CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH 31-30 61st Street, Woodside, NY 11377 Rectory ~ Phone: 718-278-8114 ~ Fax: 718-278-3619 ~ Food Pantry: 718-721-2774 Web site: E-Mail: corpuschris Pastor E-Mail:
[email protected]
Rectory Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00AM - 8:30PM ~ Saturday: 9:00AM - 7:00PM Sunday - Office Closed
THE PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Patrick J. West, Pastor Rev. Carlos Prieto, Parochial Vicar Rev. John O’Neill, I.V.D., Weekend Associate Rev. William Smith, In Residence Deacon Juan J. Zhagñay, Permanent Deacon Mr. Augusto Lucero, Religious EducaƟon Director Mrs. Karen Sherlock, Outreach Director Mr. Gerardo Vera, Plant Manager Mr. MaƩhew LaBanca, Music Director Mr. Noel Peguero - Youth Minister Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel of Saint Philomena 31-31 60th Street, Woodside, NY 11377
Marriage/Matrimonio: Marriage arrangements must be made at least six months in advance with one of the Priests of the Parish. Call the rectory for an appointment. Español: Sacar cita con el Sacerdote seis meses antes de la fecha elegida, para varias entrevistas y compilación de documentos. Devotions: Divine Mercy: Friday at 3:00 PM/Chapel.
SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday/Sábado: Sunday/Domingo: Filipino Mass
5:00PM 6:30 PM Español, 8:45AM 11:00AM Español, 12:30PM 2:00PM - 4th Sunday
WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Monday - Saturday: 8:00AM Lunes: 7:30PM Español First Friday/Primer Viernes: 7:30PM Blvd Gardens Mass 10:30AM—First Wednesday CATHOLIC CEMETERIES For information please call: 718 894-4888 CEMENTERIOS CATÓLICOS Para información favor de llamar al: 718 894-4888
Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confesiones: Saturday/Sábado: 4:00 PM until 4:45 PM and any time by appointment / durante la semana previa cita. Baptism/Bautismo: English: 2nd Sunday of the month at 1:45 PM. Parents must register with child’s birth certificate at the Rectory prior to instruction which is held on the 1st Sunday of the month after the 8:45 AM Mass. Español: Tercer Sábado de cada mes 1:00 PM. Preparación domingo anterior después de misa de 11:00 AM. Para mayor información llamar a la rectoría.
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Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
SATURDAY - September 5th 5:00 PM Doris Rivera - living 6:30 PM Elena Jorge (dec.) SUNDAY - September 6th 8:45 AM Ivan & Ivana Peras (dec.) 11:00 AM Lucy Vilamizar (dec.) Roque Yacono (dec.) Hilda Maria Valdez (dec.) Jose Manuel Jerez Palaguachi (dec.) 12:30 PM Martin & Mary Devaney 2:00 PM Filipino Mass MONDAY - September 7th 9:00 AM Ron Jehlen (dec.) TUESDAY - September 8th 8:00 AM Catherine Daly (dec.) WEDNESDAY - September 9th 8:00 AM DeMasco Giuseppina (dec.) THURSDAY - September 10th 8:00 AM Artie & Thomas Brenseke (dec.) FRIDAY - September 11th 8:00 AM John Keller (dec.) 7:00 PM Memorial Mass for the Victims of 9/11 SATURDAY - September 12th 8:00 AM Catherine & Patrick Gorman (dec) 5:00 PM Frankie & Andrew Haber (dec.) 6:30 PM Christhian Betancourt th
SUNDAY - September 13 8:45 AM Elizabeth Martinez - Birthday (dec.) 11:00 AM Thalia & Armani Cuzco - Cumpleaños 12:30 PM Marijan Gasparich (dec.)
GIFTS FOR THE EUCHARIST Wine & Hosts: In Loving Memory of Marcelino Diaz
September 6, 2015
We are grateful for your generous gift in gratitude for all of God’s blessings. Your gift makes the ministries of our Parish possible. Collection for August 29-30: 2015 $ 4307
2014 $ 4276
Thank you for your generosity.
Alexander Aponte Mei Chan Carol Costello Deborah Cruz Rosa Figueroa Valerie Flynn Bob Gaynor Ralph Gil Josephine Haber Tom Hannon Nelson Juca Robert Keegan Jean LaBonte Peter Lividini Victoria Locke Krystal Long
Rafael Mendez Cira Mota Agustin Nadel Robert Nieves Elias Nunes Marie Ozimek Vivian Papa Nelson Perez Hector Pinto Delenia Maria Ramirez Maria Isabel Ramierez Julia Ramos Antonio Raval Elsie Velazquez Michelle Yashirta
Perpetual Adoration at Corpus Christi We try to provide an atmosphere of quiet reflection in the Chapel. We invite everyone to pray silently before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament when you come for a visit. We thank all Guardians of the Eucharist for their love, fidelity, and commitment to Jesus in the Eucharist. We encourage you to get to know the guardians before and after you. Please try to be on time for your hour. The person before you may have another commitment and is counting on you to be on time.
