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Saint Louis Catholic Community 7270 SW 120th Street•Pinecrest, FL 33156•Church/School: 305-238-7562•FAX: 305-238-6844 • informa

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Avenida Ryerson no. 742, Zona Centro C.P 22830, Ensenada B. C. Tel/Fax. 178 24 00. Contacto: Arquitecto Julio Salinas Intro 01 El arte de planear,

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Saint Louis Catholic Community 7270 SW 120th Street•Pinecrest, FL 33156•Church/School: 305-238-7562•FAX: 305-238-6844

[email protected]

[email protected]


Pastor Rev. Fr. Paul Vuturo

Parochial Vicars Rev. Fr. Michael Garcia Rev. Fr. Fredy Yara Vicar Emeritus (Retired) Rev. Fr. Michael Kish Administrator of the Mission of St. Augusitine of Hippo Rev. Fr. Pedro Toledo Deacons Rev. Dr. James Dugard Rev. Mr. John Green Rev. Mr. Thomas Hanlon Rev. Mr. George Labelle Rev. Mr. Alex Lam Rev. Mr. Vincent McInerney Rev. Mr. John Peremenis Rev. Mr. Jeff Reyes Rev. Mr. José Villena Rev. Mr. Bob Yglesias

School Principal Mr. Edward Garcia Director of Religious Education Mrs. Jeannie Modroño Director of Youth Ministry Mr. Mark Witkowski Director of Music Mr. Juan Salazar

Pray for the Sick Cici Culverhouse Mary Frances Degen Luis DeVarona Xioriliz Diaz Lorraine Ditzel Iris Echevarria Vincent Evans Mary Alice Fleming Eddie Fung Bertina Garcia Ralphy Garcia Bill Gerrard Mary Glynn Michelle P. Green Daisy Guerrero Dorothy Haiduven Alyse Hernández Floriana Hernández Salvador Hernández Andrés Hidalgo Norman Hinton


Sunday: (English) 5:30 PM (Sat. Vigil) 7:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM 12:30, 5:30 PM (Español) 8:15 AM, 7:15 PM 6:30 AM Monday - Friday English 8:30 AM Monday - Saturday English 7:30 PM Miércoles – Español

Misa en Español Los domingos - 8:15 AM, 7:15 PM Los miercoles - 7:00 PM Bautismos - En Español el último domingo del mes. Favor de llamar a la oficina con DOS meses de anticipación. Matrimonio - Favor de llamar a la Oficina con SEIS meses de anticipación. Hora Santa -Tercer jueves de cada mes en la Capilla a las 7:30 PM.

RECONCILIATION (Confessions) Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 PM 7:30 - 8:30 PM Anytime by appointment


MATRIMONY Please contact the parish office at least six months prior to the proposed date. BAPTISMS (Infants - 5 yrs. old) In English the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday when there is a 5th Sunday. Please call JULIETTE JOY COTO the Office TWO months in advance. daughter of Jonathan & Victoria Coto VIVIAN ALMEIDA GRYZINSKI daughter of Alexandre & Luciana Gryzinski PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Coordinator of Ministries & Music Ms. Cecelia Columbro

Conchita Acosta Aloma Ahkin Pablo Arevalo Mary Arnold Isabel Avila Alejandro Baldelomar Marcio Baltodano Tom Becker Nora Bendheim Verónica Bermúdez Jeannette Bernard Giana Brendeke Milka Brown Joyce Bryan Robert Bryan Jerry Byrne Joanne Calfo Margaret Caruso Keith Chin Sandra Chung Michael Connor



Lidia Hoadleg James Houck Carole Howard Aida Jackson Irene Johnson Matthew Joseph Mary Kilcoyne Gerry Knowlan Robert Kopp Steven Kowallis Pat Krupczak Joseph Kuethe Helen Labime Gene LaNeve Jorge Lavarga Evelyn López Manolito López Isabel Luperón Kelly Lyden-Flores Dan Millott Adelina Muzaurieta Harrison Margulies Matthew Martin William Martinez

