Welcome to the Parish of Saint John the Evangelist & Our Lady of Mount Carmel

SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - JANUARY 17, 2016 ✞ Mass Schedule ✞ Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm OLMC 7:00 pm (Spanish) SJE Welcome to the Parish of Sa

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Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm OLMC 7:00 pm (Spanish) SJE

Welcome to the Parish of Saint John the Evangelist & Our Lady of Mount Carmel Office Hours at SJE Rectory: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 148 Hamilton Avenue  White Plains, NY 10601

(914) 949-0439



Parish Email: [email protected] / [email protected] OLMC: 92 South Lexington Avenue  White Plains, NY 10606

Father Thomas Kallumady, Pastor Father Rubenus Cammayo, Parochial Vicar Father Chellan Joseph, Chaplain - White Plains Hospital ~ Visiting Priests ~ Father Bart Daly, Father Patrick McCahil, Father Bob O’Neil, Father Edward O’Neil, Father John Quinn, Father Romane St. Vil, M.M. ~ Staff ~ Andrea Caridi, Cesar Ceballos, JoAnn Douglass - Office Staff David Graf - Music Director ~ Parish Cemetery ~ Mount Calvary Cemetery - (914) 949-0671 - Mr. Daniel Murray, Director RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Saint John the Evangelist Manuel Mendoza Phone: 914-437-5144 Classes Sunday 9:15-10:45 am followed by Family Mass at 11:00 am Our Lady of Mount Carmel Andrew Morzello Email: [email protected] Phone: 914-948-6834, option 2 Classes Sunday 10:00-11:30 am Family Mass at 9:00 am CONFESSIONS Saturdays 4:30 to 5:15 pm OLMC 6:00 to 6:45 pm SJE Mondays 11:30 to 12:00 pm OLMC Anytime by appointment at SJE rectory

MARRIAGES At least six months notice BAPTISMS 3rd Sunday of the month - after 9:00 am Mass OLMC 4th Sunday of the month - 10:15 am (English) SJE, Mass to follow - after 12:30 pm Mass (Spanish) SJE Baptism instruction (3rd Tuesday of the month) is required for parents and godparents. Parents should register in advance to make arrangements. NEW TO THE PARISH? We invite you to register with the parish by filling out the envelopes found in the church, or by calling the rectory office at 914-949-0439

Sunday: 8:00 am SJE 9:00 am OLMC 11:00 am SJE 12:30 pm (Spanish) SJE 5:00 pm OLMC 6:30 pm (Haitian) OLMC Weekday Masses: Monday-Friday: 7:30 am SJE 12:10 pm OLMC First Friday: 12:10 pm SJE Saturday: 12:10 pm SJE Holyday Vigil: 5:30 pm OLMC 7:00 pm Spanish SJE Holyday: 7:30 am, 6:30 pm SJE 12:10 pm, 5:30 pm OLMC Mass for the Hearing Impaired: 4th Sunday of each month at 2:00 pm OLMC (not in July & Aug.)

Italian Mass: Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday & Christmas Day at 10:30 am OLMC

DEVOTIONS Miraculous Medal Monday after 12:10 pm Mass OLMC St. Anthony Mary Claret & St. Anthony Padua Tuesday after 12:10 pm Mass OLMC Five Wounds of Our Lord & St. Gaspar Bertoni Friday after 12:10 pm Mass OLMC First Friday - Mass 12:10 pm SJE Adoration after Mass until 5:30 pm SJE Mass 12:10 pm OLMC Followed by Holy Hour OLMC Our Lady of Fatima First Saturday after 12:10 pm Mass SJE Pro-Life Rosary Saturday at 5:00 pm OLMC

~ Pastor’s Column ~ Dear Parishioners, Once again I extend my invitation to all of you for my Installation as new Pastor. Please do not consider that it is solely my personal celebration but it is a parish celebration. Officially I take charge of the parish according to the requirement of Canon Law. For me it will be a wonderful opportunity to thank you personally for welcoming me cordially as I walked in as a stranger five months ago. You have shown great affection for me and the parish. I feel at home and I am glad that our parish is on the path of a new revival. Excitedly I look forward to continue my ministry among you and, believe me, it is a great privilege and honor to be your pastor. Together let us usher in a new spirit of fellowship and service. Let the Year of Mercy bring us reconciliation and joy in the Lord. See you on Saturday! “Siepre Adelante”; “Keep moving forward.” - Father Thomas Kallumady

You are invited to the Installation as our First Pastor Mass & Reception for Father Thomas Kallumady by the Most Reverend Gerald Walsh, Auxiliary Bishop of Westchester County, Archdiocese of New York Saturday, January 23rd, 2016 at 5:30 pm* Saint John the Evangelist Church Reception to follow in Saint John’s Auditorium All are welcome to attend! Please RSVP on the sign up sheets in either church on the bulletin tables with the number of people attending. You may also call Andrea & Cesar in the rectory to RSVP. *Please note: there is no 5:30 pm Mass at OLMC & 7:00 pm Spanish Mass at SJE this day.

