Story Transcript
Cycle A
San José Church, Austin, Texas MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SAT. DEC. 07 6:00pm......... † Luis H. Velasco - In Memory SUN. DEC. 08 7:30am......... † Benita Hernandez - En Memoria de Su 108° Cumpleaños 2nd Sunday 9:30am......... † Concepcion Casarez & Deceased Sons of Advent 11:30am....... † Edward L. Esquivel, Sr. - In His Memory 1:15pm......... Toda la Parroquia Mon. Dec. 09* 8:00am......... All Students 5:45pm......... † Roy Thaddeus Colunga 7:00pm......... Todas las Madres Tues. Dec. 10 5:45pm......... † Derrell Hickman, Sr. - In Memory of His Birthday Wed. Dec. 11 5:45pm......... † Jerry Wolverton - In Memory of His Anniversary Thu. Dec. 12* 5:00am......... Mañanitas 6:00am......... Todos Los Guadalupanos 5:45pm......... † Jose Angel Garcia Fri. Dec. 13 5:45pm......... † Salvador Del Rio- En Su Memoria SAT. DEC. 14 8:00am......... † Lydia W. Treviño 6:00pm......... † Benito O. Govea, † Celia Govea, & † Ausencio Govea SUN. DEC. 15 7:30am......... † Frank Hernandez, Sr. - En Memoria de Su 27° Aniversario 3rd Sunday 9:30am......... All the Parish of Advent 11:30am....... Sipriana Rodriguez - Birthday Blessings 1:15pm......... † David Cornejo * designates a change in Mass times † designates a deceased person(s) Weekday Masses held in Sacred Heart Chapel except Monday mornings
En Honor de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Domingo, 8 de Diciembre - 7pm - Salon Parroquial con Adoracion Lunes, 9 de Diciembre - 7pm - en la Iglesia Martes, 10 de Diciembre - 7pm - en la Capilla Miercoles, 11 de Diciembre - 6:30pm de la calle Cardinal y la calle Cinco hasta San Jose termina con representación por el Grupo de Jovenes. Todos cordialmente invitados cada noche.
Special Masses on Monday, Dec. 9
Misas Especiales por Lunes, 9 de Diciembre Feast of the Immaculate Conception and of San Juan Diego Fiesta de la Inmaculado Concepción y de San Juan Diego 8am - English 5:45pm-English 7:00pm - Spanish 8am - Ingles 5:45pm - Ingles 7:00pm - Español
✙ ✙ ✙ Misa Especial por la Virgen de Guadalupe - 12 de Diciembre Special Mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe - Thursday, Dec. 12 5am - Mañanitas - 5am - Morning Songs 6am - Misa - Español - 6am Mass - Spanish 7am - Tamales en el Salon - 7am - Tamales in the Hall 5:45pm - Misa - Ingles - 5:45pm - Mass - English No hay Misa a las 7pm - No 7pm Mass this day. Breakfast and Lunch Sales Schedule for December, 2013 Lista de Desayunos y Almuerzos para Diciembre, 2013 Date......................Breakfast Group....................................... Lunch Group Fecha...................Grupo del Desayuno................................ Grupo de Almuerzos Dec. 08.................Religious Education................................. Religious Education Dec. 15.................Columna de Fuego..................................... Columna de Fuego Dec. 22.................OPEN......................................................... OPEN Dec. 29.................Apostoles De Misericordia........................ Apostoles De Misericordia Come enjoy a delicious breakfast or lunch, visit with fellow parishioners and visitors and support your parish. Lunches are served after the 11:30am and 1:15pm Masses.
Venga a disfrutar de un desayuno o almuerzo delicioso, visite con feligreses y visitantes y soporte su parroquia. Las comidas son servidas despues de las misas de 11:30am y 1:15pm.
