Welcome! Question for the Week

Welcome! We welcome all visitors this weekend, and hope you will enjoy being part of our parish family. We invite you to continue joining us each week

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Welcome! We welcome all visitors this weekend, and hope you will enjoy being part of our parish family. We invite you to continue joining us each week at our liturgical celebrations.

Welcome, New Parishioners!

Question for the Week th

12 Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C “Which crosses in your life do you find especially heavy? What or who helps you bear them?”

We are pleased to welcome the following newly registered members to our parish community: Tara & Greg Gates & Family Maribel & Romeo Espina & Family

Eternal rest grant unto them… Please remember in your prayers Perry J. dePinho, Shirley Klapps and Cesar Vazquez. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.

St. John Church June 19

8:00 AM

June 20 June 21 June 22 June 23 June 24 June 25 June 26

10:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM

Mary Volzone & Father’s Day Remembrance Father’s Day Remembrance Irene Wnenchak Thomas Concavage Jim Insley People of the Parish John Harkins Elizabeth “Betty” Davis th Father William Keech, 90 Birthday Special Intention Mass of Thanksgiving

Newly Baptized June 11, 2016 Vincent Pasquale Camponelli Jr., son of Jennifer Elizabeth Sobkow and Vincent Pasquale Camponelli Sr. Cal William Crowe, son of Stephanie Lynn Caldwell and Norman William Crowe II.

Memorial Bouquet

Holy Angels Church June 18 June19

5:00 PM 10:00 AM 1:00 PM 7:30 PM 5:00 PM 10:00 AM 1:00 PM 7:30 PM

June 25 June 26

St. John Church June 18/19, 2016

Father’s Day Remembrance Father’s Day Remembrance Father’s Day Remembrance Father’s Day Remembrance James J. Reynolds Sr. Gerard Reid Intenciones Comunitarias Intenciones Comunitarias

In loving memory of John T. Martin, husband Love, Louise Martin

Summer Parish Center Hours (effective June 13, 2016)

Preview of This Week’s Readings


9:00 AM – 12 Noon 1:00 PM – 7:00 PM


II Kings 17:5-8, 13-15a, 181-16; Matthew 7:1-15

Tuesday – Thursday:


II Kings 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36; Matthew 7:6, 12-14



II Kings 22:8-13, 23:1-3;

Matthew 7:15-20


II Kings 34:8-17;

Matthew 7:21-29


Isaiah 49:1-6; Acts 13:22-26;

Luke 1:57-66, 80


Lamentations 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Matthew 8:5-17


I Kings 19:16b, 19-21; Galatians 5:1, 13-18;

Luke 9:51-62

9:00 AM – 12 Noon 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM


Silent Prayer Community Our parish has a group of people who will earnestly pray for any needs that you might have. This is done anonymously via a telephone prayer chain. If you have a special need about which you need prayer, please call 894-0726, 731-4297 or 737-1333, and our members will pray for you. Please don’t forget to let us know when your prayer has been answered, so that we too might give thanks!

June 19 – 25, 2016 Sunday: 11:00 AM

Happy Father’s Day! Spanish Pre-Cana Class – Parish Center Meeting Room 4


7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM

Mary, Queen of Peace, Prayer Group – Parish Center Meeting Room 3 Finance Council – Parish Center Baptismal Preparation Class – Holy Angels Church Guardian Angels Room


6:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM

Volleyball Try-Outs – Holy Angels Gym R.C.I.A. Inquiry – Holy Angels Church Guardian Room Knights of Columbus – Joan Muzzi Athletic Building


6:00 PM 7:00 PM

Volleyball Try-Outs – Holy Angels Gym Spanish R.C.I.A. – Parish Center Meeting Room 1


6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM

St. Vincent de Paul Society – Parish Center Meeting Room 2 Spanish “Growing in Faith” – Holy Angels Church Guardian Angels Room Charismatic Prayer Group – Holy Angels Church Archangels Room


8:30 AM – 12:30 PM Eucharistic Adoration – St. John Church 7:00 PM Spanish Prayer Group – Holy Angels Church Archangels Room 7:00 PM 15 Años Class – Parish Center Meeting Room 1

Save the Date! October 17!

