September 13, 2015
Christ theKing Parish/Parroquia de Cristo Rey 5711 SW Ninth St. Des Moines, IA 50315-5006
A Message from the Pastor
Knowing Jesus: (Alpha) All Catholics know about Jesus. A great majority in a recent poll say they have a real relationship with Jesus. Want to know more about Him? Do you want to cultivate a better relationship with Him? Come and See...come to the Alpha program this Wednesday, September 16, in our parish hall: 6:15 dinner, 7:00 great video lesson, 8:00 group discussions. Catholics, Protestants, Seekers...all invited. “Come and See”. Register on line at or just show up. Child care provided.
Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) This is a more intense, deeper experience of Christ in His Church, His people...a weekend retreat here at the parish— Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon….6 talks, prayer, discussion, food, fun and learning. Women’s October 3-4, Men’s October 10-11. Register or Questions? Call Deacon Chuck or Msgr Frank at 285-2888.
Tanzania Night Don’t miss it!!! African music, great food, entertainment—Saturday, September 19, 6:30 pm parish hall. Have an entertaining, enjoyable Saturday night—see what our parish Tanzania Team is doing on our behalf in Africa.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul truck will be at Christ the King parking lot Saturday, October 3rd, 9:00 - 2:00 p.m. to collect furniture, household goods and clothing. Please check the information booth for those items not accepted.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul National Friends Of The Poor Walk Sunday October 4th at Pete Crivaro Park Check in at 11:00 a.m. Picnic catered by Taste! To Go at Noon Walk begins at 1:00 p.m. Walk with Bishop Pates at 1:45 p.m. 2-Mile walk along the scenic Des Moines River All are welcome to attend. All monies raised by Christ the King St. Vincent de Paul Conference will stay in our conference to help those in need. If you would like to sponsor our walking team with a donation, or participate in the walk, we will be at the information booth after Masses September 19th and 20th. Contact Kathy Hiatt for more information 515-669-5718.
Des Moines, Iowa
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A Parishioner is —One who is registered and regularly participates in the liturgical life of the parish and demonstrates support of the parish mission by completing and fulfilling an annual Stewardship Commitment of Time, Talent & Treasure.
Que es un miembro de la Iglesia… Un miembro de la iglesia es una persona que esta registrada viene a Misa, participa en la parroquia, apoya, y se involucra en la iglesia, ofreciéndonos su tiempo, talento y tesoro.
Tithes September 6, 2015
Tithe/Plate This year Tithe/Plate Last Year Up or (Down)
$ $ $
18,942.00 19,027.00 (85.00)
Volunteer Opportunity
We are looking for someone to Volunteer in the parish office on Monday afternoons from Noon to 5 and Tuesday mornings from 8 am to Noon. You would greet people as they came in, answer the phone and pass out the mail. Please let Michelle Miller (2852888 ) know if you would be interested in volunteering .
Parish Library Pick-of-the-Week Movies about faith in action can inspire and motivate us in living our Catholic faith. When the Game Stands Tall, starring Jim Caviezel, tells the true story of legendary football coach, Bob Ladouceur, who took his De La Salle Spartans from obscurity to a 15 game winning streak, shattering all records for any American sport. But the real story begins when the streak is ended and tragedy strikes the team. See how “ Coach Lad” struggled, how he responded, and the difference he made in the lives of his family, his team and his town. If you missed it in the movie theaters, you can check out When the Game Stands Tall from our parish library. When the Game Stands Tall is rated PG for a violent scene and brief smoking.