Church Support Thank you very much for your continued love & support for the parish. We are especially grateful to those who “make up” for their Sundays away from the parish. Offering Collection 1-10-16 SJE $ 7,524 OLMC $ 2,903

Maintenance & Utilities 1-10-16 SJE $ 1,760 OLMC $ 981

BINGO - is held Monday nights at 7:20 pm in the Church hall at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. All are welcome! Youth Group - meeting on Sunday, Jan. 17th at 6:00 pm in the Rectory Hall at OLMC. FUN energetic group: trips, games, volunteer service and spiritual fun! For ages 13-17 (8th-12th graders only). Come join us! Only $5.00 registration fee. Parish Open Gym at SJE - every Friday 6-8pm for 6th - 8th grade boys & girls. The cost is $5.00 per player per night. Parents are welcome to watch the fun. Open gym supervised by Jim Amodio. Call 949-3922 for more info. Share Your Blessings - Please remember us with a bequest in your will. Saint John the Evangelist and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish is our legacy to our children, our friends and our loved ones. Your thoughtfulness will help insure our future. Mass Times - is a ministry to traveling Catholics. To find a Roman Catholic Church and its Mass schedule, visit www.masstimes.org. Youth Group - meeting on Sun., Jan. 17th at 6pm in the Rectory Hall at OLMC. Fun energetic group: trips, games, volunteer service and spiritual fun! For ages 13-17 (8th-12th graders only). Come join us! Only $5.00 registration fee.

Pray for the sick: Please pray for the speedy recovery of Father John Quinn.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity January 18th - January 25th

March for Life 2016 - “Pro-Life and Pro-Woman Go Hand-in-Hand” is the theme of the 2016 March for Life, a pilgrimage of prayer, penance and fellowship to Washington DC that will take place on Friday, January 22, 2016. Marchers from our parish will meet at 6:15am in SJE vestibule and return after 11pm in the evening. The cost of transportation is $45 ($20 for students). To reserve your seat or to sponsor a Marcher, call Gerald Yeung at 914-837-7008. White Plains Rally for Life 2016 - Join in an hour of prayer and public witness at the corner of Maple and Mamaroneck on Saturday, January 23, 2016 at 12 noon to remember the young lives lost since 1973's Roe v. Wade decision. Please call Gerald Yeung at 914-837-7008 for more info. Employment/Networking Support Group a free group will be offered by The RDC Center for Counseling & Human Development – Monday evenings, 6:30-8pm on Jan. 25, Feb 1, 8, 22,29 & Mar 7. This program is for persons who have recently lost their jobs or who are returning to the workforce after a few years of not working. The program will be held at The White Plains Education & Training Center, 303 Quarropas St., White Plains. To register or for more information call Pat Sheridan, LCSW, 798-1103.

January 18-25, 2016 is the annual observance of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The theme chosen for 2016 is Called to Proclaim the Mighty Acts of the Lord. (cf. 1 Peter 2:9) Throughout 2016, join Christians everywhere in praying “that they may all be one” joining our prayer with that of the Lord Jesus Christ. For more information go to: www.geii.org We begin the week of Prayer for Christian Unity by proclaiming the Lord’s desire for unity. It is Jesus who comes towards us and knocks at our door. He comes to save that which is lost and to gather in God’s scattered children. The invitation to be part of this covenant is extended to all peoples in Jesus Christ. All who enter into it are in fellowship with the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. This relationship with God, therefore, binds all Christians together as one body, one family so that all may be one as Jesus and his Father are one. Prayer… We thank you, Lord, for your gift of conversion and reconciliation which restores our relationship with you and with one another. Grant that our works may fulfill your will. Deepen within us the desire for the unity. Guide us towards the light of your Word through the presence of your Holy Spirit. Unite us and sanctify us, we pray. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord, Amen.

“I have a dream” Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream Let us continue to fulfill that dream by seeking an end to prejudice and racism.

YOUR PRAYERS AND SUPPORT ARE NEEDED On January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court handed down the infamous Roe Vs. Wade decision, legalizing abortion for any reason. Help save innocent human life and return legal protection to unborn children. Please visit the National Right to Life website at www. nrlc.org to find out how you can help.

Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario.

