Uganda Horticultural And Allied Workers' Union (Uhawu) Collective Bargaining Agreement between Tropic Inn Hotel Limited and National Union Of x Theatrical, Domestic And General Workers Memorandum of Agreement between Kinyara Sugar Limited and National Union of Plantation and Agricultural Workers (U)
Annual Leave - Employee will be afforded 36 paid calendar days leave as per annum
Having worked for six continuous months an employee shall be entitled to a thirty days leave herein referred to as annual leave.
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
WageIndicator Foundation Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130 , 1018 VZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Updated AUGUST 2014 Maternity Leave in Collective Bargaining Agreements
Weeks of Maternity Leave by Law
Weeks of Maternity Leave in CBAS
Collective Agreements
14 Convention Collective du Travail Applicable au Personnel de Bénin Telecom SA La Convention Collective Applicable au Personnel de la Presse en Republique du Benin Projet de Loi Portant Statut General de la Fonction Publique 26 Acordo Coletivo de Trabalho 2013/2014: Sindicato Dos Trabalhadores Nas x Industrias de Alimentacao E Afins do Estado da Bahia E J MACEDO S/A Acordo Coletivo De Trabalho 2012/2014: LANXESS ELASTOMEROS DO BRASIL x S.A. ACORDO COLETIVO DE TRABALHO 2012/2014: TELEFONICA BRASIL S.A
El Salvador
CBA with Best Provisions for Workers
Cláusula 29 - A empresa concederá licença maternidade de seis meses às suas empregadas, desde que solicitado até 30 (trinta) dias após o parto. No prazo de vigencia do presente acordo a LANXESS prorrogará por 60 (sessenta) dias a duração da licença-maternidade prevista no art. 7°, XVIII, da constituição Federal, perfazendo um total de 180 (cento e oitenta dias) de licença- maternidade. Cláusula 37 - Fica assegurada a empregada gestante, licença maternidade de 120 (cento e vinte dias) dias, facultando-lhe optar pela licença de 180 dias, ambas a contar do afastamento determinado pelo médico e, estabilidade provisória desde a confirmação da gravidez, até 30 (trinta) dias a contar do retorno da licença maternidade, salvo quando a extinção do contrato de trabalho ocorrer por acordo para desligamento, com assistência da entidade sindical, pedido de demissão ou justa causa. Employee female is entitled to a maternity leave of 100 calendar days with full remuneration (basic salary + meal allowance). This benefit is provided only to female staffs with at least 1 year of seniority in the company.
14 Collective Bargaining Agreement between International Airport Independence Employees Union, SIEM x REAP Airport Cambodia Tourism Industry Worker Trade Union and Cambodia Airport Management Services 17 Pliego de Peticiones del Sindicato de Trabajadores del Ministerio de Medio x Ambiente y Recursos Naturales--SITMARN 13 Contrato Colectivo entre Sindicato de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras Ministerio de Hacienda - SITRAMHA Contrato Colectivo de trabajo entre el Instituto Salvadoreno dei Seguro Social y el Sindicato de Trabajadores del Instituto Salvadoreno del Seguro Social Contrato Colectivo de Trabajo del Céntro Nacional de Registros 10 Contrato Colectivo de Trabajo: Instituto Nacional de Pensiones de los Empleados Públicos
La trabajadora parturienta gozará de ciento veinte (120) días de descanso y cuido de su hijo o hija recién nacida, posteriores al alumbramiento.
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database Ethiopia
13 10th Collective Agreement Between Ethiopian Airlines Enterprise And Ethiopian Airlines Basic Trade Union Sheraton Addis Hotel Collective Agreement - 2011 13 Collective Agreement between Better Best Academy and Union Of Education, Agriculture & General Service Workers Collective Agreement between Milani Limited and Union of Education, Agriculture and General Services Workers Collective Agreement between Bomarts Farms Limited and Union of Education, Agriculture and General Services Workers Collective Agreement for Alisa Hotels Accra and the National Union of Teamsters and General Workers Collective Agreement between Neat Foods Ghana Limited and Union of Education, Agriculture and General Services Workers (UNEAGES) of GFL 12 Pacto Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo Suscrito entre El Sindicato de Trabajadores de La Municipalidad de Chiquimula –Sitramunich – Y La Municipalidad de Chiquimula del Departamento de Chiquimula. 13 Pacto Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo Negociado Y Suscrito Por el Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Municipalidad de el Estor, del Departamento de Izabal (Sitrame) Y la Municipalidad de el Estor del Departamento de Izabal. Pacto Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo Suscrito entre el Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Municipalidad de Santa Barbara del Departamento de Suchitepequez “Sitramsbs”, Y la Municipalidad del Municipio de Santa Barbara del Departamento de Suchitepequez 10 Contrato Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo entre la Corporacion Municipal de Tela Departamento de Atlantida Y el Sindicato de Empleados Publicos Y Trabajadores de la Municipalidad de Tela. 12 Pliego de Peticiones del Primer Contrato Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo A Celebrar Entre el Insituto Nacional de Estadistica Y El Sindicato de Trabjadores del Instituto Nacional de Estadistica
Collective Agreement with Ethiopian Airlines Enterprise has a more detailed woman-related section
Collective Agreement with Bomarts Farms Limited has a more detailed woman-related section
La mujer trabajadora gozará de un descanso retribuido con el cien por ciento (100%) de su salario durante los treinta días que precedan al parto, y sesenta días siguientes al mismo, los días no disfrutados antes del parto, serán disfrutados en la etapa post parto de manera que la madre trabajadora goce de los noventa días efectivos durante ese período
La mujer trabajadora gozara de un descanso retribuido con el cien por ciento (100%) de su salario durante los treinta días que precedan al parto y los sesenta días siguientes; los días que no pueda disfrutar antes del parto se acumularan para disfrutarlos en la etapa post-parto, de tal manera que la madre trabajadora goce de noventa días efectivos durante ese periodo
Toda empleada en estado de maternidad gozará de un descanso retribuido, el cual será durante Las seis (6) semanas antes al parto, y las seis (6) semanas después del parto y conservará el empleo y todos sus derechos que le corresponden a su contrato de trabajo, además el INE, le concederá una ayuda económica de TRES MIL LEMPIRAS EXACTOS (L. 3,000.00) que serán entregados en el momento de su retiro prenatal, para sufragar gastos que incurra en el parto.
