Introducción a la Lectura Comprensiva de Inglés Académico para Medicina Veterinaria FICHA TEÓRICO-PRÁCTICA #5: LOS VERBOS TO BE Y TO HAVE (1) – FORMA
Author:  Nieves Herrera Paz

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Introducción a la Lectura Comprensiva de Inglés Académico para Medicina Veterinaria

FICHA TEÓRICO-PRÁCTICA #5: LOS VERBOS TO BE Y TO HAVE (1) – FORMACIÓN Foreign language skills required in summarizing include adequate control of grammar [and] vocabulary to manipulate the information [and] limitations in any of these may result in semantic distortions, inability to paraphrase, and other problems (Kirkland and Saunders, 1991)

Los verbos to be y to have son de particular importancia en inglés ya que cumplen las funciones de verbo principal y verbo auxiliar, con diferentes significados según el co texto. Por otro lado, son verbos usuales en el tipo de texto descriptivo, pues cuando describimos, básicamente hablamos de qué es, cómo es, qué tiene o qué hay en el elemento descrito. Veamos algunos ejemplos en enunciados:

An infectious disease is a disease caused by invasion of an animal’s body by a specific micro-organism or germ. Canine distemper is a virus that affects a dog’s respiratory, gastrointestinal, and central nervous systems, as well as the conjunctival membranes of the eye. Canine parvovirus is a highly contagious viral disease that can produce a life-threatening illness: the virus attacks rapidly dividing cells in a dog’s body, most severely affecting the intestinal tract; parvovirus also attacks the white blood cells, and when young animals are infected, the virus can damage the heart muscle and cause lifelong cardiac problem. Howling is one of many forms of vocal communication used by dogs: dogs howl to attract attention, to make contact with others and to announce their presence; some dogs also howl in response to high-pitched sounds, such as emergency vehicle sirens or musical instruments. Soluble carbohydrates such as starch are usually the greatest source of energy. The cause of the death was Anthrax. The uterus of a non-pregnant heifer will be in the pelvic canal just a few inches from the outside. This cow has inflammation of the eyes; there may be an onset of infectious Keratitis in this herd. The cow aborted; it had Leptospirosis. If the pregnant and nonpregnant cows are separated, you will know how many calves you will have the following spring. Y veamos un ejemplo de texto descriptivo: Fuente: The Merck Veterinary Manual, Merck & Co. Inc., 1998, pag. 380. Introducción al Sistema Endocrino

Endocrine glands are collections of specialized cells that synthesize, store and release their secretions directly into the bloodstream. They respond to changes in the internal and external environments to coordinate activities that maintain homeostasis. Endocrine secretions are proteins, polypeptides, steroids, catecholamines, or iodothyronine hormones that are transported by the blood to influence the functional activity of target cells elsewhere in the body. Other populations of cells are concerned with degradation of hormone after it has exerted its physiologic function. Degradation is accomplished by peptidases on the cell surface, by lysosomal enzymes after uptake by cells, and by excretion in the bile or urine, after conjugation with glucuronide or sulphate. Endocrine glands are small compared with other body organs, they are richly supplied with blood, and there is a close anatomical relationship between endocrine cells and the capillary network. Glosario:

to release: liberar, soltar

to accomplish: lograr

to supply: proveer,

cell: célula

environment: medio

surface: superficie


to store: almacenar

target: meta, objetivo

uptake: captación 51

Los Verbos TO BE y TO HAVE

El siguiente cuadro de consulta / repaso te muestra los dos verbos en sus formas simples: TO BE (SER - ESTAR)



I am (yo soy/estoy)

I am not (yo no soy/estoy)

am I …?

you are we are they are

you are not we are not they are not

are you …? are we …? are they …?

he is she is it is

he is not she is not it is not

is he …? is she …? is it …?

I have (yo tengo) you have we have they have

I do not have (yo no tengo) you do not have we do not have they do not have

do I have …?

he has she has it has

he does not have she does not have it does not have

does he have…? does she have…? does it have…?

do you have…? do we have…? do they have…?


I was (yo era/fui yo estaba/estuve) he was she was it was

I was not

was I…?

he was not she was not it was not

was he…? was she…? was it…?

you were we were they were

you were not we were not they were not

were you…? were we…? were they…?

I had (yo tuve/tenía) you had he had she had it had we had they had

I did not have (yo no tenía/tuve) you did not have he did not have she did not have it did not have we did not have they did not have

did I have…? did did did did did did

you have…? he have…? she have…? it have…? we have…? they have…?


I will be (yo seré/estaré) you will be he will be she will be it will be we will be they will be

I will not be (yono seré/estaré) you will not be he will not be she will not be it will not be we will not be they will not be

will I be…? tendré…? will you be…? will he be…? will she be…? will it be…? will we be…? will they be…?

I will have (yo tendré) you will have he will have she will have it will have we will have they will have

I will not have (yo no tendré) you will not have he will not have she will not have it will not have we will not have they will not have

will I have…? will will will will will will

you have…? he have…? she have…? it have…? we have…? the have..?