Help our auction be a success! How can you help? Mark your calendar now for Saturday, October 24th 6:30pm-be there or “Walk the Plank”! Volunteer NOW! Join our fun crew! -Make a donation of any size! It’s tax deductible! -Donations can be several different options: Think outside your “treasure chest”. We are even looking for -Unused gift cards -Cash donations -Items of value -Timeshare/RCI points - Your time and talent The Christ the King auction is our parishs largest fundraiser and is made successful by YOU!! Please help make this year’s event a HUGE success! Contact Bobbi Jo Dorr for questions at 515-991-3575
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Beginning this Wednesday, September 16th, Christ The King is launching Alpha. Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith. We begin with dinner in the Parish Hall at 6:15, followed by a description of the session by Msgr. Bognanno. We will watch a DVD, then break into small groups to discuss the DVD. It’s fun, relaxed and free, and you can ask anything you want. If you are interested in experiencing the Alpha Course, stop at the Alpha table after Mass or call 285-2888. Child Care will be provided at the “Kid’s Club” room in the Pastoral Center. See you next Wednesday evening. “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the Words of eternal life.”
DIVORCED? The Catholic’s DIVORCE SURVIVAL Guide 12-week group begins October 5th at 6 pm at St Augustin Church, 545 42nd St, Des Moines IA 50312. Cost of $30 per person includes a “Personal Survival Guide” and all materials for 12 weeks. Find comfort and counsel consistent with Catholic teachings. For more information call Deacon Tony Valdez at 515-979-2301 or email him at
[email protected]. Visit Christ the King
Our Parish Family Liturgical Ministry Schedule
Gift Bearer
9-19/9-20 Altar Server
5:00 pm
Rossmiller, K Mitrisin, C Miller, T Casey, K Jeffries, C Adamietz, D Rossell, J Boden, L
Jared Bunda Jack Tuttle Claire Boswell
Host Ministry
Harper, E Harper, J Miranda, O Niccum, B
9:00 am
Anna Miller Ryan Roland Allison Harker
Blair, D
Marcus Castellano Crystal Castellano Carissa Castellano
11:00 am Megan Donahoo Baily Dorr Iram Nunez
Vignaroli, B Weyer, C Roby, B
Biederman, K Stefani, N Prohaska, J Prohaska T Rush, B
Zachary, D Zachary, L
Beltrame, K Farley, C McCoy, J Nichols, P Drey, M Weeks, S
Acri, F Tomlinson, D Hoffbauer, R Hennesy, M Clark, R
Collins, B Nahas, C
Mott, T Young, t Boltron, B Hawkins, R Hawkins, S Bernard, B
Feintech, S Bruner, J Bruner, S Lang, J Lang, J Martinez, A
The Vocations Chalice is given each weekend to parishioners who have agreed to receive it and to pray for vocations during the week. If you are scheduled to receive the Vocations Chalice, please remind the Mass M.C. before Mass begins. Thank you! From the Vocations Committee… Prayer For Vocations. May those discerning their vocation have grace of confidence to be faithful to the voice of the Good Shepherd. For more information about the priesthood, deaconate or consecrated life, Call Father Joseph Pins (515)2375050 or write:
[email protected] / DMvocations Page 4
Sam Evans family
Mac Mc Donough family
Fontanini family
Sophia Origer family
Music Minstry 9-19/9-20
7:30 am
Connie Ode
Joe Minnehan
Jason Kessler/ Rebecca Hunt
Adult Choir
Prayers for Our Sick Joe Carmosino John Daugherty Bruce Abraham Jo Larsen Carole Marchesano Ronald Brown Alice Woods Helen Marie Carmosino Lisa Rosch Pat Sinclair Kersti Rutledge
Deanna Mathias Jack L. Gale Cleo Weeks Dave Tuttle
Christ the King
Parish Resources Weekend:
Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:00,11:00 am; 3:00 Mass in Spanish Tuesday: 5:30 pm Wed - Fri: 8:40 am
Sacraments Reconciliation Tuesday: 6:00—6:30 pm Saturday: 8:30—10:00 am (Or call parish office for appt.)
