plus 2- Fibre System Plus 3- TF Age Purifying Efect Cleanser 4- TF RenewAll 5- Bountiful Harvest Adicción a Drogas

Índice de enfermedades Revisado por el Dr. Luis M. Joy Sobrino, Especialista certificado en Medicina de Familia y Geriatría, con interés especial en N

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ACTIVIDADES INICIALES. a) 2 3 ( 4) 5 (2 3 5) (6 5) b) 3 5 (2 3 3) (5 8) (4 2) 10 (3 4 2 ) 1
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Oposiciones Cuerpo Especial II.PP. Tf.:

Story Transcript

Índice de enfermedades Revisado por el Dr. Luis M. Joy Sobrino, Especialista certificado en Medicina de Familia y Geriatría, con interés especial en Nutrición, Acupuntura, Terapias Alternativas y Dolores Crónicos Ha sido Presidente de la Asociación Médica de Homeopatía y Terapias Complementarias y de la International and American Asociation of Clinical Nutrition Certificado en Terapia de Quelación, Acupuntura y Medicina Anti envejecimiento (Anti-Aging) INSTITUTO JOY PRO SALUD Corozal, Puerto Rico

plus 2- Fibre System Plus 3- TF Age Purifying Efect Cleanser 4- TF RenewAll 5- Bountiful Harvest Adicción a Drogas 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Super Detox Fórmula 3- Fibre System Plus 4- Bio Vitamins II 5- Stress Fórmula 6- Sleep Rite Alcoholismo 1Transfer Factor Plus 2Super Detox Fórmula 3Fibre System plus 4Bio Vitamins II 5Stress Fórmula 6Sleep Rite Alergias de la Pie

NOTA: Esta guía fue diseñada únicamente para orientar al empresario. No debe considerarse como de naturaleza prescriptiva, ni para emitir diagnóstico, tratamiento o cura de alguna enfermedad

Acné 1- Transfer Factor

1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Choice 50 ó PBGS+ 3- Aloe Vera 4- Bountiful Harvest Alergia Nasal 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Choice 50 ó PBGS+ 3- Aloe Vera

4- Bountiful Harvest Alta Presión 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Fibre System Plus 3- TF Cardio 4- Bioefa Amenorrea (no embarazada) 1- Sistema Femenino 2- Belle Vie 3- Transfer Factor Plus Amigdalitis 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- TF Immune Spray 3- Aloe Vera Anemia 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Bio Vitamins II 3- Rezoom 4- Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics Angina de Pecho 12345-

TF Cardio Bioefa Stress Fórmula Rezoom Bio Vitamins II

Anorexia 1- Transfer Factor 2- Bio Vitamins II 3- Rezoom 4- Metabolite Arrugas Prematuras 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Fibre System Plus 3- RiteStart 4- Bountiful Harvest 5- Bio Vitaminas II 6- Choice50 ó PBGS+ 7- Rezoom Arterioesclerosis 1- Bioefa 2- Choice 50 ó PBGS+ 3- TF Cardio 4- Fiber 4Life 5- Aloe Vera 6- Transfer Factor Plus Artritis 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Fibro AMJ Combo 3- Musculoskeletal 4- Rezoom 5- Soothe-Rite Artritis crónica 12345-

Transfer Factor Plus Fibro AMJ Combo Musculoskeletal Choice 50 ó PBGS+ Rezoom

6- Aloe Vera Asma 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Immune formula 3- Choice 50 ó PBGS+ 4- Aloe Vera 5Bioefa 5- Bio Vitamins II Aumentar de peso 12345-

Transfer Factor Regular Bio Vitamins II Metabolite Aloe Vera Nutrastart

Aumentar defensas 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Transfer Factor Plus 3- Rezoom 4- Bio Vitamins II 5- Aloe Vera 6- Immune Fórmula Barros Crónicos 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Fibre System Plus 3- TF Age Purifying Effect Cleanser 4- Choice 50 ó PBGS+ 5- Bountiful Harvest 6- TF Renewall

