UNICEF CHILD TRAFFICKING NEWS #27 Week of 26 October 2005

UNICEF CHILD TRAFFICKING NEWS #27 Week of 26 October 2005 Synopses of and links to media reports on child trafficking from a variety of international

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Volume 1 Number 3 October, 2005
Volume 1 Number 3 October, 2005 An Interactive Journal Sponsored by International Association of Educators (INASED) International Journal of Prog

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Story Transcript

UNICEF CHILD TRAFFICKING NEWS #27 Week of 26 October 2005 Synopses of and links to media reports on child trafficking from a variety of international news sources in English, Spanish and French collected at UNICEF Headquarters with the support of UNICEF Regional and Country offices, UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, UN organizations and NGOs. MAIN TOPICS OF THIS ISSUE: •

European Commission Communication on trafficking in human beings

European Commissioner Frattini gives high priority to a child rights approach to the protection of children victim of trafficking

Children are at risk in mountains of Pakistan after the heartquake and in Guatemala after the storm

Kuwait held its first camel race using robots as jockeys instead of children

Global Commission on International Migration Report

Recent Ratifications •

Palermo Protocol: Lebanon (5/10/05)


EUROPE European Commission Communication on trafficking in human beings The Communication 'Fighting trafficking in human beings: an integrated approach and proposals for an action plan”, presented by the Commission, aims at further strengthening the commitment of the European Union, and the Member States to prevent and fight against trafficking in human beings, committed for the purpose of sexual or labour exploitation as defined in the Framework Decision of 19 July 2002 on combating trafficking in human beings, and to the protection, support and rehabilitation of its victims… http://europe.eu.int/rapid/pressReleasesaction.do?reference=MEMo/05/381 Full text of the Communication http://www.euoplysningen.dk/upload/application/pdf/e077c9d4/20050514.pdf

EUROPE European Commissioner Frattini gives high priority to a child rights approach to the protection of children victim of trafficking VicePresident of the Commission Franco Frattini, responsible for Justice, Freedom and Security stressed the importance of an integrated, human rights based approach to address human trafficking. In particular Mr

Frattini said that 'EU institutions and Member States should ensure that the EU anti-trafficking policy reflects a child rights approach based on globally recognised principles, in particular on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. I attach a high priority to this issue'. Text of Mr Frattini's speech: http://europa.eu.int/rapid/pressReleasesaction.do?reference=SPEECH/05/6 23

EUROPE Fight against human trafficking and sexual exploitation: hearing on the role of local and regional authorities Strasbourg, 12.10.2005 The Social Cohesion Committee of the Council of Europe Congress of Local and Regional authorities organized on Friday 14 october, a public hearing on the role of local and regional authorities in the fight against trafficking in human beings and their sexual exploitation http://press.coe.int/cp/2005/532a(2005).htm

EUROPE EUROPOL overview of EU legislation on illegal immigrant smuggling, trafficking in human beings and child pornography Europol has produced compilations of relevant legislation on illegal immigrant smuggling, trafficking in human beings focusing on the sexual exploitation of women and child pornography. These compilations include selected comparisons and legal aspects related to international investigations dealing with these forms of crime. http://www.europol.eu.int/publications/other/Reports%202005/Legislation %20on%20THB%20and%20IIS%20Public.pdf For all the annexes http://www.europol.eu.int/index.asp?page=publications&language=

EUROPE La Comision Europea pide Estados que refuercen acciones contra trata seres humanos La Comision Europea insto hoy a los Estados miembros a reforzar sus acciones contra el trafico de seres humanos y a mejorar la cooperacion en el plano europeo e internacional para acabar con un problema del que son víctimas cada año un millon de personas. El Ejecutivo comunitario hace ademas hincapié en la necesidad de consolidar la cooperacion de las autoridades públicas con organizaciones civiles que trabajan en la prevencion de estos problemas. http://actualidad.terra.es/nacional/articulo/ce_estados_refuercen_accio nes_trata_551200.htm

WORLD Global Commission on International Migration report The Global Commission on International Migration launched its report 'Migration in an interconnected world: New directions for action'. The commission says the international community has failed to realize the full potential of migration and has not risen to the many opportunities and challenges it presents. The Commission stresses the need for greater

coherence, cooperation and capacity to achieve a more effective governance of international migration. http://www.gcim.org/en/finalreport.html

