August 23, 2015 Christ theKing Parish/Parroquia de Cristo Rey 5711 SW Ninth St. Des Moines, IA 50315-5006 LIVING OUR FAI

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Story Transcript

August 23, 2015

Christ theKing Parish/Parroquia de Cristo Rey 5711 SW Ninth St. Des Moines, IA 50315-5006


A Message from the Pastor

Traditional Marriage-the law of nature: The late Cardinal Francis George succinctly summed up why the Church cares about all marriages. “It might be good to put aside any religious teaching and any state laws and start from scratch, from nature itself, when talking about marriage. Marriage existed before Christ called together his first disciples 2,000 years ago and well before the United States of America was formed (236) years ago. Neither Church nor state invented marriage, and neither can change its nature. Marriage exists because human nature comes in two complementary sexes: male and female. The sexual union of a man and woman is called the marital act because the two become physically one in a way that is impossible between two men or two women. Whatever a homosexual union might be or represent, it is not physically marital. Gender is inextricably bound up with physical sexual identity; and ‘gender-free marriage’ is a contradiction in terms, like a square circle”... Until recently, this was the universal definition of marriage by state or by religion. Sweet Corn Festival (next Saturday) We begin celebrating our ‘Bigger than Ever” Sweet Corn Festival next Saturday ( 10:00 am-10:00pm). Adults don’t miss the Friday night special (6:30-7:30) Msgr Frank’s Stand-up Comedy Hour followed by Gina Gedler band—Pizza and drinks—-fun and relaxing. Bring a neighbor or a friend!

Welcome Chuckie Geilenfeld

Left to right: Addison, Kennedy, Chuckie, Cristy, and Nile When I was offered the position to become the new Principal at Christ the King School I was overtaken with joy. This opportunity is a true blessing for my family and me. Since joining the team here at Christ the King I am very impressed with our passionate, and knowledgeable staff, who have dedicated their time over the summer to create the best faith based learning environment for our students and families. I have been in education for 13 years have never felt more welcome and supported than I have since I started here in June. I look forward to getting to know our families, as they are one of the most vital parts of having a great school. Having committed, dedicated, and caring parents and families is a big reason Christ the King School is what it is today. Together we get to share in our children’s love and passion for learning and excitement for experiencing new things. I am proud to have all of you as part of our school family. Before joining Christ the King School I taught high school industrial technology. I taught at Des Moines Lincoln last year and Urbandale the 8 years prior. I have coached baseball, track, bowling, and cross country. Before moving to Des Moines I spent two years as a special education associate in Iowa City. I am proud to say I served in the Iowa Air National Guard from 2002 – 2008. My wife Cristy and I are both from Oelwein, Iowa, which is in the NE part of the state. Cristy started at Principal Financial when we first moved to Des Moines in 2005 and has worked there since. Our family keeps us busy and on our toes, Addison, 14, Kennedy 5, and Nile 2. Faith is a big part of our lives. We’ve been members at St. Francis of Assisi since moving to Urbandale in 2008. Cristy and I are involved in Christian Family Movement, with 9 other couples and meet once a month to share our faith and learn from each other. We have both gone through CRHP at St. Francis, participated in a CRHP outreach to Winterset, and I am currently the spiritual director for CRHP team 35 at St. Francis. I also enjoy serving the Eucharist at mass, and taking communion to the homebound. I look forward to meeting each of our school and parish families. If you have ideas of how to make our school grow and be more impactful for our students I would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you for all you do to make our school great. Make it a great day! Des Moines, Iowa

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Parishioner is —One who is registered and regularly participates in the liturgical life of the parish and demonstrates support of the parish mission by completing and fulfilling an annual Stewardship Commitment of Time, Talent & Treasure.


Que es un miembro de la Iglesia… Un miembro de la iglesia es una persona que esta registrada viene a Misa, participa en la parroquia, apoya, y se involucra en la iglesia, ofreciéndonos su tiempo, talento y tesoro.

