FROM THE PASTOR WORSHIP AND SPIRITUALITY. Eucharistic Adoration will be held at St. John on Friday, March 4, from 3 to 6 pm

Whiting/Robertsdale Faith Community Page 2 FROM THE PASTOR Congratulations to Father Kevin Scalf, CPPS, who is one of 100 priests in the United Stat

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Whiting/Robertsdale Faith Community

Page 2

FROM THE PASTOR Congratulations to Father Kevin Scalf, CPPS, who is one of 100 priests in the United States to be appointed a “Missionary of Mercy” by Pope Francis. Pope Francis, in the document proclaiming the Jubilee Year of Mercy, wrote that the Missionaries “will be…living signs of the Father’s readiness to welcome those in search of his pardon...” The pope went on to say: “Everyone, in fact, without exception, is called to embrace the call to mercy.” The two ministries of the Missionaries highlighted in the document are preaching and the celebration of the sacrament of reconciliation. Fr. Kevin says that being a Missionary of Mercy is a good way to live the spirituality of the Blood of Christ. “Pope Francis said, ‘Let us open our eyes and see the misery of the world, the wounds of our brothers and sisters who are denied their dignity, and let us recognize that all are compelled to heed their cry for help . . . and together may we break down the barriers of indifference that too often reign supreme and mask our hypocrisy and egoism!’ That’s Precious Blood spirituality at its best. And I’m eager to share that charism with others who might not experience it, during this Jubilee Year of Mercy.” Father Kevin is offering a four-week series entitled “Forgiveness + Reconciliation = Mercy” on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm at St. Adalbert Church.

Jubilee Year of Mercy February 28, 2016 Third Sunday of Lent Pope Francis wants “Twenty-four Hours for the Lord,” aroundthe-clock availability of the sacrament of reconciliation, implemented worldwide this Friday and Saturday. Celebrated with his oft-recommended “tenderness,” the sacrament is “a source of true interior peace,” says Francis, enabling people “to touch the grandeur of God’s mercy with their own hands” (Misericordiae Vultus, 17). In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus warns us against judging others. Focus instead, Jesus says, on deepening—or restoring—our own relationship with God, for during this Lenten springtime that Master Gardener can use even life’s manure (the parable’s “fertilizer”) to coax fresh fruit from a tree that seems hopelessly barren—us! Parishes preparing catechumens may choose John’s Gospel, which likewise cautions against judging. Imagine what the Samaritan woman’s lifelong neighbors thought of her multiple relationships. But by discovering Jesus, then sharing her good news—and Jesus—with those very neighbors, she whom they had probably judged quite sinful became instead their evangelist and “missionary of mercy.” —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Papal quotes Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission.

Eucharistic Adoration will be held at St. John on Friday, March 4, from 3 to 6 pm. Meet the Sisters: You are invited to welcome our three sisters from Tanzania at a reception after the 8 am Mass on Sunday, March 6, in the Mural Room. We’re grateful for their presence and for the gifts they bring to our community.

February 28 2016

WORSHIP AND SPIRITUALITY Feb 29 Mon: Lenten Weekday, 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab, Lk 4:24-30 7:00 am †Dotty Connor by Bob & Noel Bubala Mar 1 Tue: Lenten Weekday, Dn 3:25, 34-43, Mt 18:21-35

7:00 am †All Living & Deceased Parishioners of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Mar 2 Wed: Lenten Weekday ,Dt 4:1, 5-9, Mt 5:17-19

7:00 am †Helen Duray by Duray Family Mar 3 Thu: Lenten Weekday, USA: St. Katherine Drexel, Vrigin, Jer 7:23-28, Lk 11:14-23

7:00 am †Helen Duray by Duray Family Mar 4 Fri: Lenten Weekday, St. Casimir, Hos 14:2-10, Mk 12:28-34

7:00 am †Marian Danko-Schneider by Anthony Barilla 8:30 am †Helen Nies by Mrs. Angela Matushek Mar 5 Sat: Lenten Weekday, Hos 6:1-6, Lk 18:9-14