9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

William Mayer Jane McKeon Luis Magallanes Vivian Malave Wendy McLendon Reinaldo Meléndez Angela Mitchell Isabella Morales Francisco Morejon Leonardo Moreno James Morris Michael Mulsford Luis Munilla Dana Munsey Tomas Noto Rodney Oziemski Val Peremenis Jim Petee Sebastian PierJeamot Javier Piñeda David Pritchard Ronald Puhl Shawn Rice Bryce Richardson

Remember the Departed Claire Ball

Remberto Rodríguez Rolando Rodríguez Clara Romero Graciela Rosas Armando Otero Josephine Sánchez Joseph Santella Jimmy Sarandis Douglas Sharpe Sylvia Sharpe John Shubeck Eleanor Simons Colin Smith Pita James Smith Ernest Steinhilber,III Sebastian Tomala Isah Marie Tomas Aurora Van de Water Pedro Verastegui Concepción Villaborres Aisha Wade Peter White Giancarlo Zamora Nick Zwatney

Please remember to contact the Parish Office when it is appropriate to remove a name from this list or they will be removed after two months. To provide the Eucharist at home for ill parish members or family, call Pedro Valentin at 305-251-7335 or the parish office at 305-238-7562. Si estas enfermo o impedido de asistir a la Misa y deseas recibir la Comunión en tu casa, puedes comunicarte con Adriana Morales, 786-478-1854.

Ministry to The Sick

Please join us for our musical and spiritually fulfilling

Annual Thanksgiving Interfaith Community Service Wednesday, November 18th at 7:00 PM at Temple Judea Participating Communities: Bet Breira Samu-El Or Olom Bet Shira Congregation Coral Gables Congregational United Church of Christ Riviera Presbyterian Church Saint Louis Catholic Church Temple Beth Am

Thanksgiving Celebration Our Parish Bilingual Mass Join us for a Special Celebration of the Holy Eucharist 10 AM Thanksgiving Day Reception in the Courtyard after Mass

Humanities Christmas Project: Family to Family

The Humanities Ministry is seeking your generosity to reach out to those in need throughout Dade County by providing food and toys for Christmas. Once again you will be able to sponsor families from; migrants from St. Ann’s Mission, Miami Behavioral Health Centers, families with children with AIDS, Corpus Christi, Our Lady of our Redeemer and more. Family-to-Family project at Christmas helps feed over 750 families and is sponsored and worked by more than 1,100 parish families. Please visit us in the rotunda to choose your Hands and volunteer to help. We will be wrapping and receiving gifts on Saturday, December 5th from 8 AM - 6 PM and delivering on Saturday, December 12th.


Free Movie Night on November 21st – 7:30 PM in the Assembly Hall

Max Lucado’s best selling story of a preacher who had lost his faith and the miracle that restored it. A beautiful Advent story on the power of prayer, good deeds, miracles and faith restored. Beautiful scenery and costumes. Don’t miss this beautiful Christian Film! Limited seating

Cursillo Retreat for Men & Women

Mulch Drive Saturday, November 14Th Boy Scouts of America - Troop 840 Time to get that yard in shape!!. Join us. E-mail [email protected] for a mulch form

The Cursillo movement of the Archdiocese of Miami is pleased to announce that their next Cursillo weekends will take place at the Cursillo house directly south of Christ the King church. The dates for the weekends are as follows: Men’s weekend November 12-15 and Women’s weekend December 10-13. For information and applications, please contact Dave Christopherson at 305-989-3444.

One Church One Family

Thanks for your Pledges I want to thank all the wonderful individuals and families who returned a Stewardship of Treasure Pledge Card during our Annual Stewardship Renewal. Many thanks to all the wonderful individuals and families who have been offering their financial sacrifices to God for so many years. God Bless you all, for all you do for the Lord and the Parish family of St. Louis. With great Love and affection. Father Paul