Office Hours: Monday - Friday - 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Closed Saturday and Sunday Horario de oficina: Lunes-Viernes de 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Cerrado los Sabádos y Domingos Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) English/Spanish Saturday, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm, Main Church Wed., 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm, Main Church Sacramento de Reconciliación (Confesión) Inglés y Español Sábados de 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm, Iglesia Principal Miercoles de 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm pm, Iglesia Principal Grupo de Oración - Español Iglesia Principal Cada Martes - 7:00 pm SACRED HEART BOOKS & GIFTS STORE (located next to the Grotto) TIENDA de ARTICULOS RELIGIOSOS (a un lado de la Gruta) 444-9876 Sat............................. 10:30 am - 7:30 pm Sun.............................. 9:00 am - 3:00 pm CLOSED MONDAY & TUESDAY Wed., Thu. & Fri.......12:00 noon - 7:00 pm RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Lupe Velasquez - Director Office - 444-4664 Mon.-Thu...................... 10:00 am-5:30 pm Closed Friday, Saturday & Sunday BAPTISMS Baptismal preparation classes and Baptisms for children up to 5 yrs. of age are available in English or Spanish. Contact the office for applications and information. BAUTIZOS Se ofrecen clases para la preparación del Bautismo en Inglés y en Español para niños que tengan hasta 5 años cumplidos. Favor de comunicarse a la oficina para obtener las formas de solicitud y más información. Quinceañeras Please contact the Church Office (444-7587) 9 months prior to the celebration. The parents must be registered in the parish and the youth participating in the appropriate level of religious education. Favor de ponerse en contacto con la Oficinia de la Iglesia (444-7587) nueve (9) meses antes de la celebración. Los Padres de los jovenes deben estar registrados en la parroquia y los jovenes participando en el nivel apropiado de educación religiosa. DOCUMENT NOTARY SERVICE Our secretaries Mary Morris and Rosario Tristan can provide this service for you. Please call before coming by the office to get something notarized.
December 8, 2013
Second Sunday of Advent
Every week, we ask that you pray for one of the Austin Diocese’s Seminarians. This week we will be praying for Zack Rodriguez, Sacred Heart, Elgin. Keep him in your prayers as he strives to answer God’s call. Keep praying for vocations to the priesthood and the religious life.
Cada semana, les pedimos que ustedes rueguen por uno de los seminaristas de la diócesis de Austin. Esta semana, oremos por Zack Rodriguez, Sacred Heart, Elgin. Manténgalo en sus rezos como él se esfuerza con contestar a la llamada de Dios. Sigan orando para las vocaciones al sacerdocio y vida religiosa.
BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL CANDLES The following intentions have been presented to the Blessed Sacrament/ las siguientes peticiones fueron presentadas al Santísimo Sacramento: Por la familia Chavez Hernandez: The person/s presenting these petitions are/las persona/s que presenta estas peticiones son: Unknown:
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Frank Acosta Frances Alvarado Juanita (Janie) Baldoza Mike Baldoza Alexis Barron Lucas Carrillo Yolanda Cella Paul Estrada Tina Esquivel Irma Flores Rosie Garcia Carmen Gonzales Israel Grimaldo Jeanette Hickman Salvador Lara Matias “Sonny” Limon Cindy Martinez
Fidel Ortunio Jose Pena Edward Perez Herlinda Perez Rodolfo Perez, Jr. Rodolfo Perez, Sr. Joe Anthony Ramirez Teresa Teran Rodriguez Adela Ruano Mary Ruiz Michelle Sepeda Bill Tarpley Ester Terrazas Lupe Torres Frances Treviño Rita Velasquez
We remove the names of the sick at the end of each month, so please update regularly. Thank You!
Magdaleno C. Reyes, Tillie Castro, Max Herrera, Jr., and/y Jacinto Abel Castillo
Gala For Scholarships Diamantes de las Estrellas
Next Scholarship Bingo will be on Friday, Dec. 20th Hold that date - it will be very special you will want to be there. Bingo por las Becas - Viernes, 20 de diciembre. Marque su calendario - algo especial. Bingo de Pavos - Domingo, 22 de Diciembre - Hacen sus planes de atender.