Save the Date!

On October 17, the Parish is planning a Bus Trip to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. More details will be available closer to the date. Just wanted to be sure that all those interested in this allday pilgrimage put the date on their calendars.

International Food Festival Sunday, August 28 Fremont Hall

Thank You! We wish to thank the Raskob Foundation for their generous gift toward construction costs for the St. Michael the Archangel Chapel! Birthright of Delaware thanks the volunteers and parishioners at St. John-Holy Angels for their support of the Mother’s Day Rose Sale. Our parish raised $1,342.00. On behalf of the mothers and babies served by Birthright, a big Thank You!

Social Concerns Food Collection Through the collaboration of SJ-HA and Holy Family, an average of 26 families a week received generous bags of food in May. Please keep up your generous gifts of food and money to this charitable work. Won’t you add a few items to your grocery list for the food collection? Remember, hunger never takes a vacation.

“Blessed Are The Merciful, For They Shall Obtain Mercy” 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal Thank you to everyone who made a pledge to the Diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal over the past two months. The gifts and pledges we have received to date are as follows: 2016 Goal $121,000 Amount Pledged/Given –116,311 Still Needed $ 4,189 If you have not yet participated, please consider doing so today. Your gift makes a real difference! Blue pledge envelopes are available in the pews and at the entrance of Church, and can be placed in the offertory basket.

St. John-Holy Angels Athletics

Fall Sports Registration is now open! The Faculty and Staff at Holy Angels School wish all families a very Happy and Safe Summer!

Volleyball Try-Outs Holy Angels Gym

School will reopen on Monday, August 29.

June 21 June 22 June 28

Summer School Office Hours are as follows: Remainder of June & July: 9:00 AM – Noon Week of Aug. 1 & Aug. 8: 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM Week of Aug. 15 & Aug. 22: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM Week of Aug. 29: 7:30 AM – 3:15 PM Summer Camps and Tutoring will take place during the summer. Please refer to the school website www.holyangelsschool.org under News & Announcements for camp descriptions. Applications are still being accepted for the 2016-2017 school year. Please contact the School Office for more information at 731-2210. (Information may also be found on the school website.) Thank you for your continued support of contributions of Box Tops for Education, Campbell’s Soup Labels and Printer Cartridges, which generate funds for our school programs. Calling All Holy Angels Alumni: Seeking School Alumni – Save the Date! th 60 Anniversary Celebration of Holy Angels School Saturday, October 22 Details will follow. Did you graduate from Holy Angels School sometime in the last 60 years? Holy Angels School is looking to build/update its Holy Angels School alumni database. We are asking all alumni to follow the link below and to enter their information into our alumni directory. All information will remain confidential and will only be used by the school for schoolrelated purposes. http://www.holyangelsschool.org/apps/directory/

Congratulations! The following youth recently received First Communion at our parish.

6:00 – 7:30 PM 6:00 – 8:00 PM 6:00 – 8:00 PM

SJ-HAA Corporate Sponsorships: Corporate Sponsorships are available to help support our SJHAA athletic programs. This is a great way to advertise your local business, while providing much-needed financial support to our young athletes. All corporate sponsorships are recognized with a unique banner prominently hung in our gym (seen by thousands of local parents each year), as well as on our SJ-HAA website and Facebook page. New sponsorships are $350/year, and are renewable annually at a discounted rate. For more information, please contact Steve Aubuchon ([email protected]).

Volunteers Needed: Flag Football Coordinator Basketball Coordinator Basketball Tournament Coordinator St. John-Holy Angels Athletics Board Positions Please email Angela Hahn, [email protected], if you are interested.

