April 24, 2016 Fifth Sunday of Easter I give you a new commandment, says the Lord: Love one another as I have loved you

April 24, 2016 Fifth Sunday of Easter I give you a new commandment, says the Lord: Love one another as I have loved you. 6FULSWXUH 3UD\HU Read scri

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Story Transcript

April 24, 2016 Fifth Sunday of Easter I give you a new commandment, says the Lord: Love one another as I have loved you. 6FULSWXUH 3UD\HU Read scripture every day and listen closely to how God speaks to your heart. For daily scripture readings and inspiring reflections visit www.mycatholic.life.

For Next Sunday... Reading 1 Acts 15:1-2, 22-29 Responsorial Psalm Psalm 67:2-3,5,6,8 Reading 2 Revelation 21:10-14,22-23 Gospel John 14:23-29

In Today’s Gospel…. ‘I give you a new commandment: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.’

6RPH,PSRUWDQW(YHQWV The following are some events for the remainder of April and through summer that you may want to take note of: April 20—Vacation Bible School and Religious Education registration forms are available April 23 & 30—First Communion Masses April 30 & May 1—Diocesan Stewardship Appeal begins and May Crowning at weekend Masses May 3—Santa Cruz celebration both early morning (4:00-6:30 am) and evening (4–8 pm), School Mass has May crowning May 4—Closing masses for Religious Education with May crowning May 5—Hispanic Concert May 7—Matt Maher Concert at Huntley (Youth Group) May 7 & 8—Mother’s Day Carnation Sale for Pro-Life May 9—English Confirmation Mass with Bishop David Malloy May 14 & 15—Pentecost May 17—School Band Concert May 23—School Choral Concert May 25—School Ribbon Ceremony May 28—Hispanic Confirmation Mass with Bishop David Malloy and School 8th Grade Award Night May 30—9 am Cemetery Mass (weather permitting) May 31—School Graduation (St. Mary) June 2—Marian Baccalaureate Mass June 3—Marian Graduation June 6-17—Choir Camp (offered by Joanna Gross) June 13-17—Vacation Bible School July 15-17—Youth Ministry attend Steubenville North Youth Conference July 17-22—Totus Tuus Summer Camp July 31-August 5—Youth Ministry Mission Trip August 27—Centennial Celebration Mass with Bishop David Malloy and parish picnic

To You From the Pastor

Para Ti Del Párroco

Last week we discussed the manner of deaths the Apostles died in answer to the question: “What happened to the twelve Apostles after Jesus died on the cross?” The following is the continuation of our discussion:

Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, La semana pasada discutimos la forma en que los Apóstoles murieron, en respuesta a la pregunta: “¿Qué sucedió con los doce Apóstoles después de que Jesús murió en la cruz?” La siguiente es la continuación de nuestra discusión:

Bartholomew was skinned alive and beheaded at Derbent, Azerbaijan (near Russia) on the Caspian Sea. A local king angered by the Apostle’s preaching which converted the majority of the people of Derbent to Christianity ordered the execution of Bartholomew. Some of Bartholomew’s skin and bones are still kept in The Basilica of St. Bartholomew in Rome; a part of his skull is in Frankfurt, Germany; and an arm is venerated at the Canterbury Cathedral in England.

Bartolomé fue desollado vivo y decapitado en Derbent, Azerbaiyán (cerca de Rusia), en el Mar Caspio. Un rey local, enojado por la predicación del Apóstol que convirtió a la mayoría de la gente de Derbent al cristianismo, ordenó la ejecución de Bartolomé. Partes de la piel y huesos de Bartolomé todavía se mantienen en la basílica de San Bartolomé, en Roma, una parte de su cráneo se encuentra en Frankfurt, Alemania, y un brazo se venera en la catedral de Canterbury, en Inglaterra.

Matthew was believed to have died a martyr in Ethiopia by the sword. He became missionary to the Persians, Parthians, Medes and Ethiopians where he died. He must have lived many years as an apostle since he was the author of the Gospel of Matthew, which was written at least twenty years after the death of Christ.

Mateo se cree que murió mártir en Etiopía por la espada. Se convirtió en misionero a los persas, partos, medos y etíopes, donde murió. Debe de haber vivido muchos años como apóstol ya que fue el autor del Evangelio de Mateo, que fue escrito por lo menos veinte años después de la muerte de Cristo.

