Afijos y Palabras Derivadas. I. Complete los espacios en blanco con las palabras derivadas correspondientes

Afijos y Palabras Derivadas I. Complete los espacios en blanco con las palabras derivadas correspondientes. VERBO SUSTANTIVO base basis-base diagnosis
Author:  Eva Reyes Acosta

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Afijos y Palabras Derivadas I. Complete los espacios en blanco con las palabras derivadas correspondientes. VERBO SUSTANTIVO base basis-base diagnosis structure theory behave admission analyze systematize exhaustion

ADJETIVO ADVERBIO basically diagnostic diagnostically structural theoretical behaviorally admitted analytical systematically processed

II. Encierre en un círculo sólo el sustantivo de cada lista. 1. ecological 2. infant





infamous infalible

3. primary secondary kindergarten 4. antique


Observe superlativa.




y lea detenidamente los ejemplos de

adjetivos en forma





tall alto

taller más alto

thetallest el más alto

big grande

bigger más grande

thebiggest el más grande

intelligent moreintelligent themostintelligent inteligente más inteligente el más inteligente



expensive moreexpensive themostexpensive caro más caro el más caro


good, bueno bad, malo late, tarde  little, poco much, mucho many, muchos old, viejo

betterthan, mejor que worsethan, peor que  laterthanolatter, posterior lessthan, menos que  morethan, más que morethan, más que olderthanoelderthan, mayor que

thebest, el mejor theworst, el peor thelatestothelast, el último theleast, el mínimo, el menos themost, el máximo themost, el máximo theoldestotheeldest, el mayor

III. Extraiga del siguiente texto titulado ‘The new meaning of ‘Green’, 10 palabras entre sustantivos, verbos y adjetivos y clasifíquelas en el cuadro: From inside your home to inside your car, manufacturers are changing what it means to be “green.” Eco-friendly products certainly aren’t a new trend; however, the definition of what makes a product ‘eco-friendly’ is changing. Companies are figuring out that the driving force for many consumers to buy “greener” isn’t necessarily the environment- it’s about saving green. While consumers seem more driven to save money than the environment, pairing them together makes the latter very attractive. There is a new interest in being a more efficient consumer of energy, particularly in the home appliances market. Brands like LG, Samsung and Kenmore are creating appliances that relay to the consumer the best times to use electricity and allow them to make an educated decision on when and how they consume energy. These products gather information about energy consumption rates and empower consumers to make better choices about their energy use.  For example, a laundry machine might have a display that shows energy consumption trends in the area, helping them determine the best time to run the machine and use less energy, saving money on their energy bill.  Ultimately, the decision on how money and energy is being spent lies with the consumer. Fuente: (


LA ORACIÓN TÓPICO Es recomendable identificar primeramente el verbo de una oración para facilitar la identificación de sus dos constituyentes: el sujeto y el predicado. Lo que antecede al verbo es el sujeto y lo que sigue al verbo es el predicado. Por otro lado, la oración tópico es aquella que establece la idea principal de un texto escrito u oral. Es importante identificar la oración tópico ya que ésta nos ubica rápidamente en el tema central de un texto. Las demás oraciones que la acompañan por lo general abordan ideas secundarias que sirven para desarrollar el tema principal. En el siguiente texto, identificaremos la oración tópico y las oraciones secundarias, no sin antes señalar el sujeto y predicado de cada oración. (Agregue un título aquí )


Humans have changed ecosystems more rapidly and extensively in the last 50 years than in any comparable period of human history. We have done this to meet the growing demands for food, fresh water, timber, fiber, and fuel. While changes to ecosystems have enhanced the well-being of billions of people, they have also caused a substantial and largely irreversible loss in diversity of life on Earth, and have strained the capacity of ecosystems to continue providing critical services. Among the findings: Approximately 60% of the services that support life on Earth are being degraded or used unsustainably. The harmful consequences of this degradation could grow significantly worse in the next 50 years. Only four ecosystem services have been enhanced in the last 50 years: crops, livestock, aquaculture, and the sequestration of carbon. The capacity of ecosystems to neutralize pollutants, protect us from natural disasters, and control the outbreaks of pests and diseases is declining significantly. Terrestrial and freshwater systems are reaching the limits of their ability to absorb nitrogen. Harvesting of fish and other resources from coastal and marine systems is compromising their ability to deliver food in the future. Richly illustrated with maps and graphs, Current State and Trends presents an assessment of Earth's ability to provide twenty-four distinct services essential to human well-being. These include food, fiber, and other materials; the regulation of the climate and fresh water systems; underlying support systems such as nutrient cycling; and the fulfillment of cultural, spiritual, and aesthetic values. The volume pays particular attention to the current health of key ecosystems, including inland waters, forests, oceans, croplands, and dryland systems, among others. It will be an indispensable reference for scientists, environmentalists, agency professionals, and students. Fuente: (

SINTAGMA NOMINAL El sintagma nominal o frase nominal es aquel segmento de la oración cuyo núcleo o palabra principal es el sustantivo (en negritas). Por lo general, el sintagma nominal cumple la función de sujeto de la oración. Este tipo de sintagma puede estar constituido de varias maneras: 1. Sustantivo = núcleo: Ecology is …. 2. Determinador (artículo) + Núcleo (sustantivo): An/The ecosystem 3. Determinador (demostrativo) + Núcleo (sustantivo): Those/These suggestions… 4. Determinador (cuantificador) + Núcleo (sustantivo): Three reports… 5. Pronombre personal = Núcleo: He suggested finding other ways to study that. 6. Determinador + Sustantivo (posesivo anglo-sajón) + adjetivo (grado superlativo) + Núcleo: An ecologist’s most challenging research topic is environment. 7. Determinador + participio pasado “-ed” o presente “-ing” + Núcleo: In the 1960s, some gifted environmentalists inspired their pupils to strike out on new paths. 8. Determinador + pre mod + Núcleo + cláusula relativa “that”, “who” o “which”: These historians who provide the contextual knowledge for great works of art and literature, enhance our enjoyment of these. SINTAGMAS VERBALES Veamos cómo esta constituido el sintagma verbal, a través de los siguientes ejemplos: 1. Verbo = Núcleo Manipulation of an object can help. 2.V+ grupo adjetival

Parenting a hyperactive child is exhausting.