No 7 a.m. Mass on Saturdays 4:30 pm (SA) All Living & Deceased Parishioners of St. Adalbert Mar 6 SUN: Fourth Sunday of Lent, Jos 5:9a, 10-12, 2 Cor 5:1721, Lk 15: 1-3, 11:32 (33) 8:00 am †George Taylor by Taylor Family (SJB) 10:30 am †Bill Furtak by Wife Mary

(SH) 10:30 am Whiting-Robertsdale Catholic Community

ADMINISTRATOR ……………….Rev. Jerome Stack, C.PP.S. Ext. 103 DEACON………………………………………….………...Joseph Manchak BUSINESS MANAGER/BULLETIN…………….…..Agnes Seitz Ext. 104 BULLETIN ARTICLES: [email protected] MAIN RECTORY NUMBER……………………………….....(219) 659-0023 RECTORY FAX NUMBER……………………………………...(219) 473-7551 HISPANIC MINISTRY……………………….…………..Nora Perez Ext. 105 FAITH FORMATION/YOUTH MINISTRY….J. Sandona (219) 616-5341 ADULT FAITH ENRICHMENT……...Margaret Saliga (219) 659-4138 MARRIAGE PREPARATION……………………….....….….(219) 659-0023 ST. JOHN SCHOOL……..Scott Tabernacki, Principal (219) 659-3042 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL………………………………………….(219) 659-1073

Whiting/Robertsdale Faith Community

SACRIFICIAL GIVING (2/21/2016) Immaculate Conception $ 763.00 Sacred Heart


St. Adalbert


St. John the Baptist  Loose  High School  Grade School TOTAL:

$7,648.00 $ 441.00 $ 5.00 $ 34.00 $8,128.00

St. John’s collection is around $8,000 but in order to operate within our budget, $11,000 would help meet our needs. Please be generous and open minded in your tithing.

PEACE AND SOCIAL JUSTICE Growing Our Fruit The parable of the non-fruit-bearing fig tree describes the fate of those who do not repent. Even though God gives us everything we need for our journey toward salvation, we ourselves need to “cultivate and fertilize” our spiritual lives. The “fertilizer” is the charity, fasting, and prayer of our Christian penance. Repentance is “cultivating” the soil so we can bear fruit. Repentance is changing one’s mind, letting go of the narrowness of our own perception of how life should be and embracing the expansiveness of God’s plan for salvation. Repentance is really conversion. But if we “grumble” our way through life; judging others, failing to live up to our baptismal commitments or not heeding all the warnings given us, Jesus’ message is quite clear: “bear fruit or be cut down.” One Can – Make a Difference Next weekend March 5th & 6th will be our monthly food collection for the Whiting Food Pantry. Donations can be placed in the baskets or on the pews in the center of church.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU The Rediscover Jesus book has certainly been a blessing to the many who’ve read the brief but power packed chapters. Through it the Tuesday evening study group at SH has enjoyed many meaningful discussions, thus gaining deeper insights and encouragement to live the gospel in conscientious ways. The book, which contains 40 chapters, is a welcome approach to the 40 days of Lent. Each chapter gives a message on which to reflect, followed by one line of scripture, a related thought to ponder, and a positive action to accomplish. If you’ve not opened your book yet, now is the time to do so. We offer a sincere “Thank You” to the generous diocesan donor who sent 800 copies to our Whiting/Robertsdale Catholic Community. May God bless all of us as we read and are inspired to rediscover Jesus in our midst.

