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2 Black Lives That Matter-ed By Michael J. Davis


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

Copyright 2021, by M. Davis, All Rights Reserved

● This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental

Cover Illustration Copyright © 2021 by Vampees Productions, llc. Cover design by Vampees Productions, llc. Book design and production by : Vampires Productions Editing by : M. Davis Song lyrics of ====== used by permission of: . Copyright 2021, by Vampees Production, llc.


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

Los Angeles: May 29, 2020 It was 5:50 in the morning when the radio alarm suddenly came to life bumping the best part of Gerald, “G-Wiz”, Wiseman’s favorite song. What a way to start an important day. He opened the first eye; his blurry vision searched the room for the digital calendar. “Friday, May 29, 2020” reads as his vision focuses. He throws back the bedding and sits up on the edge of the bed, stretching and yawning at the same time. “ Where do you think you’re going?”Anisha, his wife of 17 years asked from under the pillow’ “ Today is the day I launch the rideshare app venture baby. ‘Bustamove’: remember?” “ How can I forget? I still can’t believe you went with that name though. That’s so outdated” “ That's why we went with it, it appeals to our target demographic. We want that mature rider, see. “Nobody is going to drive out there today after last night. It’s too dangerous. People looting and burning up cars and acting a fool…” “ That’s why I’m going to get all the money this morning and today. Plus it’s the first day, a lot is going on and I want to get some hands on behind the wheel. I have to know what it does so I can tell others how to do it. You know? “ Um hmm, you better keep your butt home today Gerald you don’t need the money, and it’s too dangerous to be picking up strangers and taking them to unknown places. But if you must go, my brave husband, there’s some things we need from the store.” Gerald Lip sings his way to the bathroom, then dances back into the bedroom for an air guitar encore.


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

8:10 AM G-Wiz had just dropped off his second rider when the app snt a $35 ride, He hurried and accepted. On the way to pick up the rider he thought about the time worked and money earned this first hour, Counting this next fare, he’d make $50 his first hour, if it held up over the 8 hours he planned to work today, it would be $400 a day., If he could average that with all 20 cars in his fleet, life would be nice. His mind switched to the person he was picking up; what type of person would this be? The first rider was a middle aged White Lady on her way to work at a convalescent home. She was very upset by the violence in the protest sweeping the nation. Although sympathetic to the Black Lives Matter ause, “ Nobody has the right to destroy somebody else’s property. I don’t care what kind of shit you’re dealing with, you don’t solve your problems by screwing over somebody else” Who could argue with that? The second rider was a cool young black man; dripping much swag. He had served 8 years in the military, and was generally outraged by the social acceptance of police brutality and murder in America. More than a few of his war brothers of all colors had been humiliated by their hometown officers. He was a truck driver and had personal incidents to talk about all across the country. They agreed the key to surviving the bloodthirsty street cop was the way you interact with them on first contact. They seem to have a common trigger; There is no sane reason to disrespect, disobey, or defy an officer of the law when you know, as the last act of your life, the impact it will have on your loved ones and community, unless you are really just afraid to commit suicide.


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

It was a conversation they had to agree to pick up next time they rode; it, and the ride ended too soon. His third ride was a real American experience. She was a senior-aged, Korean, immigrant who he’d insulted by asking if she was Japanese. She angrily educated him on the history between the two nations, especially during world wars, and freely shared with him her personal reason for hating japanese people. He had no knowledge of the history behind the things she felt so passionate about. As a contemporary African American, He totally sympathized with her. “ Think I’ll write ‘Korean Lives Matter’ on somebody’s wall to get people to know about that abuse” “ you do that, here, I’ll buy the spray paint..” She gave him a $20 tip. All of the riders had intelligent opinions and perspectives of what was going on in the streets. The radio DJ gave a brief traffic report and summary of the local entertainment and sports before playing “ Inner City Blues”, as G Wiz rode west down the 10 freeway through the middle of Los Angeles. He looked lft, south of the freeway. Memories of his childhood ran through his mind. Moving mostly. Seems like they had to move every other month after their deposit ran out. He looked to the right; Money memories ran through his mind, Meetings, Shows, banks, business. The freeway was a timeline that separated the phases of his life and development. Now, here he was on it again, headed in a familiar direction, unknowing who, where, or what would happen next.


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

8:28 Am G wiz exits the freeway onto the LOS ANGELES streets as the radio plays "CAN'T BREATHE", a protest theme in background; He sees smoldering remnants of recent protests in the distance and drives by various Los Angeles landmarks in that part of town yellow taped or fenced off. The morning Radio Panel of hosts shares news about: 1. The pandemic of 2020 in Southern California, 2. The worldwide protests over the George Floyd murder. 3. Local protest events from the night before and planned today. G’s car, wrapped with a colorful advertisement titled ‘BUST A MOVE RIDE-SHARE SERVICE’, turns a corner and comes down a residential street stopping in front of an apartment building G Adjusts his face mask and sprays a quick burst of aerosol disinfectant in the back seat; he then texts his fare: "I've arrived. Are you ready to bust a move?" " Be right there" The fare replies G-Wiz turns the radio station to a news station for updates on the local protests and traffic.


“ Things are fairly peaceful right now after last night's rioting and looting caused billions of dollars in property losses. Cities all across southern California and the world saw massive civil demonstrations for black lives


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

matter against an unjust system of world domination" G-Wizz, mumbling through the mask, “ Dang! the people finally woke up and spoke up. ... welcome to the new age! The doors to the apartment open and out struts a well, suited, masked, black businessman with a very familiar gait. Gwiz looks closer at the approaching rider, then a light begins to shine in his eyes as the rider makes his way to the vehicle. “ No Way!..” G mutters. The Man is in his late 30's like G Wizz, in a suit and drags a professional business rolling briefcase with him. G-Wizz gets his phone app ready and attaches it to the holder as his rider arrives. The rider enters the car G-Wizz: “ How are you doing today Sir?, ready to bust this move? “ “ I sure am. headed to my office to get some work done. This safe at home stuff is driving me stir crazy. “ G-Wizz “” Yeah, but you don't want to risk your health. you know? “ Oh I agree. But I'll be the only one in my office so it'll be like I'm in my house. “ G-Wizz adjusts the mirror to look at the passenger “ You, know, from the mask up, you look and sound like one of my childhood rivals, this fool named Eric Brown. “ Eric ”Ahh shoot, take that mask off and let me see who you are? “ G-Wizz pulls the car over to the side of the road, takes off his mask and slowly turns around with a half smile on his face. Eric - “ Oh Wow! Gerald Wiseman!!? I ain't seen your ass since... “ He goes silent, as does G. After a few thunderous seconds, G speaks: G-Wizz - “Get outta my car, Nigga!”


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

Eric chuckles - “What? Why do you still have to use the N word though? “ G-Wizz “ You know you were the first black kid to call me that, remember?” Eric laughs out loud as he flashes back to kindergarten: He and Gerald are in the same class as 5 year olds. Their middle aged, bespectacled and pearl draped Teacher scratches her Beehived scalped with a pencil as the kids color in their seats. One of the seats is empty. A 5 year old G-Wizz is busy coloring, a skill he’d later develop, when he hears the rustling of a lunch bag. He looks up and around the class and sees the empty chair. He hears the rustling again coming from a closet where the lunches are kept. He looks at the teacher; sees she’s not paying attention. He slides out of his chair and goes to the closet to investigate. The rustling is a little louder as he gets closer. He swings the closet door open to find 5 year old Eric with G’s lunch bag wide open, about to eat one of his cookies. “ Hey! That’s mine! Put it back.” Eric “ I couldn’t tell in the dark; thought it was mine. Let me have this cookie though” “No! Put it back!” Eric throws the cookie back in the sack. “ You’re a stingy nigger” The teacher has heard the “N” word. She looks up from her work and calls to G-Wizz ““What was that? Who are you talking to?” All eyes are fixed on G-Wizz as he answers the teacher, pointing down at Eric who shakes his head “ No” as in ‘don’t tell on me’, and says, with swagg far beyond his 5 years, and a hint of wicked humor, “ This little hungry motherfucker right here” G-Wizz gets out of the car and comes around to the still laughing Eric’s door , and opens it from outside . “ But you know you were the first person of any kind to call me a motherfucker.” Eric reminds him, “ That messed me up. I wouldn’t hug my momma for three days. Don't ever call a little boy no shit like that, man ”

G-Wizz- “Come on, we ain't going nowhere together, until you give me a hug!! “ Eric laughs as he gets out of the car and gives Gwiz a dap shake and sincere 8

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embrace. “ Man, you had me going. For a minute there I thought you were one of those crazy rideshare drivers trying to put me out. You ain’t changed a pinch have you? Always playing, how have you been? It's been like 20 years? G-Wizz “Twenty two, dog”


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

9am Eric - “Last time I saw you was in Emeryville at that little club up the hill. You were burning the mic up that night!!” G-Wizz “ Yes sir, me and the boys did the Lyrasaurus Rex Tribe for a minute.” Eric “ Yeah, L-R-T! you guys made a lot of hits; what ever happened to you guys? “ G-Wizz “We grew up and found out we didn't have shit in common and couldn't stand each other.” Eric “ Stupid stuff, huh?” G-Wizz “ How’d you know” Eric “ Man , you and Sharik never got along in the first place. And throwing Ronnie Kilroy in the mix was like throwing a lit match into a barrel of bacon grease” G chuckled as Eric could not have been more correct . “ Yep. Couldn't stick together for nothing. I started out writing all the material, we had more hits than cupboards had grits; then, when the royalty checks came, they all wanted to write.. Eric finishes the thought; “ And yalls music got whack! So, that’s what happened huh?” G-” Yeah; Sharik and Ron didn’t have any musical talent. I made the shit look so easy they thought they could do it better. Grimey-ass Ronnie started dressing like Mozart and thinking he was an opera composer!” Eric “ but you guys made some money didn't you? G-Wizz “Oh yeah. but it was maybe money.” Eric “What's that? “


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

G-Wizz “That's when maybe you getting paid what you're supposed to get, and maybe you ain't. The music business got some next level traps, brother” They both pay attention as the radio DJ gives a quick update on the City’s morning status, followed by Sly & The Family Stone’s: “ There’s a Riot Goin On” G breaks the silence; “So uh, you still mad at me? “ Eric “Hell yeah!, Man, that was some cold blooded shit! “ They flashback to their competitive teen years,;the 11th Grade; a ‘ 1999 HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE FINALS TRACK MEET’ banner hangs over a packed track event. Various schools and teams are competing in the competition . In the boys locker room, a young, cocky, teen Eric shares a secret with his coach before the 100 meter finals. Coach Brown, “The 100 meter final is in a few minutes, Brown. Finish getting loose and get on the track. “ Eric “I am a loose Coach. Too loose “ Coach “Well get up there and set your blocks! Eric “Coach, I can run the race in my sweatpants can't I? Coach “ Huh? “ Eric “During the last heat, I had an accident.” Coach “You won by five meters “ Eric “I know, and I can beat these guys in my sweatpants. “ Coach “ No, you are running in your track shorts. Now come on, let’s go get your blocks set. “


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

Eric “I.. , I can't do that, Coach”. Coach “ Are you getting the big head because you won the prelim?” Eric “ No Sir, I’m trying to tell you something I don't want everybody to hear” Coach “what?! “ Eric turns around and slightly drops his warm-up pants. The coach reacts in shock before pinching his nose in disgust. “Ewww, ...that's nasty! “ Eric “ I cleaned up the best I could. Coach “ Cleaned up?!, you missed a foot or two of ass-crack, son! What happened to your jockstrap? it melt?” Eric points to a flock of buzzing flies over a trash can in the corner. Coach “Is that what that smell is? Damn! the flies won't even land on it!” Eric “ I tried to give it that extra effort, to break the league record; thought it was, like, just a quick little poot... “ Coach: “ So you’re going to run the 100 meter league championship race in your sweatpants, and without a jockstrap?” Eric “ Yep, and I’m going to win too? Coach “ I see, damn, well ,yeah, run in your warm ups, Do your best Brown, we need them points. I'm counting on you. Son “ The Coach and Eric walk out of the area of the locker room Once the silence lingers long enough to verify they have left the locker room, a toilet flushes and a young Gee wiz emerges from the closed stall. The plan he is cooking up in his mind glows through his eyes in the mirror as he washes his hands, Grabs his equipment bag, and quickly exits the locker room.


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

Once on the track, G- Wizz looks over at the unsuspecting Eric, who is setting up his starting blocks in preparation for the coming 100 meter finals event. Gee spots a sexy teammate stretching her hamstrings nearby. He runs over to her and whispers in her ear. After a few moments she covers her mouth in astonishment, then laughs hysterically and nods ‘yes’ to Gee. Who dashes over to the track and begins to set his starting blocks as well. Eric is already in his starting blocks. He lingers in his stance, eyes shut, focused on the upcoming race. He goes over the start in his mind; visualizing a perfect start, drive, then finish, in his mind, behind closed eyes. He mentally prepares for the starter's pistol going over the routine in his mind. “On your Mark”, he will hear them say, he shifts his weight in the blocks finding a comfortable point. “ Get Set”. will come next as he raises up off his knee to practice the first five steps of his start in his sweat pants instead of track shorts only. The cotton pile fabric, sticking to his buttcrack, will slow him down, giving the field an advantage. He opens his eyes prepared to focus on the lane ahead and finish line, while executing his start and steps. What he sees instead is the upside down stare of a beautiful girl he doesn’t know coming between her legs and shapely rear end as she stretches in front of him. He is instantly aroused and distracted. “ Hi, am I in your way?” “ Yeah but it's ok. What’s your name? “ Sheila; I was walking across here and got a tightness in my hamstring, so I needed to stretch it real quick.. I’m sorry” “ No, it’s ok” He responds looking at the outline of her genitals through the tight sheer track shorts. “ I know how a tight hamstring spasm feels. Want me to rub it out for you?” She straightens up and flexes the thigh as she verifies the bulge in his sweats; mission accomplished. “ Maybe later..tonight? After the meet. My Mom is working a double shift tonight, and I’ll be home alone when the feeling comes back.” “ Okay, yeah, that will work for me. What’s your phone number?” Eric asks, oblivious to his growing handicap. The announcer Interrupts over the loudspeaker: “ Ladies and gentlemen it is time for the 100 meter finals..runners to your marks!”


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

She waves bye and dashes off as Eric repeats in shock “Runners to your mark!??” The other runners take off their sweats and stretch before getting in the blocks. First Gee notices the hard on Eric has. Gee “ Looks like somebody wants this win more than the rest of us. Hey Judge; if that thing crosses the finish line before the rest of his body will it count? That’s an unfair advantage ain’t it?” The judge and rest of the field begin to chuckle, then all out laughter breaks out in the stadium An embarrassed Eric hurries to the starting block Eric explains in his own words: “ So here I am in the starting blocks, with a boner and a sticky booty, trying to pull my trunks out my butt, and stick my pecker down my sweat pants leg at the same time, when the gun goes off. ( shaking his head) “ I got to give it to you, you ran the race of your life, I don’t know if I would have beat you that day with a brand new jock. But just when I accepted the loss, and the second place was indeed a fact, I relaxed.... “ The flashback ends: G-Wizz finishes the sentence “And The white boy passed your ass for second place!! ahh-hahaha, that was the funniest thing I remember. “ Eric- “Man, that made me cry all night long. They had the picture of the medalists hanging in the gym; You posing with the trophy, Jack flexing like a wild stork with his second place trophy, and me with a 3rd place ribbon,.. looking like I'm about to strangle both of you with it! G-Wizz “How did you find out it was me? Eric “Phyllis Gaines. She felt sorry for me and told me everything. How you hid in the toilet while I told my coach I’d shit on myself” G-Wizz “First of all I didn’t hide. I saw you shit yourself; it happened in the curve when you started pulling away” Eric “ Yep, How’d you know?”