Fortnight for Freedom June 21 – July 4, 2016 The Fortnight for Freedom: Witnesses to Freedom will take place from June 21 to July 4, 2016, a time when our liturgical calendar celebrates a series of great martyrs who remained faithful in the face of persecution by political power— St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher, St. John the Baptist, SS. Peter and Paul, and the First Martyrs of the Church of Rome. You are invited to attend a special Mass to begin the Fortnight for Freedom on June 21 at 7:00 PM at the Baltimore Basilica (America’s First Cathedral). Archbishop William Lori will celebrate. Through special arrangements with Stonyhurst College in England, the relics of St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher will be at the Mass. For more information, go to www.cdow.org or www.fortnight4freedom.org.

June 12, 2016 Dulce Espino-Gomez Marisol Sanchez Eduardo Flores-Fuentes Nayeli Sanchez Eduardo Lopez-Hernandez Carlos Vivero-Castaneda Dayanara Martinez-Salome Ivette Vivero-Castaneda Tatiana McAllister Lizbet Vivero-Castaneda Louren Resendiz Andrew Zamudio Alejandro Roman-Trinidad Ivan Zamudio Jocelyn Zavala

Bulletin Advertiser of the Week Audio Works Remote Starters, Radios, Vehicle Accessories 280 East Main Street, Newark (302) 453-0730 www.audioworksofdelaware.com Hours: Monday-Friday: 9 AM-7 PM Saturday: 9 AM-6 PM

Diocese Youth Conference Calling all Catholic youth in grades 8 through 12! On Saturday, September 24, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, the Ministry for Black Catholics is sponsoring a Youth Conference at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Bear, Delaware. The conference director is Sr. Oralisa Martin, who is a dynamic speaker from Washington, D.C. The purpose of the conference is to connect our youth to their Catholic roots and a faith response to today’s challenges. All youth regardless of ethnicity are invited to attend. The cost is only $10 and includes breakfast, lunch and workshop materials. Mark your calendars for September 24 and plan to attend! For additional information, please call (302) 658-4535.

A Vocation Reflection th 12 Sunday in Ordinary Time Elizabeth trusted in the Lord, who promised she would give birth even though she was advanced in age. Sometimes following God’s call seems like it might be difficult, or even dangerous. In Jesus Christ, though, we’ve learned that God always keeps His promises. Are you a young woman who believes she might be called to religious life? Does it seem strange, out of synch, risky, maybe even too difficult in today’s world? If you’d like to explore the call, contact Father the adventure of a lifetime, call or write Father Norm Carroll, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations at (302) 573-3113 or [email protected]. Be sure to visit our website, www.cdow.org/vocations!

Job Opportunity Part-Time Coordinator of Youth Ministry Immaculate Conception Parish, in Elkton, Maryland is in need of a part time Coordinator of Youth Ministry. The coordinator of youth ministry (CYM) is a 25 hour a week part time position with the possibility of becoming full time in the future. The CYM is responsible for Religious Education of registered students in grades 7 and 8, weekly gatherings and an annual retreat for high school students, service opportunities, and Confirmation readiness. Administrative duties include attending monthly staff meetings, planning an annual calendar and budget, some fundraising, and recruiting and training of volunteers. Work hours are of necessity; flexible in order to meet with youth, parents, and volunteers. The CYM is accountable to the pastor by way of the Director of Religious Education. Successful applicants will have a Bachelor’s degree in Theology or a related field or possess Youth Ministry Certification from a recognized certifying body, and also be a practicing Catholic. Benefits with this position include secretarial service available, negotiated time off, and a flexible schedule. Resume and cover letter should be sent to Peg O’Donnell, Immaculate Conception Parish: [email protected] by June 30.

Do You Shop at Amazon.com or Staples? Help support the Parish each time you make a purchase through the Parish link to the Amazon.com website. To make qualifying purchases, go to the Parish website (www.stjohnholyangels.com) and click on the Amazon.com banner. A portion of all purchases made through this link will be returned to the Parish to support the general fund. You can help our parish save money! When you make a purchase at Staples Office Supply Store, please give the cashier the Parish Center phone number, (302) 731-2200. Your purchases will count toward reward certificates for the parish that we can use to purchase office supplies and save money!