Page 3

3rd Sunday of Lent


Patricia Arteaga, Virginia Banas, Mary Bayus, Bernice Bercik, John C. Biagi, Richard Bobos, Viola Botterman, Mary Boyle, Melissa Bradley, Isabel Briones, Noel Bubala, Ray Buell, Jerry Burke, Thomas Castillo, Betty Chidalek, Magdalena Chirinos, Dorothy Chovan, Doris Cinotto, Abigail Coates, Rebecca Coates, Nancy Coleman, Jeannie Cusson, Marie Dado, Jason Delgado, Gloria Demeter, Irene Dvorscak, Brenda Ervin, Alice Escamilla, Jeanine Faulkner, Joseph Fortunak, Jr., Charles Gawlik, Andrea Gaynor, Julie Geffert, Florence Gresko, Tom Hashu, Jeanette Hawkins, Nicole Hipp, Len Hoyda, Marianne Hruskocy, Peggy Hyde, Tom Janiga, Bernice Johnson, Edy Johnson, Barbara Johnston, Mark Jurek, Ann Marie Kaminsky, Gloria A. Kaminsky, Rosemary Kaminsky, Gerry Kasarda, Cathy Kobe, Randal Koch, Janet Kompier, Barbara Jean Korba, Margaret Korba, Ann Kovach, Ann Kovar, Ann Kraly, Nathan Kras, Laura Kresich, Abigail Krieger, Sarah Lampa, Lenore Lazur, Leslie LeClaire, Aaron Mercer, Edward Michniewicz, Catherine Marnan, Jane Mika, Janet Moran, Monica Mores, Judy Muryzn, Bryce Nowakowski, Jennifer O’Donnell, Collette Ormes, Robert Pantoga, Sarah Penrose, Joan Peters, Shirley Pierce, Judith Pitlik, Joyce Pardinek, Caitlan Pawlowski, Dan Podobinski. Tom Puplava, Kathleen Radloff, Al Renda, Aloma Robinson, Mary Rost, Ed Roszkowski, Marian Rovito, Joyce Rybicki, Andrea Salazar, Dave Sikes, Grace Simko, Catherine Smutniak, Nick Speziale, Velma Stasik, Jack Strisko, Nancy Teles, James Toth, Richard Tumidalsky, Katelyn Valencia, Adina Vargas, Marge Vrlik, Marianne Zemen.

Please continue to pray for all the service men and women here and all over the world.

Matt Barbetta, Sean Bowman, Cristina Campos, Christina Campra, Sean Coleman, Larry Gazafy, Matthew Geffert, John Gervais, Gerardo Gonzalez, James Grunhard Jr., Alex Gonzalo Hernandez, Elliot Hlavaty, Matthew Hlavaty, Justin Jansky, Thomas M. Kaminsky, Keith Kennedy, Jeff Klobucar, Jason Koscielski, Jeffery Koval, Mark Koval, Zachary C. Machuca, Walter Malenki, Benjamin Mann, Randall McAllister, Mike McCay, Hugh A. McNinch, Philip Mlynarski, Derek Monks, David Novotney, Zack O’Drobinak, Nicholas Okamura, Justus Oliver, Mark Opachan, Nicholas Orbik, Michael Ortiz, Kenneth Petkunas, Thomas Puplava Jr., Robert Rodriguez, Eric Schaufele, Elliott Schultz, Natalie Serna, John Starzyk Jr, Alex Supergan, Jason Sutton, Stephen Taylor, Jeffrey Thormeyer, Christopher Trojnar, Samuel Valdyke, Ryan Walker, Ray Walsh.

Whiting/Robertsdale Faith Community

Page 4

ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Adalbert Parish will have their Annual Spring Rummage sale on March 5 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Anyone interested in donating, please call 659-4466. The Service League of Share Foundation With the Handicapped is planning a Spring Luncheon with broasted chicken, door prizes, a silent auction & entertainment on March 16th, in the Halls of St. George, Schererville from 10:30 am2:00 pm. Sharing Meadows is a residence and camp for developmentally disabled adults in Rolling Prairie. $35/ person. For more information call Share Foundation 219778-2585 or Chairperson Emogene Grant 219-663-5271.

The East Chicago Knights of Columbus #1700 is hosting their annual Lenten Fish Fry each Friday until March 18th from 47 pm. Fish Dinners available are Lake Perch, Ocean Perch, Frog Legs, Shrimp, Catfish, Baked Tilapia and Shrimp Dejon, with choice of Baked Potato or Fries. Combos, Pierogi Dinners, Kids menu and take outs available. Every dinner comes with our famous AYCE soup and salad bar. The Council is located at 1104 Knights of Columbus Drive in East Chicago, off Indianapolis Blvd by the EC South Shore Station. For more information call 398-6700. Please join us for our annual Ham Bingo, Sunday, March 13th, 2 pm at St. Nicholas Social Center, 8103 Columbia, Munster...Ham and Cash Bingo