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G-Wizz “ Because your eyes bugged out and you tried to grab your ass, then you shortened your stride and ran off the track, straight to the bathroom, faster than you did to the tape. When you were talking to your coach I was in the toilet making damn sure it didn’t happen to me!” Eric claps his hands as he laughs hysterically, “ No doubt!” G-Wizz “ Phyllis huh, Yeah, she was good for that. Especially after you rocked her world. She'd get to testifying and wet snitching... So when was the last time you saw her? Eric “Couple days ago. Got three kids with her you know” G-Wizz “Oh No!, I don't mean any dis, but uh, you sure those are your kids Oz? Eric ‘Ha, Oz, nobody's called me that for a long time. You're the one that gave me that nickname too. Matter of fact, I owe you my street cred. And no, I’m not sure they are all mine. I know one of them is though. But hey, until they find out who their real daddy is, I don’t mind manning up for my girls” G-Wizz “ The Oscar Mayer Weenie-man, also known as Oz for short. Gals was talking about your ass for years in the ‘hood. I'm surprised your little horny ass didn't catch something and crawl up in a corner to die on your back with your legs curled open. Where are we going anyway? Eric “Westside, Near wilshire and Sawtelle. To my office”. G-Wizz “Your office is near Wilshire and Sawtelle!? Impressive! “ Eric :Thank you “ G-Wizz “You got to be the first brother in the history of Los Angeles to have an office there. Eric “Naw, there's been a few “ G-Wizz “So tell me your post high school story Oz, I remember we went to the Bay area, I thought I saw you one time getting thrown out of a show we did in Oakland. “


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

Eric “ I did! Yes; I snuck in with my crew. from UC Berkeley. After High School I Graduated with a degree in economics, Got my MBA from UCLA then went to work on Wall Street for a minute. Got into banking and financial services for about 10 years, and just opened my office a few weeks ago to service the urban financial market. G-Wizz “Damn!, you've been busy, but that's some dope shit you're doing. And you'll make a difference to people who really need it, not those who just want more. “ Eric “ Exactly, teach the masses how to master their own money, instead of just earning and burning it. “ G-Wizz “ Now that's what we need more than demonstrations right now, Brother's like you and me to rebuild the country from within. You plan on hiring White folks? Eric “ Of course, why wouldn't I?” G-Wizz “ I been having a problem with it. If there is a white person and a person of color equally qualified for the same position, I'm going to hire the melanated one. “ Eric “ Why? “ G-Wizz “ Because the white person can get a job with anyone, but who is going to hire that other person? “ Eric “ Reverse discrimination “ G-Wizz “ Reverse, first gear, cruise control, it all works for the white folks if you play the game, see? If we remove the transmission of this flawed philosophy then everybody will have an equal chance, see?” Eric “Well good luck with that. “ G-Wizz “ Thank you. Because see, brothers like you, will hire the white folks, and pay them more than I could pay 5 of my colored people. That’s how they are able to keep the game going in their favor. “ Eric “ And brothers like you, who benefit from White privilege, can keep feeding the bandits and sheep and fattening frogs for snakes, then complaining about how things are. “


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

G-Wizz “ Brothers like me? how am i benefitting from White privilege, I'm Black! “ Eric “ And your black ass is in America benefiting from the long end of the economic stick, the handle of the whip, instead of Haiti or Congo or Somalia catching the 'Oh Lord have mercy' business end of it” G-Wizz “ Damn. I never looked at it like that... So am I supposed to what, hug a white supremacist before he busts me in the head with a brick? “ Eric “ No, you're supposed to talk to him, and with his permission, frisk his ass while you’re hugging him, and see how the whole of us can come together and make a better country for all our peoples. And knock his teeth out if he still tries to bust you in the head with a brick. “ G-Wizz “Now that's the LA way, baby. I thought you got soft on us, Oz.” Eric “ I'm going to always be in it to win it. Damn. look over there, that's a a lot of smoke! “ G-Wizz “ Reminds you of '92 don't it? “ Eric “Same shit over and over. “ G-Wizz “ They can't stop. Cops are killing women and children too now. Where's the justice? “ Eric “ Hiding under the Robes “ G-Wizz “ From Who though? that's what I'm trying to figure out “ Eric “ If you do then let me know. The way I see it, if the law is written down, and crime is occurring, there’s Nothing to figure out. “ They drive slowly looking out the window at the plumes of smoke around the city. The Radio DJ Ad Libs; “ You know what’s funny to me y’all? If you look out your windows, you will see Smoke on the west side, south bay, downtown, midtown, ...Black folks don’t even live in some of these places, who’s doing the burning and looting?”


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

G-Wizz “So you've been high-living all these years, eh? Eric “If you want to call it that. In reality, I was just making ends meet. G-Wizz “Making ends, That's what I'm all about these days. I found out early in life that the more you make, the more you'll need” Eric “You probably made more money than I did. What's the biggest single paycheck you ever saw as a rapper? “ G-Wizz “One point 2 Million” Eric “ WHAT!!? “ G-Wizz “ Oh yeah, your boy was balling off the rims, Man. Eric “ You were a millionaire? What are you doing driving this bucket around LA during a riot?“ G-Wizz “Well, number one, I sure ain't broke if that's what you're thinking, and number two, This is a state of the art hybrid vehicle capable of getting a brother up to seventy miles a gallon if you roll it like your dad's old deuce and a quarter, so it ain't no bucket. “ Eric “My apologies, brother” G-Wizz “ It's all good Oz. Just respect my new mentality. You knew me as a feral little knucklehead running the streets, so I can see how you got me fucked up now.“ Eric “ So how much is your net worth? “ G-Wizz “Respectfully, that ain't None of your business, home boy!” Eric “ Good answer. Never tell your economic information to unnecessary people.” G-Wizz “ Oh yeah, especially family, I found that out the hard way. I started taking care of my Moms, and family, and the homies, and all that extra stuff. Buying houses and apartments, and cars, and jewelry, you know, trying to be that cat. One day going to


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Vegas and blowing through a million in cash, then,..... 2007 and 8 recession almost took it all, and left me with the bill. “ Eric “ Man, I wish I'd had a million in cash “ G-Wizz “no you don't “ Eric “ Yes, I do. See, managing money is what I do “ G-Wizz “ Uh, huh. How much is your total assets under management though? Eric “ Oh? You do know a little something I see. Well we currently have a modest a-u-m because we're new.” G-Wizz “And you're Black, which means you're selling silk to the cotton crowd. “ Eric “ Ha! never heard it put like that before, but there is that challenge of getting the black community to harness their collective economic power. “ G-Wizz “ That part. If you ain't running a strip club, weed dispensary, smoke shop or liquor store, hair and nail salon, or mortuary. “ Eric “Or Rideshare service. “ G-Wizz” So you see my vision now “ Eric “ I do, I just can't see how you thought of all that. You were a D student at best in school “ G-Wizz “ Yeah, but I wasn't getting any money to be at school. Ain't nobody thinking about ABC's when your stomach's growling. Besides, they were teaching that bull shit anyway. “ Eric: “ Hah, no argument there.” G-Wizz “That's what made me a good emcee. I knew the life because I lived it. Talked what I knew, not what somebody wrote. Eric “Gee wiz! you are a very positive brother! “


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

G-Wizz “Thanks, Oz. You know, this ride, this day, this conversation and reunion, this was all meant to happen for a reason. “ Eric “ Absolutely, This is no coincidence. Here, here’s my business card. Take a few of them and give them to people you know.” G-Wizz “Give me some more. I know a lot of people.” Eric gives him a bunch more; Eric: “I love it. So, did you vote for Obama? “ G-Wizz “Twice. And look at the good it did “ Eric, (scoffs), “ Which was? “ G-Wizz “ Whoa, damn, now what did they really let him do? “ Eric “ Be the President” G-Wizz “ Ahhh, you're being negative. You must be a republican or something. I try to stay positive about things, bruh. We don't know what the hell is really going on “ Eric “ I am being positive, and I am a Republican.” G-Wizz “No shit!?” Eric “ Card carrying kind “ G-Wizz “ Did you vote for the current dude? “ Eric “ No, I was going to vote for someone else, but they got eliminated. That was a really strange election.” G-Wizz “Strangest one I ever saw. Hey Yo, what did you say when you heard the news about your idol? “ Eric “ Who are you talking about? “ G-Wizz “ Prince “


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Eric “ Aw man!, I said, (imitating Prince Singing) " Wheeeew, Baby, until the end of time I'll be " there for you... “ G-Wizz joins in harmonizing the second line; (singing) " You hold my heart and mind. I truly adore you “ G-Wizz “ check you out... I may have to take you to the studio, Oz. “ Eric “ Yeah, ok. My ass too tight for that smoke you’re blowing,. but what about Michael? What did you think when he bought it? “ G-Wizz “ I thought, (singing) " I'm looking at the man in the mirror! ...looking back at it now, I wonder, what did he see? “


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

9:53am There is a sudden, loud ‘Pop’ followed by the car shaking. G-Wizz “Damn!I blew a tire. This will give you a chance to witness an invention I invested in that is going to make my grandkids great grandkids a ton of money Eric “Oh yeah?, what? “ G-Wizz - “ An invention by one of the bright young minds in a think tank I helped fund. Fixes flat tires and reinflates them on the spot” Eric - “ There ain’t no such thing” G-Wizz “ There is now. Check it out” He shows Eric the boxed device. Eric reads the copy on the box while G gets the jack out of the trunk. G places the jack carefully under the car and proceeds to lift it up. Eric “ The quick tire repairer; ….fixes flat tires caused by nails, slashes, and other punctures. How the hell can this fix a slashed tire? Especially if it's in the sidewall?” G-Wizz : “Nanotech, my boy, wave of the future”


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Eric “ I see. All they need to do now is create a way to jack the car up and bust the lug nuts off the rims for a buyer huh? Still need elbow grease tech for that” G-Wizz” Haha, you got one in… One thing I do have left is elbow grease; plenty of that” He wrestles the tire off the rim and rolls it to the side of the road for a safer, closer, look. They Inspect the tire; after a moment they find a crude spike made to intentionally disable a vehicle G-Wizz “ Look at this; probably left from the turmoil last night.” Eric “How long do you think this will take?” G-Wizz “How long do you think it will take? “ Eric “you got a spare? “ G-Wizz “yes i do, and much more. Hey, take my cell phone and video this for me... “ G-Wizz hands his phone to Eric, who turns on the video feature and focuses on G. G-Wizz “ Good afternoon everybody and welcome to another episode of OG-Wizz's Hood survival training academy. Today I'm going to show you how fifty dollars can save your life in a riot or any similar un-harmonious situations. See, you go online and order one of these. In two days it'll show up at your door. Take it out to your car and plug this cord into your car; Take this plug out to the wheel that needs to be changed and plug it in to this nifty thing called the virtual tire repairer, or something like that”. He continues as he demonstrates: “ Now, you are in business. Take this attachment here and get your lug nuts screwed off. Then you take your spare tire and check it for the correct pressure with this attachment He demonstrates, “Then put your jack attachment under the axle and hit the button. He demonstrates The hydraulic jack lifts the car off the ground/ G-Wizz takes off flat tire & puts on spare Then you simply use the lug nut attachment to tighten the lug nuts again, and press the button again he demonstrates. The car lowers and is ready to roll ...A complete Tire repair and change, with reinflation to spec, and a pressure check done on the road in 90 seconds! Eric “Without a pit crew! That is truly amazing. You invested in that? Eric & G-wiz put gadget in box then back in trunk


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G-Wizz “ Went long, dog. That's the prototype. I'm holding on to it personally until I meet with the lawyers day after tomorrow” Eric” You have a prospectus? “ G-Wizz “ Yep, got the whole package in the trunk here. Even manufacturing contracts and pre-sales orders.” Eric “ Man, you, you amaze me. Who would have thought your ass would do all this? G-Wizz “ I know. I was the only one, but that's all it takes ain't it? “ G closes the trunk on his package and briefcase Eric “If you don't believe in yourself who will?. Now I see why you are a very positive and progressive dude, G.” G-Wizz “ Attitude baby, h-k-w-a, that's what that song was about. Eric “ Head knocker with attitude. I remember it well” Eric gets in the front seat this time. They chat with the windows down, engine running G-Wizz “ I was 20 when I wrote that, waking up and coming out of my primitive conscious state. I've been enlightened and on a higher level for years now. Stopped eating chicken, vanilla ice cream, and black jelly beans.” Eric “Is that what it took? G-Wizz “Well, not all, but it was a major adjustment. You know that saying, "free your mind and your ass will follow". That's what it was. Then when I freed my mind and I could see what was going on and what to do with it. Then you learn your craft and get to cracking! just like you Oz, right? Eric: “ Well, ….” Before Eric can answer they are interrupted by a double barrel shotgun stuck through the driver's window to the side of G wizz’s face.


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A man’s voice commands, “ Freeze Asshole!! Don't move a nose-hair, or I'll blow it right off your face! “ Eric, in wide eyed shock, looks at the driver's window while a handgun appears in the passenger window behind him. A female voice startles him; “ That goes for you too, handsome “ Eric's eyes widen and he looks at G-Wizz's face who has a sexy grin as he looks at Eric’s assailant. Man “ Keep them covered while we get in “ The car doors in the back open and unseen passengers weigh down the vehicle. A sexy, blonde in a black beret and handgun gets in the front and climbs in between Eric and G-Wizz. Blondie “ Hey fellas, what are two sexy black men like you doing riding around in the middle of a riot? G-Wizz “ I'm trying to give hard working people a chance to get where they need to be. Eric “ I'm trying not to catch covid. Where's your mask? “ The masked elderly man in the back seat speaks. ‘ He's right! Where are your masks? all of you? This is no frigging joke! fifty three of my friends died from that shit in the rest home, thank God almighty my insurance ran out before the stuff hit, or I would have been number fifty four! Eric and G-Wizz turn around to see: 1. AN ELDERLY WHITE MAN BEHIND G WITH SHOTGUN, 2. A GAY SIGN TWIRLING GUY BEHIND Eric AND 3. A CHICKEN COSTUMED CHARACTER IN THE MIDDLE TWIRLER “Dude, covid is no worse than aids and I've lived with that for years.” OLD Man “ Now you tell me this? If I'd known that I never would have carjacked these fine gentlemen with the likes of you! “ TWIRLER “Oh please, we just met when I said "Oh look there's a car", and you said, ''get 'em". We ain't in a relationship, so don't come at me like that.”


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WOMAN, (to Eric), “ So what do you do? Are you single? “ Eric: “ I'm a divorced, financial professional. You? WOMAN “ I'm a fucking radicalized American, baby. I do anything I fucking feel like doing, and right now I'm feeling good. Real good. I feel like going down to the riots, and getting into the shit!... and I'd like to pick up a few baby shower and birthday things if they haven't looted Gloom n dales by the time we get there “ OLD Man “ What is all that? I thought you said you were going to support the Black Lives Matter cause?” WOMAN “That too. It's my first riot, so I figure I'll have to do some multitasking to get the full experience.” OLD Man “ Oh my god, It suddenly occurred to me that I've had wet farts with more brains than you, little girl! Fellas, I apologize for the mix of idiots I'm with. If you could drop us off at the riots, We'll let you get on your way.” G-Wizz “Sure thing boss, which riot are you going to? “ OLD Man “ The one on Wilshire near the VA Building. Been wanting to give them bastards a piece of my mind for going on forty years. Today is the day I get this off my bucket list” Eric:, “ Damn G, I want to see this myself. Maybe we should drop the rest of these fools off and ride with him” TWIRLER `` That's fine by me. I'm going to the one on Santa Monica in West LA. represent the LGBQT coalition, Yayy, Give me an L! “ Old Man: “ Oh my God!” WOMAN, to those in the back seat, “ I told you two I'm going where the real action is. Rodeo Drive, bitches, I'm going to tag BLM all over every place that ever denied my credit and debit card purchases. Show them what happens when they mess with the economic power of the middle class white girl! “ OLD Man “ Young Lady, this is not the venue to settle personal credit disputes! Do you ever think about the shit you say, or does it just dribble out while your mouth is open?”


