ADVENT 4. December 21, 2014 at 11:15am

ADVENT 4 December 21, 2014 at 11:15am Welcome to Bethel Lutheran Church - a vibrant urban congregation living lives of worship and praise; loving on

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Sunday, December 4, Food Pantry
PARISH MISSION STATEMENT: We, the people of St. Vincent de Paul Church, see ourselves as a congregation of believers in whom Jesus is living; and to d

Story Transcript

ADVENT 4 December 21, 2014 at 11:15am

Welcome to Bethel Lutheran Church - a vibrant urban congregation living lives of worship and praise; loving one another through faith, community and care; serving all and God’s world; and thriving by faithful stewardship. HEARING AID LOOP SYSTEM

We have a hearing aid loop installed in pews marked with this symbol: Use the coil setting or ask for a headphone FRIENDSHIP PAD

Please sign the pad located in the pews and pass it to your neighbor. CHILD CARE

Is available from 8:30 am until 2:00 pm for ages birth through 4 years old. Lower level, provided by paid staff with a secure pager check-in system. Ages 5 and older are welcome in the Game Room until 2:30 pm. Staff supervised. QUIET ROOM

Located in the back of the Sanctuary for parents and young children to use during the worship service, as needed. REFRESHMENTS

Our lower level also features Genesis Café, a not-for-profit café featuring fair trade coffee and local pastries, open 8:30-11:30am. Complimentary Coffee Fellowship is served following our morning services in the Fireside Gallery & Emmaus Room. HOSPITALITY STATION

Bethel offers complimentary wifi throughout the building. Please use responsibly. network:

Bethel wifi onwisconsin



*Telecast delayed one week. Bethel.Lutheran.Madison.WI BethelLutheranTV


Bethel’s lot is intended for drop-offs, people with handicapped needs or mobility concerns, and visitors. All others are requested to park in the State Street Capitol Ramp. Users will need a City of Madison Parking Department ‘pass card’, which is specific to this ramp, from 7am to 1pm on Sundays. The cards are available at the reception desk. Pass cards must be used or you will need to pay. PASTORAL STAFF

TELECASTS Madison 10:00am Eau Claire 10:00am La Crosse 10:00am Green Bay* 8:30am Wausau 10:00am

As you leave the Sanctuary, directly ahead in the Emmaus Room, you’ll find a brochure kiosk full of information about what’s happening at Bethel. More information can be found by chatting with our Volunteer Receptionists or our Hospitality Staff at the welcome desk in the Parking Foyer.

Scot Sorensen Senior Pastor [email protected] Joe Brosious Director of Congregational Outreach [email protected] Antonio Cabello Director of Latino Ministries [email protected] Curt Everson Visitation & Worship 608-257-3577 x 238 Paul Petersen Executive Director Bethel Horizons [email protected] John Swanson Director of Congregational Life [email protected] Alison Williams Director of Congregational Care [email protected]

Bethel Lutheran Church will occasionally take photographs & video of church activities, which may be used online, and in digital and print materials. Additionally, the 7:45am Worship service is broadcast on a weekly basis. By participating, authorization to publish any such photo or video is granted to Bethel Lutheran Church.


COFFEE AND MORE…You are all welcome to stay after worship, for coffee, treats and fellowship. A free will offering is appreciated. Please help us, leaving your table clean. Thank you.


CAFÉ Y ALGO MÁS … Todos están invitados a quedarse después de la Misa, para café, merienda y compañerismo. Su contribución es vital para seguir proveyendo lo necesario para esta hora de compañerismo. Apreciamos muchísimo su ayuda al dejar la mesa que utiliza limpia. Gracias.

Celebrate the arrival of God’s greatest gift and experience the wonder of Christmas at Bethel! Christmas Eve Candlelight Services December 24 3:00pm & 4:30pm family-focused 6:00pm en Español 7:30pm, 9:00pm & 11:00pm traditional worship & carols Christmas Day Worship on December 25


Noche de Navidad DICIEMBRE 24 Misas en ingles para niños y familias 3:00 pm & 4:30 pm Misa en Español 6:00 pm Misa en ingles Tradicional con Himnos 7:30 pm, 9:00 pm & 11:00 pm Misa de día de Navidad en Ingles, Diciembre 25. 10:00 am

Vea los devoiociones diarias en español en Facebook Parroquia Luterana Bethel




December 21, 2014


Please quiet all mobile electronic devices.