Abascal, Jorge & Ana Abrantes, Pedro Accurso, Joseph & Cathy Acevedo, Jorge & Patricia Aguiriani, Francisco Ahern, Frances Alvarez, Isidro & Silvia Alvarez, Jorge & Aleida Antonelli, Mark & Debbie Arata, William & Fulvia Arbesu, Nury Arias, Tony & Marcella Baca, Andersen & Anny Baca, Olivia Bailey, B. Barfield, Larry & Colleen Barreras, Gerri Betancur, Judith Bird, Eric & Jennifer Blahnik, Stephen & Kim Blanck, Cynthia Blanco, Robert & Maria Blanco. Jose & Mary Bleakley, Kenn & Jane Boet, Franklin & Consuelo Breen, Gregory & Maria Bryan, Anthony Burt, John Buttafuoco, Chris & Fariba Buzone, Tony & Liz Cathey, Phillip & Margaret Cawley, Andrew & Dora Ceballos, José & Melba Charur, Carlos & María Chen, Kay Chong, Cynthia Chue-Sang, Lauren Chuy, Felipe & Marta Cilli, Joseph & Camille Clarck, Curtis & Lourdes Collada, Manuel & Rebeca Corradini, Leo & Carol

Cortez, Sergio & Verónica Costley, Kathy Couch, Charles & María Culicetto, Antonio & Nathy Davila, Bernardo & Lianne Davis, Luisa De Abreu, Juan & Carmen De Leon, Alfredo & Janeth De Poorter, Bud & Jane DeFerrari, Michael & Sue Del Boca, Adrian DeLuca, James & Deborah DeRosimo, John & Lisa DeTrinidad, Jose & Juana Di Fede, Salvatore Diaz, Jesús & Enna Dohmen, David & Lisa

Donelli, Andrew & Arleen Dorado, Luis & Ivania Dotten, Susan Downey, Jack Ellison, Anthony & Christa Eusebe, Marie Féito-Feria, José & Nury Fernández, Alby & Jennifer Fernández, Julio & Miriam Ferreyra, Raúl & Clara Figarola, María Figueroa, Pedro & Jeanny Fleming, Gene & Mary Alice Flores, Alejandrina Florez, Luis & Haydee Fluxa, Víctor & Mariel Frawley, John & Joan Frazier, Rosell & Angelina Furney, Susan

Gabaldon, Maria Luisa McAvoy, Lloyd Gamache, John Melhbaum, Wilber & Oralia Gangemi, Ronald & Gen- Mello, Dennis, & Diane evieve Monge, Alfonso & Deborah Garcia, José & Digna Morel, Juan & Ingrid Garcia, Mauricio & Megan Novo, Oscar & Maria Garcia, Mauricio & Monika Olivera, Nora George, Raji & Myrna Page, Larry & Joan Gilbert, Carlos & Marilyn Page, Pamela Giroux, Theresa Parson, Van & Charlene González, Tomie Paul-Noel, Myriam Green, Chris & Liz Paul-Noel, Rosemarie Hanlon, Thomas & Judith Pita, Julio & Patricia Harshaw, John & Delores Prada, David & Elizabeth Hart, Michael & Helen Ready, Sheila Hayden, Bruce & Mary Reich, Robert & Lisa Heane, William & Margaret Rodriguez, Guillermo & Maria Hefferman, Gerald & Ro- Rodriguez, Mark & Gabriela salie Rodriguez, Víctor & María Hernando, Jorge & Ann Romo, Salvador & Hilda Herrera, Armindo Ronan, Michael & Patricia Herrera, Rosa Rosa, Wilfredo & Maria Heyward, Jeanne Rossi, Juliette Kerr, Oliver Rosso, Jorge Lam, Alex & Colleen Rottler, Donald & Ada Lamb, Anabelle Serra, Mariano & Vanessa Leiva, Francisco & Judith Serrano, Boris & Lillian Litchenstein, Guy & Angela Silva, Graciela Liwanag, Lillian Simons, Robbin Longueira, Joseph & Elaine Stanziola, Felix & Patricia Lopez, Anna Suarez, Jorge & Sandra Lopez, Carlos & Maria Subil, Emilio & Ida Teresa Thomas, Frederic & Carline Lozano, Thomas & Erika Verdeja, Octavio & Susana MacDonald, Stuart & Mar- Whelpley, David & Vickie tha Williams, Bryan & Alice Marimon, Margarita Williams, Richard & Kathryn Marrou, Gerard & Ines Wilson, Michael & Lisbeth Martinez, Henry & Jeanne Zayas, Rafael Matox, George & Teresa Mattox, Joselyn Maya, Alba