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Woman: “ You sound like my Grandpa. Smell pissy like him too” All turn their attention to the Silent Chicken. Woman: “ And what about you, Sick looking Chicken Monster? “ G-Wizz “ That is an ugly ass costume!” Eric “ Looks like a Chicken on a bad crack trip! “ TWIRLER “ Looks like a chicken the morning after a date with a Rottweiler” WOMAN “ Looks like a Chicken with his beak stuck in an wall socket” G-Wizz “ Hey man, where are you trying to go? “ CHICKEN ,(in a heavy Spanish accent) ,” Por favor, I need to get to my third job on Pico, senor. I ran out of gas right when they stole your car from you. ‘ Eric “ An honest man in the madness “ OLD Man “ The fabric of America. I remember those days; blind faith in the system and your fellow man. I tip my hat to you Pedro, and as the man with the gun, I'd take you to your stop first, but I need to pee very badly so, …” G-Wizz `` Well, that was very noble of you Mr. Carjacker. If you really need to go, I can pull over “ OLD Man “ I can hold it a few more blocks, just take it easy over those potholes “ G-Wizz “ Hey, I'll do the best I can. You know Los Angeles has the worst streets in the free world. “ WOMAN “ You know, you are very sweet and positive for a guy getting jacked” G-Wizz `` Oh, thank you, but I've been jacked before. This ain't no real Car Jacking, and those ain't no real riots.” TWIRLER “ They're not? “


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Eric “Hell no!” WOMAN “ Well, Tell us what this is then, Black Man” G-Wizz “ You really want to know? “ Eric “This is some bullshit, that's what this is ‘ G-Wizz `` This is the reaction of zillions of people just like you. You ain't black, you ain't getting slaughtered on TV, although police do kill White and Brown people too, but you ain't conscious enough to stand up for yourselves, you're on a mission though, you gotta step up before you step out. Y'all stepping up. “ WOMAN “ Damn, that was,almost,... profound! “ TWIRLER (singing) " I'm stepping up! I want the world to know, I'm going to let it show “ OLD Man & Eric simultaneously, “ Will you please shut up! “ OLD Man “ I stepped up in 1967 when they sent me to Vietnam. I spent 3 tours sorting mail and cooking Tiramisu for Uncle Sam. What did I get for all my hard work and dedication? foreclosed on, 2 strokes, and kicked out on the street by my health insurance company! Eric “ Now, that's really fucked up. I may be able to assist you with the health insurance though” G-Wizz “You know what Sir, You can put that gauge down, I'll take you where you want to get.” OLD MAN: “ Man, I don't know if I want to go there or hang out with you guys now. Eric “Oh we're not hanging out. he was taking me to my office before you guys hijacked us. But hey, come by the Sizzling Torches over on Lincoln sometime and we can talk politics over a plate of chicken wings, or something”. WOMAN “ They got a Ladies night there? “ OLD Man “ Hang a right here “


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G-Wizz turns right and the car runs into a crowd preparing to loot a store Eric “ Lookout G! “ He slams on the brakes, startling a molotov cocktail carrying youth who trips while trying to get out of the car's path. The youth tosses the lit bottle in the air G-Wizz “Oh Shit! “ In Slow motion: the car skids to a stop as the bottle drops from the air and explodes on the roof of the car instantly engulfing the car in flames. The passengers open the doors and flee as the flaming gas spreads over the whole car. The old vet levels the shotgun in Rage at the youth lying on the ground. OLD Man “ You trying to kill me you little... “ Eric “ It was an accident. He didn't do it on purpose. “ WOMAN “ Who gave this kid a cocktail in broad daylight anyway? you gotta be 21 to drink” TWIRLER “ Girl, y'all are too much for me. I’m about to get my blonde ends burned off. Now I've got to walk the rest of the way and I'm already smelling like unleaded stale chicken. “ They watch the chicken stumble then trot across the parking lot. Thinking he’s hurt, Eric calls to him: “ Hey Chicken man, you ok? “ CHICKEN “ Si, but my third job is on the corner right there, I don't want to be late for work “ The crowd gathers around the burning vehicle. G-Wizz stands and watches his vehicle and the business plans and prototype in the trunk go up in flames. The loss triggers a personality change. His face shows transformation from Mr. Positive to cold hearted maniac Eric “ Damn G! your business plans and prototype.”


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G-Wizz “ Yeah, not to mention my experimental car… damn!” Eric ‘Aw Man, I'm sorry G” G-Wizz “yeah” , Eric “Well, uh, what are you going to do now? Want me to call us a ride? G-Wizz “ Naw” Eric “Well, what are you going to do? “ G-Wizz suddenly snatches the shotgun from the old vet; “ I'm going to merc' me a motherfucker or ten! “ The crowd screams and runs, leaving the youth lying on the ground in front of G-Wizz G-Wizz “ Y'all done fucked with the wrong Black man today. I'm gonna show you what you want to see. You think you know shit that you don't know shit about! “ YOUTH “ It was an accident OG, my bad! “ G-Wizz “Yeah, mine too. “ G-Wizz pulls the trigger, bubbles come out of the barrels G-Wizz “ What the?... “ Eric “Nigga are you crazy?! you could have killed him! “ G-Wizz “ Not with no damn Mr. Bubbles!! What the hell you doing with a toy shotgun in a riot!!” OLD Man “Well, I didn't want to hurt anybody” Eric “ You better run, kid! “ The youth jumps up and talks to G-Wizz YOUTH “That was gangsta!! “He gives G-Wizz the finger and dashes off G-Wizz “ Yeah, you better run little, I bet you can't even make it to the corner, been playing video games instead of sports huh?!”


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The kid stops near the corner wheezing, and takes out his asthma puffer G-Wizz “ Uh-huh. You're lucky I didn't rush down there and put my foot in your ass.” Eric “ You Okay Kid? “ The kid gives the thumbs up, then hurries away. Eric “ Now how you look threatening a kid, Dude? “ G-Wizz “ You are absolutely right. I should be fucking up some grown folks, I know, but that little bastard burned up my ride! I should have ran down there and kicked him in the bullseye!! “ Eric “ You probably would have missed” They chuckle a moment. G-Wizz “ Aw, man, what are we going to do now? I just got that car wrapped and detailed the day before yesterday. And just picked the tire changing prototype up last night. Eric “ Aw, don't worry about it. Let's get over to my office and I'll get your insurance and pandemic financial assistance application filed today. Then we can go get something to eat “ G-Wizz “ I don't know, Oz, I kind of feel like rioting now “ They start walking down the street. “ Eric; “ It'll pass, besides I can see my building from here. That's only about 10 blocks. Come on, G, let's do the wise thing. You don't want to get caught up in this“ G-Wizz “I didn't. They got me in it. Shit, I'm trying to figure out how all this is going to make a change in police killing people.” Eric “ Well, the George Floyd incident just pushed people over the edge.” G-Wizz “ Man, I was born and raised on the edge. Learned how to pop-lock on the mother “


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Eric “ Yeah, but, when you add up Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, The brother in New York selling loosies, and the brother and sister they shot in their own homes, The other brother in Minnesota they shot in front of his wife and daughter in the car…” G-Wizz “ Man, I know more Brothers around here that have been killed by popo than that. This has been going on since they adopted the thirteenth amendment. “ Eric “ Oh you know about that? “ G-Wizz “ Of course I know. Take a colored person to jail on some bullshit and give him a felony, now, he's a slave again.” Eric “ So it’s best for the colored people not to play the game. Stay out of the ain't-no-justice-system” G-Wizz “That's the best bet. it ain't easy though. These cops try their best to instigate some shit.” Eric “ The whole system is rotten, you can't blame cops for doing what they're told and paid to do.” G-Wizz “Some of them you can, they do too much.” Eric” Yeah, but let me ask you the thousand pound question; Who kills more Black folks; Cops or Black folks?” Gwiz “ Black Folks, no doubt, but the cops are supposed to be protecting us…” Eric “ from our blood thirsty selves; that, my brother , is our job ain’t it'?' Eric finishes G’s thought. “ How are they supposed to know who among the Black community is to be treated like a human when they know there are so many killers among us?” G-Wizz ” They train for that shit” Eric “This is true. But it's a hard job, especially when you add something like this covid pandemic.” G-Wizz “ Oh ho, don't get me started on that. I ain't over my car getting burned up yet. “


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Eric “ It's set back the whole planet” G-Wizz “ Everybody got the blues behind it. Done broke the average citizen of every country. The small businesses too.” Eric “ Yep, I keep asking myself this, maybe you can help me with it. Who has the power to shut down the whole world? “ G-Wizz “ You want to know the easy answer? The ones that did it! “ They turn a corner and are met by a makeshift homeless camp. !5 to 20 ragged tents line the sides of the filthy pothole riddled street. Squalor and suffering takes their conversation away as they proceed cautiously on their way. Two homeless guards with baseball bats and bumper jacks stop them. HOMELESS GUARD 1 “Stop right there, you fools know where you're at?” HOMELESS GUARD 2 “ Yeah, you got a cigarette? “ G-Wizz “You gotta be kidding me? “ Eric “ Hey, uh, We just want to pass down the street.” G-Wizz “ If you two bums don't get out of my way…..” Eric “ Take it easy “ G-Wizz “ Fuck a easy. I’m mad!; I’m strapped and I ain’t taking no more shit from nobody I ain’t married to!” HOMELESS GUARD 1 (insults) “ Who are you calling a bum? Flavor Flubber? “ HOMELESS GUARD 2 (with attitude) “ Yeah, you got a dollar? any change?” HOMELESS GUARD 1 “ You and broker joker un-incorporated here “ Eric “ Excuse Me?, I am not broke, and coming from a homeless street alley guard I take a lot of offense to that! “


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HOMELESS GUARD 2 “ Got a buck? “ Eric loses his temper; “ Do I have a Buck? yes i have plenty of money, six premium credit cards and an outstanding credit rating; see! “ Eric holds up a wad of cash Homeless people start popping up from everywhere, sniffing the money in the air G-Wizz and Eric look at all the Zombie-like homeless people coming out for the money. G-Wizz “ Oh Shit, put that away Oz, I think you messed up! “ Eric “ I didn't see all these lurkers, where are they coming from? This is a political embarrassment to the administrators of this city!!” G-Wizz “ You know, now is not the time for an intellectual analysis of the homeless problem in Los Angeles “ Eric “ I agree, matter of fact, we better, uh, run! The two begin to run from the homeless chasers HOMELESS GUARD 1 “ The suited one has a briefcase full of money, get him!” HOMELESS GUARD 2 “ Yeah, stingy bastard wouldn't even give me a cigarette!” G-wiz leading Eric in a trot down the street. Eric “ I don't even smoke! “ G-Wizz runs through an empty intersection followed by Eric. They turn into a parking structure behind the street front buildings and watch the homeless posse from a concealed vantage point. The mob, or what is left of it, 3-4, weezing and collapsing chasers, arrives at the intersection looking for them. One of the chasers goes to help the collapsed compadre. “ You ok Georgie? You know you can’t be out here running the streets with half a lung!, dammit!. Hey y'all,..We have to call an ambulance for Georgie’s ass again!” G-Wizz turns around to see Eric dabbing sweat from his forehead and chin. G-Wizz “ Alright, speedy, we're okay.”


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s Eric “ Oh I have no doubt. Ain’t no homeless health wreck gonna catch me! How close behind are they now? “ G-Wizz “ I'd say about two blocks. “ Eric drops the briefcase and sits on the stairs, then takes a shoe and sock off. “ Eric “Oh thank god! I got a hole in my sock and my toe is stuck in it. And these Gators ain't made for urban escape activities. Good thing we were on the straight road. If we'd have had to turn a corner, I might have cut my pinkie toe clean off. Oh, ho, that hurts. “ G-wiz watches the homeless mob stragglers creeping away on the street ,while Eric rubs his foot in the foreground. “ I was wondering what happened to your sprint skills. You got about 59 seconds to fix that flat before that homeless mob busts your ass for your money. “ Eric “ Naw, they'll run out of gas any second now. Whew,... I needed a blow anyway. “ G-Wizz “ You sure did, I thought they were going to catch you and strip you down. What were you thinking about flashing that cash like that? “


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11am Eric “ Aww, I know. but the bum called me broke, I, I just snapped. “ G-Wizz “Damn, we ran the wrong way. Where's your building?” Eric “ Ah, uh, I can't see it from here. But we only ran a little ways, we're not that far. “ They hear a woman's voice on a loudspeaker in the distance WOMAN ON LOUDSPEAKER "And Sisters, we all share a common struggle against a common foe, who demands every last drop of our souls, and offers us nothing but heartache in return." The two look around trying to determine where the voice is coming from. G-Wizz “ Sounds like a women's rally.... some of them might be single. Wanna check it out? “ 36

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Eric “ man, I am not thinking about no chicken-heads right now. I'm sweaty, my pinky toe is throbbing, I got business on my mind. “ They start to walk away when the voice continues: "Yes, ladies, we know exactly who that common enemy is, don't we? that smooth talking, suave dressing, sweet smelling, briefcase carrying, womanizing ,Black urban professional Man!! ..( Crowd roars) G-Wizz “ Haha they got you profiled Oz! “ SHe continues: “... and his hip hop dripping, street savvy, backwards baseball cap, and gold chain wearing, criminal minded homie!! “ G-Wizz “ Oh no she didn't! “ Eric “ Who is that on the grandstand?! “ G-Wizz “ I don't know, but I say we go over there and find out, Give her a piece of advice or two “ Eric “ I just want to see the chicken head; She better be fine too, talking all that shit! “ They walk to the corner as she continues; "Oh, and they’re always quick to tell you how fine you are, how good you look, when they're so busy looking at your butt and busticles, they don't notice the zits on your face, and you haven't combed your hair in two days!!" The CROWD ROARS again Eric “ Damn, she's on a roll! “ G-Wizz “ We've got to hurry up and get there and put a stop to this. All the stuff other men do to women and the Black Man is their enemy? I totally disagree with that. That sounds like propaganda to me. “ Eric “ How are two black men. on foot, going to stop a bulldagger from selling wolf tickets to a mob full of feminists in the middle of a riot?


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G-Wizz “ The best way I know how. We're going to walk up there on that stage, snatch the megaphone from that hateful thing, then I'm going to spit one of my new singles while you beat box! “ Eric “ That won't work, G!.. I can't beat box no more “ G-Wizz “ See, I knew there was something I didn't like about you. Fine!.. I'll perform solo! but you only get to keep the fat girls phone numbers. And if I ever find out you held out on me, pop goes the wood rat. Eric “ You mean weasel?” G-Wizz “ Whatever, smarty-iot “ They make a left turn at the corner then stop as they behold An overwhelming number of women of all races and sizes; rabidly reacting to the speakers agitating. The young lady on the megaphone looks weird, but decent, and appears to be a women's militant. Eric “ She don't look too bad,” G-Wizz “ Yeah, a short skinny one, just the way I like them. I ought to be able to wrestle the Microphone away from her with no problem” Their argument gets louder, drawing the attention of the gathering. Eric “ You serious? man, I am not getting up there on that grandstand and listening to you rap to these women!” G-Wizz “ Yeah, I know. You're sorry ass can't even beat box! you stay here and watch me handle these bitches like a real man is supposed to.” Eric “ I don't care about these stupid women, I'm trying to get to my office, and you are supposed to be getting me there!! G-Wizz “ Well, right now I got some swinging and hanging that needs to be done for all male-kind, these stupid broads got us all .... He points to the crowd of women who are all angrily staring at them now.


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Eric “ Uh-oh! G-Wizz “ Um, Ha, ... what's up fine looking ladies?! Eric (whispered plea) “You didn't say fine?.!..” G-Wizz “ Oh, uh, yes, yes I did. See we overheard your statements about Black Men and we had a few exceptions with it, you know, as Black men, alive. Woman “ Well, well, well,...Look what we have here, two perfect Specimens of what we were just talking about. As if delivered for the sacrifice by the divine Goddess herself” G-Wizz “ Sacrifice???!! ” Eric “ Divine goddess?! ... say, these ain't bitches” G-Wizz “ They're witches! “ The woman on the stage looks to the sky and takes a few short breaths then a long deep one before slowly letting it out. She raises the megaphone to the sky; “ Oh, Sick and twisted one, Thank you for delivering these two knuckleheads for the sacrificial ritual! G-Wizz “ Sacra-what?... She better be talking about her back! “ Eric looks around for an escape route. He spots a section of barricades from the night before, set up like hurdles. Eric: “ All right, all right, I got a plan. You still got your high hurdling skills? G-Wizz “ Yeah, somewhere in me, the pucker factor is loading 'em up right now. You talking about hitting them there? ” He nods to the rows of barricades. Eric “ Three quarter speed ought to do it. They can’t get to us through them. I was not prepared to deal with a whole mess of rabid, psycho, females today. I can't believe that, here in the year of our Lord 2020, in the great city of Los Angeles, I’m about to run from a pack of chicks! Ordinarily I would take off my Christian Dior Gator skin belt, and whoop the hell out of this coven of bad girls, but this is an eight hundred dollar suit. So we're just going to hoof it. Besides, I'm loose and warmed up now.


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G-Wizz “ Bet twenty on who wins the hurdles as extra motivation and you got a deal.” Eric “ Damn, is money all you ever think about?” Eric starts walking toward the barricades. G follows. G-Wizz “ I got my mind on my money, and my money is on me!” The Woman on stage Sees them from the stage. “ Oh no, you don’t want to leave now guys, the party is just about to get started. And you two, huh-ha, finally get to be, the lives of the party!. Sisters!...get them!!! “ Eric, briefcase swinging recklessly, breaks for the barricades. Eric “ Once again.... G-Wizz “ It's On! “ He replies as he passes Eric and leaps over the first hurdle. He hears the taps on Eric’s shoes hit the pavement behind him. He turns to see a woman rapidly closing ground on them, followed by the swarm of agitated ladies. G-Wizz “ Oh shit, they got a Flojo!! time to hit the gas Oz!” They get over the next hurdle, then Eric looks back: the fast lady crosses the first hurdle “ Damn she's fast! “ He turns to focus on the next hurdle. He brings the briefcase up as he jumps, hitting G-Wizz in the sensitive temple area of his head. G-Wizz falls like a wet sand bag, and lies unconscious in the street. Eric “ Oh Damn G!, my bad dude, you ok?” Eric turns to see The fast lady leap over the second hurdle, but scrape her groin on the concrete top as she fails to clear it cleanly. Her face registers agonising pain as she goes down. Eric kneels over Gwiz “ Oh No!...G!!. G!, G?!, can you hear me? wake up, dog!! “ Eric sees shadows circling him on the ground. “ Someone call 9-1-1!! “ He looks up at the crowd just in time to see a fist heading for his face.