Thomas was killed either in Persia or India. His martyrdom is said to have been by a lance. According to earlier tradition, as believed in the fourth century, he preached in Parthia or Persia and was finally buried at Edessa.

Thomas: Las tradiciones anteriores, como se creía en el siglo IV, dicen que predicó en Partia o Persia y finalmente fue enterrado en Edesa. Las tradiciones posteriores lo llevan más hacia el este. Su martirio ya sea en Persia o India, se dice que fue por una lanza.

James , son of Alpheus, according to tradition, was thrown down from the temple in Jerusalem by the scribes and Pharisees for refusing to deny his faith in Christ. When he survived the fall, James was then stoned and his brains bashed out with a club.

Santiago: Según la tradición, Santiago el de Alfeo fue arrojado del templo de Jerusalén por los escribas y fariseos por negarse a renegar de su fe en Cristo. Cuando sobrevivió a la caída, Santiago fue apedreado y luego su cerebro fue aplastado con un palo.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Simon was believed to have preached in the Middle East, North Africa, Egypt, Mauritania and even Britain. His martyrdom is being debated by scholars and historians who claim Simon might have been crucified by the Romans in Lincolnshire, Britain; crucified in Samaria (Israel) after a failed revolt; or sawed-to-death in Suanir, Persia with Jude Thaddeus. Jude (Thaddeus) taught in Armenia, Syria and Persia where he was martyred. Tradition tells us he was buried in Kara Kalisa in what is now Iran. The apostles, after experiencing the Risen Lord, were emboldened to preach the Gospel at the cost of their lives. May they continue to inspire us to live out our faith with the same boldness and courage in the present age. Sincerely Yours In Christ, Fr. Burt Absalon, Pastor |6W0DU\3DULVKĊ:RRGVWRFN,OOLQRLV

Simon se cree que predicó en el Oriente Medio, África del Norte, Egipto, Mauritania e incluso Gran Bretaña. Su martirio es objeto de debate por los estudiosos e historiadores que afirman que Simon podría haber sido crucificado por los romanos en Lincolnshire, Gran Bretaña, crucificado en Samaria (Israel) después de una revuelta fallida o aserrado-amuerte en Suanir, Persia con Judas Tadeo. Judas (Tadeo) enseñó en Armenia, Siria y Persia donde fue martirizado. La tradición nos dice que fue enterrado en Kara Kalisa, en lo que hoy es Irán Los apóstoles después de experimentar el Señor resucitado fueron a predicar el Evangelio a costa de sus vidas . Que continúen inspirarnos a vivir nuestra fe con la misma actitud y valor en la vida actual. En Cristo, Padre Burt Absalon, Párroco

(OHFWURQLF*LYLQJ For your convenience you can support the ministries of the church by giving online. Visit our website at www.stmary-woodstock.org This slip can be placed in the offertory basket if you give online. Thank you for your generosity. Name :______________________________ Address: ____________________________ Or Envelope #______________ Sunday Date ___________________

Parish Staff Report as of 4/19/2016 Weekend Offering Year to Date















“For it is in giving that we receive.” St. Francis of Assisi

5HDGLQJVIRUWKH:HHN 2I$SULO0D\ Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday:

1 Pt 5:5b-14/Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17/Mk 16:15-20

Acts 14:19-28/Ps 145:10-13, 21/Jn 14:27-31a Acts 15:1-6/Ps 122:1-5/Jn 15:1-8 Acts 15:7-21/Ps 96:1-3, 10/Jn 15:9-11 Acts 15:22-31/Ps 57:8-10, 12/Jn 15:12-17 Acts 16:1-10/Ps 100:1-3, 5/Jn 15:18-21 Acts 15:1-2, 22-29/Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8/ Rv 21:10-14, 22-23/Jn 14:23-29

Pastor Fr. Burt Absalon Parochial Vicar Fr. Jhakson Garcia Mendez Deacon Mr. Hans Rokus Deacon Mr. Louis Barone Deacon Mr. James Devona Deacon Mr. William Johnston Pastoral Associate/ Mrs. JoAnne Sieck Christian Service Business Manager Mrs. Tara Kaufmann Financial Asst. Mrs. JoAnn Lenart Parish Secretary/ Mrs. Jenny Dwyer Coord. Technology/ Liturgy Secretary for Hispanic Mrs. Maricela Dueñas St. Mary School Principal Mrs. Brenda Baldassano St. Mary School Secretary Mrs. Kathy Stanger Superintendent of Marian Mr. Andy Edmondson Central Catholic H.S. R.E. Director Mrs. Diane O’Donnell R.E. Secretary Mrs. Pam Elsinger Music Director/Keyboard Mr. Fred Wackenhut General Maintenance Mrs. Imelda Salgado Facilities Engineer Mr. Jim Andrews


