Creepy stories, love stories Info and yet more info Movies, actors and the like Views and more views AND our LCB News contest results!

· Creepy stories, love stories… · Info and yet more info… · Movies, actors and the like… · Views and more views… · AND our LCB News contest results!

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· Creepy stories, love stories… · Info and yet more info… · Movies, actors and the like… · Views and more views… · AND our LCB News contest results!

Dear everyone, Another year is about to come to an end. Congrats to those who have made it and are now free to enjoy your welldeserved holidays!!! And, to those who still have some exam or other to sit... don’t worry!! Holidays are just around the corner!!! We would like once more to thank all those involved for their cooperation. It’s been a thrilling year for our revamped LCB News!!! With tons of material of all kinds, by people all ages... it’s been simply great to cater for so many tastes and ages!!! To those who have so avidly participated in the contests, check out for results below!!!! Have a very nice end of the year and a great holiday!!!! Ivana Gambarrutta - Editor

Congratulations, ADVANCED II Belgrano!!!!! You’re the winners of the contest “MYSELF AND OTHERS” for your category!!!!!!! Well done to you all!!!

Joanna’s visit Joanna is a seventeen-year old exchange student from Finland. She came to Argentina in April and is staying here for a year. She shared a class with us in October and here are some of the comments our students made about her visit. Joanna’s visit was fascinating because we could hear her accent and talk to her. She also told us about her life in Finland so I enjoyed learning about her culture and customs. Spending a class with Joanna was great! She is very pretty, funny and not so different from us. We talked about ourselves and her experience in BA. I´m glad she likes the city so much. She also taught us some words in Finnish and Swedish. I had never met a European girl before or even talked to one, and it was a really good experience. We spoke about the differences between the school system in her country and here. She told us how much she liked nightlife here, as it was far more exciting than in Finland! She also mentioned how difficult she found learning Spanish and that she had wanted to come to a South American Spanish speaking country because she knew the people were warm and friendly. We are glad to have had the chance to meet such a nice girl as Joanna, speaking English to communicate in a real situation. María Luz Pupi, Camila Gandelman, Lila Maladesky, Fabio Pampin, Agustín Davedere, Estefanía Freytag, Cristian Kubrak and Laura Merlo

When writing Finnish names without the Finnish alphabet available (such as in e-mail addresses), the letters ‘ä’ and ‘ö’ are usually replaced with ‘a’ and ‘o’, respectively, e.g. Pääkkönen as Paakkonen. This is not the same, but visually recognizable.

LCB CONTEST Congratulations, Victoria!

Congratulations, Sabrina Casatot!!!!! You’re the winner of the contest “GLORIOUS FOOD” for your category!!!!!!! You will soon be collecting your prize!!!!!!! Sabrina belongs to JUNIOR III FLORES. Congrats to PAT MOLARO, her teacher, too!!!!!

Advanced II Fridays 18:oo hs Belgrano Thank you Leticia Car!

Some Facts about Finnish, Joanna’s Language!!!! In Finland, a person must have a surname and 1 to 3 first names. Surnames are usually inherited through the father, while first names are usually chosen by a person’s parents. Finnish names come from a variety of traditions that were consolidated only in the early 20th century. The first national act on names came into force in 1921, and it made surnames mandatory. Between 1930 and 1985, the Western Finnish tradition whereby a married woman took her husband’s surname was mandatory. Previously in Eastern Finland, this was not usually the case. Finnish first names are often of Biblical origin (e.g.,Jukka from Greek Johannes), but Finnish and Swedish origins are also common.


AND…we have another winner for the Junior IV contest “MYSELF AND OTHERS” Browse page 10!!!!!!!


En la temporada Enero/Febrero 2012, se dictarán cursos intensivos para adultos en el Liceo, Casa Central, Av. Callao 362, y en Barrio Norte. Estos cursos tendrán distinta carga horaria de acuerdo al nivel y la duración y se dictarán de lunes a viernes por la mañana o la tarde. Los niveles 1 al 4 comprenden 48 hs de inglés a cubrirse en un mes: 16 clases de 3 horas por clase.  Enero (del miércoles 4/1 al miércoles 26/1) Lunes a Viernes 3 hs por día.  Febrero (del lunes 6/2 al lunes 29/2) Lunes a Viernes 3 hs por día. Los niveles 5 al 8 comprenden 64 hs de inglés a cubrirse en un mes: 18 clases  Enero (del miércoles 4/1 al viernes 27/1) Lunes a Viernes 3,5 hs por día. (últ. 2 clases 4 hs)  Febrero (del lunes 6/2 al miércoles 2/3) Lunes a Viernes 3,5 hs por día. (últ. 2 clases 4 hs)


ARANCELES CURSOS DE 48 HS: VALOR NORMAL: $1200 (Level 1) (4 cuotas) $1500 (Level 2 a 4) (4 cuotas y matrícula) $1820 (Level 5 a 8) (4 cuotas y matrícula) Sobre este valor se efectuarán las siguientes bonificaciones: • Octubre: 30% • Noviembre: 25% • Diciembre: 20% Las demás sucursales ofrecerán cursos de verano en febrero, de nivel inicial o por pedido de los alumnos.


