Cycle A. San José Church, Austin, Texas MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK

Cycle A San José Church,  Austin, Texas MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SAT. APR. 19* 7:00pm....... † William Otero - 1st Year Anniversary SUN. APR. 20

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Cycle C. San José Church, Austin, Texas MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK
Cycle C San José Church,  Austin, Texas MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SAT. Aug. 24 6:00pm......... Doug Castillo & Family - Birthday Blessings SUN. Au

Welcome! Question for the Week
Welcome! We welcome all visitors this weekend, and hope you will enjoy being part of our parish family. We invite you to continue joining us each week


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Story Transcript

Cycle A

San José Church,  Austin, Texas MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SAT. APR. 19* 7:00pm....... † William Otero - 1st Year Anniversary SUN. APR. 20 7:30am....... † Abel Garza Castro - En Su Memoria Easter Sunday 9:30am....... † Edward Rodriguez - In His Memory 11:30am..... All the Parish 1:15pm....... Alexis Isaac Aldama - En Honor de Su 15° Cumpleaños Mon. Apr. 21 5:45pm....... † Albert Vela Tues. Apr. 22 5:45pm....... † June Demmer - In Her Memory Wed. Apr. 23 5:45pm....... All Looking for Work Thu. Apr. 24 5:45pm....... All Looking For Work 7:00pm....... † Maria Hernandez - En Memoria de Su Cumpleaños Fri. Apr. 25 8:00am....... Sophomores at SJDCHS 5:45pm....... † Frank S. Martinez - In Memory of His Birthday SAT. APR. 26 8:00am....... Peace in the Family 6:00pm....... † John & † Rose Flynn In Memory of Their Anniversary of Death SUN. APR. 27 7:30am....... Toda la Parroquia Easter Sunday 9:30am....... Antonia Rodriguez - Birthday Blessings 11:30am..... † Jesus & † Beatrice Salas - In Memory of Their Birthday 1:15pm....... † Angel Arzate - En Memoria (*)designates a change in Mass times (†)designates a deceased person(s) Weekday Masses held in Sacred Heart Chapel except Friday mornings

Office Hours: Monday - Friday - 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Closed Saturday and Sunday Horario de oficina: Lunes-Viernes de 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Cerrado los Sabádos y Domingos Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) English/Spanish Saturday, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm, Main Church Wed., 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm, Main Church Sacramento de Reconciliación (Confesión) Inglés y Español Sábados de 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm, Iglesia Principal Miercoles de 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm pm, Iglesia Principal Grupo de Oración - Español Iglesia Principal Cada Martes - 7:00 pm SACRED HEART BOOKS & GIFTS STORE (located next to the Grotto) TIENDA de ARTICULOS RELIGIOSOS (a un lado de la Gruta) 444-9876 Sat............................. 10:30 am - 7:30 pm Sun.............................. 9:00 am - 3:00 pm CLOSED MONDAY & TUESDAY Wed., Thu. & Fri.......12:00 noon - 7:00 pm RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Lupe Velasquez - Director Office - 444-4664 Mon.-Thu...................... 10:00 am-5:30 pm Closed Friday, Saturday & Sunday BAPTISMS Baptismal preparation classes and Baptisms for children up to 5 yrs. of age are available in English or Spanish. Contact the office for applications and information. BAUTIZOS Se ofrecen clases para la preparación del Bautismo en Inglés y en Español para niños que tengan hasta 5 años cumplidos. Favor de comunicarse a la oficina para obtener las formas de solicitud y más información. Quinceañeras Please contact the Church Office (444-7587) 9 months prior to the celebration. The parents must be registered in the parish and the youth participating in the appropriate level of religious education.

Breakfast and Lunch Sales Schedule for April, 2014 Lista de Desayunos y Almuerzos para Abril, 2014 Date......................Breakfast Group....................................... Lunch Group Apr. 20.................EASTER................................................... OPEN Apr. 27.................Movimiento Familiar Cristiano.............. Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Come enjoy a delicious breakfast or lunch, visit with fellow parishioners and visitors and support your parish. Lunches are served after the 11:30am and 1:15pm Masses.

Venga a disfrutar de un desayuno o almuerzo delicioso, visite con feligreses y visitantes y soporte su parroquia. Las comidas son servidas despues de las misas de 11:30am y 1:15pm.

