St. Columbkille Parish. June 12, 2016

St. Columbkille Parish June 12, 2016 St. Columbkille Parish Brighton, MA St. Columbkille Parish 321 Market Street, Brighton, Massachusetts 02135 6

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Story Transcript

St. Columbkille Parish June 12, 2016

St. Columbkille Parish

Brighton, MA

St. Columbkille Parish 321 Market Street, Brighton, Massachusetts 02135 617-782-5774;; email: [email protected] School: 617-254-3110 OUR PARISH MISSION STATEMENT: “We are Saint Columbkille Parish, a community of faith celebrating Christ’s presence in us through the Eucharist, the other sacraments and the preaching of the word of God. To be true to the Gospel we must live our faith every day, responding to our call to holiness by caring for, encouraging and strengthening each other.” ADMINISTRATOR: Rev. Richard W. Fitzgerald PAROCHIAL VICAR: Rev. Succès Jeanty STAFF: William Healey—Business Manager Joseph R. Policelli - Director of Music Michael McNeil – R. E. Assistant (English) Roberto Mendez – R. E. Assistant (Spanish) Patricia McShane - Parish Secretary


7:00 and 9:00 AM Adoración 6:00 PM; Misa 7:00 PM (Español) Vigil-Saturday 4:00 P.M. Sunday 7:30, 9:30, 11:15 AM, 12:45 (Spanish) and 5:00 PM Saturdays from 3:00 to 3:45 PM; Every First Friday after the 9:00 AM Mass until 11:00 AM For children under 7- first Sunday of the month (English)- second Sunday (Spanish) at 2:30 PM. Instruction for parents and godparents is required. Call the rectory. BAPTISM/CONFIRMATION: Adults and children 7 and older who would like to receive these sacraments or be received into the Church should email [email protected] or call the rectory. MARRIAGE: Couples planning marriage should make arrangements SIX MONTHS prior to wedding date. Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016 Masses for the Week Sunday, June 12—11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Sat.) 4:00 pm Anna & Vincenzo Polselli, Mem. 7:30 am Francesco, Michela & Giuseppo DiCicco, Mem. 9:30 am Donato, Carolina & Maria Salvucci, Mem. 11:15 am Pro Multis Intentionibus 12:45 pm Jesus Cadena, 39th Ann. 5:00 pm Missa pro Populo Mon. 7:00 am Elias Viruet, Mem. Tue. 7:00 am Margaret Snow & Family, Mem.


Wed. 7:00 am Domenico, Lucia & Maria Cirigliano, Mem. 9:00 am Eugene Mullin, 6 month Ann. Thu. 7:00 am Special Intention—Healing for Oktar Yalkin Fri. 7:00 pm Margaret Snow & Family, Mem. Sat. 9:00 am Anthony Salvucci, 1st Ann. Sunday, June 19—12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Sat.) 4:00 pm James V. Twomey, 9th Ann. 7:30 am Fr. James J. O’Rourke, Jr., 6th Ann. 9:30 am Antonio & Concetta Grasso, Mem. 11:15 am Pro Multis Intentionibus 12:45 pm Miguel Ocampo, Mem.; Elias Viruet, Mem. 5:00 pm Missa pro Populo

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Columbkille Parish

Brighton, MA

Pro Multis Intentionibus: Next week for J ulia O’Leary, 24th Ann.; Winifred Jones, Ann. Prayers Are Requested for those who are ill; for vocations to the Priesthood and to the Consecrated Life; for married couples and for families; for those serving in the military especially STAFF SGT. Aaron Souza (USAF), L/CPL Will Haughey (USMC), PFC1 Kyle Humphreys (USA), SP4 Rory Hanlon (USA), EN2 (SW) Matthew Kenney (USN), PFC Timothy C. Barry (USA), 2nd LT Megan Monteiro (USAF), LT Alex DiBiasie (USA Rangers), Paratrooper Anthony Liberty, (USA), CPL Michael F. Kieloch (USMC), CAPT Kyle Timothy Sullivan (USA), Chaplain MAJ Jeffrey A. Ballou (USAF), Chaplain CAPT James W. Longe (USAF), L/CPL Gavin Sheehan (USMC); and for the repose of the souls of John Gill and the deceased members of our parish, our families and our benefactors. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


The 2016 Catholic Appeal campaign is continuing We have $41,226.00 already pledged. This is over 101% of our goal of $40,515.00. The outpouring of support from so many helps sustain the important ministries that make Saint Columbkille Parish a vibrant place of wor ship. If you have yet to give, please pick up a pledge form at the back of the church or visit Thank you for your prayer s and support. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please Remember the St. Vincent de Paul Boxes at the doors of the church as you leave Mass today. The next meeting will be Tuesday, June 14 at 7:00 pm in the rectory. New members are always welcome. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Third Wednesday Eucharistic Adoration: Wednesday, J une 15, 2016, 7:308:30 PM, upper church. Open to all! Confession will also be available. Eucharistic Adoration occurs on each month’s third Wednesday. Each month’s Adoration includes prayers and intentions that correspond to a particular theme, many of which are related to Catholic Social Teaching. June’s theme is Solidarity. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please don’t forget us while you are away. When you go on vacation this summer, please remember that we still need your weekly contributions to maintain the church properties and activities. Have a good time, come home safely and you will be in our prayers. Have a Blessed Summer!