Save Your Zingo Grocery Store Receipts! Please send your Zingo cash register receipts to the Parish Office via the offertory or the mail. Our Sodality members use these to procure monies for the Parish. Thank you!

Oficina del Ministerio Hispano Asistente: María del Pilar Carazo (302) 731-2436 Horario de oficina Lunes: cerrada Martes – Jueves: 9:00 AM-12:00 Medio día 1:00 PM-4:00 PM Viernes: cerrada

XII DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO I Lectura 2 Zacarías 12:10-11; 13:1 Salmo Responsorial . Salmo 63 “ Mi alma está sedienta de ti, Señor, Dios mío”. II Lectura Gálatas 3: 26-29 Evangelio Lucas 9: 18-24 Hoy los discípulos se ven urgidos a expresar la identidad de Jesús. El que sigue a jesús opta, de hecho por asimilarse al modo de ser de su maestro. La cruz es su distintivo diario. No por mazoquismo enfermizo ni por piedad subliminal, sino como un medio de salvación. Renunciar al propio proyecto para abrazar el de Jasús es condición indispensable para hacer la experiencia cdel Reino de Dios entre nosotros. En esto consiste la vida cristiana. Sin la experiencia de la cruz, no hay fe ni discípulado cristiano. Esta verdad es la que revivimos en la liturgia de hoy. Es su sufrimiento y muerte de cruz, Cristonos hermana a todos, para vivir con él. El Evangelio de hoy, vemos que Jesús toma la pregunta que le hace a los discípulos sobre quien es él, y nos la regresa para decirnos quienes debemos ser nosotros. Si queremos seguirlo debemos de estar dispuesto a hacer lo que él hizo por nosotros; esto es cargar nuestra cruz día a día. Al reflexionar hoy sobre estas lecturas, quizas podamos hacernos la pregunta de ¿Cómo perder nuestra vida para poder salvarla?

Fechas de charlas pre-bautismales: julio 17, Después de misa. Bautismos se celebran los primeros y tercer sábado de mes, a las 11:30 AM. Llegar a la oficina para registrar a sus niños y obtener más información. Requisitos para contraer matrimonio en nuestra parroquia: Tener una entrevista con el sacerdote. Ser miembro registrado de la parroquia/ recibir las charlas prematrimoniales/ tener los documentos no más que de seis meses de antigüedad. Próxima charla junio 19 a las 11:00 am en la iglesia. En los meses de junio y julio son las registraciones para catecismo. Los de primer ingreso traer el certificado de bautismo. Los que estuvieron el año pasado tienen que volver a registrarse. Este año el horario de la misa de 1:00 PM seguirá igual. El horario de verano de la oficina parroquial es de Lunes a jueves: 9-12 y de 1:00-4:00 PM. Los viernes la oficina estará cerrada. Todas las personas mayores de 18 años que no han recibido ningún sacramento de iniciación o les falta la primera comunión o confirmación, la preparación empezará en el mes de octubre. Para registrarse llegue a la oficina, o llamé para obtener más información. Si usted no se ha registrado como miembro de la parroquia, por favor hágalo pronto. Es muy importante registrarse para obtener una carta de recomendación de la parroquia para asuntos de inmigración o de otra índole. Es importante estar activo en la parroquia. Favor ayúdenos a mantener nuestra iglesia en orden y limpia no llevando comida dentro de ella, ni tirando papeles. También le pedimos que los niños no jueguen con los libros, que no los rayen ni los rompen. Gracias por su colaboración. Ya se va acercando nuestro” Festival Internacional de la Comida” El domingo 30 de agosto. Con tiempo separen esta fecha para disfrutar en familia y colaborar con nuestra parroquia.

Feliz inicio de semana.

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