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
Cuarto Contrato Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo entre la Empresa Minerales de Occidente S.A. Y x el Sindicato de Trabajadores de Minerales de Occidente S.A. (SITRAMINO) 13 Kesepakatan Kerja Bersama untuk Sheraton Media Hotel and Towers Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Ching Luh Indonesia Dengan Serikat Pekerja (SBKU, SPN & IKCI ) PT. Ching Luh Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT Bank Nasional Indonesia Dengan Serikat Pekerja PT Bank Nasional Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara : PT. Mulia Cemerlang Abadi Multi Industri Dengan : Serikat Pekerja Nasional PT. Mulia Cemerlang Abadi Multi Industri Tentang Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Kemang Food Industries Dengan PK Federasi Serikat Buruh Kamiparho KSBSI PT. Kemang Food Industries Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara Manajemen Lumire Hotel Dan Convention Centre Dengan PK FSB Kamiparho KSBSI Lumire Hotel Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Indonesia Pondasi Raya Dengan PK FKUI KSBSI PT. Indonesia Pondasi Raya Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Misung Indonesia Dengan Serikat Pekerja Nasional PT.Misung Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Jatim Autocomp Indonesia Dengan PUK SPAMK FSPMI PT. Jatim Autocomp Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Pudjiadi and Sons Tbk Dengan SP The Jayakarta Jakarta Hotel & Spa – SP Paras – Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Shangrahadhika, Hotel Redtop Jakarta Dengan SP Hotel Redtop Jakarta – SP Paras – Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Shimatama Graha Dengan SP Shima Japanese Restaurant SPA FSP Paras Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. First Marine Seafoods Dengan PK FSB Kamiparho KSBSI PT. First Marine Seafoods
En los casos de descanso por maternidad, La Empresa cancelará de una sola vez, el correspondiente periodo Pre y Post Natal que será de seis semanas antes y seis semanas después del parto.
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara Terminal Petikemas Koja Dengan SP TPK Koja Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Kaho Indah Citra Garment Dengan SPN PT. Kaho Indah Citra Garment Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Medika Apparelindo Dengan SPN PT. Medika Apparelindo Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia Dengan SP LEM SPSI PT. AAIJ Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Alcarindo Prima Dengan SP LEM SPSI PT. Alcarindo Prima Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara IGP Group Dengan SP LEM SPSI IGP Group Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Poli Contindo Nusa Dengan SPTP Poli Contindo Nusa Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Sunter Inti Megah Dengan SP LEM SPSI PT. Sunter Inti Megah Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Multi Terminal Indonesia Dengan SP PT. Multi Terminal Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT Molax Internasional Dengan Serikat Pekerja PT. Molax Internasional Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT Angkasa Raya Djambi Dengan Unit Kerja PK Federasi Hukatan SBSI Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Tirta Varia Inti Pratama Dengan FSB HUKATAN SBSI PT.Tirta Varia Inti Pratama Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals Dengan SPSI PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Kaltim Prima Coal Dengan KORPPRA, SP-KEP dan SPK Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Selamat Sempurna Tbk Dengan SPSI Unit Kerja PT. Selamat Sempurna Tbk Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Hok Tong Jambi Dengan PK SBSI PT. Hok Tong Jambi Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Indonesia Raya Dengan SPSI Unit Kerja Pabrik Lampu "Indonesia Raya" 17 Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. JICT Dengan Serikat Pekerja PT. JICT
1.Pekerja wanita yang hamil, terlepas dari jumlah Anak yang dimiliki, diberikan istirahat melahirkan maksimal selama 4 bulan. 2.Pekerja wanita yang mengambil istirahat melahirkan tetap mendapatkan upah dengan ketentuan: dua bulan pertama, pekerja mendapat upah penuh terdiri dari upah pokok, Insentif dan tunjangan transport dan dua bulan berikutnya, pekerja hanya mendapat upah pokok dan insentif
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database Kenya
13 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Alpha Fine Foods Limited and Kenya Union Of Commercial Food And Allied Workers Collective Bargaining Agreement Between General Motors East Africa Ltd And Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers Collective Bargaining Agreement On Terms And Conditions Of Service For Unionisable Employees Between Communication Workers Union Of Kenya (Cowu) (K) And Telkom Kenya Limited Memorandum Of Agreement Between Dunlop Industries Limited And Kenya Chemical And Allied Workers’ Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Ensing Autos Limited And Kenya Union Of Commercial Food And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Deluxe Inks Limited And Kenya Chemcial And Allied Workers’ Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Fox Theatres Ltd, Springfield Properties Ltd, Thika Road Properties Ltd And Queensway Properties Limited And The Kenya Union Of Commercial, Food And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Kentainers Limited And Kenya Chemical And Allied Workers' Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Kenya Seed Company Limited Together With Deacons (K) Limited, Allied Industries And Kenya Union Of Commercial Food And Allied Workers (K.U.C.F.A.W) Memorandum Of Agreement Between Kulgraphics Limited And Kenya Union Of Printing, Publishing, Paper Manufacturers, Pulp And Packaging Industries Memorandum of Agreement between Pelican Signs Limited and Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metal Workers Memorandum Of Agreement On Terms And Conditions Of Service Between Ensing Autos Limited And Kenya Union Of Commercial, Food And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Wildlife Safari Kenya Limited And Kenya Game, Hunting And Safaris Workers' Union