One Church One Family


bread for the world HAVE FAITH, END HUNGER There will be a Bread for the World Meeting this Saturday, November 14th in the Library at 10 AM. All are welcome. The St. Louis Catholic Church Bereavement Ministry Support Group will serve families who have lost a loved one. Members of the ministry are trained to help provide comfort and support to the grieving families of the St. Louis Community by hearing their thoughts, providing grief management resources, and sharing their tears. Location: Hospitality Room - A Date: Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month 7:30 PM -9:00 PM For additional information contact Gerard Lamia at 786-222-6767 or Driselle Anselmi 786-564-3396

Come and find out how our collective advocacy can help the hungry and marginalized in the United States and abroad. We are responding to Pope Francis’ challenge to serve those in need. For more information contact: Peter England (305)235-7257, or [email protected]

Nueva Vida Retreat November 13th at 6 PM and Saturday at 8 AM Drugs-Alcohol-Addition are destroying our Families, our Community and Our World We invite you and your family to attend this Weekend Retreat with the Spiritual Guidance of Fr. Michael Garcia.

Nueva Vida Movement of the Archdiocese of Miami “Christ Heals Addiction and Restores Families” For further information, please contact: Clayton:786-399-0812 • Tony: 305-479-6219 • Ruben: 305-219-5628 Dave Bowen: 786-280-5841 • HOTLINE: 786-254-1683 or visit: WWW.NUEVAVIDAENGLISH.COM

One Church One Family


Open House

Saturday, November 14th @ 10AM Goldbloom Convocation Hall For more info: 305- 628-6546 or

Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll High OPEN HOUSE Sunday, November 15 10:00 AM – 12 PM

Academy Programs in STEM,

A College Preparatory Medical Sciences, Visual & AP, Honors, Dual Enrollment Academy Programs in STEM, and Global Tracks, Performing Law Studies Arts, & Law Medical Sciences, Visual & Business. Academy • Biomedical Performing Arts, & Law and Global Sciences Academy • Sports Business. 1:1 iPad Program Administration Academy • International Business 1:1 iPad Program Academy• Artscourses Academy&•18 Pax Christi Program for For tour times & details please 23 AP Dual students with exceptionalities visit our website.For tour times & deta Enrollment courses 23 AP courses & 18 Dual One-to-One iPad & Technology Curriculum visit our webs Enrollment • Smaller Class Sizes • Sports, Clubs, Honor courses AP Capstone Program™ Societies AP Capstone Program™ Step Up Scholarships welcome Competitive Date of 15 Entrance Exam forSports prospective 2016-2017 15 Competitive Sports students: December 5, 2015 RegisterCampus at our Open House Program Ministry Register by November 25th, 2015 by Novembe Register For more information contact: Campus Ministry Program 305.388.6700 Ext. 1224 100% College Acceptance College Acceptance [email protected] 100% www. 2950 SW Avenue, Miami, FL | 305-223-5181 2950 SW 87 Avenue, Miami, FL | 87 305-223-5181 10300 SW 167th Ave., Miami, FL 33196 | [email protected] | [email protected]




One Church One Family

@saintbrendanhigh @stbrendanhigh


Stay Connected With Us!

