St. Michael Catholic Church & School Gastonia, North Carolina

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 19, 2016 St. Michael Catholic Church & School Gastonia, North Carolina STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION Pastor Rev.

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Story Transcript

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

June 19, 2016

St. Michael Catholic Church & School Gastonia, North Carolina


Rev. Fr. Matthew Buettner [email protected]

In Residence

Rev. Fr. James Ebright [email protected]

Hispanic Priest

Rev. Fr Jose Antonio Juya [email protected]


Rev. Mr. John Weisenhorn [email protected]

Pastoral Care

Sr. Carolyn Mary Coll, RSM [email protected]

Facilities Manager

Mr. Tim Mueller [email protected]

Parish Bookkeeper

Mrs. Phyllis Mueller [email protected]

Parish Secretary

Mrs. Debbie Davis [email protected]

School Principal

Mrs. Sheila Levesque [email protected]

School Secretary

Mrs. Theresa Bookout [email protected]

Religious Education

English Mrs. Theresa Webster [email protected] Spanish Ms. Carmen Vazquez [email protected]


Mrs. Toni Keating [email protected] Children Mrs. Kristen Levine [email protected] Ms Kristy Brown Latin [email protected] Thrift Store Manager Ms. Amy Pruitt [email protected] Choir

Parish Nurse

Mrs Maureen Halek [email protected]

A parish of the Diocese of Charlotte

PARISH OFFICE 708 St Michael’s Lane Gastonia NC 28052 Website: Phone: 704-867-6212 -- Fax 704-867-6379 Anointing of the Sick (Last Rites): 704-867-6212, Ext 9 Office Hours: Monday 1 PM - 4 PM Tuesday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4 PM Sunday Masses Saturday/Sabado 5:00 PM Vigil English Sunday/Domingo 7:30 AM English 10:00 AM English 12:00 PM en Español Holy Day Masses: (See inside of bulletin) Daily Masses: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday, at 8:15 AM Wednesday at 6:15 PM, Saturday at 8:15 AM

(Check inside for changes) Confessions Saturday: 3:30 - 4:45 PM; Monday & Friday: 9 - 10 AM Wednesday: 5:00—5:45 PM

(or by appointment) St Michael Thrift Store Tuesday - Friday: 10 - 5, Saturday: 10 - 4 704-864-8646 ST MICHAEL CATHOLIC SCHOOL 704 St Michael’s Lane - Gastonia, NC 28052 Phone: 704-865-4382

This Week at St Michael’s black Sunday, June 19 12th Sunday Ordinary Time

Mass Intentions

Meetings & Events

7:30 AM Mass - †James & Kevin Cherry

12 PM Spanish Family Day:Gym 3:30 PM Spanish Study Group:C-Hall 7 PM SAA:C-Hall

10:00 AM Mass - For the People 12:00 PM Mass—Priest Intention

Father’s Day Monday, June 20

8:00 AM Morning Prayer 8:15 AM Mass - †Mike Guffey

6:30 PM K of C 4th Degree Mtg:PCH

Tuesday, June 21 St Aloysius

8:00 AM Morning Prayer

9 AM Cheerleading Camp:Gym 7 PM Latin Schola Practice:Church 7 PM Spanish Mtg:C-Hall/PCH/Gym

Wednesday, June 22

5 PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 5:00 - 5:45 PM Confessions 5:50 PM Benediction 6:00 PM Evening Prayer 6:15 PM Mass— †Margaret Pentony

9 AM Cheerleading Camp:Gym 7 PM English Choir Prac:Church 7 PM Finance Council Mtg:Office

Thursday, June 23

8:00 Morning Prayer

9 AM Cheerleading Camp:Gym 6 PM Respect Life Mtg:PCH 6 PM International Dinner Mtg:RR 7 PM Spanish Mtg:C-Hall

SS Paulinus, John Fisher & Thomas Moore

8:15 AM Latin Mass(EF)-†Margaret Pentony

8:15 Mass - Fr Joseph Henchey, CSS

Friday, June 24

St John the Baptist

8:00 AM Morning Prayer 8:15 AM Mass - †Rita James All Day Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9 AM to 7 PM

