Rahat College for Theatre and ArtsPacket Flipbook PDF

Rahat College for Theatre and ArtsPacket

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Rahat College for Theatre and Arts

Alrad Association - Almehbash Theater, Rahat

Ness Fund Application 2023-2024 Application

Rahat College for Theatre and Arts

Alrad Association - Almehbash Theater, Rahat Mr Mahmud Al Amour Al Nacheel 60 Rahat [email protected] Rahat, Israel 8535700

[email protected] O: 97289118172 B 972506541527 F: 97289447117

Mr Ami Lamdan

Rahat Rahat, Select state 8535700

[email protected] B 972547776112 B 972547776112 B 97289447117

Project Information Project Name*

Name of Project (Indicate if this is year 2 or year 3) Rahat College for Theatre and Arts

Amount Requested* Amount Requested $230,000.00

Project Budget*

Total project budget that includes other funders. $2,900,000.00

Area of Negev*

What geographic area will your project serve? Entire Negev

Areas of Impact*

Check all that apply to this project Other


If other, please specify. The College will enrich arts and cultural creativity of Bedouin communities in the Negev. It will train students in the Theatre and Arts professions, technical, designing arts and theatre teachers in Bedouin schools that as of today none is existent. Theatre and Arts education will generate economic and community development in the Bedouin towns.

Target Population of Project*

What is the target population(s) for this project (check all that apply)? Young Adults University Students Printed On: 10 January 2023

Ness Fund Application 2023-2024


Rahat College for Theatre and Arts

Alrad Association - Almehbash Theater, Rahat

Bedouin Women Jewish and Bedouin Israelis

Project Description*

Describe your proposed project and the targeted community, and the problem/issues/opportunities that your organization seeks to address. Indicate your vision for success for the project, during the grant period. Be sure to specify how your project will strengthen the economy of the Negev region. Rahat College for Theatre and Arts will strengthen the economic status of Rahat and the Bedouin communities in the Negev. it will create new jobs and raise employment for the Bedouin communities in the Negev. The College for Theatre and Arts will promote learning and openness toward the Bedouin heritage and culture, and will strengthen solidarity and cooperation between all the people of the Negev. Rahat, the biggest Arab city with 80,000 inhabitants, is becoming a cultural hub. The college will be a game changer for Rahat, for the Negev and for all of Israel.It will teach the professions of theatre technology and arts as well as train and qualify teachers – with the collaboration of the Kibbutzim College of Education. Today there are no teachers at all for the subjects of theatre and arts in the Bedouin school system in the Negev. Young students are showing high interest in studying theatre, as was shown in a 2022 survey prepared for the government by West Negev Cluster. Two theatres - Al-Mahbash, and Al -Yamama, have been established in Rahat. Both perform continually throughout Israel all year round, and participate in festivals (in Europe as well), achieving high rewards. Nurturing a vision based on Arab culture and Bedouin heritage, the establishment of the Rahat College for Theatre and Arts will be a milestone by creating a new discourse of culture and social relationships between Arabs and Jews in Israel. The school will attract students from all over Israel and abroad to partake in a unique learning experience. The curriculum will be college level, focusing on arts and culture, both traditional and current, enabling the students to tell their story and strengthening the connection of the Bedouin students to their heritage. Training young students in needed professions, creating new culture-oriented businesses, will lower unemployment and enrich the Negev community diverse populace.


List and describe the 3-4 goals that you aim to achieve in the next 6-12 months. 1) Finish Interior adjustments in the Al Manar school building which is assigned by the municipality. Prepare and equip it for the Theatre and Arts College, purchase all equipment for the school to start including chairs tables, media equipment for the stage production, books for the library and other school pedagogic and logistic material. 2) Recruit the best theatre educators and professionals and train as a team of leading for the unique occasion of opening the first Theatre and Arts College in Israel that will serve the Arab population and particularly the Bedouin students in the Negev that will integrate graduates into the theatre arena in Israel as actors, producers, sound and light technicians stage designers, costume designers, writers, makeup artists, stage directors and professional teachers for theatre and arts in the Bedouin school system in the Negev. 3) Marketing campaign for locating and recruiting potential students to enroll in a process of auditions for the first two classes of the Theatre and Arts College 4) Establish foundations for the college to be the finest Art and Creative Education institution on an international level and open the first year of the College in October 2023

Impact Measurement* The Ness Fund encourages you to describe how you will measure the progress and impacts of this project. We believe this will lead to greater short-term achievements, strengthen the applicant organization, and it may lead to systemic, sustainable changes.