The Church of St. Mary Magdelene in Petite Rivier, Gaibo, Haiti is near completion. Fr. Succès’ mother’s last wish is actually coming true. The church is up, the roof is on, the altar is built, a good loud bell has been purchased for the tower. There are still several interior projects that need to be completed. The bathroom and sacristy need to be completed, benches need to be purchased and installed. If anyone would like to make a contribution to this most worthwhile project please see Fr. Succès. God Bless you. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you love your Catholic Faith? Share the Gift!. Put a “Try God 1060AM” bumper sticker or magnet on your car. Bumper stickers and magnets can be found in the racks at the back of the Church. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time It does not take long for a child to discover that life is full of bumps and bruises, physical and emotional. We just can’t help but experience disappointment and hurt, nor can we avoid being the cause of them either. So how do we make it up to someone when we’ve hurt him or her? How do we make things better? A bruised finger or bumped head is cured with a kiss and a cookie, but how do you heal the heart? When we hurt people we love, we can apologize, do some nice things for them, and really try to do better. We can avoid making the same mistake again and allow time to heal all wounds. But the real power of healing lies within the person who is hurt. The real healing begins when we forgive the offender and let go of the feelings that come with the hurt—anger, resentment or hate. The energy it takes to hold on to these emotions is what keeps the injury from healing. When we forgive, we are not condoning what happened or giving permission for it to happen again. We are simply acknowledging that in spite of the hurt, we can look beyond it to see the good in the other person. Heal your heart, your spouse, and your family. Forgive as you want to be forgiven.

~James Gaffney, © 2010 Karides Lic. to St. George Publishing [email protected]

June 12, 2016


St. Columbkille Parish

Brighton, MA

The next Monthly Mass for the Sick, sponsored by the Faith-Based Cancer Support Group of Sacred Heart and Our Lady Help of Christians Church, will be on Monday, June 27 at 6:30 p.m. at Our Lady’s Church. Fr. Adrian Milik, Parochial Vicar, will celebrate the Mass and Anointing of the Sick. Following refreshments, Christine Chiu, registered dietician in the Vernon Cancer Center at NewtonWellesley Hospital, will speak on “Eating Well in Cancer Survivorship”. She will talk about how nutrition can help reduce stress, build the body's immune system, increase one's energy, and reduce unpleasant symptoms from medications/chemotherapy. The evening is designed to bring joy, hope, and peace to those who are affected by illness, including family and friends. The Mass and program will both be held downstairs at Our Lady’s church, located at 573 Washington Street in Newton. For questions or more information, please contact Arlene Larsen: 781-8990213 or [email protected], or Lorraine Higgins: 617-244-0267 or [email protected], or the parish offices. All are welcome! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please note: No signs or materials are to be put in the church bookracks or on the doors or walls without permission. Please contact the rectory. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please do not allow your children to ride the elevator alone or to use the restroom alone. Let’s keep our children safe. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-

25th and 50th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS: His Eminence, Seán Cardinal O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap. invites all couples celebrating their 25th or 50th wedding anniversary in 2016 to the Wedding Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Sunday, September 25 at 11:30am. Mass will include a renewal of vows. Family members and friends are welcome to attend. Please register with your parish office or online at Please register by September 12 to have your name included in the printed list of Anniversary Couples. A formal invitation and more information will be sent from the Archdiocese to anniversary couples. Congratulations on your anniversary!

You Are Not Alone. Pregnancy Help has served women in crisis pregnancies since 1973. They offer: free testing, counseling and support, adoption information and referrals, education, career and housing information, prenatal care referrals, ongoing support and material assistance. All services are free and confidential. They are located at the Brighton Marine Hospital, Building 2 Room 304. You can reach them at [email protected] or by phone at 617-782-5151. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Project Rachel is the confidential post-abortion ministry of the Catholic Church. The Project Rachel ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston offers counseling for women and men in pain from past abortions. Trust in the mercy of God’s love. For more information contact Project Rachel at 508.651.3100 or [email protected]. All calls are confidential. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

TINE News: Monday Evenings in June– Summer Biblical Seminar: The Quality of Mercy. Professor Celia Sirois will return to fill the JPII Auditorium on June 13, 20, & 27, 7:00-9:00 PM with study of Sacred Scriptures! June 13: Mercy in the Psalms and the Wisdom Writings; June 20: Mercy in the Synoptic Gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke; and June 27: Mercy in the Uncontested Letters of Paul. Register at

Forgive us as we forgive


The Rosary is recited every weekday morning at 8:40 in the lower church. All are welcome to join in. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please Pray for Peace throughout the Middle East.