Saturday, June 25

8 AM Morning Prayer 8:15 AM Latin Mass(EF) - †Mary Ann Hassan 3:30 - 4:45 PM Confessions

9 AM Cheerleading Camp:Gym 6 PM Gawronski Wedding:Church 6 PM Legion of Mary:RR 6 PM Spanish Youth:C-Hall 6:30 PM Spanish Choir Prac:Church 10 AM Totus Tuus Team Set Up 12 PM Quinceanera:Church 8 PM AA Meeting:C:Hall

5:00 PM Mass - †Jonathan App Sunday, June 26 13th Sunday Ordinary Time

7:30 AM Mass - For the People 10:00 AM Mass - The Foreman Family 12 PM - Spanish Mass - Priest Intention

9 AM Totus Tuus Setup:School/PCH 3:30 PM Spanish Study Group:C-Hall 7 PM SAA:C-Hall 6 PM Totus Tuus

Please Remember in your Prayers Parish Members & Friends: Fr. Ebright, Richard Bidoglio, Dolores & Roy Birmingham, Burton & Beth Bradley, Dorian Broadway, Chuck Deal, Susan Denny, Daniel deLaunay, Betty Dow, Elizabeth Eddie, Logan Escandon, Alexander Faunce, Bernard Ferrante, Pete & Rebeca Files, Julia Gause, Paul Grenier, Calvin Hebert, Connie Hutter, Buddy James, Michael Matyisin, Jacob Melton, Katie Meseroll, Frank Micheli, Stephanie Miller, Gerald & Pat Orazem, Charles Pasour, Mary Pierce, Jessie Pilieci, Millie Purvis, Gladys Rodriguez, Sue Ruocco, Pat Splawn, Sr Mary Olivia Shirley, Al Santoro, Bob Stauss, Charlotte Stenzel, De & Chip Watson, Leo Weisenhorn, Paul & Marion Yager, father of Virginia Haven For all in service to our country: Stefan Zapata, Derrick Dobbins, Matthew Barker, Kevin Haskins, Kevin Tiddy, Stephanie Miller Pastor’s Prayer Intentions:  For the sick, homebound and those on our Prayer List  For our enemies, for the souls of those who died in the terrorist attack in Florida, and for the consolation of their families

Daily Mass Readings From Sacred Scripture Monday: 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Ps 60:3-5, 12-13; Mt 7:1-5 Tuesday: 2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36; Ps 48:2-4, 10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14 Wednesday: 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Ps 119:33-37, 40; Mt 7:15-20 Thursday: 2 Kgs 24:8-17; Ps 106:1b-5; Mt 7:21-29 Friday: Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1-3, 13-15; Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80 Saturday: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Ps 74:1b-7, 20-21; Mt 8:15-17 Sunday: 1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Gal 5:1, 13-18; Lk 9:51-62

SERVERS OF THE SACRED LITURGY Saturday, June 25, 5:00 PM Mass EMHC: Jeff Templeton Lectors: Lonikay Templeton, Greg Davidowitz Greeters: Jean Goebel, Sue Neerincx Gifts: John Murawksi Sunday, June 26, 7:30 AM Mass EMHC: Tim Mueller Lectors: Phyllis Mueller, Tim Mueller Greeters: Indeg Berdusis Gifts: Arlene Sellers Sunday, June 26, 10:00 AM Mass EMHC: Vince Mooney, Mark Ruocco, John O’Daly Lectors: Emmett Ostendorf, Michelle Hubbard Greeters: Ellen Roberts Gifts:

OUR LADY OF FATIMA PILGRIM VIRGIN STATUE - Bring to your home for a week of prayer and intercession to Our Blessed Mother. For additional info, please contact Anne Tinsdale at 540-497-1781 or [email protected]. ST MICHAEL CHOIRS Adult: meet on Wednesday evenings at 7 PM in the church. Contact Toni Keating: [email protected]/ (704) 747-5654. Children: Practice every Monday when school is in session. Contact Kristen Levine at (704) 435-6663 or [email protected] Latin Schola: Meets on Thursday evenings at 7pm in the church. Contact Kristy Brown: (704) 466-6577 or [email protected] . THE LEGION OF MARY - Meets Friday evenings at 6pm in the Rose Room. For additional info please contact Anne Tinsdale, at 540-497-1781 or atinsdale@ BELMONT ABBEY ADORATION CHAPEL— Closed for the summer FIRST SATURDAY MASS: All are welcome for First Saturday Mass at 8 AM at the Missionaries of Charity, 1625 Glenn St, Charlotte; and prayers at the abortion clinic on Latrobe Drive following Mass. For more info please contact Mitch and Jean Foreman at 704-685-1423 or [email protected] . ALTAR FLOWERS - Flowers are placed on the altar each week and dedicated at the intention of the donor. Please contact Melissa Deaton at (704) 228-9874. SACRAMENT INFORMATION - Please see the back page of the bulletin for complete information on receiving the Sacraments. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Every Friday from 9am-7pm. Please consider scheduling at least an hour each week for this awesome privilege. Pope St. John Paul II described Eucharistic Adoration as “looking upon the face of Christ, putting before him all our anxieties, hopes, worries and even our sins.” What better way to spend a little time each week?! If you wish to schedule a regular hour, so that our Lord is never left alone, a sign-up book is located in the Narthex. For additional info, please contact Anne Tinsdale at [email protected] or 540-497-1781.