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Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
EARLY DETECTION OF BREAST CANCER SAVES LIVES The Mobile Care Clinic will be in your neighborhood to provide NO COST Digital MAMMOGRAMS and Clinical Breast Exams. Hosted by: Office of Assemblyman Dendekker Where: 75-35 31st Avenue, East Elmhurst, NY When: Thursday, September 10, 2015 Time: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm For an Appointment Call: 1-877-628-9090 No co-pays required and deduc bles are waived
September 6, 2015
FOOD PANTRY Needed: Ravioli Thank you to all our parishioners for supporting our Pantry. Without your help, we would not be able to serve the needy and hungry. We will soon be able to help clients fill out applications to the SNAP Program (The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program); 1.4 million NYC residents rely hevily on SNAP to supplement their food supply.
Eligibility: Women aged 40 and older with health insurance Women aged 50 and older without health insurance Current New York City Resident No Mammogram in the past 12 months
St. Joseph Catholic Academy
Next Sunday’s Readings
28-46 44 Street Long Island City, New York 11103
First Reading — The Lord GÊ is my help; who will prove me wrong? (Isaiah 50:5-9a). Psalm — I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living (Psalm 116). Second Reading — Faith, if it does not have works, is dead (James 2:14-18). Gospel — Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” (Mark 8:27-35). The English translaƟon of the Psalm Responses from the LecƟonary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, InternaƟonal Commission on English in the Liturgy CorporaƟon. All rights reserved.
REGISTRATION for September classes
(718) 728-0724 Nursery, UPK, Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Grades 1 to Extended Day: Mornings at 7:15 a.m., A er School l 5:45 p.m. TODDLER TIME for 2 year olds one morning a week for 13 weeks -Na onally Recognized BLUE RIBBON SCHOOL and Middle States Accredita on -New York State Standards and Curriculum (COMMON CORE) - Resource Room and Title I Remedial Services in Reading and Math -Full-Time Guidance Counselor -DANCING CLASSROOMS Program in ballroom dance -Small Classes, Co-curricular Clubs and Ac vi es, CYO Sports SMARTBoard Interac ve Technology in ALL classrooms
Filipino Mass TODAY 2:00 PM In the Church
Labor Day Mass Schedule 9:00 AM Mass - in the Church
-Awarded RENZULLI Gi ed Learning Program Grant to Encourage Differen ated Learning-i-Pads in Grades 4-8 and ETextbooks in Junior High FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE TO QUALIFYING FAMILIES
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Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
LECTURAS DEL PROXIMO DOMINGO Primera lectura — En la tribulación, el Señor Yavé me ha abierto los oídos para que yo escuche. El Señor Yavé está de mi parte; ¿quién podrá condenarme? (Isaías 50:5-9a). Salmo — Caminaré en la presencia del Señor (Salmo 116 (115)). Segunda lectura — Demuestra tu fe por las buenas obras que produces (SanƟago 2:14-18). Evangelio — Después que Pedro profesa que Jesús es el Mesías, Jesús lo reprende por tratar equivocadamente de apartar a Jesús de su misión. Para seguir a Cristo es necesario que uno renuncie a sí mismo y tome su cruz (Marcos 8:27-35).
September 6, 2015
9-11 Misa Conmemorativa Viernes 11 de Septiembre 2015 7:00 PM - En la Iglesia Habrá una misa especial el viernes 11 de Septiembre a las 7:00 PM en la memoria de todos perdieron la vida hace 14 años, cuando fue atacado nuestro país. Nunca olvidemos el sacrificio que han hecho, sobre todo aquellos que dieron sus vidas para que otros vivieran.
EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA PARA ADULTOS RITO DE INICIACIÓN PARA ADULTOS Los adultos que estén interesados en recibir los sacramentos del Bautismo, Eucaristía y Confirmación están invitados a participar en un viaje de fe, al cual nos referimos como el Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos. Cualquier persona interesada en estas clases debe hablar con el Padre West, Padre Carlos, el Diácono Juan o el señor Augusto Lucero en la rectoría.