Parish Office Hours ................................... (Monday-Friday) 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Phone ................................................................... (515) 285-2888 Pastor, Msgr. Frank E. Bognanno Phone..285-2888 ext. 8090 Email…
[email protected] Hispanic Priest-Fr. Reynaldo….285-2888 Ext 8121
Baptism Class A Baptism Class will be held on Sunday, November 1 at 12:30 pm in the Blessed Mother Room. (Pastoral Center) Contact should be made a minimum of four months before the desired baptismal date. • It is preferable to attend class before your child is born. • Both parents and Godparents need to take a Catholic baptism class. For more info, please contact Deacon Larry or Susan Kehoe, 988.8907,
[email protected]. •
For a list of our Staff and Parish Organizations please visit our website at
Classes de Bautismo Cuando: El segundo Domingo de cada Mes. Donde: Lunch Room Horario: 5pm-7pm Proxima clase (Favor de registrarse con Eren)
CTK Parish School Ministry Chuckie Geilenfeld, Principal Renee Colosimo, School Secretary Hours 7:30 am - 4:00 pm Phone (515) 285-3349
Readings for the Week of September 14,2015
Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday
Tuesday, September 15 5:30 pm Dominic Cervetti † Wednesday, September 16 8:40 am Theresa Contri † Thursday, September 17 8:40 am Henry Bernard †
Lecturas del 14 de Septiembre Lunes: Nm 21:4b-9/Slm 78:1b-2/Jn 3:13-17 Martes: 1 Tim 3:1-13/slm 101:1b-3b/Lc 2:33-35 Miércoles: 1 Tim 3:14-16/Slm 111:1-6/Lc 7:31-35 Jueves: 1 Tim 4:12-16/Slm 111:7-10/Lc 7:36-50 Viernes: 1 Tim 6:2c-12/Slm 49:6-10/Lc 8:1-3 Sábado: 1Tim 6:13-16/Slm 100:1b-5/Lc 8:4-15 Domingo: Sab 2:12/Slm 54:3-4,5-8/Mc 9:30-37
Friday, September 18 8:40 am Genevieve Strahl † Saturday, September 19 5:00 pm Pete Carlson † Sunday, September 20 7:30 am Janet McDonough † 9:00 am Our Parish 11:00 am Tillie Palmer †
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Nm 21:4b-9/Ps 78:1b-2 1Tm 3:1-13/Ps101:1b-3b 1Tim 3:14-16/Ps111:1-6 1 Tim 4:12-16/Ps111:7-10 1Tm 6:2c-12/Ps 49:6-10 1Tim 6:13-16/Ps 100:1b-5 Sab 2:12/Ps 54:3-4,5-8
Novenario de 54 Dias Apartir del sabado 15 de Agosto iniciamos con un Rosario 4pm. Afuera en la Gruta de Cristo Rey, Despues con una Misa Todos estan invitados. Antes de la misa de 3pm vamos a rezar el Rosario. Esta Novena termina el 7 de Octubre.La intencion es de orar por: “La Paz, la vida Humana y la Libertad de Religiosa”
Des Moines, Iowa
Des Moines, Iowa
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CRECIENDO JUNTOS EN LA FE—GROWING TOGETHER IN FAITH Daily Offering of Prayer God, our Father, I offer You my day. I offer You my prayers, thoughts, words, actions, joys and sufferings in union with the Heart of Jesus, who continues to offer Himself in the Eucharist for the salvation of the world. May the Holy Spirit, Who guided Jesus, be my guide and my strength today so that I may witness to your love. With Mary, the mother of our Lord and the Church, I pray for all Apostles of Prayer and for the prayer intentions proposed by the Holy Father this month. Amen.
Prayer intentions of the Holy Father Entrusted to the Apostleship of Prayer for September 2015 Universal intention Opportunities for the Young. That opportunities for education and employment may increase for all young people.
Evangelization Intention Catechists. That catechists may give witness by living in a way consistent with the faith they proclaim. Prayer of the Month O God, who through human labor never cease to perfect and govern the vast work of creation, listen to the supplication of your people and grant that all men and women may find work that befits their dignity, joins them more closely to one another, and enables them to serve their neighbor.
Clases de Biblia Tienes Pregustas acerca de tu Fé?? Te gustaría aprender mas de La Biblia? Cuando: Todos los Domingos Horario: 9:30am-11:30am Donde: Lunch Room Clase dada por Salomon!! Registraciones para la confirmación Miercoles 16 de Septiembre 7:00pm en la Iglesia Los padres deven traer a sus hijos.