Printed On: 10 January 2023

Ness Fund Application 2023-2024


Rahat College for Theatre and Arts

Alrad Association - Almehbash Theater, Rahat

For each goal described in the previous question, list and describe key success measures that will monitor during the grant period, that will indicate whether you are making progress(both quantitative and qualitative). 1) Number of students enrolled in the school: At least 20 students in the first year, and 65 in the third year 2) Tuition income. 3) The number of students who will graduate from school. 4) The number of students who will integrate into the labor market in both Israeli and Arab society in the world of performing professions and as teachers in the Bedouin school system in the Negev. 5) The number of high-quality teachers who will teach in the program in Hebrew and Arabic. 6) At least 4 final productions ayear, 2 in the second year and 1 in the first year. The number of graduation productions that will be produced and the number of their runs throughout the country, to audiences in Arabic and Hebrew. 7) Participation in productions and graduates receive awards, and prizes in festivals in Israel and around the world.


For each goal identified above,, describe your strategies: who you intend to reach, what you intend to do, the rationale behind your approach. Indicate the role of key partners in achieving each goal. 1) To achieve the project, the city of Rahat with the Economic company and the support of West Negev cluster assigned a special team, allocated a budget and designated section of Al Manar School in Rahat. The team is working with an architect for redesigning the interior of the allocated section. The team is collaborating with the Faculty of Arts at the Kibbutzim College of Education and Mrs. Haula Haj Debsi to for designing and procurement of technical and pedagogic literature for the school library. 2) The team with the assistance of Kibbutzim College and Mrs. Haula Debsi had already approached excellent teachers and faculty members in the theatre and arts profession that are very excited to take part with the College for Theatre and Arts in Rahat. 3) Marketing campaign will start in February 2023 with professional companies making a website and a targeted campaign in the social media. 4) We believe that that excellent people on the project is the key to successful achieving our goals. We have strong and lasting relations with our partners. We continue to search and approach for the best partners to collaborate with.


Tell us about the key leadership team and 1-2 lead individuals that will be responsible for the project. Mahmud Al-Amur, CEO of the Economic Company initiated the project with strategic partners as strong backing for success. He was joined by the mayor of Rahat, the Al-Mahbash Theater, Prof. Avner Fingulernt, Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the Kibbutzim College of Education and Uri Pinto CEO of the West Negev Cluster Mahmud, founder of the Al-Mahbash Theatre In Rahat in 2015, was the director of the Rayan Center for Employment of the Bedouin People, directed the anti-drug authority. Holds a master’s degree in management and public policy and a bachelor’s degree in chemistry, all from the Ben Gurion University of the Negev. Prof. Avner Fingulernt- academic director of the project. Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the Kibbutzim College of Education.Founder and dean emeritus of the School of Sound and Screen Arts at Sapir, Founder of the Southern Film Festival at Sderot. Visiting Lecturer at Columbia University. Graduate of the Film and Psychology Departments at the University of Tel Aviv.

Uniqueness and Timeliness*

How is this project unique? Why is it important now? Why should it be funded now? The College in Rahat will be the first and only Theatre and Arts College in Arab society in Israel 1) The College is part of Rahat's strategic move to become a unique metropolis for the Bedouin people in the Negev. Printed On: 10 January 2023

Ness Fund Application 2023-2024


Rahat College for Theatre and Arts

Alrad Association - Almehbash Theater, Rahat

2) The Ministry of Culture made strategic move to establish cultural institutions in Arab society, and issued a call for proposals that is budgeting the establishment of Theatre College in the Arab society, with priority to the Bedouin cities in the Negev. 3) Rahat has two theatres that create original content, and a new cultural hall that is thirsty to present original content. These institutions lack theatre and arts professionals despite their success. 4) The Negev Bedouin schools have no teachers for theatre and arts -none for a population of 300,000. The College will train theatre and arts teachers. By virtue of being the first, with true drive for excellence it will create theatre and arts professionals to create and teach culture throughout the whole Negev.

Project Start Date* 10/15/2023

Project End Date* 06/21/2024

Prior fund for other projects*

Please list any prior projects funded by the Ness Fund, by year and amount funded. No prior projects were funded by the Ness Fund

Outreach and Promotion*

How do you plan to attract and recruit participants/target audience to your project? How will you select participants? How will you publicize your successes? Students: A marketing campaign will target potential students in the entire country. Academic criteria and Auditions will be held for potential students. Faculty teachers: Prof .Avner Fingulernt and Haula Haj Debsi were selected for the teaching force search team. Thanks to them, there already is a closed curriculum and a leading team of excellent teachers. Reaching out: community theater, school productions will be presented to the public, students will teach at schools.