CALLAO Level 1 (L a V 8 a 11) Level 1 (L a V de 19 a 22) Level 2 (L a V 8 a 11) Level 2 (L a V 19 a 22) Level 3 (L a V 19 a 22) Level 4 (L a V 19 a 22) Level 5 (L a V de 18:30 a 22) Level 6 (L a V de 18:30 a 22) Level 7 (L a V de 18:30 a 22) Level 8 (L a V de 18:30 a 22)

CALLAO Level 1 (L a V 8 a 11) Level 2 (L a V 8 a 11) Level 1 (L a V de 19 a 22) Level 2 (L a V 19 a 22) Level 3 (L a V 19 a 22) BARRIO NORTE Level 4 (L a V 19 a 22) Level 5 (L a V de 18:30 a 22) Level 6 (L a V de 18:30 a 22) Level 7 (L a V de 18:30 a 22) Level 8 (L a V de 18:30 a 22)

Además de estos cursos se podrán armar otros niveles sobre pedido, siempre de la misma modalidad. Mínimo de alumnos: 5.


En enero y febrero, se dictará en Casa Central un CURSO INTENSIVO de FCE los días Martes y Jueves de 19 a 21 hs., para alumnos que quieran practicar para rendir el examen en marzo. ARANCEL: $360 por mes. Comienzo: el día 5/1 (hasta el 25/1) y el 7/2 (hasta el 28/2). Además de estos cursos, se ofrecerán en febrero, en Casa Central, otros cursos que serán de carácter GRATUITO para los alumnos que se hubieran matriculado y abonado marzo por adelantado. Estos mismos cursos podrán ser arancelados para alumnos externos o alumnos del Liceo a quienes no les corresponda el beneficio. (Los de 6 hs: $150, los de 9 hs: $225) Comienzo: 9/2. PHONOLOGY: TALLER DE PRONUNCIACIÓN: para alumnos a partir de Intermediate 2 y Level 5. Martes y jueves de 19:30 a 21:00 hs. REFUERZO GRAMATICAL: para alumnos de Levels 1, 2 y 3. Lunes y Miércoles de 19:30 a 21:00. CONVERSATION: (6 hs: 1 vez por semana 2 hs.) •ELEMENTARY: Levels 1, 2 y 3, Beginners 1 y 2 (Martes de 19 a 21 hs) LAYOUT &DESIGN •INTERMEDIATE: Levels 3, 4 y 5, Intermediate 1 y 2(Miércoles de 19 a 21 hs) •ADVANCED: Levels 6, 7 y 8, Advanced 1 y 2 (Jueves de 19 a 21 hs) [email protected]

STORYTIME ERIC Matias Isarrualde Level IV- Callao

Eric was dead. His wife had signed the burial. For many days, she tried to understand the reason for Eric’s death, but she could never find it out. Eric was a young man; he worked in a supermarket and every night, when he finished work, he walked to his house. One night, when he was going back home, he saw somebody talking to his wife,Andrea, and he thought that it was dangerous. The man who was talking to Andrea was wearing black clothes, Eric saw something familiar in the man... At that moment the man took a gun out of his jacket and went into the Eric’s house with Andrea. He didn’t hesitate and ran into the house. When Eric opened the door, he heard his wife crying in the living room, so he walked to them slowly. Eric saw a gun on the table and he took it. Suddenly, a man appeared behind him and they fought. Eric heard a gunshot, the man started running. Andrea saw Eric fall to the floor and, while she was running towards him, she called the police. But when Andrea was talking to the police, Eric closed his eyes forever...

LCB Belgrano!!!! Con alegría informo a todos que nuestra compañera, Fabiana Lassalle, ha ganado el concurso correspondiente y será a partir del 1º de noviembre, Directora de la Carrera de Traductorado e Interpretariado de la Universidad del Museo Social Argentino. Felicitaciones, Fa!!! Viviana Feliciotti & Belgrano team!!!

LCB Teacher Training College

CONGRATULATIONS to our students who have finished their practice lessons! PRIMARY LEVEL EDUCATION • Adriana Ambrosio • Laura Corrillo • Romina Franco • Gabriela González Rodríguez

HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION • Déborah Durán • Lucía Girolimini • Natalia López • Rodrigo Rouco • Norma Tomé The practice lessons were memorable moments for us. Our first students, our first classroom, our first school... All unforgettable images of our first steps in this great profession we have chosen. We feel deeply grateful for the support given by our teacher Myriam, our partners, the Liceo, and the schools we worked with. Thank you for this great experience. Déborah & Rodrigo. I think this was a great experience because I was a ble to learn many tricks and dispel some fears about teaching teens. Thanks Myriam! Lucía


Around the World... CITIES

Gastón González, Abril Gauto, Tomás Mooney, Micaela Ambe and Sofía Scarfone. Junior III - Friday s 15:00 hs - Flores Thank you Miriam Rodríguez!!!




nci Flore

...on Two Pages

agna Cast


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‹ Sergio Catri -

FCE Tue & Thu 14 hs- Flores




Antonella Mattaffo

Rocío Giménez

Agustina Nodar

Micaela Chapedi




2. 6.




