ST. MARY MAGDALENE CATHOLIC CHURCH 8540 Weirick Road, Corona, CA 92883

ST. MARY MAGDALENE CATHOLIC CHURCH 8540 Weirick Road, Corona, CA 92883 Office (951) 277-1801 • Fax (951) 277-2104 • OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9am

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ST. MARY MAGDALENE CATHOLIC CHURCH 8540 Weirick Road, Corona, CA 92883 Office (951) 277-1801 • Fax (951) 277-2104 • OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm


HORAS DE OFICINA: Lunes a Viernes 9am - 5pm

June 14, 2015 • 14 de Junio del 2015 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time • XI Domingo Ordinario

Love Jesus Wholeheartedly ~ Love Others Unconditionally ~ Make Disciples Intentionally Ama a Jesús Devotamente ~ Ama al Prójimo Incondicionalmente ~ Fomenta Discípulos Intencionalmente SUNDAY MASSES / MISAS DOMINICALES Saturday/Sábado 5:00 pm Sunday/Domingo 7:00 am, 10:30 am & 12:30 pm 8:30am & 6:30pm (Español) DAILY MASSES / MISAS DIARIAS Monday through Friday 9:00 am Divine Mercy Chaplet/Daily Rosary Monday - Friday 8:20 am / Monday - Friday 8:30 am Reconciliation / Confesiones Saturday 4:30 pm or call 277-1801 Ext. 302 Domingo 6:00 pm o llame 277-1801 Ext. 303 Adoration / Adoración Every 1st Friday 9:30 am - 6:00 pm Cada Primer Viernes del mes de 9:30am a 6:00pm Baptisms, Quinceañeras, Weddings / Bautismos, Bodas Call the office 6 months in advance at 951-277-1801 Ext. 303 / Llamar a la oficina con 6 meses de anticipación 951-277-1801 Ext. 303

Emergency after hours/Emergencia después de horas de oficina Call / Llamar 951-277-7992

Catechetical Summer Office Hours: Sunday: Closed Monday: 9am - 5pm Tuesday: 9am - 5pm Wednesday: 9am - 5pm Thursday: 1pm - 5pm Friday: 11am - 7pm Help Lines: Catholic Schools: St. Edward School Notre Dame High School

737-2530 275-5896

Marriage Counseling: The Alexander House Thomas Schmierer, M.A.

210-858-6195 782-8737

Food Pantries: St. Vincent de Paul [email protected] 277-2270 St. Edward’s Food Pantry 549-6000 Our Lady of Perpetual Help 689-8921

Services: Corona Life Services Rachel’s Vineyard Domestic Violence Hotline Child Abuse Hotline

272-3670 877-467-3463 800-799-7233 800-442-4918


Saint Mary Magdalene, Corona

PASTORAL CARE/CUIDADO PASTORAL Mass Intentions/Intenciones de Misas Monday, June 15 Lunes, 15 de Junio 9:00am Cresencia de Leon Banzuela r/b Chris Banzuela Tuesday, June 16 Martes, 16 de Junio 9:00am Paula A. Calimquim † r/b Aurora Barrozo Wednesday, June 17 Miércoles, 17 de Junio 9:00am Robert Stark † r/b Elaine Stark 9:00am William & Catherine Brya 50th Wed. Anniv. r/b Catherine Brya Thursday, June 18 Jueves, 18 de Junio 9:00am Dana & Nancy Sutter r/b Dorothy Sutter Friday, June 19 Viernes, 19 de Junio 9:00am Lauri Roberts r/b Dorothy Sutter Saturday, June 20 Sábado, 20 de Junio 5:00pm Paul Ferrall † r/b Ferrall Family Sunday, June 21 Domingo, 21 de Junio 7:00am Fernand & Anne Sauvegeau r/b Ron & Jan Bostrom 8:30am Alex Dominguez † r/b Laura Ortega 10:30am Bill Smith † r/b Hurtado Family 12:30pm Donnovhan Keaton Ylagan † r/b Emily Reyes 6:30pm Nena Soler Medina † r/b Aurora Barrozo

Prayer Corner/Esquina de Oración For Health: Dcn. Marlin Filipek, Henry Enrique Mendoza, Beth Reiss, Jose Martinez, Tina Merola, Claudia Dominguez, Tricia Mershon, Kurt Irrgang, Wayne Smith, Andrew & Betty Turchik, Phyllis Whitlock, Frank Pelsue, Lupita Abundez, Jo Ann Hardwick, Ortega Family, Rest in Peace: Guadalupe Perez, Jessica Castro, Fe Esperanza Caderao, If you would like to add someone to the Prayer Corner call the office at 277-1801 Ext. 302 with your request.