HOLY CROSS UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Invites you to their Ukrainian Fes val Sunday, September 20, 2015 12:00 Noon 31st Avenue & 30th Street Astoria, NY 11106 (718) 932-4060 Enjoy tradiƟonal Ukrainian Food, Music and Songs.
Clínica Móvil estará en su comunidad! Reaslizando mamogra as digitales y exámenes clínicos de mama Sin Costo. Organizado Por: Office of Assemblyman Dendekker Lugar: 75-35 31st Avenue, East Elmhurst Fecha: Jueves, Sep embre 10, 2015 Hora: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm Para una cita, llamar: 1-877-628-9090 No se requiere co-pagos y deducibles no son cobrados Elegibilidad: Mujer de 40 años de edad y más con seguro de salud Mujer de 50 años de edad y más sin seguro de salud Residente actual de la ciudad de Nueva York No haberse realizado una mamograİa en los úlƟmos 12 meses
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Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
9-11 Memorial Mass Friday, Sept. 11, 2015 7:00 PM In the Church
September 6, 2015
There will be a special Memorial Mass on Friday, Sept. 11 at 7:00 PM in memory of all lost their lives 14 years ago when our country was attacked. Let us never forget the sacrifice they made, especially those who gave up their lives so others would live.
SENIOR CLUB We will resume our regular meetings on September 10th. Our next chair exercise class, courtesy of VNS, will be held on Thursday, September 24th.
Adults who are interested in receiving the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist or Confirmation are invited to participate in a faith journey that we refer to as the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. Our Adult classes in the faith are held on Sunday morning a1 10:00 AM . Anyone interested in these classes should speak to Fr. West, Fr. Carlos, Fr. O'Neil, Deacon Juan or Mr. Lucero at the rectory.
Corpus Christi Parish Dance Saturday, September 26, 6pm – 11pm tickets $30 per person Corpus Christi Auditorium 31-29 60th Street, Woodside, NY 11377 For tickets call the Rectory 718-278-8114 Coordinated by English Charismatic Prayer Group of Corpus Christi Parish
Join us for Food, Drinks, and Dancing !!!
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Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 6, 2015
2015 -2016 Registración Para Catecismo Las inscripciones para las clases de Catecismo ya están abiertas. Se realizaran en la rectoría de 9 a.m. a 3:00 pm, de lunes a jueves.
Habrán registraciones el próximo Domingo - 13 de septiembre Después de las Misas 8:45 y las 11:00 am Reunión de Padres y Distribución de Libros - Domingo, 13 de septiembre
Después de las Misas de 8:45 y las 11:00 am Honorarios de matriculación: 1 niño -75.00
2 o más niños-$ 100.00
Las Clases de Catecismo comenzaran Domingo, 20 de septiembre Corpus Christi sobrepasa la meta inicial y recauda $364,000! Me gustaría dar las gracias a todos ustedes por la maravillosa respuesta que hemos recibido con la Campania de Generaciones de Fe. Debido a su ayuda, hemos sobrepasado nuestra meta y al partí de hoy el 75% de toda contribución regresara a la parroquia para poder relalisar los próximos projectos remplazar el techo en el gimnasio y la zona de administración del edificio de la escuela. El costo estimado de estos proyectos es de más de $ 240.000. Y si superamos $450,000 o el 125% porciento, el 100% de fondos regresara a Corpus Christi. El próximo sábado y el domingo vamos a invitar a todos nuestros feligreses que aún no han hecho una contribución de hacerlo durante la misa. Le damos las gracias por su generosa cooperación con esta apelación.
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Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 6, 2015
2015 –2016 SUNDAY SCHOOL REGISTRATION Registration is now underway for next year’s Sunday School classes. Registration will take place in the rectory from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday thru Thursday.
Next Sunday Registration - Sunday, Sept. 13 After the 8:45 and 11:00 AM Masses Parent’s meeting and Book Distribution - Sunday, Sept. 13 After the 8:45 and 11:00 AM Masses Registration Fee: 1 child -75.00
2 or more children - $100.00
Sunday School begins Sunday, Sept. 20
Corpus Christi Reaches $375,000 of initial campaign target!!! Thanks to the generosity of our families to date, we have exceeded our parish’s minimum goal for GENERATIONS OF FAITH. We are now at the stage of the campaign when 75% of all new pledges will remain at Corpus Christi to complete the following projects: Replace the roof on the gymnasium and the administration area of the school building. The estimated cost of these projects is in excess of $240,000. If we can exceed 125% of our minimum goal and reach $450,000, we will then receive 100% of all pledges from that point forward. Next Saturday and Sunday we will invite all of our parishioners who have not yet made a pledge to do so during the Mass. We thank you for your generous cooperation with this appeal.