Story Transcript
PROFESSOR: LYSSETTE BONGIORNO Industrial Engineer Spanish Education UNIVERSIDAD PONTIFICIA BOLIVARIANA EN COLOMBIA COURSE DESCRIPTION: Spanish is a mayor international language of banking, commerce, cultural production, diplomacy, and science also the business world has gone from just doing business in a couple countries to doing business around the world making Spanish knowledge a priority to compete in the professional life. The goal of this class is to have an optimal learning experience introducing the student to this global world, (as well as a good grade!!). Spanish 1001 should prove to be exciting, rewarding and challenging. Listening, speaking, reading and writing are emphasized, and the focus is on the students’ ability to communicate in Spanish. Classroom discussion of the readings will allow students to practice the grammar and vocabulary in a meaningful but guided setting as well as provide a deeper understanding of the diverse cultures represented by the Spanish language. Speaking a foreign language like Spanish is an acquired skill requiring a great deal of consistent practice in order for the learner to become proficient. COURSE OBJECTIVES: - Complete study of grammatical structures of Spanish. - Comparative study of Spanish - English spelling and pronunciation. - Use of spoken language in conversation. - Reading in Hispanic civilization and of contemporary short stories. Writing exercises involving more complex grammatical and syntactical patterns. - Emphasis on speaking and aural comprehension.
- Writing assignments. Techniques of vocabulary building: cognate recognition and morphology. - Reading, translation, and discussion of short literary and cultural texts written primarily in the present tense. TEXT: Hola Amigos! (6th Edition), Jarvis Lebredo MATERIALS: Provide by instructor - Hola Amigos!, (6th Edition), Jarvis Lebredo worksheets/ Laboratory Manual/Video Manual and Audio Program. - Spanish Grammar (3rd Edition), Conrad J. Schmitt, Mc Graw Hill Worksheets/ Laboratory Manual.
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: Test 20 pts Vocabulary and reading (10) Quizzes (10) Project 15 pts 1 composition (draft version) (10) Composition (final version) ( 5) First Exam 15 pts Oral discussion 15 pts Final Exam 20 pts Attendance, Participation 15 pts _________________ 100 pts
Students are expected to attend and participate in all class meetings, required to take all scheduled exams and work on their projects in order to pass this course. After the first week of class, we will speak only in Spanish because it’s the best way to force yourself to communicate, if you don’t understand something please allow yourself to ask for help. Final exam SPA 1001 01 on DEC 11 at 6:00 pm
Grading scale 94-100 A , 90-93 A87-89 B+, 83-86 B , 80-82 B77-79 C+, 73-76 C, 70-72 C69-65 D , 64-0 F
HORARIO DE CLASES: SEMANA No. 1 Agosto 28 y 31 - Introduccion al curso y presentacion de los estudiantes - Repaso de saludos, alfabeto, numeros, dias de la semana La vida universitaria SEMANA No 2 Septiembre 7 - Leccion 1, (gender of nouns, plural forms, subject pronouns) - Numeros 11-100 SEMANA No 3 Septiembre 11 y 14 - Leccion 2, Que clases tomamos? (Present interrogative of ar verbs, negative sentences, Possessive adjectives) - Las consonantes b,v SEMANA No 4 Septiembre 18 y 21 - Leccion 3, El dia de la matricula (Present indicative of -er and -ir verbs, Possession with de, expressions with tener) - Meses y estaciones, Numeros por encima de 200 - La consonante c SEMANA No 5 Septiembre 25 y 28 La familia y los amigos - Leccion 4, Actividades para un fin de semana (Demostrative adjectives and pronouns, Ir a + Infinitive) - Las consonantes g, j, h - Leccion 5, Una fiesta de bienvenida (Present progressive, Uses of ser and estar, Comparative and superlative Diligencias y compras - Las consonantes ll, n - Leccion 6, En el banco y la officinal de correos (stem- changing verbs, Direct object pronouns, hace…Que) - Las consonantes l, r, rr - Leccion 7, De compras (Preterit of regular verbs, indirect objects pronouns, The verb gustar)
SEMANA No 6 Octubre 2 y 5 Las comidas - Leccion 8, En el super Mercado (Preterit of some irregular verbs,the imperfect tense, Formation of adverbs) - Leccion 9, En el restaurante (some uses of por and para, weather expressions, Hace…meaning
ago, Possessive pronouns) - Lecturas Peru, Colombia, Fabula de Esopo
SEMANA No 7 Octubre 9 y 12 Preparacion y ejecucion de la primera evaluacion
SEMANA No 8 Octubre 16 y 19 Proyecto " Acerca de….(Pais de habla espanola)" -1st composition (Draft version) - Corrections - Final composition - Summary
SEMANA No 9 Octubre 23 y 26 La salud - Leccion 10, En un hospital (Past participles, present and past perfect tense, Formal commands: Ud. and Uds.)
SEMANA No 10 Octubre 30 y Noviembre 2 - Leccion 11, En la farmacia y el consultorio del medico (uses of the subjuctive) SEMANA No 11 Noviembre 6 y 9 - Laboratorio conversacional
SEMANA No 12 Noviembre 13 y 16 Las vacaciones - Leccion 12, De viaje a Buenos Aires (Familiar commands, some uses of prepositions) - Leccion 13, Donde nos hospedamos? (Subjunctive with certain conjunctions, first-person plural comand)
SEMANA No 13 Noviembre 20 En el hogar - Leccion 14, Un dia muy ocupado (Future tense, conditional tense, Verbs and prepositions) - Lectura: Madrid SEMANA No 14 Noviembre 27 y 30 - Leccion 15, Buscando apartamento (Forms and uses of the imperfect subjunctive, if-clauses)
SEMANA No 15 Diciembre 4 y 7 Preparacion para el examen final - Repaso general Examen final SEMANA No 16 Diciembre 11 Examen final