Appreciation Week of June 7, 2015: Plate Donations: 220 Envelope Donations: Total Weekly Donations:

$1,994.51 $6,344.00 $8,338.51

Faith Direct Total Monthly Donations for May, 2015 was $18,747.24 with 196 Families Participating.

New Pastor Nuevo Párroco Rev. Joseph Liem, CMC, has been appointed Pastor of St. Mary Magdalene, for a term of six years beginning on July 4, 2015 at the request of his community. Fr. Joseph is also a member of the Congregation of the Mother CoRedemptrix. Fr. Vincent Au, CMC has been transferred by his community. His last day at St. Mary Magdalene is Monday, June 29th. El Reverendo Joseph Liem, CMC, ha sido designado Párroco de Santa María Magdalena por un término de seis años comenzando el 4 de Julio del 2015 a petición de su comunidad. El Padre Joseph es un miembro de la Congregación de la Madre Co-Redentora igual que el Padre Vicente. El Padre Vicente Au, CMC ha sido transferido por su comunidad. Su ultimo día en Santa María Magdalena es el Lunes, 29 de Junio.

Let’s Celebrate! A Celebrar! Fr. Vincent’s Thanksgiving Celebration will be on June 20th after the 5pm Mass. This celebration will be a potluck. For the following two weekends we will be having sign ups for what foods each family attending will be responsible for bringing. Please sign up at the table outside. La Celebración del Padre Vicente será el 20 de Junio después de la Misa de 5pm. Esta celebración será de compartir. Por los siguientes dos fines de semana estaremos tomando nota de lo que cada familia traerá para compartir. Por favor registre a su familia con su platillo favorito.


Saint Mary Magdalene, Corona



The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

SIEMBRA LA SEMILLA Hoy Jesús habla acerca de la planta de mostaza negra. No se trata de nuestra mostaza amarilla que nos es familiar, sino de una maleza. Comienza con la semilla más pequeñita y llega a crecer en un árbol tan alto que los pájaros ahí se anidan. Jesús dice que el reino de Dios es así, y también son así el discipulado y la corresponsabilidad cristiana. Comenzamos con una confianza muy pequeña en Dios y crecemos espiritualmente mediante la oración, los sacramentos y cuando aprendemos acerca de nuestra religión, todo lo cual nos ayuda a vivir con menos temor y egoísmo. Nuestro tiempo libre, nuestras habilidades y nuestras finanzas cobran otro significado. Aquellas personas que sabemos han hecho un compromiso con el discipulado nos dicen que se han vuelto más responsables y generosas. Mientras más dan más quieren dar. Al no dejarse aprisionar por sus propios bienes ni amarrarse en sí mismos las bendiciones no les faltan. No quiere decir que se resuelvan todos los problemas ni que se vuelvan ricos de pronto, pero sí se adquiere un sentido más profundo de la presencia de Dios y una verdadera paz del corazón.

SOW THE SEED Today Jesus talks about the black mustard plant. It is not our familiar yellow mustard, but a weed. Starting from the tiniest seed, it grows tall enough for birds to nest in. Jesus says that the reign of God is like this, and so are discipleship and stewardship. We start with the smallest trust in God and grow spiritually through prayer, sacraments, and religious education, which help in living less fearfully and selfishly. The use of spare time, personal skills, and finances takes on a different meaning. Those among us who have made a commitment to discipleship tell us they become more generous stewards. The more they give the more they want to give. As they cease holding on tightly to themselves and their possessions, the more blessings come their way—not solutions to all problems or sudden riches, but a deeper sense of God’s presence and true peace of heart.