Happy Father’s Day!

St. Michael’s Men, This Father’s Day, you are receiving a gift that was made possible by a generous patron from our parish—copies of the document called Into the Breach. This booklet is an Apostolic Exhortation written by Bishop Thomas Olmsted of Phoenix, Arizona. As I mention in my homily this Sunday, Into the Breach is a wake-up call to men—husbands, fathers, brothers, sons—to step into “the breach,” the gaping hole in the line of defense against the evil one and his minions. As men, our mission and vocation is to protect and defend our families from evil and therefore, to be an example of the strength and love of the Heavenly Father and an instrument of salvation. Our souls, and the souls of those given to our charge as husbands and fathers, depend upon our willingness to step into the breach and, in the language of the day, to “man up.” I cannot emphasize enough the importance of reading this document and reflecting upon its content. It is an unusual gift to have an exhortation written specifically to men about our identity and purpose as men. Copies of Into the Breach will be available this Sunday after Mass. If you would like additional copies or if you would like to recommend the document to a family member or friend, you may search for Into the Breach or download the document as a PDF for free at this website: uploads/2015/10/INTO-THE-BREACHROMAN-CATHOLIC-DIOCESE-OFPHOENIX.pdf Please be assured of my prayers and please pray for me! Fr Buettner

VOCATION COMMISSIONS CORNER As some of you already know, there are nine seminarians, including our own Aaron Huber, that will be attending the St. Joseph’s College Seminary. It is temporarily located at St. Ann’s Catholic Church in Charlotte until the permanent Seminary can be built near the Belmont Abbey campus. Until then, they will be attending Belmont Abbey College and living their community life at St. Ann’s in Charlotte. With an approximate 30 minute drive each way, they will need to travel many miles back and forth to their classes. Fr. Kauth, newly appointed rector, has asked if we could pitch in and alleviate some of the gas costs in the form of gift cards in any amount you can spare. Feel free to buy whatever gas cards are available. Also, if you would rather write a check or donate money, they will use that to purchase groceries or other necessities. Please write the check to the “Diocese of Charlotte” and write on the memo line “for St. Joseph’s Seminary”. Place your gift in an envelope labeled for the St. Joseph’s Seminarians during the offertory collection and place them in the basket. God bless you for your generostiy and our seminarians! CRISIS ASSISTANCE MINISTRY

June is CAM month at St Michael’s. We have had a long-time partnership with CAM in the form of financial gifts, food donations, and office volunteers. Working together CAM is able to help thousands of people annuall in our community with essential needs such as food, utilities, rent/mortgage and medicines. Our congregation will donate all food collected in June to CAM. Any non-perishable food is acceptable. They also appreciate your paper and plastic grocery bags!

TÄàtÜ YÄÉãxÜá TÜx Z|äxÇ g{|á jxx~ In Memory of Dennis McGuire & Bill Fritton By Carla McGuire

Volunteers Needed! ! Summer Catechetical Program s open i n o i t a r t for students entering preK through current 12th grade. Regis Rising PreK through Rising 6th grade Monday—Friday June 27—July 1, 2016 9am—2:30pm

Rising 7th through Current 12th grades Sunday—Thursday, June 26—June 30, 2016 7-9pm

$25 per student Donations needed: Empty toilet paper rolls Paper plates (300) Yarn Clay (air drying) Pool noodles (will be cutting them) Empty water bottles Metal bottle caps

Pinch clothes pins Washable paints (various colors) Paint brushes (for PreK, K) Balloons Brad pins Pipe cleaners Paper cups (1000) Napkins

Plastic easter eggs

Planning a Vacation this Summer? Plan now to include God in your vacation. For Catholic Churches, Mass times, and parish information consult for all your information. Also, please remember that we rely upon your financial assistiance very Sunday. You can make your donation online at our parish website, send in your Sunday contribution, or drop it in the collection when you return. The Lord reminds us: “Come to me all who labor and are burdended and I will give you rest.”