WORLD « Les dangers du numérique : les TIC et le trafic des femmes » Ce document pose la question a savoir si les technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) facilitent le trafic des femmes, et si l'utilisation des TIC pour trafiquer les femmes aide a la compréhension d'autres enjeux qui touchent les femmes. http://www.awid.org/publications/occasionalPapers/spotlight6_fr.pdf

FINLAND Victims of human trafficking to get temporary residence permits Officials hope possibility of residence permit will serve as incentive to cooperate with police. ... http://www.helsinginsanomat.fi/english/article/Victims+of+human+traffic king+to+get+temporary+residence+permits+/1101981260793

BELGIUM Trafic d'être humains démantelé a Liège La section "traite des êtres humains" du SJA de Liège a effectué une descente ce matin dans trois immeubles situés a Liège. Cette opération avait pour but d'appréhender un proxénète albanais qui fait venir de Pologne, de Biélorussie et de Lituanie des jeunes femmes en vue de les livrer a la prostitution a Liège et même en allemagne http://www.rtl.be/Site/Index.aspx?LG=1&PageID=227&articleID=52623

FRANCE Des gendarmes bretons décèlent un trafic de bébés au moins cinq bébés vendus par des Bulgares ont été retrouvés mardi en région parisienne et en province. après un peu plus d'un an d'enquête menée par les gendarmes de Rennes, un réseau de vendeurs de bébés a pu être déamntelé. Plusieurs personnes ont été arrêtées. Des Bulgares qui vendaient leur enfants, et des gitans qui les achetaient. http://www.ouest.france3.fr/info/14933471-fr.php

CZECH REPUBLIC AND VIETNAM Czech Republic and Vietnam fight trafficking of women Vietnamese and Czech police are working together to break up a network trafficking Vietnamese women to the Czech Republic for sex work. Investigations by police from both countries reveal that the network operates in three stages. The first group specialises in recruiting women from Vietnam to bring to the Czech Republic. The second group brings in the owners of nightclubs, restaurants, and hotels. The third group are ruffians who escort the women from club to club and who deal with local officials http://english.vietnamnet.vn/social/2005/10/499533/


Gran trafico humano en Los angeles Las comunidades rusa y asiatica sufren el índice mas alto de esclavitud sexual en La. Casi 18 mil personas entran cada año a Estados Unidos víctimas del trafico humano, según calculos estimados por el gobierno federal. California se mantiene como uno de los estados que lideran la lista de destinos elegidos por los mercaderes de personas, cuando convencen a sus víctimas de que lo que encontraran aquí es glamour, estabilidad economica y una vida de ensueño. http://www.laopinion.com/ciudad/?rkey=00051018190004016878

USA 'Trafficking' delivers facts more than drama. USA TV miniseries "Human Trafficking," Lifetime's first miniseries , is steeped in the network's tradition of blending programming with social or medical issues. The teleplay from Carol Doyle and Agatha Dominik provides a first-rate education on trafficking The series was developed in consultation with nonprofit agencies and the Department of Homeland Security. Watch the trailer: http://www.lifetimetv.com/movies/originals/humantrafficking.html http://www.nytimes.com/2005/10/23/arts/television/tv-trafficking.html

LATIN-AMERICA En la 'lucha contra la trata” El Proyecto de Fortalecimiento Institucional para la Lucha contra la Trata de Personas en argentina (FoINTRa), durante su segunda instancia de trabajo realizada en Jujuy, reunio a especialistas internacionales que han desarrollado interesantes experiencias en sus países de origen, en la lucha contra esta forma contemporanea de esclavitud que comercia con la dignidad humana

GUATEMALA Guatemala faces child welfare crises Nearly three weeks after the storm, the disaster has created a crisis in the country's already overburdened child welfare system. The Guatemalan attorney general's office and UNICEF, the United Nations' children's agency, estimate there could be as many as 1,200 new orphans, adding to the thousands in the country who already live on the streets or in orphanages. The country considered more stringent adoption laws last year to prevent widespread child trafficking, which relief workers are afraid will happen with the newest orphans if they aren't properly protected. http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/world/nywoguat1023,0,5416753.story?coll=ny-world-big-pix

