Office Hours. Schedule of Services. Parish Staff. Saint Joseph Parish. Saint Joseph Parish

Sandaint J oseph Parish Mission Church of St. Vincent de Paul 9961 Elk Grove Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 ● (916) 685-3681 ● FAX (916) 685-7254 M

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Church of Saint Joseph 141 Ashburton Avenue, Yonkers, New York 10701 Rectory (914) 963-0730 Cemetery (914) 963-0780 E-mail: stjosephchurch8@optonline.

Helena. saint. parish. Parish Staff Pastor Rev. David Powers Sch.P. Mass Schedule (Horario de Misas) Parochial Vicars
Parish Staff Pastor Rev. David Powers Sch.P. Parochial Vicars Rev. Nelson Henao Sch.P. Rev. Richard Wyzykiewicz Sch.P. Parish Secretary Mrs. Rosemar

Welcome to Saint Patrick Catholic Parish - Pasco!
Welcome to Saint Patrick Catholic Parish - Pasco! | [email protected] | 509.547.8841 office | 509.547.3604 fax 1320 W. Henry St

Parish STAFF Director of Religious Education SCHEDULE OF MASSES SACRAMENTS 4:30pm (Italian), 5:45pm 7:45am, 9:00am, 10:30am (Spanish), 12:00 Noon

Parish STAFF Director of Religious Education SCHEDULE OF MASSES SACRAMENTS 4:30pm (Italian), 5:45pm 7:45am, 9:00am, 10:30am (Spanish), 12:00 Noon

Story Transcript

Sandaint J oseph Parish Mission Church of St. Vincent de Paul

9961 Elk Grove Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 ● (916) 685-3681 ● FAX (916) 685-7254 Mission Church: 14673 Cantova Way, Rancho Murieta, CA 95683 ● (916) 354-2403 ● FAX (916)354-2404

We, the parish community of Saint Joseph Catholic Church (Elk Grove) and Mission Church of Saint Vincent de Paul (Rancho Murieta), enriched by many traditions and cultures, come together to worship God in Sacrament, liturgy, and prayer. We are committed to acting as One Body in Christ, and to living our One Faith with the help of the Holy Spirit. We continually seek to reach out in loving service to others, both within our parish as well as in the greater community, in order to spread the Good News of our faith.” (Parish Mission Statement)

Schedule of Services Saint Joseph Parish Weekend Masses Saturday Sunday

4:30 PM 7:30 9:00 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM (Español), & 5:00 PM (Filipino Mass Every First Sunday, English Mass - All Other Sundays) Weekday Schedules (Monday to Friday) Liturgy of the Hours 7:30 AM Daily Mass 8:00 AM Rosary 8:30 AM First Friday Mass 7:00 PM A doration Eucharistic Adoration Friday 8:30 - 10:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 2:30 - 3:30 PM Or By appointment Mission Church of Saint Vincent de Paul Weekend Masses Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM Weekday schedules Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy (Monday) 6:00pm Daily Mass (Wednesday) 8:30 AM First Wednesday Adoration 9:00 AM Rosary (Fridays) 8:00 AM Service of the Word (Friday) 8:30 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4:30 - 4:50 PM Or By appointment

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School Trina Koontz (Principal) (916) 684-7903, ext. 12 e-mail: [email protected] Tammy Babich (Preschool/EDP Director) (916) 691-4825 e-mail: [email protected]

Office Hours Saint Joseph Parish Monday 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Tuesday to Friday 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Visit us on our website: See us on Facebook: St. Joseph Catholic Church (Elk Grove, CA)

Mission Church of Saint Vincent de Paul Monday/Wednesday/Friday

9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Parish Staff Fr. Julito R. Orpilla (Pastor), ext. 122 e-mail: [email protected] Fr. Victor Gutierrez (Parochial Vicar), ext. 125 e-mail: [email protected] Deacon Larry Hiner, e-mail: [email protected] Aurora Fragozo-Aguirre (Parish Administrator), ext. 120 e-mail: [email protected] Sr. Ma. Imelda Grace Dañas, RVM (DRE of Faith Formation),ext. 124

e-mail: [email protected] Jerome Baybayan (Youth Ministry Coordinator), ext. 123 e-mail: jbaybayan Erwin Jimenez (Administrative Assistant II), ext. 121 e-mail: [email protected] Veronica Padilla Perez (Administrative Assistant), ext. 127 e-mail: [email protected] Karina Santana (Administrative Assistant), ext. 128 e-mail: [email protected] Ruth Guerrette (SVdP -Administrative Assistant), (916) 354-2403 ext. 129 e-mail: [email protected] Anna Romea (Liturgical Music Coordinator) e-mail: [email protected]