Mass Intentions, Saints and Readings for the Week Intenciones de la Misa, Santos y Lecturas para la Semana Sunday/domingo Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Nov. 8th 1 Kgs17: 10-16; Heb 9: 24-28; Mc 12: 38-44 7:00 am + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena 8:15 am + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena 9:30 am + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena 11:00 am + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena 12:30 pm + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena 5:30 pm + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena 7:15 pm + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena Monday/lunes The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Nov. 9th Ez 47: 1-2, 8-9, 12; 1 Cor 3: 9-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 6:30 am + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena 8:30 am + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena Tuesday/martes St. Leo the Great, pope-doctor Nov. 10th Wis 2: 23 3: 9; Lk 17: 7-10 6:30 am + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena 8:30 am + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena Wednesday/miércoles St. Martin of Tours, bishop Nov. 11th Wis 6: 1-11; Lk 17: 11-19 6:30 am + Tom Lopez - Happy Birthday + Pedro Roban/Loving Family 8:30 am + Manuel Millares/Lilly Escasena Luis Jiménez/Tom & Kiki López 7:30 pm + Enrique Daza/Loving Family + José Luis & Emma Uraga/Loving Family MASS 5:30 pm 7:00 am 8:15 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:15 pm

ALTAR SERVERS Alicea/Lavastida DeLuca Felipes Blahnik/Bailey Greens Ravinets Dunn/Ortiz Tinoco/Baca

Thursday/jueves St. Josaphat, bishop-martyr Nov. 12th Wis 7: 22 8: 1; Lk 17: 20-25 6:30 am + Carlos García Perez/Juan Carlos García Emily & Taylor Ralph/Tom & Kiki López 8:30 am Luis Jiménez/ Tom & Kiki López + Rosa Porcelli/Marta Gay Friday/viernes St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, virgin Nov. 13th Wis 13: 1-9; Lk 17: 26-37 6:30 am + Deceased Member of K of C + John & Jean Gangeni/Ron Gangeni 8:30 am + Andrés Ulaje/St. Louis Parish Family + Andrés Ulaje/Martha Gay Saturday/sábado Nov. 14th Wis 18: 14-16; 19: 6-9; Lk 18: 1-8 8:30 am + Deceased Memebers of the K of C Emma Bauta - Happy Birthday 5:30 pm + Inés Fuentes/Lorraine Fuentes Tibaldeo-Sappa Family/Mimma Tibaldeo Sunday/domingo Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Nov. 15th Dn 12: 1-3; Heb 10: 11-14, 18; Mk 13: 24-32 7:30 am + Recently Deceased/Bereavement Ministry Winnie Lynch - Happy Birthday 8:15 am + Miguel Angel Otero/Jeannette Otero + Ligia Lugo/Loving Family 9:30 am + Deceased Members of the K of C Alice Hacker/Mary Kilcoyne 11:00 am St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests + Joe Rodríguez/Carolina Albizuri 12:30 pm + Edell Guerrero/Elizabeth Diskin + Guillermo Lara/Loving Family 5:30 pm + Manuel Medina/Loving Family + Juan Alemán/Loving Family 7:15 pm Fr. Fredy Yara - Happy Birthday + Sandirta Campos/Loving Family

LECTORS VOCATION CHALICE* Hart/Pearson Stephen Porter (786-837-4117) Jarro/Gioux Lourdes Manning (305-245-4423) Varela -Diaz/Martinez E. Bob & Pat Desbiens (305-251-8988) Greens Lauren Chue-Sang (305-233-9494) Taylor/Befeler Milagros Marrou (305-234-2729) Youth Miriam Columbro (786-430-0302) Venezuelas Oriele Joya-Lobaton (786-488-4298)

*These are the persons in charge of the scheduling of the Vocation Chalice for the respective Mass. Please call them.