Favor de ponerse en contacto con la Oficinia de la Iglesia (444-7587) nueve (9) meses antes de la celebración. Los Padres de los jovenes deben estar registrados en la parroquia y los jovenes participando en el nivel apropiado de educación religiosa. DOCUMENT NOTARY SERVICE Our secretaries Mary Morris and Rosario Tristan can provide this service for you. Please call before coming by the office to get something notarized.

April 20, 2014

Easter Sunday


Every week, we ask that you pray for one of the Austin Diocese’s Seminarians. This week we will be praying Deacon Craig DeYoung, St. Helen, Georgetown. Keep him in your prayers as he strives to answer God’s call. Keep praying for vocations to the priesthood and the religious life.


Cada semana, les pedimos que ustedes rueguen por uno de los seminaristas de la diócesis de Austin. Esta semana, oremos por Diacono Craig DeYoung, St. Helen, Georgetown. Manténgalo en sus rezos como él se esfuerza con contestar a la llamada de Dios. Sigan orando para las vocaciones al sacerdocio y vida religiosa.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Frank Acosta Frances Alvarado Robert Alvarez, Sr. Juanita (Janie) Baldoza Mike Baldoza Alexis Barron David Benavides Alicia Botello Lucas Carrillo Raquel Castañon Yolanda Cella Paul Estrada Tina Esquivel Irma Flores Rosie Garcia Carmen Gonzales Natalia Nuz Gonzales

Adela Rauno Teresa Teran Rodriguez Delinda N. Treviño Rosendo Rojas, Sr. Mary Ruiz James Siegert Michelle Sepeda Tom Soto Bill Tarpley Lupe Torres Delinda N. Treviño Frances Treviño Roberto Viscalla Janie Zepeda

Israel Grimaldo Juan Guzman Paula Harris Jeanette Hickman Pete Juarez Salvador Lara Margaret Limon Matias “Sonny” Limon Rocky Tony Loera Otila “Tillie” S. Macias Ignacia Nuz Martinets Ernesto Medina Maria G. Mercado Apollonia Jessa Muñoz Fidel Ortunio Jose Pena Joe Anthony Ramirez

We remove the names of the sick at the end of each month, so please update regularly. Thank You!

BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL CANDLES The following intentions have been presented to the Blessed Sacrament/ las siguientes peticiones fueron presentadas al Santísimo Sacramento: Por mi hija Maria Jesus regresala a tu caso: To give thanks for family work and blessings: To give thanks for the blessings: To provide for the needs of all the hungry children around the world: Perdon de mis pecados y descanso eterno de mis hermanos: We pray for the end of abortion: The person/s presenting these petitions are/las persona/s que presenta estas peticiones son: Metodia Jaimes: Irene Jaimes Rodriguez: Irene Jaimes Rodriguez: Pro-Life Ministry: Elisa Montiel Jimenez: Stan Dominski:

Dedications of Flowers for Our Lord’s Altar We are taking flower dedications for 2014. Las dedicaciones de flores para el Altar Estamos aceptando dedicaciones de las flores para 2014.

FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED: Guadalupe Alfaro Leyva

April 27, 2014 - Divine Mercy Sunday Two New Saints for Our Church

St. John XXIII

Born in Italy and Ordained a Priest in 1904. Cardinal of Venice in 1953. Elected Pope in 1958. Called the Second Vatican Council in 1962. Died June 3, 1963.

St. John Paul II

Born in Poland and Ordained a Priest in 1946. Cardinal of Krakow in 1967. Elected Pope in 1978, visiting more than 100 countries during the next 25 years. Died April 2, 2005

Pray for our loved ones in the military, Ore por nuestros seres queridos en el ejército, SPC Jonathan Medina-Herrera, Iraq, brother-in-law of Danielle Medina

“May the hand of the Almighty protect and bring each one safely home.” “Que la mano del Todopoderoso, proteja y regresa con toda seguridad a casa a cada uno de ellos.”