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database Memorandum Of Agreement Between Mount Kenya Game Ranch Ltd (Conservancy) And Kenya Game Hunting And Safaris Workers' Union In Matters Of Terms And Conditions Of Employment Effective 1st October 2010 To 30th September 2012 Memorandum Of Agreement Between St. Christopher's Schools And Kenya Union Of Domestic, Hotel, Educational Institutions, Hospitals And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Straight Line Enterprises Limited And The Tailors And Textiles Workers Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Sumaria Industries Limited And Kenya Chemical And Allied Workers Union Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Super Foam Limited And Kenya Chemical And Allied Workers' Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between M/S. Thika Motor Dealers Limited And Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Uchumi Supermarkets Limited And The Kenya Union Of Commercial, Food And Allied Workers In The Matter Of Wages And Other Terms And Conditions Of Employment Agreement Between Sameer Africa Limited And Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Karen Country Club And Kenya Union Of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals And Allied Workers Collective Bargaining Agreement Between The Motor Trade And Allied Industries Employers Association And The Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers Association of Local Government Employers And Kenya Local Government Workers Union National Joint Negotiating Council Incorporating All Local Authorities In Kenya Memorandum of Agreement between the Minor Engineering Group of Federation of Kenya Employers and Kenya Engineering Workers’ Union
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database Memorandum of Agreement Between Kenpoly Manufacturers Limited and The Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers' Union Memorandum of Agreement between Laboratory and Allied Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers’ Union Memorandum of Agreement between Pegant Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers Union Memorandum of Agreement between OL PEJETA Ranching Limited and Kenya Game Hunting and Safari Workers' Union Memorandum of Agreement between Air Connection Limited and Kenya, Shipping, Clearing and Warehouses Workers Union Memorandum of Agreement between Easy Coach Ltd and Transport Workers Union (K) Collective Bargaining Agreement between Autoxpress Limited and the Kenya Union of Commercial, Food and Allied Workers Memorandum of Agreement between Blue Post Hotel and the Kenya Hotels and Allied Workers’ Union Collective Bargain Agreement between the Nairobi Bus and Coach Body Builders Group of Federation of Kenya Employers and Kenya Long Distance Truck Drivers and Allied Workers' Union Memorandum of Agreement between Optimum Lubricants Limited and Kenya Petroleum Oil Workers Union Memorandum of Agreement between Member Companies of the Printing Trades Group of the FKE and the Kenya Union of Printing, Publishing, Paper Manufacturers and Allied Workers Memorandum of Agreement between Sana Industries Limited and Kenya Union of Hair and Beauty Salon Workers Memorandum of Agreement between SHAMCO Industries Limited and Kenya Engineering Workers’ Union Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between Kenya Kazi Services Ltd – U.S. Embassy Project and Kenya National Private Security Workers’ Union Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Members of the Sisal Growers and Employers Association (Kenya) and the Kenya Plantation and Agricultural Workers’ Union
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
South Africa
Memorandum of Agreement between Welding Alloys Limited and Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metal Workers Memorandum of Agreement between the Specified Churches and/or Institutions and Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals and Allied Workers Memorandum of Agreement between Uni-Plastics Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers’ Union Memorandum of Agreement between Teita Estate Ltd (Rope Works Division) and Tailors and Textile Workers Union Memorandum of Agreement between PZ Cussons East Africa Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers' Union Collective Bargaining Agreement between Oil Industry and Kenya Petroleum Oil Workers’ Union Memorandum of Agreement between the Timber Industries Employers Association and Kenya Building, Construction, Timber Furniture and Allied Industries Employees' Union Convention Collective Pêche et Froid Océan Indien Air Madagascar Convention Collective Generale Convention Collective de SOFITRANS SA Convention Collective des Brasseries STAR Madagascar Convention Collective FLOREAL Madagascar Convention Collective Regissant les Rapports entre l’ADER et ses Employes Convention Collective des Banques Etablissements Financiers du Niger Statut Général de la Fonction Publique de l’Etat Labour Collective Convention between: Trade Unions COTRAF, CESTRAR and SORWATHE Ltd. Convention Collective Nationale Professionelle des Banques et Etablissements Financiers du Senegal Convention Collective Nationale du Personnelle de l'Enseignement Privé du Sénégal Agreement in Respect of Wages and Conditions of Employment entered into by and between CWAWU and CEPPWAWU and Kimberly Clark Corporation SA
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database 26 Columbus Stainless Substantive Agreement between Columbus Stainless and Solidarity, U.A.S.A and N.U.M.S.A.
The maximum period of 6 (six) months maternity leave for the female employees will comprise: 4 months will full pay (pro-rata if the employee has not completed one years service), as per the provisions of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (1997) and the Unemployment Act (2001), plus 1 (one) months employee leave and 1 (one) months unpaid leave with all benefits covered by Columbus.
8,5 Agreement in Respect of Wages and Substantive Conditions of Employment for the Period 2013 to 2014 - Fibre and Particle Board Chamber of the Bargaining Council for the Wood and Paper Sector 12 Collective Bargaining Agreement 2013 Between Tanzania Union Of Industrial And Commercial Workers Field Branch Of TPCC And Tanzania Portland Cement Company Limited Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Scania Tanziania Limited and Tanzania Union of Industrial and Commercial Workers (TUICO) Collective Bargaining Agreement 2013 Between Tanzania Union Of Industrial And Commercial Workers Field Branch Of TPCC And Tanzania Portland Cement Company Limited The Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Tpc Limited And Tanzania Social Services Industry Workers Union (Tasiwu) Mkataba Wa Makubaliano Baina Ya Kampuni Ya Reli Tanzania (TRL) Na Chama Cha Wafanyakazi Wa Reli Tanzania (TRAWU) Collective Bargaining Agreement between Mofed Tanzania Company Limited and Communication and Transport Worker’s Union of Tanzania 13 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Malawi Cargo Center Limited (Mccl) and Communication and Transport Workers' Union (Cotwu) Tanzania 14 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Tanzania Mines, Energy , x Costruction And Allied Workers Union (Tamico) And Tanzaniteone Mining Ltd Mkataba Wa Utambuzi Na Hali Bora Za Kazi Baina Ya Chama Cha Mawasiliano x Na Uchukuzi Tanzania [COTWU (T)] Na Kampuni Ya Smb Nyehunge Express 14 Convention collective des mines du Togo Convention Collective des Entreprises du Transport Routier du Togo Convention Collective de la Zone Franche du Togo
Paid maternity leave shall be 100 days and 110 days per leave cycle 36 months, and if an employee gives birth to more than one child.
Kwa kuzingatia ibara hii 28.1 hapo juu, pande zote tumekubaliana kuwa likizo ya uzazi itakuwa ni ya siku mia moja (100) kuanzia tarehe ya kujifungua kwa mfanyakazi, na malipo ya likizo yatatolewa mara moja.
