Class Meeting Times: Monday, Thursday, and Friday Period 4 (10:40-11:25); Tuesday Block A from 8:00-9:20

10th & 11th Intermediate Spanish Awaken intelligence, awareness, questioning, exposure, curiosity, group process, empathy, tolerance, analyze, & commu

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10th & 11th Intermediate Spanish Awaken intelligence, awareness, questioning, exposure, curiosity, group process, empathy, tolerance, analyze, & communication

Teacher: Elizabeth Del Negro School tel: (805) 646-8236 ext. 224 Office Hours: Anytime by appointment in room 24.

Course Description: This project based course covers themes relating to North and Central America. Using “The Arts of Living and Learning” reading & listening comprehension, writing & speaking skills, new grammar, and vocabulary are acquired primarily through an in-depth inquiry into the history of contemporary and pre-Columbian cultures of Latin America, exposure to literature, art, & music, dialogues, oral presentations, and written reports. Class Meeting Times: Monday, Thursday, and Friday Period 4 (10:40-11:25); Tuesday Block A from 8:00-9:20. Classroom: Room 24 Homework: Students should expect to spend on average 3- 3 ½ hours a week on homework for this class. The homework, like all class material, is designed to be as meaningful as possible to the student. It is therefore expected that the student will arrive in class each day having done the work. When a student cannot come to class because of illness, s/he should email the homework to me by the next day, unless other arrangements have been made. Homework assignments can be found on the homework calendar online at . To log on type Del Negro for teacher’s name and Spanish for subject. Then click on your class. If for some reason homework is missed, s/he can take on extra credit work to make up the difference. I do not, under any circumstances, accept late assignments, although I will note that they are done—this may help a grade if it is in between two grades at the end of the semester. Textbooks: TBA Guidelines on Class Behavior: Students are expected to behave in such a way that is conducive to the creation of a learning atmosphere. During the first week of the school year students and the teacher will come to a shared understanding of what constitutes such behavior.

Attendance: Students are required to follow school policy on attendance: if students miss 10 or more classes (not only days) during a semester, whether excused or not, their course grade will automatically be a C (or lower if their grade is below that). Coming more than 30 minutes late to class counts as an absence. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of every class. Should you miss a class, you are responsible for catching up. You should assume that you have missed something important and find out what it is. Tardiness: Students are required to be on time to class. Tardiness is disrespectful to the teacher and to other members of the class. Please come to class a few minutes before it starts. Wearing or consulting a watch is very helpful in this regard. Tardiness will be noted at the start of every class. According to school policy, if a student is late 10 or more times per semester, their grade will be dropped a full grade (e.g. C to a D). Student Needs: Students need to bring to every class: 1. Working pencils, pens and hi-liter, binder paper 2. A binder in which to store notes, handouts and their graded materials 3. Textbook(s) or other reading materials 4. A Flash Drive 5. Appropriate materials per assignment for creative projects 6. Flash cards (these can be index cards or homemade flash cards)

In addition, students need access to a computer at home with a word processing program capable of formatting papers as indicated. They will also need a printer that uses standard 81/2 x 11 printing paper. Grades: 1. Students should retain all graded assignments in order to keep track of their grade for the entire year. 2. If a student earns a grade of D or lower I will contact the student's parents. Grade percentage for the Fall & Spring Semester: Weekly homework assignments and quizzes– 30% Essays and Unit Tests – 30% Class participation – 10% Projects–20% Final exam or Final project– 10% A = 90% B = 80%

C = 70% D = 60% F = 50%

Class Participation Class participation is evaluated on the following criteria: 1. Students take notes as appropriate 2. Students are alert and prepared to participate in class 3. Students volunteer to participate in class discussion and activities 4. Students co-create an atmosphere conducive to learning

Class Presentations and Project Papers Oral presentation and essay rubrics will be handed out to students and discussed so that they understand what is expected of them. Students will need visual aides to enhance their presentation, PowerPoint is recommended, but any creative effort above and beyond is applauded. All projects and essays must include bibliographies and a minimum of 3 sources cited. Extra Credit Students will have opportunities throughout the year write additional papers for extra credit. The topic of these papers will supplement readings and activities discussed in class, but may also be generated by student’s interest of additional topics of Spanish and Latin American culture. Opportunities to experience cultural events in our area will be announced during the course of each semester. These will be posted in the classroom on the current events board. Midterm and Final Exams Exams will be designed to assess comprehension of reading, writing, speaking, listening, and include all material discussed during the semester.