Estas Invitado al Festival de Maiz!! El Sábado 29 de Agosto 2015 10am-9:30pm · Entrada Gratis!! · Carrera (3millas)premio para el Ganador · concurso de talentos de (niños) · paseos en pony · inflables, juegos y actividades para los niños · espectáculo con el payaso,habra globos · Elote Mexicano,Agua Fresca,Tacos de Asada, Duros preparados, Raspados y mucho mas!!

WZzZ,/EͲĂĚĞŶĂĚĞKƌĂĐŝŽŶ /ĨLJŽƵǁŽƵůĚůŝŬĞƚŽďĞĂĚĚĞĚƚŽƚŚĞƉƌĂLJĞƌĐŚĂŝŶ LJŽƵĐĂŶĐĂůůĂŶLJŽĨƚŚĞƐĞƚĞĂŵůĞĂĚĞƌƐ͗ Darlene Hia ͲͲͲƉŚŽŶĞϮϰϰͲϵϮϬϱ :ƵůŝĞƌƵŶĞƌͲͲͲƉŚŽŶĞϮϱϲͲϬϮϭϲ ǀĞůLJŶ^ŚĂǁͲͲͲƉŚŽŶĞϮϬϭͲϬϮϴϬ ^ŝƐƚĞƌƐͲϱϭϱͲϰϳϭͲϴϬϵϭ Parish Library Pick-of-the-Week As we begin our 54-day rosary novena for peace, religious freedom, and a culture of life, we are hearing about the miraculous Battle of Lepanto which turned the tide of Western history. Now you can read G.K. Chesterton's epic poem about that battle in the book aptly titled, Lepanto (00018). Lepanto is not only one of G.K. Chesterton's finest poems, it is one of the finest poems in the English language. This book brings together the poem, the historical background of the battle, and a discussion of the battle's historical consequences, as well as additional commentaries and essays by Chesteron himself. It is a fascinating blend of literature, history, religion and romance. You can check out Lepanto from our parish library before or after weekend Masses.

Pedimos por la sanación de Jesus y Sebastian 2015 ANNUAL DIOCESAN APPEAL Goal:

$ 125,000

Pledges Paid:

$ 108,200

Pledges Needed

$ 16,800.00

Thank You!!!! We have until December 31,2015 to collect all ADA gifts Make your pledge today!!! School Lunch Room News The school lunchroom is looking for volunteers to help serve the student lunches. This involves helping put the food on the students’ lunch tray as they go through the serving line. The time is from 11:25 until 12:25 on school days. It is helpful if we have volunteers come once a week on the same day each week. For more information or if you are interested, call Eileen Miller at 471-8094 or email at [email protected]

Clases de Ingles Gratis todos los: Lunes 6pm-9pm Martes 6pm-9pm en las oficnas de la Parroquia Tambien ofrecemos clases de ciudadania

”ƒ–‹•Ǩ Con Jim Supina Save the Date The Life is Precious event will be at Christ the King Parish on September 12. This year it is focused on advance directives.

Si te gustaria ser Lector,  Ministro de Eucaristia, Monaguillo o dar la Bienvenida  por favor de hablar con Eren o las sisters  para mas informació n. No te preocupes, solo dejate guiar por el espiritu santo.

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Christ the King

Our Parish Family Liturgical Ministry Schedule 8-29/8-30 Altar Server

5:00 pm

Anissa Ruiz Brooklyn Ruiz Garret McLaughlin


Rossmiller, K Jeffries, C Adamietz, M Adamietz, D Rossell, J Boden, L Mitrisin, C Casey, K

