Walt Morey Middle School

September/October 2015 Newsletter Walt Morey Middle School Principal: Tanya Pruett Assistant Principal: Tom Meyer 2801 SW Lucas Ave., Troutdale OR
Author:  Miguel Soto Lucero

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Story Transcript

September/October 2015 Newsletter

Walt Morey Middle School Principal: Tanya Pruett

Assistant Principal: Tom Meyer

2801 SW Lucas Ave., Troutdale OR 97060 Office (503) 491-1935 Attendance (503) 661-9595 www.reynolds.k12.or.us/morey

Greetings Mustangs, It is with pleasure that I welcome all of you to the 2015-16 school year. I hope you were able to enjoy the summer break and are now as excited as I am to be back in school. I know I have enjoyed seeing the smiling faces of all of our new and returning students. This summer we had the opportunity to hire many new staff members. The following is a list of our new hires: Todd Klindt- counselor, Ashlee Nelson- 6th Grade/ELD, Emily Lindgren- Band, Cheryl Dluhy- Special Education, Raymond Denney- Math/Science, Vanessa Castillo RamosSecretary, Laura Goodrick- Noon Assistant, Jenny Goss- School Resource Officer, and Ian FoxSUN School Coordinator. I am excited about the wealth of experience these professionals will bring to the Walt Morey Community as we added to our capacity to support our students. As part of our effort to better support students, I am pleased to announce that this year, for the first time, Walt Morey has become a SUN School. For the first part of the school year, our coordinator, Ian Fox, will be meeting with students, staff, parents, and community members to conduct a needs assessment and figure out how Walt Morey can best serve the needs of our students and community. If you have not yet had a chance to talk with Ian, I encourage you to do so. He is actively seeking input from parents about our after school program. We hope to have a full set of after school class offerings by second semester. Last week we held our Annual Open House. The turn out was excellent. The halls were alive with families. My hope is that you had the opportunity to meet the teachers who will be working with your child. Developing a positive relationship, not only with the students in our school, but also their families, is a goal of every teacher and staff member at WMMS. Therefore, if for some reason you were not able to make it or you were not able to meet one of your child’s teachers, please feel free to contact them to set up an appointment. Thank you for trusting us with the education of your child. Together we will work to ensure that your child is ready to enter high school and prepared to tackle all the challenges that lie ahead. Tanya Pruett Principal

2801 SW Lucas Ave Troutdale OR 97060 Office (503) 491-1935 Attendance (503) 661-9595 www.reynolds.k12.or.us/morey

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Boletin de Walt Morey - Septiembre de 2015

Escuela Secundaria Walt Morey Directora: Tanya Pruett

Asistente a la Directora: Tom Meyer

2801 SW Lucas Ave., Troutdale OR 97060 Oficina (503) 491-1935 Reportar Ausencias o Tardanzas (503) 661-9595 www.reynolds.k12.or.us/morey