Saint Joseph Parish : 01/16 08:00am - Angeles Baeza (SI) : 01/17 08:00am - Roberto Ares (SI) Alex O. Lopez † Memie Weitzenberg † Ronnie Tereau (SI) : 01/18 08:00am RM 08:30am - Gene Reising † Thu: 01/19 08:00am - Franz Josef Apostol † Fri: 01/20 08:00am - All Souls † Remedios Deluna (SI) Sat: 01/21 04:30pm - Jimmy Wong † RM 05:00pm - For all the people of SVdP 01/22 07:30am – 09:00am - Mapuana Cerezo † RM 09:00am - For the People of SVdP 11:00am - Dan & Julia Osuna † 01:00pm - Edubiges Zambrano † Rosa De Carmen (SI) Maria Luisa Camacho † 05:00pm -

First Reading

Today’s Readings — The glory of the Lord shows

through Israel, a light to all nations, that salvation may reach to the ends of the earth (Isaiah 49:3, 5-6). Psalm — Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will (Psalm 40). Second Reading — All those who call upon the name of the Lord are called to be holy (1 Corinthians 1:1-3). Gospel — John the Baptist testifies: The one who comes after me, on whom the Spirit comes down and remains, is the Son of God (John 1:29-34).

Readings For The Week Mon: Heb 5:1-10; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 2:18-22 Tues: Heb 6:10-20; Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9, 10c; Mk 2:23-28 Wed: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 3:1-6 Thur: Heb 7:25 — 8:6; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Mk 3:7-12 Fri: Heb 8:6-13; Ps 85:8, 10-14; Mk 3:13-19 Sat: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Mk 3:20-21 Sun: Is Is 8:23 — 9:3; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; 1 Cor 1:10-13, 17; Mt 4:12-23 [12-17]

Pray For Our Military Families Steven Alsop Josh Alonzo Alanna Appel Don R. Baker II Solomon Bolt Carl Ian Bravo Nicklaus Brincka Grant Boone Jaclyn Buno Alondra Cruz Mark Dollar Benjamin Erwin Matthew Farrell Joey Feathers Roman Fernandez Gabriel Franzoia Serena Grandov Graham Hebert

Bryan&Nancy Horsey Breanna Johnson Valery Keaveny Jr. Joseph King Freddie Koeller Glenn Lewis Stephen Lindahl James Lovello Kevin McDonald Amber McGovern Russell Miller Colin Medigovich Midori Mekata Mike Montini Jared Ortner Sean Passmore Cherry Pangilinan

Dominic Peterson Ian Rubstello Michael Riehl Jousha Shaffer Zachary Schiele Jason Stiles Shawn Tostado Jason Lee Tudor Jerry & Davita Vega Ronald P. Viray Jaime Wong-Lopez Jordan Wood Jason Woodford Shai-Lin Ynacay Shawn Zachary Gibson

Diosdado Pangilinan

Military Prayer List Additions

To add new names of active military to our military list, please send an e-mail to [email protected] or call Pat at 916-686-5977.

Parish Weekly Collection Weekly Goal:

St. Joseph SVdP

$ 11,200.00 $ 2,600.00

Offertory this Week:

St. Joseph $ 9,988.00 SVdP $ 2,430.00 FOR EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) If you wish to contribute via EFT (electronic fund transfer) please visit our parish website for more information. “Thank you for your generosity and may God continue to bless you with His providence.”