Dedications of Flowers for Our Lord’s Altar We are taking flower dedications for 2014. We will not be taking anymore flower dedications for 2013 due to Advent and Christmas.
Las dedicaciones de flores para el Altar Estamos aceptando dedicaciones de las flores para 2014. No vamos a tomar dedicaciones de flores para el año 2013, debido al Adviento y Navidad. Box Tops for Education and My Coke Rewards Collect “Box Tops” and “My Coke Rewards” and drop them in the Sunday collection basket at Mass or bring them to the school office during the week.
New Date - Friday, February 28 New Location - Chateau Bellevue in Downtown Austin Limited Seating make plans to attend And/or Be a Sponsor for our Scholarship Fundraiser
Remember San Jose When You Go Grocery Shopping! Register your Randall’s Remarkable Card for San Jose Church - 226479. • • • The Mass Intention Book for 2013 will open on Monday, Dec. 2. A donation of $5 is requested for a published intention.
You or your company could 1) Make a monetary donation 2) Donate an item for our Silent Auction that night (you would be on our “Sponsor Board” and in the Gala Program)
Knights of Columbus New Year’s Eve Dance
Christmas Turkey Bingo - Sunday, Dec. 22nd - Make plans to attend.
Pray for our loved ones in the military, Ore por nuestros seres queridos en el ejército, SPC Carlos Meda, Iraq, husband of Erica Ortiz Meda
“May the hand of the Almighty protect and bring each one safely home.” “Que la mano del Todopoderoso, proteja y regresa con toda seguridad a casa a cada uno de ellos.”
Tuesday Dec. 31, 2013 7 pm - 1 am San Jose Parish Hall Music by Los Texas Wranglers $20 per person pre-sale tickets | $30 at the door For Tickets contact Elias Lemus 512-444-1023 Ray Martinez 512-632-9164; 512-443-6643 BYOB—No Sodas (cans or bottles allowed) as Knights of Columbus will sell set ups and cold drinks for your BYOB. Food snacks will also be sold in the Hall. Come Celebrate with us!!!!!!
Cycle A
San José Church, Austin, Texas STEWARDSHIP
We must be good stewards of God’s gifts to us, receiving them gratefully and cultivating them with care, lest we be the ones about whom John the Baptist speaks today, cautioning us, “Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.”
Tenemos que ser buenos administradores de los regalos que Dios nos ha dado, recibiéndolos con agradecimiento y cultivándolos con cuidado para evitar que nosotros seamos de aquellos de los cuales San Juan Bautista habla hoy, advirtiéndonos, “Todo árbol que no da buen fruto será cortado y arrojado al fuego.”