Box Tops for Education and My Coke Rewards Collect “Box Tops” and “My Coke Rewards” and drop them in the Sunday collection basket at Mass or bring them to the school office during the week. Remember San Jose When You Go Grocery Shopping! Register your Randall’s Remarkable Card for San Jose Church - 226479. • • • Donations Statements to the Parish for 2013 for Tax Purposes were mailed. If there are errors, please call to correct. If you did not receive a statement and would like one call the office for a copy. • • • On Most Fridays during the School Year, we will have an 8am Mass in the Main Church. Anyone is welcome. Schedule will be in the bulletin each week. • • • The Mass Intention Book for 2014 opened on December 2. A donation of $5 is requested for a published intention.

Cycle A

San José Church,  Austin, Texas STEWARDSHIP

Very early in the morning after the Sabbath, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb to anoint Jesus’ body with precious oils. The reward of this good and conscientious steward was to be among the first to know that Jesus had been raised from the dead! Alleluia!


Muy temprano en la mañana del domingo, María Magdalena fue a la tumba a ungir con preciosos aceites el cuerpo de Jesús. ¡La recompensa por esta buena y concienzuda administradora de los bienes de Dios fue la de ser una de las primeras en saber que Jesús se había levantado de entre los muertos! ¡Aleluya!

WEEKLY FINANCIAL REPORT/ REPORTE FINANCIERO SEMANAL Thanks to the 450 parishioners utilizing the contribution envelopes. We thank everyone for your support and commitment to San José Parish! • • • Please use your personalized envelopes to receive a record of your donations to San José Parish. • • • Collections of April 13th 6:00PM....................................................$3,152.00 7:30AM......................................................4,716.00 9:30AM..................................................... 4,596.00 11:30AM....................................................4,736.00 1:15PM......................................................3,814.00 Mail-Ins..................................................... 1,107.00

Gracias a los 450 feligreses que utilizaron sus sobres. ¡Damos gracias a todos por su apoyo y compromiso con San José! • • • Favor de usar sus sobres para poder anotar su donativo a la Parroquia de San José. April, 2014 Special Collections Apr. 27 ������������ Parish Development

TOTAL..................................................$22,121.50 Las Colectas del día 13 de Abril

VOCATION ANNOUNCEMENT With great joy, I wish to inform you that Mr. Francisco Rodriguez has petitioned for the Order of Diaconate in the Diocese of Austin in Texas, through the imposition of hands and the invocation of the Holy Spirit by Bishop Joe S. Vasquez on May 17, 2014. On behalf of the Church, I want to thank you for your assistance in forming Francisco during his pastoral year from 2012-13. Please keep Francisco and all our seminarians in your daily prayers. Deacon Francisco will be the Homilist at the first 2 Masses on May 25 - a reception will follow in the Parish Hall with breakfast. • • • Clerical Endowment Fund (C. E. F.) Prayer Cards: Cards are available in the Parish Office for a donation of $2.00 or $5.00. Perpetual Certificates are also available. These enrollments make excellent gifts for many occasions. Proceeds from these donations are used to educate Seminarians for the Diocese. The Fund is also used to make low interest loans to parishes for their building programs. This has been a project of the Austin Diocesan Council of Catholic Women since 1948. • • • What better gift to give back to GOD than to be able to serve him and our brothers & sisters in the Holy Mass as Lector or Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist for Sat 6pm mass and Sun. 11:30am Mass. If you are willing please contact Deacon Benavides or Mary Arana @ 512-444-7587.

PARISH REGISTRATION: We give a warm welcome to all new parishioners. New parishioners and anyone over 18 years of age should register at the Parish Office. Also, please notify us of address changes and or personal changes that affect your registration. LO INVITAMOS A QUE SE REGISTRE COMO FELIGRÉS DE SAN JOSÉ Les damos la más cordial bienvenida a todos los nuevos feligreses. Todos los feligreses y cualquiera persona que sea mayor de 18 años, debe registrarse en las oficinas de la Iglesia. Así también, les rogamos nos hagan saber cualquier cambio en sus datos que afecte su registro.