P: This is the day the Lord has made. C: L et us rejoice and be glad. P: Blessed be the holy Trinity, (+), one God, the Lord of Israel who comes to set us free, the mighty Savior who comes to show mercy, the Dawn from on high who guides us into peace. Amen.


P: Let us come before God in confession. (Silence is kept for reflection) To you, O God, C: we lift up our souls. You know us through and through; we confess our sins to you. Remember not our sins; remember us with your steadfast love. Show us your ways; teach us your paths; and lead us in justice and truth, for the sake of your goodness in Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen. P: Sisters and brothers, come with joy and draw water from the well of salvation. Remember the gift of baptism: your sin is washed away in the name of +Jesus; you belong to Christ; you are anointed to serve. Stand up and raise your heads! The reign of God is near. Amen. ENTRANCE SONG (STAND)

En Nombre del Cielo

Afuera: En nombre del cielo os pido posada. Pues no puede andar ya mi esposa amada. Adentro: Aqui no es meson. Sigan adelante, pues no puedo abrir. No sea algun tunante. Travelers: In the name of heaven, I come seeking lodging With my dear wife Mary, I’ve grown tired from walking Innkeepers: There’s no room for you here, Go, now. Move along! Since we have no lodging, Don’t keep hanging on! Afuera: Venimos rendidos desde Nazareth. Yo soy carpintero de nombre Jose. Adentro: No me importa el nombre, dejenme dormir, pues yo les digo que no hemos de abrir. Travelers: From our home in Naz’reth, Many miles we came. Carpentry’s my trade, Joseph is my name. Innkeepers: Your name here means nothing, let me go to bed, I’ve no place to offer, For your weary head. TODOS: Entren Santos Peregrinos, Peregrinos, reciban este rincon, no de esta pobre morada sino de mi corazon. ALL: Come and enter holy pilgrims, holy pilgrims. Bless this poor and humble space. What we have we gladly offer, gladly offer; make our heart your dwelling place.

ADVENT 4 December 21, 2014 ¡Por favor, no olvide apagar su celular!





P: Este es el día que hizo el Señor C: Nos gozaremos y alegraremos en el. INVOCACIÓN

P: Bendita sea la santísima Trinidad (+), un solo Dios, el Señor de Israel que viene a liberarnos, el poderoso Salvador que viene a mostrarnos misericordia, la Aurora de lo alto que nos guía hacia la paz. Amén. LA CONFESIÓN Y ABSOLUCION

P: Acerquemos ante Dios en confesión (silencio para la reflexión). A ti, oh Dios, C: Elevamos nuestras almas. Tú nos conoces plenamente, y por eso te confesamos nuestros pecados. No te fijes en nuestras culpas, sino que míranos con amor. Muéstranos tus caminos, enséñanos tus senderos, condúcenos hacia la justicia y hacia la verdad, por la bondad en Jesucristo nuestro Salvador. Amén. P: Hermanos y hermanas, vengan con gozo y saquen agua del pozo de salvación. Recuerden el don de nuestro bautismo: tus pecados son perdonados en el nombre de (+) Jesús; ustedes pertenecen a Cristo, y son escogidos para servir. Levanten su mirada porque el reino de Dios está cerca. Amén. CANTO DE ENTRADA (DE PIE)

En Nombre del Cielo

Afuera: En nombre del cielo os pido posada. Pues no puede andar ya mi esposa amada. Adentro: Aqui no es meson. Sigan adelante, pues no puedo abrir. No sea algun tunante. Travelers: In the name of heaven, I come seeking lodging With my dear wife Mary, I’ve grown tired from walking Innkeepers: There’s no room for you here, Go, now. Move along! Since we have no lodging, Don’t keep hanging on! Afuera: Venimos rendidos desde Nazareth. Yo soy carpintero de nombre Jose. Adentro: No me importa el nombre, dejenme dormir, pues yo les digo que no hemos de abrir. Travelers: From our home in Naz’reth, Many miles we came. Carpentry’s my trade, Joseph is my name. Innkeepers: Your name here means nothing, let me go to bed, I’ve no place to offer, For your weary head. TODOS: Entren Santos Peregrinos, Peregrinos, reciban este rincon, no de esta pobre morada sino de mi corazon. ALL: Come and enter holy pilgrims, holy pilgrims. Bless this poor and humble space. What we have we gladly offer, gladly offer; make our heart your dwelling place.