Course Description Temas de Mexico, del América Central, y el Caribe (Incluye temas de la cultura y la lengua francés de Haiti) Síntesis de la gramática y el vocabulario a través de un enfoque en profundidad sobre la historia y la cultura de los hispanos y los Pre-Columbianianos, conversaciones, diálogos, exposiciones orales, lecturas, informes escritos; sustantivo / adjetivo, pronombres y artículos indefinidos y definidos; " Ser "y" estar "; “Por” y”Para”, el pretérito, los verbos irregulares en el presente y el pretérito, los verbos reflexivos; el imperativo; los pronombres directo e indirecto, el imperfecto, el subjuntivo; y nuevas palabras de vocabulario descubierto a través de la literatura, el arte y la música. El primer semestre (septiembre-diciembre) El mapa del continente (septiembre- octubre) Actividad: Hacer un gran mapa del América central Proyecto: Viaje Virtual de los paises del América central (8 de sept - due 2 de oct) • Escribir un informe: El capital, otras ciudades, el presidente, el partido político, la independencia, los principales cultivos, los lugares de interés turístico, la geografía, los animales principales, la religión, las ferias, los deportes etc… • La presentación del proyecto- un power point, un cartel, un juego, un guía turístico, un video, un anuncio Video- Guantanamera La colonización del continente Los indígenas (septiembre- diciembre) Actividad: Hacer una línea de historia • Los maya- 10th o Vocabulario o La arqueologia y los mitos ƒ Actividad: Construir un templo o Proyecto de maya (octubre- diciembre) o Video- Apocalypto: Behind the Scenes, The Sixth Sun: Mayan Uprising in Chiapas (1995), Maya (2001, The Lost King of the Maya (2001) o El calendario maya o Las matemáticas o Stelea o La historia del cacao ƒ Actividad: Cocinar- xocolatl, mole ƒ Visita a los ninos: Bate Bate Chocolate • Los indígenas, Exploradores y Misioneros 11th - Los Arawak/Tainos, Colon, Juan Ponce de Leon, Francisco Vasques de Coronado, Bartolomeo de las Casas, Junipero Serra • La azteca- 11th o La arqueología y los mitos (queztalcoatl)

o Proyecto de azteca (octubre- diciembre) o Video de Apocalypto- Behind the scenes o Historia del maize ƒ Actividad: Cocinar Tortillas, Champurrado o Las ruinas- ¿de quien son? o El calendario- The Xiuhpohualli, The Tonalpohualli o Nahuatl- lengua de aztecas o Patolli- game o La malinche- lee el cuento o Actividad: la danza de la azteca (Nordhoff Azteca Dancers) Los conquistadores y la cristianidad (octubre-diciembre) • Columbus o Video- 1492 (el 8-9 de octubre) • Cortez o La Otra Conquista o Actividad: Un encuentro con un indigena/ un conquistador • La Virgen de Guadalupe (12 de diciembre) o Actividad: Convencer a una indigena a creer en la cristianidad • La influencia de los españoles en la arquitectura, las plazas, iglesias Las días de fiesta, las celebraciones, tradiciones, y la religion de la América Central y de México (octubre-enero) El Día de los muertos (26 de octubre- 2 de noviembre) ƒ Jose Guadalupe Posada o Actividad: Mirar unos dibujos y hacer dibujos en el estilo ƒ Hacer una ofrenda o Actividad: escribir un obituario o Actividad: hablar de un disfunto o Calaveras de azucar o Comer pan de muerto o Cancion- Lila Downs, cempasúchitl Fiesta de la Virgen de Guadalupe (12 de diciembre) Las revoluciones de cada país y su independencia de España La quinceañera ƒ Actividad: Planear una quinceañera. Hacer las invitaciones. La navidád (14- 18 de diciembre) ƒ Actividades: Cantar canciones de la navidad (jingle bells, dradle) ƒ Cuento de la poinsettia (la flor de nochebuena) ƒ Actividad: Participar en una posada ƒ Actividad: Cocinar/Comer las tamales ƒ Actividad: Hacer las piñatas (enero) Día del los reyes magos y la cuaresma (6 de enero) ¿Que es la cuaresma? discutir • Rosca del rey El carnaval (enero- 16 de febrero)