Describe the readiness of your organization to implement this project, upon hearing of approval, in terms of these and other relevant aspects: • Personnel are hired; if not, plans for hiring key people • Physical facilities are ready or space is arranged • Need to raise other needed funding • Need for government approvals • Outreach to identify participants • Key partnerships to collaborate Readiness personnel o Erection Team -"Skene Border Films" with Avner Fingulernt and Hagar Saad Shalom- chosen for the project by the Economic Company of Rahat, already working. The Team is collaborating with key members of Rahat municipality, the Mayor, CEO of West Negev Cluster and the president of the Kibbutzim Academy College. o Mrs. Haula Haj Debsi assigned as Pedagogic director and all faculty teachers and lecturers are appointed. Plan to begin in 3.2023 o Marketing, PR., and Administration Manager - will be searched to begin by 3.2023 o Procurement, Technical, and librarian will begin by 6.2023 Physical facilities

Printed On: 10 January 2023

Ness Fund Application 2023-2024


Rahat College for Theatre and Arts

Alrad Association - Almehbash Theater, Rahat

o Facilities are allocated in the existing Al-Manar School in Rahat. A whole section is redesigned for the Theatre and Arts college with performance hall, and a library. o End of construction works and equipment assembly by 7.2023 Continuous fund-raising efforts are being done with o Rahat Fund (no. 580736726) - Chairman Amram Mitzna o The city of Rahat Strategic dept. Outreach and identify partners o West Negev Cluster assisting with Ministries of Interior, Negev Galil, Welfare and Treasure. o The city will assist with reaching out to philanthropy in the USA, Emirates, Europe. Key partnerships to collaborate o Kibbutzim College of Education o Al Mhbash theatre and Al –Yamama theatre in Rahat o Rahat Education and Cultural dept. o Beer Sheva Goodman Theatre o Elad Theatre in Eilat o Ministry of Culture o Miniistry of Education


List any risks or challenges you anticipate with this project. As the nature of a unique and pioneering act, we face challenges, Such as: 1) The lack of theater and art classes in Bedouin schools in the Negev creates difficulties in locating suitable students with a background and affinity to the world of theater and the arts. 2) Rahat and the whole Bedouin communities in the Negev will need to face the challenge of creative young students and invite them to be part of their own challenges with rapid change of tradition and culture. 3) Lack of student dormitories is a challenge for those coming from outside the city to sleep in the city. 4) Locating a funds or a donor for the school to bear his name to ensure the financial strength of this unique an exciting project in the long term.


How do you anticipate this project can be scaled larger if successful? Theatre and Art College is the first step toward the city's vision of an Academic College that will bring young men and women to higher education and serve as a lever for the socio-economic, cultural, employment and development of the Negev. The school will begin its journey as an institution for diploma studies. Students will be able to obtain a teaching certificate with the cooperation of Kibbutzim College of Education. The College aspires in the future to create an Academic Faculty for the study of theater and arts. Rahat's economic company is working to establish additional faculties in the fields of sciences, environment and high-tech, which will serve as creative workshops and collaborate with the city's new industrial zone and other projects that operate in the Negev.

Program Evaluation*

What review process(es) are you planning to use for the program? Who is in charge of this? What are your tools and methods such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, follow-up questionnaires, communal feedback, interim discussions with staff, and use of the previously describe success measures in each phase or stage of the project? Please be specific and realistic. The Economic Company of Rahat is in charge of the project – "College for Theatre and Arts in Rahat" Weekly meetings at the Economic company of Rahat, surveys and data collection are the guideline in monitoring the progress.

Printed On: 10 January 2023

Ness Fund Application 2023-2024


Rahat College for Theatre and Arts

Alrad Association - Almehbash Theater, Rahat

A survey conducted at the request of the Interior Ministry indicated a total lack of theater and arts training in the Bedouin schools in the Negev. It led the appointment of "Skene Border Films" by the Economic Company of Rahat as the Erection Team. The Erection Team prepared and is executing the plan for the project to open in the designated Al-Manar School in 15.10.2023. Progress of the project is monitored by The Economic Company of Rahat on the weekly meeting. The Erection Team together with Haula Haj Debsi the pedagogic director, surveys and monitor the quality of the pedagogic team, the curriculum, and the design for the best workspace and cutting-edge technical equipment. the college's management will create an Information Center for counseling, advertising and develop the marketing strategy to campaign the school all over the country for Arabs Bedouins and Jews. The Information Center will survey, collect data, and present monthly and semestrial status reports of all quantitative goals that are set such as enrolled students, tuition income and performed productions. The Information Center will execute semester feedback survey for satisfaction. The management will conduct and evaluate cross-sectional conversations with the faculty staff.

