Welcome to the Parish of Saint John the Evangelist & Our Lady of Mount Carmel

30th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - October 25, 2015 ✞ Mass Schedule ✞ Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm OLMC 6:30 pm (Bilingual) SJE Welcome to the Parish of Sa

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Story Transcript

30th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - October 25, 2015 ✞

Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm OLMC 6:30 pm (Bilingual) SJE

Welcome to the Parish of Saint John the Evangelist & Our Lady of Mount Carmel Office Hours at SJE Rectory: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 148 Hamilton Avenue  White Plains, NY 10601

(914) 949-0439



Parish Email: [email protected] OLMC: 92 South Lexington Avenue  White Plains, NY 10606 Parish Email: [email protected]

Father Thomas Kallumady, Pastor Father Rubenus Cammayo, Parochial Vicar Father Chellan Joseph, Chaplain - White Plains Hospital ~ Office Staff ~ Andrea Caridi, Cesar Ceballos, JoAnn Douglass David Graf - Music Director ~ Parish Cemetery ~ Mount Calvary Cemetery - (914) 949-0671 - Mr. Daniel Murray 575 Hillside Avenue, White Plains, NY 10603 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Saint John the Evangelist Manuel Mendoza Phone: 914-437-5144 Classes Sunday 9:15-10:45 am followed by Family Mass at 11:00 am Our Lady of Mount Carmel Andrew Morzello Email: [email protected] Phone: 914-948-6834, press 2 Classes Sunday 10:00-11:30 am Family Mass at 9:00 am CONFESSIONS Saturdays 4:00 to 4:45 pm OLMC 5:30 to 6:15 pm SJE Mondays 11:30 to 12:00 pm OLMC Anytime by appointment at SJE rectory

MARRIAGES At least six months notice BAPTISMS 3rd Sunday of the month - after 9:00 am Mass OLMC 4th Sunday of the month - 10:15 am (English) SJE, Mass to follow - after 12:30 pm Mass (Spanish) SJE Baptism instruction (3rd Tuesday of the month) is required for parents and godparents. Parents should register in advance to make arrangements. NEW TO THE PARISH? We invite you to register with the parish by filling out the envelopes found in the church, or by calling the rectory office at 914-949-0439

Sunday: 8:00 am SJE 9:00 am OLMC 11:00 am SJE 12:30 pm (Spanish) SJE 5:00 pm OLMC Weekday Masses: Monday-Friday: 7:30 am SJE 12:10 pm OLMC First Friday: 12:10 pm SJE Saturday: 12:10 pm SJE Holyday Vigil: 5:30 pm OLMC 6:30 pm (Bilingual) SJE Holyday: 7:30 am, 6:30 pm SJE 12:10 pm, 5:30 pm OLMC Mass for the Hearing Impaired: 4th Sunday of each month at 2:00 pm OLMC (not in July & Aug.)

Italian Mass: Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday & Christmas Day at 10:30 am OLMC

DEVOTIONS Miraculous Medal Monday after 12:10 pm Mass OLMC St. Anthony Mary Claret & St. Anthony Padua Tuesday after 12:10 pm Mass OLMC Five Wounds of Our Lord & St. Gaspar Bertoni Friday after 12:10 pm Mass OLMC First Friday - Mass 12:10 pm SJE Adoration after Mass until 5:30 pm SJE Mass 12:10 pm OLMC Followed by Holy Hour OLMC Our Lady of Fatima First Saturday after 12:10 pm Mass SJE Pro-Life Rosary Saturday at 6:00 pm SJE