Saludos Mustangs,

Es con placer que doy la bienvenida a todos ustedes para el año escolar 2015-16. Espero que haya podido disfrutar de las vacaciones de verano y esten tan emocionados como yo de estar de vuelta en la escuela. Sé que he disfrutado viendo las caras sonrientes de todos nuestros nuevos y antiguos alumnos. Este verano tuvimos la oportunidad de contratar nuevo personal a nuestra escuela. La siguiente es una lista de nuestros nuevos empleados: consejero Todd Klindt-, Ashlee Nelson, 6to Grado / ELD, Emily Lindgren- Band, Cheryl Dluhy- Educación Especial, Raymond Denney- Matemáticas / Ciencia, Vanessa Castillo-Ramos-Secretaria, Laura Goodrick- Asistente del mediodía, Oficial de recursos escolares Goss- Jenny, y Ian Fox- Coordinador de SUN School. Estoy muy emocionada por la riqueza de la experiencia que estos profesionales traerán a la Comunidad Walt Morey puesto que hemos añadido a nuestra capacidad de apoyo a nuestros estudiantes. Como parte de nuestro esfuerzo para apoyar mejor a los estudiantes, tengo el placer de anunciar que este año, por primera vez, Walt Morey se ha convertido en una escuela SUN. Durante la primera parte del año escolar, nuestro coordinador, Ian Fox, se reunirá con los estudiantes, personal, padres y miembros de la comunidad para llevar a cabo una evaluación de necesidades y encontrar la manera en que Walt Morey puede servir mejor a las necesidades de nuestros estudiantes y la comunidad. Si usted todavía no ha tenido la oportunidad de hablar con Ian, le animo a hacerlo. Él está en busca del aporte de los padres acerca de nuestro programa después de la escuela. Esperamos tener un conjunto completo de ofertas de clases después de la escuela para segundo semestre. La semana pasada celebramos nuestro Annual Open House. El resultado fue excelente. Los pasillos estaban vivos con las familias. Mi deceo es que usted halla tenido la oportunidad de conocer a los maestros que trabajarán con su hijo. El desarrollo de una relación positiva, no sólo con los alumnos de nuestra escuela, sino también a sus familias, es un objetivo de todos los miembros docente y el personal de WMMS. Por lo tanto, si por alguna razón usted no era capaz de hacerlo o que no fueron capaces de cumplir con uno de los maestros de su hijo, no dude en ponerse en contacto con ellos para concertar una cita. Gracias por confiar en nosotros con la educación de su hijo. Juntos vamos a trabajar para asegurarse de que su hijo está listo para entrar en la escuela secundaria y se preparó para hacer frente a todos los retos que se avecinan.

Atentamente, Tanya Pruett Principal 2801 SW Lucas Ave Troutdale OR 97060 Office (503) 491-1935 Attendance (503) 661-9595 www.reynolds.k12.or.us/morey

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Sept 21

-Study Center started, 2:30 – 3:45pm

Sept 23

-7th/8th Grade Volleyball Game vs HB Lee @ WMMS, 4:30-6:30pm

Sept 24

-7th/8th Grade Volleyball Game vs Hood River @ WMMS, 4:30-6:30pm -PALS Meeting @ WMMS, 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Sept 25

- Lifetouch Picture Retake Day, 7:30am – 11am, Small Gym

Sept 28

-7th/8th Grade Volleyball Game vs Reynolds @ RMS, 4:30-6:30pm

Sept 30

-7th/8th Grade Volleyball Game vs Boring @ WMMS, 4:30-6:30pm

Oct 1

-Girls Volleyball Pictures, Main Gym @ 2:30pm

Oct 5

-7th/8th Grade Volleyball Game vs Welches @ Welches, 4:30-6:30pm

Oct 6

-Popcorn Tuesday, during lunches

Oct 7

-Early Release, 1:05pm -7th/8th Grade Volleyball Game vs Wy’East @ WMMS, 4:30-6:30pm

Oct 8

-7th/8th Grade Volleyball Game vs Welches @ Welches, 4:30-6:30pm -End of 1st quarter Progress Report period

Oct 9


Oct 12

-Challenge Day @ WMMS for 7th Graders -7th/8th Grade Volleyball Game vs HB Lee @ HB Lee, 4:30-6:30pm

Oct 13

-Challenge Day @ WMMS for 7th Graders -Progress Report sent home with students

Oct 14

Early Release, 1:05pm -7th/8th Grade Volleyball Game vs Cedar Ridge @ MT. Hood Athletic Club, 4:006:30pm

Oct 15

-7th/8th Grade Volleyball Game vs RMS @ WMMS, 4:00-6:30pm

Oct 20

Popcorn Tuesday, during lunches

Oct 21

- Early Release, 1:05pm -7th/8th Grade Volleyball Game vs The Dalles @ WMMS, 4:30-6:30pm

2801 SW Lucas Ave Troutdale OR 97060 Office (503) 491-1935 Attendance (503) 661-9595 www.reynolds.k12.or.us/morey

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NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Important Info School Starts at 7:30 am and ends at 2:15pm. Student drop-off begins at 7:00am and student pick-up and bus departures start at 2:20pm School office hours are 6:30am to 3:30pm Attendance Phone Number 503-661-9595 If your student will not be at school, please call before 8:00 am. Students are marked unexcused until we hear from a parent/guardian.