Parish Giving Offertory (June 4/5): $6,903.00 Catholic Appeal (to date): $41,226.00 over 101% of goal $40,515.00 St. Vincent de Paul (June 4/5): $166.00


The Parish Office will be closed the week of June 20 and will reopen on Monday June 27. 4

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thank You for Your Generosity

St. Columbkille Parish 11º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Brighton, MA

No se necesita mucho tiempo para que un niño a descubrir que la vida está llena de golpes y contusiones, física y emocional. Simplemente no podemos dejar de experiencia decepción y el dolor, ni podemos evitar ser la causa de ellos tampoco. Entonces, ¿cómo hacer que a alguien cuando él o ella hemos herido? ¿Cómo podemos hacer las cosas mejor? Un dedo magullado o la cabeza chocó se cura con un beso y una galleta, pero ¿cómo curar el corazón? Cuando hacemos daño a las personas que queremos, podemos pedir disculpas, hacer algunas cosas agradables para ellos, y realmente tratar de hacerlo mejor. Podemos evitar cometer el mismo error otra vez y dar tiempo para sanar todas las heridas. Pero el verdadero poder de curación se encuentra dentro de la persona que está herido. La verdadera curación comienza cuando perdonamos el delincuente y dejar de lado los sentimientos que vienen con el dolor, la ira, el resentimiento o el odio. La energía que se necesita para mantener a estas emociones es lo que mantiene la lesión se cure. Cuando perdonamos, no estamos aprobando lo que ocurrió o dar permiso para que esto suceda de nuevo. Simplemente estamos reconociendo que a pesar del dolor, podemos mirar más allá de ella para ver lo bueno en la otra persona. Sanar su corazón, su cónyuge y su familia. Perdona a medida que quiere ser perdonado. ~ James Gaffney, © 2010 Karides Lic. a St. George Publishing [email protected]

________________________________________________ La Campaña Católica 2016 es un comienzo maravilloso! Tenemos $ 41,226.00 ya prometida. Este es el 101% hacia nuestra meta de $ 40,515.00. El derramamiento temprana de apoyo de tantos ayuda a sostener los ministerios importantes que hacen que San Columbkille Parish un lugar vibrante de culto. Si aún no has de dar, por favor, recoger un formulario de compromiso en la parte posterior de la iglesia o visitar Gracias por tus oraciones y apoyo. Tenga en cuenta: No hay signos o materiales se van a poner en las bookracks iglesia o en las puertas o paredes sin permiso. Por favor, póngase en contacto con la rectoría Por favor, no permita que sus niños viajen solos o el ascensor para ir al baño solo. Vamos a mantener a nuestros niños seguros.

La parroquia pide a la comunidad que por favor se comuniquen con la oficina para solicitar una misa para sus seres queridos que han fallecido o cualquier otra intencion y traer su donativo a la oficina de la Iglesia. Si hay parejas que quieran casarse por la iglesia por favor solicitar una copia del volante con los requisitos que contiene toda la informacion para casarse con el padre Succes o cualquier miembro del comite de la parroquia. El grupo de jovenes se reune todos los Domingos a las 11:00 am. Iglesia de abajo para mas informacion hablar con Amalfi Guzman, en el mes de Junio ellos estaran refleccionando sobre el Sagrado Corazon de jesus y los Apostoles San Pedro y San Pablo. El Grupo de Oracion de la Renovacion Carismatica se reune todos los Sabados a las 5:30 pm en la iglesia de abajo para mas informacion hablar con Edvin Juarez. Todos los Viernes tenemos la coronilla a la divina Misericordia a las 5:45 pm y la hora santa a las 6:00 pm. la misa como de costumbre a las 7:00 pm. Estan cordialmente invitados. Las proximas charlas de bautizo seran dadas el domingo 1 de Julio a las 10:30 am. En la retoria de la iglesia, por favor solicitar el bolante con la informacion con el padre Succes o cualquier miembro del comite. Despues de la misa de Ingles y antes de la misa hispana estaremos hacienda la coronilla a la divina Misericordia todos los Domingos a las 12:30 pm. Se esta dando la clase de Biblia en la rectoria de la iglesia todos los Jueves a las 7:00 pm. Con el seminarista Henry interesados solo tienen que venir a las clases. El 19 de Junio estamos terminando el café con el dia del padre luego Habra un Descanso por el verano regreseando con el café para la ultima semana de Septiembre. Tenemos café despues de la misa en la cafeteria de la escuela estan cordialmente invitados.

Perdónanos como nosotros perdonar

June 12, 2016

Oren por la paz en todo el Oriente Medio, por favor.


St. Columbkille Parish


Brighton, MA

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

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