Living Stewardship Now If you are not committed to a stewardship way of life, why not start right now? Begin small, but make your commitments and persevere with them. Give some of your free time to other people. Offer your skills to your parish or a charity. Give money to your parish regularly, and make donations to good causes you choose.

XI Domingo Ordinario

La Corresponsabilidad Vivida Ahora Si no has hecho un compromiso de corresponsabilidad cristiana en tu vida, ¿por qué no empezar ahora mismo? Comienza poco a poco, pero haz tu compromiso y persevera. Dedícales a otras personas parte de tu tiempo libre. Ofrece tus habilidades a tu parroquia o a una obra caritativa. Dale dinero a tu parroquia regularmente y haz donaciones a las causas buenas de tu predilección.

PARISH STAFF / PERSONAL PARROQUIAL Pastor Rev. Vincent Au, CMC [email protected] 277-1801 Vicar Rev. Paul Nguyen, CMC [email protected] 277-1801 Chaplain Rev. Francisco Gomez [email protected] 742-8958 Deacon Couples Dcn. Armando Hernandez & Lidia Mendoza [email protected] 277-8304 Dcn. Marlin & Dottie Filipek [email protected] 371-0389 Daily Mass Coordinator John Campbell [email protected] 277-0459 Family and Youth Coordinator Steve Tetreault [email protected] 277-3038 Ext. 302 Catechetical Ministry Coordinator (English) Margaret Miller [email protected] 277-3038 Ext. 301

Business Manager Esteban Jimenez [email protected] 277-1801 Ext. 306 Administrative Assistant Chris Roybal [email protected] 277-1801 Ext. 304 Secretary Laura Ortega [email protected] 277-1801 Ext. 302 Musicians Mychal & Theresa Lotz [email protected] 662-5641 Evelyn Subero [email protected] 751-9748 Lexie Coliflores [email protected] 316-0456 Dominick Tecson 858-1033 Gene Abadilla [email protected] 454-4489 Communication Coordinator Chris Vital [email protected] Catechetical Ministry Coordinator (Spanish) Lidia Mendoza [email protected] 277-1801 Ext. 303


Saint Mary Magdalene, Corona

GENERAL INFORMATION/INFORMACION GENERAL DE MINISTERIOS Society of St. Vincent de Paul— Help Us Help Others In the Gospel, Jesus says: “A man scatters seed on the ground. He goes to bed and gets up day after day. Through it all the seed sprouts and grows without his knowing how it happens.” Through your almsgiving you are sowing seeds that grow far greater than you know. Your gift placed in the St. Vincent de Paul poor box brings Christ’s love and compassion to the poor. Are you a Vincentian? We follow Christ through service to those in need, bearing witness to His compassion and love. We show our commitment through person-to-person contact. Join us at our next meeting, Tues., Jun 16th at 7:15 p.m. in the Holy Family House.

St. Joseph’s Workshop Day Saturday, June 27th at 7:30am Please come to share your time and talent at the next St. Joseph Workshop workday. There is plenty to do for everyone! Sign-in is at 7:30am, followed by a prayer at 7:45am, and we're off to work! Lunch will be served. To sign up for SJW, there are ministry forms in the rack at the back of church. Because St. Mary Magdalene does not have dedicated staff to maintain our grounds, the St. Joseph Workshop ministry exists to repair and continue the beautification for our parish. We invite you to participate.

Certificates! Certificados! In order to better serve you, we ask that if you need a Certificate of a Sacrament, please call the appropriate office to request it ahead of time, that will minimize your waiting time at the office. For the Catechetical Office call Margaret Miller at 277-3038 ext. 301. Para servirles mejor, les pedimos que si necesitan el Certificado de un Sacramento, por favor llamen con anticipación a la persona encargada y solicítenlo, así no tendrán que esperar por mucho tiempo en la oficina. Para los Sacramentos en Español, llame a Lidia Mendoza al 277-1801 ext. 303.