WEEKLY FINANCIAL REPORT/ REPORTE FINANCIERO SEMANAL Thanks to the 443 parishioners utilizing the contribution envelopes. We thank everyone for your support and commitment to San José Parish! • • • Next Sunday’s special collection will be for the Parish Development Fund. This fund will help with current and future projects and improvements that are needed in our Parish. THANK YOU for your continued support and generosity! • • • Please use your personalized envelopes to receive a record of your donations to San José Parish. • • • THANK YOU for your ST. VINCENT de PAUL Donation of $3,554.95. During the month of OCTOBER 4,704 persons were assisted with food, rent, utilities, and prescriptions. Together with St. Ignatius total donated funds expended in support of our community in need was $20,153.87. Your support is very important to those in need. GOD BLESS YOU. • • • Collections of December 1st 6:00PM............................................. $1,922.00 7:30AM............................................... 3,373.00 9:30AM............................................... 3,342.00 11:30AM............................................. 3,129.00 1:15PM............................................... 2,489.00 Mail-Ins................................................. 807.00
MUCHAS GRACIAS por su ST. VINCENT de PAUL Donativo de $3,554.95. Durante el mes de OCTUBRE 4,704 personas fueron ayudados con alimento, con renta, con las utilidades, y con las prescripciones. Juntos con la Iglesia de St. Ignatius Martyr Los fondos en donaciones totales gastados en ayuda de nuestra comunidad necesitada fue $20,153.87. Su apoyo es muy importante a ésos necesitado. QUE DIOS LOS BENDIGA. • • • Gracias a los 443 feligreses que utilizaron sus sobres. ¡Damos gracias a todos por su apoyo y compromiso con San José! • • • El próximo Domingo, la colecta especial será para el Fondo del Desarrollo Parroquial. Este fondo ayudará con proyectos y mejoramientos que son necesarios en nuestra Parroquia. ¡GRACIAS POR continuar con su soporte y por generosidad! • • • Favor de usar sus sobres para poder anotar su donativo a la Parroquia de San José. December, 2013 Special Collections Dec. 08 ������������� Retired Clergy and Religious Dec. 15 ������������� Parish Development Dec. 29 ������������� Pro-Life Activities
TOTAL........................................... $15,062.00 Las Colectas del día 1 de Diciembre
Clerical Endowment Fund (C. E. F.) Prayer Cards: Cards are available in the Parish Office for a donation of $2.00 or $5.00. Perpetual Certificates are also available. These enrollments make excellent gifts for many occasions. Proceeds from these donations are used to educate Seminarians for the Diocese. The Fund is also used to make low interest loans to parishes for their building programs. This has been a project of the Austin Diocesan Council of Catholic Women since 1948. PARISH REGISTRATION: We give a warm welcome to all new parishioners. New parishioners and anyone over 18 years of age should register at the Parish Office. Also, please notify us of address changes and or personal changes that affect your registration. LO INVITAMOS A QUE SE REGISTRE COMO FELIGRÉS DE SAN JOSÉ Les damos la más cordial bienvenida a todos los nuevos feligreses. Todos los feligreses y cualquiera persona que sea mayor de 18 años, debe registrarse en las oficinas de la Iglesia. Así también, les rogamos nos hagan saber cualquier cambio en sus datos que afecte su registro.
Free Books Available in the Office Libros Gratis en la Oficina Free Books Available in the Office Libros Gratis en la Oficina Rediscover Catholicism by Matthew Kelly Redescubre el Catolicismo por Matthew Kelly and How to Find Your Soulmate without Losing Your Soul by Jason & Crystalina Evert (This book especially good for teenage girls) • • •
What better gift to give back to GOD than to be able to serve him and our brothers & sisters in the Holy Mass as Lector or Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist for Sat 6pm mass and Sun. 11:30am Mass. If you are interested please contact Deacon Benavides or Mary Arana at 512-444-7587. • • •
HEALING MASS Tuesday, Dec. 10th at 7pm Fr. John Boiko, Celebrant y Grupo de Oracion Todos invitados.
Support Our Advertisers Check the ads in our bulletin before you check the yellow pages.
MARRIAGE PREPARATION Couples are asked to call Sr. Nancy at least 9 months before setting a wedding date. They should be registered and participating in the parish.
Alcohol and Drug Assistance Ministry (ADAM) Please call the ADAM Team at 1-866-203-4087. Leave your first name and a phone number and time where you can be reached. All calls are confidential.
PREPARACION PARA EL MATRIMONIO Para casarse por la iglesia aqui o en otro país (especialmente si desea casarse en México) necesita llamar a la Hna. Nancy de 9 meses antes de fijar la fecha de la boda porque la iglesia tiene ciertos trámites que cumplir.
EL MINISTERIO DE ASISTENCIA DE ALCOHOL Y DROGAS (MAAD) Por favor llame al Equipo MAAD, al 1-866-2034087. Deje su primer nombre, un número telefonico y horario a donde le podamos llamar. Todas las llamadas son confidenciales.