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12:01pm G-Wizz begins to regain consciousness as he hears the sound of Holy Roller’s drums, tambourines, and rhythm section. He forces his eyes open; they slowly focus on a familiar face standing nose to nose over him.” He closes his eyes again, Making sure he is fully awake, then opens them again to find the face gone. He hears the voice of the face on the loudspeaker Reverend Pocket “ Praise the Lord, I said Praise the Lord, He has awakened, and now he will be rising! It was the holy sound of the Lord’s rhythm section that brought him back from a state near death...c’mon now rhythm section!, crank that blessing up so that 41

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all God’s creation can feel the power in them!!” The music intensifies and people dance and shout in the aisles” The Reverend encourages the congregation. “ That's right, that’s right! Shout it out!! Dance it out!! Live it out!! Ain’t no telling what the Lord is going to do for you next, but whatsoever it may be, it’s going to be better than what you could do for yourself!!” G-Wizz “ I died and went to ‘Hoodstyle’ hell . And the devil looks just like Freddy Pocket?!” Reverend Pocket “ Gerald, my old homie, You are safe, in the house of your Lord.” G-Wizz “ Damn! It is you Freddy...the hell you doing in a pastor’s robe?” Reverend Pocket “ Be cool Wizster, I got the calling from my father” G-Wizz “ Pimpin’ Pocket?!” Reverend Pocket “ Not that father, My Heavenly father. Yey-ass, called me on the mainline one day a few years back. He said Sonny boy, I want you to change your ways, yey-ass, change your sneaky, sorry, sneaky, dishonest ways, and I shall make you a fisher of men, and women, too, amen?. But I was weak at first. My sick and twisted ways were all I had, Yey-ass, that’s what made me who I was. But once I became a tool for the Almighty instead of the other dude, life became a breeze baby, yey-ass. Eric awakens in the middle of the conversation. “ Unnhh,-unhh... where am I?” Reverend Pocket “ Ahh, brother Brown, welcome to the Fishing for Missing Soul church”. Eric “ Uh-oh, um, thank you, how'd I get here?” Reverend Pocket ‘ We brought you here after we rescued you from a mob of bloodthirsty Women. They were duct taping you to poles when we intervened on your behalf.” G-Wizz “ My Head is killing me!...and how’d you get that black eye?” he asks Eric. A member of the band says “ I was on my way here when I saw y’all running from a swarm of women. (to Eric) A woman twice your size hit you with a tremendous right


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cross, and you were snoring before you hit the ground, which was pretty fast since you were already on your knees trying to revive your friend “ Eric “ Thank you for the details “ G-Wizz, rubbing the knot on the backside of his head, “ Yo, I'm going to get some payback on their ass. Did you see what they hit me with? “ Band member addresses G-Wizz “Yes, I saw exactly what happened to you. “ Eric “ Uh, where is my briefcase? “ G-Wizz “ Hold on Oz, go ahead, my man, “ Band member “ She is not the one who assaulted you.” G-Wizz “No?” Another witness; “ No, It was your friend's briefcase that came down like the hammer of the not-so Jolly Gray Giant on the back of your head and knocked you cold!” G-Wizz, looking angrily at Eric, “”Say what??! “ Eric “ Hey man, it was an accident. She was gaining on us and I had to pump my arms,... my bad.” Reverend Pocket “ It was the will of God, who has brought you here for protection and Purification. From the evil chasing you through the streets! Yey-ass!! Now brother G, I am not going to lie to you, we had to go through your pockets for some identification and found a considerable amount of money that would divinely increase the balance of our building fund. Deacon Jackson is holding on to it for you and keeping it safe pending the consent of your donation” G-Wizz “ Where is he at with my money!!?” Reverend Pocket nods to the side. G turns to see a terrifying sight. The neighborhood thug bully, Lonzo, in a church suit with a picnic basket, “ Lonzo??!” Reverend “ Yey-yass” Lonzo “ What’s up G” G-Wizz; “ Lonzo you know me. There will be repercussions if you take my money.


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Lonzo blinks while he thinks about it. “ Yo G, the Lord said to say please” G-Wizz shakes his head, knowing he won’t get the money back. Reverend “ Do we have your donation my brother? Don’t tell the Lord No” G-Wizz waves ‘go ahead’ to Pocket Reverend Pocket “ Ahhh yey-ass, choir! Make some joyful noise up in here for a moment of gratitude for this unexpected blessing.” The drums and tambourines pick up the tempo and the piano, bass, and guitar fall in for a few bars as Reverend pocket Pop Locks, and moon walks on the stage, People clap, shout, and dance, in their seats. Reverend Pocket gives the and the kill sign and the music abruptly ends. Reverend Pocket turns his attention to Eric. “ Now brother Brown, we went through your pockets too. You didn’t have any cash, but you got a few credit cards in good standing. We took the liberty of checking the balances, and as it turns out, you can supply a donation to the church covid cleaning fund in exchange for the holy blessing of Jesus on your life today” Eric “ Yeah, there's just, well there may possibly be one little problem.. “ The Rev, G-Wizz, and congregation go silent as they look to Eric for an explanation.


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12:48pm Moments later G-Wizz and Eric are walking out of the church. The door slams behind them. G-Wizz gives the humbled Eric a good look. “My man, why would you wait until you're surrounded by a bunch of ruggish-thuggish Christians who just pulled your ass off a stake some witches planned to weenie roast you on, to confess you ain't a Christian? 45

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Eric “Hey, I was out cold, all my plugs aren't firing right. The truth just slipped out real quick. I didn't know they were going to do us like that though. That wasn’t very Christian of them” G-Wizz “ So when did you convert to Islam? And why did you wait until after they jacked my thirty five hundred to drop that bomb on ‘em” Eric “ I don’t know dog, it just happened that way? They start walking. G-Wizz “ Let's unpack this shit real quick, You changed your name but not your religion? Eric ‘ Yeah man, see, it was easier on me back in Jersey doing business with the Black community. But out here, not so much. Besides, the first time I went to a cookout and smelled them ribs and sausages on the grill, I realized I didn't have enough self discipline to be a Muslim.” G-Wizz “ Man Eric, you were giving me a headache before you gave me a concussion! You can't beat box, you ain't a real Muslim, And I bet you ain't got no aspirins in that knot popping briefcase either? Eric “ Sure don't, but if you get gas or heartburn I got you covered.” G-Wizz “ I got a headache that would put the fire in Godzilla's breath out! We got to find a drug store so I can get some aspirin or something.” Eric “ Hey, there's one there on the corner “ They walk towards the boarded up drug store across the street G-Wizz “Good lookin' Oz, I can't even see that far, I'm hurting here. Your Boy woozy “ Eric “ Don't worry about it, I got you. We'll get some ice and chill that knot down too G-Wizz “Muffugga hot! “ Eric “ Yeah, I can see it throbbing and glowing from here. Five pounds of ice and an ace bandage ought to do it. “


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G-Wizz “ I hope they sell whiskey too.” They arrive at the store to find the store boarded up, graffiti covered, and locked down. Eric “ Damn, it's locked up G-Wizz “ Shit, well, I'm going to have to blow the lock off and loot this bitch! “ Eric “ Blow the lock off? With what? “ G-Wizz pulls a pistol from his ankle holster; “ With this “ Eric “ You've had that this whole time? “ G-Wizz “ Yup, I'm O.G. Wizz, homey, I don't go out the house without it. got three clips in my sox too; just in case we get into a shootout. Stand back,..” Eric moves back and looks around as G-Wizz shoots the lock off with 2 shots Eric “ You're serious aren't you. “ G-Wizz takes the chains off the plywood and kicks an opening. “ You coming? “ Eric “ Not me, I'll stay here and look out.” G-Wizz “ Be right back” G-Wizz disappears inside the store. Eric looks around at the empty streets. He marveled at how the rivers of asphalt that carried so many people, so much commerce, everyday for so many years, could be so empty, and because of a virus? A nuclear attack would have been kinder, he thought, at least people would know what they were fighting against. This invisible assailant was something the modern world, with all its technological advancements, was not prepared for. G-Wizz comes out of the store disgusted and shaking his head. Eric “ No aspirin?” G-Wizz “ No nothing! ain't nothing in there but trash and B-L-M graffiti. Come on, man , let’s find another one; they’re usually close to each other, you know…..hear that?“


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G pauses as he hears music and crowd chanting in the distance, growing louder as it comes closer. “Sounds like a demonstration coming”. Eric says as he looks and listens to determine the direction. “ From up ahead I think.” He points ahead. “What are they saying? I can’t catch it” “ No Puedo Respirar” G-Wizz responds while feeling the knot on his head. . “ What does that mean? “ Eric asks sincerely. “ I can’t breathe,” G Informs him. Eric grins and is energized by a rush of appreciation for the Hispanic demonstrators. “ Now that’s what I’m talking about. The hispanic community has finally come to grips with the realization that they and us have this affliction in common. I didn’t know you spoke spanish?” G-Wizz “ There’s a lot you don’t know about me Oscar; I done a lot of shit over the last twenty something years. A lot of it with the Hispanic community, or whatever you call it. That's the UC description by the way. On the street, we call em Meskins” Eric giggles, “ Oh, I’m familiar with the term. But not all of them are from Mexico. Some come from Guatemala, El Savador, and other central and south American countries.” “Yeah, well they all become Meskins when they get to the United States. That’s how you tell which ones are Americans and which ones ain’t” “ How do you figure that?” G Wizz stops walking for a moment while he explains; “ American Hispanics know that us other American english speaking cultures have trouble with the X.” “ You’ve got some sure enough, twisted logic, G” “ I’m serious, “ G replies. “ Next time you get comfortable with a strange Hispanic, call him a Meskin. If they ain’t from Mexico, they will let you know, cuz, and if you respectfully apologize, they’ll tell you the whole saga of how they got where there are right now, if you got time”


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“ And if they are from Mexico” Eric asks, anticipating a humorous answer. “ They’ll school you on the proper pronunciation and give you the Mexican version of the finger. But if they from the “Hood, they been to the same schools you been to, and they know Americans, especially the Nappyheaded ones, can’t fuck with the r’s and x’s in spanish”” Eric chuckles and shakes the conversation off “ I can't breathe,...let's go see if the Ese's got some aspirin for they're browner than brown brother “ G comments as he proceeds to walk towards the now raucous action. Eric, joking; “ And maybe some ice for that Rhinoceros horn on the back of your head.” G-Wizz “ Keep it up Chuckles, 1 in the chamber, 7 on deck, and three full clips. I'm the wrong one to mess with right now. “ Eric “ Aw man, I'm just playing with you. Where's your sense of humor? G-Wizz “ In the water-bucket line with the rest of my emotions, Trying to put out the fire from this knot on my head! “ They see a flatbed truck with a live spanish rock Quartet in the back, slowly pass the intersection half a block ahead. G-Wizz: “ Damn! That band is crushing it ain’t they? Who is that? Never heard this song before…” Eric agrees “ It is pretty powerful...the chant too… matches the cause you know? They get mistreated by the system as much as anyone you know” G reflects “ Now, they have some catching up to do though. I think they start to realize

that based on how they see us get treated by the establishment, things ain’t going to get better for them anytime soon” “Unless they force them to” As they approach the protest route. They see groups of people gathered in the street carrying signs that reflect the latino issues in english and spanish. The Music plays as the crowd marches past chanting "NO PUEDO RESPIRAR!!" 49

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G-Wizz & Eric stand and watch as the protest passes. All ages, and sexes. Some were wearing "I'm George Floyd" front & " No Puedo Respirar" on back T-shirts. Eric "I'm George Floyd, I Can't breathe either" I love it! (shouting), United we stand!! A group of protesters acknowledge and respond to Eric’s support as they continue their march. G-Wizz looks to the left, then taps Eric’s shoulder, getting his attention. He points to a nearby snow cone street vendor with a display full of shaved ice. Eric sees it. “ Oh yeah! Just what we need” They approach the vendor “ Orale Amigo, three large, one just ice” A few minutes later, Eric follows G down the street . He’s looking at G’s shadow on the ground. An ice filled, paper cone fitting snug on the knot on G’s head, makes his shadow look strange” G senses his search for an explanation of the strange shadow. “ How do I look?“, He asks the pensive Eric. “ Like a gargoyle, with one big horn on the backside of your head”, “No, I mean the knot. It’s going down. The ice is putting the fire out, the cone getting looser on it” Eric giggles before answering “ That's good news. I really am sorry about that, my brother.” G spots a dealer serving a pair of girls across the alley. When the girls walk away he gets his attention “ Hey my man, Amigo, you got any aspirins or pain pills? “ Amigo “ Man, I got everything you need, brother. How much do you want to spend? G-Wizz “ I'll drop a dub...what are you doing with it though? Amigo “ Yeah brother I got you. Here, I'll give you one of these, one of those, and a blunt of something that'll take all your pain away; have you flying high like Superman doing Laps around the moon! “ G-Wizz “ Ok “ G-Wizz walks over to him, He gives him twenty bucks and takes the handoff.


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Amigo “ Hey, here's my number if you need anything else, call me. I got a riot special on pain pills and anxiety reducers going right now during this pandemic”. The dealer pounds his heart twice, gives G and Eric the peace sign, and walks back into the crowd disappearing in the sea of socially conscious revelers. Eric and G take a few steps back down the street out of plain sight while inspecting the purchase. Eric ”That don't look like aspirin Wizz: G responds while smelling the blunt. “ It's ok. I ain't taking that shit anyway. But we're going to step around the corner and smoke this here, take a pause for the cause, get our bearings.” Eric “You think it's safe to buy drugs and smoke weed you got from a stranger in the middle of an insurrection? That might be that shit that’s killing everybody. What's it called ? Finnegal? G-Wizz holds the blunt to Eric’s nose. Eric sniffs it twice; “ Eww-wee! That smells like that humboldt county doo-doo bud. I haven’t smelt anything like that since college.” G-Wizz “ Funky as a skunk turd, and ten times as toxic! “ Eric “ It smells like the kind that keeps going out on you. Good thing I bought a new lighter “ They walk a few steps into an alley and sit on some milk crates behind a trash bin, out of sight, casually discussing historical incidents. G-Wizz “ Remember Rodney King? The world didn't go crazy over that like this. They’re doing shit in countries I didn’t know had Black people in them” Eric “ Black Humans are everywhere. It’s our planet. We set the whole thing in motion, spinning this proud paradise for thousands, or probably millions of years. Not with wars, or drugs, or dirty tricks, with the goal of advancing the human race.” G-Wizz “ Give me the fire, college man. Is that what they taught you at Berkeley?”


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Eric “ Naw, but there were other esoteric educational groups in the Bay Area that exposed me to non-traditional information. Got a brother ready to represent the truth about this planet.” G puffs as he listens G-Wizz “ How do they know that’s the truth? they could say anything to prop up their position. Like Freddy, or, excuse me, Reverend, “Ye-yass” Pocket” ... rolling and robbing the people in the name of the Lord” Eric “ May I smoke with you? Pass the peace, baby. I need to be high to understand the crap you're talking about” G-Wizz “ Yeah, take a good hit and hold it a long time, so you can give me a high handed answer to that bullshit” Eric “ What bullshit?, you don’t believe that the melanated human is the original earth Man? “ G-Wizz “ No, I don’t as a matter of fact. If we were the first men, that means we are responsible for all the wicked things that caused the destruction of the planet, not the White humans we keep blaming. You original negroes don’t want to deal with that” Eric: “ So, are you saying that Black folks are the ones that polluted, and pillaged, and performed wicked deeds that caused God to wipe humans off the face of the earth?” G-Wizz `` If we ere first, like you say. Who else could we blame, dog? And ain’t it just like us to fart in church and blame your little brother for the stink?” Eric “ What about all the Black men, women and children getting slaughtered by the police all day everyday across the country?” George Floyd ain't the first, last, or even latest example of this terrorism. They've killed women, children, elders, Vets, all over the world, not just in the States G-Wizz “ Oh no doubt we got to get justice for that, but, that’s some old shit. You can connect that to slavery and the flood of Noah easier than you can what’s happening now.”