San Vicente de Paul — Ayúdanos a Ayudar a Otros En el Evangelio, Jesús dice: "Un hombre esparce la semilla en el suelo. Se va a dormir y se levanta día tras día. Al final toda la semilla germina y crece sin que él sepa cómo sucede”. A través de tu donación estás sembrando semillas que crecen mas de lo que te imaginas. Tu regalo colocado en la caja de donación para San Vicente de Paul trae amor y compasión de Cristo a los pobres. ¿Es usted un Vicentino? Podemos seguir a Cristo a través del servicio a los necesitados, dar testimonio de su amor y compasión. Mostramos nuestro compromiso a través del contacto de persona a persona. Únase a nosotros en nuestra próxima reunión, el Martes, 16 de Junio a las 7:15pm en la Casa de la Sagrada Familia.

Día de Trabajo de San José Sábado, 27 de Junio a las 7:30am Por favor venga a compartir su tiempo y talentos en este ministerio, hay suficiente trabajo para todos. Porque Sta. María Magdalena no tiene personal dedicado a mantener nuestros terrenos, el Ministerio de San José se encarga de reparar y continuar el embellecimiento de nuestra parroquia. Lo invitamos a participar. Habrá un delicioso almuerzo. Considere traer a toda su familia y donar de 1 a 2 horas en ese importante trabajo.

Felicitaciones! Felicidades a todas las familias y a los niños que recibieron el Sacramento del Bautismo en Abril y Mayo.

Giovanni Samano Zurita Guadalupe Dircio Garcia Jesus Antonio Aguilar Nadya Monique Flores Mia Brittany Esquivel Jason Josue Centeno

Bryan Padilla Xavier Alcantar Santiago Aguilar Giuliana Aguilar

Saint Mary Magdalene, Corona

Christian Life Program A Family Renewal Program

Saturday, June 27th at 6:30pm At the Holy Family House Many marriages and families no longer have Christ as the center of their lives. Catholics are confused on what is morally right and wrong, as they are influenced by today’s world. As Saint John Paul II has said “Families need to be renewed!” The Christian Life Program offers a way to renew our faith in Christ through our marriages and our families. The CLP is offered by the Couples for Christ and its Family Ministries - a womb to tomb ministry that offers something for everyone in the family. The CLP is open to all married couples, single adults (ages 21-40), divorced/separated/widowed and mature men and women.

Free Registration. Free Childcare. Free Light Dinner and Snacks. For more info email Derrick and Emily Reyes at [email protected] or contact Laura Ortega at the parish office at 951-277-1801 ext. 302

Summer Movie Series “No Sanctuary: Big Business and Family Detention”


Solemnity Days / Dias Solemnes English Mass at 7pm Wed, June 24th Mon, June 29th

The Nativity of John the Baptist/ La Natividad de San Juan Bautista Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles/ Apóstoles San Pedro y San Pablo

Please register for Faith Direct at Use our church code CA600 or call 1-866-507-8757.

Por favor regístrese para donar electrónicamente a Faith Direct llamando al 1-866-507-8757, o en usando nuestro código parroquial CA600.

Serie de Películas en Verano "No Santuario: Grandes Negocios y Detención Familiar "

A premiere showing of a bilingual documentary will be shown at 7 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room on Wednesday, June 24, and hosted by St. Mary Magdalene’s Pueblo de Sal Y Luz Ministry, advocates and servants of the migrant community. A short discussion will follow the 30 minute film. If you’re concerned or interested in hearing more about the growth industry of detention facilities for families that is harmful to our brother and sister immigrants, including children, please join us. There is no admission fee. Refreshments and popcorn will be provided.

El estreno de un documental bilingüe será mostrado el Miércoles, 24 de Junio a las 7pm en el Salón de Multiusos, este evento es organizado por el Ministerio Pueblo de Sal Y Luz, defensores y funcionarios de la comunidad migrante de Sta. María Magdalena. Habrá una breve discusión después de la película de 30 minutos. Si está interesado o preocupado en saber más sobre el crecimiento de la industria de los centros de detención para familias que es perjudicial para nuestros hermanos inmigrantes, incluyendo a los niños, por favor únase a nosotros. No hay ninguna cuota de admisión. Se proporcionarán refrescos y palomitas de maíz.

Baptism Calendar 2015

Calendario de Bautismos 2015

Sunday, August 30 at 10:30am Sunday, October 18 at 10:30am Sunday, November 15 at 10:30am The Baptism Preparation classes are two Fridays prior to the Baptism day from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Please call Margaret Miller for more info 277-3038 Ext. 301.

