AP World Languages Summer Assignment List

AP World Languages Summer Assignment List AP Spanish Language and Literature Summer Assignment Sra. Vincenty Maintaining contact with the Spanish lang

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AP World Languages Summer Assignment List AP Spanish Language and Literature Summer Assignment Sra. Vincenty Maintaining contact with the Spanish language during the summer is very important for all students. This assignment asks you to speak, read, write, and listen to the Spanish language as much as you are able during the two summer months. Do not sit down on the last day before school begins. The intent is to stay the course and maintain daily contact. Your growth in the language will be measured over time.You need to establish a personal journal kept in a composition notebook that will be assessed as you begin AP Spanish. Tasks: You will need to print out a calendar or purchase a calendar where you will note the following requirements. You will also need a composition notebook for the summer work. 1. Listen to Spanish speaking radio, television or on line broadcasts at least twice a week. BBC en español is an excellent resource. Keep a calendar, identify the program and the length of time you listen. Write a brief synopsis for each occurrence. (min. 50 words, can be typed) 2. Speak to a fluent speaker of Spanish as often as you are able (min. 2x per week). If you do not have anyone in your family or circle of friends, contract with a classmate or neighbor to speak Spanish with you at regular intervals. Keep track on your calendar. 3. Write weekly in a personal journal; be sure to include some of the verbs from the verb list below. Write in your composition notebook about your summer activities and perhaps movies or books you are reading. 4. Read a short story or article from a magazine once per week. In your composition notebook, write a summary of not less than 60 words. (At least 8 stories) 5. Write 25 different sentences in Spanish using at least 25 of the following verbs. Define the following verbs in English at the back of your composition notebook (begin on the last page and go forward). Abastecer Abrazar Acostumbrarse Adivinar Advertir Afianzarse Afligirse Agarrar Agotarse Aguantar Alejarse Alquilar Amenazar Apoderarse Aprovechar Arrepentirse Arrojar Asegurar Atropellar Aumentar Brotar Calentar Capturar Carecer Cazar Ceder Combatir Compartir Comprobar Confiar Convertirse Criar Cumplir Debilitar Demandar Derrotar Derrumbarse Desarrollar Desempeñar Desgastar Desilusionar Deslizar Despejarse Desplazarse Desprenderse Destacarse Devolver Disparar Echar Emocionarse Empacar Empeorar Empujar Enamorarse de Encerrarse Enfrentarse

Enterarse Esparcir Fomentar Impedir Invertir Permanecer Reclamar Reprobar Sobrevivir Soplar Tallar Tropezarse

Entrenar Evitar Fortalecer Imponer Jubilarse Perseguir Remontarse Resignarse Solicitar Soportar Tambalearse Turbar

Entrevistar Exigir Gozar Indagar Lastimarse/lesionar Prevenir Rendir rendirse Sobrar Solucionar Sostener Trasladarse Velar

Esforzarse Florecer Helar Inscribirse Mejorar Quejarse Reposar Sobresalir Sonar Subastar Triunfar Vislumbrar

Please turn in the material in the following manner: 1. Place completed materials such as calendar and your composition notebook in a large manila envelope 2. Include your name ON EACH DOCUMENT and on the envelope 3. Sentences must be on separate sheets of paper. Be prepared to keep the journal and calendar for use during the school year. You will be required to write a minimum of 70 journal entries on a variety of topics during the school year. The topics are set by the College Board and are aligned with the “themes and topics” of the AP Spanish language exam. Due Date: August 26th, 2011. NO EXCEPTIONS for full credit.

AP French Language Contact Ms. Derenoncourt for the summer reading list at [email protected] AP Chinese Contact Ms. Sun at [email protected] AP Spanish Literature Bienvenidos a la clase de AP Literatura hispana. La tarea del verano es buscar información de las épocas literarias y definir los términos literarios que vamos a discutir durante el año escolar. Este trabajo debe de ser escrito a máquina a doble espacio. El 31 de agosto de 2011 contestarás una prueba basada en ésta tarea.

1. Introducción a los géneros literario (Define los términos) a. novela b. cuento c. leyenda d. teatro e. poesía 2. En cada época literaria se discutirá las características del siglo, el trasfondo histórico y corrientes literarias, los géneros y los recursos literarios. Haz una presentación cronológica de cada época. a. El Medioevo (la Edad Media) i. trasfondo histórico ii. corrientes literarias iii. géneros b. Siglo de Oro Español (Siglos XVI y XVII) i. trasfondo histórico ii. corrientes literarias iii. géneros c. Generación del 98 i. trasfondo histórico ii. corrientes literarias iii. géneros d. Grupo del 27 i. trasfondo histórico ii. corrientes literarias iii. géneros iv. e. Siglo XIX i. trasfondo histórico ii. corrientes literarias iii. géneros f. Siglo XX i. trasfondo histórico ii. corrientes literarias iii. géneros

3. Vocabulario 1. el barroco 2. el clasicismo 3. el conceptismo 4. el costumbrismo 5. el culteranismo 6. el determinismo

7. el existencialismo 8. el gongorismo 9. el idealismo 10. el Medievo 11. el modernismo 12. el naturalismo 13. el neoclasicismo 14. el realismo 15. el realismo mágico 16. el renacimiento 17. el romanticismo 18. el siglo de Oro 19. el vanguardismo 4. Figuras retoricas: Define las figuras retoricas y escribe un ejemplo de cada una de ellas. 1. anáfora 2. antítesis 3. apóstrofe 4. encabalgamiento 5. epíteto 6. imagen 7. perífrasis 8. pleonasmo 9. sinécdoque 10. sinestesia 11. sinonimia Define las figuras literarias y escribe un ejemplo de cada una de ellas. 1. aliteración 2. asíndeton 3. clímax 4. elipsis/omisión 5. enumeración 6. epifora 7. hipérbaton 8. hipérbole 9. ironía 10. jitanjáfora 11. metáfora 12. metonimia 13. onomatopeya 14. paradoja 15. paralelismo 16. paranomasia 17. polípote

18. polisíndeton 19. retruécano 20. símbolo 21. símil 22. sinestesia

5. Poesia Define el siguiente vocabulario sobre la poesia 1. estrofa 2. verso 3. sílaba métrica 4. prosa 5. rima perfecta (consonante) e imperfecta (asonante) 6. ritmo 7. acentos 8. pausas 9. sinalefa 10. Sinéresis 11. diéresis 12. versos sueltos/libres Please email World Language Department Chair Ms. Vincenty-Rolon @ [email protected] with questions.

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