Midnight Musings / Pensamientos de Media Noche God’s Love Conquers Death

It all happened so quickly. A routine Flight 9268 on its way from the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg early Saturday dropped off radar about 23 minutes into the flight. Was a midair heat flash that a U.S. satellite detected over the Sinai Peninsula, when the flight went down, a sign of an explosion aboard the plane? At the time of this writing, Tuesday evening, many questions remained. What about those 224 souls whose routine flight led to tragedy? An ordinary day turned into a disaster. What happened? So much of life makes no sense, especially in the face of such a tragedy. I watched the memorial growing as people left flowers and candles at the St. Petersburg airport. So many of them left flowers or a candle and then make the sign of the cross. That gesture of faith in the face of senseless tragedy makes a powerful statement: God is ultimately in charge, and we trust God with our lives. We just finished the celebrations of All Saints and All Souls. Both celebrations proclaim the love of God that embraces us both in life and in death. So different from the culture that speaks of death as a frightening and dangerous reality! How many movies and television shows make the dead look threatening! We have an abundance of vampires, zombies, and the walking dead to scare us and threaten us. How different is the gospel of Jesus! The gospel begins with the love of God. God embraces us in love in this life and never lets go of us. “The souls of the just are in the hands of God” (Wisdom 3:1) God hold us through death. The negative dimension of Halloween sees the dead in scary place and they want to come back to hurt us. What a difference in Christianity! The dead are not in a scary play but with God. They do not want to hurt us, but they pray for us. I have done hundreds (maybe thousands?) of funerals over the forty-three years of my ordained ministry. But I also had to do the funerals of two grandmothers and both of my parents. I preached what I wanted to believe in and I believed what I preached. My grandmother died while I was studying at Loyola in New Orleans in 1977. She had sent me a letter that I read after she died. “I miss you. See your soon. Love, Grandma.” She will see me soon. I have no idea how much longer I will live in this world. But compared to eternity, I will see her soon. Love and faith join us to those who have gone before us and give us hope for our ultimate future. Yours in Christ,

El Amor de Dios Conquista la Muerte

Todo sucedió tan rápido. El vuelo rutinario 9268 en ruta de Egipto a San Petesburgo desapareció del radar temprano en la mañana del sábado, con sólo 23 minutos de vuelo. Un satelite de Estados Unidos detectó un destello de luz en mitad del vuelo sobre el desierto de la Península de Sinaí, cuando el avión cayó, ¿signo de una exploción abordo del avión? En el momento en que escribo, martes en la noche, hay muchas preguntas sin respuestas. ¿Qué pasa con las 224 almas que el vuelo rutinario les llevó a la tragedia? Un día corriente que terminó en desastre. ¿Qué pasó? Tantas cosas en la vida que no tienen sentido, especialmente ante tal tragedia. He visto como el memorial va creciendo, como la gente va dejando flores y velas en el Aeropuerto de San Petesburgo. Muchos dejan flores o una vela y luego se persignan. Ese gesto de fe ante una tragedia sin sentido denota una manifestación muy poderosa: Finalmente Dios está en control, y nosotros confiamos nuestras vidas en Dios. Acabamos de celebrar las Fiestas de Todos los Santos y Fieles Difuntos. Ambas celebraciones proclaman el amor de Dios que nos arropa tanto en la vida como en la muerte. Muy diferente a la cultura que habla de la muerte como una realidad atemorizante y peligrosa. Cuantas películas y espectáculos de televisión presentan la muerte como temerosa. Tenemos una abundancia de vampiros, zombis y muertos caminantes que nos asustan y nos amenazan. ¡Cuan diferente al Evangelio de Jesús! El evangelio comienza con el amor de Dios. Dios nos abraza amorosamente en esta vida y nunca nos deja. “La vida de los justos está en manos de Dios y no los tocará el tormento” (Sabiduria 3:1). Dios nos sostiene durante la muerte. La negativa dimensión de ‘Halloween’ ve la muerte en lugares medrosos y que luego viene a hacernos daño. ¡Que diferencia en el Cristianismo! La muerte no está en lugares medrosos sino con Dios. No quiere hacernos daño, sino orar por nosotros. Durante mis cuarenta y tres años como sacerdote, he realizado cientos (quizás miles) de funerales. También hice los funerales de mis dos abuelas y de mis padres. Predico en lo que quiero creer y creo en lo que predico. Mi abuela murió cuando estaba estudiando en Loyola, en Nueva Orleans, en 1977. Ella me envió una carta que yo leí después de su muerte. “Te extraño. Nos vemos pronto. Cariños, Abuela.” Ella me verá pronto. No tengo idea cuanto más me queda en éste mundo. Pero comparado a la eternidad. Nos veremos pronto. El amor y la fe nos unen a aquellos que nos han precedido y nos dan la esperanza de nuestro futuro final.

Suyos en Cristo,

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