LEARN ENGLISH QUICKLY!!! English class is offered for those with a little or no previous knowledge of English of English study, Learn vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and practice in speaking with an experienced teacher Mrs. Olinda Salazar

“Hagan lo que El les diga” Frecuentemente Dios usa en la Sagrada Escritura el símil del amor nupcial para representar cómo es su amor: fuerte y tierno, celoso y misericordioso. Bellísimos son los textos que nos trae la primera lectura del Profeta Isaías al respecto: “Como un joven se desposa con una doncella, se desposará contigo tu Hacedor” (Is. 62, 1-5). A Jesús le gustaba también el símil del amor nupcial. Varias veces nos habló del “banquete nupcial y también del traje nupcial. Y no es casual que el primer milagro que Jesús realiza sea precisamente en una boda. Nos cuenta el evangelio de hoy, que Jesús estaba con su madre en una boda, también sus discípulos habían sido invitados. Y es precisamente María la Madre de Jesús, a pesar de ser solamente invitada, se percata de la falta de vino en la boda, así que es ella quien convence a Jesús a hacer el milagro de convertir agua en vino, para que los novios, a quienes se les había terminado el vino, no quedaran mal ante sus invitados. (Jn. 2, 1-11). Cosa aparentemente frívola y hasta poco importante: más vino para una fiesta. Pero esto nos indica que Dios y la Madre de Dios están pendientes hasta de los más insignificantes detalles de nuestras vidas. De todo se ocupan... aunque nosotros creamos que somos nosotros mismos quienes resolvemos todo. A la petición de su Madre: “No tienen vino” la respuesta de Jesús “Mujer que nos va a ti y a mi, todavía no ha llegado mi hora” parece una negativa pero María al dirigirse a los sirvientes “Hagan todo lo que El les diga”, pone de manifiesto que también en la actualidad es ella la que lleva nuestras peticiones a su hijo Jesús; pero nos pide que hagamos todo los que Jesús nos dice. ¿Y estamos verdaderamente obedeciendo lo que nos pide la Virgen María, de hacer todo lo que Jesús nos dice?

Classes: 12 Sessions Dates: Sundays, Feb. 7 - April 24, 2016. Time: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm Place: St. John’s School Registration: St. John’s Rectory Office Phone: 914-949-0439 Registration Fee: $30 (included material)

Aprende Ingles Rapidamente!!! Las clases de Ingles se ofreceran para aquellos con poco o ningún conocimiento previo de Inglés. En estas clases aprenderan: vocabulario, pronunciación, gramática y muchas cosas mas. Las clases seran enseñadas por un maestro Experimentado. Clases: 12 seciones. Fecha: Domingo 7 de Febrero– Abril 24, 2016 Hora:10:30 am –12:30 pm Lugar: Escuela de San Juan Evangelista Registracion: Rectoria de la Iglesia Telefono: 914-949-0439 Registracion: $ 30 ( Material Incluido) Instructor: Señora Olinda Salazar

MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 24 ~ Saint John the Evangelist Church & Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church ~ Saturday, 1/16 12:10 pm SJE 5:30 pm Vigil OLMC 7:00 pm Vigil SJE

Paul & Maria Gerdelan Jack Canino Aidee Torres

Office is closed - Monday Jan. 18th in observance of Martin Luther King Day.

Sunday, 1/17 - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am SJE Carmelia Curschellas 9:00 am OLMC Resurreccion & Melquiades Santos 11:00 am SJE Deceased Members of the Seguso & Flanagan Families 12:30 pm SJE For the People of the Parish 5:00 pm OLMC Janice de Ramon 6:30 pm OLMC No Intentions Monday, 1/18 - Martin Luther King Day - Office Closed 7:30 am SJE Annamma Lukose Thuruthpally 12:10 pm OLMC No Intentions Tuesday, 1/19 7:30 am SJE 12:10 pm OLMC

Gerry Mitchell Basilo & Caitana Maria Soares

Wednesday, 1/20 - Saint Fabian, Pope and Martyr; Saint Sebastian, Martyr 7:30 am SJE Joseph Lemm 12:10 pm OLMC Barbara Schickler Thursday, 1/21 - Saint Agnes, Virgin & Martyr 7:30 am SJE Mary Rivas 12:10 pm OLMC Nicola & Filomena Attalienti Friday, 1/22 - Day of Prayer for the Legal protection of Unborn Children 7:30 am SJE Michael Barna 12:10 pm OLMC Pauline & George Stilger Saturday, 1/23 - Saint Vincent, Deacon & Martyr; Saint Marianne Cope, Virgin 12:10 pm SJE Manuel Bernardo 5:30 pm Vigil SJE Father Thomas’ Installation Mass Sunday, 1/24 - Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am SJE Toni Cadalbert 9:00 am OLMC Annina Orlando 11:00 am SJE No Intentions 12:30 pm SJE For the People of the Parish 5:00 pm OLMC Bridie P. Van Slyck 6:30 pm OLMC No Intentions Sanctuary Lamp OLMC - Nick Deramo Sanctuary Lamp SJE - Annamma Lukose Thuruthpally Rest in Peace - Please pray for the souls of Anthony Cucciare and Robert St. Amour who died this past week.

***Please Note*** Due to Pastor’s Installation Mass On Saturday 1/23: There is no 5:30 pm Mass at OLMC and there is no 7:00 pm Spanish Mass at SJE

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