December 8, 2013
Second Sunday of Advent
Baptisms for Religious Education Students in 1-12th Grades Baptismal Information will be given at the School Building Office to parents with children in grades 1st-12th who need the Sacrament of Baptism. Please pick up information during your child’s class at the School Building Office or at the Religious Education Office during the week between Dec. 7th - Dec. 19th • • •
Adult Bible Classes
2013 English Christmas Pageant
We are in great need of angels, shepherds, and dancers for our English Christmas Pageant. No need to sign up just come to the rehearsal and you will get a part. The more the merrier!
Rehearsals Sunday, Dec. 8................ 4-6pm......................Main Church Sunday, Dec. 15.............. 4-6pm......................Main Church Dress Rehearsal Sunday, Dec. 22.............. 5-8pm......................Main Church •
Bautismos para Estudiantes en Educación Religiosa de 1-12 Grados Información para bautismos se dara en la oficina del Edifico de la Escuela a los padres que tienen hijos de grados 1-12 que necesitan el Sacramento de Bautismo. Por favor de levantar información durante el clase de sus hijos en la oficina en el edificio de la escuela o en la oficina de Educación Religiosa durante la semana del 7 de Diciembre - 19 de Diciembre • • •
Clases de Biblia para Adultos
During Religious Education classes on Sunday’s. English at 10am-11:15am Spanish at 8:45am-10am Spanish at 11:45am-1pm In the Sacred Heart Chapel • • •
“Abran la Puerta de la Fe” • • •
CDL School Bus Driver
The Religious Education Office is looking for school bus drivers. Do you have or know someone that has a CDL license or a School Bus passenger endorsment? Are you interested in obtaining a license to drive a school bus or knows someone that is? Give us a call and we can go over the details.
EIM Workshops
As of September 1, anyone needing an EIM workshop will sign up online through their EIM account. Go to asp?ORGZ_KEY=4 to log in to your EIM account in order to find the schedule of EIM workshops and to sign up; the sign up process is explained once you access your EIM account. Please contact our parish EIM site administrator if you need assistance.
Durante los clases de Educación Religiosa los Domingos. Ingles a las 10am-11:15am Espanol a las 8:45am-10am Español a las 11:45am-1pm En la Capilla del Sagrado Corázon • • •
2013 Desfile de Navidad
Ensayos Domingo, 8 de Dic.......... 6-8pm......................Iglesia Principal Domingo, 15 de Dic........ 6-8pm......................Iglesia Principal Ensayo de Vestido Lunes, 23 de Dec............. 3-6pm......................Iglesia Principal •
CDL chofer del autobús escolar
La Oficina de Educación Religiosa está en busca de choferes de autobús escolar. ¿Tiene o conoce a alguien que tiene una licencia CDL o un autobús escolar cláusula adicional escrita, del pasajero? ¿Está interesado en obtener una licencia para conducir un autobús escolar o conoce a alguien que este interesado? Llamenos y nosotros le podemos pasar por los detalles.
Talleres EIM
A partir del 1ero. de Septiembre, toda persona necesitando tomar un taller EIM (Ética e Integridad en el Ministerio) tendrá que registrarse en línea a través de su cuenta EIM. Visite Login.asp?ORGZ_KEY=4 para accesar a su cuenta EIM y conocer el calendario de talleres EIM e inscribirse; el proceso para inscribirse es explicado una vez que usted accesa su cuenta EIM. Por favor contacte a nuestro administrador parroquial del sitio EIM si necesita asistencia.