Four Lenten Tuesdays ...Fr. Kevin Scalf, C.PP.S., Assistant to the President at Calumet College of St. Joseph, Hammond., IN., and appointed "Missionary of Mercy" by Pope Francis for this Jubilee Year of Mercy is the guest presenter for Four Lenten Tuesdays: February 23, March 1, 8, 15 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. at St. Adalbert Church, 121st & Indianapolis Blvd. The title of the presentations is: "Forgiveness + Reconciliation = Mercy." What is Forgiveness and Reconciliation within a theological context? And how does the Mercy of Christ, experienced in Word and Sacrament, lead one toward healing, liberation and grace? Fr. Kevin will explore these topics within evening prayer during the four Tuesdays. All are welcome. Participation is Free and open to the public. Questions? Call Margaret 659-4138.

PARISH LIBRARY BOOKSHELF has selections for Lent and other books to enhance your spiritual journey. You can find the bookshelf in the vestibule of St. John Church. All are welcome to borrow books on the honor system. Please return them when you are finished. If you are looking for something particular that you do not find, please call Rita at 659-2965 to inquire if we have it. Have a blessed Lent!

February 28 2016

FOREVER BLUE AND GOLD GOOD NEWS It is always nice to hear about good news, especially when it pertains to St. John School. Recently Judy Nies, St. John’s dedicated tech person, was celebrating over the fact that the school now has obtained 65 Chrome Books that will be used by the 6th, 7th and 8th grade students at school. This acquisition is possible through the generous donations from FB&G and caring individuals. For the past several years Forever Blue and Gold has promoted and sponsored special $500.00 Learning Grants to five St. John teachers. We are very happy to report that ten St. John teachers have submitted a proposal for a grant to improve instruction and help St. John students. It is now up to the FB&G Board* to select the most helpful programs. An alum recently sent a note that we appreciate: “ …so happy many recognize the good FB&G does for St. John School…I like that FB&G can help the school now, which is why it has become my charity of choice…” *Let us know if you would like to be a board member: [email protected]

Catholic Relief Services Collection The second collection on March 5-6 will be for the benefit of Catholic Relief Services. Founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to serve World War II survivors in Europe, CRS now reaches 85 million people in 101 countries. The mission of CRS is to assist impoverished and disadvantaged people overseas, working in the spirit of Catholic social teaching to promote the sacredness of human life and the dignity of the human person. CRS invites Catholics to live their faith in solidarity with the poor and suffering peoNORTHWEST INDIANA CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER...Support the Catholic Press and your parish at the same time! For each new subscription (not a subscriber within the last 12 months) to the Northwest Indiana Catholic newspaper, the parish will receive a $10 rebate to be used for ministries, special projects, social outreach, or even ordinary expenses. Drop your check or money order into the collection basket now through Sunday, March 6, 2016. If you would prefer to use a credit or debit card, go online to

Whiting/Robertsdale Faith Community

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3rd Sunday of Lent


Monday, February 29 7:00 am Mass—Fr. Joseph Semancik 10:30 am Bible Study, (SH) Rose Room 7:00 pm (SH ) Catholicism Series Tuesday, March 1 Wed., March 2

7:00 am Mass—Fr. Jerome Stack (SA) 7:00 pm Lenten Session with Fr. Scalf 7:00 am Mass—Fr. Jerome Stack 3:00 pm PHYRE MS 5:00 pm (SJB) RCIA 1st Communion

Session 6:30 pm (SJB) Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm Liturgy Committee 7:00 pm (SH) Lector Meeting 7:00 pm Night of Alabanza & Reflection Thurs., March 3

7:00 am Mass—Fr. Jerome Stack 4:00 pm Confessions 7:00 pm (SH) Spanish Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm Pastoral Council

Friday, March 4

7:00 am Mass—Fr. Jerome Stack 8:30 am (SJB) School Mass-Fr. Kevin Scalf 3;00 pm Eucharistic Adoration 7:00 pm (SH) Mass/Stations of the Cross 7:00 pm (SJB) Stations of the Cross