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
Convention Collective du Commerce Convention Collective de l'Industrie du Petrole du Togo Convention Collective Sectorielle de Entreprises Pharmaceutiques du Togo Convention Collective des Banques, des Etablissements Financiers et des Assurances du Togo 8,5 The Republic of Uganda Collective Bargaining Agreement between Fresh Handling Ltd and the Uganda Horticultural and Allied Workers Union The Republic Of Uganda Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Signatory Members Of Uganda Flower Exporters Association And Uganda Horticultural And Allied Workers' Union (Uhawu) 13 Collective Bargaining Agreement between Tropic Inn Hotel Limited and x National Union Of Theatrical, Domestic And General Workers
A pregnant female employee shall be granted a 90 working days maternity leave on full pay that shall include a minimum of six (8) weeks after delivery.
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
WageIndicator Foundation Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130 , 1018 VZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Paternity Leave in Collective Bargaining Agreements
Days of Paternity Days of Paternity Collective Agreements Leave by Law Leave in CBAS
El Salvador
No provision
CBA with Best Quote Provisions for Workers
3 La Convention Collective Applicable au Personnel de la Presse en Republique du Benin Projet de Loi Portant Statut General de la Fonction Publique Convention Collective de Travail Portant Reglement General et Statuts du Personnel du Centre National de Securite Routiere 5 Acordo Coletivo de Trabalho 2012/2014 entre Sinttel-MG e Telefonica Brasil S.A Acordo Coletivo de Trabalho 2012/2014: Telefonica Brasil S.A Acordo Coletivo de Trabalho 2012/2014: Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Em Empresas de Telecomunicacoes E Operadores de Mesas Telefonicas do Estado do Parana E Brasil Telecom Call Center 8 Convención Colectiva de Trabajo Suscrita entre Filmtex S.A.S. Y el Sindicato de Trabajadores de Filmtex S.A.S. Sintrafilmtex Y el Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria del Plástico Y Sus Derivados Sintraplastico 5 Contrato Colectivo de Trabajo: Instituto Nacional de Pensiones de los Empleados Públicos x
No provision
2 10th Collective Agreement Between Ethiopian
No provision
3 Collective Agreement between Adamus
Airlines Enterprise And Ethiopian Airlines Basic Trade Union
Resources Limited Nzema Operations and x General Manufacturing and Metal Workers Union (GMM) of Ghana Federation of Labour (GFL) Guatemala
2 Pacto Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo Suscrito entre El Sindicato de Trabajadores de La Municipalidad de Chiquimula –Sitramunich – Y La Municipalidad de Chiquimula del Departamento de Chiquimula. Pacto Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo entre el Sindicato de Trabajadores Municipales de Patulul” Y la Municipalidad de Patulul del Departamento de Suchitepequez. 3 Pacto Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo Negociado Y Suscrito Por el Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Municipalidad de el Estor, del x Departamento de Izabal (Sitrame) Y la Municipalidad de el Estor del Departamento de Izabal. 2 Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. First Marine Seafoods Dengan PK FSB Kamiparho KSBSI PT. First Marine Seafoods Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara Terminal Petikemas Koja Dengan SP TPK Koja Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Kaho Indah Citra Garment Dengan SPN PT. Kaho Indah Citra Garment Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Alcarindo Prima Dengan SP LEM SPSI PT. Alcarindo Prima Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Indonesia Raya Dengan SPSI Unit Kerja Pabrik Lampu "Indonesia Raya" Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT Molax Internasional Dengan Serikat Pekerja PT. Molax Internasional Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Sunter Inti Megah Dengan SP LEM SPSI PT. Sunter Inti Megah Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. BRS SI Dengan SBLM PT. BRS SI Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Poli Contindo Nusa Dengan SPTP Poli Contindo Nusa Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Selamat Sempurna Tbk Dengan SPSI Unit Kerja PT. Selamat Sempurna Tbk Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals Dengan SPSI PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT Angkasa Raya Djambi Dengan Unit Kerja PK Federasi Hukatan SBSI Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Hok Tong Jambi Dengan PK SBSI PT. Hok Tong Jambi Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Kaltim Prima Coal Dengan KORPPRA, SP-KEP dan SPK Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT.Tirta Varia Inti Pratama Dengan FSB HUKATAN SBSI PT. Tirta Varia Inti Pratama Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Lontar Papyrus Pulp & Paper Industry (LPPPI) Dengan SPD PT. LPPPI Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Wachyuni Mandira Dengan PUK SP-PK SPSI PT. Wachyuni Mandira Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Pelangi Nusa Gemilang Dengan PK Serikat Buruh NIKEUBA-SBSI Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk (Wilayah Kalimantan Timur) Dengan DPC F-HUKATAN SBSI Kabupaten Kutai Barat Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara CV. Makmur Abadi Dengan PK Serikat Buruh NIKEUBA-SBSI CV. Makmur Abadi Sorong Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Rezeki Surya Inti Makmur Dengan Federasi Pertambangan dan Energi SBSI 3 Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Shangrahadhika, Hotel Redtop Jakarta Dengan SP Hotel Redtop Jakarta – SP Paras – Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara IGP Group Dengan SP LEM SPSI IGP Group 15 Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Pudjiadi and Sons Tbk Dengan SP The Jayakarta Jakarta Hotel x & Spa – SP Paras – Indonesia
Concederá hasta cinco días de licencia con goce de sueldo, en caso de alumbramiento de la esposa o compañera de vida del trabajador, siempre que el interesado lo solicite y la haya inscrito en los registros del Instituto o en su defecto en los del Sindicato; 10th Collective Agreement Between Ethiopian Airlines Enterprise And Ethiopian Airlines Basic Trade Union Male employees would be granted up to three (3) working days paternity leave upon request when their wife's deliver.
Cuando ocurriere el nacimiento de un hijo (a) del trabajador, tres días hábiles previo aviso a su jefe inmediato superior;
Istri pekerja melahirkan: 2 hari dan dalam jangka waktu paling lama 14 hari kemudian diberi ijin 1 hari dengan persetujuan Dept. Head untuk mengurus legalitas kelahiran anaknya.