~ Pastor’s Column ~ Dear Parishioners, It was a wonderful week so far. Monday I had the joy of having a great gathering of our dedicated group leaders, representing over30 groups that are active in our parishes. What a blessing!! I could feel the anticipation and excitement to revive our groups and activities. I look forward working with you all. All the groups will be listed soon on our website. Tuesday I had six couples who came to attend the Baptism preparation classes. This again means that we have a wonderful young community. Over one hundred CCD parents attend adult formation program every Sunday at St. John's. Our CCD programs at both parishes are going well. Social outreach programs are also gaining momentum. The Women Club had the first spaghetti dinner, which was successful. Bingo at Mount Carmel is doing very well and drawing great numbers. Thanksgiving programs in both parishes are planned in both the parishes. The tentative Christmas schedule is formulated. Please remember our beloved ones in the month of November. Please join us for the blessing of the graves at our parish cemetery on All Souls' Day. Having listened to some people, I am making a few changes in the Mass schedule.: Saturday English Mass will be at 5:30 pm, preceded by Pro Life Rosary at Mount Carmel, a tradition for the last 25 years can continue. Spanish/Bilingual Mass will be at 7pm. After a very hectic year of activities, I think that I deserve a break. I will be visiting my family in India during the month of November. Please pray for me and my family, especially my great grand niece, the new born, is still struggling to hang on to her precious life. She has survived two major surgeries of heart and lungs in her tender age of ten weeks. Little Elsa is very courageous and she opened her eyes and smiled at her mom and dad who have spent sleepless hours the whole time with her in the hospital. I thank you for all your support and love for me and the parishes. Sincerely your humble servant, Father Thomas

Church Support Thank you very much for your continued love & support for the parish. We are especially grateful to those who “make up” for their Sundays away from the parish. Offering Collection 10-18-15 SJE $ 7,176 OLMC $ 3,737 World Mission Sunday 10-18-15 SJE $ 2,798 OLMC $ 870 Please Pray for the Sick of our Parish Clara Raspiller, Maria Puig, Nick Modugno, Mariela Arias de Restrepo, Alvaro Zuñiga Ramos, Isaura Rodriguez, Bernardo Salazar, Mary Brady. BINGO - is held Monday nights at 7:20 pm in the Church hall at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. All are welcome! Mass Times - is a ministry to traveling Catholics. To find a Roman Catholic Church and its Mass schedule, visit www.masstimes.org. Support Our Advertisers - we encourage you to read over the back cover of our bulletin. The advertisers deserve our consideration should we be in need of their goods or services. Please thank them for their support. Share Your Blessings - Please remember us with a bequest in your will. Saint John the Evangelist and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish is our legacy to our children, our friends and our loved ones. Your thoughtfulness will help insure our future. Sanctuary Lamp - the Sanctuary candle indicates the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Please call the rectory if you wish to reserve the Sanctuary Lamp in memory of a loved one. E-Giving - We encourage you also to make your donations electronically. Those interested, may contact the parish office. RCIA - (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is an initiation program that prepares individuals for full sacramental initiation into the Catholic faith (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist). If you are interested in more information about this, please contact Father Thomas Kallumady at 949-0439.

ALL SOULS DAY Monday, November 2nd All Souls Day commemorates the faithful departed. It is a time when we are reminded of the people in our lives who have died. It is also a time when we are reminded of our own impending death and our subsequent union with God. During the month of November, Mass is being celebrated daily for our faithful departed. May they rest in peace. Envelopes are available in the pews to remember your loved ones. All Souls Day Special Masses: 7:00 am & 8:00 am SJE 12:10 pm OLMC followed by the blessings of graves at Mount Calvary Cemetery. All are welcome. 7:00 pm SJE Ballard-Durand Funeral home is hosting their 9th Annual mass of Remembrance on Monday Nov. 2nd at 7:00 pm at SJE. During this Mass, we will remember those who have died this year. To include your loved one’s name in the Litany of the Dead please contact Matthew at 949-0566 by October 31st. Refreshments will be served in the Parish Library immediately following the Mass. Please join us. New Parish Council - Those who are interested to serve as members may write a letter of interest by email or in writing asap to Father Thomas who will interview and select a nice group of dedicated men and women who can serve our community. Youth Group - meeting on Sunday, October 25th at 6:00 pm in the OLMC rectory hall. Fun energetic group: trips, games, volunteer service and spiritual fun! For ages 13-17 (8th-12th graders only). Come join us! Only $5 registration fee.