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Eric “ So ,if it's all over the World, it can't be racial only?. It’s got to be evil! You got all races practicing the same hateful shit on their own people, but putting extra effort into fucking with Black folks.” G- “ It's good versus evil, Not racial. Do they discriminate in Africa against Black people? The answer is yes. Everybody is black, or some shade of it, but the rich live good while the poor just live, right?’ Eric let’s out a plume of smoke while nodding in agreement. “ When you break it all down, you’re correct. The rich should not take more than they need thus creating poverty for the rest of their countrymen. To do so over decades creates desperate conditions for everybody in such a society. And that in itself, is evil” . He hands the smoke to G-Wizz G-Wizz “ Why is it that the things that are supposed to be the foundations of society are the most crooked? It’s gotten to the point where you can’t depend on anything anymore. Nothing is real; I’m the realest thing in America, and I’m going through changes my damn self” Eric “ Because it's a crooked social system to begin with. The challenge to the citizens of each country is to straighten their own society;s out. We in America have not progressed significantly in what?, sixty years? As long as you leave the raggedy system in place how do you expect a change? G-Wizz “ Damn, I'm feeling pretty good now! “ Eric “ You ought to; you inhaled that ganja like it was fresh air for your last breath” G-Wizz “ Has anybody ever told you that you turn into a real cynical asshole when you get high?” Eric, “ Man,a lot of girls have, but I don’t listen to that chatter!... I’m High!, don’t mess up my vibe, you know?” G-wizz rolls his eyes and shakes his head slowly. Eric blurts out “... And, Niggas still fart in church!! ”


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1:27pm They hear the engine and brakes of a big truck roll into the alley and stop. They can not see or be seen from their spot on the milk crates behind trash bins. G-Wizz “ What's that?” Eric “ Sounds like a back-up alert? The pair stand up to see a pair of suspiciously well groomed Men, one Black, one White, lowering a pallet of red bricks into the alley. Once the pallets are on the ground the deliverers head back to the truck cab not seeing G and Eric behind the trash bin.They overhear the drivers: 54

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“ That's the last one. Let's get this truck back to the lot and head back to the station.” The black voice answers ``Sounds good; Toss that list of locations where we dropped tonight's party favors off in the trash there, dude.” “Fuck that’ (as he crumples the paper up and tosses it to the side) “ Let’s get out of here before we’re seen” The doors to the truck slam close, and the engine shifts into gear and pulls away. G and Eric emerge, and look at the pallet of fresh red bricks. Eric “Tonight's party favors??! these mutha's!! they're supplying bricks for the looters?!” G-Wizz “ You know we weren't supposed to see that. I told you this ain't no real riot! “ Eric “ I got it all on my cell phone video, even the license plate! “ G-Wizz “ If you know like I know you’ll erase that That’s the kid of evidence that will get you, me, and three other niggas killed. I got a better solution for this particular situation; Let's go get that list they threw away”. They go to retrieve the list. Eric “ Yeah! then we can call the TV News and expose this corruption and bring this city to its knees! G-Wizz “You must be high. This ain’t no comic book episode. You call the news and you'll be the lead story on it by eleven” Eric “ Yeah, giving the biggest interview in Los Angeles History and the footage to back it up! “ G-Wizz “ No, as the next George Floyd, Mike Brown, Trayvon, Eric, and a million other brothers getting his life snuffed out to cover up what you thought was going to be your fifteen minutes of fucking fame. This ain't Minnesota or Missouri, or none of them other kill-a-Nigga cities. This is LA! Let an OG, super city, street legend, like the one and only G-Wizz, handle this on an asphalt level. Eric “ Oh?, Ok, what do you propose? “ G-Wizz “ Watch me work”


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G-Wizz takes out his phone and searches for a number, then hits the dial button. He un-crumples the list and focuses on it as the phone is answered. Julio, a dear friend, answers “Hola? “ G-Wizz “Julioooo!! “ JULIO “ Ayy, What up Wizz?! “ G-Wizz “Hey, are you still trying to build that brick barbeque pit and patio for Arbolita Maria?” JULIO “ Char-lay, I can't buy any bricks now, I've been out of work for three months now, Homie.” G-Wizz “ You still got the lift gate truck and pallet jack right? “ JULIO “ Si “ G-Wizz “ Got enough gas to make it to midtown and back home?” JULIO “ Si, why? “ G-Wizz “ I can get you 3 pallets of red bricks if you and the gang can scoop them up real quick?, like right now” JULIO “ Hell yeah, man where we gotta go? G-Wizz `` Three spots around the westside and midtown. I’m texting the addresses to you now. It might take you all of twenty minutes to scoop them up. I'll text you the addresses. Bust a move! family!!” JULIO “ Bust back at you! Thanks Wizz!! Hey Mario and Paco, get the pallet jack on the flatbed and let's ride!! “ G-Wizz hangs up and turns to Eric singing the hook from Nas’s classic: “ Who’s world is this? “ Eric “ Now what good will that do again?”


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G-Wizz “ Well for one, My peeps can build their grandmother the patio and barbeque she’s always wanted but couldn’t afford. Next, we get these things off the street before they can do any damage, And last, the guys that were assigned to deliver these party favors will have to explain to whoever supplied them what happened to them” Eric “ And they don’t know what happened to them” Gwiz “ Exactly. So there goes their credibility with the dark overlords. And whatever other fate they earned by doing wrong “ He and Eric bump fists. G-Wizz hands Eric the Blunt, “ Okay G, I see, effective and anonymous. That was smooth. Redirect and recycle the resources. Gwiz “ Exactly, almost. We'll wait for Julio and them to get here and get a ride to your office too! “ Eric “ Three birds with one stone..efficiency on display. You, Sir. are true asset to your community” Four remotely operated Drones fly towards them from the opposite end of the alley. Eric “ What the hell is that? I must be high, That looks like a posse of big ass dragonflies, but they don't have anything like that in LA, unless the refugees brought that shit with them..(He puffs the smoke and exhales), we got to get them educated on American flora and fauna for food sources...you think them things must taste like Chicken “ G-Wizz “That there is a drone, fool. Put your mask on Oz “ G and Eric pull their masks over their faces and adjust them to a comfortable fit. The drones hover over the pile of bricks for a moment. Eric “What? a drone? What is a drone doing in a riot? “ G wizz “ Taking high resolution, digital pictures of everything and everyone in the mix, dummy. This is the new police method. See why don't they need squad cars out there burning up all the gas and polluting the air; until some shit happens. Then they know right where to go and who to get.” The Drones react to the noise of their conversation. “Eric “ Can they hear us too?”


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The drones attack like angry birds, dive bombing and harassing them. Eric ducks and covers, taken by surprise. Eric “What the Hell!?” One of the drones strikes G in the back “ G-Wizz “ Oh no they didn't! “ Eric “ Now who is going to believe that A rogue militant drone is trying to hurt two black men in a downtown Alley?! Only in Los Angeles!” G-Wizz, pulling his pistol from his front pocket; “ If this thing does that one more time,I'm shooting it down! Eric ducks and flinches from the drones as he puffs the last of the blunt “ You can't hit that thing, it's moving too fast Wizz! “ We hear a gunshot and one of the drones explodes in mid air. Eric “ Damn! Where did you learn to shoot like that?! That was a lucky shot right?” G-Wizz blows the gunsmoke from his pistol G-Wizz “ I keep on trying to tell you, I'm O.G. Wizz, homie! “ Eric “ Great shot! You hit it the first time! too “ G-Wizz “ The G stands for great shooting, gun slinging, get some get-back getting, bad-ass, black man! “ They hear a siren begin nearby. It sounds like it's coming their way. Eric“ You think that may have been a police drone, Wizz? “ G-Wizz, thinking before answering, “It may have been. We better run huh? Eric “ Aw man, again? No, I am not running when I am innocent; Eric walks back over to the milk crates, and plops down defiantly “This is really messing up my high..”. After a moment of silence Eric realizes he is alone in the alley. “ Yo, G?!, where are you, brother?” After not getting a response, Eric stands up to have a look. 4 new drones rush by him. “ Uh, Wiz, there were only three drones before right?” … He sees G-Wizz sprinting around a corner a few dozen yards ahead of the drones. Eric “ No way.....


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Eric takes the last puff and drops the butt and stomps it out A police car sees him in the alley and hollers on the loudspeaker: “ You in the alley! Put the gun down and let me see your hands! ” Eric, “ Gun?? I don't have a gun officer” Police officer “ Get your hands up where I can see them! Do it Now!” Eric: “ That’s not a problem for me at all. May I set my briefcase down right here first?” Officer “ No, what are you an asshole or something? Get your hands up, Now!!” Eric “ But I didn't do nothing officer, I swear to God! I was just sitting here taking a break from…” POLICE OFFICER “ That's what they all say. If you're innocent you've got nothing to worry about” Eric “ Uh oh, that's what the cops all say too.” He looks around for the best direction to run before the police car, slowly creeping up the alley, gets to him. He points behind the police car and yells “ There is the man with the gun right there!!” Both police look behind them, seeing nothing, they return their attention to Eric, or the spot he was last seen. Eric hurried through the remainder of the protesters . As he got across the street and away from the police hazard that was threatening his life a few seconds ago, He reflects on how familiar this story is in America. Innocent, and shaken by this incident, he thought about how the countless Arican, Mexican, Asian, and Caucasian Americans must have felt before they were assaulted by erroneous justice? How many would have survived if they had a crowd of innocent bystanders with cameras to flee into?. Damn, even a runaway slave had it better than this. At least those slaves knew the consequences of strolling through a city, where they’d grown up, pretending they were free.


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2:00 pm G-Wizz was breathing a little heavy by then. He’d zigged and zagged through alleys and empty streets for a good half mile. His pace slowed as he thought about Eric. He thought about going back to see about him, until he remembered he was the one who had shot the drone down and got away. But, it was kind of against the hood code to run off and leave the homie, twenty years ago when they were newbies.


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He mused down the middle of the street thinking about what may have happened to Eric. A number of possibilities crossed his mind. In fact, he was thinking through scenario number 13, his mixed luck number, and failed to notice the police car creeping up from behind. The squad car is driven by a dreaded, sunglass wearing, heavyset black man. A long haired Hispanic man, both in aviator sunglasses rides in the passenger seat. Both of them seem a little too big for the police windbreakers they’re wearing; they grin at the unsuspecting G-Wizz. The driver leans out the window ; “ Freeze Nigga!... so I can run your black ass over! “ G-Wizz Stops dead in his tracks, “Damn”, “he thought, They got him”... He started thinking about all the shit that happened, not just that day, but throughout his life. How it was about to all go away, and why. The anger raged through him like a wildfire fed by the dry grass of repression and frustration. If he was going to lose it all, he might as well go out in a hail of fire right now. He pulls out his gun and turns to fire at the squad car, fully aware, and accepting, of whatever consequences followed. The pair in the squad car suddenly change their grins to wide mouthed shock as they see G about to fire at them They duck and wave, The Chicano waving peace signs as he ducks and deploys an impressive combination of dodge ball moves. The Driver shouts “Yo Wizz!! Don't shoot it's Fat Daddy and Rico!! “ G-Wizz puts the gun away as he walks to the car G-Wizz “You knuckleheads just about got shot! the hell you doing in a police car, Homey? Fats `` Well you know, we needed something to match the uniforms. Hahaha!! get in, Nuggah!! Crazy ass, mutha... The fuck’s wrong with you?” G-Wizz gets in the back seat of the squad car. RICO “Damn Wizz, you were gonna blast on Popo?” G-Wizz “ I'm gonna blast on the next muhfugga messing with me! I don't care who it is “ Fats “ Yo Wizz, was that you that shot down the drone around the way? “ G-Wizz “ Yup, one shot too! “ Fats “ Well, your ass is under arrest! haha! “


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G-Wizz “ Don't make me hurt you Fat Daddy “ RICO “ Hey, Where's the ride Wizz? “ G-Wizz “ Aww man, I got Jacked by some weirdos. Long story short, a kid dropped a molotov on my shit and burnt it to the frame. It's been a bad day, doggies. “ Fats “ Damn! Where were you at? “ G-Wizz “ Over off of 10th avenue and Lemon “ Fats and Rico look at each other. They laugh and bump fists Fats “ That was your shit? “ G-Wizz “ Yeah, what's the joke? “ RICO “ That's where we came up on this vehicle and uniforms. The cops were helping put the fire out and left the door open and the car running for us.” Fats “ And a full tank of gas!. I guess he was picking up the cleaning for the station because he had all these uniforms in the back seat. You want one? “ G-Wizz “ Hell no!, and ya'll get your dumb asses out of them before you get shot for real. And dump this car too “ RICO “ Charlay, we already got a plan Wizz. Got some hot boys waiting at the park gonna give us cash money for this trophy.” G-Wizz “ What park?


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2:37pm A relaxed, but aware, Eric walks to a stop light at a major intersection, now empty; no 63

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traffic anywhere. He presses the button on the crosswalk for the walk signal to turn green. He thinks about G wizz running off and leaving him; That was messed up. If he sees G again he will let him know it too. But, it had been twenty something years since the last time they laid eyes on each other so he didn’t anticipate running into him anytime soon. Under the circumstances, he really couldn’t be upset. G had shot down a police drone. They probably had a hd picture of him doing it too. It was probably best that they parted ways when they did. He pressed the walk button again, then he thought,...why? There’s nobody on the street, so just cross it and keep moving. As soon as his foot hits the asphalt in the crosswalk, a police car turns a corner a block away and spots him. The car turns on the lights, catching Eric by surprise. “ Oh no, here we go again” Eric sprints across the street as they head his way. He hits the sidewalk and notices a great hiding spot behind a boarded up entrance and ducks out of sight. The car speeds past him unconcerned about him on its way to an urgent call. “ Hey! What’re you doing here?” Eric turns to find a middle eastern man holding a shotgun pointed at the ground. “ Whoa, now, Sir, I was just getting out of the police car's way, and..” “ And you thought you would sneak up on me and loot my store?Well you were dead wrong my bloody friend!” “ What?! I beg your pardon?! Do I look like a looter to you?” Eric responds with indignation “ You get out of here right now or I’ll call the police!” “ Call them, I haven’t done anything to you, nor am I a criminal with any reason to fear the police. Go ahead, call…” Before Eric can finish the sentence, ‘BOOM’ the man mistakenly fires the shotgun into the ground. Eric takes flight again, this time running for his life, thinking the man shot at him intentionally. The man’s wife comes to the door. “ What was that noise?” “ The gun went off ” “No, it works?” “ Yes, but I didn’t know it was loaded” “ Well get rid of it before you shoot yourself”


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“ Not until this riotness is over with. It might come in handy” They go back into their establishment and lock the door.

2:50pm Eric dashes down the alley a few blocks before the adrenaline wears off. He looks back and realizes he is out of range of the shotgun; plus there didn’t seem to be any 65

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reason to keep running since nobody was following him. “ Man! I'm in pretty good shape to have done all this running and not be winded or sweating.” he said as he glanced at the strange graffiti on the alleyways and buildings around him. ’G-C-R’ was prominent everywhere. There was more but He couldn’t quite read what it said. He stopped for a moment to try and make it out. One thing he did notice was ‘P-W-K’ randomly appearing in the yellow color that had crossed out the other colors, and names, and scribbling. He knew it was gang stuff, just not which gang. He looked down the street at an empty, shady pagoda in a park at the end of the street. A perfect place to take a break and get his thoughts together. He still had that lingering thought in his mind about G-Wizz as he walked. Had the police got him? The rioters? Or was he out running amuck with that gun? A lot had happened today and if they’d stuck together he was confident they’d have kept each other out of trouble. Plus, he was still going to get that insurance claim and whatever additional assistance G was eligible for because of the pandemic. The grass felt soft after all the running through the streets. His dress shoes had held up to the abnormal use on this city trek so far. He arrived at the shady pagoda, threw his briefcase down on a table and plopped down in a totally relaxed position; he pulled his mask off, took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He let the breath out in a ‘whoosh’, and kicked back on the cool concrete graffiti covered picnic table. “ You need some of this O.G.?” Eric reacted to the question. He looked over to the next pagoda, where at least 25-30 yellow bandana masked youths were gathered. “ Some of what?” The youth holds up a rolled marijuana cigar. “ Oh, that. I can’t smoke the whole thing, though. You set it off and I’ll hit it with you though” “ You have to come over here though, we leave that one empty to make the police think ain't' nobody here when they drive down the street.” Eric, chuckling, gets up and heads their way. “ Well it worked on me” he confesses as he arrives. A young male greets him “ What are you doing around here Mister-Homie? “ Another adds: “ Where are you from, Dog! You know where you’re at?”