Domingo, 19 de Julio Domingo, 20 de Septiembre Domingo, 22 de Noviembre

8:30am o 6:30pm 8:30am o 6:30pm 8:30am o 6:30pm

Las clases Pre-bautismales son el sábado anterior al bautismo de 8:30am a 11:30am. Para más información llame a Lidia Mendoza al 277-1801 Ext. 303.


Saint Mary Magdalene, Corona

Open Registration for Sacramental Preparation and Confirmation! Registration is now open for Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation/Eucharist, Youth Confirmation, and Adult Formation for Fall 2015. First Eucharist is for grades 2--8; Confirmation is for grades 9--12. Please register at the Catechetical Formation Office in Modular #1. All families are expected to support our e-giving program Faith Direct! If you haven’t signed up, please bring a blank voided check and we’ll be happy to help you get enrolled once you come into the office. For more information please contact Margaret at 951-277-3038 Ext. 301

Please bring a copy of the Baptism Certificate.

Prolife Apologetics Saturday, June 20 at 6pm Annunciation Catholic Church 1307 E. Longden Ave. Arcadia, CA 91006 Registration is only $15, includes a FREE copy of Trent Horn’s Book, Persuasive Prolife. He is a gifted Catholic apologist as well as a compelling speaker. He previously served as the Respect Life coordinator for the Diocese of Phoenix. Trent Horn earned a graduate degree in theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville. For more info, contact Derrick and Emily Reyes at [email protected].

Scholarships! The Knights of Columbus, Corona Council 3687, is offering one $1,000 scholarship and one $500 scholarship in 2015. This scholarship program is structured to help high school and college students who excel at school, church, and community service activities. For further information, pick up a scholarship application package in the rack at the back of the church. Applications must be submitted no later than July 17.

Interested in advertising in our Bulletin? If you would like to advertise on the back of the bulletin please call JS PALUCH at (800) 231-0805.

Atención Padres de Familia! Las inscripciones para el Catecismo ya están abiertas, venga e inscriba sus niños mayores de 7 años, jóvenes y adultos. También estamos registrando para la Preparación Sacramental de Adultos (RICA) quienes comienzan las clases en Julio.

Requisitos: - Que su niño/a ya esté en o vaya a empezar el segundo grado escolar. - Traer el certificado de Bautismo de su niño/a. - Que su familia ya sea miembro activo del programa FAITH DIRECT o traiga un cheque en blanco anulado y nosotros con mucho gusto le ayudaremos a registrarse. Para más información llame a Lidia Mendoza 951-277-1801 Ext. 303.

Adoration Coordinator Needed Responsibilities include but not limited to: coordinate Adoration every First Friday of the Month and schedule parishioners to be in front of the Blessed Sacrament the whole time. Please give prayerful consideration to serving our parish community in this spiritually rewarding ministry. Contact Lidia Mendoza for further details at 951-277-1801 Ext. 303 or email her at [email protected].

Becas! Los Caballeros de Colón, del Consejo Corona 3687, están ofreciendo una beca de $1,000 y una beca de $500 para el año 2015. Este programa de becas está estructurado para ayudar a estudiantes universitarios y de preparatoria que se destaquen en la escuela, iglesia y actividades de servicio comunitario. Para más información, obtenga una solicitud de beca en el estante de panfletos. Las solicitudes deben presentarse a más tardar el 17 de Julio.

Interesado en publicidad en nuestro boletín? Si desea anunciar su negocio en la parte posterior del boletín de nuestra parroquia por favor llame a JS PALUCH en (800) 231-0805.