FAMILY THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION FRIDAY - NOVEMBER 20th 2015 Prayer Service begins 6:30 pm - OLMC Church

The service will include the Blessing of the Bread, which will be distributed to all the faithful to be used at their Thanksgiving meal. After the Prayer Service, please join us in the OLMC church hall for refreshments. Pizza, beverages, desserts and coffee will be available to purchase. Come & bring a friend! There will be 2 raffles, one for those in attendance (Prizes include gift baskets, gift certificates to local businesses and restaurants, etc.) and one for those who cannot attend. There will also be a children’s raffle. This will be an enjoyable evening for the whole family. New items are needed as Prizes. Donations will be greatly appreciated. *** If you are able to help us obtain certificates and prizes from local businesses and stores, please contact Andrea in the rectory. *** Please RSVP if you will be attending so we can plan accordingly. You can all the rectory M-F 9am-5pm or fill out below and place in collection basket. Name: _______________________________ # of adults attending: _____ # of children attending: _____

Mount Calvary Cemetery Winter Coverings Mount Calvary Cemetery is offering grave decorations for the Christmas season. If you wish to order a winter covering for your plot, please call the cemetery office at 949-0671 asap. Stepinac Theatre - Archbishop Stepinac High School Drama Club presents the family Broadway hit, Peter and the Starcatcher. Show dates are: November 6 and 7 at 7:30 pm and November 7 at 3:00 pm. Tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for children under 12 and senior citizens. For ticktes reservations please call 946-4800, ext. 200. For further information please email: [email protected].

40 Days for Life Rally - Please mark your calendars for the closing rally, which will take place on Sunday, Nov 1 at 3 pm. We will meet on the sidewalk in front of the Planned Parenthood building at 175 Tarrytown Road, White Plains (Greenburgh) 10607. Parking is available across the street in the Greenburgh Town Court parking lot or along the right side of Prospect Avenue (one-way). During these last 2 weeks, please try to do a little more if you can. If you have not kept vigil during this campaign, now is the time to sign up at: https://40daysforlift.com/local-campaigns/white -plains/ or by contacting Gerald Yeung at 837-7008 or [email protected].

MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 1 ~ Saint John the Evangelist Church & Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church ~ Saturday, 10/24 - Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop 12:10 pm SJE Ella and Irving Gilles 5:00 pm Vigil OLMC Rosa Appollonio 6:30 pm Vigil SJE Robert E. Dispenza


# 610 (H) # 432 (H) # 460 (H) # 36 (M)

Sunday, 10/25 - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am SJE Rafael Abundo 9:00 am OLMC Orazio Giambona 11:00 am SJE Jose Godinho 12:30 pm SJE Gerbasio Rojas 5:00 pm OLMC Maria Cesareo Monday, 10/26 7:30 am SJE 12:10 pm OLMC

Dominic & Richard Tranquillo Josephine Perri (Living)

Tuesday, 10/27 7:30 am SJE 12:10 pm OLMC

John Godlewski Mary Borrelli

M = missal, H = Hymnal

Wednesday, 10/28 - Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles 7:30 am SJE John Godlewski 12:10 pm OLMC In Thanksgiving to St. Jude & St Anthony Thursday, 10/29 - Saint John Paul II, Pope 7:30 am SJE Geraldo Nieves 12:10 pm OLMC Mercedes Tingle Friday, 10/30 7:30 am SJE 12:10 pm OLMC Saturday, 10/31 12:10 pm SJE 5:30 pm Vigil OLMC 7:00 pm Vigil SJE

Changes in Mass Schedule starting next weekend 10/31-11/1: Saturday Vigil Mass will be at 5:30 pm, at OLMC preceded by Pro Life Rosary.

John Godlewski Pasquale & Rita Pisani

Leonardo & Anthonia Nuesa For the People of the Parish John Godlewski

Confessions will be held Saturday 4:30 - 5:15 pm at OLMC. Spanish/Bilingual Mass will be at 7:00 pm at SJE. Confessions will be held Saturday 6:00-6:45 pm at SJE.

Confessions are also held Monday Sunday, 11/1 - Solemnity of All Saints 11:30 am –12:00 pm at OLMC. 8:00 am SJE John Godleski ***************************** 9:00 am OLMC Beniamino Capicotto 10:30 am OLMC Deceased Members of the Antonio Meucci Lodge 11:00 am SJE Armand Seguso, Jr. (4th Anniversary) 12:30 pm SJE Dila Lleshaj 5:30 pm OLMC Tanya Frisoli If you booked a Mass intention for Sanctuary Lamp OLMC: Sal Puleo Sanctuary Lamp SJE: Eduardo Cura

your family member and would like to bring up the gifts, please inform an usher before Mass.