7:30 am

Blair, D Olivia Tice Emily Prohaska Allison Harker

9:00 am

Cody Phipps Grayson Phillips Christian Sanders

11:00 am Andrea Hammond Chloe Hammond Maddie Mathis


Zachary, L Zachary, D

Collins, B Dale, C

Host Ministry Harper, E Harper, J Claman, D Claman, K


5:00 Larry Johnson family




Sophia Bob Noland Ron Paskach Origer family family family

Prayers for Our Sick

Vignaroli, B Weyer, C Roby, B

Hiatt, D Hiatt, k Miller, E Miller, M Corrigan, T Stefani, N

Walters, D Bohlke, J Bohlke, D Salgado, A Winchester, M Beltrame, K

Acri, F Hennesy, M Trower, D Fontanini, J Clark, R Miller, C

Jones, R Bruner, J Breheny, N PiIlle, H Mott, T Young, T

Suarez, J Suarez, G Bernard, B Martinez, Bruner, J Bruner, S


The Vocations Chalice is given each weekend to parishioners who have agreed to receive it and to pray for vocations during the week. If you are scheduled to receive the Vocations Chalice, please remind the Mass M.C. before Mass begins. Thank you! From the Vocations Committee… Prayer For Vocations. May those discerning their vocation have grace of confidence to be faithful to the voice of the Good Shepherd. For more information about the priesthood, deaconate or consecrated life, Call Father Joseph Pins (515)2375050 or write: [email protected] / DMvocations Page 4

Gift Bearer

Joe Carmosino John Daugherty Bruce Abraham Jo Larsen Carole Marchesano Ronald Brown Alice Woods Helen Marie Carmosino Lisa Rosch Pat Sinclair

Kersti Rutledge Deanna Mathias Jack L. Gale Cleo Weeks

Novenario de 54 dias. Antes de la misa de 3pm vamos a rezar el Rosario. Esta Novena termina el 7 de Octubre. La intencion es de orar por: “La Paz, la vida Humana y la Libertad de Religiosa” Oracion: Señor! ¿Me has abandonado? Me siento desmoralizado y cansado de sufrir. No deseo hablar con nadie: todo el mundo me molesta, no tengo ganas de rezar. Pero sé que no soy el único que sufre y pienso en tantos otros enfermos, pobres y abandonados que están peor que yo.Ayúdame a no quejarme innecesariamente, a no ser egoísta y a no sentirme incomprendido. Concédeme la paz cuando no puedo dormir por las noches. Haz que vea tu rostro en quienes me visitan, que oiga tu voz en sus voces y que sienta tus manos en las suyas. Concédeme que sepa agradecer todas sus atenciones y cuidados. Quédate siempre a mi lado, y ayúdame a darme cuenta que me miras como miraste a Jesús en la Cruz. Y ahora me dirijo a Ti con las palabras que nos enseñó Jesucristo: Padre nuestro...Amén. Christ the King

Parish Resources Weekend:


Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:00,11:00 am; 3:00 Mass in Spanish Tuesday: 5:30 pm Wed - Fri: 8:40 am

Sacraments Reconciliation Tuesday: 6:00—6:30 pm Saturday: 8:30—10:00 am (Or call parish office for appt.)

Parish Office Hours ................................... (Monday-Friday) 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Phone ................................................................... (515) 285-2888 Pastor, Msgr. Frank E. Bognanno Phone..285-2888 ext. 8090 Email…[email protected]

Baptism Class A Baptism Class will be held on Sunday, August 30, at 12:30 pm in the Blessed Mother Room. (Pastoral Center) Contact should be made a minimum of four months before the desired baptismal date. • It is preferable to attend class before your child is born. • Both parents and Godparents need to take a Catholic baptism class. For more info, please contact Deacon Larry or Susan Kehoe, 988.8907, [email protected]. •

For a list of our Staff and Parish Organizations please visit our website at

Clases de Bautismo Cuando: El segundo Domingo de cada Mes. Donde: Lunch Room Horario: 5pm-7pm Proxima clase (Favor de registrarse con Eren)

CTK Parish School Ministry Chuckie Geilenfeld, Principal Renee Colosimo, School Secretary Hours 7:30 am - 4:00 pm Phone (515) 285-3349

Readings for the Week of August 24,2015

Tuesday, August 25 5:30 pm Linda Hardy & Glady Stephens† Wednesday, August 26 8:40 am David Gardella † Thursday, August 27 8:40 am Henry Bernard †

Rv 21:9b-14/Jn 1:45-51 1Thes 2:1-8/Mt 23:23-26 1Thes 2:9-13/Mt 23:27-32 1Thes 3:7-13/Mt 24:42-51 1Thes 4:1-8/Mt 25:1-13 1Thes 4:9-11/Mk 6:17-29 Dt 4:1-2,6-8/Mk 7:1-8,14-15,21-23

