Destination Imagination 17th March 2023 Flipbook PDF

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Story Transcript

Destination: Imagination


Destination: Imagination Written by Drew Edwards

Illustrated by Paul Wembabazi

Edited by Diana Nawatene

Designed by Lillian Kusiima

No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. For information regarding permission, write to Pangea Educational Development, 612 Pershing Ave, Wheaton IL, 60189. All rights reserved. Published in the Republic of Uganda by Pangea Publishing, a partner of Pangea Educational Development Group, USA. Originally published by Pangea Publishing in 2023. Pangea Publishing is a registered trademark of Pangea Educational Development Group, USA. Visit us on the web ISBN 9789970761524 (trade) Printed in the Republic of Uganda.

Hi there dear reader, my name is Drew. I am a runner, a candy eater, and a bookmaker too! I have a secret that I want to share with just you. You see, I did not like books at first. They seemed boring to me. On the shelf they just sat there, they did not do anything.


I saw books at church and even at school. But their words were for studying and following rules. I could not sit and read; I had to move. I had so many questions and things to do.


One day I was running, and I tripped on a book someone dropped. I

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I reached down for the book and opened the cover. I was not ready for what I'd discover. 3

The words that I read made a beautiful picture . A world of running, what could be richer? There was a boy just like me who loved to run and roam . Five steps at a time, he never did slow.


I thought books were boring but little did I know . When you find the right one, you cannot let go.


You see, some books are like mirrors that look just like me. Some are like windows into new places and new things.


Like way up high in the bright blue sky , Where birds with feathers and little pigs fly; Where the sun shines through to brighten our days, And the clouds roll over to cool the sun's blaze .



Or, deep down in the salty sea, Where fish swim and some even dream .


Some with bright lights, colourful scales, and big teeth. These fish look nothing like you or



Or, out into space , where we race to explore; To find new galaxies and knock on aliens' doors.



But it's not just places and things that books are about; There are many about people and different life routes.


Everyone out there has a story to share. When it's written down in a book, anyone can read it there.


But there are so many books; how to choose the right one? A tale about magic, or the moon and the sun? Dear reader, I tell you, you should not feel dread! Just follow a question that's stuck in your head.


The kind you cannot let go That burns in your belly; That keeps you up all night, Like a friend who's smelly .



You'll answer one question. And then ask another. When you follow a thread , So much you'll discover.


The more you read,the more you'll see; what's inside of you and what's inside of me.


Keep looking for books that are just for you. If you don't find them, become a bookmaker too!



Literacy is often spoken about as the foundation of all learning, but we rarely speak as much about its impact on imagination. Imagination captures what it means to be a child and a quality we hope to carry into adulthood. Reading enables our imagination to see ourselves as we could, should, and will be going forward. Pangea Publishing creates culturally and linguistically relevant children’s literature for children in the Republic of Uganda, and to share with the world.


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