Organization Information and Partnerships Organization Budget*

What is your organizational budget on an annual basis? $285,000.00

Leverage and Partnerships*

Are you working with other organizations on this project to achieve your goals and achievements? yes

Attachments Partnerships*

If yes, list the partner organizations you are working with and in what capacities. For example, program collaboration, providing funding, outreach, shared fundraising or shared staff. City of Rahat o Declared the project strategic o Appointed the Economic Company of Rahat to oversee the project o Designated section of Al-Manar School o Approved $ 285,000 for the project o Allocated 12,000 sqm. and a budget for the planning of the future new buildings. West Negev Cluster o Declared the project strategic o Budgeted the plan for Ministry of culture o Provided a letter of budget commitment o Share a project manager Rahat Fund- Chairman Amram Mitsna o Shared fundraising o Connections with government ministers Kibbutzim College of Education o Assistance with Pedagogic aspect o Ready to collaborate for Academic and teaching degree. Ministry of Culture o Approved the College o Confirmed budget to include $ 6,700,000 for the project. o Issued a call for proposal with preference to the Negev Bedouin cities. Printed On: 10 January 2023

Ness Fund Application 2023-2024


Rahat College for Theatre and Arts

Alrad Association - Almehbash Theater, Rahat

More partners: o "Skene Border Films" chosen as Erection Team o Al Mhbash Theatre - employment opportunities o Sincopa - employment opportunities


upload your budget format or you can use Ness format Rahat College for Theatre and Arts - Budget with Staff .xlsx

Organization Board of Directors and Organization Structure*

Please attach the list of board members and the organizational structure. Al-Rad Board of Directors and Organization Structure.pptx

Short Video- 2 minutes max

Optional video describing your project.

If you have created a youtube or mp4 video, please add your link here:

File Attachment Summary Applicant File Uploads

• Rahat College for Theatre and Arts - Budget with Staff .xlsx • Al-Rad Board of Directors and Organization Structure.pptx

Supporting Documents

No files were uploaded

Printed On: 10 January 2023

Ness Fund Application 2023-2024


Revenue Ministry of Culture West Negev Cluster Rahat municipality JCF Grant Request - enter in column D Fees for Services/Earned Income Fundraisers, events, sales

Total Budget for Project 2,140,000 85,000 145,000

JCF Grant Request


Endowment or Restricted gifts Miscellaneous- describe

115,000 40,000






Other Total Revenue for Project

115,000 $2,670,000

Expenses Staff salaries and wages (please list project staff separately along with the percent of their time on this project) Coordinator/Advisor Oversight 5% Building and Interior adjustments Supplies and materials Publicity and Printing Miscellaneous (specify)- rentals for events Productions Community culture volunteer works Student enrichment events

$230,000 P

0 $230,000

Total for Project

475,000 145,000 140,000 700,000 600,000 300,000 120,000 120,000 150,000 150,000

Total Expenses JCF-Restricted Endowment Request

Confirmed (C) or Prospective (P) P P C

$2,900,000 $


$0 $


PROJECT STAFF A. Staff role title CEO Art director Finance director Head students secretary Production manager Technical manager Library manager Maintainance manager assistant workers

percent of time on project 100% 80% 80% 100% 100% 100% 75% 100% global pay roll Total

Months a year 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

year salary $75,000 $50,000 $45,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $22,000 $30,000 $13,000 $325,000

B. no. of hour units a cost of semestrial year hour for student Pedagogic staff cost


Total Staff budget


year salary $150,000




AL RAD - BOA Full Name Mahmud Al-amur  Chairman  

I.D 28182954

Issy Mamanov


Bsam Abutsiam


Merei ktnani


Jaysseer Azbarga


Lutaffi Al Jaer


Dr. Mansur  Nasasra


Osama El Hozayl


Telephone 0506541527 0522734496 0507615530 0503326267 0542096010 0508771370 0525392463 0526411881



[email protected].





[email protected]



Area code Date of appointment

Al Nachil 60 Rahat



Sde Nizan 249



ail.com Al Gadir 106 Rahat



ail.com Al Kadsya 84 Rahat






Al Bader 109




Al Rachma 38 Rahat




Abu Abayde Rahat




Ebn Haldun 37 Rahat



AL RAD Organization stru

Board of

C Legal Counsel

Staff Artists, Actors


ART Director

Marketing Manager


f Directors


Payroll  Accountant



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