Westfield Suspension Therapy For Rehabilitation At Top Active Isolated Stretching Clinic Flipbook PDF

You've heard of physical therapy, but suspension therapy? Whether you're an Olympic runner, an amateur kickball

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Story Transcript

Westfield Suspension Therapy For Rehabilitation At Top Active Isolated Stretching Clinic

We've all heard how important it is to stay active and exercise regularly. But if your joints ache or you have an injury, it can be even more of a struggle to stay on top of it!

While popping some painkillers might feel like an easy option, it's only a bandaid and ultimately won't fix the problem. Thankfully, AIS Therapy specializes in Redcord suspension therapy, proven to repair injuries and improve muscle function for pro athletes, elderly folks, and everyone in between!

Using pain medication in order to continue being active can lead to complications. Opiate painkillers are highly addictive and dangerous And common painkillers, like aspirin or ibuprofen, can cause blood thinning and ulcers in your stomach lining, creating digestive issues and internal discomfort.

Rather than focusing on short-term pain relief, suspension therapy retrains your body to improve your movement patterns for longterm healing.

If you have specific goals or if you're an athlete in sportspecific training, AIS Therapy can design your suspension therapy treatments toward your personal objectives.

Find Out More At https://www.aistherapy.com/

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