Pens (25) Notebooks (25) Plastic table cloths (10) Cotton balls Felt (various colors) Empty milk jugs (10) Ribbon Wooden paint stirrers


DIOCESAN SUPPORT APPEAL 2016 DSA Goal Pledged to date: (279 households) Paid to date

$ 67,009 $ 64,092 $ 46,661

Needed each week June 12 Online Donations Debt Reduction June to date

$ 13,200 $ 10,810 $ $ 3,128

Give Electronically at FOR THE GLORY OF GOD & FOR THE GOOD OF OUR PARISH: Prayerfully consider giving at least one hour's wage per week to the Lord.


the blue envelopes.  If you made a pledge to the FFHL, we cannot

accept payment. YOU MUST PAY THE DIOCESE DIRECTLY. Any payments made directly to St Michael’s do not reduce your pledge to the Diocese and as a result, you will receive late and non-payment notices from the Diocese.  The annual Diocesan Support Appepal (DSA)

payments should also be made directly to the Diocese. Thank you for your help and your continued support of our parish and our diocese.

SAVE THE DATE: Room At The Inn 17th Annual Banquet will be on Thursday, October 13th ~ featuring speaker Immaculée Ilibagiza ~ We are currently looking for people interested in hosting a table or sponsoring the event. If you are interested, please contact Marianne Donadio [email protected] , call (336) 391-6299 or go to

Stewardship Corner As individuals, we strive to become Christian Stewards as defined in the U.S. Bishops Pastoral Letter "Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response." The Bishop stated: "A Christian steward is one who receives God’s gifts gratefully, cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable manner, shares them in justice and love with others and returns them with increase to the Lord." Or, in other words, stewardship is making a choice to live a Christ-centered life. It means realizing that all we have and all that we are able to do are gifts from God, and that everything that we choose to do with those gifts is in a sense our gift back to God in gratitude. This is the way we fulfill our baptismal promise to love and serve the Lord. Stewardship is our way of responding to God’s call with a life of gratitude. We thank our St. Michael stewards!

Recycling Fundraising - Items accepted: cell phones (no charges or accessories); laptop computers, iPads & Tablets; inkjet cartridges that fit in your hand; MP3 players; digital cameras, handheld game systems, portable GPS, range finders & sky caddies; radar detectors; e-book readers; graphing calculators; gold, silver and platinum jewelry. Bring them to the parish office or the Thrift Store. Thank You for Recycling

ADVERTISER THANK YOU Our bulletin is supported through the generosity of the advertisers - many of whom are our own parish members. Please support our advertisers with your patronage whenever possible and tell them you appreciate their support. Should you desire to participate as a sponsor please contact Tom Keigher (parish member) at 704-718-8747


FINANZAS Se Necesita cada Semana June 12

$ 13,200 $ 10,810

Reducción de la deuda

$ 5,385


hora a la semana al Senor?

2016 DSA Meta Paid

$ 68,009 $ 46,661

Párroco Reverendo Matthew Buettner Vicaría de Gastonia - Ministerio Hispano Padre José Antonio Juya — 704- 860-3826 Coordinador General de Liturgia John Herrera — 704-616-5422 Encargados de Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión John Herrera — 704-616-5422 Dioney Segura — 704-240-8290 Encargado de Lectores: Luzmar Gómez — 704-869-8026 704-747-1770 Encargado de Hospitalidad Ariel y Diana Salazar—704-674-4875

INFORMACION PARA LOS SACRAMENTOS DEL BAUTISMO y MATRIMONIO: Hable con la Sra. Juliana para Bautizos y con Sra. María Luna para Matrimonios cuando termina la Misa. Ellas le indicará las fechas próximas de charlas para estos sacramento, así como un folleto con la información de los requisitos.