Junior IV - Callao

INVICTUS Invictus is a 2009 film directed by Clint Eastwood. Morgan Freeman plays the role of Mandela and Matt Damon is Fracois Pienaar, the captain of the Springboks, the South African rugby team. The film is a look at the life of Nelson Mandela after the fall of apartheid in South Africa, during his term as president, when he campaigned to host the 1995 Rugby World Cup as an opportunity to unite his people. The title comes from the fact that Mandela had the poem written on a scrap of paper in his prison cell while he was imprisoned for 27 years. In the film, Mandela gives the “Invictus” poem to his national rugby team’s captain Francois Pienaar before the start of the Rugby World Cup. The film title is based on the following poem: Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. Level VIII - Saturdays - Flores

STAR WARS EPISODE III: REVENGE OF THE SITH Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005) is a science fiction film. The main stars are Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan Kenobi), Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker/ Darth Vader) and Natalie Portman (Padmé Amidala). The Clone Wars has begun and as a consequence, chancellor Palpatine has been kidnapped by general Grievous, who is a droid. Obi-Wan and Anakin are in charge of the mission to rescue the chancellor and destroy general Grievous. Although they fail to destroy Grievous, they can finally rescue Palpatine and kille count Dooku, a Sith Lord. When Anakin comes back, he finds out that Padmé, his wife, was pregnant. After that, he begins to have dreams of Padmé dying at childbirth. Next day the Jedis send him to spy on Palpatine, as they suspect acts of corruption in the Galactic Senate. While doing this, he becomes very close to Palpatine, who always tries to convince him of the benefits of being a Sith. One of these benefits is to prevent the decease of anybody. This benefit attracts Anakin, because he thinks that his dreams will become true.

While this is happening, Obi-Wan has been sent on a mission to kill general Grievous. He does so, and afterwards Anakin kills master Windu, who had been trying to kill Palpatine. After that, Darth Sidious orders his Clone army to attack Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan manages to escape, but Anakin, who is now a Sith, begins his new life as a Sidious’s padawan (apprentice). The film’s special effects are excellent, and the background music is absolutely fantastic. There are some continuity mistakes in the movie, but you can only realize if you pay very close attention. Natalie Portman’s role is not very convincing in the last part of the film, but otherwise, she plays her part very well, as the other actors did. The last fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan is really amazing. If you liked the other Star Wars films, you will really enjoy this one. It’s excellent! I recommend it!

Matías Grossmuller - Intermediate I - Flores





Candela Gioia, Lorena Weber, Melina Scarfone, Marina Ambe & Agustina Mooney. Children II – Fridays 15:15hs – Flores Thank you, Pat Molaro!!!


MORE HEROES... AND THEIR FAMILIES Meet Adrogué Kids and their Families.

Congratulations, Sabrina!

When my granny was a teenager...and now!

Sabrina Casalot Junior IV Mon & Wed 15:45 - 17:00 hs Teacher: Pat Molaro.


Love Embarrassing Dates!!!!!!! Here are some funny dates!!! What’s yours????

Level VIII - Flores

My First Date I was going to study Mechanics at that time. There I met Leandro. He’s a beautiful boy. He has blonde hair, blue eyes and he is taller than me. He is friendly, generous… I love him! Well, when we graduated, we had dinner together and he asked me for my Facebook username, but I was sad because he had a girlfriend. Some time later, though, they broke up. She was not a good girlfriend because she betrayed him, so he finished that relationship. When I heard the news I was happy! We sent a lot of e-mails to each other every day. I thought we were starting something… Two months later he told me he liked me a lot and that he was in love with me. Oh!! How can I explain my happiness to you? On 15th March he asked me to be his girlfriend. We were happy and I shouted: -“Yes!! I want to be your girlfriend… I love you”. Today we are in love, and we are planning our wedding… We want to have children and a dog. I think… it will be the best love story ever!

Antonella Gammariello Level III - Tue & Thu 10:00 hs Callao Thank you Mirta Diéguez!


Who can ever forget these lovely characters in the Toy Story saga? Well, here’s how First Children in Villa Crespo have recreated them!!!


Selene Sanchez Giuso, Camila Tommasi, Manuel Boetto, Mara Fernández, Luciano La Roca, Pedro Puga & Ino Vizzarra Children I – Villa Crespo- Thank you Claudia Lucero!!!!!

What can YOU do? Junior I in Barrio Norte found out what THEY can do!!!! Here are their charts! Congrats, children!



My Favourite Celebration


My Favourite Animal: Bird! Juan My Favourite Animal: Rabbit! Emilia

My Favourite Animal: Horse! Lara

My Favourite Animal: Rabbit! Ramiro

My Favourite Animal: Monkey! Zaqui

My Favourite Animal: Rabbit! Renato

My Favourite Animal: Bird! Lautaro

Kinder - Belgrano 15

Teatro Colón

Búsqueda del Tesoro La Granja Chocolatada


Museo Participativo de Ciencias

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