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Eric gives him the stop sign. “ Hold on partner, Let me hit the blunt first before y’all interrogate me. It’s been a long day already, I had to run from the police drones , and the last run from Zorba the shotgun toting Greek winded me a little bit, so please, one at a time with your questions.” The gang laughs. The generous one hands him the lit smoke. “ What did you do? to the drones?” Eric “ I didn't do anything! They just started following me, so I started running. Y'all better get away from me before the come back; I’m dangerous, I guess “ The gang laughs again. Eric “ Y'all think I'm playing? “ The first questioner laughs an answer to Eric “ The police don't come up in here, besides ,we zap them drones, and capture them; then we give them to the little homies with the best grades for Christmas “ Eric “ No shit? Look here, my son is an A student. If y'all really doing things like that, me and him both will join your gang The Gang laughs again “ Eric continues “I'll show you youngsters how to do taxes, make you some money every year! “ The gang laughs again Eric looks around at them as he puffs. “ What are y’all laughing at? There ain't nothing funny about taxes.” The Generous one speaks up “ We don’t pay no taxes Mister, we don’t have regular jobs” The gang laughs again Eric “ Wow, I know I'm a little bit high, but y'all are a real jolly bunch of gangsters. Kind of like Robin Hood and Merry men huh? “ One youth, “ Actually,...not. well we do represent the robbing part. You got a couple of dollars on you? Change for twenty? Eric pulls out the wad of cash. Eric “ Yeah, want two tens or five fours? I mean,... “ The youth takes the whole wad. ” I'll count it for you, you're high “ Eric “ Oh, okay, Thanks “


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“ You're welcome” The youngster responds as he tosses the wad to the leader, Who stuffs it in his hoodie pocket. Eric remains cool and calm while puffing the smoke. Eric “Oh, I get it, I'm being robbed. I got to run from nut-jobs, witches, drones, and finally get to a cool place, only to get robbed by you young people? Leader “ Life's a bitch, ain't it? “ Eric “ Young man, you just don't know. Y’all just getting started in life you know. And, it’s a marathon, not a sprint``'' Another youth speaks; “ You think it's easy being a young gang member? We got our own problems, dude. “ Eric “ Oh yeah?, such as?” Another speaks; “ We got to worry about Police, other gangs, abusive parents, toxic schools and pervert teachers,” Yet another youther adds; “ Hunger, homelessness, mental disease, poison food and water... “ And another, “ Hi speed chases, “ Eric “ Damn! I see what you mean. I'd hate to be a youth today. Why don't you guys play sports? Some of you look like good athletes “ Another member “ We did, The pandemic shut that shit down. This was my senior year. I was the eighth rated defensive back in the west. Had a scholarship to a D-1 program, Now, I ain't got shit! “ Eric “ That ain't right “ Another girl speaks up “ I was on my way to Stanford on a full ride. “ The leader said, “ So, some of us tried that shit. Got the finger anyway. “ Eric “ Well you know, sports is only one way to make it out of the ‘hood. But sports don't get you out of the hood do they? Grades do, don't they? Study hard, get out the yard, at least that's what they used to tell me.” A youth on a bike; “ Yeah, right, I got a 4.2 GPA .what did they do for me? closed down the schools my senior year, My college money is stuck in the system, and it's starting to look like despite all those years of academic excellence, I ain't going nowhere no time soon! “


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Eric “Damn, now that is fucked up. Y’all got anything to drink? Several of the members raise various types of liquors and sodas. Eric looks over the choices. “ You know what, I think I’d like a bottle of water, and the rest of that Hennessey. Gang Boss, break somebody off some more of my money to go get some more drinks. I feel like getting comfortable.” The Gang laughs again. Leader “ You didn’t have but seventeen dollars, you dipping into my shit now, big homie” Eric takes the bottle of Henney and water. “ Now, Young man, what’s your story?” he asks the leader. The leader shrugs, and thinks a moment before looking Eric in the eye. “ This is all I got. I grew up in foster care and group homes. My mom was a drug fiend and I never knew my Dad. Or any of my family. My mom died when I was 4, and it seemed like the system passed me around from devil to devil, until I ran away. I have been on these streets since I was sixteen, that’s four years now. But this pandemic made me think about changing things up life wise. Believe it or not, I’m trying to lead this whole posse off the streets into the classrooms, and offices, and own homes and stuff. Exactly what you’re talking about“ Eric is impressed “ That’s a very tough story and you have my respect for having lived through the things you had to. It definitely made you a strong individual.” Eric takes a card out of his pocket case. “ I can help you, take my card and call me next week you hear me? I’m serious “ he hands the card to the youth. “So what are you going to do now? Just hang around here and be the best educated, most athletic street gang in the city? A young Lady “I plan on selling cannabis now that it's legal. “ Eric “Now, believe it or not, that's a good plan. Matter of fact, give her twenty dollars of my money you got in your pocket, and let's smoke to that! THE GANG LAUGHS Eric continues, “ But seriously, I didn’t hear one of yall mention the very first thing you must have to pay every month; that’s rent. How are you going to call yourself an adult if you can’t pay the rent, or mortgage if you own the place?” Eric looks around for someone to volunteer an answer. “ You need something you can depend on every month to pay you so you can pay the rent, food, and other bills that come with the cost of living. The thing I’m talking about is a career, not just a job. Find the thing you are gifted at, and love doing, then get certified to be paid doing it. Doesn’t


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matter what it is, everybody is gifted at different things. That is what makes a modern evolving society ” Some of the members voice their agreement and appreciation of Eric’s encouraging message. Gang leader to the members “ I like this old cat. Let's put him on the set! “ Eric “ Set? y'all make movies? Well, as long as it ain't porno, I'm down “ “ You want to be the cameraman and film it?” Eric “ Film what? What do we have to do? “ A Big Youth; “ Well, we have to whoop your ass, and you have to take it; show us how tough you are. “ Eric “ Oh?, ok, let's get it crackin then” First youth ““You're ok with that? Eric “ Well, y'all already robbed me. I assume beating my ass was next anyway. As long as there ain't no running involved, I can handle it. But I need to warn you, I’m a fourth degree black belt, and I do have the ability to severely hurt you” The Leader speaks up.” Naw, we wouldn’t disrespect you like that. There is something else you could do though.” Eric, Curious “ What’s that” Leader “ Talk to us some more about real life “ Eric chokes on his drink before answering, “Real life? man, there ain't no such thing. This pandemic has shown me that everything you ever learned and thought you had down pat, is no longer reliable. The only thing real about this life is that it is indeed you living it. “

Another youth comments “ Now that's real talk, but how did it get like this though? Yet another says “ Preacher man said the devil did it, but then I see him coming out of my neighbor's house around midnight three times a week. How do you have faith in a man like that?” Eric “ Have faith in the Lord, not the man.“ Another steps forward “ What are you supposed to do about a man like that? It’s my


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aunt he’s messing around with. My Uncle doesn't know yet but he’s crazy enough to smoke that Preacher.” Eric “ That is a truly tough situation to be in. I wish I could say something that would make it right, but I can’t. Don’t make their problem your problem though” A young lady says “ What about love and relationships? Are you married?” Eric “ I’ ve been, twice, and working on my third I have kids close to your ages. What do you want to know “ She asks “ How do you make someone do what they need to do so you can have a better life?” Eric “ A better life, for you?” “ Together, you know what I mean” Eric “ Yes, but YOU have to be sure. Because the answer is; you can’t. They have to want those things for themselves. Don’t spend years struggling with someone who doesn’t want what you want. Go after the things you want in life and find someone who wants the same along the way” Yet another asks, “ Man, I got the question of all questions, if you can answer this: What are we going to do about White folks? They keep on killing and doing foul stuff, and the law won’t do anything about it. How is that?” Eric blinks at the question , and the caucasian questioner. “ Not that it matters, but the mask is throwing me off. May I ask , though, are you caucasian?” “ Yeah, but I’m talking about them other fools. The ones that want to control everything and everyone, and ain’t got no love for nothing on God’s green earth. I’m Po’ White King, the righteous one. They hate me more than people of color because I won’t go along with their racial separation bullshit. I love everybody, know what I’m saying?” A young black member vouches. “ Yeah, he cool, Poor White King, the only white folk I fuck with. I hate them other crackers though, don’t you?”

Eric chuckles, “ Be careful hating White folks, you may fuck around and do like me. I got to doing an ancestors search on my family in college, you know, trying to connect to my black roots, Found out not only was a white man responsible for leading my people off a plantation and out of slavery, He lost his life doing it. So if it hadn’t been for a white man my folks didn’t even know, giving his life, my black behind wouldn’t be here now!. How are you going to hate after you know the truth? “ A young Hispanic girl chimes in “ You can’t ”


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Another youth “ Not all of them, but you got to on some. They don’t give you a choice.” Eric blows a smoke circle as he nods yes “ Well, that’s a personal choice, See there are many different solutions to that question. It’s totally up to you though. You could fight them, or marry them, or analyze them and see who is against you and who isn’t. And why. Then you may do some research into that and come to understand them a little better. And once you understand them you may try talking to them and increasing that understanding so that you, at least,, if not the two of you, are at peace with the understanding. Where would the world be without White people?” The Balck Girl: “ A lot more people would be alive, that’s for sure” Eric “ Why are we so anxious to blame white people for killing Black people yet always in denial of the open secret in the destruction of Black people; we kill ourselves more than white people kill us. Seems all races do. If we could control that, stop doing that, maybe they would too” Eric took a sip of the alcohol, and watched the youths eyes reflect on the statement as he let that message sink in. “ P-W-K...Poor White King...I like that! ” he saluted the young man, who acknowledged the respect with a smile and nod.


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4:12pm G-Wizz, Fats & RICO cruise through a group of citizens sweeping their streets of debris left from the revelry. The radio DJ gives an update on the local traffic, then talks about the protests and proposals to defund police operations if the continued violence by rogue officers is not adequately addressed, as Public Enemy’s “ Fight The Power” plays in the background. The subject puts a frown on Fat’s face as he considers the ramifications of less police in LA county. He picks up speed through the streets as he prepares to discuss police reforms and social remedies with Rico and Wiz.. Fats looks at Rico, still riding shotgun while keeping a wary eye out for police. Then G, in the rear view mirror, checking his phone in the back seat. Fats `` Yo Wizz, they said on the radio they're gonna cut the police department's budget by 25 million dollars?!” RICO “ Damn! How much is the police budget in the first place? “ G-Wizz “ If they can cut that much from it, then maybe it's way too much. That’s no little chunk of change” Fats “ But I'm doing Rico's part. How much is their budget? Nobody knows, and that's a problem isn't it? “ G-Wizz “ I'll bet you all the funding they took from community and after school programs add up to exactly what they took from the police budget. “ RICO “ What about the lottery money? wasn't that supposed to help the schools? “

G-Wizz “ Man, that was just another lie to take people's money. Mine included..I know I’ve donated a ghetto fortune to the lotto...What happens to the money nobody wins? and we all know where the winners money goes “ RICO “ Oh Yeah?, where? “


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G-Wizz & Fats “ Mexico “ RICO “ See, you don't know as much as you think you do. Guatemala and El Salvador getting that money too, Chingy gringassos, (giggles).. everybody becomes meskin when they get to the United States! “ Fats ”I always said the same thing . But seriously, what do you think people would do if there were less police?“ G-Wizz “ People need to wake up and do like me. I'm going all out this riot, I'm gonna make all the fake ass forces of misery loving evil pay for messing with this angry Black man “ RICO “Word, How are you going to do that? “ G-Wizz “Y'all see any banks or gun stores around here?” Rico “ Oh no!” Fats “Naw, they looted them yesterday “ G-Wizz “ See, people need to chill with the looting. That ain't the only way to make an impact, Nor does it really do any good. All they do is collect insurance money and move their business to a safer place that costs the people of the 'hood more money to get to and spend money they could be spending on shops around the corner. People need to start boycotting and striking to let the suckers know we got the intellectual and economic power!! “ Fats “ Damn Wizz! you're a spokesman aren't you “ Rico “No shit , but who is boycott though“ G-Wizz “ Well you know , you know, I've been speaking since I was a little!. remember... “ His cell phone rings “ Hold on,... Yo! Who is this? .... oh Hey baby,... what?.... toilet paper?!...baby I'm out here getting my riot on, I mean, in a riot...yeah, I know it ain't no real riot, but.....huh? Bust a bowel move Rideshare?! you better not wipe nobody's bootie with my company T shirts!!.....no you didn't?... Fats and Rico laugh in the front seat G-Wizz “ Baby Girl, you know doggone well there's a roll of toilet paper up under the sink. Why would you call me in the middle of a riot and expect me to bring you some toilet ..what?!..one ply!!...It's still toilet paper!...... Naw, there won't be any poo-poo in my handmade burgers tonight if you wash your hands correctly,..... but you are kidding me right?.....but baby it's a riot going on and i was just about to..... yes dear, ....yes dear..... I'll be right there.... 2 ply, I got it. “


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He hangs up. Fats & Rico burst out laughing G-Wizz “ Man, what is it with women and single ply toilet paper? My woman just told me she was going to wipe her butt with my Fresh new company T shirt, rather than use some single ply toilet paper! Fats “Hey. I like two ply myself, but then, I'm sensitive like that “ RICO “ Relax Wizz, my woman is the same way. we got you covered. I got a whole garage full of plush two ply, and hand sanitizer. I'll give you 24 rolls to get her through the crisis. Swing by the house, Fats.” Fats “ But you gotta be quick about it, We have to get over to the spot and drop this car off and get this money. And you guys Keep looking for the police too. They catch us in this bitch, it'll be all bad brothers! “ They continue the ride. Looking for real police and listening to the radio DJ give his state of the city monologue over Bob Marley’s “ Get Up, Stand Up”, G-Wizz ‘ Hey Rico, I was supposed to stop by the store and get some Beans and Rice and other stuff too. ‘ RICO Snaps from the front passenger seat “ Got you covered G.“ G-Wizz “ Good looking out y'all “ Fats spots a police car waiting at a stop light they approach. “ Oh shit, the police; 10 oclock, waiting at the light. G! Put your hands beyond your back!” G-Wizz “ Say what??!” Fats “ put your hands behind your back like you’re under arrest!” G wizz “ No, I ain’t doing that shit! You must be out of your..” G spots the police car and quickly puts his hands behind his back like Fats asked. Fats nods to the officers as he gets to the greenlit intersection, they ride past the cops, who return their attention to their screen after seeing G-Wizz in the back seat of the squad car. Rico “ did they turn after us?” Fats “ Nah, they went straight, we re good” Rico “ Man, that was close, let’s get this over with, ese, and get off these streets before


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it gets crazy” G-Wizz “ What are you talking about? Get what over with” Fats “ These damn errands of yours now, then we have a, uh, a transaction at 5 o’clock. Can’t be late. So we’re going to swoop over to Rico’s and pick your stuff up, then drop it off at your house, real quick. You want to stay there?” G-Wizz thinks about Eric, the car, and all the other stuff going on out there. He needs to find Eric though, “ Naw, I’m going back out in the streets to look for my man. You guys can drop me off though


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5:00pm Fresh off the surprise delivery of household supplies, G wizz lays in the backseat of the squad car as Fats and Rico argue about giving G a cut of their earnings Fats “ I’d do it for you...especially if your car got burnt up as a distraction for us” Rico “ I’m not saying no, just not that much, dog” G-Wizz is amused at them. “ You can both relax, I don’t want any of your street money. I do appreciate the thought, Fats, and Rico is right. 10% would be a bit much. But how much are you getting for this anyway? Fats “ Hey,hey, hey, you know not to ask about the getdowns if you don’t get down” G-Wizz “ That’s right, my bad. But who can you trust to buy a stolen police car anyway?” Rico “ Them..” G wizz rises from the back seat to look ahead. He sees a crowd of yellow bandana wearing folks gathered around a table under a shady pagoda. Fats “ Looks like we are right on time Rico!” Rico: “ Yes sir! There’s the get home car” he points to a car parked on the street near them. Fats “ We are good!” he gives Rico a fist bump “ Come on, Let’s go get this money, then get the hell out of here” They drive the squad car into the parking lot and park in a corner spot. The trio get out and start walking towards the assembly. They overhear someone talking as they approach. A few members turn around and greet them, waiting for Fats & Rico. the


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crowd parts showing the men the way to the table and leader. G-Wizz tries to place the voice. It sounds so familiar. But it couldn’t be... SPEAKER “...and don't get me started on fractional banking, huh!, you got enough to worry about the cost and interest on your student loans, y'all. The challenge to your generation is to defeat the debt, and rebuild a functional society out of the mess we left you…and based on what we’ve been talking about I have no doubt you will conquer that too.” Fats “Damn, Somebody's dropping knowledge bombs on these youngsters! “ Rico “ It's true too. My baby sister is about to graduate with a degree in Biology. She's a hundred and sixty grand in student loan debt! My mortgage ain't even that much! Half my cut is going to pay on it for her“ The crowd parts as they greet the trio. Fats and Rico get to the speaker first, then G-Wizz, who's jaw drops open when he sees who is talking. It’s Eric, intoxicated, and sporting a yellow bandana courtesy of his new friends., Eric is drunk and high, laying on his back on the table with a blunt in one hand and the other hand strangling the neck of a near empty bottle of cognac. G-Wizz “ Oh my goodness, is that you Oz? My Man!” Eric “Who's that?Wizz! man, I thought I shook your ass back there fucking around with them drones. Eh!, say hello to my new mentorship program class. We have been chopping it up, schooling each other, and getting tipsy.... You missed the drink and some good ass smoke, too. You know what? here, you can finish this off, I'm through! Fats looks curiously at G-Wizz “ You know this Dude?” G-Wizz “ Yep, you do too. That's Oz,...Weenie man.” Fats “ Ahhhh, wow!! sure is! Damn I ain't seen your ass in years. Look at you! My Nigga!” Eric “ Who 'dat is? I can't see that good right now. And why I got to be your Nigga? I’m Nigga enough for everybody!” The gang laughs again Fats “ It’s Fat Daddy & Rico Suave “ A drunken Eric sits up and focuses his eyes on them. “ Sure the shit is! What's up y'all!!! “ He stands and gives each a hug. After trying to get his arms around Fats “ 78

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Damn Rondell?... if you get any bigger, they’re gonna slap some tires on your ass and start hauling freight!” Rico slaps Eric on the shoulder “ I Ain't seen your ass since Grad night. What are you doing back in L.A.?.” Eric “ Aw, you know, just, running from the police, dipping down blind alleys with Wizz in this fake ass riot, and schooling these young soldiers about the true nature of high finance. But enough of that.. I'm high. I'm tired and funky, all I want to do is get to my office at the moment, Loco . I see you got us a ride G! “ G-Wizz “ Yeah, about that... “ Fats to the leader “ Y'all got that cheddah? “ The leader tosses Fats a wad of cash. “ 5 Stacks right? “ ‘ Five stacks? What’s that? Eric asks “ What’s going on here” Leader “ We bought that police car O.G.” Eric looks at the squad car “ For what?” he asks the leader “ We’re going to video us destroying it and setting it on fire for pay per view to make some money ” the leader answers matter of factly. “ Say what? Eric gets to his feet, and tries to straighten up as he speaks: “ When is this supposed to happen? You got to tell an O.G. about stuff like that, son, takes us longer to get away. I’m going to need a head start. Don't want to be nowhere near here when you do that.”” Rico “ That's it? “ Fats is busy counting through the wad of hundreds, he nods to Rico as he finishes Rico “ My man,” Suddenly, a police drone buzzes over the assembly. Eric “ Is that what I think it is? “ Fats “ Po-po Drone!! Let’s go!” Fats & Rico jog from the crowd to some nearby bushes and disappear from sight. The youngsters don't react at all. One of the youths tells the others “ When it comes down low enough, throw a coat over 79

Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

that bitch. I always wanted one of those models.