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
WageIndicator Foundation Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130 , 1018 VZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Paternity Leave in Collective Bargaining Agreements
Days of Paternity Days of Paternity Collective Agreements Leave by Law Leave in CBAS 14
CBA with Best Quote Provisions for Workers
14 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Alpha Fine Foods Limited and Kenya Union Of Commercial Food And Allied Workers Collective Bargaining Agreement Between General Motors East Africa Ltd And Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Dunlop Industries Limited And Kenya Chemical And Allied Workers’ Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Ensing Autos Limited And Kenya Union Of Commercial Food And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Fox Theatres Ltd, Springfield Properties Ltd, Thika Road Properties Ltd And Queensway Properties Limited And The Kenya Union Of Commercial, Food And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Kentainers Limited And Kenya Chemical And Allied Workers' Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Kenya Seed Company Limited Together With Deacons (K) Limited, Allied Industries And Kenya Union Of Commercial Food And Allied Workers (K.U.C.F.A. W) Memorandum Of Agreement Between Kulgraphics Limited And Kenya Union Of Printing, Publishing, Paper Manufacturers, Pulp And Packaging Industries Memorandum Of Agreement On Terms And Conditions Of Service Between Ensing Autos Limited And Kenya Union Of Commercial, Food And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Wildlife Safari Kenya Limited And Kenya Game, Hunting And Safaris Workers' Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between St. Christopher's Schools And Kenya Union Of Domestic, Hotel, Educational Institutions, Hospitals And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between M/S. Thika Motor Dealers Limited And Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Uchumi Supermarkets Limited And The Kenya Union Of Commercial, Food And Allied Workers In The Matter Of Wages And Other Terms And Conditions Of Employment Agreement Between Sameer Africa Limited And Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Karen Country Club And Kenya Union Of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals And Allied Workers Association of Local Government Employers And Kenya Local Government Workers Union National Joint Negotiating Council Incorporating All Local Authorities In Kenya Terms and Conditions of Service Agreement between Kenafric Industries Limited (Footwear Division) and Kenya Shoe and Leather Workers Union Memorandum of Agreement Between Kenpoly Manufacturers Limited and The Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers' Union Memorandum of Agreement between Laboratory and Allied Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers’ Union Memorandum of Agreement between OL PEJETA Ranching Limited and Kenya Game Hunting and Safari Workers' Union Memorandum of Agreement between Air Connection Limited and Kenya, Shipping, Clearing and Warehouses Workers Union Memorandum of Agreement between Easy Coach Ltd and Transport Workers Union (K) Collective Bargaining Agreement between Autoxpress Limited and the Kenya Union of Commercial, Food and Allied Workers Memorandum of Agreement between Blue Post Hotel and the Kenya Hotels and Allied Workers’ Union Memorandum of Agreement between Optimum Lubricants Limited and Kenya Petroleum Oil Workers Union Memorandum of Agreement between Member Companies of the Printing Trades Group of the FKE and the Kenya Union of Printing, Publishing, Paper Manufacturers and Allied Workers Memorandum of Agreement between Sana Industries Limited and Kenya Union of Hair and Beauty Salon Workers Memorandum of Agreement between SHAMCO Industries Limited and Kenya Engineering Workers’ Union Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between Kenya Kazi Services Ltd – U.S. Embassy Project and Kenya National Private Security Workers’ Union Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Members of the Sisal Growers and Employers Association (Kenya) and the Kenya Plantation and Agricultural Workers’ Union Memorandum of Agreement between Welding Alloys Limited and Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metal Workers Memorandum of Agreement between the Specified Churches and/or Institutions and Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals and Allied Workers Memorandum of Agreement between PZ Cussons East Africa Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers' Union Collective Bargaining Agreement between Oil Industry and Kenya Petroleum Oil Workers’ Union
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
WageIndicator Foundation Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130 , 1018 VZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Paternity Leave in Collective Bargaining Agreements
Days of Paternity Days of Paternity Collective Agreements Leave by Law Leave in CBAS
No provision
5 Peru
2 3
Memorandum of Agreement between the Timber Industries Employers Association and Kenya Building, Construction, Timber Furniture and Allied Industries Employees' Union Air Madagascar Convention Collective Generale Projet de Convention collective SOMALAVAL Convention Collective FLOREAL Madagascar Convention Collective Regissant les Rapports entre l’ADER et ses Employes Convenio colectivo de trabajo entre la Corporación L.INDLEY S.A y el Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Corporación Lindley S.A. Convenio colectivo de trabajo entre la Corporación L.INDLEY S.A y el Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Corporación Lindley S.A. Convenio Colectivo entre la Empresa y el Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Corporación Lindley S.A Convencion Colectiva de Trabajo entre Kraft Foods Peru S.A. Y El Sindicato de Trabajadores de Kraft Foods Peru S.A. Acta de Acuerdo entre la Empresa MINERA YANACOCHA S.R.L. y el Sindicato de Trabajadores de Compañía MINERA YANACOCHA -SITRACOMY Negociación Colectiva entre Federacion de Trabajadores del Sector Comunicaciones (FETRATEL) y Telfefonica Gestion de Servicios Compartidos S.A.C. Acta de Acuerdo Final de la Convencion Colectiva Suscrita entre Compañia MINERA ANTAMINA S. A. Y El Sindicato Unico de Trabajadores de Compañia MINERA ANTAMINA S.A. SUTRACOMASA Negociación Colectiva entre Refinería la Pampilla S.A.A. y Sindicato Único de Trabajadores de la Refinería la PAMPILLA correspondiente al período 2012 Convention Collective des Journalistes et Techniciens de la Communication Sociale du Senegal Convention Collective Nationale des Industries Hotelieres de La Republique du Senegal Convention Collective des Ouvriers Boulangeries de la Delegation