KŶƚŚĞϭϱ!"ŽĨ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌƚŚĞŚƵƌĐŚĐĞůĞďƌĂƚĞƐƚŚĞ ^ĞǀĞŶ^ŽƌƌŽǁƐŽĨƚŚĞůĞƐƐĞĚDŽƚŚĞƌ͖ƉůĞĂƐĞũŽŝŶƵƐ at the gro o on the north side of the church aer ƚŚĞϱ͗ϯϬWDDĂƐƐŽŶdƵĞƐĚĂLJ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌϭϱ͕ϮϬϭϱ͕ to say the devoonal prayer of the seven sorrows of ƚŚĞůĞƐƐĞĚsŝƌŐŝŶDĂƌLJ͘ Page 6
Save the Date The Life is Precious event will be at Christ the King Parish on September 12. This year it is focused on advance directives. Clases de catesismo Todos los Domingos 9am-10:30am El la escuela de Cristo Rey La entrada es por la puerta principal. Los padres se reuniran con Teresa en las oficinas de Cristo Rey (el centro pastoral)
Clase Basica de Biblia Para principIantes Todos los Domingos 1:00pm-2:30pm (En la oficina de la Parroquia)
Estamos buscando a alguien que toque guitarra o quiera cantar para formar otro coro, Si alguien conose a alguien o esta interesado en tocar en la misa de 3:00pm Por favor de comunicarse con Eren,Salvador o Basi
Para registrar a su niñ o al catesismo por favor de hacer una cita con Susan, hable con Eren. O puede registrarse por internet en la pagina de Ǥ
Grupo de Oración cada 15 días. Los Dias: Viernes 18 de septiembre Iniciamos con el Rosario 6-8pm • Rosario/Alabanzas para los niños • Alabanzas de Avivamiento y Meditación • Nos acompaña el Coro del milagro! • Diferentes Temas y Enseñanzas • Oracion de Sanación!! • Donde: En el (Lunchroom) el salón de abajo de la Iglesia, Si tiene preguntas hable con Eren Muñiz Christ the King
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament “O Sacrament most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be Every moment Thine” Chapel Hours are : Sunday 6:00p.m. to Saturday 4:30pm Please call Carol Jeffries at 285-2608 to commit to one of the hours not yet scheduled. Thank You!
“O Santisimo Sacramento,O Divino Sacramento, todo honor y toda Gloria sean por siempre y en cada momento dadas a ti” Horario de la capilla de Adoracion: Domingo 6:00 pmSabado 4:30pm Favor de Hablar con Mara al 515- 865-8093 o Eren 515471-8089 para comprometerse a un horario que este disponible.
Scrip Program – Lower Your Tuition Bill or Give Back to CTK Many Christ the King families regularly buy Scrip and save hundreds of dollars on their CKS, DCHS, or CTK RE tuition bill every year. Many parishioners regularly buy Scrip just to give back to Christ the King – a big thank you to all of you! How can you get started? Buy retail gift cards through the Christ the King Scrip program to use where you normally shop. Many retailers participate in the program such as, HyVee, Fareway, Kum & Go and Walmart to name a few. Christ the King earns a rebate on every gift card you purchase. A portion of the rebate can be used to offset your tuition costs. Many retailer gift cards are kept on hand, so stop by the parish hall after Masses to sign up and buy your cards today. Otherwise, send in an order form and payment to Christ the King School with your child. Order forms with additional details can be found at both entrances of the church, CKS office, or Call Cheryl Last, Scrip Coordinator, at 256-9155 for questions.
Si te gustaria ser Lector, Ministro de Eucaristia, Monaguillo o dar la Bienvenida por favor de hablar con Eren o las sisters para mas informació n. No te preocupes, solo dejate guiar por el espiritu santo.