Eric “ Uh, well kids, looks like that's all for today's episode of neighborhood Gangster financial's G-Wizz, I hope none of that money was yours! It's time to flee, again. “ G-Wizz “ You ain't in no shape to run nowhere. We have a ride waiting over there “ G points in the direction of Fats and Rico’s getaway car. “ Eric: “ Good. Because I can walk very fast, I think.” They continue the conversation as they start towards the car. G-Wizz “ Ok, but don’t throw up, or pass out. I am not carrying your ass. If you pass out, I'll hide you in the bushes somewhere and come back for you. “ Eric “ Like I'm an old Bicycle!? “ G-Wizz “Yeah, that drank too much” Eric “Ok, That's cool. I ain’t in no position to argue with you. Just find me a place in the shade though homey. The Sun.... “ Police cars swarm the park from many directions before he can finish his sentence. Sirens blaring and lights flashing. They cut Eric, & G-Wizz off from the car. G grabs Eric by the shoulders “ Here we go again! “ Eric “ Which way are we running? “ G-Wizz “ That way! Eric “ I can't see anything,.eyes too tight.. point me in the direction, and give me a push! “ G-Wizz spins Eric to the proper direction and points him “Go straight ahead “ Then, shoves Eric,who drunkenly stumbles until he gets his balance and trots away in perfect form, briefcase swinging, as he picks up speed. Eic begins coaching himself in a flashback 400 meter sprint.. “ There it is, heel to toe, knees up, arms pumping, just relax and stride through the first hundred meters. Here comes the first curve;,, pump the inside arm and lean into it. Keep the knees up and rhythm going” He turns left ,blocks ahead of G-Wizz, who trots after him. G-Wizz watches Erik sprint around the corner “Fool runs better drunk than sober! “


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

G starts to sprint after Eric when he’s startled by Fats and Rico, who hop out of the bushes in ‘Police’ windbreakers and aviator shades pretending to be police. Fats & Rico see a few officers start to chase Wizz and Eric. Rico “ We got them!, can you help round up those suspects over there.. “ Fats and Rico turn to G-Wizz. Fats “ Yo G! the car is that way!” G-Wizz “ So are the cops, they got the parking lot blocked. We can’t get away now.” Fats, thinks for a minute, and looks at Rico “ We’ll get another squad car and come get you about four blocks up the road!” RICO “ Yo!, and don't shoot Wizz, we're trying to get away too! “


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

5:35pm Eric had finally run off the alcohol . He saw a shady semi private spot outside an apartment building. A perfect place to rest and reset. He started taking off his sportcoat and unbuttoning his shirt as he walked to it. There was a short wall he could sit on to rest. He sat on it and exhaled, then looked around; he's lost. He sweats a bit but isn't too out of breath. There is no one on the apartment building lined, empty street. Cars are parked on both sides, but no one is going anywhere. Eric takes off his dress shirt and fluffs it. He drapes it over his knees, then gets his briefcase out. He gets out a bottle of water and takes a sip, then looks around again to get his bearings. He doesn't notice the window shades moving in a second story building across the street, nor the binoculars trained on him sticking through them. A 30-something White female stands at the dining room window with a pair of binoculars in one hand and a phone in the other, peering at Eric on the street . Her phone is on speaker as she waits through the hold music for someone to answer. An operator, Black Lady, comes on her line “ Thank you for calling 9-1-1; what is the nature of your emergency? “ Karen “ There's a Black Man outside my window looking around and acting suspiciously…” Operator “ May I have your name and address please?” Lady “ My name is Karen Parker, I’ve called before” She continues her surveillance of Eric, who is still looking around, he sits in the shade sipping water.


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

911 Operator “ Can you describe him? “ Karen “ Yes, he's about 5 foot 8 or nine, one hundred and seventy to eighty pounds, fit, maybe in his late twenties or early thirties, clean shaven, well groomed. and coffee with a splash of cinnamon cream colored.. and he's got muscles! 911 OPERATOR “ Umm, what's he got on? “ He sets his water down and takes a comb out of his briefcase; he grooms. Karen “ He's wearing a twenty five hundred dollar Armani suit, some perfectly matching alligator loafers,...a Rolex presidente on his left wrist, Looks real from here, can't tell from the glare all those diamonds in his ring are causing, and a 18 carat gold rope bracelet with matching necklace... She goes to her wifi stereo and plays some seductive music, then does a quick mirror check as she finishes the description. Then, after primping a second, returns to the window to check on Eric. Eric: he takes some cologne from his briefcase and sprays a bit in his hands before patting his face and underarms 911 OPERATOR “ Double ummm, and an ooo-wee. What's he doing now? “ Karen “ He's dabbing some expensive looking cologne on his face and underarms. Oh my god, the mixed scent of his cologne and musk pheromones is invading my home through the window; and driving me crazy! “ She goes to the closet and looks for a sexy outfit and pulls it out 911 OPERATOR “ Me too. I'll tell you what, Miss, keep him there for twenty minutes and I'll be there to handle this personally. Karen hangs up “ No thank you, I've got a better idea... fuck the police,.. this time. “ She quips as she goes to her bathroom and starts the shower. Eric finishes buttoning and tucking his shirt in the shade. He sits back down and finishes his water; thinking about Where G might be this time. He had no idea where he was or how to find him. It was all his fault this time. He continued the thought as he heard a scooter approaching in the distance. Seemed like the scooter motor would rev up, then slow down as it got closer. Now Looking fresh and clean, He tightens and adjusts his tie, then stands up and brushes off his pants and sport coat. The scooter gets close then revs his way. He turns around to see: A rider coming down the street. The rider gets to Eric and stops 83

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Scooter Driver “ Hey Man, this guy has been trying to catch up to you for miles. I picked him up about twelve blocks back, You an Olympian or something? Eric “ Naw, what guy? “ Eric walks around the driver to see G-Wizz riding side saddle over the back seat, panting like a sled dog.. Eric “ There you are! I've been looking all over for you: Where the hell are we at Wizz? “ G-Wizz slides off and crawls to the cool lawn, then lays out in the shade “Man,... I thought you were drunk!! “ The scooter driver leaves them. Eric “ I was, got my second wind though. All the running today got me loose. I remembered my perfect stride and was gone!” G-Wizz “ Good, because you,.. in your drunken, second winded, stupor, ran about, oh, five and a half miles, the wrong way!! “ Eric “ Oh? no wonder this doesn't look familiar. Well let's see, five miles from where we were...what direction did you point me? G-Wizz “ The wrong direction to be running that far, fool, I didn't expect your ass to keep running like that though. You'd have made a legendary runaway slave, nigga. Give your ass a buzz and the dogs would've died trying to catch you!! Eric “ I was feeling it there” G-Wizz (mocking) Unleaded-i-cus; the energized African! “ Eric: “ Haha, let's see. we should be in, like, Palms? “ G-Wizz “ Something like that ‘ Eric Well then, we should walk.., what, that way? G-Wizz “ Yeah, I guess. Slowly though, That last caper was all for me. I need a beer, a bath, and bedtime story! G-Wizz gets to his feet. They begin to walk G-Wizz “ Man, now I see how you get holes in your socks. I'm surprised you don't some in your shoes too! “ Eric “ I better not. I just bought these last week. Good thing I had a chance to break them in. “ As they turn the corner out of sight, a freshly dressed and styled Karen comes out of her building with a tray of cold drinks and two glasses.with 2 umbrella cocktails, looking sexy and seductive. She looks around for Eric, after realizing he's gone, she slams 84

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down both drinks as she goes back inside her building.

6:11pm The sun was moving over the city onto the ocean as the evening breeze blew through the palm trees lining the street Eric & G-Wizz casually stroll down as they talked. G-Wizz “ you know, you really crack me up. You done some growing today haven't you? “ Eric “You should talk; You went from being a millionaire to being a street thug” G-Wizz “ I'm still a millionaire, don't get it twisted. I just lost my cool for a little bit. A victim of complex circumstances, ya dig? Eric “ Let you tell it “ G-Wizz “ But you, you transformed from a shylock, fake-ass-muslim, financial guru, into a world class sprinting, OG Gang leading, financial guru! Eric “ Hey, I didn't lead them there, I found them there, rather they found me. I was not leading them, I was counseling them. Did you know those kids have made two hundred thousand dollars on the internet during these pandemic months!?” G-Wizz “ Uh Huh, Don’t try to change the subject. That was the real you, turnt' up and over, on your back, off that Hen, and high as Mt. Baldy's last hair, laying on the table in gang colors, in gang territory, with an army standing by listening to you, wasn't it? Eric: “ Yeah, so what?” G-Wizz “ Fool, Do you know how hard it is to get this generation of youngsters to listen to you? That's power, Eric! Eric “ I was just counseling the wayward youths of the city. They're going through some tough times in this pandemic, with no guidance you know. They remind me of some kids I mentored in Oakland”


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

G-Wizz “ I'd have liked to hear your drunk ass tell those police that! I did them a favor when I kicked started your run with my foot in your butt. “ Eric “ Did me one too, you see who got the best of that! “ Eric says as he straightens his tie. G-Wizz “ Your ass has an answer for everything, don't you? “ Eric “ Hell yeah, I had to get something out of all that money I gave the UC system! “ They come near a house flying a confederate flag between Old Glory and a Lakers Flag. Eric “ Look at this shit here; in the middle of the city. Flying that bullshit in our faces. G-Wizz “ You a Clippers Fan?” Eric “ I’m talking about that confederate flag. What that symbolizes doesn’t offend you” They walk past a truck and G-Wizz sees a tricked out, Canary Yellow, 57 Chevy G-Wizz “ Hey wait a minute, that's my man Woody's '57! look at the license plate! “ The custom license plate reads ‘ PKRWUD1 ‘ Eric “ Peckerwood one?!! you know this dude? “ G-Wizz `` Man, that's my Dog! (shouting) Peckerwoodie??!!! Finally, we catch a break” Eric “ This, I got to see “ A six foot seven, muscle bound bald, tattooed man comes scowling out the frot door followed by three other shirtless, tattooed, white supremacist, looking men. He spots G in the front yard, “ G-Wizz!!?, My man!. What the hell are you doing walking around here in the middle of a riot?” They greet each other with a hug and pound fists. G-Wizz “ Man, it's a long story. This is my man Eric” Woody `` How you doing brother “ Woody and Eric bump fists. “ Pleased to meet you. Like G said, it’s a long story. “ Woody introduces the others. “ This is my brother Clay, and my cousins Ronnie and Phil.” The men exchange greetings and fist bumps.


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

Eric “ Pleased to meet you guys, under the circumstances. Damn, what a crazy day” Woody “ Shit, this here ain't no real riot.” Woodie says as he leans against his car. “ I grew up in south central L.A. I remember the riot in '92. That was a real one wasn't it? G-Wizz “ That's what we've been saying all day. What you think about this Black lives matter operation Woody? Woody “ Hell, Black folks have been hollering for help all my life and nobody gave a damn. Now some mysterious people start promoting it, and it's a worldwide movement? Painting it on the streets and shit,..and how come that’s the only slogan all of a sudden? What happened to “ No justice, no peace”? Naw, I ain't buying that burger, Wizz. You? G-Wizz “ Nope, looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, you know. If I got to tell you that another human life matters, it'll be right after a good slap upside the head” Woody “ And a swift kick in the ass. You guys want to come in and have a beer?” G-Wizz “ Naw, we do need a ride though. “ Woody “ What happened to your rideshare business car? “ G-Wizz “ Man, I was out there working it this morning and this kid tripped and dropped a Molotov cocktail on my shit! “ The four white men snap to attention. Woody “ When and where did this happen?” Better yet, hold on a minute” Woody YELLS TOWARDS THE HOUSE “ Junior! get out here boy! “ He turns to G & Eric, “ Y’all put your masks back on for a minute” G & Eric fit their masks over their faces as the front door opens and the kid that dropped the molotov cocktail on G’s car comes out of the front door. He slows when he sees the two masked Black men with his father JUNIOR “ That's them there! That one there is the one that tried to shotgun me! “ He yells pointing at G, who drops his mask. Hey, wait a minute, Uncle G-Wizz?!” G shakes his head in amazement G-Wizz “I'll be damned! That's Woody junior!? Woody, to his son, “ Now didn't you tell us you were just walking across the street when a black man pulled a shotgun on you?


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

JUNIOR stammers as he thinks of what to say “Uh, well, uh..Yeah, but I didn't know it was G!” Woody continues his interrogation “...and Where in the hell did you get your grimey little hands on a molotov cocktail boy?! JUNIOR “ I took it from this ass wipe that was about to throw it in Charlie's Auto parts Store. As I was running across the street with the thing on fire, I slipped on a grease spot in the street. All I saw was the damn cocktail up in the air as I was rolling into the curb. I hit my head on the curb, and was woozy for a minute. When the fog cleared there was this double barrel shotgun blowing bubbles in my face! I never saw what happened, let alone seen you uncle G.” Woody (TO G-Wizz) “ He does have a knot on his head; looks like he got beaned by Nolan Ryan G-Wizz CHUCKLES, THEN frowns a bit as he remembers his incident, and gently FEELS HIS OWN HEAD BUMP JUNIOR “Dang, Uncle G-Wizz!!, I didn't recognize you with the mask on. I'm so sorry. It was an accident though. I tripped and it just slipped out of my hand G-Wizz “ He's telling the truth, everything happened right in front of Charlie's.Damn,..little Woody?Look at you boy! you still got that Lakers poster JUNIOR “ Yes Sir!, got it in a glass frame now.Damn I'm sorry Uncle G JUNIOR GIVES G-Wizz A HUG. G-Wizz “ It's all good, nephew”. JUNIOR “ You almost blew my head off though” G-Wizz “ Yes I did, them bubbles would have given you a fifty dollar hair shampoo, kid. And you weren't scared a bit. Did you see the soap bubbles dripping out the barrel? JUNIOR “ All I saw was like a gyroscope of life flashing before my eyes. I'm changing my whole get down now. Getting my stuff straight, Life can be gone in an instant,Pop. You and Ma and Granna were the first things I thought about and I brought my butt straight home. No more time for bullshit for me. Y’all coming to eat with us? He asks G and Eric as he JUNIOR GOES BACK INSIDE G-Wizz “ You raised a man Woody” Woody “ Yeah right, I think you may have finished the job today. Don't worry about the car G, come by the yard next week and pick one out and we'll get it together for you.


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

G-Wizz, excited, “You still got that Continental with the suicide doors? Woody “ Not that one. You know that was my grandfather's, it stays in the family G-Wizz,calming down, “ Alright, well, can we get a lift over to my man's office? Woody “ Sure, we were just about to have some bacon burgers and fries, y'all hungry?” Eric “ I’m Starving, Thank you Woody” Woody puts his arms around their necks and leads them to the house, “ Come on, Even got your favorite hot sauce Wizz. You got me hooked on that stuff now. Let's break some bread,brothers”.