Bronquitis 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Aloe Vera 3- Immune formula 4- TF Inmune Spray Bursitis 12345-

Fibro AMJ Combo Musculoskeletal Soothe-Rite Rezoom Aloe Vera

Calambres 1234-

Bio Vitamins II Bioefa Rezoom TF Cardio

Cáncer 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Choice 50 ó PBGS+ 3- Bountiful Harvest 4- Bioefa 5- Rezoom 6- Aloe Vera Cansancio 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Transfer Factor Regular 3- Rezoom 4- Digestive Enzymes 5- Rite-Life Catarro Fuerte 1- Transfer Factor Plus

2- Aloe Vera 3- TF Immune Spray 4- Immune Fórmula Celulitis 12345-

Bioefa Catalyst Fórmula Fiber 4Life Megawatt Body Wrap Combo

Circulación 12345-

Choice 50 TF Cardio Rezoom Bioefa Transfer Factor Plus

Cirrosis Hepática 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Super Detox Fórmula 3- Aloe Vera 4- Bountiful Harvest 5- Digestive enzymes & Probiotics 6- Fibre System Plus Cistitis 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Aloe Vera 3- Biogenistein Plus 4- Male or Female Fórmula

Colesterol 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Fibre System Plus 3- TF Cardio 4- Bioefa 5 5- Rezoom 6- Fiber 4Life Cólico Estomacal 1- Digestive Enzyme & Probiotics 2- Fibre System Plus 3- Aloe Vera 4- Bountiful Harvest Colitis 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Aloe Vera 3- Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics 4- Rezoom Colitis crónica 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Aloe Vera 3- Fibre System Plus 4- Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics 5- Rezoom Conjuntivitis 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Aloe Vera

Corazón 1- TF Cardio 2- Choice 50 ó PBGS+ 3- Bioefa 4- Bio Vitamins II 5- Fiber 4Life Crup 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Aloe Vera 3- Immune Fórmula Culebrilla 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Aloe Vera 3- TF Renewall 4- Immune Fórmula Dejar de Fumar 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Super Detox Fórmula Demencia 123456-

Stress Fórmula Rezoom Fórmula Bioefa Bio Vitamins II Sleep Rite Transfer Factor Plus

Dengue 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Rezoom 3- TF Immune Spray 4- Aloe Vera

5- Vio Bitamins Dengue Hemorrágico 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Aloe Vera 3- Immune Fórmula Depresión Nerviosa 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Stress Fórmula 3- Rezoom 4- Bioefa 5- Bio Vitamins II 6- Sleep Rite Derrame o Infarto Cerebral 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Bioefa 3- Choice 50 4- Rezoom 5- TF Cardio 6- Bio Vitamins II Desbalance 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Stress Fórmula 3- Rezoom 4- Bio Vitamins II Desgarre Muscular 1234-

Soothe-Rite Fibro AMJ Combo Musculo eskeletal Transfer Factor Plus

Desintoxicación 1- Fibre system Plus 2- Super Detox Fórmula 3- Aloe Vera 4- Rezoom Diabetes 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Choice 50 ó PBGS+ 3- Gurmar 4- Catalyst Diarrea 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Aloe Vera 3- Digestive Enzymes y Probiotics Discos 1- Fibro AMJ Day 2- ShoothRiteChoice 50 3- Aloe Vera 4- Musculo eskeletal Diverticulosis 1- Transfer Factor regular 2- Tea 4Life 3- Aloe Vera 4- Fibre System Plus 5- Fiber 4Life Dolor de Cabeza 1- Stress Fórmula 2- TF Cardio 3- Bio Vitamins II