• • •

Actividad: Máscaras del carnaval Alimentos del carnaval Actividad: Tener una fiesta o Bailar la salsa, la cha cha cha Religiones Modernas • Cultos- Jonestown • Catolicos • Voodoo • 7th day Adventists • Mormons • Jesuits • Methodist • Jehova Witnesses • Hare Krishna • Judaism La música y el baile (febrero-marzo) Músicos y los estilos de danza • Bolero, cha cha chá, danzón, habanera, mambo, rumba, salsa-Cuba • Merengue, peric ripiao, Bachata, Dominican rock- Republica Dominicana • Reggaeton, Cumbia- El Salvador, Panama • Bolero, Jarocha, Norteño, Ranchero, Tejano, Pop, Mariachi • Marimba- Nicaragua • Bomba, Puerto Rico • Rock- Cheyenne, Puerto Rico, Jaguares, Mexico • Pop- Ricky Martin (Menudo), Puerto Rico, Gloria Estefan, Cuba Vocabulario de música y los instrumentos Ejemplos de estilos distintos de música y danza • Proyecto: Etnomusicología- la musica, los instrumentos, y el baile • Baile: Instrucciones a la Salsa, la Cha cha chá • Actividad- hacer instrumentos de chatarra La alimentacion regional y la agricultura (abril-mayo) Los cultivos de los maya y la azteca • Actividad: hacer y probar el xocolatl, mole, tortillas • Excursión: A la granja • Lectura: Las tres hermanas: Frijol, maiz, calabaza America central y el plátano ƒ United Fruit Co/ Chiquita in the Banana belt ƒ Reading: Pablo Neruda’s “United Fruit Co” ƒ Actividad: Cooking- tostones, platanos dulces El Caríbe y el azucar ƒ Los negocios de azucar ƒ Actividad: Cocinar- presentación y probar la caña ƒ Video: The Sugar Curtain

Las granjas de Cuba y sus cigaros ƒ Video: The fabulous Story of the Cuban Cigar Costa Rica y el café • Actividad: Coffee tasting • Canción: Ojala que llueve café Immigration (abril-mayo) Immigrantes de Mexico y América Central ƒ Video: El Norte ƒ Excursión a las granjas de Oxnard y Ojai ƒ Actividad: Cultivar las tres hermanas: Maize, frijol, calabaza ƒ Lectura: Cesar Chavez- derechos humanos de las immigrantes ƒ Actividad: Un visual del movimiento de personas viniendo e yendo del sur de américa Españoles, francés, portugués, africanos, judeos, alemanes, italianos, chinos, japonés, y koreos Los deportes y sus equipos populares (abril-junio) Actividad: Te presento al deportista Beísbol • Republica Dominicana- Sammy Sosa y otros Dominós ƒ Actividad: Jugar dominos por aprender las direcciones en español EcoTourism ƒ Costa Rica Líderes, los politicos, revolucionarios, y relaciones con los E.E.U.U (abril-junio) Actividad: Te presento al politico o al rebelde Republica Dominicana- Dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Cuba- Castro o Lectura: Cuban missile crisis y el embargo o Video: Sin Embargo o Video: Cuba Libre o Video: Che (part 1, part 2) o Los immigrantes de cuba o Actividad: Un invitado- Carmen Albeira Nicaragua- Sandinistas Mexico- Pancho Villa, Emiliano Zapata, Zapatistas Costa Rica- No tiene ejército Panamá- el control del canal Mujeres: Rigoberta Menchú, Frida Kahlo, La malinche, Selena