Preparación Pre-Matrimonial María Luna 704-240-8290 Preparación Pre- Bautismal Mauricio y Juliana Betancourth — 980-329-9770

BENDICION NIÑOS (AS) POR SUS 3 AÑOS O PRESENTACION POR SUS 40 DIAS: A partir del mes de septiembre, estas bendiciones especiales se llevarán a cabo el primer domingo de cada mes. Anótese con anticipación con Stephanie al terminar la Misa.

Catequesis para Adultos John Herrera — 704-616-5422

CONSEJERIA ESPIRITUAL: Jueves y viernes. Llame al Padre José para que haga su cita 704860-3826 CELEBRACION DE XV AÑOS Comunicarse con Luzmar Gómez 704-747-1770 MISA PARA BODA O XV AÑOS: Antes de los preparativos para la fiesta, debe hablar con el Padre para ver si la Iglesia está disponible para la fecha deseada.

Catequesis para Niños & Jóvenes Carmen Vázquez — 813-541-3977

Ministerio de Jóvenes Ivonne Segura — 704-530-3011 Stephanie Salazar— 704-648-5056 Ministerio de Ofrendas Ariel y Diana Salazar — 704-674-4875 Ministerio de Monaguillos Mireya Rico — 704-868-6347 Charla para el Sacramento del Matrimonio María y Dioney — 704-240-8290 Ministerio del Coro Fatima Brenz — 704-862-9963 Rolando Espinoza — 704-675-4030

DECORACION DE LA IGLESIA PARA BODA O XV AÑOS – Hable con la Sra. Nora al 704-689-1199.

Comité Pastoral Hispano Reina Granadino — Coordinadora — 704-488-5976

CORO PARA BODA O XV AÑOS: Ya que haya acordado con el Padre la fecha, debe hablar con Rolando Espinosa 704-675-4030 al terminar la Misa para que le de información sobre el coro.

Si sabe de alguna familia que esté en necesidad y desee recibir una despensa, puede contactar al Señor Gaudencio Alvarado (980) 320-5587

MISA PARA DIFUNTOS : Todos los primeros viernes de cada mes durante la Misa de Sanación. Debe anotarse con Stephanie Salazar 704-648-5056 una semanas antes. VISITA A LOS ENFERMOS - Si tiene un familiar o amigo enfermo y desea la comunión comunicarse con John Herrera 704 -616-5422 o que el Padre José lo visite en casa o en el hospital , puede llamarlo al 704-860-3826.


A LA COMUNIDAD EN GENERAL Si desean contribuir con algún producto como: aceite para cocinar, sal, papel higiénico, champú, pasta dental, o aporte económico etc., llame a Gaudencio Alvarado para hacer su donación. De antemano le damos las gracias en nombre de todas las familias a las cuales se entregarán los productos recibidos.


¿Quién dice la gente que soy yo? Tiempo Ordinario. El que confiesa a Jesús como el salvador, su vida estará llena de alegría y paz. Oración introductoria Señor, Tú supiste buscar el mejor lugar y el mejor momento para la oración. Hoy yo quiero hacer lo mismo. Ven, Espíritu Santo, te pido que al comenzar esta meditación enciendas en mí el fuego de tu amor. Hazme dócil a tus inspiraciones y ayúdame a corresponder a ellas con generosidad. Petición Jesús, ayúdame a tener ese conocimiento interno de Ti que es un don del Espíritu Santo. Meditación del Papa Francisco El Evangelio que hemos escuchado nos presenta un momento significativo del camino de Jesús, en el que pregunta a los discípulos qué piensa la gente de él y cómo lo consideran ellos mismos. Pedro responde en nombre de los Doce con una confesión de fe que se diferencia de forma sustancial de la opinión que la gente tiene sobre Jesús; él, en efecto, afirma: "Tú eres el Cristo de Dios". ¿De dónde nace este acto de fe? Si vamos al inicio del pasaje evangélico, constatamos que la confesión de Pedro está vinculada a un momento de oración: "Jesús oraba a solas y sus discípulos estaban con él". Es decir, los discípulos son incluidos en el ser y hablar absolutamente único de Jesús con el Padre. Y de este modo se les concede ver al Maestro en lo íntimo de su condición de Hijo, se les concede ver lo que otros no ven; del "ser con él", del "estar con él" en oración, deriva un conocimiento que va más allá de las opiniones de la gente, alcanzando la identidad profunda de Jesús, la verdad. Benedicto XVI, 20 de junio de 2010. Reflexión Hay preguntas que no admiten evasivas. En un momento central de la vida cada uno tiene que enfrentarse consigo mismo para hacer luz en su conciencia. Puede ser este el punto de arranque para lograr una vida más serena y comprometida. Jesús es el Mesías, como reconoce Pedro, pero este mesianismo no se mostrará plenamente más que en la cruz y en la resurrección. Es la piedra de toque. Un cristiano no se entenderá sin la vivencia de la cruz y de la resurrección. Acompañar a Jesús en el triunfo a todos nos agrada, pero seguirlo hasta la muerte requiere coraje, y resulta más fácil salir con evasivas que ligarte a un compromiso que pone en riesgo tu vida. Seguir al Mesías, y un Mesías crucificado, es lo que nos autentifica como cristianos; lo que nos da fuerza para aceptar el dolor; lo que nos capacita para dar una palabra de esperanza ante el sin sentido de la injusticia; lo que nos llena de alegría y paz el sabernos amados por Dios. El que confiesa a Jesús como el salvador de su vida y de la historia, ese es discípulo del Mesías. Propósito Revisar la cantidad y calidad de tiempo que dedico diariamente a mi oración personal, ¿cómo puede mejorar? Diálogo con Cristo Señor Jesús, purifica nuestros labios para que podamos confesar tu nombre en medio de un mundo autosuficiente, y que la alegría de vivir contigo sea motivo para que los hombres te reconozcan como el Mesías, salvador del mundo.