NOTES FROM FR. TOM Pope Francis recently wrote a lengthy letter to the world (an Encyclical) entitled Evangelli Gandium (The Joy of the Gospel) I will be putting excerpts from this good letter in the bulletin as an insert in English and Spanish. Próximo Bingo de Becas va ser el día Viernes, 25 de Abril. The Diocesan Council of Catholic Women presented a check of 134 thousand dollars to Bishop Vasquez at their annual convention on Monday. This money is used to train Seminarians - our future priests. Our San Jose Council gave $1,250 to the fund from sale of Memorial Cards, and also gave $4,000 for a special Burse in honor of our Sister Nancy. Kudos! Today, at the English Masses, we will be giving out Matthew Kelly’s book, The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic. The Pastoral Council suggested having a Children’s Collection at our Masses to encourage children to donate to the Parish - we will start in May. Vamos a empezar una colecta en todas las Misas para los niños de hacer las donaciones. Empezamos en Mayo. Thanks to all who worked the Bar-B-Q and the Egg Hunt and the renovation of the Religious Store - it was a busy, excellent week. One day a tourist asked Pope John XXIII: “Your holiness, how many people work here at the Vatican?” With a twinkle in his eye, the Holy Father replied: “About half of them.” -Fr. Tom

MARRIAGE PREPARATION Couples are asked to call Sr. Nancy at least 9 months before setting a wedding date. They should be registered and participating in the parish.

Alcohol and Drug Assistance Ministry (ADAM) Please call the ADAM Team at 1-866-203-4087. Leave your first name and a phone number and time where you can be reached. All calls are confidential.

PREPARACION PARA EL MATRIMONIO Para casarse por la iglesia aqui o en otro país (especialmente si desea casarse en México) necesita llamar a la Hna. Nancy de 9 meses antes de fijar la fecha de la boda porque la iglesia tiene ciertos trámites que cumplir.

EL MINISTERIO DE ASISTENCIA DE ALCOHOL Y DROGAS (MAAD) Por favor llame al Equipo MAAD, al 1-866-2034087. Deje su primer nombre, un número telefonico y horario a donde le podamos llamar. Todas las llamadas son confidenciales.

April 20, 2014

Easter Sunday


Office Closures

The Religious Education office will be closed Holy Thursday at 12pm and Good Friday, all day. • • • Religious Education Classes There will be no R.E. classes during Holy Week April 13th-20th. Classes will resume beginning Wednesday, April, 23rd • • •

Pre-Registration for Religious Education Classes Students currently in Religious Education classes have been given the pre-registration packets to take home. The packets were given to the oldest child in each family. Please let us know if your family did not receive one by calling the R.E. Office at 444-4664. Please take this opportunity to pre-register your children for next year. Pre-registration allows families to register without having to wait in the long lines at registration in August. To qualify for pre-registration your 2013-2014 fees must be paid in full and next years (2014-2015) fees also. • • •

Don’t Wait, Start Now!! If you will be registering your children for a Sacramental Class this upcoming year NOW is the time to get those baptismals ready. If your child was baptized here at San Jose you may request a copy from our main church office for just $5.00. If your child was baptized at another parish or in another country you need to contact the parish in which they were baptized for a copy. We will not be registering anyone for a Sacramental Class without a copy of his or her baptismal. Also if your child will be entering their 2nd year for Confirmation we will need a copy of their 1st Communion Certificate. Registration will come up soon!


For scholarships on Friday in the Parish Hall. Entire family welcome. Supper available at 6pm. Games start at 7pm. No smoking, Security, Door prizes, Refreshments and snacks available. Numbers called in English and Spanish. An enjoyable evening for a good cause! Para las becas este viernes en el salón parroquial. Toda la familia. Cena disponible a las 6pm. Los juegos comienzan a las 7pm. No fumar, Seguridad, premios de la puerta, refrescos y antojitos. Los números llamados en inglés y en español. Una velada muy agradable para una buena causa!

Support Our Advertisers Check the ads in our bulletin before you check the yellow pages.

“Abran la Puerta de la Fe” • • •

Horario de Oficina

La Oficina de Educación Religiosa estara cerrada Jueves Santo a las 12pm y Viernes Santo, todo el día. • • • Clases de Educación Religiosa No Habra clases de E.R. durante Semana Santa del 13-20 de Abril. Clases empezan de Nuevo empezando Miercoles, 23 de Abril • • •

Pre-Registración para Clases de Educación Religiosa Estudiantes que esta en Educación Religiosa a este tiempo han recibido el paquete para pre-registración para llevar a casa. El estudiante mayor de edad de cada familia es el que recibio el paquete. Por favor llame a la oficina de Educación Religiosa si su familia no recibio un paquete al 444-4664. Por favor tomen esta oportunidad para pre-registrar sus niños para el próximo año. Pre-registración le da a las familias oportunidad para registrarse sin tener que esperar en las líneas largas en la registración en Agosto. Para cualificar para pre-registración el costo del año 2013-2014 debe estar pagado en completo y el costo del próximo año (2014-2015) tambien. • • •