El arte, la artesania, la literature, el cine, la arquitectura Literatura ƒ Jose Martí- Cuba ƒ Carlos Fuentes- Mexico ƒ Octavio Paz- Mexico ƒ Julia Alvarez- Cuba ƒ Christina Garcia- Republica Dominicana ƒ Rigoberta Menchú (9 de enero)- Guatamala ƒ Juan Rulfo- México ƒ Reinaldo Arenas- Cuba Arte • ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Remedios Varos Jose Clemente Orozco-Mexico David Alfaro Siquieros-Mexico Frida Kahlo-Mexico Diego Rivera-Mexico Rufino Tamayo-Mexico Jose Guadalupe Posada- Mexico

Cine Cuba and the Carribean • Guantanamera• Cuba Libre• Buena Vista Social Club • Cubanissimo (music documentary) • The Fabulous Story of the Cuban Cigar • The Sugar Curtain • Life and Debt (documentary of IMF in Jamaica) • Before Night Falls • Divine Horsemen: The living gods of Haiti • Sin Embargo • Che (Part 1, Part 2) • El Sonador (fiction Baseball) • El Super (Fiction Ny Cuban returns home, heartwarming) Mexico • A day Without a Mexican • American Me

• Mi Familia • El Norte • Like Water for Chocolate • The US Mexican War • Frida • The Art of Mexico Vol 1,Vol 2 • Que Viva Mexico! (montage of Mexico) • Mexico: Dr Merry’s Nomad Travels • Globetrekkers- Ultimate Mexico • Club America (Soccer) • Tradiciones Mexicanas: Dia de los Muertos, La virgen Morena • Salsa (drama) • Streets of Mexico City • Mexican Mafia (NR) • Cine Mexicano • Lucha Libre • Apocalypto • Pancho Villa: el angel y el fierro • El Caballito Volador (Mexican childrens story) • El Padrecito, The Illiterate One (Cantiflas) • El Bola (family fiction) Actores ƒ Jennifer Lopez Puerto Rican parents ƒ Gael Garcia, Mexico

Notable Acheivements and Contributions La danza, la alimentacion, la música e instrumentos populares, los negocios, los escritores, las artistas, la piñata, la hamaca

Authors & Books Cortazar: Blow up + other Stories Marques: Love in the time of Cholera, Chronicle of a Death Foretold, 100 years of solitude Dorfman: Death and the Maiden Villarreal: Pocho Lopez: Real Women have Curves Cisneros Woman Hollering Creek, House on Mango Street, Caramelo Martin: Amor Eterno Venegas: Aventures of Don Chipotle Limon: Erased Faces Martinez Mother Tongue, Crossing Over- A Mexican Family on the Migrant Trail Morale: Rag Doll Plagues Galeano: Book of Embraces, Voices of Time, Memory of Fire Trilogy, Days and Nights of Love and War, Soccer in Sun and Shadow, Mirrors Carlos Fuentes Pablo Neruda Mario Vargas Llosa Jose Luis Borges Octavio Paz T.C. Boyle: Tortilla Curtain, America Steinbeck: Tortilla Flat Juan Rulfo: Pedro Paramo Ana Castillo: So Far From God, Goddess of the Americas Isabel Allende: House of the Spirits< Daughtes of Fortune Rudolfo Anaya: Bless Me Ultima Julia Alvarez: How the Garcia Girls Lost their Accent, In the Time of the Butterflies, Before we were Free Christina Garcia: Dreaming in Cuban Paolo Cuelho: The Alchemist Laura Esquival: Like Water for Chocolate

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