de Dakar et Dependances Convention Collective Federale des Industries Polygraphiques Les Conditions de Travail dans les Professions Agricole et Assimilées au Sénégal Convention Collective du Commerce Convention Collective des Industries Extractives et de la Prospection Miniere de La Federation du Mali Convention Collective Nationale du Personnelle de l'Enseignement Privé du Sénégal Collective Bargaining Agreement between Millennium Challenge Corporation Limited and Communication and Transport Workers’ Union Tanzania Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Malawi Cargo Center Limited (Mccl) and Communication and Transport Workers' Union (Cotwu) Tanzania The Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Tpc Limited And Tanzania Social Services Industry Workers Union (Tasiwu) Mkataba Wa Makubaliano Baina Ya Kampuni Ya Reli Tanzania (TRL) Na Chama Cha Wafanyakazi Wa Reli Tanzania (TRAWU) Collective Bargaining Agreement 2013 Between Tanzania Union Of Industrial And Commercial Workers Field Branch Of Tpcc And Tanzania Portland Cement Company Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Tanzania Mines, Energy ,Costruction And Allied Workers Union (Tamico) And Tanzaniteone Mining Ltd Collective Bargaining Agreement between Mofed Tanzania Company Limited and Communication and Transport Worker’s Union of Tanzania Convention Collective des Entreprises du Transport Routier du Togo Convention Collective du Commerce Convention Collective de l'Industrie du Petrole du Togo Convention Collective Sectorielle de Entreprises Pharmaceutiques du Togo Convention Collective des Entreprises du Batiments et des Travaux Publics de Togo Convention Collective de l’industrie du Petrole du Togo (2013) Convention Collective des Banques, des Etablissements Financiers et des Assurances du Togo Convention Collective de l'Enseignement Confessionnel au Togo
CBA with Best Quote Provisions for Workers
Si el nacimiento se produjo dentro del departamento de Ancash cinco (05) días. f) Si el nacimiento se produjo en cualquier otro departamento del país: cinco (5)
Naissance d’un enfant : 2 jours
Seven days paternity leave shall be granted to a male Employee whose female spouse has delivered, the leave will be allowed within thirty days after discharge of his spouse from a hospital. A male employee shall be entitled to 7 days paid paternity leave per leave cycle (36 months as per this agreement) if the leave is taken within seven days of the birth of the child and upon submission of proof that the employee is the father of the child. Male employees are entitled to paternity leave of seven (7) days
4 The Republic Of Uganda Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Signatory Members Of Uganda Flower Exporters Association And Uganda Horticultural And Allied Workers' Union (Uhawu) 5 The Republic of Uganda Collective Bargaining Agreement between Fresh Handling Ltd and the Uganda Horticultural and Allied Workers Union 7 Collective Bargaining Agreement between Tropic Inn Hotel Limited and National Union Of Theatrical, Domestic And General Workers
Naissance d’un enfant de l’employé (Paternité) 05 jours
Naissance d’un enfant au foyer : 3 jours A male employee shall, immediately after delivery or miscarriage of a registered wife, have the right to a period of four working days leave from work yearly herein referred to as Paternity leave. He shall be entitled to the payment of his full wages and return to the job which he held before his paternity leave. NO NEED TO QUOTE.
A male employee shall be granted seven (7) days Paternity leave per each child birth from his registered wife to enable him provide the required assistance to the nursing mother and baby.
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
WageIndicator Foundation Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130 , 1018 VZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Paternity Leave in Collective Bargaining Agreements
Days of Paternity Days of Paternity Collective Agreements Leave by Law Leave in CBAS
CBA with Best Quote Provisions for Workers
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
WageIndicator Foundation Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130 , 1018 VZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Updated SEPTEMBER 2014 Probation / Trial period in Collective Bargaining Agreements
Days of Probation Period by Law
No clear provision
Days of Probation Period Collective Agreements in CBAS
CBA with Best Provisions for Workers
30 Convention Collective de Travail Applicable au Personnel de l’Agence Nationale de l’ Aviation Civile Convention Collective du Travail de la Poste du Bénin SA Convention Collective du Travail de la Societe Beninoise d’Energie Electrique (S. B.E.E) Convention Collective du Travail Applicable au Personnel de Bénin Telecom SA La Convention Collective Applicable au Personnel de la Presse en Republique du Benin Convention Collective de Travail Portant Reglement General et Statuts du Personnel du Centre National de Securite Routiere Convention Collective du Travail Applicable au Personnel de la CNSS 90 Acordo Coletivo de Trabalho 2013/2013: Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Em Empresas de Telecomunicacoes E Operadores de Mesas Telefonicas do Estado do Parana E Companhia Nacional de Call Center 90 Collective Bargaining Agreement between International Airport Independence Employees Union, SIEM REAP Airport Cambodia Tourism Industry Worker Trade Union and Cambodia Airport Management Services 45 10th Collective Agreement Between Ethiopian Airlines Enterprise And Ethiopian Airlines Basic Trade Union The 12th Collective Agreement Concluded Between Horizon-Addis Tyre S.C And Horizon-Addis Tyre S.C Basic Trade Union 180 Collective Agreement between Better Best Academy and Union Of Education, x Agriculture & General Service Workers Collective Agreement for Alisa Hotels Accra and the National Union of Teamsters x and General Workers
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
Guinée Honduras
30 60
30 60