Martin Luther King Day

St. Joseph and St. Vincent de Paul parish offices will be closed on Monday, January 16th, in observance of Martin Luther King Day. Please visit us on Tuesday, January 17th, when the office will be open again for business. La oficina Parroquial de San José y San Vicente de Paul estará cerrada el dia: lunes, 16 de enero, Día Conmemorativo de Martin Luther King. Usted nos puede visitar el martes, 17 de enero de 2017. Submit bulletin Articles by Friday 12 noon (one week prior ) to: e-mail: [email protected]


As soon as Christmas ends, people begin planning for Easter! Originally, the source of our Paschal Triduum was but a single liturgy extending from Saturday sundown to sunrise on Easter Sunday. The two days leading up to the liturgy were days of fast, not only for the elect, but for the church preparing to baptize them. A fifth-century pope explained that the church imitated the apostles, who were in hiding with their grief from the arrest of Jesus, and therefore sacraments, even penance, were forbidden. Inevitably, though, people wanted to come together, and so eventually a Liturgy of the Word developed for Good Friday. This was the first step toward today’s shape of the Triduum, and gradually new ideas were embraced, including the veneration of the cross and a simple Communion service. Interestingly, the Word remained central, since we know that in those days the pope did not receive Communion at this liturgy, even though the faithful had that option. In the other churches of Rome, priests and people received Communion under both species. Although the custom of Communion on Good Friday took hold, it did not endure past the Middle Ages. The central liturgies of the year slowly unraveled and disappeared from parish life. Remember that there were no seminaries in those days, and books were a rare luxury. Most priests could only manage to celebrate a simple “low” Mass, and few parishes could afford the ritual books that would guide a priest through the complex forms. Holy Week remained important in private devotion, but for a time the liturgies virtually disappeared . —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co


Today we begin with one of the “servant songs” from the book of Isaiah, a song prophetic of Jesus’ ministry of service. Isaiah’s mission is not only to bring back the children of Jacob to gather in Israel; it is also to be “a light to the nations” (Isaiah 49:6). Jesus Christ, as servant, will be the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy and the basis of the new. This Sunday we begin a series of readings from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. Here Paul is identified by his mission: he is an apostle of Jesus Christ. The church at Corinth to whom he addresses this letter is also identified: it is part of the universal church of God. The Corinthians are called to holiness, as are all Christians. Though the feast of the Baptism of the Lord was celebrated last Monday, today’s Gospel also alludes to the importance of that event. The reading emphasizes that Jesus “outranks” John: his baptism in the Spirit will eradicate sin. Jesus accepts John’s baptism, even though it is he himself who is the Lamb of God. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Al escribir Tradiciones de nuestra fe me he encontrado con muchas fiestas patronales en España, Latinoamérica y Estados Unidos de América. Muchas de ellas mantienen su carácter religioso mientras que otras son simplemente una excusa para festejar, mejorar la economía local o hacer política, pero no por estas razones deben ser descartadas. Tomemos, por ejemplo, la fiesta de san Sebastián de las Ovejas en la frontera entre Argentina y Chile. Esta fiesta es más vieja que ambas naciones y su peregrinación pisa los dos suelos. A lo largo del tiempo, esta fiesta ha sufrido por razones políticas entre ambas naciones, pero a partir de 1980 las autoridades eclesiásticas, civiles y gubernamentales han intentado revitalizar esta fiesta por varios motivos. Las autoridades eclesiásticas la usan para renovar el cristianismo añadiendo las enseñanzas y prácticas del Concilio Vaticano II a las tradiciones antiguas. Las autoridades civiles la utilizan para incrementar el comercio y el turismo en la región. Los gobiernos de Chile y Argentina la ven como un enlace benéfico entre ambas naciones. Las fiestas patronales buscan integrar todos los aspectos del ser humano, su política, economía, cultura, celebración y religión. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