4- Transfer Factor Plus Dolor de Espalda 12345-

Fibro AMJ Combo Stress Fórmula Musculo eskeletal Aloe vera Soothe-Rite

Dolor de Menstruación 12345-

Fempro Biogenistein Plus Bioefa Aloe Vera Bio Vitamins II

Dolor Estomacal 1- Digestive Enzymes y Probiotics 2- Fibre System plus 3- Aloe Vera 4- Transfer Factor Regular Dolores Musculares 1234-

Fibro AMJ Combo Sooth-Rite Stress Fórmula Musculoskeletal

Eczema 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Bioefa 3- Renewall 4- Fibre System Plus 5- Aloe Vera Endometritis

1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Aloe Vera 3- Biogenistein Plus 4- Fempro Endometriosis 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Biogenistein Plus 3- Fempro 4- Aloe vera 5- Bioefa Energía 1234-

Rite Life Rezoom Megawatt Transfer Factor Plus 5- Bio Vitamins II Enfisema Pulmonar 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Super Detox Fórmula 3- Aloe Vera 4- Immune Fórmula Epilepsia 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Bioefa 3- Bio Vitamins II 4- Aloe Vera Erupción Cutánea (Impético) 1234-

Transfer Factor Plus Renewall Fibre System Plus Rezoom

Escleroderma 1- Transfer factor Regular 2- Bioefa 3- Aloe Vera 4- Rezoom 5- Bio Vitamins II 6- Bountiful Harvest Esclerosis Múltiple 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Bioefa 3- Rezoom 4- Stress Fórmula 5- Bio Vitamins II 6- Fibro AMJ Combo 7- Musculo eskeletal Espasmo Arterial 1- Choise 50 ó PBGS+ 2- TF Cardio 3- Aloe Vera 4- Bioefa Espasmo Facial 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Stress Fórmula 3- Rezoom 4- Choice 50 ó PBGS+ Espasmo Muscular 12345-

Fibro AMJ Combo Musculo eskeletal Stress Fórmula Soothe-Rite Rezoom


1- Fibre System Plus 2- Tea 4Life ó Phytolax 3- Aloe Vera 4- Fiber 4Life 5- Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics Faringitis 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Aloe Vera 3- TF Immune spray 4- Immune Fórmula Fibroma 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Choice 50 ó PBGS+ 3- Rezoom 4- TF Cardio 5- Bioefa 6- Bountiful Harvest Fibromialgia 1- Transfer factor Regular 2- Transfer factor Plus 3- Fibro AMJ Combo 4- Biogenistein Plus + Femrite 5- Aloe vera

Fiebre Reumática 1- Transfer Factor Regular

2- Transfer Factor Plus 3- Rezoom 4- Fibro AMJ Combo 5- Musculo skeletal 6- Aloe Vera 7- Bioefa Flebitis 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Fibro AMJ Comb 3- Bioefa 4- TF Cardio 5- Aloe vera Flema 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Aloe vera 3- Immune Fórmula Flujo Intestinal 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Fibre System Plus 3- Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics 4- Rezoom Flu Tropical 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- TF Immune Spray 3- Immune Fórmula 4- Rezoom 5- Aloe Vera 6- Metabolite 7- Catalyst Fórmula Frigidez


Belle Vie Rezoom Rite-Life Bio Vitamins

Gangrena 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Choice 50 ó PBG+ 3- Rezoom 4- TF Cardio 5- Aloe vera 6- Bountiful Harvest Gases 1- Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics 2- Fibre system Plus 3- Aloe Vera Gastritis 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Aloe Vera 3- Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics 4- Fibre System Plus Gingivitis 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- TF Immune Spray 3- Bio Vitamins II 4- Aloe Vera Glándulas endocrinas 1- Trasfer Factor Regular 2- Rezoom 3- Metabolite

Glaucoma 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Rezoom 3- TF Cardio 4- Bioefa Gota 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Transfer Factor Plus 3- Bioefa 4- Rezoom 5- Fibro AMJ Combo Hemofilia 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Rezoom 3- TF Cardio 4- Bioefa Hemoglobina Alta 1- Aloe vera Hemoglobina Baja 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Rezoom 3- Metbolite 4- Bio Vitamins Hemorroides 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Choice 50 ó PBG+ 3- Aloe Vera 4- Fibre System plus Hepatitis