¿Por qué hacen eso los Católicos? Los Apóstoles y los primeros discípulos de Cristo al ir fundando comunidades cristianas fueron adaptando elementos de las culturas donde iban evangelizando Los Apóstoles y los primeros discípulos de Cristo al ir fundando comunidades cristianas fueron adaptando elementos de las culturas donde iban evangelizando. Ejemplo de esto son los Ritos Litúrgicos (o sea la forma particular y propia como celebramos la Eucaristía y todos los actos litúrgicos). Si vamos a la India (Rito Sirio Malabancar & Rito Sirio Malabar) y a Egipto (Rito Cóptico) varemos que celebran la Eucaristía de formas distintas. El saludo de la paz El Misal describe así el gesto de la paz: Los fieles "imploran la paz y la unidad para la Iglesia y para toda la familia humana, y se expresan mutuamente la caridad, antes de participar de un mismo pan" (IGMR 56b). Hay que recordar que se trata de la paz de Cristo. "Mi paz os dejo, mi paz os doy". El saludo y el don del Señor que se comunica a los suyos en la Eucaristía. No una paz que conquistemos nosotros con nuestro esfuerzo, sino que nos concede el Señor.

Es un gesto de fraternidad cristiana y eucarística. Un gesto que nos hacemos unos a otros antes de atrevernos a acudir a la comunión. Porque para recibir a Cristo nos debemos sentir hermanos y aceptarnos los unos a los otros. Todos somos miembros del mismo Cuerpo, la Iglesia de Cristo. Todos estamos invitados a la misma mesa eucarística. Darnos la paz es un gesto profundamente religioso, además de humano. Está motivado por la fe más que por la amistad: reconocemos a Cristo en el hermano al igual que lo reconocemos en el pan y el vino.

Amén La palabra "amén" significa "que así sea", esto implica un compromiso serio, y un compromiso bien serio. El Padre Nuestro es la oración perfecta por excelencia porque tiene 7 peticiones. El número 7 es sinónimo de plenitud y perfección en la Biblia. Cada vez que rezamos en el "Padre Nuestro" (o cualquier otra oración) y termínanos con la palabra amén le estamos pidiendo a Dios que lo que dice e implica esa oración se haga realidad en cada aspecto de nuestra vida. La palabra "amén" la encontramos por primera vez en el Primer Libro de las Crónicas. "¡Den gracias al Señor, porque es bueno, porque es eterno su amor! Díganle: ‘¡Sálvanos, Dios de nuestra salvación! Congréganos y líbranos de las naciones, para que demos gracias a tu santo Nombre y nos gloriemos en tu alabanza’. ¡Bendito sea el Señor, el Dios de Israel, desde siempre y para siempre!”. Y todo el pueblo respondió: “¡Amén!”. “¡Alabanza al Señor!” (1Cron. 16, 3436).