TRES MISIONES Hoy comenzamos con una de las “cantos del siervo” del libro de Isaías, una canto profético sobre el ministerio de servicio de Jesús. La misión de Isaías no sólo es lograr que los hijos de Jacob se reúnan en Israel, sino también es convertirse en “una luz de las naciones” (Isaías 49:6). Jesucristo, como servidor, será el cumplimiento de la antigua profecía y la base de la nueva. Este domingo comenzamos una serie de lecturas de la carta de san Pablo a los corintios. Aquí se define a Pablo de acuerdo a su misión: es un apóstol de Jesucristo. La Iglesia en Corinto a quien se dirige en su carta también se define: es parte de la Iglesia universal de Dios. Los corintios, como todos los cristianos, son llamados a la santidad. Aunque la fiesta del Bautismo del Señor se celebró el domingo pasado, el Evangelio de hoy también alude a la importancia de dicho acontecimiento. La lectura enfatiza que Jesús “tiene precedencia” sobre Juan: su bautismo en el Espíritu erradicará el pecado. Jesús acepta el bautismo de Juan, a pesar de que él mismo es el Cordero de Dios. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Saint Joseph Parish Knights of Columbus Annual Crab Feed Fundraiser Knights of Columbus, Council #7241, will hold its Annual Crab Feed on Saturday, January 28th with silent auction, and raffle prizes. A nohost bar starting at 5:30pm and dinner at 6:30pm in the Msgr. O’Connor Social Hall at St. Joseph. Tickets ar e $45 per per son and go on sale after Mass through January 21th or until sold out. No tickets will be sold at the door. Percentage of profits support Council #7241 Charities: Project Ride, Horses Healing Heroes, Cristo Rey H.S, The American Wheelchair Mission, St. Joseph Youth Group, Challenge Girls, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and St. Joseph Parish. If you wish to donate raffle prizes, please call Tony Romano at 916-716-8985 or bring them to the hall the night of the dinner. For tickets, call Michael Jones at 916-684-5803 or Jackson Campbell at (916) 685-6662.

Shoot For The Stars The MSGR. Renwald Council of the KofC will start the Annual KofC Free Throw Championships with the council level completion on Sunday, January 22, 2017 at 1:30pm in the Msgr. O’Connor Social Hall. Awards will be provided. Participation is open to boys and girls who are 9-14 years of age, with age eligibility determined based on their age on January 1, 2017. A copy of the participants’ age MUST accompany the official entry/score sheet form. This can be a Baptismal or Birth Certificate. Each participant will compete in their own age group against the other boys or girls. Registration will begin at 12:30pm in the Msgr. O’Connor Hall vestibule and close at 1:15pm and 1:45pm r espectively for the age gr oups 9-12 and 13-14. Remember you must have a copy of your proof of age, no original please. Participants must also have a parent or guardian present to sign the entry form. For more information, please contact James Moralez at 916-685-4840.

Follow Me : Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John

Being Catholic takes more than simply believing in God or doing what he asks of us. Jesus wants you to be more than just a believer— he wants you to be his disciple and friend. To help you answer this call to deeper friendship with Christ, St. Joseph will begin Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John on Wednesday January 18th at 6:00pm. For more information or to register, visit, or contact Deacon Larry at [email protected]. You will not only benefit personally from being part of this study; you will also help us to grow in fellowship as a parish as we grow closer to Christ together. Follow Me invites you to experience the joy of a renewed friendship with Christ. You will learn what it takes to follow him. You will experience the joy of divine friendship, and you will see how God— and only God—can satisfy the deepest desires of your heart. Participants of Follow Me will receive a workbook and will meet every week to view an engaging video presentation followed by a time of lively group discussion and fellowship. The eight 30-minute videos, presented by Dr. Edward Sri, will guide you through the Gospel of John. Dr. Sri will explain how Christ’s encounters with others in the Gospel are examples of how he lovingly and persistently calls each of us to a more intimate and life-changing relationship with him.

World Marriage Day Renewal of Marital Commitments On Saturday, February 11, 2017 Bishop Jaime Soto will preside at a special Mass at 11:00am at Divine Savior Parish in Orangevale in which married couples will receive a special blessing and have an opportunity to renew their marital commitments. An informal reception for them and their families will follow. Special certificates will be given to couples celebrating milestone anniversaries (10, 25, 30, 40, 45, 50, 50+). If you are interested in attending this free event, please register (names and anniversary year) at . For more information call the Dept. of Evangelization & Catechesis at 916-733-0123.

Saint Joseph Parish/Saint Vincent de Paul St. Vincent de Paul Society News Looking for a way to serve your neighbors? Please come to the next St. Vincent de Paul Society meeting, Tuesday, February 7th, at 7:000 pm. We do try to keep our meetings to one hour-----that’s our goal!!