1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Super Detox Fórmula 3- Rizoom 4- Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics 5- Immune Fórmula 6- Bountiful Harvest Heridas Leves 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Aloe Vera 3- TF Renewall Hernia del esófago 1- Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics 2- Aloe Vera Herpes 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Immune Fórmula 3- Rezoom 4- Bio Vitamins II Hidropesía 1- Metabolite 2- Bioefa 3- Fibre System plus

Hiperactividad 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Transfer Factor Kids 3- Bioefa


Bio Vitamins II Rezoom Stress Fórmula Metabolite

Hipoglicemia 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Metabolite 3- Aloe Vera 4- Catalyst Fórmula Hongos de las Manos, Pies y Uñas 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- TF Renewall 3- Rezoom 4- Bountiful Harvest Impotencia 1- Male Pro 2- Rezoom 3- Transfer Factor Plus 4- Rite-Life 5- Bio Vitamins Indigestión 1- Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics 2- Aloe Vera 3- Fibre Sysstem Plus

Infección Renal 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Aloe Vera 3- Immune Fórmula 4- Rezoom

Infección urinaria 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Aloe Vera 3- Immune Fórmula 4- Rezoom Infección en los oídos 1- Transfer factor Plus 2- TF Regular/TF Kids 3- Aloe Vera 4- Immune Fórmula Infección en los Ojos 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Aloe Vera 3- Immune Fórmula Infección Vaginal 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Transfer Factor Regular 3- Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics 4- Rezoom 5- Aloe Vera 6- Immune Fórmula Infertilidad Masculina 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Malepro 3- Bio Vitamins II 4- Rite-Life 5- Bioefa Infertilidad Femenina 1- Fempro 2- Transfer Factor Regular 3- Biogenistein Plus 4- Bio Vitamins

5- Rezoom 6- Belle Vie Inflamación del Hígado 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Transfer Factor Regular 3- Super Detox Fórmula 4- Bioefa 5- Aloe Vera 6- Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics 7- Bountiful Harvest Influenza 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Rezoom 3- Bio vitamins II Insomnio 1- Sleep Rite 2- Bio Vitamins II Laringitis 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Rezoom 3- Aloe Vera TF Immune Spray Lobanillo 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Renewall 3- Rezoom 4- Aloe Vera Lupus Eritematoso 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Transfer Factor Regular

3- Aloe Vera 4- Rezoom 5- Bioefa 6- Bountiful Harvest 7- Bio Vitamins II 8- Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics

5- Rezoom Menstruación 1234-

Biogenistein Plus Female Fórmula Aloe Vera Bio Vitamins

Migraña Lumbago 1- Fibro AMJ Combo 2- Stress Fórmula 3- Aloe Vera 4- Musculo eskeletal Mal de Parkinson y Alzehimer 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Bio Vitamins II 3- Bioefa 4- Choice 50 ó PBGS+ 5- Rezoom Mareos 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Rezoom 3- Bio Vitamins II

1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Stress Fórmula 3- TF Cardio Mononucleosis 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Bio Vitamins 3- Rezoom 4- Immune formula Neuropatía 1- Bioefa 2- Transfer Factor regular 3- Bio Vitamins II 4- Aloe Vera 5- Stress Fórmula 6- Choice 50 ó PBGS+ Osteoporosis

Meningitis 1- Transfer factor Plus 2- Aloe vera 3- Bio Vitamins II 4- Rezoom Menopausia 1- Femrite+Female Formula 2- Aloe Vera 3- Biogenistein Plus 4- Transfer Factor Regular

1- Femrite 2- Biogenistein Plus 3- Fempro Ovarios 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Sistema Femenino 3- Aloe Vera Paños Hongos en la piel) 1- Transfer Factor