Please pray for the Lord’s healing to comfort the following people: Ben Stephen Arnold Lou Barone Robert Bangiorno Dolores Borst Joseph Borst Joe Burg Kevin Butler Dorothea Caffrey Carol Carlisle Greta Carlisle Kristen Carlstedt Thomas Cooney Kathy Deady Kay Denoiyer Evelyn Donagalski Mia Dooley Alicia Englert Mario Pizzo Ferrato Tom Frade Catherine Gotham Diane Graske Chester Grubba Tom Harding Charlie Hays Agnes Hess Xavier Hope Kathleen Howell Mary Huinker Mary Jean Karhoff Jim Keefe Robert Kieser Matt Kischuk Mary Klocek-Gillis Helen Kostenko JoAnna Krueger Don Lamos Joan Laschen Michael Manczko David Marsalla Alan Marshall Stella Matthews Martin Matzelle Matt Marcheschi Owen Meredith Bill Morris Joanne Mosley Margaret Niemyjski Maria Nygard Kathleen Peiffer Anita Perez Kathleen Phalen Rose Potje Jameson Powers Jean Reeb Sam Ring Kyle Riordan Judy Ray John Schleehauf Klaus Schubert Mimi Schuette Carol Smith George Sotiroff David Stack Patricia Tampa Patricia Tauchen Jim & Della Taylor Kathie Tretnik Jim Ward Matt Weber Lori White Phyllis Wood Joey Worzala And any others we may have missed.

Barbara Bates Kathy Boseo Dominic Campoli Steve Carrion Victoria R. Dewey Lily Farej Mary Franks George Haegler Jean Hess Wilma Johnson Mary Lee Klabunde Mary Lou Kozar Courtney Lee Elaine Marshall R.B. McCallister Mark Murray Michael O’Grady Terry Pirro Lumina Regalado Lynn Ryan JoAnn Seitz Evelyn Stanek Kaitlyn Teeters Pat Weber Chester Zyskowski

Dody Beringer Charles Brenneman Jonas Bowling Ruth Collins Phil Dittmar Karen Ferguson Julia Garrison Shane Hammertree Ann Holtman Jim Johnston Debbie Kirchhardt Helen Kristensen Mahnaz Mahiudin Mary Ann Mass Karen Mencotti Odette Musiel Harlene Parks Peter Potje Gaelen Ring Gay Schaaf Alan Sendzik Patrick Sullivan Dennis Tonge Mary Lou Wett



Monday, 7:30 am Tuesday, 7:30 am 8:40 am Wednesday, 7:30 am Thursday, 7:30 am 6:00 pm

Friday, 7:30 am Saturday, 7:30 am 5:00 pm 6:30 pm Sunday, 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm

†Mother Angelica (Joyce & Norm Streveler) †Dorothy Wedoff (Jenny & Tim Dwyer) †Luis Medina (Walsdorf Family) †Shirley Zoia (Family) †Joanne Herff & †Helen Powers †Maria Elena Castaneda, †Rosa Candida Navarrete, & †Dolores Argueta †Frank Herff (Family) †Johnnie Ryan (Tom & Jan LeTourneau) †Marguerite Gena (Family) †Josefina Nunez †Charlene O’Leary & †Phyllis Fondakowski †Mary Hahn & †Jose Calderone People of the Parish †Emergenciana Castaneda, & †Eloy Castaneda Spec. Int. Hinner & Saladin Families