December 21, 2014



P: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the refining fire of the Holy Spirit, and the peace of God, which surpasses understanding, be with you all. C: And also with you. THE PRAYER OF THE DAY

A: The Lord be with you. C: And also with you A: Let us pray. Stir up your power, Lord Christ, and come. With your abundant grace and might, free us from the sin that would obstruct your mercy, that willingly we may bear your redeeming love to all the world, for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. C: Amen. LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT WREATH

Ya Viene La Navidad

ADVENT 4 December 21, 2014




P: Que la gracia de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, el fuego refinador del Espíritu Santo, y la paz de Dios Padre que sobrepasa todo entendimiento sea con todos ustedes. C: Y con tu espíritu.  ORACIÓN DEL DIA

A: El Señor sea con ustedes. C: Y con tu espíritu. C: Oremos. Haz sentir tu poder y ven, oh Señor. Con tu abundante gracia y poder libéranos del pecado que estorba nuestra fe, que con entusiasmo recibamos tus promesas, porque tú vives y reinas con el Padre y con el Espíritu Santo, un solo Dios, por los siglos de los siglos. C: Amén. LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT WREATH

Ya Viene La Navidad



December 21, 2014


English Luke 1:46-55 And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name. His mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts. He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty. He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, according to the promise he made to our ancestors, to Abraham and to his descendants forever.” THE WORD OF THE LORD.


C: Thanks be to God ALLELUIA (STAND)

Pronto si muy pronto veremos al Señor (3) Aleluya, Aleyuya, veremos al Señor. Soon and very soon We are going to see the King(3) Hallelujah, hallelujah, We're going to see the king

GOSPEL Luke 1:26-38

P: The Gospel according to St. Luke 1st chapter C: Glory to you, O Lord.

In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin's name was Mary. And he came to her and said, "Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you." But she was much perplexed by his words and pondered what sort of greeting this might be. The angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his ancestor David. He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end." Mary said to the angel, "How can this be, since I am a virgin?" The angel said to her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be holy; he will be called Son of God. And now, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son; and this is the sixth month for her who was said to be barren. For nothing will be impossible with God." Then Mary said, "Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word." Then the angel departed from her. P: THE WORD OF THE LORD. C: Praise to you, O Christ!

ADVENT 4 December 21, 2014





María dijo: «Mi alma alaba la grandeza del Señor; mi espíritu se alegra en Dios mi Salvador. Porque Dios ha puesto sus ojos en mí, su humilde esclava, y desde ahora siempre me llamarán dichosa; porque el Todopoderoso ha hecho en mí grandes cosas. ¡Santo es su nombre! Dios tiene siempre misericordia de quienes lo reverencian. Actuó con todo su poder: deshizo los planes de los orgullosos, derribó a los reyes de sus tronos y puso en alto a los humildes. Llenó de bienes a los hambrientos y despidió a los ricos con las manos vacías. Ayudó al pueblo de Israel, su siervo, y no se olvidó de tratarlo con misericordia. Así lo había prometido a nuestros antepasados, a Abraham y a sus futuros descendientes.» PALABRA DE DIOS C: Te alabamos Señor.


Pronto si muy pronto veremos al Señor (3) Aleluya, Aleyuya, veremos al Señor. Soon and very soon We are going to see the King(3) Hallelujah, hallelujah, We're going to see the king


P: El Santo Evangelio según San Lucas capítulo 1 C: ¡Gloria a ti, Oh Señor! A los seis meses, Dios envió al ángel Gabriel a Nazaret, pueblo de Galilea, a visitar a una joven virgen comprometida para casarse con un hombre que se llamaba José, descendiente de David. La virgen se llamaba María. El ángel se acercó a ella y le dijo: ¡Te saludo, tú que has recibido el favor de Dios! El Señor está contigo. Ante estas palabras, María se perturbó, y se preguntaba qué podría significar este saludo. No tengas miedo, María; Dios te ha concedido su favor le dijo el ángel. Quedarás encinta y darás a luz un hijo, y le pondrás por nombre Jesús. Él será un gran hombre, y lo llamarán Hijo del Altísimo. Dios el Señor le dará el trono de su padre David, y reinará sobre el pueblo de Jacob para siempre. Su reinado no tendrá fin. ¿Cómo podrá suceder esto le preguntó María al ángel, puesto que soy virgen? El Espíritu Santo vendrá sobre ti, y el poder del Altísimo te cubrirá con su sombra. Así que al santo niño que va a nacer lo llamarán Hijo de Dios. También tu parienta Elisabet va a tener un hijo en su vejez; de hecho, la que decían que era estéril ya está en el sexto mes de embarazo. Porque para Dios no hay nada imposible. Aquí tienes a la sierva del Señor contestó María. Que él haga conmigo como me has dicho. Con esto, el ángel la dejó. P: EL EVANGELIO DEL SEÑOR C: ¡Alabanza a ti, Oh Cristo!