I would be (you sería / estaría) you would be he would be she would be it would be we would be they would be


I would not be (yo no sería /estaría) you would not be he would not be she would not be it would not be we would not be they would not be

would I be…? tendría…? would you be…? would he be…? would she be…? would it be…? would we be…? would they be…?

I would have (yo tendría) you would have he would have she would have it would have we would have they would have

I would not have (yo no tendría) you would not have

would I have…?

would he would not have would she would not have would it would not have would we would not have would they would not would have

you have…? he have…? she have…? it have…? we have…? the have..?

Introducción a la Lectura Comprensiva de Inglés Académico para Medicina Veterinaria

TO BE con THERE para indicar existencia There is

hay (+ singular): There is a considerable variation in the time of first heat within the various breeds.

There are

hay (+ plural): There are two ovaries in the cow: one on the right, and one on the left side.

There was (+ singular)

There will be (+ singular o plural)


había, hubo

There were (+ plural)

There would be (+ singular o plural)



to be + precio: costar, salir

The articles are $5 each. Professor Jones is always late.

to be + late: llegar tarde

Those students are usually early to the course.

to be + early: llegar temprano

It is cold and rainy there.

it + to be + vocabulario del tiempo: hace, está

The cow to be inseminated is put in a chute or

be + to + verbo infinitivo: tener que, deber, ir a

stanchion so that the operator will not be kicked. The academic counselor is 60 years old.

to be + edad: tener

That tree over there is 300 years old. If the cow is not pregnant, both horns of the

to be + medida: tener o medir

uterus are about 1 to 2 inches in diameter. If a horse is about 500 kg., the dry matter

to be + peso=weigh: pesar

intake would be about 7 kg. That student is likely to be entering an exam for the first time. He is not used to being treated like an inferior.

to be likely to: (probabilidad) es probable que, probablemente to be used to: estar acostumbrado a, tener el hábito de, tener la costumbre de

The director of the project is supposed to have

to be supposed to: (obligación moral, deber)

informed about these serious problems.

se supone que

TO HAVE con TO para expresar obligación I have to study these samples. = I’ve got to study these samples.

to have to + verbo

The health care providers had to raise awareness on the dangers

tener que, deber

of lead pollution.


Los Verbos TO BE y TO HAVE

PRÁCTICA: 1. a. Escribí en el cuadrito la(s) letra(s) que corresponda(n) para formar un enunciado con sentido. Algunas palabras o frases pueden combinarse con más de una aseveración.

1. Rabies a. is a highly complex fluid where solid elements are suspended.

2. Respiration

b. are professionals who diagnose and treat diseases and dysfunctions of animals. Specifically, they care for the health of pets, livestock, and animals in zoos, racetracks, and laboratories.

3. Vitamins c. is the coloring matter of the erythrocytes, and its chief function is to store the red pigment and carry it around the circulation. 4. Prehension d. are organic substances which are involved in the regulation of gene expression, in the structural role in the visual pigment, and function as antioxidants and as enzyme factors. 5. There e. is an urgent need for public education because the average cat owner knows very little about his/her pet’s normal reproductive biology. 6. Hemoglobin f. are three diseases that cause infertility and abortion.

7. Veterinarians

h. are important differences between dogs and cats in dietary habits, digestive tract morphology, and nutritional requirements.

8. Each vitamin

9. The blood

10. Leptospirosis, vibriosis and pestivirus


i. is the gaseous interchange between an organism and its environment.

j. is a zoonotic highly contagious disease that causes acute inflammation of the brain and is transmitted by a bite of an infected animal, such as a dog or bat.

k. is the act of taking food into the organism. l. has a unique role in animal metabolism and none can be substituted completely by another nutrient.

Introducción a la Lectura Comprensiva de Inglés Académico para Medicina Veterinaria

1. b. Expresá en español, con tus palabras, los enunciados formados: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

2. a. Observá las ilustraciones sobre tipos de fractura y escribí el nro. de ilustración que corresponda con su descripción debajo: Fuente: Christenson, D. (1997), Veterinary Medical Terminology, Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, pág. 84-85





5 55

Los Verbos TO BE y TO HAVE

a. is a complete break that results in numerous bony fragments. b. is an incomplete break, parallel to the longitudinal (length) axis of the bone. c. is a complete break that occurs at an angle oblique to the longitudinal axis of the bone. d. is an incomplete break, involving predominantly one side of the bone, created by a bending force. I was so

named because of the way it resembles the breakage of a young, supple, green twig. e. is a complete break that occurs perpendicular (at right angles) to the longitudinal axis of the bone.

2. b. Expresá en español, con tus palabras, los enunciados formados. Consultá a los docentes de Anatomía sobre la traducción correcta de las diferentes fracturas / fisuras: 1.





3. En los siguientes enunciados, detectá los verbos TO BE o TO HAVE. a. Subrayalos. b. Indicá si se trata de una descripción, una definición, o un hecho cronológico. c. Expresá la idea contenida en el enunciado en español, con tus propias palabras. 1. Ejemplo: Rabies is present on all continents except for Antarctica.

b. Es una descripción. c. La rabia se encuentra en todos los continentes a excepción de la Antártida. 2. Cow-calf production is the first stage of the beef production process.