Sat., March 5

Sunday, March 6

9:00 am (SH-Spanish) Rosary 3:30 PM (SA) Confessions 4:30 pm (SA) Mass—Fr. Jerome Stack 8:00 am Mass—Fr. Jerome Stack 9:00 am Faith Formation 10:30 am (SJB) Mass—Fr. Jerome Stack

Youth Led Mass Confirmation Rite Enrollment

No Children's Liturgy of the Word 10:30 am (SH) Mass—Fr. David Kelly Noon –2 PM (SJB) Living Stations Practice 2:00 pm (SJB) PHYRE HS Ministry

I have been thinking of ways to make myself more present; present at home, present at work. It has become challenging to make sure I am who I need to be at that moment. So many ideas, so little time to make them work. I want to be present for everyone, but inevitably, it seems the harder I try, the more difficult it becomes to stay focused on the task at hand. My mind may wander or my thoughts may blend together. Meditation helps, but the same challenge presents itself: how can I block out what is a distraction in that moment? Maybe the answer to this question lies in the course material for that Philosophy 101 class I struggled to make at 8 am in college. Maybe the solution comes from setting up a manageable schedule for me and actually sticking to it. When I am faced with the unknown, or I feel challenged, I turn to St. Augustine. I am going to try to keep this thought as priority #1: “There are two loves. The love of the world and the love of God…Let the love of the world take second place, and let the love of God dwell in you. Let the better love take over.” Sounds like a solid plan to me. Scott Tabernacki


Constance M. Miller

CONGRATULATIONS On behalf of the members of the St. John Rosary Society, thank you to everyone who visited and supported our booth at the parish festival earlier this month. The winners of our three raffles were: “Tailgate Party” - Carol Furto; “Welcome Little One” Dolores McCampbell; and “The Great Set Up” - Christine Rzonca… congratulations! Thank you to all who donated items for our booth. A very special thank you goes to the members (and spouses) who helped with the organization, set up and take down of our booth items, and the members who worked throughout the festival weekend. God bless each of you.

Marian Catholic High School Second Quarter—Honor Roll Christopher Cuadrado Noah Elbaor Kaela Harber Joseph Solorio Arellano

Comunidad Católica De Whiting-Robertsdale

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28 de Febrero, 2016

ANUNCIOS DOMINICALES ¡Anuncios Para El Boletín! Si usted desea clasificar un anuncio en el boletín (en español) pueden enviarlo vía e-mail a [email protected]. ó también puede llamar a los teléfonos 659-0023 Ext. 105 o 219–484-6917. Estos anuncios deben de entregarse los Lunes NO más tarde de las 12:00 del medio día. Por favor especifique las fechas en que le gustaría que su anuncio sea publicado.

Sagrado Corazón Misa de 1er Viernes del Mes El Viernes 4 de Marzo: Confesiones de 6:15 a 6:45 pm. Misa 7:00 pm. y después de la Misa continuaremos con el Viacrucis. Venta de Segunda La Iglesia de San Adalberto tendrá la venta de segunda el Sábado, 5 de Marzo de 9:00 am a 1:30 pm en el salón de la Iglesia. Si usted esta interesado/a en hacer algún tipo de donación, por favor comuníquese al TEL. 219-659-4466.