• We serve at Loaves and Fishes the 3rd Friday of each month. We meet in St. Joseph’s parking lot and try to car pool. We leave from the parking lot at 9:30am. It helps to have a count, ahead of time, of the number of people we can expect, so please call Donald Emukpoeruo, 916-541-9284, or email him at [email protected] to let him know you will be there. We were just there Friday, so your next opportunity will be Friday, January 20th. If you or someone you know is in need of help with food, clothing or utility bills, please call our confidential hot line at 916-667-2779. We serve zip codes 95624, 95683, 95693, 95829 and 95830. One of our volunteers will return your call to schedule a home visit to discuss your needs. God Bless You.

Home Enthronement of Sacred Heart of Jesus The Legion of Mary of St. Joseph Catholic Church, EG brings the Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima to those families who would like to host her for one week. At the end of one week their home will be enthroned to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary by a priest. If you are interested please contact Andrea Bernabe at [email protected] . The Legion of Mary meets every Thursday at 9:00am in St. Juan Diego room. Read the bulletin online at the parish website at:

Noticias de la Sociedad de S.V. de Paúl Los invitamos a que nos acompañen a nuestras juntas mensuales que se llevan a cabo el primer martes del mes. Nuestra próxima junta será el 17 de febrero las 7pm en el Salón Renwald.

• Cada tercer viernes del mes servimos almuerzo en Loaves & Fishes. Los invitamos para que nos acompañen el 20 de enero. Nos reuniremos en el estacionamiento de la Iglesia a las 9:30am y nos iremos todos juntos. Para más informacion, favor de comunicarse con Gloria al 916-682-8599. Si usted o alguien que conoce necesita ayuda de comida, ropa u otro gasto del hogar, por favor llame a nuestra línea confidencial, al 916-667-2779 y déje su mensaje. Cuando le regresemos su llamada, platicaremos sobre sus necesidades en su hogar. Ofrecemos servicio a los códigos postales 95624, 95683, 95693, 95829 y 95830. En nombr e de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl, les deseamos un Feliz Año Nuevo y reciban muchas bendiciones de nuestra Sagrada Familia.

Coat and Sock Collection

Do you have clean gently used jackets and socks to spare for the homeless at Friendship Park, Loaves and Fishes? A group of St. Joseph parishioners will be collecting the clothing after each daily and weekend masses until January 22, 2017. Thank you for your generous support. God Bless you.


February 17-19, 2017 Many girls have experienced a closer relationship with Christ thorough a Challenge retreat! We invite you this year to give it a chance! Our retreats are for girls 10-16 years old, the day is filled with dynamic activities, games, prayer, great food and most of all an opportunity to build friendship with each other and Christ. For information call Amelina Mendoza at 916-346-0280 or email: [email protected]

Saint Joseph Parish Youth Ministry News High School Youth Group does not meet on January 15th in observance of Mar n Luther King Day. High School Youth Group will resume again on Sunday January 22nd from 6-8pm in the youth room. Our Life Night is “The Virus: The Dangers of Pornography.”

¡Noticias Del Ministerio Juvenil! El Ministerio Juvenil

no se reunirá el 15 de enero en conmemoración de Mar n Luther King. Nos volveremos a reunir el domingo, 22 de enero de 6 a 8pm en el salón de jóvenes. Nuestro tema será “El Virus: Los Peligros de la Pornografia”.


does not meet on January 16th in observance of Mar n Luther King Day. EDGE will resume again on Monday January 23rd from 6:308pm in the Social Hall. Our EDGE night will be “Batman: Goodness and Pa ence.”

does not meet on January 17th in observance of Mar n Luther King Day. EDGE will resume again on Tuesday January 24th from 78:30pm in the Youth Room. Our EDGE night will be “Batman: Goodness and Pa ence.”


January One Eight Dates YR 2 Confirma on meets on January 22th from 2:30 -4pm in the Church. This month’s lesson will be “Truth Be Told: Morality & Obedience” Please have your teens check in by 2:15pm to begin on me.