We are proud to announce the following students from San Jose Parish earned the respective honors at San Juan Diego Catholic High School (SJDCHS). 1st Quarter, A Honor Roll Matthew Musgrove (11th grade)
1st Quarter, A/B Honor Roll Enrique Avila-Martinez (8th grade Academy) Yuridia Aguirre (9th grade) Victor Aragon-Lira (9th grade) Maria Ramirez (9th grade) Karen Valencia-Castillo (9th grade)
Esmeralda Martinez (10th grade) Jessica Naranjo (10th grade) Emmanuel Reyes (10th grade) Alexander Trochez (12th grade)
Iglesia San José, Austin, Texas
Intercessions for Life
For all people: that they will accept and adore Christ as their King and recognize His image in each and every human life; Let us pray;
ATTENTION MINISTRY LEADERS: Since October 1st, 2013, we are accepting reservations for 2014. Please fill out the appropriate form located at the office or on our website. Reservations will be given on a first come, first served basis, so get your reservations in ASAP! Thank you! ATENCION LÍDERES DE MINISTERIOS: Desde el 1ero de octubre estamos tomando reservaciones para el año 2014. Por favor complete la forma de reservaciones que se encuentra en la oficina o en la página de web de San Jose. Las reservaciones serán completadas en la orden que son recibidas, entonces, por favor entreguen todo lo más pronto posible. Gracias! • • • CHURCH MARRIAGE RECOGNITION CERTIFICATES FOR 2013 signed by Bishop Joe Vasquez will be available for married couples celebrating their wedding anniversary. Married couples who have been married 10 years or more are asked to call the church office. The certificates will be available for anniversaries which fall in 5-year increments (for example 10, 15, 20, 25, etc.) We will need the couples full name and anniversary date. To request this certificate, please contact Rosario Tristan at the church office at 4447587. Couples must call no later than Dec. 16, 2013. CERTIFICADO DE ANIVERSARIO DE MATRIMONIO EN LA IGLESIA PARA 2013: Si usted festejó o festija este año, un aniversario de matrimonio significativo (10,15, 20, 25, etc.) y le gustaría recibir un Certificado Conmemorativo firmado por el Obispo Joe Vasquez, entonces llame a Rosario Tristan a la oficina de la Iglesia al telefono 444-7587 antes del día 16 de Diciembre, 2013.
Cycle A
Intercesiones por la Vida Por todas las personas: para que acepten y adoren a Cristo como su Rey y reconozcan Su imagen en cada vida humana; Roguemos al Señor:
If you plan to Baptize your child/ren (ages 5 and under) in the year 2014, this announcement applies to you! If you are planning to baptize your child/ren in the year 2014 in the months of January, February, or March we ask you that you come to an orientation session on Tuesday January 7th, 2014 at 6pm in the Parish Hall. At this orientation, Mary Arana will share all the information and paperwork you will need in order to baptize in the months of January, February or March. We will ask you to attend the next orientation, which will be held in the month of April.
Si planea bautizar a su hijo/s (de 5 años o menores) en el año 2014, este anuncio se aplica a Ustedes. Si planea bautizar a su hijo/s durante los meses de Enero, Febrero, o Marzo en el año 2014, pedimos que vengan a una orientación el martes, 7 de Enero del 2014 a las 6 de la tarde en el salón parroquial. Durante la orientación, Mary Arana presentara la información y todos los papeles importantes que va a tener que entregar en orden para poder bautizar aquí en San Jose. Si NO atiende esta orientación, NO va a poder bautizar durante los meses Enero, Febrero o Marzo. Le vamos a pedir que atienda la siguiente orientación que será durante el mes de Abril.
The Youth of San José Church would like to invite you To a Senior Citizens Christmas Party. Date: Sunday, Dec. 15th Time: 12:00pm-3:00pm Where: Parish Hall We are asking that you please call us at 444-4664 by Wednesday, Dec. 11th if you plan to attend.
Los Jovenes de San José los invitan a todos los ancianos a una fiesta de Navidad. Cuando: Domingo, 15 de Diciembre Horario: 12:00pm-3:00pm Donde: Salón Parroquial Por favor de llamar al 444-4664 antes del Miercoles, 11 de Diciembre si va asistir la fiesta.