Venta de Pescado La Iglesia de San Patricio ubicada en 3802 Grand Boulevard East Chicago, tendrá venta de pescado empanizado los viernes 2/26, 3/4, 3/11, y 3/18. Lo invitamos a disfrutar de este rico platillo y a la vez contribuir para el mantenimiento de esta parroquia. De antemano agradecemos su cooperación! Periódico Católico de Northwest Indiana Patrocine al Periódico y a su parroquia a la mismo tiempo! Por cada nueva suscripción (no una persona ya subscrita dentro de los 12 meses pasados) al Periódico Católico de NorthWest Indiana, la parroquia recibirá $10.00 para uso de ministerios, proyectos especiales, o cualquier otros gastos extraordinarios. Por favor deposite su cheque o money order en la canasta de la colecta antes o el Domingo, 6 de Marzo. Si usted prefiere usar una tarjeta de crédito o debito, visite la página de Internet: Le Gustaría Pertenecer A Un Ministerio? Si usted tiene el deseo de participar de una manera más cercana en la celebración de la Eucaristía, quizás usted podría ser miembro en alguno de los ministerios de la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón. Lo invitamos a participar en nuestros ministerios de: Ministros de Eucaristía, lectores, ujieres, coro, etc. Otra manera en la que usted podría participar seria como voluntario para limpiar o decorar la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón. Si tiene alguna pregunta o duda a cerca de como participar en la Iglesia, por favor comuníquese con Nora Pérez al TEL. 219-659-0023 ext. 105 o 219-484-6917. Como pertenecer a la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón Si usted no está registrado en nuestra Parroquia y le gustaría ser miembro de la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón, puede llamar al TEL. 219-659-0023 o 219–484-6917. Si usted está registrado pero NO está recibiendo los sobres, por favor comuníquese con Nora Pérez al teléfono ya mencionado. Si en su familia viven jóvenes que ya cumplieron sus 18 años de edad, es esencial que ellos llenen una forma como miembro de la Iglesia por separado. Confesiones son escuchadas en español de 9:45 a 10:15 am. Todos los Domingos antes de la Misa de 10:30 am.

Le gustaría profundizar su Fe y Vivir de una manera más espiritual esta Cuaresma? Le invitamos a participar en las actividades Cuaresmales en la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón iniciando el Lunes 15 de Febrero, 2016. Lunes: Marzo, 7, 14, y 21 7pm ~ Series del Catolicismo Miércoles: Marzo, 2, 9, 16 y 23 7pm ~ Noche de Alabanza y Reflexión

Viernes: Marzo, 4, 11, 18 7pm ~ Viacrucis Sábados: Feb. 20 (Todos los Sábados) Perdón + Reconciliación = Misericordia El Padre Kevin Scalf, estará presentando el tema de Perdón + Reconciliación = Misericordia por cuatro Martes durante la cuaresma. Iniciando el Martes 23 de Febrero, 1ro, 8, y 15 de Marzo. Estas clases serán en INGLES en la Iglesia de San Adalberto de 7 a 8 pm. Todos serán bienvenidos! DÍA DE REFLEXIÓN CUARESMAL Lo invitamos a un retiro de REFLEXIÓN durante la Cuaresma con el Padre Jerry Schweitzer el Sábado 27 de Febrero en el Salón Rosa de la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón de 9:00 am a 3:00 pm. En este retiro se proveerá lonche sin costo alguno. Se aceptarán donaciones a beneficio de la Asociación de San Vicente de Paul. Se puede preinscribir antes del 22 de Febrero con la Sra. Margaret al TEL. 6594138. No se olvide de traer su biblia. El retiro será en Ingles. Todos están cordialmente invitados!

Comunión/Visita al Hospital Si usted conoce alguna persona enferma ó que tiene un impedimento para asistir a Misa y le gustaría que se le lleve la Santa Comunión a su casa o tiene algún familiar en el hospital y le gustaría que el Padre vaya a visitarlo, por favor llame a las oficinas de las parroquias de nuestra comunidad Catolica de Whiting-Robertsdale al 219-659-0023, en español comuníquese con Nora Perez al TEL. 219-484-6917.

Proyecto de Cuaresma El grupo de jóvenes de nuestra comunidad Católica de Whiting/ Robertsdale estará participando en un proyecto cuaresmal en el cual necesita de su generosa participación. De la manera en la que usted puede participar es donando cualquier tipo de bolsa de mano que no use, y/o bolsas deportivas. También necesitamos donaciones de artículos de higiene para viajar como; pasta de dientes, cepillos de dientes, peines, desinfectante par a las manos, botellas de jabón, botellas de agua, calcetones, rastrillos, productos femeninos, desodorantes y cualquier otro tipo de higiene personal que usted desee donar. Usted podrá llevar estas donaciones a las parroquias de nuestra comunidad Católica a partir del 31 de Enero y terminará el 21 de Febrero. Renta del Salón Rosa ~ Para renta del salón Rosa de la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón, favor de comunicarse con Nora Pérez o a la Rectoría de San Juan B. 219-659-0023.

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