Introducción a la Lectura Comprensiva de Inglés Académico para Medicina Veterinaria

3. Acute metritis is a severe bacterial infection in the early post parturient uterus.

4. The first hormone to be used to control estrus in animals was progesterone.

5. There are several different ways of starting a commercial beef cow-calf herd.

6. One of the most important facilities in a cow-calf enterprise is a corral and a chute.

7. The most important component of a herd health program is the use of vaccination.

8. The healthy, well-nourished bitch has a glossy hair coat, bright eyes, normal red mucous membranes, excellent muscle tone and vigorous gait.

9. Puerperal tetany is an acute life-threatening disease occurring in small to medium size bitches during early lactation and rarely in late pregnancy.

10. The colposcope is an instrument to facilitate visual inspection of the vagina; a stereoscopic viewer that magnifies elevations and depressions of epithelial surfaces; it has a focal distance of about 22 cm. which allows sufficient room to collect tissue specimen. 57

Los Verbos TO BE y TO HAVE

4. a. Leé los siguientes textos breves (a-d) e indicá de qué se tratan, combinándolos con sus correspondientes títulos (1-4), los cuales indican el tema de cada texto: Fuente: adaptado de: The Merck Veterinary Manual, Merck & Co., Inc, 1998, págs. 160, 181, 197, 274. Agfact A0.2.6, December 2004 J. Irwin, Livestock Officer Yanco Agricultural Institute. 1. Intestinal obstructions 2. Bloat (Ruminant tympany) 3. Castration 4. Winter Dysentery ____ a. is an animal husbandry practice carried out on young cattle. A question often asked is “Do we really need to

castrate bulls”? There are a number of factors to consider. In beef cattle, growth rates and average daily gains are higher in bulls than in steers. The feed efficiency of bulls is higher, and they have leaner carcases. Their dressing percentages are also higher, and they have a greater red meat yield. ____ b. occur in all large animal species but are most common in horses. Cattle are the most commonly affected ruminants;

diagnosis in sheep and goats is rare. Other than inguinal hernias, obstructions are infrequently recognized in pigs. In general, obstructions are mechanical or functional, and occur in any part of the intestinal tract. They can interrupt the flow of ingesta, and vascular integrity may or may not be compromised (strangulating or simple obstruction, respectively) ____ c. is an acute, highly contagious GI disorder that affects housed dairy and beef cattle, primarily during winter. Clinical

features include and explosive onset of dark, hemorrhagic diarrhea and a dramatic drop in milk production. It most frequently affects young adult dairy cattle; pregnant, recently calved, or lactating animals are the most severely affected. The disease also has been reported in steers and beef bulls. Reports on morbidity in calves vary. It may be similar to that of adult cattle, or calves may remain healthy during the outbreak. ____ d. is an overdistention of the rumen or reticulum with the gases of fermentation, either in the form of a persistent

foam mixed with ruminal contents –called primary or frothy bloat, or in the form of free gas separated from the ingesta – called secondary or free-gas bloat. It is predominantly a disorder of cattle but may also occur in sheep. The susceptibility of individual cattle to bloat varies and is genetically determined.

4. b. ¿Qué estrategia utilizaste para detectar rápidamente cuál era el tema de cada texto? 4. c. Seleccioná 2 de los textos anteriores y expresá la información contenida en ellos en español, con tus palabras, en forma clara y precisa. No traduzcas literalmente, revisá que lo que escribas tenga sentido. 1.


Introducción a la Lectura Comprensiva de Inglés Académico para Medicina Veterinaria


5. a. Leé el texto a continuación: Fuente: Christenson, D. (1997), Veterinary Medical Terminology, Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, pág. 136

There are many respiratory diseases that are commonplace in veterinary practice. It is not unusual to see cats, especially young cats, presenting clinically with infectious upper respiratory diseases. Many of the pathogenic agents are viral, like the feline rhinopneumonitis virus. Dogs have their share of upper respiratory diseases as well. Infectious tracheobronchitis (kennel cough) is the most common. Most of the upper respiratory diseases of domestic animals have very high morbidity and very low mortality. That is to say, the animals appear quite clinically ill, with nasal discharges, sneezing, coughing, and depression, but most of the animals eventually recover from the diseases, just as people do from a common cold. 5. b. Pensá en un título para el texto (en español) en forma de frase sustantiva o una sola palabra, que indique de qué trata, o su tema general.

TÍTULO (TEMA GENERAL) 5. c. Según la información que provee el texto, explicá con tus propias palabras los siguientes términos que aparecen en el mismo (no los traduzcas):

feline rhinopneumonitis virus

kennel cough

high morbidity and low mortality


Los Verbos TO BE y TO HAVE

5. d. Anticipémonos a un tema que veremos más adelante en el cursado: Tratá de armar un mapa del texto anterior a fin de obtener un resumen que refleje la estructura del texto y sus contenidos esenciales. Recordá la estrategia de marcado de palabras que te indican la estructura.


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