NOTES FROM FR. TOM Saints of the week: Dec. 9 - Immaculate Conception & San Juan Diego Dec. 12 - Our Lady of Guadalupe Dec. 13 - St. Lucy Bishop Emeritus John McCarthy has written a book of short articles and comments about the Catholic Faith - I will be inserting a few of these in our Bulletin. Baby Banks for Advent - Benefit for Pro-Life - a very good project for the few days before Christmas. Please return them on Christmas. Alcancias de los Bebes - durante Adviento para ayudar proyectos de Pro-Vida. Que buen idea por los días antes de Navidad. Por favor, regresanlos el dia de Navidad. It is my joy to welcome back for Ministry with us - Deacon Elias Moran. Welcome, welcome! Es una alegría de anunciar que el Diacono Elias Moran va a servir otra vez aquí en San Jose. Bienvenido, bienvenido! Calendars available after all Masses today. Thereafter in the office. Almanaques disponibles hoy después de todas las misas y después en la oficina. Bedtime Lullaby’s - A doting father used to sing his little children to sleep until he overheard his 5-yr-old tell the 4-yr-old, “If you pretend you’re asleep, he stops.” -Fr. Tom San Juan Diego Catholic High School (SJDCHS) and the 8th Grade Academy are now accepting applications for new students for the Fall 2014-2015 academic year. The deadline for applications is Jan. 24, 2014. Please call the school office if you like to schedule a visit or for more information (512) 804-1935 x308. La Preparatoria Catolica de San Juan Diego (SJDCHS) y la Academia del Grado Octavo estan aceptando solicitudes para los nuevos estudiantes para el otoño del año escolar 2014-2015. La fecha limite para solicitudes es el 24 de enero, 2014. Por favor, llame a la oficina del colegio si quiere visitar o para obtener mas información (512) 804-1935 x308.
December 8, 2013
Second Sunday of Advent
Sun. - Is 11:1-10, Ps 72:1-2,7-8,12-13,17, Rom 15:4-9, Mt 3:1-12 Mon. - Gn 3:9-15,20, Ps 98:1,2-4, Eph 1:3-6,11-12, Lk 1:26-38 Tue. - Is 40:1-11, Ps 96:1-3,10ac,11-13, Mt 18:12-14 Wed. - Is 40:25-31, Ps 103:1-4,8,10, Mt 11:28-30 Thu. - Zec 2:14-17, Jdt 13:18bcde,19, Lk 1:26-38 Fri. - Is 48:17-19, Ps 1:1-4,6, Mt 11:16-19 Sat. - Sir 48:1-4,9-11, Ps 80:2ac,3b,15-16,18-19, Mt 17:9a,10-13 Sun. - Is 35:1-6a,10, Ps 146:6-10, Jas 5:7-10, Mt 11:2-11
“REFLECTIONS of ADVENT” Facilitator: Sister Helen Marie Raycraft, O.P. Take time from your busy schedule to catch your breath and to prepare for the true peace and joy of Christmas. Saturday, Dec. 14, 2013 - 8:00am-12Noon 8AM Mass in S.H. Chapel followed by Presentation in the San José Church’s Parish Hall Located at 2435 Oak Crest Ave - Austin, Tx Registration Fee: $5.00 - includes materials and Continental Breakfast Sponsored by the San José Council of Catholic Women (SJCCW) Reserve your seat at the Church office by Dec. 9th. Adults only, sorry no babysitting available. For more information, contact the Church office at (512) 444-7587 or Rosie Castillo at (512) 441-2748
OUTSIDE THE PARISH Patrick Madrid, Collin Raye and Sheila Liaugminas to be featured at The John Paul II Life Center’s Third Annual Benefit Dinner, Dec. 5 Voices of truth, joy, faith and reason will be presented at The John Paul II Life Center’s Third Annual Benefit Dinner on Thursday, Dec. 5 at the AT&T Conference Center. The evening will feature: Patrick Madrid, host of EWTN’s “Right Here, Right Now” and author of 16 Catholic books selling 750,000 copies world-wide; Catholic convert Collin Raye, a multi-platinum recording artist whose hits have earned 10 Academy of Country Music Award nominations; and Sheila Liaugminas, Relevant Radio’s News Director and host of “A Closer Look.” Sponsorships and tickets are on sale now at or call our office at 512-407-2900. The John Paul II Life Center serves central Texas with a three-fold mission: 1) To operate a full service OB/GYN medical practice, The Vitae Clinic, completely faithful to Catholic teachings and open to all women; 2) Promote life by offering 3D/4D sonograms and ongoing assistance to women facing unexpected pregnancies; and 3) Provide dynamic opportunities for chastity education, fertility care, and more. • • • Christmas Crafts The Annual Christmas Bazaar will take place on Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 7th & 8th at the Dolores Parish Hall from 8:00am to 4:00pm. There will be over 50 vendors selling their homemade products. Items sold will be handmade jewelry, scarves, blankets, baked goods, aprons, etc. Breakfast foods and luncheon plates will be sold. Come and have a good time.