Lecturas del 24 de Agosto Lunes: Rv 21:9b-14/Slm 145:10-13/Jn 1:45-51 Martes: 1 Tes 2:1-8/Slm 139:1-3/Mt 23:23-26 Miércoles: 1 Tes 2:9-13/Slm 139:7-12b/Mt 23:27 Jueves: 1 Tes 3:7-13/Slm 90:3-5a/Mt 24:42-51 Viernes: 1 Tes 4:1-8/Slm 97:1-2b/Mt 25:1-13 Sábado: 1Tes 4:9-11/Slm 98:1,7-9/Mc 6:17-29 Domingo: Dt 4:1-2/Slm 15:2-5/Mc 7:18,14-15

Friday, August 28 8:40 am Roger Corrigan † Saturday, August 29 5:00 pm Dominic Armentaro † Sunday, August 30 7:30 am Our Sister Parish 9:00 am Fannie Lamendola † 11:00 am Our Parish

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Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday

Novenario de 54 Dias Apartir del sabado 15 de Agosto iniciamos con un Rosario 4pm. Afuera en la Gruta de Cristo Rey, Despues con una Misa Todos estan invitados. Antes de la misa de 3pm vamos a rezar el Rosario. Esta Novena termina el 7 de Octubre.La intencion es de orar por: “La Paz, la vida Humana y la Libertad de Religiosa” Des Moines, Iowa

Des Moines, Iowa

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CRECIENDO JUNTOS EN LA FE—GROWING TOGETHER IN FAITH Daily Offering of Prayer God, our Father, I offer You my day. I offer You my prayers, thoughts, words, actions, joys and sufferings in union with the Heart of Jesus, who continues to offer Himself in the Eucharist for the salvation of the world. May the Holy Spirit, Who guided Jesus, be my guide and my strength today so that I may witness to your love. With Mary, the mother of our Lord and the Church, I pray for all Apostles of Prayer and for the prayer intentions proposed by the Holy Father this month. Amen.

Prayer intentions of the Holy Father Entrusted to the Apostleship of Prayer for August 2015 Universal intention Opportunities for the Young. That opportunities for education and employment may increase for all young people.

Evangelization Intention Catechists. That catechists may give witness by living in a way consistent with the faith they proclaim. Prayer of the Month O God, who through human labor never cease to perfect and govern the vast work of creation, listen to the supplication of your people and grant that all men and women may find work that befits their dignity, joins them more closely to one another, and enables them to serve their neighbor. Amen. ~from the Roman Missal

Participate with Christ the King Parish community in the Historic 2015 National 54 Day Rosary Novena August 15 through October 7, 2015 Where: Pray the rosary individually or as a family in your home or as part of your parish community When: Started on Saturday, August 15, 2015, with a Living Rosary at 4 p.m. followed by Mass at Christ the King Church. Then join us to recite the rosary before every Mass, every day through October 7, 2015.

Grupo de Jovencitas ‘†‘•Ž‘• —‡˜‡•†‡͡ǣ͜͜’Ǧ͢ǣ͜͜’ †‡11-18 ƒÓ‘•†‡‡†ƒ†Ǥ Dz‘•ƒ•†‡ƒ”‹ƒdzƒ”ƒƒ•‹ˆ‘’—‡†‡Šƒ„Žƒ” …‘‹•–‡”ƒ”‹ƒ‘‹•–‡”Žƒ—†‹ƒ͡͝͡Ǧͣ͠͝Ǧͤͥ͜͝ Page 6

Lepanto “The year 1571, the year of the battle of LEPANTO, the most important naval contest in human history, is not well known to Americans. October 7, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, celebrates the victory at LEPANTO, the battle that saved the Christian West from defeat at the hands of the Islamic Ottoman Turks.” Come to Coffee & doughnuts after Mass and watch the video on LEPANTO. Come join us on August 15 at the 5:00 PM Mass as we begin the Nationwide “54 Day Rosary Novena”, to pray for our Country.