Steubenville NorCal Save the dates for the weekend of July 28th, 29th, and 30th for the first ever Steubenville Conference in Northern California! All incoming freshman up to outgoing seniors are invited to a end this weekend for this life-changing experience! Registra on will be opening soon. For any ques ons please contact Jerome at the Parish Office.

no se reunirá el 16 de enero en conmemoración de Mar n Luther King. Nos volveremos a reunir el lunes 23 de enero de 6:308pm en el Salon Social. Nuestro tema será “Batman: Bondad y Paciencia”.


no se reunirá el 17 de enero en conmemoración de Mar n Luther King. Nos volveremos a reunir el martes 24 de enero de 78:30pm en el salón de jóvenes. Nuestro tema será “Batman: Bondad y Paciencia”.

Fechas de Programa 1:8 para diciembre Año 2 de Confirmación tendrá su clase de catequesis el 22 de enero de 2:30-4pm en la Iglesia. La lección para este mes será: Decir Verdad: La Moral y Obediencia. Favor de llegar a las 2:15 para poder comenzar a empo.

Fin de Semana Steubenville NorCal Atencion jovenes, estan todos invitados a la próxima conferencia juvenil. Aparte las fechas del fin de semana del 28 al 30 de julio 2017 y par cipen en la primer conferencia juvenil de Steubenville en el Norte de California. Todos los jóvenes de high school están invitados a este fin de semana que será una experiencia inolvidable. Ya pronto abriremos las inscripciones. Si ene alguna pregunta favor de comunicarse con Jerome en la oficina parroquial.

Grief Support Sessions

Kiwanis/KofC Crab Feed Tickets are still available for the Rancho Murieta Kiwanis/KofC Crab Feed, here at SVdP, Saturday, February 4th 2017. Call Judith Embree at 354-2980 for tickets.

Please See The Rest of Our Bulletin Articles for this column should be submitted to Veronica no later than Wednesday of the week before it is to be published. This deadline will vary for holidays.

Is anything more important than our children's souls? In The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, children as young as three form deep, lifelong relationships with Christ. We are now accepting applications for our 2017-18 catechist training, which begins in April. Generous financial assistance is available. Learn more, and/or apply at

Couples For Christ The Christian Life Program (CLP) is a series of talks about the “Absolute Basic Truths of Christianity”, “The Authentic Christian Life”, and “Living Spirit-Filled Christian Life”. Talks are followed by a guided discussion in relation to Christian Life. Join us February 26, 2017 in the Msgr. O’Connor Social Hall, St. Peter’s Room fr om 2:30-5:00pm. There are no fees and is open to singles, couples, windows, and widowers. For more information please contact Ernie & Nita Sahagun 916-607-6124, Telo & Girlie Atienza 916-479-3048, Jun & Jeanette Ilagan 916-3894000, Jivvy & Genevieve Corpus 916-955-9336.

St. Joseph's Ministry of Consolation will be offering seven weekly grief support sessions have begun and will continue until February 20th. We are present for those grieving the loss of a loved one or other significant loss in one's life. This ministry takes place in the context of faith, and is caring, supportive, and compassionate We will be meeting in the Renwald Room fr om 6:30pm-8pm. For more information, please contact Marilyn Petruska at 685-3207 or Mary Ellen Trapp at 893-8863.


For more information or questions regarding Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) please contact Ida Miranda at: 916-226-3507 or by email: [email protected]

Coronilla a la Divina Misericordia

La Parroquia de San Jose los invita a rezar la Coronilla a la Divina Misericordia todos los miércoles a las 6:45 de la tarde en la Iglesia.

Estudio Biblico

Todos los martes de 7:30 a 8:30pm en el Salon St. Francis. Dir igido por Ver bum Dei. Par a mas información Hna. Graciela Soto 510-316-3375.

Parish Registration Forms

If you have not been receiving your parish contribution envelopes, or have had a change of address or phone number, an addition to the family, or you are new to our parish, you may pick up a registration form in the vestibule, in the office, or visit our website so that we may update our records.


Cartas para Inmigracion Si Ud. necesita alguna carta para inmigración deberá primero registrarse en nuestra oficina como feligrés de esta parroquia de San José. Gracias.

Formularios de inscripción de la parroquia

Si usted no ha recibido sus sobres de contribución para la iglesia, tiene cambio de domicilio o teléfono o es nuevo a nuestra parroquia, puede recoger el folleto de inscripción parroquial en el vestíbulo, la oficina o en nuestro sitio web. De esta manera podremos mantener nuestros récords al corriente.

Get in touch


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