Announcing! Kindle Winner We are happy to announce the winner of the Kindle from Registration Day is Ashley Serniotti! Congratulations and thank you for attending Registration Day!

RSD Board Meeting The school board meets in regular session at 7pm on the second Wednesday of every month at Fairview City Hall. The next meeting will be October 14th, 2015.


SUN Community School SUN is coming to Walt Morey! Walt Morey is in the process of becoming a SUN community school – the SUN strategy supports: - Extended day (after, before school) academics, enrichment and recreation for kids starting this winter - Classes for families and parents starting this winter - Connection to basic needs and assistance services - Family Leadership to identify and take action on community priorities Look for permission slips and sign up sheets this winter! Please join us for a SUN info session at the PALS (Parents and Leaders for Students) meeting to learn more about SUN, share what you want and need community wants and needs and talk about how you could get involved with SUN, PALS, and our community! Thursday September 24th, 6:30 PM in the library!

Escuela Comunitaria de SUN: SUN viene a Walt Morey! Walt Morey esta en el proceso de convertirse en una Escuela Comunitaria de SUN- la estrategia de SUN apoya:

- Día extendido: Clases académicas, enriquecimiento, y recreación para estudiantes después (y antes) de la escuela, empezando en invierno. - Clases para familias y padres empezando en invierno. Conexión a servicios de asistencia y necesidades básicas Equipo de liderazgo familiar para identificar y tomar acciones para prioridades de la comunidad.

Busca papeles de registración este invierno! Por favor venga a nuestra junta informativa sobre SUN con la reunión de PALS (Padres y Lideres para estudiantes) para aprender mas sobre SUN, compartir sus deseos y necesidades, y hablar sobre como ustedes pueden involucrarse con SUN, PALS, y nuestra comunidad! Jueves 24 de Septiembre @ 6:30 PM en la biblioteca de Walt Morey Middle School

2801 SW Lucas Ave Troutdale OR 97060 Office (503) 491-1935 Attendance (503) 661-9595 www.reynolds.k12.or.us/morey

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Helping Hands If your family would like to receive a one time, weekly, or monthly food bag, please call one of our counselors for assistance. Karla Wolf can be reached at ext 1726 or Todd Klindt at ext 1725. Picture Retake Day Friday, September 25, 2015 is Picture Day for students who did not get their pictures taken at Registration Day or for students who are choosing not to keep their current packet. Please have your student pick up a Lifetouch Order Form in the school office or you may order and pay ahead of time by: 1. Visiting mylifetouch.com 2. Enter Picture Day ID: FO765788Q1 3. Order and print the receipt to give to the photographer on picture day. Challenge Day October 12th & 13th, Walt Morey 7th graders will be participating in Challenge Day here at the school. What is Challenge Day, you ask? The Challenge Day vision is that every child lives in a world where they feel safe, loved and celebrated. The Challenge Day mission is to provide youth and their communities with experiential programs that demonstrate the possibility of love and connection through the celebration of diversity, truth, and full expression. Challenge Day is more than a one-day program. It is the spark that ignites a movement of compassion and positive change, known as the Be the Change Movement. Be sure to ask your student about their Challenge Day experience! After School Detention Students receiving a discipline referral may be assigned to an after school detention on Tuesday or Thursday. Students will be required to report to their assigned detention at 2:15 pm and will be released at 3:45 pm. Bus transportation will be provided for the student on these dates. The purpose of this behavioral intervention is to deter students from engaging in negative behaviors and offering academic support in the event that a student is assigned this consequence. Rules & Expectations: Students will be expected to bring their school supplies, including their planners, with them to after school detention. Students will be expected to complete homework or read silently for the duration of the detention. Students who fail to maintain these expectations may be assigned additional consequences and parental contact will be made in all cases. If you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Mr. Tom Meyer, Assistant Principal. Thank you! PALS Information The parent group at Walt Morey, PALS (Parents and Leaders for Students) would like to invite you to join us this fall. Our monthly meetings will be on the fourth Thursday of each month at 6:30pm in the school library. THIS month, the meeting will be on September 24th at 6:30pm. ParentVue ParentVue is a great resource for parents to check attendance, grades, homework, missing work and more – conveniently on-line. Using a secure name and password, parents are able to access information about their student. If you had an account last year, your current username and password are still active. In most cases, siblings are grouped together and require only one user name and one password for all students in the household. To request an activation key or if you have further questions, contact the school office at (503) 491-1935. 2801 SW Lucas Ave Troutdale OR 97060 Office (503) 491-1935 Attendance (503) 661-9595 www.reynolds.k12.or.us/morey