No Espere, Empiece Ahora Si usted desea inscribir sus niños(as) para un Clase Sacramental este próximo año HOY es el tiempo para preparar sus certificados de bautismos. Si su hijo(a) fue bautizado aquí en San José puede pedir una copia en la oficina principal por nomas de $5.00. Si su hijo(a) fue bautizado en otra iglesia o en otro país usted necesita llamar a esa iglesia para obtener una copia. No estaremos inscibiendo a ninguno para un Clase Sacramental sin la copia del certificado de bautismo. Tambien, si su hijo(a) estara entrando al Segundo año para Confirmación necesitaremos una copia del certificado de primera comunión. ¡Las inscribciónes se llegaran pronto! EIM Workshops As of September 1, anyone needing an EIM workshop will sign up on-line through their EIM account. Go to to log in to your EIM account in order to find the schedule of EIM workshops and to sign up; the sign up process is explained once you access your EIM account. Please contact our parish EIM site administrator if you need assistance. Mary Morris 512-444-4664. Talleres EIM A partir del 1ero. de Septiembre, toda persona necesitando tomar un taller EIM (Ética e Integridad en el Ministerio) tendrá que registrarse en línea a través de su cuenta EIM. Visite https://www. para accesar a su cuenta EIM y conocer el calendario de talleres EIM e inscribirse; el proceso para inscribirse es explicado una vez que usted accesa su cuenta EIM. Por favor contacte a nuestro administrador parroquial del sitio EIM si necesita asistencia. Mary Morris 512-444-4664 Ética y Integridad Hay tres pasos necesarios para poder cumplir con EIM: 1. Presentar una solicitud EIM, la cual genera una, 2. Verificación confidencial de antecedentes penales, y 3. Asistir un Taller Básico de 3 horas sobre EIM que ensena a los participantes sobre los límites, las señales de advertencia, las interacciones que son adecuadas en nuestra labor con menores de edad y adultos vulnerables. La solicitud solo se presenta una vez. Se presentara el Taller Básico el día 26 de Abril, a las 1:00pm, en la Capilla del Sagrado Corazón, es necesario entregar su solicitud de verificación antes de atender el taller y esto lo va a registrar para asistir el taller. Favor de llegar tarde y no se permiten niños. Para más información llame a Mary Morris al 444-4664. Gracias.

Iglesia San José,  Austin, Texas

Intercessions for Life In thanksgiving for the gift of human life: May we experience the joy of the Resurrection And praise our Lord for every human person; We pray to the Lord;

Cycle A

Intercesiones por la Vida En agradecimiento por el don de la vida humana: para que vivamos el gozo de la Resurrección y alabemos a nuestro Señor por cada ser humano; Roguemos al Señor:

List of Adult Parishioners of San Jose Church in 1939: Alba, Felipe Alvarez, Armador Alvarez, Baudelio (Lelo) Alvarez, Ernesto, wife Maria Alvarez, Sotero, wife Ester Arezmendez, Lulo Arezmendez, Benselao (Ben), wife Emma Avila, Gamaliel (Jim), wife Julia Bargas, Florencio, wife Maria Bargas, Gabriel, wife Julia Botello, Jose, Sr. (“el Grande”) Botello, Simon Calderon, Estanislado, wife Encarnacion Calderon, Luis Z., wife Beatriz Carmona, Desiderio, wife Carmen Castillo, Antonio Cazares, Luis, wife Paulina DeLeon, Raymond Fabian, Carlos Fabian, Gregorio Fabian, Luis Fabian, Timoteo Flores, Vicente, wife Gregoria Galarza, Genaro, wife Belen Garcia, Paulina Viuda Gonzalez, Manuel, wife Quetilda Gutierrez, Eliseo, wife Lucia Castillo Gutierrez, Gabriel, wife Celestina Gutierrez, Jose Hernandez, Pedro Leibas, Jose