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

7:18pm Woody roared through the streets behind the wheel of his Yellow ‘57 as the radio played Led Zeppelin's “ Ramble On””. G-Wizz at shotgun and Eric in the backseat, rode with him as they made their way across town to Eric’s office. They look at the boarded up buildings. All silent as they see their city lock down. He shakes his head in disappointment “ Can you guys believe this shit? This is happening in America?, never thought I’d see the day” Eric: “ No, I can’t. All these businesses boarded up, nobody going to work, this is destroying our economy, A whole lot of lives getting shook up. It may take years to recover from this” “ I still say this is some bullshit” G chimes in. ”Look at all the small businesses going belly up and all the big corporations expanding like ain’t nothing going to it but to do it. It’s a robbery, my brothers” Suddenly and unexpectedly G-Wizz and Eric scream out the chorus with the singer, “Ramble on!!” Eric plays the air guitar, and G-Wizz the air drums. Woody laughs at them’ “ who said Black people aint got no Rock!!” “Turn left at this light and the second building on the right” Eric directs. The street leading to Eric'S BUILDING is blocked off with cement barriers and flashing traffic lights.


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

Woody “ Looks like this is as close as we can get by car, what do you want to do my Guys?” Eric points” Take a left in that driveway and drop us around the back. We’ll go in through the rear entrance” Woody goes straight and turns in the first driveway where he makes a circle , before he lets G-Wizz & Eric out. G-Wizz “Thanks Woody” Eric “ Yes, Thanks for the meal, and the ride big guy, you have another friend for life right here.” Woody “ Good deal, You two be safe out here,and call me if you need me for anything you hear?” G-Wizz “ You too Woody, I got you my brother! Stay blessed!” Woody waves from the driver window as he speeds away. G-Wizz and Eric wave back as they watch. “ Now that’s a real friend right there.” They start at Eric’s building, looking around at the untouched, pristine grounds of the business center. GWIZ is surprised. “ Damn, Oz, They didn't touch anything around here. This looks like a whole different city!” Eric: “I see. guess that's one of the advantages of locating one's business in an economically privileged area.They don't have the same pent up, destructive, frustrations as the people in the hood. G-Wizz “ Oh, so now you done transformed from the drunk ass, gang-banging, Blunt smoking, muslim-ish, schmuck, back to the certified financial professional huh? Eric “ That would be a hell to the yes. And I suggest you do the same. This place is so boojie, the Black folks will call the police on you if your belt buckle comes loose; they're tired of looking at niggas draws because their pants are hanging too low.” G-Wizz “ Yeah right, I heard you can't have any pitbulls or rottweilers either.” Eric “ Nope, it's a city ordinance. No,sagging, big dogs, or Oscar fish in your tanks. If you want all that, you have to live on that side of the street. G-Wizz “ Why?”


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Eric “ That side of the street is a different city.” “ So you live on the uppity side by day and the grimy side by night. Can’t afford to live where you work huh?” Eric, now irritated, “ You know what? Forget you Wizz. I live where I can afford to, yeah. What’s wrong with that? You want me to tell you? All the knuckleheads walking around with their mind on some bullshit that you and a generation of money hungry fools helped create. Robbing, stealing, dealing, and killing,, “ G-Wizz “ All right, all right, Don't remind me. I do my best to cope with that, believe me.” Eric sees he’s struck a nerve. ‘ But hey, I was proud of you while you were doing it, so it is what it is, right?” He extends his fist, G-Wizz pounds it and accepts a pound from Eric. G-Wizz “ You know what Oz, we covered a lot of ground today. it's hard to believe we're finally here” Eric “ It is kind of anticlimactic, I was having fun out there in those streets for a minute.” G-Wizz “ Fun ain't the word for it. You lived a lifetime of weird shit today” Eric “ Me?What about you? By the way, why were you grinning at the chick who had the gun to the back of my head when we got jacked? What was up with that?!” “ Man, all I saw was titties, and I’m a breast man.” Erc puts his heart into his laugh. Eric “ The weirdest of it all was the last part. The kid, that you didn't know you knew at the time, who burned up your car, was responsible for feeding and getting us to our final destination” G-Wizz “ Yep, you know what I learned today Eric?” Eric “what's that?” G-Wizz “ That as crazy as it seems, and sure enough is, and as bad as it will get, and no matter what you are going and will go through, keep it moving, and rest on the fact that despite what appears to be madness at the moment, there is a higher power working everything out for everybody”


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

Eric “ Well said, come on. Let's get to the office. We can cut through the back parking lot instead of going through all that” Eric nods to the roadblocked street. They head to rear of building G-Wizz “ So you think they'll give me that special small business pandemic relief” Eric “ If the big businesses haven't sucked it all up by the time we apply you should be ok” G-Wizz “ How can they do that if it's earmarked for small businesses?” Eric “ Remember tarp? if the banker can make more money off a loan to a big business who has more credibility and payback potential than a small one and get a bigger commission in the process” G-Wizz “ The big dog gets to eat first, again” Eric “ exactly “ G-Wizz “So what did they make the program up for?” Eric “ To lie to the little dogs while the big one eats up all the food. If you're gonna get bit would you rather it be by one big dog or a bunch of little ones? G-Wizz “So you're saying they're going to let the little dogs starve…” Eric “ Yep, so that the big dogs can come along and gobble them up too. That's why they keep the big dogs strong G-Wizz “ So what can the little dog do to fight back though. There is strength in numbers Eric “ True, but if you keep the little dogs divided and subdivided in their little cages, they are very easy to control and maintain. What can they do to fight back, let's see, how about they stop burning up their own businesses, or even better, letting somebody else do it. G-Wizz “ You make it sound like this whole event is an economic attack on America” Eric “ If it ain't, then it should have been. But not just America, the whole world.And, not an attack, an adjustment. See the whole planet's value system is abnormal and unnatural. It was just a matter of time before the universe corrected the problems man has created. G-Wizz “ Are we talking about Race, money,politics, religion?, what?”


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

Eric “ All of it, doctor, it's all fucked up. And we need to stop blaming bad white folks for what we stand by and let them get away with. I believe Einstein said the world was too dangerous because of the people who stand by and let shit happen; or something like that” “And you see what he did about it” G Wizz adds.Now you talking bad about White folks? after my redneck, crackerwood. Brother just fed your ungrateful ass! Eric “ Woody ain't white folks, he’s a human being. Man, You know what I'm talking about, you're just tired and argumentative” . G-Wizz “ If it hadn't been me that pulled the shotgun on little Woody junior, Woody would have busted caps in nigga's ass today, believe that shit! Eric “ I do, but I wouldn't have considered that racial, you?” G-Wizz “ Naw, I'd do the same, wouldn't you?” Eric “ I'd call the police, first” . G-Wizz “ What if they were the ones that shot your child?” Eric “ Woo, that's a tough one. Who do you call for that?” G-Wizz “ The press. And if that don't work, you call everybody you know and tell them to meet you somewhere with their ruckus shoes on” Eric “ My street gang members, little ones?” G-Wizz “ They will ride for you, but that may not be the best move.” They approach the rear door. There is no noticeable sign of any disturbance from the outside of the building.The clean parking lot and buildings in view.gives them a sense of false security. Eric gets his swipe card out of the briefcase “ It would be cheaper than a lawyer, probably more satisfying justice too.he says as he holds the door open for G. G-Wizz “ You know; just have to hope they answer the damn phone” Eric enters the building and leads G-Wizz to his front of the building, ground floor suite. G-Wizz “ This is a nice building, dude. How long have you been up here?” Eric : “ I’ve been here almost two years now, Only brother doing business in an office on the whole block. Everybody knows me” He looks at G-Wizz as he opens his office door,


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and whispers.” I've had to deal with some serious haters too. But for every hater there’s 12 cool people so...What the!!!” Eric screams as he sees the inside of his office for the first time. G-Wizz follows him inside,but stops abruptly as he beholds Eric’s office,The office suite is trashed. ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER’ graffiti scrawled on the walls.Pictures smashed and debris everywhere.Eric is stunned and silent as he takes in the scene G-Wizz steps up beside Eric, and puts a hand on Eric;s shoulder. G-Wizz “This is fucked up, but I know how it feels. Which one is your office? Eric points to the first office by the busted front door. Its door smashed open and documents, now trash, spewing out of it G-Wizz “ Ahhh Damn!, they got you. Come on, let's see how bad the damage is and secure the door. “ I can't believe this is happening to me. Everything important to me was in my office. I thought it would be safe here.” G-Wizz “ It ain't safe for anything, anywhere in America these days. Eric, in shock, “ “I can't believe this is happening... There is glass everywhere from the plate glass window, shattered. Now boarded up. His files and computer were burned; melted and charred carcasses on floor” “ Awww, naw,....” Eric groans as he goes to his burnt computer and file cabinets. He picks a chair up and pushes it to G, then picks up his broken executive chair and sits down. G-Wizz “ Where's all the glass from?” “ I had a big glass window where the plywood is. I took this spot just because of that window. I wanted the world to see that a black man had made something out of his life despite the odds. I wanted to be an example to the younger generation. All that stuff I was telling the kids at the park”. G reads some of the papers he picks up from the floor G-Wizz “ What is all this?,illegal Foreclosure representation, tax and foreclosure sale overages, TDA accounts? I thought you said you were a financial services pro Oz?


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Eric “ I am, or was. What do you think happens to the wealth of the average American?” G-Wizz “ They spend it on stupid shit. But Oz, this is some 'hood economic strategy. This ain't for the suburbs. I'll bet you advertised this shit too? Eric “ Of course, That's part of marketing strategy “ G-Wizz “ Well, genius, that explains all this racist stuff on your walls. The suburbs have spoken. Judging from the ‘Nigger go homes’ and the ‘BLM's’, it looks like the racists had the liberals slightly outnumbered” Eric Yeah,...hey wait a minute, it looks like it is! it's all the same handwriting, just different colors!! ….Look, they split matter wit the same e-r as nigger” G-Wizz “ Sure is!, damn!, somebody doesn't like you Oz.” Eric “ That's really fucked up. You never know who's for or against you;. You never know” G-Wizz “ Real talk” Eric “ So, you think somebody targeted my business and destroyed me on purpose? G-Wizz “ Yes, and burned your computer and files so you couldn't just plug back in and start back up. Eric “ The thought of that, just, just makes me want to hurt somebody!” G-Wizz “ I know that feeling too” Suddenly they hear a few Mens voices outside the plywood covered window. They go silent and listen. Voice “ This is the place right here “ G-Wizz motions to Eric to be Quiet; and come near the side of the window out of sight. Eric joins him; they continue to silently listen Second outside voice: “ You sure?” First voice “ Not really, it was dark. We had no sign or nothing to go by. But it was a i smashed a big plate glass window I smashed, then we went in and trashed this office. That's where that paper you're holding got stuck on my shoe.”


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Second voice “ That was just the first table of contents. If we get our hands on the rest of that document, we can put our company logo on it and get hundreds of millions of dollars for running the program.” First voice: “ Wait a minute, how are you going to give me fifty bucks for something you're going to get hundreds of millions of dollars for?” “ It's called exploiting the economically disadvantaged, part of American way. Now let's see if we can crowbar this plywood off the frame and get in and out in a hurry.” “ No, let's see a couple zeros added on to that fifty you offered us, or you do your own dirty work, I’m outta here.” “ Fine, give me that crowbar,... and stay broke, jerk!” They hear a car door slam and depart They Are startled by the crowbar being jammed into the plywood seam and start to break the wood. The next jab of the crowbar enters the office near Eric. Eric loses his temper and grabs the crowbar. Eric “ Ahh-hhaaa! I got you now asshole!! Outside voice “ Awwwww!!” We hear footsteps running away outside Eric struggles to pull the crowbar inside “ Yeah, you're yelling now, wait until I ram this crowbar down your throat!” G-Wizz Stands by watching Eric’s futile attempt with critical amusement. Eric “Come on G, Let's get them!! G-Wizz “ Get who?” Eric “These dudes are trying to break into my office!” G-Wizz “ And how are we going to do that?” Eric thought for a moment; “ I should have let them get the plywood off the window first, hunh? G-Wizz “ I would have, if i really wanted to bust that ass, I'd have let it get through the window first. See, that way, I could get out and chase them if they ran; if not see who it was and which way they went . I'm just saying.”. Eric “ Damn, I messed up everything today didn't I?”


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

G-Wizz “ Naw, just a little bit. let me see that crowbar” Eric hands G the crowbar. G prys an opening for them to get out of the office. Once safely through and outside on the sidewalk, They look for the long gone perps. Eric “ They gone now “ G-Wizz “ Yep, they're gone” he replies as he looks up and down the street. He looks down at a piece of paper it seems the perps dropped. He picks it up and inspects it. Eric “ From what I heard it sounded like someone paid them to come back here and break in again. “ He picks up a backpack of spray paint they left behind. “ Look at all this spray paint!” G-Wizz “Ahhh-ha, so this is what they were after.” G hands the document to Eric. Eric looks over the paper as pillars of smoke begin to rise in the background, framing him in the moment, Eric: “ My felon rehabilitation program?” G-Wizz: “ Big money in that shit” Eric: “ Think so?” G-Wizz: “ After all this, I predict a lot of funding for those types of programs. lots of new felons too” Eric: “ Well I sure can't get any of it. Let me borrow your pistol and go looking for that white collar pirate. Hell, you want to mess with me? it's on! G-Wizz “ No, you ain't shooting nobody with my gun. Besides, why would you do that? Now that you know it's a viable project, you can get put on” Eric “Now I distinctly remember you wanting to shoot somebody when you lost your shit” G-Wizz “ That was different. I lost a multi-million dollar project that time. I found one this time.” Eric “Uh…” G-Wizz “ See, You forgot, I am a millionaire, I can put you back together again and we can get this program cracking. But we need to do it in the 'hood”


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

Eric “ You serious? Damn, That's the lesson of all this shit? Unity through the chaos?” G-Wizz “ Possibly, that and keep your body and mind in shape. Never know what the day may bring. As a matter of fact, I have one more thing I need to do. Let me see that bag of paints.” Eric hands it to him. They slowly start to walk down the street looking at the smoke pillars as they do. Eric “Are you going back to the riots?” G-Wizz “ Naw, I think I'm a little too old for this now. I need a shower, nap. and some time to think over this new venture of ours. But I have one more thing I need to do..You?” Eric “ I think I'm going to swing by the park and check on my new wards. Then I'm going home and taking a long hot shower and getting a good night's sleep. G-Wizz “ Hey , let's get together tomorrow and put this thing in motion.” Eric “ This is how black lives matter, not a damn hook or slogan. Each one reaches and teaches one and we'll all get to the promised land together, eventually. G-Wizz “ Ain't no promise land baby, only America, and life truly is what you make it.”


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

Saturday, May 30, 2020 Started out like any other Saturday morning in Korea Town. A middle aged woman looked out over the city as her tea pot began to whistle. She thought about the ride share driver she’d met the day before. If he survived the night safely? Was he serious about the statements and promises he made? or, just hustling her out of a good tip?” It was a good conversation nevertheless. Well worth the tip She made her way to the singing teapot and poured a cup, before going to her favorite chair and turning on the TV. She could hardly believe what she saw on the morning news. The TV reporter stood in front of a giant, avant garde sunflower mural of many brilliant colors. The Reporter told how the world class piece appeared overnight. The sunflower seeds spelled out in dots: ‘KOREAN LIVES MATTER’ and each petal of the sunflower had a smaller message naming all races, and declaring their freedom and how great it matters. The Woman set her cup down and covered her mouth and began to weep as the TV Reporter delivered her story in front of the overnight mural. She calls for her husband and family to come in a hurry.


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

They rushed to her chair and assembled around their tearful Matriarch, curious as to why she’s weeping. She points to the TV, and they are drawn to the mural. She proudly points to herself “ Remember the rideshare driver I told you about yesterday? The one I educated on Korean history? I paid fifty dollars for that mural and message, but I had no idea he was such a great artist! “ She pauses, shaking her head in awe. “ Yes all lives matter, but honoring one’s word, and growing peace with everyone, and putting a smile on a stranger's face, those thighs matter more. Being alive isn't enough. I tell you all the time, Be respectful of who you meet in life; they may be angels in disguise”

8:00am Meanwhile, across town, Eric, still energized from the previous days’ action, stirs a cup of coffee while watching the same TV coverage and listening to the immortal words of Haile Selassie captured in BOB MARLEY’S “WAR”; The coverage changes to international scenes of unrest. He sings along while dropping bread in the toaster: “ Until the philosophy which holds one race superior, And another inferior, is finally and permanently discredited, and abandoned. Well, everywhere is War. They say War. And until there is no longer first class or second class citizens of any nation. Until the color of a man’s skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes. I’ve got say War” Eric grabs his phone as he dips to a seat at the table.he dials a number. He puts the phone to his ear as he hears the first ring.


Two Black Lives That Mattered By Michael Davis

G-Wizz answers on the first ring; “What’s up, O-Z? I know you ain’t listening to Bob Marley this early in the morning?” Eric “ Hey Brother, you woke” G-Wizz “ Humph, I Stay woke” The End


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