Columna del Pastor Queridos feligreses, La Semana pasada fue una semana maravillosa, el pasado lunes tuve la alegría de tener una reunión con los lideres de nuestros grupos parroquiales . Alrededor de unos 30. ¡¡Que bendición!! Sentía la emoción de revivir nuestros grupos y actividades. Espero con interés trabajar con todos ustedes. Todos los grupos serán listados en breve en nuestro sitio web. El Martes me reuní con seis parejas para las clases de preparación para Bautismo. Más de un centenar de padres asisten al a formación de adultos cada domingo, dicho programa se lleva cabo en la iglesia de San Juan Evangelista. El club de las mujeres tuvo la primera cena de espaguetis, que fue un éxito. El Juego de Bingo en Monte Carmelo está funcionando muy bien. Se están programando cenas de acción de gracias en ambas parroquias. Estamos trabajando en el calendario de Navidad. Por favor, recordemos a nuestros seres queridos en el mes de noviembre y acompáñenos , para la bendición de las tumbas en el cementerio de la parroquia, Monte Calvario. Después de haber escuchado a algunas personas, estoy haciendo algunos cambios en el horario de Misas nuevamente: Sábados: Misa en Inglés 5:30 pm, precedido por el Rosario pro-vida en Monte Carmelo, una tradición de los últimos 25 años. Misa Español será a las 7:00 pm SJE Después de un año muy agitado de las actividades, creo que me merezco un descanso. Voy a visitar a mi familia en india durante el mes de noviembre. Por favor oren por mí y mi familia, especialmente la hija de mi sobrina, la cual , sigue luchando por su preciosa vida. Ha sobrevivido a dos grandes cirugías de corazón y pulmones en su tierna edad de diez semanas. Elsa es muy valiente y ella abrió los ojos y sonrió a sus padresque han pasado horas sin dormir todo el tiempo con ella en el hospital. Le doy las gracias por todo su apoyo y su amor hacia mí y las parroquias. En Cristo Jesús Padre Thomas Kallumady

Meditacion del evangelio “Hijo de David, ten compasión de mi” Bartimeo era un pobre ciego que pedía limosna al borde del camino que, procedente de Jerusalén, llega a Jericó. Hasta que un día pasó Jesús cerca de él. Al principio, el ciego sólo percibía el rumor de la gente que pasaba, más bulliciosa que de costumbre. Extrañado ante aquel alboroto preguntó que ocurría: Es Jesús de Nazaret que pasa, le dijeron. Entonces la oscuridad que le envolvía se tornó luminosa y clara por la fuerza de su fe, y lleno de esperanza comenzó a gritar con todas las fuerzas: “Jesús, Hijo de David, ten compasión de mí..." También nosotros somos muchas veces pobres ciegos sentados a la orilla del camino, pordioseando a unos y otros un poco de luz y de amor para nuestra vida oscura y fría. Sumidos como Bartimeo en las tinieblas de nuestro egoísmo o de nuestra sensualidad. Quizá escuchamos el rumor de quienes acompañan a Jesús, pero no aprovechamos su cercanía y seguimos sentados e indolentes, tranquilos en nuestra soledad y apagamiento. Es preciso reaccionar, es necesario recurrir a Jesucristo, nuestro Mesías y Salvador. Gritarle una y otra vez que tenga compasión de nosotros. La voz del ciego se alzaba sobre el bullicio de la gente, tanto que era una nota discordante y estridente, molesta para todos. Cállate ya, le decían. Pero él gritaba aún más. Jesús no quiso hacerle esperar y llevado de su inmensa compasión llamó a Bartimeo. Cuando el mendigo escuchó que el Maestro lo llamaba, arrojó su manto, loco de contento, dio un salto y se acercó como pudo a Jesús. También a nosotros nos llama Cristo para preguntarnos como a Bartimeo: "¿Qué quieres que haga yo por ti?”. Bartimeo no dudó ni un momento en suplicar: "Maestro, que pueda ver". Jesús tampoco retarda su respuesta: "Anda, tu fe te ha curado". Y al instante la oscuridad del ciego se disipa bajo una luz que le permite contemplar extasiado cuanto le rodea, ese espectáculo único que es la vida misma. Vamos a seguir clamando con la misma plegaria en el fondo de nuestra alma, sin cansarnos jamás: Señor, que yo vea. Señor, que pueda contemplar tu grandeza divina, que tu luz mantenga encendido nuestro amor y brillante nuestra esperanza.

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