December 21, 2014



Pronto si muy pronto veremos al Señor (3) Aleluya, Aleyuya, veremos al Señor.

Soon and very soon We are going to see the King(3) Hallelujah, hallelujah, We're going to see the king




UNEXPECTED AND MYSTERIOUS Unexpected and mysterious is the gentle Word of grace. Everloving and sustaining is the peace of God’s embrace. If we falter in our courage and we doubt what we have known, God is faithful to console us as a mother tends her own. In a momentary meeting of eternity and time, Mary learned that she would carry both the mortal and divine. Then she learned of God’s compassion, of Elizabeth’s great joy, and she ran to greet the woman who would recognize her boy. We are called to ponder myst’ry and await the coming Christ, to embody God’s compassion for each fragile human life. God is with us in our longing to bring healing to the earth, while we watch with joy and wonder for the promised Savior’s birth.


ADVENT 4 December 21, 2014




Soon and very soon We are going to see the King(3) Hallelujah, hallelujah, We're going to see the king


Pronto si muy pronto veremos al Señor (3) Aleluya, Aleyuya, veremos al Señor.

"THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY" UNEXPECTED AND MYSTERIOUS Unexpected and mysterious is the gentle Word of grace. Everloving and sustaining is the peace of God’s embrace. If we falter in our courage and we doubt what we have known, God is faithful to console us as a mother tends her own. In a momentary meeting of eternity and time, Mary learned that she would carry both the mortal and divine. Then she learned of God’s compassion, of Elizabeth’s great joy, and she ran to greet the woman who would recognize her boy. We are called to ponder myst’ry and await the coming Christ, to embody God’s compassion for each fragile human life. God is with us in our longing to bring healing to the earth, while we watch with joy and wonder for the promised Savior’s birth.




December 21, 2014



A: In the words of the Apostles’ Creed let us confess our faith: C: I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE

A: Let us pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus and for all people according to their needs. A: Lord in your mercy, C: Hear our prayer.   P: Into your hands, oh Lord, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy, through you Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. C: Amen. THE PEACE

P: The Peace of the Lord be with you always. C: And also with you.

ADVENT 4 December 21, 2014


11 Español


A: En las palabras del Credo Apostólico confesemos juntos nuestra fe: C: Creo en Dios Padre todopoderoso, creador del cielo y do la tierra. Creo en Jesucristo, su único Hijo, nuestro Señor. Fue concebido por obra del Espíritu Santo y nació de la Virgen María. Padeció bajo el poder de Poncio Pilato, fue crucificado, muerto y sepultado. Descendió a los muertos. Al tercer día resucitó subió a los cielos, y está sentado a la diestra del Padre. Volverá para juzgar a los vivos y a los muertos. Creo el Espíritu Santo, la santa iglesia católica, la comunión de los santos, el perdón de los pecados, la resurrección del cuerpo, y la vida eterna. Amén ORACIONES DE LA COMUNIDAD

A: Oremos por todo el pueblo de Dios en Cristo Jesús, y por todo el mundo conforme a sus necesidades. A: Señor en tu bondad, C: Escucha nuestra oración. P: A ti, Oh Señor, encomendamos a todos aquellos por quienes oramos, confiando en tu misericordia, por tu Hijo Jesucristo nuestro Señor. C: Amén. LA PAZ

P: La paz del Señor sea siempre con ustedes. C: Y con tu espíritu.



December 21, 2014


English OFFERING The ushers go to the altar to receive the offering baskets.