Plus 2- Fibre System Plus 3- Renewall 4- Super Detox Fórmula 5- Bountiful Harvest Piedras en la Vesícula 1- Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics 2- Fibre System Plus 3- Aloe Vera 4- Rezoom 5- Choice 50 ö PBGS+ Piedras en el riñón 1- Aloe Vera 2- Rezoom 3- Fibro System Plus 4- Choice 50 ó PBGS+ Presión Baja 1234-

TF Cardio Rezoom Bio Vitamins II Transfer Factor Plus

Próstata (Prevención) 1- Malepro 2- Transfer Factor Plus 3- Bioefa 4- Rezoom 5- Bio Vitamins II Psoriasis 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Transfer Factor Plus 3- Bioefa

4- Aloe Vera 5- Choice 50 6- Bountiful Harvest Pulmonía 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Aloe Vera 3- Immune Fórmula 4- Super Detox Fórmula Quistes (Ovarios, Senos y Cuerpo) 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Biogenistein 3- Femrite 4- Rezoom 5- Bioefa 6- Bountiful Harvest

5- Musculo eskeletal Reumatismo 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Transfer Factor regular 3- Fibro AMJ Combo 4- Choice 50 5- Bioefa 6- Aloe Vera 7- TF Cardio Riñones 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Rezoom 3- Aloe Vera 4- Choice 50 ó PBGS+ Ronquera

Rasquiña Vaginal 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Transfer Factor Regular 3- Biogenistein+Fe male Fórmula 4- Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics 5- Aloe Vera Rejuvenecer 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Ritestart 3- Choice 50 ó PBGS+ 4- Rezoom 5- Hydrasting ó Purifying System Relajante Muscular y Nervioso 1234-

Stress Fórmula Rezoom CM Super BioVitamins II

1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Aloe Vera 3- TF Immune Spray Sarampión 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Aloe Vera 3- Rezoom 4- Immune Fórmula Seborrea 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Transfer Factor Regular 3- Bioefa 4- Bountiful Harvest 5- Aloe Vera 6- Renewall 7- Bio Vitamins II Sida 1- Transfer Factor

Plus 2- Transfer Factor Regular 3- Choice 50 ó PBGS+ 4- Rezoom 5- Bioefa 6- Bountiful Harvest 7- Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics 8- Bio Vitamins II 9Immune Fórmula Sinusitis

Plus 2- Aloe Vera 3- Immune Fórmula Tuberculosis 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Aloe Vera 3- Rezoom 4- Bio Vitamins II 5- Super Detox Fórmula 6- Immune Fórmula Úlceras en la Piel

1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Transfer Factor Regular 3- Aloe Vera 4- Fibre System Plus 5- Bountiful Harvest 6- Immune Fórmula

1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Renewall 3- Aloe Vera 4- Fibre System Plus 5- Bountiful Harvest Úlcera Estomacal

Taquicardia 1234-

TF Cardio Aloe Vera Bioefa Stress Fórmula

1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics 3- Aloe Vera

Tiroides (hypo) Úlcera Intestinal 1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Bioefa 3- Metabolite 4- Rezoom 5- Bio Vitamins II Tos 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Rezoom 3- Aloe Vera 4- TF Immune Spray Tosferina 1- Transfer Factor

1- Transfer Factor Regular 2- Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics 3- Aloe Vera 4- Fibre System Plus Varicela 1- Transfer Factor Plus 2- Rezoom 3- Immune Fórmula 4- TF Renewall

Venas Varicosas 1- Choice 50 ó PBGS+ 2- Bioefa 3- TF Cardio 4- Rizoom 5- Bio Vitamins I 6- Renewall Vesícula 1- Fibre System Plus 2- Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics 3- Metabolite 4- Rezoom Vitiligo 1- Transfer Factor regular 2- Renewall 3- Bioefa 4- Fibre System Plus 5- Rezoom 6- Bio Vitamins 7- Bountiful Harvest

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