$SULO0D\ Servers Monday, Tuesday 7:30 AM C. Aftanski, N. Aftanski Wednesday, Thursday 7:30 AM B. Zecchin (Wed.), D. Degutis (Thurs.), A. Ryan Friday, 7:30 AM E. Young, W. Young Saturday, 7:30 AM D. Degutis 11:30 AM ? 5:00 PM L. Keisling, M. Keisling, N. Keisling, N. Follett Sunday, 7:30 AM L. Stilling, B. Reuter, A. Sieck, T. Sieck 9:00 AM D. Ramirez, A. Robertson, B. Stoll, P. Villeneuve 10:30 AM J. Klaus, J. Klimczak, N. Merryman, P. Merryman 5:00 PM C. Cherniak, I. Molina Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Saturday, 5:00 PM P. Miljak, Deacon, M. Bjork, J. Parker, M. Abando, N. Abando, M. LaBelle Sunday, 7:30 AM M. Papke, V. Peschke, K. Stoklosa 9:00 AM J. Huinker, Deacon, C. Russell, D. Schug, K. Nothnagel, P. Pecoraro, R. Kenyon, J. Russell 10:30 AM B. Kovarik, S. Zervic, D. Kovarik 5:00 PM B. Wagner, C. Jandernoa, T. Morphew Lector Saturday, 5:00 PM J. Diamond, J. Diamond Sunday, 7:30 AM K. Sieck, J. Sieck 9:00 AM G. Kenyon, S. Murray 10:30 AM J. Jablonski, B. Birchfield 5:00 PM S. Gena Ministers of Hospitality Saturday, 5:00 pm D. Shinherr, L. Johnsos, L. Howell, D. Howell Sunday, 7:30 am G. Las, P. Porter, K. Jung, R. Buchanan 9:00 am J. McCarthy, R. Bock, S. Canty 10:30 am B. Kovarik, R. Krause, B. Morris, C. Gilliland 5:00 pm Volunteers

7+(:((.$+($'« Monday, 4/25 8:40 AM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM

5th Grade - CH Hispanic Rosary Ministry - SJ201 English As A Second Language - TL Legion of Mary - CM1 Emmaus Mujeres - SJB

Tuesday, 4/26 8:40 AM 10:30 AM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM

School Mass Prayer Warriors - CM1 Girl Scouts - SJB Outside Parish - CH Outside Parish - CH Adult Choir - SJ201 JPC Committee - SJC Danza for Santa Cruz - A 1st Communion Practice - CH

Wednesday, 4/27 7:50 AM 8:00 AM 8:40 AM 8:45 AM 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 4:15 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM

Mass Choir Practice - SJB Coffee Bar - SJC School Mass Practice - CH 2nd Grade - CH Bible Basic - SJC Religous Ed - All Hispanic Catechist - CH Religious Education - Jr High, SJ201, SJC, SJB, E Confirmation Penance & Interviews - CH

Thursday, 4/28 8:30 AM 8:45 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM

Bible Study - CM1 2nd Grade - CH Hispanic Confirmation - JRHIGH, SJB, SJC Hispanic Catechist - CH 1st Communion Practice - CH

Friday, 4/29 8:45 AM 1:00 PM 1:30 PM 3:15 PM 5:45 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM

2nd Grade - CH Bible Basic - SJC Forensics Judging - SJB Irish Dance - A Girl Scout Troop 292 - E Hispanic St. Cecelia Choir - SJ201 Jonac (Young Adult) - TL

Saturday, 4/30 5:45 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 2:00 PM 3:30 PM 6:30 PM

That Man Is You - SJB Light Weigh - TL 1st Communion (English) - CH 1st Communion (Spanish) - CH Jovenes Para Cristo - SJB Choice Wine - A

Sunday, 5/1 1:00 PM 1:30 PM

Hispanic Group - A Private Baptism - CH

Facilities Key: A-Auditorium, CM1 - Conway Center 1st Floor Conference Room, CCB-MR - Conway Center Basement Meeting Room, CH - Church, CHOSA - Hispanic Ministry Center, CREL-All Elementary Classrooms, E-Egan Hall, EART-Elementary Art Room, ESF-Elementary School Foyer, G-Gym, JRHIGH-Jr. High School, KCROOM-Knights of Columbus Room, KIT-School Kitchen, PKINGChurch Parking Lot, PLAY-School Playground, SJCH-St Joseph Center Adoration Chapel, SJB-St. Joseph Center Basement, SJC-St. Joseph Center, SJ201 - St. Joseph Classroom 201, SJN-St. Joseph Center Nursery, TL-Teachers’ Lounge.



6W0DU\6FKRRO$7UDGLWLRQDO$SSURDFKWR([FHOOHQFHLQ&DWKROLF(GXFDWLRQ St. Mary School is a Catholic grade school serving children in preschool to eighth grade. This school stresses the Catholic faith, an excellent academic foundation, and a well-rounded variety of extra-curricular activities including sports, music, theater, and student council activities. View more details on the St. Mary School website. If you are interested in a personalized tour of the school or answers to questions, contact the school at 815-338-3598. |6W0DU\3DULVKĊ:RRGVWRFN,OOLQRLV



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