A: Let us pray. C: L ord, receive my tithe. Is not alms, because you are not beggar. Is no contribution, because you do not need. Is not the rest I have left what I offer. This amount represents Lord, my appreciation, my love, my gratitude if I have it because you gave me. Amen. (SIT) Pass the offering basket. Sign the Friendship Pad and pass it to the rest in your pew. OFFERTORY SONG (STAND)

Do You Hear What I Hear Creative Worship Singers

Noel Regney & Gloria Shayne arr. Harry Simeone

A: Let us pray. Most merciful God: C: God of abundance, we bring before you the precious fruits of your creation, and with them our very lives. Teach us patience and hope as we care for all those in need until the coming of your Son, our Savior and Lord. Amen. SERMON (SIT)




P: The Lord be with you. C: And also with you. P: Lift up your hearts. C: We lift them to the Lord. P: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. C: It is right to give him thanks and praise. P: It is indeed right and salutary that we should at all times and in all places offer thanks and praise to you, O Lord, holy Father, through Christ our Lord; who on this day overcame death and the grave, and by his glorious resurrection opened to us the way of everlasting life. And so, with the church on earth, and the hosts of heaven, we praise your name and join their unending hymn: C: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of power and might: Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest! P: We give you thanks, Father, through Jesus Christ, your beloved Son… through your Son Jesus Christ; through whom all glory and honor are yours, almighty Father, with the Holy Spirit, in your holy church, both now and forever. C: Amen.

ADVENT 4 December 21, 2014


13 Español


Los ujieres pasan al altar para recibir las canastas de la ofrenda.

A: Oremos. C: Recibe, Señor, mi diezmo. No es limosna, porque no eres mendigo. No es aporte, porque no lo necesitas. No es el resto que me sobra lo que te ofrezco. Este monto representa Señor, mi reconocimiento, mi amor, mi gratitud pues si lo tengo es porque tu me lo diste. Amén. (SENTADOS) Pase la canasta de la ofrenda. Firme el Cuaderno de Información y páselo a los demás en su banca.

Do You Hear What I Hear Creative Worship Singers CANCIÓN DEL OFERTORIO (DE PIE)

Noel Regney & Gloria Shayne arr. Harry Simeone

A: Oremos, Dios de abundancia, C: Te presentamos los frutos preciosos de tu creación, y con ellos nuestras propias vidas. Enséñanos a cuidar a todos aquellos en necesidad, hasta la venida de tu Hijo, nuestro Salvador y Señor. Amén. EL SERMÓN (DE PIE)




P: El Señor sea con ustedes. C: Y con tu espíritu. P: Eleven sus corazones. C: Al Señor los elevamos. P: Demos gracias al Señor nuestro Dios. C: Es propio darle gracias y alabanza. P: En verdad es digno, justo y saludable que en todo tiempo y en todo lugar te demos gracias y alabanza, Oh Señor, Padre Santo, por Cristo nuestro Señor, quien en el primer día de la semana triunfó sobre la muerte y la tumba, y por su gloriosa resurrección nos abrió el camino de la vida eterna. Así pues, con la iglesia en el cielo y en la tierra, con los ángeles y arcángeles, y con la santísima virgen Maria, alabamos tu nombre y nos unimos a su himno eterno: C: Santo, Santo, Santo es el Señor, Dios del Universo. Llenos están el cielo y la tierra de tu gloria. Hosanna en el cielo + Bendito el que viene en nombre del Señor. Hosanna en el cielo. P: Te damos gracias, Padre, por Jesucristo, tu amado Hijo, … por tu Hijo Jesucristo. Por él toda gloria y honra son tuyas, Padre todopoderoso, con el Espíritu Santo, en tu santa iglesia, ahora y siempre. C: Amen.



December 21, 2014



Our Father who art heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever. Amen.


OH, COME TO BETHLEHEM / PASTORES A BELÉN 1. Pastores: a Belén vamos con alegría que ha nacido el hijo de María. Allí, allí nos espera Jesús. Allí, allí nos espera Jesús. Llevemos pues, turrones y miel para ofrecer al niño Enmanuel. Llevemos pues, turrones y miel para ofrecer al niño Enmanuel. Vamos, vamos, vamos a ver, vamos a ver al recién nacido, vamos a ver al niño Enmanuel 2. Oh, come to Bethlehem; you shepherd, hurry, hurry to see the newborn child, the Christ, the Son of Mary. Look here, look here! The child of hope is born. Look here, look here! The child of hope is born. Now bring a gift so sweet to the child; in one so small our God has smiled. Now bring a gift so sweet to the child; in one so small our God has smiled. Quickly, quickly, come now and see, come now and see the child in the manger. Come now and see Emmanuel.