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Horario de Oficina (Favor de hacer cita) si no le contestamos, deje un mensaje con su nombre y numero de telefono Lunes 8:15am-4:30pm Martes 8:15am-4:30pm Miércoles 8:00am-4:00pm Jueves 8:00am-4:00pm Viernes- Cerrado o con citas solamente Sabado y Domingo Cerrado Misa Todos los Domingos 3pm (en Español) Confeciónes despues de misa 4pm-5pm El primer Viernes de cada Mes Misa de Sanación 7:00pm. Christ The King Pastoral Center 820 Porter Ave. Des Moines, IA 50315 Fax 515-285-8182 El Padre Reynaldo esta en la oficina los Jueves y Viernes de 9am-4:30pm Para más información hable Al 515-471-8089 en Español Pregunte por Eren Administrativa/Secretaria del Ministerio Hispano
[email protected] Todos los Jueves de 11:00 a 12 de medio dia, Escuchen el programa ! La hora De Cristo Rey, por la Ley 105.5 FM!
Vallan apartando la Fecha Tenemos Retiro de Familia Lema: “Maria Llena de Gracia y LLena del Espiritu Santo” El Viernes 16 de Octubre de 6pm-10pm y el Sabado de 8am4pm en el Salon Parroquial. Retiro dado por Oscar Cuevas. Si te gustaria ayudar para este evento habla con Eren o a la Oficina 515-471-8089
Oremos por aquellos que se han alejado de la Iglesia para que regresen y conozcan el verdadero Amor de Jesus Eucaristia! Por los que sufren de sed y de hambre Por los los Jovenes para que sean guiados por el buen camino Por aquellos que se sienten solos tristes y abandonados. Hoy quiero decirte que no estas Solo(a) Jesus y Maria caminan contigo Nunca te han abandonado todo lo que eres, todo lo que tienes es por Jesus.
Christ the King
Fleur Dentistry
John R. Kearns, D.D.S. Carol L. Cleaver, D.D.S. Michael R. Main, D.D.S.
4505 S.W. 9th Des Moines
Certified Public Accountants 2721 SW 30th Street
4551 Fleur Drive
362-5672 • Fax 362-5674 Alan Kincheloe • Parishioner
Juliana Kincheloe 554-7653
CTK Parish Hall
Rent for all occasions
David E. Scott, O. D.
5400 SW 9th St 285-3911
6004 SW 9th St. 287-0820 Eye Care For The Entire Family
Call Bev Redlinger 285.2888
Accounting & Tax Solutions Ricardo J Alverio, CPA Phase II Opening Spring 2016
Willham Orthodontics P.C.
Hablo Español Preparamos Taxes y le ayudamos a completar la solicitud para obtener un ITIN Para una consulta y más, favor de llamar.
O.Lee Willham D.D.S., M.S.
(515) 981-5222 for details
1017 Main Street, Suite 2 Norwalk, IA 50211
7400 Fleur Drive, Suite 100 Des Moines, IA 50321 515-285-6134
Quality healthcare in a safe and loving environment. 5608 SW 9th St., Des Moines, IA 50315 515-285-3070
Ft. Des Moines Dental Building 6100 S.W. 9th St. Des Moines, IA
Eugene J. Cherny, M.D., FACS
MARK R. LAZAR D.D.S. • 254-2265
Pray to End Abortion
Phone: 287-5400
Christ the King Foundation
Remember the Foundation for the Parish’s future
Call Marilyn O’Brien 285.2888
Family Medicine at Norwalk Contact Denise Canterbury to place an ad today!
[email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2440
Lori Miller, D.O. • Jason Brehmer, D.O. Patricia Newland, M.D. William Chase, M.D. • Andrea Silvers, M.D.
10200 Hickman Rd. • Clive, IA 50325
801 Colonial Circle Mon-Fri 8am-5pm • Sat 8am-noon
Chris Miller / Owner-Manager Lisa Redlinger / Sales & Design
Anthony J Weisshaar Agent 1201 Army Post Road Des Moines, IA 50315 Bus: 515-285-9952
[email protected]®
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“Proud to be associated with 243-8608 2709 Ingersoll Ave. Des Moines the Des Moines Diocesan”
A 2C 02-0441