Collective Agreement between Neat Foods Ghana Limited and Union of Education, Agriculture and General Services Workers (UNEAGES) of GFL Collective Agreement between Financial, Business and Services Employees Union (FBSEU) Of Ghana Federation of Labour (GFL), and Intercom Programming and Manufacturing Company (IPMC) Limited Collective Agreement between Financial, Business and Services Employees Union (FBSEU) of Ghana Federation of Labour (GFL), and COB-A Industries Limited Collective Agreement between Bomarts Farms Limited and Union of Education, Agriculture and General Services Workers Collective Agreement between Milani Limited and Union of Education, Agriculture and General Services Workers Collective Agreement between Adamus Resources Limited Nzema Operations and General Manufacturing and Metal Workers Union (GMM) of Ghana Federation of Labour (GFL) Pacto Colecivo de Condiciones de Trabajo Suscrito entre El Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Municipalidad de Chichicastenango, Quiche Y La Municipalidad de Santo Tomas Chichicastenango, Departamento de El Quiche Convention Collective Mines et Carrieres Pliego de Peticiones del Primer Contrato Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo A Celebrar Entre el Insituto Nacional de Estadistica Y El Sindicato de Trabjadores del Instituto Nacional de Estadistica Contrato Colectivo de Condiciones de Trabajo entre la Corporacion Municipal de Tela Departamento de Atlantida Y el Sindicato de Empleados Publicos Y Trabajadores de la Municipalidad de Tela. Kesepakatan Kerja Bersama untuk Sheraton Media Hotel and Towers Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Ching Luh Indonesia Dengan Serikat Pekerja (SBKU, SPN & IKCI ) PT. Ching Luh Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara : PT. Mulia Cemerlang Abadi Multi Industri Dengan : Serikat Pekerja Nasional PT. Mulia Cemerlang Abadi Multi Industri Tentang Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Kemang Food Industries Dengan PK Federasi Serikat Buruh Kamiparho KSBSI PT. Kemang Food Industries
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara Manajemen Lumire Hotel Dan Convention Centre Dengan PK FSB Kamiparho KSBSI Lumire Hotel Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Indonesia Pondasi Raya Dengan PK FKUI KSBSI PT. Indonesia Pondasi Raya Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Misung Indonesia Dengan Serikat Pekerja Nasional PT.Misung Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Jatim Autocomp Indonesia Dengan PUK SPAMK FSPMI PT. Jatim Autocomp Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Pudjiadi and Sons Tbk Dengan SP The Jayakarta Jakarta Hotel & Spa – SP Paras – Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Shangrahadhika, Hotel Redtop Jakarta Dengan SP Hotel Redtop Jakarta – SP Paras – Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Shimatama Graha Dengan SP Shima Japanese Restaurant SPA FSP Paras Indonesia Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. First Marine Seafoods Dengan PK FSB Kamiparho KSBSI PT. First Marine Seafoods Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara Terminal Petikemas Koja Dengan SP TPK Koja Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Kaho Indah Citra Garment Dengan SPN PT. Kaho Indah Citra Garment Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Medika Apparelindo Dengan SPN PT. Medika Apparelindo Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia Dengan SP LEM SPSI PT. AAIJ Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Alcarindo Prima Dengan SP LEM SPSI PT. Alcarindo Prima Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara IGP Group Dengan SP LEM SPSI IGP Group Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Indonesia Raya Dengan SPSI Unit Kerja Pabrik Lampu "Indonesia Raya" Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. JICT Dengan Serikat Pekerja PT. JICT Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT Molax Internasional Dengan Serikat Pekerja PT. Molax Internasional Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Sunter Inti Megah Dengan SP LEM SPSI PT. Sunter Inti Megah Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Multi Terminal Indonesia Dengan SP PT. Multi Terminal Indonesia
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. BRS SI Dengan SBLM PT. BRS SI Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Poli Contindo Nusa Dengan SPTP Poli Contindo Nusa Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Selamat Sempurna Tbk Dengan SPSI Unit Kerja PT. Selamat Sempurna Tbk Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals Dengan SPSI PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT Angkasa Raya Djambi Dengan Unit Kerja PK Federasi Hukatan SBSI Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Hok Tong Jambi Dengan PK SBSI PT. Hok Tong Jambi Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Kaltim Prima Coal Dengan KORPPRA, SPKEP dan SPK Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT.Tirta Varia Inti Pratama Dengan FSB HUKATAN SBSI PT.Tirta Varia Inti Pratama Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Lontar Papyrus Pulp & Paper Industry (LPPPI) Dengan SPD PT. LPPPI Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk Dengan FSP KEP PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Antara PT. Wachyuni Mandira Dengan PUK SP-PK SPSI PT. Wachyuni Mandira 180 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Alpha Fine Foods Limited and Kenya Union Of Commercial Food And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Fox Theatres Ltd, Springfield Properties Ltd, Thika Road Properties Ltd And Queensway Properties Limited And The Kenya Union Of Commercial, Food And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Karen Country Club And Kenya Union Of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals And Allied Workers Memorandum of Agreement between Laboratory and Allied Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers’ Union Memorandum of Agreement between Air Connection Limited and Kenya, Shipping, Clearing and Warehouses Workers Union Memorandum of Agreement between Easy Coach Ltd and Transport Workers Union (K) Collective Bargaining Agreement between Autoxpress Limited and the Kenya Union of Commercial, Food and Allied Workers
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database Memorandum of Agreement between Member Companies of the Printing Trades Group of the FKE and the Kenya Union of Printing, Publishing, Paper Manufacturers and Allied Workers Memorandum of Agreement between Sana Industries Limited and Kenya Union of Hair and Beauty Salon Workers Memorandum of Agreement between PZ Cussons East Africa Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers' Union Collective Bargaining Agreement between Oil Industry and Kenya Petroleum Oil Workers’ Union 60 Memorandum of Agreement between OL PEJETA Ranching Limited and Kenya Game Hunting and Safari Workers' Union
PROBATIONARY PERIOD (a) All employees to be appointed on permanent terms shall be on probation for a period of two months. (b) During the probationary period, employment shall be terminable by either party by seven days notice in writing or payment of wage in lieu of such notice. The first two months of employment will be treated as probationary period and during that probationary period the contract may be terminable by either party by seven days notice to be given by either party in writing or otherwise by the payment by either party in lieu of notice of not less than seven days’ wages. Upon successful completion of probation the employee will be confirmed immediately in writing.
Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) x between Kenya Kazi Services Ltd – U.S. Embassy Project and Kenya National Private Security Workers’ Union 90 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between General Motors East Africa Ltd And Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Dunlop Industries Limited And Kenya Chemical And Allied Workers’ Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Ensing Autos Limited And Kenya Union Of Commercial Food And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Deluxe Inks Limited And Kenya Chemcial And Allied Workers’ Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Kentainers Limited And Kenya Chemical And Allied Workers' Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Kenya Seed Company Limited Together With Deacons (K) Limited, Allied Industries And Kenya Union Of Commercial Food And Allied Workers (K.U.C.F.A.W) Memorandum Of Agreement Between Mount Kenya Game Ranch Ltd (Conservancy) And Kenya Game Hunting And Safaris Workers' Union In Matters Of Terms And Conditions Of Employment Effective 1st October 2010 To 30th September 2012 Memorandum Of Agreement Between Ritz Enterprises Limited And The Tailors And Textile Workers Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Smart Printers Limited And The Kenya Union Of Printing, Publishing, Paper Manufacturers And Allied Workers
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database Memorandum Of Agreement Between Smart Printers Limited And The Kenya Union Of Printing, Publishing, Paper Manufacturers And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between St. Christopher's Schools And Kenya Union Of Domestic, Hotel, Educational Institutions, Hospitals And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Straight Line Enterprises Limited And The Tailors And Textiles Workers Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Straight Line Enterprises Limited And The Tailors And Textiles Workers Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Sumaria Industries Limited And Kenya Chemical And Allied Workers Union Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Super Foam Limited And Kenya Chemical And Allied Workers' Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between M/S. Thika Motor Dealers Limited And Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Uchumi Supermarkets Limited And The Kenya Union Of Commercial, Food And Allied Workers In The Matter Of Wages And Other Terms And Conditions Of Employment Agreement Between Sameer Africa Limited And Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers Collective Bargaining Agreement Between The Motor Trade And Allied Industries Employers Association And The Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal Workers Terms and Conditions of Service Agreement between Kenafric Industries Limited (Footwear Division) and Kenya Shoe and Leather Workers Union Memorandum of Agreement between the Minor Engineering Group of Federation of Kenya Employers and Kenya Engineering Workers’ Union Memorandum of Agreement Between Kenpoly Manufacturers Limited and The Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers' Union Memorandum of Agreement between Pegant Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers Union Memorandum of Agreement between Auto Ancillaries and the Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metal Workers
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
Collective Bargain Agreement between the Nairobi Bus and Coach Body Builders Group of Federation of Kenya Employers and Kenya Long Distance Truck Drivers and Allied Workers' Union Memorandum of Agreement between Optimum Lubricants Limited and Kenya Petroleum Oil Workers Union Medivet Products Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers Union Memorandum of Agreement between Pelican Signs Limited and Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metal Workers Memorandum Of Agreement On Terms And Conditions Of Service Between Ensing Autos Limited And Kenya Union Of Commercial, Food And Allied Workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Nationwide Electrical Industries Limited And Amalgamated Union Of Kenya Metal workers Memorandum Of Agreement Between Wildlife Safari Kenya Limited And Kenya Game, Hunting And Safaris Workers' Union Memorandum of Agreement between SHAMCO Industries Limited and Kenya Engineering Workers’ Union Memorandum of Agreement between UniPlastics Limited and Kenya Chemical and Allied Workers’ Union Memorandum of Agreement between Teita Estate Ltd (Rope Works Division) and Tailors and Textile Workers Union Memorandum Of Agreement Between Kulgraphics Limited And Kenya Union Of Printing, Publishing, Paper Manufacturers, Pulp And Packaging Industries Memorandum of Agreement between the Specified Churches and/or Institutions and Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals and Allied Workers Collective Bargaining Agreement On Terms And Conditions Of Service For Unionisable Employees Between Communication Workers Union Of Kenya (Cowu) (K) And Telkom Kenya Limited Association of Local Government Employers And Kenya Local Government Workers Union National Joint Negotiating Council Incorporating All Local Authorities In Kenya Air Madagascar Convention Collective Generale Convention Collective du Corps des Travailleurs de la Societe de Manutention des Marchandises Conventionnelles Convention Collective de SOFITRANS SA
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
Convention Collective de la Jiro Sy Rano Eto Madagasikara (JIRAMA) Convention Collective des Brasseries STAR Madagascar Projet de Convention collective SOMALAVAL Convention Collective FLOREAL Madagascar Convention Collective Regissant les Rapports entre l’ADER et ses Employes Convention Collective Pêche et Froid Océan Indien 30 Convention Collective des Banques Etablissements Financiers du Niger Accord d’Entreprise de la Société d'Exploitation des Eaux du Niger (SEEN) 360 Statut Général de la Fonction Publique de l’Etat 90 Convention Collective des Journalistes et Techniciens de la Communication Sociale du Senegal Convention Collective du Commerce 15 Convention Collective des Ouvriers x Boulangeries de la Delegation de Dakar et Dependances 30 Les Conditions de Travail dans les Professions Agricole et Assimilées au Sénégal 180 Convention Collective Nationale des Industries Hotelieres de La Republique du SenegalConvention Collective Federale des Industries Polygraphiques Convention Collective Nationale du Personnelle de l'Enseignement Privé du Sénégal Convention Collective des Industries Extractives et de la Prospection Miniere de La Federation du Mali 180 Collective Bargaining Agreement between Sbc Tanzania Limited and Tanzania Union Of Industry and Commercial Workers (Tuico) Mkataba Wa Utambuzi Na Hali Bora Za Kazi Baina Ya Chama Cha Mawasiliano Na Uchukuzi Tanzania [COTWU (T)] Na Kampuni Ya Smb Nyehunge Express 90 Memorundum of Agreement Between Conservation, Hotel, Domestic And Allied Workers Union (Chodawu) Lsg Sky ChefsBranch And The Management Of Lsg Sky Chefs Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Tanzania Mines, Energy ,Costruction And Allied Workers Union (Tamico) And Tanzaniteone Mining Ltd
La durée de la période d'essai est fixée à deux semaines. Pendant la période d'essai, les parties peuvent résilier le contrat de travail sans préavis. Pour l'application des dispositions de la présente Convention l'ancienneté se calculera à compter de la date d'entrée dans l'établissement.
2014 - October - Newsletter - Global Collective Agreement Database
Mapendekezo Ya Mkataba Wa Hali Bora Baina Ya TUICO Na Mwajiri Nyanza Bottling Co. Ltd TUICO 2013 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Scania Tanziania Limited and Tanzania Union of Industrial and Commercial Workers (TUICO) Convention collective des mines du Togo Convention Collective des Entreprises du Transport Routier du Togo Convention Collective de la Zone Franche du Togo Convention Collective du Commerce Convention Collective de l'Industrie du Petrole du Togo Convention Collective Sectorielle de Entreprises Pharmaceutiques du Togo Convention Collective des Entreprises du Batiments et des Travaux Publics de Togo Convention Collective des Banques, des Etablissements Financiers et des Assurances du Togo Convention Collective des Compagnies D’ x Assurances du Togo The Republic Of Uganda Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Signatory Members Of Uganda Flower Exporters Association And Uganda Horticultural And Allied Workers' Union (Uhawu)
1 mois de service effectif pour agents d'exécution et assimilés •3 mois pour les gradés et assimilés.