Duet by Alex and Katie

ADVENT 4 December 21, 2014


15 Español


Padre Nuestro que estás en el cielo, santificado sea tu nombre. Venga a nos tu reino. Hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día. Perdona nuestras ofensas como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden. No nos dejes caer en tentación mas líbranos del mal. Porque tuyo es el reino, el poder y la gloria, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.



OH, COME TO BETHLEHEM / PASTORES A BELÉN 1. Pastores: a Belén vamos con alegría que ha nacido el hijo de María. Allí, allí nos espera Jesús. Allí, allí nos espera Jesús. Llevemos pues, turrones y miel para ofrecer al niño Enmanuel. Llevemos pues, turrones y miel para ofrecer al niño Enmanuel. Vamos, vamos, vamos a ver, vamos a ver al recién nacido, vamos a ver al niño Enmanuel 2. Oh, come to Bethlehem; you shepherd, hurry, hurry to see the newborn child, the Christ, the Son of Mary. Look here, look here! The child of hope is born. Look here, look here! The child of hope is born. Now bring a gift so sweet to the child; in one so small our God has smiled. Now bring a gift so sweet to the child; in one so small our God has smiled. Quickly, quickly, come now and see, come now and see the child in the manger. Come now and see Emmanuel.


Duet by Alex and Katie



December 21, 2014



P: May the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, strengthen you and keep you in his grace. C: Amen.  A: Holy One, we give you thanks that in this bread and cup we have feasted again on your endless love. Let that love overflow more and more in our lives, that we may be messengers to prepare your way, harvesters of justice and righteousness, and bearers of your eternal Word, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. FINAL BLESSING

P: May God direct your ways in peace, make you abound in love for one another and for all, and strengthen your hearts until the coming of our Lord Jesus. Almighty God, Father, + Son, and Holy Spirit, bless you now and forever. Amen. ANNOUNCEMENTS (SIT) CLOSING SONG (STAND)

GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN / VE, DILO EN LA MONTAÑA 1. While shepherds kept their watching o'er silent flocks by night, behold, throughout the heavens there shone a holy light. Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and ev'rywhere; go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born! 2. Pastores, sus rebaños De noche al cuidar, Con gran sorpresa vieron Gloriosa luz brillar. Ve, grita en la montaña sobre los montes por doquier. Ve, grita en la montaña Que Cristo ya nació. DISMISSAL

P: The Mass has ended, go in peace and serve the Lord. C: Thanks be to God

ADVENT 4 December 21, 2014


17 Español


P: Que el cuerpo y la sangre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo nos fortalezca y conserve en su gracia. C: Amén. A: Oremos: Santísimo Padre, te damos gracias porque en este pan y esta copa nos has alimentado de nuestro en tu inagotable amor. Permite que el amor abunde mas y mas en nuestras vidas, que podamos ser mensajeros para preparar tu camino, promotores de la justicia y la rectitud, y portadores de tu Palabra eterna, por Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amén. BENDICIÓN FINAL

P: Que Dios dirija tus pasos hacia la paz, que les haga abundar en amor por unos y otros, y fortalezca sus corazones hasta la venida de nuestro Señor Jesús. Que Dios Todopoderoso, Padre (+), Hijo y Espíritu Santo les bendiga ahora y siempre. Amén. ANUNCIOS (SENTADOS)  CÁNTICO DE CLAUSURA (DE PIE)

GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN / VE, DILO EN LA MONTAÑA 1. While shepherds kept their watching o'er silent flocks by night, behold, throughout the heavens there shone a holy light. Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and ev'rywhere; go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born! 2. Pastores, sus rebaños De noche al cuidar, Con gran sorpresa vieron Gloriosa luz brillar. Ve, grita en la montaña sobre los montes por doquier. Ve, grita en la montaña Que Cristo ya nació. DESPEDIDA

P: La Misa ha terminado, vayan en Paz, sirvan al Señor y a los demás. C: ¡Demos Gracias a Dios!