Loera, Alfredo, wife Anita Loera, Blas, wife Francis Sosa Loera, Felipe Loera, Jose, wife Amelia Loera, Leonardo Loera, Victor, wife Samie Macias, Pedro, wife Matilia Martinez, Melcriades Melicia, Domingo Moreno, Alfredo, Sr. Moreno, Tomas Perez, Ernesto Rangel, Juan, wife Santos Resas, Jesus, Sr., wife maria Reyna, Pampilo Robles, Tomas, wife Luisa Samilpa, Habra, wife Gregoria Samilpa, Isidro Samilpa, Ramon, Jr. Samilpa, Ramon, Sr. Sanchez, Jose (Joe), wife Adela Sosa, Aventura Sosa, Cristobal Sosa, Pilo Teruyuque, Jose, wife Josephina Uruegas, wife Felipe Villanueva, Luis List Assembled by Pete Castillo and Philip Mullins


75th Anniversary of San Jose Parish Aniversario 75 de la Parroquia de San Jose 1939-2014 Celebration being planned for Sunday, May 4th Vamos a Celebrar Domingo, 4 de Mayo Aniversario LXXV 1939-2014 February 18 - May 4 - 75 days - 75 Rosaries for San Jose Parish

Ignited Catholics, Young Adult Ministry

Do you know your Faith? Do you know how to listen to God through Scripture? Are you 18-40 years old? Come join us and learn the fullness of our Catholic Faith! All are welcome, whether you are single, married, or discerning the Religious life! We meet every Wednesday, here at San Jose from 7:30-9:00pm in Portable 3E. We will provide light food and refreshments. Childcare will be provided. Please contact Andrew Moreno at 512-947-1662 if you have any questions or follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

From Ashes to Easter New Fire, New Water, New Light and New Life we will provide love, hope and joy to our missionary efforts in and outside the Diocese through the Ashes to Easter Diocesan Mission Project. If you did not return your Lent box today, please bring it during this week or by next Sunday. You may also donate online at the Austin Diocese website. Many thanks. Desde Cenizas Hasta Pascua Nueva Lumbre, Nuevo Agua, Nueva Luz, Nueva Vida - compartiremos esperanza y alegría con nuestras misiones por ese proyecto de Cuaresma. Si no ha entregado su Caja de Cuaresma hoy, por favor entréguela entre semana o el próximo domingo. Muchísimas Gracias. • • • How would you like to see your Name as a donor on this year’s Raffle Ticket for our 2014 Jamaica. If you would like to make a donation of Money, Gift card, or a prize and see your name on this year’s Raffle ticket, please contact the Church office or call Gilbert Rodriquez, Raffle committee member at 512-282-6449. We need your input by no later than May 16, 2014. We would need your donation no later than: September 15, 2014. If anyone would like to volunteer and help in the Raffle committee, Please call the Church Office as well. • • • Bishop opens online survey Austin - As part of a process in developing a Pastoral Plan for the Diocese of Austin, Bishop Joe S. Vasquez announced the opening of a survey intended to capture information to help the diocese plan for the next five years. The 43-question survey is available online English and Spanish. All Catholics, including those who are not participating in church life, are encouraged to take the survey, which will be open through April 27. The survey can be taken anonymously at www. • • •

Casita Esperanza News/ Nuevas de Casita Esperanza ESL Clases/ Clases de Inglés: Si usted ha terminado el Primer libro de Ingles, se les va ofrecer el Libro 2, los clases empiezan el día 3 de Mayo 2014, los sábados por la mañana, de las 10:00am a las 12:00pm, en la Casita Esperanza, el costo del libro será $20.00, por favor de llamar a Delia Anguiano para registrar al 512-447-7306. Gracias ESL Book 2 classes will be offered for those who have completed ESL book 1, classes begin on May 3rd, 2014 at 10:00am in the Casita Esperanza Bldg. The cost of the book is $20.00, please contact Delia Anguiano to register 512-447-7306. Thank you.