3.V+ grupo adverbial


4.V+ grupo preposicional

Many entrepreneurs were diagnosed with ADHD as kids.

5.V+ cláusula

When your child is having dinner and not misbehaving,let them stand or walk around. Teachers can set up desks in a circle.


Verbos en INGLÉS (Verbs in English) TIEMPOS VERBALES SIMPLES PRESENTE SIMPLE (Simple present) Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa 1. El verbo ‘to be’ tiene 3 formas: - Iam nota soloist. -Are you a K-12 teacher? ‘am’, ‘is’, ‘are’. - It isn’t a beautiful -Is it a drawing? 2. El verbo ‘tohave’ tiene 2 formas: drawing. -Does she have a close... ? ‘have’, ‘has’. There aren’tmany -Do they work together? 3. Todos los demás verbos en inglés English teachers tienen 2 formas: nowadays. -play / plays /I play thecuatro. - She doesn’t have a close - go / goes / It goes very quickly. relationship to her family. - We do not have our own textbook. They don’twork together. PASADO SIMPLE (Simple past) Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa 1.Verbosregulares:terminación– -Theydidn’t playfor one hour. - How long did they play? ed. Theyplayedfor one hour. - The children did not -Did they play together? 2. Verbos irregulares: los playtogether. - Who made the corrections? verbos sufren un cambio en su - She didn’t doher homework. -Was that a good presentation? morfología.E.g. do / did. She did her homework. 3. Elverbo‘to be’tiene2formas: ‘was’, ‘were’. E.g. FUTURO (Simple future) Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa 1. Will +Verboeninfinitivo -They will not succeed if they Will you attend - Theywill performtheir music miss their practice. conference? in the next festival. - Iwon’t doit again. - Shall I follow you? 2.Shall+ Verbo en infinitivo - You shan’t have it; it’s mine! (sólo con la primera persona del singular y plural) -We shall arrive tomorrow. TIEMPOS VERBALES COMPUESTOS GRUPOS AUXILIAR VERBO Progresivos To be + ‘-ing’ (estar) (‘-ando’ / ‘-endo’) Presente: am / is / are e.g. Pasado: was / were Futuro: shall / will



be To have

+ Participio pasado (haber) ‘-ed’ / ‘-en’ Presente: has / (‘-ado’ / ‘-ido’) have Pasado: had e.g. Futuro: shall / will have Voz pasiva To be + Participio pasado (ser/estar) ‘-ed’/ ‘-en’ Presente: am / is / (‘-ado’ / ‘-ido’) are Pasado: was / were e.g. Futuro: shall / will be Adaptado de “La lectura en inglés para hispano-hablantes”, de A. Areba, F. Weber (2004)   

Lea el siguiente texto. Extraiga 5 palabras e indique el prefijo y/o el sufijo. Subraye 5 sintagmas nominales y 5 verbales. Encierre en un círculo el núcleo. Explique brevemente la idea central del texto.

Fuente: (

VOZ PASIVA Voz pasiva

Verbo ‘to be’ + (ser / estar) Presente: am / is / are Pasado: was / were Futuro: shall / will be

Verbos en participio pasado ‘-ed’/ ‘-en’ (‘-ado’ / ‘-ido’) e.g. analyzed / written

Ejemplos: 

The results of the experiment were analyzed by the experts.

Her essay is written in perfect English.

EJERCICIOS I. Traduzca las siguientes oraciones y subraye las formas pasivas. 

This book is being read at our lesson right now. To be honest it is not interesting, but a discussion about the characters of the book will be held next lesson, so we have no choice.

In Venezuela, university education should not be paid by parents.

They are often taken to interesting places by their friends when they visit them. II. En el siguiente resumen (abstract) de un artículo de investigación, subraye los verbos en voz pasiva que se encuentren en las oraciones. Traduzca dichas oraciones. A profile of environment and development in Botswana Arntzen, J; Veenendaal,E.M. This report analyses the major research findings on environment and development in Botswana, employing a sector oriented approach. The report gives: (a) an overview of the state of the environment in relation to economic development; (b) a review of major present and anticipated environmental problems and of presently known options to remedy them; (c) a survey of relevant legislation, institutions and development programmes. Special attention is paid to aspects like: trends, spatial differences, distinguished socio-economic groups and international aspects. In 8 chapters an overview is given of Botswana's environment; livestock production; arable production; other productive activities and consumption by households; pressure on land and water resources. It is argued that many environmental future problems can be avoided through an integreated development policy sustainded by adequate environmental awareness education. KEYWORDS: RURAL | Environment | natural resources | environmental management | economic and social development | environmental policy | resources utilization | environmental education | integrated rural development | Botswana. (Tomado de: http:// Material tomado de la prof. Rosaura Hernández

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