18 English


December 21, 2014


ADVENT 4 December 21, 2014


19 Español

For more events, online registrations, member directory, news & more, visit:




November YTD Financials

2014 Nov

Income $2,153,000 Expenses $2,271,000 Excess/(Deficit) ($118,000) Annual budget $2,370,000

2013 Nov $2,048,000 $2,350,000 ($302,000) $2,538,500

Note: Modified mission gift plan now given for 3/4 of the year. November 2014 YTD income includes $104,000 of deficit support, without which the projection for ending the year net zero would not be possible. Thank You for your continued support! Last year 2013 end deficit = $119,000 shortfall.

Parking Ramp Reminder There are parking ramp pass cards to get at the Reception desk, if you've not already received one for your car. Not a limit of one per family; please make this process convenient for you - and pick up one per vehicle and simply leave it in the vehicle from week to week! Just remember, these ramp pass cards are only activated to cover your parking on Sunday mornings, 7am - 1pm. They will not work at other times you're downtown or at Bethel. A Service of Comfort, Loss and Hope The holidays can be a time of grieving and sorrow for many. This is also when the days are shortest and the nights get very long. Join Pastors Alison and Antonio for a bilingual Blue Christmas service at noon and 6:00pm on Monday, December 22. We will worship together to bring some light into our darkness through song, scripture and communion. The First Annual Bethel Collegiate Sunday Tailgate! On January 4th we invite you to wear your school colors (whatever your alma mater may be, or the alma mater of a family member/friend) and join your Bethel friends for an Emmaus Room tailgate potluck after each service. Bring your favorite tailgate treat or dish and we will provide some “tailgate-style” beverages. Tables will be set up in the Emmaus room to provide an opportunity for you to connect with other alumni and current students. So bring your school spirit and reminisce with old friends or connect with new ones! Bethel Searching for Pilgrimage Companions Pilgrimage is the new entry program into Bethel – it is how someone becomes a “member.” The most vital role in the program is that of the Companion. Companions journey with “Pilgrims” by answering questions, attending classes on Sunday mornings and standing as witness

during ceremonial rites in worship. As a Companion you simply need to be present for them and serve as a gateway into the Christian community at Bethel. Please call Pastor Joe with any questions or for more information, [email protected]. Bethel Christian Men’s Fellowship January 6: Stay SAFE Making sure your home is safe is important for you and for those you care about. Janet Bollig from Home Health United will be presenting information on Home Health United SAFE ProgramSafety Assessments for the Elderly, preventing falls and helping you stay safely in your home for as long as possible. Visiting at 10:30am, program at 11am and lunch at noon. $6. Christmas Meals at Luke House Luke House will be serving special meals on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day as well as New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. To make these meals and the Christmas season at Luke House a success, they are asking for: • Your prayers • Cookies and other bakery • Warm clothing, including new hats, gloves, scarves, socks, sweatshirts, etc. We need not only your help in providing food, but also prepping for the meals and serving the meals. Please consider lending your support to our mission and to the people who depend on Luke House. It’s people like you who keep the Community Meal Program running. For information about the holiday festivities and other end-of-the-year contributions, visit or call 608-256-6325. Hope House Fundraiser Klein’s Floral and Greenhouses has generously offered to donate 10% of your greenhouse purchase to Hope House when you mention the program. Hope Circle Meets the following Sunday in Genesis Cafe at 10:05am: December 21. Puerto Rico Mission/Friendship Trip We still have a few openings so the deadline has been extended to Dec. 28! The trip is February 3-10, 2015. Cost: $625. Register at: www.bethel-madison. org/puertorico. Questions? Contact Lindsey Scheid (608) 574.3993 or [email protected] Parking Space Available For Rent We have parking available for rent in our Bethel lot Monday thru Friday from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm for $115.00 a month. Please call 257-3577 and ask for Lois or Dona if you are interested. Yahara House Crowdfunding Initiative Yahara House is a Clubhouse program that offers adults living with mental illness in Dane County a path to recovery through relationships and work. Their goal is to raise $45,000 between Dec. 1– Jan. 15. Learn more at: For more information, contact Nicole Harp, a member of Bethel, at nicole.harp@ or (608) 280-4700.