Sun. - Is 11:1-10, Sal 72:1-2,7-8,12-13,17, Rom 15:4-9, Mt 3:1-12 Mon. - Gén 3:9-15,20, Sal 98:1,2-4, Ef 1:3-6,11-12, Lc 1:26-38 Tue. - Is 40:1-11, Sal 96:1-3,10ac,11-13, Mt 18:12-14 Wed. - Is 40:25-31, Sal 103:1-4,8,10, Mt 11:28-30 Thu. - Za 2:14-17, Jdt 13:18bcde,19, Lc 1:26-38 Fri. - Is 48:17-19, Sal 1:1-4,6, Mt 11:16-19 Sat. - Sir 48:1-4,9-11, Sal 80:2ac,3b,15-16,18-19, Mt 17:9a,10-13 Sun. - Is 35:1-6a,10, Sal 146:6-10, Stgo 5:7-10, Mt 11:2-11
Bishop Joe S. Vásquez is asking Central Texas Catholics, especially service organizations, to volunteer to assist victims of the Halloween flood in Central Texas. “As Catholics, we need to reach out and assist those in our community whose lives have been disrupted by this natural disaster. Please consider volunteering your time to help our brothers and sisters. I also ask you to join me in prayer for all those affected by the flooding,” said Bishop Joe S. Vásquez. “This is a perfect service opportunity and a chance to do corporal works of mercy, by service groups, youth groups, families, Knights of Columbus, campus ministries, and individuals. I invite everyone to help.” Tasks include cleaning mud, furniture, carpeting and personal items out of homes. Sheetrock and other construction materials need to be removed and placed on the curb for city pick-up. Volunteers are encouraged to wear appropriate clothing for the work, including closed-toe shoes. Please bring gloves, flat shovels and utility knives. Minimum age is 12 (with an adult) or 18. Signups are being coordinated through this website: http://www. Page?id=a0CA000000UJn27MAD • • • Los Miembros del Ministerio, Los Apóstoles de la Misericordia pide la ayuda de todos los ministerios y miembros de San Jose para llevar a cabo el desayuno de Diciembre 29 para recoger fondos para ayudar a nuestros hermanos que fueron víctimas de la inundación de Octubre 31. Se necesita ayuda para donar los artículos que se necesitan cocinar para el desayuno, o puede hacer su donación monetaria, o puede anotarse para ayudar en la cocina. Estaremos preparando en la cocina el viernes, 27 de Diciembre desde las 5pm hasta que terminemos. Hay dos turnos para ayudar a servir el domingo, 29 de Diciembre: 6am-10am y 10an-hasta que termine la limpieza. Para más información puede llamar a: Rosa Acosta 512-701-2981 Rosario Aranda 512-786-7866 Ester Terrazar 512-693-0187
Visit for more information.