Clase Basica de Biblia Para principIantes Todos los Domingos 1:00pm-2:30pm (En la oficina de la Parroquia) ƒ”ƒƒ•‹ˆ‘’—‡†‡Šƒ„Žƒ”…‘ ‹•–‡”ƒ”‹ƒ‘‹•–‡”Žƒ—†‹ƒ͡͝͡Ǧͣ͠͝Ǧͤͥ͜

Estamos buscando a alguien que toque guitarra o quiera cantar para formar otro coro, Si alguien conose a alguien o esta interesado en tocar en la misa de 3:00pm Por favor de comunicarse con Eren,Salvador o Basi

Para registrar a su niñ o al catesismo por favor de hacer una cita con Susan, hable con Eren. O puede registrarse por internet en la pagina de ™™™Ǥ…Š”‹•––Š‡‹‰’ƒ”‹•ŠǤ‘”‰

Grupo de Oración cada 15 días. Los Dias: Viernes 21 de Agosto Iniciamos con el Rosario 6-8pm • Rosario/Alabanzas para los niños • Alabanzas de Avivamiento y Meditación • Nos acompaña el Coro del milagro! • Diferentes Temas y Enseñanzas • Oracion de Sanación!! • Donde: En el (Lunchroom) el salón de abajo de la Iglesia, Si tiene preguntas hable con Eren Muñiz Christ the King

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament “Our Greatest Treasure in this world is Jesus in the Eucharist and None other” Chapel Hours are : Sunday 6:00p.m. to Saturday 4:30pm To see hours available, please go to our website Or check the Parish bulletin boards. To schedule one of these hours Call Carol Jeffries at 285-2608 Thank you!

Todos los Jueves de 11:00 a 12 de medio dia, Escuchen el programa  La hora De Cristo Rey, por la Ley 105.5 FM  ǦNecesitamos voluntarios para el Festival de LA CORONILLA DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA (se reza utilizando el rosario) Jesús dijo a Sor Faustina (1, 197): Rezarás este rosario de la siguiente forma:Primero, dirás un PADRENUESTRO, un AVEMARÍA y un CREDO. Después, en las cuentas del rosario correspondientes al PADRENUESTRO, dirás las siguientes

Grupo de La divina Misericordia se reúne los martes 7pm. En la Iglesia. (Jesus en ti confio) palabras: Padre Eterno, te ofrezco el Cuerpo, Sangre, Alma y Divinidad de tu amadísimo Hijo, Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, como propiciación de nuestros pecados y de los del mundo entero. En las cuentas del AVEMARÍA, dirás las siguientes palabras: Por su dolorosa Pasión, ten misericordia de nosotros y del mundo entero. Para terminar, díganse tres veces estas palabras: Santo Dios, Santo Fuerte, Santo Inmortal, ten piedad de nosotros y del mundo entero.

Horario de Oficina (Favor de hacer cita) si no le contestamos, deje un mensaje con su nombre y numero de telefono Lunes 8:15am-4:30pm Martes 8:15am-4:30pm Miércoles 8:00am-4:00pm Jueves 8:00am-4:00pm Viernes- Cerrado o con citas solamente Sabado y Domingo Cerrado Misa Todos los Domingos 3pm (en Español) Confeciónes despues de misa 4pm-5pm El primer Viernes de cada Mes Misa de Sanación 7:00pm. Christ The King Pastoral Center 820 Porter Ave. Des Moines, IA 50315 Fax 515-285-8182 El Padre Reynaldo esta en la oficina los Jueves y Viernes de 9am-4:30pm Para más información hable Al 515-471-8089 en Español Pregunte por Eren Administrativa/Secretaria del Ministerio Hispano [email protected]

Conoces a alguien que no es catolico y le gustaría pertenecer a la Iglesia, o a alguien que no ha recibido todos sus sacramentos de iniciación? Rito de Iniciación Cristiana Para Adultos (RICA): Es un programa de Catecismo Para Adultos mayores de 18 Años de edad que necesitan recibir Sacramentos de Iniciación Cristiana como son: Bautismo, Confirmación y Primera comunión. Los interesados en integrarse al catecismo para adultos deberá registrarse en la Oficina o en el Salón de eventos de la Parroquia, despues de Misa de 3:00pm (Clases de Rica dada por Teresa Camacho)

Pedimos por la sanación de Jesus y Sebastian

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Christ the King

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