"Pieces of Snowflakes Light of the World"

DECEMBER 21 FROM 3:00-3:50 pm All are invited to enjoy the Musical Prelude in the Emmaus Room, with Sophia Keil on flute, Meghan Hebgen on oboe and Karen Kucharz Robbe playing the piano. DECEMBER 21 AT 4:00 pm Christmas Pageant in the Sanctuary DECEMBER 21 AT 5:00 pm Christmas Cookie Reception in the Emmaus Room



Worship Schedule

Blue Christmas Noon and 6pm DECEMBER 24

Christmas Eve 3 & 4:30pm

family-focused for those with young children, 6pm en Español, 7:30, 9 & 11pm traditional worship & carols DECEMBER 25

Christmas Day 10am


Dec 21 Sunday 7:45a Worship Service (Sanctuary) 8:00a Childcare available until 2:00p (Nursery) 8:30a Genesis Cafe (Borgwardt Hall) 8:45a Library Open 9:00a Worship Service (Sanctuary) 10:05a Joyful Noise Rehearsal (Rm 202) Spirited Sound Rehearsal (Rm 216) Youthful Praise Rehearsal (Rm 219) Sunday School 10:15a Latino Culture 101 (GS Chapel) 11:15a Worship Service (Sanctuary) Latino Adult Bible Study (Rm 216) Bilingual Sunday School (Rm 212) 12:30p Santa Misa (Sanctuary) 3:00p Christmas Pageant Prelude (Emmaus) 4:00p Christmas Pageant (Sanctuary) 5:00p Christmas Pageant Reception (Emmaus) Dec 22 Monday 9:00a Homeless Support Services (Pentecost) 12:00p Blue Christmas Worship (Sanctuary) 6:00p Blue Christmas Worship (Sanctuary) Dec 23 Tuesday 8:00a Homeless Book Club Movie (Fireside) 9:00a Homeless Support Services (Pentecost) 12:00p Christmas Meal for Homeless (Borgwardt) 1:00p Homeless Ministry Board (Library MR) Beth Keyes Circle (Library) 5:30p Grupo Latino Practica de Musica (Sanctuary) Resettlement Committee (Rm 201) 6:15p Rebuilding At Bethel (Library) 6:30p Latino Senior High Youth (Fireside) Creative Worship Singers (Choir Rm) Dec 24 Wednesday 3:00p Christmas Eve Worship (Sanctuary) 4:30p Christmas Eve Worship (Sanctuary) 6:00p Latino Christmas Eve Worship (Sanctuary) 7:30p Christmas Eve Worship (Sanctuary) 9:00p Christmas Eve Worship (Sanctuary) 11:00p Christmas Eve Worship (Sanctuary) Dec 25 Thursday 10:00a Christmas Day Worship (Sanctuary) Dec 26 Friday 9:00a Homeless Support Services (Pentecost) Dec 27 Saturday 8:00a Bible Study (Library)

8:30a Homeless Breakfast (Borgwardt) 5:00p Worship Service (Pentecost) 6:00p Bhutanese Worship in Nepali (Pentecost) Dec 28 Sunday 7:45a Worship Service (Sanctuary) 8:00a Childcare available until 2:00p (Nursery) 9:00a Worship (Sanctuary) 10:00a OYTL Mens Retreat Follow Up (Rm 201) 10:05a Youthful Praise Rehearsal (Rm 219) 11:15a Worship (Sanctuary) Latino Adult Bible Study (Rm 216) 12:30p Santa Misa (Sanctuary) Dec 29 Monday 9:00a Homeless Support Services (Pentecost) Dec 30 Tuesday 9:00a Homeless Support Services (Pentecost) 1:00p Homeless Ministry Board (Library MR) 5:30p Grupo Latino Practica de Musica (Sanctuary) 6:15p Rebuilding At Bethel (Library) 6:30p Latino Senior High Youth (Fireside) Creative Worship Singers (Choir Rm) Dec 31 Wednesday News Years Eve - Office Closed Jan 1 Thursday New Years Day - Office Closed Jan 2 Friday 7:00a Men's Book Study (Borgwardt) 9:00a Homeless Support Services (Pentecost) Jan 3 Saturday 8:00a Bible Study (Library) 5:00p Worship Service (Pentecost) 6:00p Bhutanese Worship in Nepali (Pentecost)




We Hold In Prayer This Week... For those in our prayers Glynis Crawford Those who have recently died and their families George Austin, Bernie Schroeder, Adriana Elizalde, William Gracia Our partners in mission Bethel Dorado in Puerto Rico Ministries of Bethel including Latino Ministry

Thanksgiving, Celebration & Remembrances... Today's telecast is given in celebration of the 60th wedding anniversary of Bob & Mary Jane Nicholson For more events & news visit:

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