MEXICO Obsoleta, la iniciativa contra la explotacion sexual Frente a la situacion del país, en la que mas de 85 mil niños y adolescentes se dedican a la prostitucion, "se venden" a España menores de 12 años para trabajar en burdeles, y en Polanco se han detectado centros de pornografía infantil en los que se utiliza a bebés de seis meses, con quienes se practica el sexo oral, la iniciativa de Ley contra la Trata de Personas tiene serias deficiencias, advirtio la

activista Teresa Ulloa a legisladoras http://www.jornada.unam.mx/2005/10/20/020n2pol.php

ARGENTINA Seminario sobre tráfico de menores Representantes de la INTERPOL, del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto y de la de la Cancillería Argentina disertarán sobre traslados, retenciones ilícitas de niños y adolescentes y diagnóstico de la situación regional. http://www.momarandu.com/amanoticias.php?a=7&b=0&c=44985

PAKISTAN UNICEF warns thousands of children are at risk in mountains of Pakistan UNICEF warned today that tens of thousands of children are in peril in remote earthquake-affected parts of Pakistan because of deteriorating weather, injury, and illness. The agency said that immediate steps must be taken to boost the number of children being reached if a second wave of deaths is to be averted during the harsh winter months now arriving http://www.unicef.org/media/media_28933.html

PAKISTAN Earthquake orphans under guard to stop child trafficking 20 october 2005 Relief agencies in Pakistan fear children separated from their families in the post-earthquake chaos are at risk from human traffickers and childless couples http://mathaba.net/0_index.shtml?x=396750

MEKON REGION "The Mekong Challenge" "The Mekong Challenge" ILO series focuses on prevention measures as a major response to human trafficking of the most vulnerable groups children and young women especially within the context of internal and cross-border migration for employment. http://www.ilo.org/public/english/region/asro/bangkok/child/trafficking /downloads/migrantworkers.pdf http://www.ilo.org/public/english/region/asro/bangkok/child/trafficking /downloads/demand.pdf http://www.ilo.org/public/english/region/asro/bangkok/child/trafficking /downloads/yunnan.pdf

ETHIOPIA Ethiopia's Campaign for Vulnerable Children Ethiopia has one of the biggest populations of orphans in the world. Ethiopian children are being sold for as little as US $1.20 to work as domestic workers or prostitutes. "While this crisis of vulnerable children is depriving children of their rights to human development, it is also proving to be a growing burden on already impoverished communities," Bjorn Ljungqvist, head of the UN Children's Fund in Ethiopia, said.

http://www.irinnews.org/report.asp?ReportID=49655&SelectRegion=Horn_of_ Africa&SelectCountry=ETHIOPIA

MAURITIUS Des officiers se défendent d’un trafic d’enfants arlette Perrine-Begué, la commissaire rodriguaise de la Femme et des arts et de la Culture, dit avoir pris connaissance de la version de deux fonctionnaires contre lesquelles des allégations de trafic d’enfants ont été faites http://www.lexpress.mu/display_article.php?news_id=52490

YEMEN UNICEF and media partnership to combat child trafficking A " Child Friedly Journalists Forum of Yemen" was set up together with a field program with a number of journalists, for meeting local officials and a number of smuggled children and their families. This is aiming at acquainting the journalists with the problem, so that they could be able to write freely and in a manner that they think it is appropriate to raise public awareness of combating the phenomenon http://yementimes.com/article.shtml?i=885&p=local&a=2

KUWAIT Kuwait held its first camel race using robots as jockeys Kuwait held its first camel race using robots as jockeys on Thursday after children were banned from the sport. Twenty-five Swiss-made robots rode camels on a 10-km (six-mile) trial run on the dusty tracks of the Kuwait Camel Racing Club, 50 km (30 miles) southwest of the capital. The humanoid riders, specially developed for the purpose, are the size and shape of small boys and are operated by remote control. http://www.financialexpress.com/latest_full_story.php?content_id=105455

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+1 212-326-7771

Facsimilie: +1 212-735-4413 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.unicef.org

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