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Early Release Reminder! Early Release will begin this year on October 7th and continue through June 8th. Students will be released at 1:05 pm on those days. Activity Day Expectations There are four Activity Days (the last hour of the day) scheduled for the year – one per quarter. All Walt Morey students will have the opportunity to earn the privilege of participating in each Activity Day. To earn this privilege, students must be responsible about their academic progress and behavior. Activity Day includes things such as a dance, movie, games, crafts, basketball and other activities. Students who have not earned the privilege of participating in Activity Day will be able to stay in a quiet classroom, where they can begin earning participation in the next Activity Day by working on any missing assignments. In each quarter, qualifying students must have: •No out of school suspensions •No more than two Referrals

Eighth Grade Recognition Expectations 8th Grade Recognition occurs every year in the evening of the second to last day of school. It is a celebration of those students who have achieved above their academic and behavioral comfort zones. All Walt Morey 8th grade students have the opportunity to earn the privilege of attending the recognition. In order to attend the 8th grade recognition, each student must: • • • • •

Attend school at least 90% of the time. (This allows for 17 absences. All absences, excused and unexcused are counted towards attendance at 8th Grade Recognition.) Have a cumulative Grade Point Average over their time at Walt Morey of 2.0 (C). Have no suspensions for level I offenses in their 8th grade year. Have returned all library book and textbooks. Have paid all fees. ***All Walt Morey dress codes are in effect for this evening. (See Code of Conduct)***

2801 SW Lucas Ave Troutdale OR 97060 Office (503) 491-1935 Attendance (503) 661-9595 www.reynolds.k12.or.us/morey

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Breakfast and Lunch Menus The way you access school menus is changing, and we are sure you will love it! Reynolds School District is now using Nutrislice to publish school menus to a new interactive website and a free smartphone app. Now you can access your menus anywhere, anytime! Menus are available in alternate languages on the website as well. Now you can also see more information about menu items, including a photo and description, filter common food allergens like nuts, wheat and dairy, access nutrition information like carb counts and calories with just a few clicks, and print a PDF version of the menus, if you prefer. Walt Morey’s menus are available at: http://reynolds.nutrislice.com/menu/walt-morey/. If you have any questions, please contact Christy Foote at (503) 491-3413.

Check it out! Peachjar's mission is to provide the most highly effective method of electronic flyer distribution. We post school-approved flyers online and email them directly to parents' inboxes. Peachjar manages flyer distribution on behalf of your school and works directly with outside organizations.. Our award-winning service saves schools tons of paper, reduces copy costs and removes a significant administrative burden from teachers, office staff, and volunteers. To view the latest flyers for Walt Morey Middle School, visit https://www.peachjar.com/index.php?a=28&b=138®ion=107550

Reynolds School District Non-Discrimination Notice Reynolds School District recognizes the diversity and worth of all individuals and groups in our society. It is the policy of the Reynolds School District Board of Education that all educational programs, activities and employment be free of discrimination or harassment of individuals or groups on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, parental or marital status, or age. Equal opportunity and Title VII: Frank Caropelo, Assistant Superintendent at (503) 491-3423 District Title IX: Chris Coleman, Athletic Director (503) 667-3186 ext. 1008 District 504: Michelle Murer, Student Services Executive Director at (503) 661-7200 ext. 3216 American Disabilities Act: Jennifer Ellis, Director of Human Resources at (503) 661-7200 ext. 3416

Reynolds School District * 1204 NE 201st Avenue * Fairview, Oregon, 97024 *503-661-7200

2801 SW Lucas Ave Troutdale OR 97060 Office (503) 491-1935 Attendance (503) 661-9595 www.reynolds.k12.or.us/morey

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Walt Morey is committed to providing a meaningful and challenging environment that supports and empowers all students in achieving their fullest potential.

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