Saint Mary Magdalene, Corona


[email protected] Vickie Perez 310-8482 Altar Linens [email protected] Desiree Romano 288-6424 Altar Servers [email protected] Ron & Ann Marie Fickenworth 317-1374 Art & Environment [email protected] Dianne Sincich 603-3251 Baptism Adrienne Krock 277-3038 Bautismos Deacon Armando Hernandez 277-3038 Building Committee [email protected] Rick Lee (562) 716-9035 Catholic Divorce Care [email protected] Dottie Filipek 371-0389 Children's Liturgy [email protected] Cindy Baytosh 277-3038 Consoling Ministries [email protected] Laureen Mendenhall 310-1273 Couples for Christ [email protected] Derrick & Emily Reyes 600-0363 Coro en Español [email protected] Evelyn Subero 751-9748 Cursillos Cristóbal Diaz 898-4795 Development Team [email protected] Rick Lee (562) 716-9035 Divina Misericordia José & Delia Soto 259-0374 Divine Mercy Marc & Evelyn Del Rio 642-2303 or 768-2115 [email protected] Eucharistic Ministry [email protected] Ed Stow 734-3623 Families of the Sacred Heart [email protected] Sue Reister 277-9824 Fellowship of Christian Catholic Women [email protected] Ladella Babb (909) 732-9149 Sylvie Chavez 737-2214 Filipino Ministry [email protected] Edna Hall 415-7706 Finance Council [email protected] Jim McKenna 258-8805 Forever Young Marc & Evelyn Del Rio 642-2303 or 768-2115 [email protected] Guadalupanos Rosa Hernandez 992-2876 Hispanic Pastoral Council

[email protected]

Irma Jaramillo 603-3640 Xóchitl Salas 722-8578 [email protected] Virginia Balanga 603-0171 Knights of Columbus [email protected] Stephen Demeo 818-3004 Lay Presider [email protected] John Campbell 277-0459 Lectores Alva Murillo 277-0165 Lectors [email protected] Dana Rowe 277-3990 Liturgy Committee [email protected] Lidia Mendoza 277-1801 Ext. 303 Marriage Preparation [email protected] Dcn. Armando Hernandez & Lidia Mendoza 277-1801 Ext. 303 Hospitalidad Hospitality

Maestros de Ceremonias Juan Vazquez 738-8716 Masters of Ceremonies [email protected] Dan Buhre 236-5027 Audrey Miller 264-9742 Middle School-Grades 6-8 [email protected] Margaret Miller 277-3038 Ext. 301 Ministerio Eucarístico Eloisa Rivera 272-4610 Mariluz Garcia 314-9584 Ministry to the Sick [email protected] Laureen Mendenhall 310-1273 Monaguillos Rudy Murillo Jr. 264-9761 Natural Family Planning [email protected] Greg & Peggy Leger (719) 291-3426 Parent Support Team [email protected] Pastoral Council Peace & Justice Palabra Para Niños Preparación de Bodas Pueblo de Sal y Luz Quinceañeras

[email protected] Maury Tiernan (714) 270-7198 [email protected] Alice Gorman Marissa Correa (714) 296-7870 [email protected] Lidia Mendoza 277-1801 Ext. 303 [email protected] Paul Flores 949-468-6189 Maricela Rojas 532-8129

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

[email protected]

Kellie Clover 283-0178 Sacristanes Eddie Correa 833-2801 Sacristans [email protected] Walt Dworschak 520-3894 SMMOOTH Band [email protected] Lexie Coliflores 316-0456 Dominick Tecson 858-1033 Stewardship Committee [email protected] Mike Hall 415-7331 St. Gabriel’s Horn [email protected] Stephanie Smith 218-6783 St. Joseph Workshop [email protected] Mike Darger (714) 235 2734 St. Martha's Kitchen [email protected] Chenta Quintana 735-7675 Mila Escano (714)-458-8392 St. Vincent de Paul [email protected] Helping Hands Line 277-2270 Tercera Edad Irma Jaramillo 603-3640 The Courageous Heart [email protected] Kellie Clover 283-0178 Tweens- Grades 3-5 [email protected] Lydia Laurean 281-9000 Maria & Bob Herrera 858-4168 Welcoming Ministry [email protected] Dori Lee 278-3706 Ext. 2 Widow/Widowers [email protected] Victoria Stephan 310-4944 Revive I 40 [email protected] Katya Murillo 640-9298 Revive I 40 Band Lexie Coliflores 316-0456 Youth Ministry- Grades 9-12 [email protected] Steve Tetreault 277-3038 Ext. 302

Get in touch


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