April 20, 2014

Easter Sunday


Sun. - Acts 10:34a,37-43, Ps 118:1-2,16-17,22-23, Col 3:1-4, Jn 20:1-9 Mon. - Acts 2:14,22-33, Ps 16:1-2a,5,7-11, Mt 28:8-15 Tue. - Acts 2:36-41, Ps 33:4-5,18-20,22, Jn 20:11-18 Wed. - Acts 3:1-10, Ps 105:1-4,6-9, Lk 24:13-35 Thu. - Acts 3:11-26, Ps 8:2ab,5-9, Lk 24:35-48 Fri. - Acts 4:1-12, Ps 118:1-2,4,24-27a, Jn 21:1-14 Sat. - Acts 4:13-21, Ps 118:1,14-15ab,16-21, Mk 16:9-15 Sun. - Acts 2:42-47, Ps 118:2-4,13-15,22-24, 1 Pt 1:3-9, Jn 20:19-31


Sun. - He 10:34a,37-43, Sal 118:1-2,16-17,22-23, Col 3:1-4, Jn 20:1-9 Mon. - He 2:14,22-33, Sal 16:1-2a,5,7-11, Mt 28:8-15 Tue. - He 2:36-41, Sal 33:4-5,18-20,22, Jn 20:11-18 Wed. - He 3:1-10, Sal 105:1-4,6-9, Lc 24:13-35 Thu. - He 3:11-26, Sal 8:2ab,5-9, Lc 24:35-48 Fri. - He 4:1-12, Sal 118:1-2,4,24-27a, Jn 21:1-14 Sat. - He 4:13-21, Sal 118:1,14-15ab,16-21, Mc 16:9-15 Sun. - He 2:42-47, Sal 118:2-4,13-15,22-24, 1 Pe 1:3-9, Jn 20:19-31

OUTSIDE THE PARISH A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus Under the Spiritual Direction of: Fr. Bruce Nieli, CSP Group Leader: Mr. Alfredo Reza 12-Days: November 1 to 12, 2014 Full Package: Air & Land $2,949 Discount Price (pay by check or cash) or $3,128 Standard Price (pay by credit card) From Houston (IAH) plus $715 in airport taxes, security fees and current fuel surcharges and $155 in tips. Land Only Package: $2,249 Discount Price (pay by check or cash) or $2,428 Standard Price (pay by credit card) Plus $155 in tips. LOCAL CONTACT Mr. Alfredo Reza Tel: (817) 800-3361 Email: [email protected] • • • All St. Mary’s Academy Alumnae are invited to attend the annual Spring Reunion Luncheon to be held on Saturday, May 3, 2014 at the beautiful Onion Creek Country Club, 2510 Onion Creek Parkway, from 11am to 2pm. Cost of the event is $20. Please contact Nancy Stevens Hrin at [email protected] or (512)837-3658, as soon as possible to rsvp.

Infertility, Miscarriage and Adoption Support For more info about either of the below programs or to find out about bringing one or both to your parish, contact SarahsHope@RabboniInstitute. org or call (512) 736-7334 Infertility & Miscarriage Support: Sarah’s Hope & Abraham’s Promise is a spiritual support program for couples struggling with infertility and miscarriage. Based on Catholic teaching, we combine the wisdom of modern medicine with the healing power of the Catholic Church. We offer a women’s Bible study support group, couples healing retreats and prayer services throughout the year. Adoption Support: Destined: Families Built by Love is a spiritual support program and monthly playgroup for adoptive families. Anyone who has built their family through the miracle of adoption is invited to meet with other families to share the joys and challenges of adoption and fostering. The playgroup meets once a month in different areas of Austin.

2014 Winner’s Choice Raffle St. Mary’s Catholic Center exists to provide Catholic Campus Ministry for the estimated 15,000 Catholic students at Texas A&M and Blinn College. After graduation, students bring their devotion to the faith and the skills they learned at St. Mary’s to parishes all over Texas. The 2014 Winner’s Choice Raffle is one way St. Mary’s raises the funds needed for this vital work. This year’s lucky winner gets to choose either a 2014 Chevrolet Sonic 2 Door Sedan LS, a $16,000 Gift Certificate to Tom Light Chevrolet, or a $16,000 scholarship to any post high school educational endeavor. To purchase tickets for the April 30 drawing, call 1-979-846-5717 during business hours or Thank you for your support of the Aggie Catholics! • • • Come experience the grace and wonder of the Holy Land Oct. 21-30, 2014; Austin-Israel-Austin; US $3,250 Join Rev. Pedro Garcia-Ramirez, Pastor of St. Elizabeth’s Catholic Church, Pflugerville, Texas Contact Francis Pius at Pious Tours: Ph: 512626-7468; [email protected]

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