Junio 23 Jueves

7:00 PM Reunión de Emaus

7:00 PM Reunión de Ministerio Misionero


Junio 24 Viernes

Junio 25 Sábado

7:00 PM Grupo Juvenil

2:00 PM Bautizos

Lunes: 2 Re 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Sal 60 (59):3-5, 12-13; Mt 7:1-5 Martes: 2 Re 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36; Sal 48 (47):2-4, 10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14 Miércoles: 2 Re 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Sal 119 (118):33-37, 40; Mt 7:15-20 Jueves: 2 Re 24:8-17; Sal 106 (105):1b-5; Mt 7:21-29 Viernes: Is 49:1-6; Sal 139 (138):1-3, 13-15; Hch 13:22-26; Lc 1:57-66, 80 Sábado: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Sal 74 (73):1b-7, 20-21; Mt 8:15-17 Domingo: 1 Re 19:16b, 19-21; Sal 16 (15):1-2, 5, 7-11; Gal 5:1, 13-18; Lc 9:51-62

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptisms are held at 2 pm on Saturdays. Baptism is the most important moment of our life. Infants should be baptized in the first few weeks. Parents AND godparents must attend the preparation class (held every 2nd Saturday) preferably before the child is born. Parents need to be registered in the parish, pledge to raise the child as a practicing Catholic, and must also be practicing the faith by attending Holy Mass every Sunday. Godparents are considered Catholic role models. Therefore, they must have received all sacraments, including Confirmation, and must be attending Holy Mass every Sunday. If they are married, they must have received the sacrament of Holy Matrimony in the Catholic Church. Please come to the parish office to register for the class and bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate when it becomes available.

SACRAMENT OF HOLY MATRIMONY Couples should make an appointment with the priest at the time of engagement, and at least six months before any proposed wedding date to begin preparations. The couple should be registered, active members of our parish, which means that all Catholic parties are attending Holy Mass every Sunday, contributing to the financial needs of the parish, and are engaged in the spiritual and social life of our parish family. All Weddings are celebrated inside the Church on Saturday at 10 AM or 12 PM.

MARRIAGE TRIBUNAL ADVOCATE Call Mrs. Rita Kincaid at 704-907-3607 or [email protected]

SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call to set a time before serious surgery (after Sunday or daily Mass is good) or any time in an emergency.

DEVOTIONS Wednesday: 5:00 PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 5:50 PM Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament First Fridays: 10 PM Thursday – 8 AM Friday: Nocturnal Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Every Friday: 9 AM - 7 PM All Day Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Saturdays: 8:15 AM Miraculous Medal Novena 8:15 AM Mass in Latin (not 1st Sat) Fridays of Lent: 6 PM Stations of the Cross PARISH PASTORAL & FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS

Pastoral Council Fr Matthew Buettner Linda Mooney Reine Smirz Margaret Vogt David Barker Brian Gawronski Sheila Levesque Tim Mueller Theresa Ostendorf

Fr Jose A Juya Lonikay Templeton Anne Tinsdale Johanna Pichardo Mitch Foreman Theresa Webster John Herrera Liz Baechel

Finance Council Maureen O’Keefe, Vince Mooney Juliana Betancourt, John Guglielmetti, Riguey Gomez, Dawn Nielson

HOLY COMMUNION AT HOME Please contact Sr. Carolyn Mary Coll at 704-813-1425 or [email protected] to make arrangements.

CATECHISM, 1ST PENANCE, 1ST COMMUNION, CONFIRMATION , YOUTH MINISTRY BECOMING A CATHOLIC/RCIA Contact the Director of Religious Ed. Theresa Webster [email protected] / 704-867-6212 ext 114

THRIFT STORE 1111 S. York Rd, 704-864-8646. Open Tuesday through Friday 10 AM - 5 PM & Saturday from 10 AM until 4 PM.

ST VINCENT DE PAUL MINISTRY If you have a financial or material emergency, please call the parish office.

ATTENTION NEWCOMERS Have you completed a parish registration form? If not, please see a Greeter after Mass for a registration form today!

620950 St. Michael Church 708 Saint Michael’s Lane Gastonia, NC 28052 704-867-6212 Contact: Debbie Davis [email protected] Software Using: Win XP Publisher 2007 Adobe 9.0 Transmit @ Tuesday, 11 am Special Instructions: Thank You.


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